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When Angels Cum Chapter 1

"A human pops out of an pod in the world of Angels."

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Author's Notes

"Synopsis (by dankmemez): A 20-year old named Blaze wakes up in a new world and with a new body. The world of Azra-El is filled with winged angels and demons, energy manipulation magic, and is devoid of men. The memories from his previous life guide his actions in introducing the concept of sexual pleasure to the innocent females of Azra-El, who have long since forgotten what men are. Delve into the intricacies of Azra-El, teeming with its own mystical creatures and factions, and the entirely new concept of sex. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Follow the adventure of Blaze as he explores new knowledge, power, and women. The world may have forgotten about the existence of men before, but not this time."

Chapter 1

I first posted this story on literotica. I’ve received a decent response, so I decided to share it on other sites. It is an ongoing webnovel and there are currently 10 chapters.

Author's Shitty Initial Synopsis

It's basically about a guy who finds himself in a land of angels and demons. Since the world is only inhabited by females, it's up to him to teach them the ways of sexual pleasure.

Join Blaze, as he experiences the seemingly utopian society of the angels only to find out that both the angels and demons maybe more human than they seem.

Although, the novel is intended for light reading, the world I've created is neither whimsical nor is inimical to either genders. It is, however, intended for a male audience (as it can be considered a harem novel).

PS: I had initially started writing this work on a whim. But the response I've received has made me chug on and put up a serious effort into the story. As such, the later chapters are much better than the first one.

PS2: I do not have editors, so please go easy on me.


Blaze awoke to the warmth of thin streams of light against his face and body. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself curled up and completely naked, within the confines of a small and seemingly oval structure. The ceiling of his confinement was translucent and had a pale glow under the sunlight. He could hear the babble of water from a nearby creek.

Confused and panicked, he sat himself upright and placed a hand against the ceiling. It was soft and feathery. He forced a finger through one of the gaps and it parted just as easily as feathers. Growing in confidence, he ploughed his fingers through the material and pulled.

Sunlight illuminated his feathered pod and he was momentarily blinded. He observed the bright orangish red piece of feathery material in his hand for a moment before he started tearing and widening the hole. Once the hole was wide enough he pulled himself out of the pod and flopped down on the soft lush grass.

He looked around to find himself beside a small rivulet passing through a sprawling grassland. Snowcapped mountains reached the skies in the north-east, and to the south was a forest seemingly made of ginormous trees. He turned to his pod and noticed that the large orangish red feathery structure seemed awfully lot like an egg.

He tried to recall his last memory, but his mind was hazy and his memories chaotic. So instead of trying to figure out what happened to him, he tried to figure out his next move. He was naked, defenseless and seemingly in the middle of nowhere. His options inexistent.

Suddenly, he spotted a feminine figure flying a thousand feet or so up in the sky and she seemed to be moving towards him.

A little intimidated, Blaze instinctively jumped back into his pod and hid himself, hoping she had not spotted him. He needed help, but a large flying creature did not seem to be the right choice.

Blaze gawked at the flying figure as she came closer, glided down to a gracious landing and folded her spotless white wings behind her back. They glimmered for a moment and then disappeared, but that wasn’t the main reason for Blaze’s amazement. He was stunned by her beauty. And, the extremely skimpy clothes she was wearing.

She was tall and lean, almost like a figurine; an hourglass figure, long slender limbs and fingers. Her whitish blonde hair flowed down to her protruding butt, and large curvaceous breasts spilled out of a slender chest. She had large round blue eyes, slanted eyebrows, plump pink limps that displayed a kind smile, and an oval elven face. Her skin was white like jade and her skimpy clothes let him see pretty much all of it; there wasn’t a single blemish.

Her clothes comprised of a white collar, out of which four streaks of feathered cloth flowed and curved around her plump breasts. Two streaks spiraled once to hide each of her nipples, while the other two curved around to the bottom of her breasts for support. Her panties consisted of a feathered strap that circled low on her waist and still managed to make a V shape before a piece of white silk hugged her bottom lips. Her hair was held back by a feathered band and her feet were protected by a pair of feathered shoes.

