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The Talk- Part 1

"Secrets are like lies. Eventually, the truth of light exposes everything."

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I had just finished a case I had been working on for several months, and against all odds I won. McPherson v. the state of California was a high-profile first-degree murder trial where I was lead council for the first time. It was one of those newsworthy cases that was tried in the press, making it almost impossible not to have a tainted jury. Even my firm considered I had little to no chance of winning, which is probably why they chose me to lead the team. No one wants a loss on their resume. However, my closing arguments were strong enough to convince the skeptical jury of reasonable doubt. I wasn’t totally convinced myself of my client’s innocence, but his guilt or innocence was up to the system, not me.

When I left the courthouse, crowds of protesters screamed slurs and news teams pressed me for comments, but all I wanted was to go home to celebrate this victory with my wife Marika. I knew it only takes one case like this to put you on the map. After hundreds of hours of testimony with endless delays and depositions, I wanted to put this behind me. The trial had consumed my life for the last several months, and now It felt like a huge weight was removed from my shoulders; it was time to put this behind me. Consequently, I stopped at the liquor store and purchased a magnum of champagne. I knew my life was about to change, but I had no clue at the time how much.

Marika and I were both attorneys. We met while we were in our first year of law school. At first it was just a platonic relationship with both of us consumed in our studies. Marika’s ancestry was from Eastern European heritage. She was a tall shapely girl with thin facial features and long straight natural blonde hair. When we first met she did part time modeling to help pay for her law school and was gone on shoots quite often.

After about a year of sporadic dating, we moved in together. Truthfully, it was mostly out of economic necessity because she needed someone to share expenses after her roommate married and moved out. I had a decent paying part time job as a law clerk, so my employment made me an excellent roommate choice.

We maintained separate sleeping arrangements for several months. Then, one night after a bottle of wine and a couple shared joints, we ended up in her bed together. After that, I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I loved her. I always thought how fortunate I was to have a girlfriend as hot as her. She was every mans walking, talking wet dream. I loved the jealous looks I’d receive when I was with her.

We ended up graduating in the same class and we both passed the bar exam the same year. However, we pursued different aspects of the law. I accepted an offer to become a defense attorney at a prestigious firm while she opened her own family law practice. Each of us quickly became busy in our chosen field but always supported each other. We married in the fall after graduation. It was a simple civil ceremony with just our folks and a few friends attending. About six months later, our son Timmy was born.

I was in a celebratory mood when I rushed through the front door, holding up the champagne bottle. Before I could say anything, Marika said, “I already heard. It’s all over the news. Congratulations, Jack! I knew you’d pull it off after I read your closing arguments.”

“Quit cooking. I’m taking us out to dinner. Where’s Timmy?”

“He’s at my mom’s.”


“I asked her to watch him because we need to talk.”

One look at her told me there was something serious on her mind. She was an outstanding lawyer but always lacked a poker face.

The change of mood made me feel like my party balloon had been popped. I couldn’t gauge by her expression what she wanted to discuss, but I knew it was serious by her tone of voice. My first thoughts were that she might be pregnant or maybe there was a health issue.

“Why the long face?” I asked.

“Jack, just go clean up. I made your favorite spaghetti with Italian sausages. We’ll talk after dinner.”

“Uh, okay—but we’re going to celebrate after we eat. I was thinking we’d go to bed early. It’s not like we have any personal time very often.”

“We’ll see… now go wash up.”



I stood in the steaming shower washing my tensions away. I was thinking about how I collected myself today before I addressed the jury. I remembered how my law professor told us not to show even a hint of uncertainty to the jury. His advice was to stay resolute and stick with your strongest arguments. I did all that perfectly and I had owned that court today.

My thoughts shifted back to the present.

What could Marika be wanting to share with me?

I stepped into the dressing room from the shower and examined myself in the foggy mirror. I still looked good for pushing thirty, though not quite as toned as my swimmers’ body of the past. It was difficult with my work schedule to maintain any consistent workout routine and a healthy diet. I could blame those persistent handlebars on the readily available donuts at work or my wife’s great cooking—but that would be just an excuse. I knew that whatever went into my mouth was my responsibility, as well what came out of it, too. Food and words can have long term consequences if misused.

When I finally came to the dining table, Marika was waiting for me. She looked serious. I knew enough about her moods after five years of marriage not to push. So, before I sat down, I said with a smile, “Smells great. Anything I can do to help?”

“You can pour yourself a drink. Make me one too. Something strong.”

“Jack on ice?”

“Perfect. Make mine a double.”

We ate mostly in uncomfortable silence. She asked me about the trial and discussed Timmy just to just make conversation, but she wouldn’t give me a hint of what else was on her mind. After we ate, I cleared the table and rinsed the dishes (that was our agreement). If she cooked, I did the cleanup and vice versa.

I set the timer on the dishwasher and asked, “So, what’s this big mystery about?”

“Let’s go sit in the den. This might take a while.”

Marika picked up her briefcase along the way and sat in the recliner. She almost never sat there. I could see how nervous she was acting, so I asked, “How about a refill?”

“Fine, but make it wine—I want to be clear headed.”                                                                                                                  

I grabbed a beer for myself and poured her a glass of white wine. I handed her the drink and sat on the loveseat directly across from her, waiting. She seemed undecided as where to begin, shifting her position several times. That was unlike her because she was always focused and organized. She took a deep breath and a sip of wine.

“Jack, I’d like you to know this wasn’t a spur of the moment decision on my part, so before we discuss anything, I’d like you to look over these documents first.” Marika pulled out a folder from her briefcase and held it out to me.

After some hesitation, I reached out to take the folder from her, but she seemed reluctant to release them. It was as if