Is she an angel or is she a devil in disguise? Blaze wondered as he peered at her from the hole in his pod.

“Hello, child! Did you just hatch?” she asked Blaze with a gentle smile. She seemed a little bewildered.

Blaze was also confused. He looked into her eyes to figure out what she meant. She seemed much taller than the people from his memories; a little over seven feet. So, it was plausible that he seemed like a child of her race, but a newborn?

The stranger thing was that he could understand the language even though the words sounded nothing like he had heard before.

“umm… What?” he responded intelligently, the words of the new language flowing out almost intuitively.

“How long has it been since you broke out of your egg?” she asked, pointing at his pod.

Blaze’s eyes widened. It was an egg? The fuck is going on? Did I just hatch out of that thing? What about the memories? Did I reincarnate?

“umm… a few minutes before you appeared. Are you my m…mother?” Blaze responded after a few moments.

“… No. I felt… something, and I flew over. I am not sure what is going on. Why would your mother leave your egg here? Wait… come on out child I want to look at you” the female replied, as she seemed to realize something.

 Blaze almost stepped out before he remembered.

“I am naked…” he replied softly.


The female touched a ring on her left hand and a pair of panties and a white tunic appeared out of nowhere. Blaze gasped. A space ring? I am definitely not on Earth. At least nowhere at the same time as I remember.

She walked over and handed him the clothes, which he quickly donned before stepping out.

“hmmm. You are a bit large for a newborn. If my suspicions are correct, yours is an anomalous birth. Sometimes, eggs manifest from abnormal concentrations of world energy. It’s quite rare. Maybe that is what I felt before” she pondered out loud.

That still doesn’t explain my memories.

“Why can I understand and speak your language?” Blaze asked.

“All newborn angels hatch with ancestral memories, child. You have a basic understanding of the world ingrained into your brain. Yours, however, maybe a little muddled because of your… anomalous birth” she replied with a thoughtful look.

Angels!? Ancestral Memories?

“hmmm. So, I do not have a mother?”

Blaze had voiced it more as a confirmation, but the female angel took it to be emotional.

“Child, do you want to come with Aunty Jie Er? I am not the most powerful angel, but I can guide you and provide you with a home until you can do so yourself”, Jie Er asked after a few moments.

Blaze was stunned. Did a complete stranger just offer him long term shelter and sustenance? However, he did not have any idea about what it took to survive in this new world. Moreover, it seemed like he might in fact be a child, albeit with adult memories. It seemed ridiculous but accepting Jie Er’s proposal seemed to be his best option for the moment. So, he nodded.

“Good!” Jie Er clapped her hands.

“Now let’s see if we can think of a good name for you. How about… Ariel or Brianna?” she asked excitedly.

Blaze looked at her flabbergasted.

“You don’t like em? How about Arwen or Elanor?”

“Umm… I am a male”

“A what?”

“A male”

“What’s a male?”


“Umm… What do you call an angel of your opposite sex?” Blaze asked after a moment.

“What are you talking about, child. Maybe your manifestation was even more faulty than I imagined”, Jie Er replied in concern as she moved to him and started feeling his head with her hands. His eyes were faced with the deep ravine of her cleavage.

Blaze’s mind reeled as he strongly resisted the urge to plunge his face into the ravine.

Was there another word for male? Why couldn’t he translate? Shouldn’t it be obvious to the angel? Wait…

“umm… How are normal angels born? What’s the exact process?” Blaze questioned her, suddenly.

Jie Er looked at him inquisitively before replying.

“They hatch just like you did. However, there is usually a mother around when they do. As for how an egg forms, when the time is right, an angel feels an irresistible urge to create a child. The angel then uses the world’s energy to grow real but stiff wings on her lower back. It takes around eight to twelve years for the wings to reach full size, and when the time is right they detach and turn into an egg. The egg incubates for another year or so before the child comes out. The process is quite strenuous, and the mother has to regularly guide world energy into the egg” Jie Er explained.

“So, only one angel is required to birth a child?” Blaze asked.

“yeah… unless you count help from your friends and family”

Blaze suddenly reached down to his groin and felt around. He gave a sigh of relief after finding that everything he needed was still there. Was he the only male in the world? Was he even an angel?

But, what was he to say? Should he reveal himself? He couldn’t hide it forever. Moreover, there was no way he would accept to being called Ariel for the rest of his life.

“What about Ellisandra?” Jie Er asked again.

“Umm… Jie Er. I may have hatched into this world only recently, but I am almost twenty years old. I’ve lived in another world before. My original name is Blaze. I’d prefer, if you call me that” he explained vaguely.

Jie Er pulled back and looked at him strangely for a moment, before she nodded. Blaze had an inkling that she did not believe a word he had said and probably thought that his mind was addled due to his strange hatching situation.

“Ok Blaze, Aunty Jie Er doesn’t mind calling you that, but you will call me Aunty Jie Er or Aunty” Jie Er replied softly but firmly. (In some cultures, Aunty is a form of address towards the older generation, rather than a direct relation)

“I really am an adult…”

“No, you aren’t! Even if you are really a twenty-year-old, angels aren’t adults until they hit a hundred. I will be 166 this year! Child, you shall call me an aunt until you are old enough to fend for yourself”, she replied adamantly.

Blaze was stunned for a moment, before he just sighed and nodded. If she was really 166, he’d even be fine with calling her granny.

“Ok Aunty!” Blaze replied with a smile, quickly composing himself. He had always been quick at adapting to strange situations.

Jie Er smiled happily and pulled him into a hug, and his face plunged into the space between her cleavage. Blaze felt the rise of his member as his arms intuitively went around her waist. He felt the skin on the small of her back with his fingers. It was smooth, soft and taut. He hugged her tight and wondered if angels could fuck.

“Haha! You like hugs don’t you, child? Aunty likes them too”, Jie Er replied when Blaze didn’t pull away after a few moments.

Blaze stepped back and smiled at her sheepishly.

“Well, let’s get going. We are a few yonders away from my home and I want to get there before dinner” Jie Er replied as she manifested her wings. They had a wingspan of around sixteen feet.

“Umm Aunty, I can’t fly” Blaze said, as he reached out to her wings and felt her feathers. They were plush, soft and beautifully white.

“I know Blaze. You just hatched. It will take a while before you can fly. For now, I will carry you. Hop on!” Jie Er replied as she opened her arms.

Blaze stared at her incredulously. “Can I not hold on to your back instead?”

“How will I move my wings then? Don’t feel shy. What’s the difference between hanging on to my back or my front. Come now” Jie Er replied excitedly. She really seemed to be getting into this parenting business.

Blaze hesitantly raised his arms as Jie Er stepped in. She bent down a little and lifted him by grabbing his butt cheeks as if he was child.

“Now wrap your legs around me and hold on tight”

Blaze sighed and wrapped his legs around her while leaning his chest to the side, so she could have vision of where they were going. Jie Er was about fifteen inches taller than him and was quite slender, so Blaze felt quite weird about hanging onto her like a child.

“I think we need to figure out a be …” Blaze tried to convince her of a different way of transport, but she leapt into the air without warning. Her wings flapped vigorously, taking them into the skies.

“You can ease up, now” Jie Er replied as her flight reached a steady height. Blaze wrapped one hand around her neck and the other around her chest and under her wings as he lowered his legs to go around her thighs. His cheek pressed against hers as he lowered his chin on to her shoulder. He could feel the softness of her breasts against his chest, and his member threatened to rise even more, as it pressed firmly against her stomach. Her absence of clothing and his thin panties didn’t help much.

Ah! Fuck it! Blaze thought to himself as his hand started wandering around on her back, feeling her skin. Slowly he moved downwards and felt her feathered panties. He moved past the strip of feathers and onto her butt, and finally felt the crease between her right buttock and thigh. He cupped her butt cheek and squeezed it, relishing the sensation. It was perfectly rounded and very bouncy.

“What are you doing child?”

“Just finding a comfortable spot to hold on, Aunty”

“Ah, ok. Hold on tight”

He squeezed more.


A half hour later, Blaze felt Jie Er descending. A moment later she landed smoothly on a lawn.

“You can let go now, little Blaze”

Blaze let himself down slowly, brushing his body against hers as much as possible, and finally put both his hands on her butt-cheeks, pretending to steady himself. He only let go after giving them a final squeeze. He was a bit embarrassed by his actions, so he immediately turned around to look at where they were.

In front of them, was a small single storied cottage, adorned with flowering vines. A lush lawn with flowering shrubs sprawled around the cottage and the 400 square feet of land that was enclosed within a twelve feet high wall. Stone pathways cut across the area but there was no entrance door. To their left was a steaming pool of water and to the right was a small vegetable garden. Behind them was a large tree that looked like a cross between an oak and a banyan. Underneath it was a table and a couple of chairs.

“It a beautiful place, Aunty” Blaze said after looking at Jie Er’s expectant face.

“Thank you! I worked hard to get it. Let me show you in”

Blaze let her lead as he feasted his eyes on her bare back. A lean white back plunged into an even leaner waist that suddenly exploded into wide hips and a rounded butt that stood high from the depth of her spine. Her hips swayed gracefully as her long legs held a natural cat like gait.

Blaze stepped inside as Jie Er held the door for him.

It was a cozy cottage. There was a small living room with a couple of feathered couches and a wooden tea table. The smaller kitchen included a round high table and a couple of high chairs. To the right of the kitchen was a single room.

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“Looks very comfortable, Aunty. Where will I be sleeping?”. The couches weren’t big enough to sleep and there only seemed to be one room.

“Oh! You can sleep with me for now. We can add a new room for you later. But you can sleep with me after that as well. I have a bed large enough for two” Jie Er replied plainly.

Blaze nodded with anticipation. As long as he got a separate room, he was more than just fine with sharing her bed. He needed his lone time.

“And is the bathroom in your room?”


“Yeah… a place where you clean yourself and other things”

“Oh! You can use the hot spring for that. There is no separate room for it”

“What about peeing and stuff…?” Blaze asked exasperatedly.

“Whatever do you mean, child?”

Blaze gave himself a moment to think. Was he using the wrong words? No…

“Umm… Aunty, what happens to food after we eat it?” He clearly remembered Jie Er mention dinner.

“It gets absorbed by the body”

“And then what? Does anything come out afterwards?”

“Why would anything come out? If you eat something, it doesn’t come out unless you throw up. It just gets turned into energy for the body” Jie Er replied, giving Blaze a sympathetic look. She was now sure that something had gone terribly wrong with his hatching.

“umm… Aunty? Do you have a hole between your butt-cheeks?”

He felt extremely weird about asking such question, but he needed to know.

“Yes, my child. It’s called an anus. Everyone has one. We also have another larger opening in the front, called a vagina. We wear panties to cover them up” she explained patiently

“What is the purpose of an anus and vagina, Aunty?” Blaze asked, trying to make sense of things. He was happy to know that there were vaginas in a world without real reproduction.

“I don’t think there is one now. Like the belly button, they are relics of our past forms”

Blaze nodded and continued to ponder over the ramifications of not needing to excrete.

“Have a seat, child” Jie Er said, pointing towards the dining room chairs. “You must be starving. I will make some dinner. We can take a bath after we eat”

“Ok Aunty!” Blaze exclaimed in anticipation. He decided that he might as well pretend to be a child, if he was going to be treated as one. It was safer, both for himself and the kind angel who had taken him in. There might be a reason behind his appearance in this world, and he needed to be sure that it was a benign one.

Jie Er prepared a meal of vegetable soup and oven roasted potatoes as she blabbered to Blaze about the world of angels. From what he could piece together, it was apparently called Azra-El. Jie Er lived in the county called Varan and managed a small trading company at a local village. Soon the meal was cooked, and Blaze ate his meal with gusto. It was more delicious than he could’ve imagined a simple soup to be.

“Alrighty then, ready for a hot bath?” Jie Er asked him after she finished her meal.

Blaze nodded in anticipation and followed her out of the house to the pool. The sun had set while they were having dinner and the steamy waters were illuminated by a lamppost that did not seem to need any oil or electricity.

As they stood at the edge of the water, Blaze stared at his reflection in the water. He was different. His frame was leaner, and he looked a lot younger. Maybe fourteen or fifteen. His eyes were now green, and his hair was shoulder length and reddish white in color. He also noticed that there wasn’t a single hair anywhere else on his body, except on his head, eyebrows and eye lashes.

“Out of your clothes, little Blaze” Jie Er told him after a moment.

Blaze looked at her sheepishly and asked, “Auntie, can I help remove your clothes first?”

“Sure, but why?”

“I am just curious about your body” Blaze replied honestly. He was a lot more than just curious though.

“Let me figure out how to remove your clothes too. I like a mystery!” Blaze told her as he walked towards her.

Jie Er nodded and watched him curiously as his hands approached her breasts. Blaze spread his fingers and placed his hands on her breasts. They were soft. Tremendously so. And they were so large that they spilled out of his hands. He felt her exposed skin under his fingers and he squeezed softly as his fingers were swallowed by the squishiness of her breasts.

He caressed them for a couple of moments before turning his attention to the strips of cloth that pretended to cover them. He gently picked the edge of the strip covering her left nipple and pulled it. A rosy pink bulb surrounded by an inch and half wide circle of lighter pink, popped out. The cloth had been hanging on to her nipple as if it held by some sort of magical suction force.

Blaze resisted the intense urge to plunge his mouth on it and moved onto the cloth hanging on to her under breast. It only seemed to reach halfway to the center but somehow supported its weight and movement. He picked the edge and peeled it.

Her breast reacted to gravity and jiggled a little under its heaviness. He pushed the strips of cloth aside and plunged his hand into the naked skin. The softness and the squishiness made his mind go numb as he gently caressed the breast in its entirety.

“Mmm. That’s nice…” Jie Er moaned a little as Blaze brushed her nipple with his thumb and then gently pinched it.

He soon moved to the right breast and repeated the process with the same relish. He brushed the strips of cloth aside and leaned in, as his hands snaked their way to the collar. His face was between her breasts as he reached the button at the nape of neck. He opened it and pulled away the collar along with the strips of cloth. He stepped back and basked in the gloriousness of her nude breasts. They were large, plump and perfectly shaped for their size.

“Viola! You figured it out” Jie Er clapped her hands and her breasts bounced a little.

Blaze nodded and reached his hands to the sides of her hips. He grabbed the feathered panties and slowly pulled them down as he bent his knees and stared directly into her nether regions. The silk cloth hugging her lower lips, slowly peeled away to reveal a perfectly sculpted vagina.

He pulled the panties down to her knees and subconsciously touched her lower lips with his index finger. He was almost surprised to feel real skin instead of sculpted stone. He pushed down the urge to explore further and pulled her panties down further, to let her step out of them.

“Thank you, child! Now it’s your turn. Put up your hands!” Jie Er exclaimed, not giving Blaze more time to feast his eyes on her nudity.

Blaze stepped back reluctantly and lifted his hands. Jie Er reached down and got him out of his tunic, only to notice the guilty expression he purposefully donned on his face.

“What’s wrong, child?” Jie Er asked with concern.

“Aunty… I don’t have a vagina…” Blaze replied, trying to look extremely unhappy.

“What do you mean child? Everyone has a vagina!”

“Look!” Blaze pulled down his trousers and boxers to reveal his penis. Embarrassment and the fear of rejection had calmed down his erection.

Jie Er stared at his penis in a daze. She had never seen one. She knelt to her knees on the stone embankment and pulled down Blaze’s panties. She told him to step out of them and proceeded to examine his penis closely. She even nudged it gently but did not do much more. She got up, looked into his sad eyes and hugged him tight against her breasts.

“I am so sorry, Blaze! But it’s ok. I don’t care. No one else needs to know. You are perfect just the way you are” Jie Er tried to comfort him as she rubbed his back while pressing his face between her breasts. Blaze wrapped his hands around her and cupped her butt cheeks as he rubbed his face between her soft mounds. His penis that was pressed between her thighs started to rise again.

“Let’s take a bath, little one. It will make you feel a lot better” Jie Er told him after a moment. Blaze nodded and pulled away, immediately stepping into the pool. He didn’t want her to see his erect penis yet. He had a plan.

Jie Er stepped into the bath and sat down beside him. She placed an arm around him and drew him close. Blaze did not resist and leaned his head against her breast as she rubbed his shoulder with her left hand. They rested in the comforting heat of the waters as Blaze went over his next move, while Jie Er pondered over her new child’s unexplained deformity.

“Aunty Jie Er…” Blaze said after a few minutes.

“Yes, little Blaze?”

“Thank you!” Blaze told her, tilting his head up and quickly kissing her on the cheek.

Jie Er was stunned for a moment before a magnificent smile bloomed on her face. She grabbed him by his butt and pulled him onto her thighs.

“Of course, dear” Jie Er replied, cupping his cheeks and planted a kiss on his forehead. She then pulled him onto her chest and hugged him tight.

It was Blaze’s turn to be stunned. He suddenly felt very guilty about what he was planning. The motherly love in her action was obvious. He struggled with his conscience for a few minutes. Ugh. Fine! I won’t go all the way, but I am at least getting her to jerk me off. Otherwise I am gonna have blue balls until my room is built

“Aunty Jie Er? Can I play with your breasts?” Blaze asked, pulling away from her hug. Her breasts were only half submerged in the water and her nipples danced around the surface.

“Of course, dear, as long as you are not too rough” Jie Er replied and sat up straight, giving him more access to her pair.

Blaze immediately plunged his hands into them and started gently caressing them. He lightly pinched her nipples and slowly started kneading them. He relished their fullness against his palms and he squeezed them harder.

“Mmmhmmm…” Jie Er moaned softly. Blaze looked into her blue eyes and after a moment moved his mouth to her bulging left nipple. He enclosed the entirety of her areola and more into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue.

Jie Er was surprised by his almost animalistic action but let him continue.

His licked and flicked his tongue over her nipple, as Jie Er couldn’t help but let out a moan of pleasure.

After a couple of minutes, he squeezed her breast with his hand and forced more of it into his mouth. He started sucking on it as he set a steady rhythm with of squeezing and sucking. Jie Er’s moans became more frequent and after a few more minutes, Blaze switched to her other breast and repeated the process. By the end of the second session, Jie Er’s moans were almost continuous. Soon, he felt a saturation point in his arousal and he pulled back.

“Thank you for letting me play with them Aunty!” Blaze exclaimed, donning an innocent face as he sat on her thighs.

“That felt really good for me too dear! Thank you”

Blaze suddenly looked down and exclaimed loudly while pointing at his penis, “Aunty! Something is wrong with my thing”

Jie Er looked down and noticed that his penis was vastly engorged and peeking out of the water. She remembered that it was previously much smaller and very flaccid. Now it was quite long and was standing stiff and erect. Its girth had increased a lot too.

“Stand up, child!” Jie Er exclaimed worriedly.

Blaze stood up and his penis stared straight into her face.

“It feels very weird aunty!” he rushed her.

Jie Er observed it for a moment and tentatively reached her index finger and touched it. It reacted, and Jie Er jerked her finger back.

“Please, Aunty! Feel it and see what’s wrong with it!”

Jie Er steeled herself and pressed her fingers gently around his penis. She felt its hardness and lightly tested its stiffness all along its length.

“Aunty! That feels good. Do it more!”

Jie Er testily repeated it a few more times before Blaze made her wrap her hand around it.

“Massage it, please. That makes it feel better”

Jie Er kneaded his penis and slowly started pumping it up and down.

“Aunty… Can you kiss it for me?”

Jie Er looked at Blaze’s innocent face and then leaned in to kiss the tip. She smooched it once and then smooched it again.

“Lick it please, Aunty!”

Jie Er felt very confused, but she wanted to make his condition better, so she complied. She also felt a strong inexplicable urge to put it in her mouth.

Jie Er extended a pink tongue and licked the hole at the tip.

“More please!”

Jie Er licked the tip a little more and on her own volition started licking and caressing the whole member.

“Aunty! Can you suck on it like I sucked on your nipples?”

Jie Er quickly obliged and enclosed her lips around his tip. She sucked on it slowly, while constantly licking it. Blaze gently pushed himself deeper into her mouth, until almost three inches of his penis was inside her mouth. He then started pumping it in and out as Jie Er held on to his butt cheeks.

The tension in his penis slowly built up and just when he was about to burst, Blaze pushed himself deeper into her throat. Jie Er’s eyes widened and just as she was about to push him away, Blaze came inside her. She felt streams of warm liquid hit the back of her throat and flow down to her stomach. Blaze spasmed four jets before he pulled out of her mouth.

“I am so sorry Aunty! Did I hurt you?”

Jie Er coughed a little.

“It’s ok child! It seemed like you weren’t in control. Something came out of your thing though. I swallowed a lot of it” she replied looking at his penis.

“It feels much better now, Aunty!” Blaze replied as his penis visibly relaxed and shrank.

“Looks like it… I wonder what happened. Anyway, we know what to do with it if it happens again” Jie Er replied with a smile as she patted his member.

Blaze smiled sheepishly and immersed himself back into the water. He cleaned himself up before he climbed back into Jie Er’s embrace. It was too late for him to be embarrassed.

After another fifteen minutes of soaking in silence, the two of them decided to head back.

They got out of the water and before he could wear his clothes Jie Er picked them up and placed them along with hers in a basket of laundry leaning against a tree near the pool.

“I will find you some fresh clothes, little Blaze. Let’s go!” she replied, leading Blaze back into the house and into her room.

Jie Er’s room consisted of a humongous 10x10 feat feather bed, a large wooden wardrobe, a dressing table with a mirror and a chair, and finally a golden lyre that was leaning against the bed.

“Hmmm. Some of my old clothes should fit you…” Jie Er said, opening her wardrobe and rummaging through her clothes.

“Here, try these”, she said after a while and threw him a pair of silk panties.

Blaze grabbed them sheepishly and put them on. Surprisinly they fit snugly, despite the tightness at the front. Jie Er browsed more and found a white shift that was Blaze’s size. Although he felt like he was crossdressing, Blaze donned his shift without complaint. What else could he do when he was the only male in the world? His shoulder length hair did not help.

Jie Er gave Blaze a look over and once she was satisfied, she donned a pair of string panties and a translucent white shift, as Blaze watched her from the bed.

Jie Er climbed into the bed with Blaze and pulled the covers over herself and invited Blaze in. Blaze scooted towards her and she pulled him into a hug with her left hand. Blaze rested his head on her bicep at first, but then moved onto her breast. He slowly sneaked his hand under her shift and grabbed her other breast, while he put his left leg over her legs.

“Good night, Aunty!” he said and closed his eyes.

“Nighty night, little one” Jie Er replied and pulled him closer.

Despite his rising penis, under the warmth of Jie Er’s heat, Blaze slowly drifted off into a pleasant sleep.



Written by CapDragon121
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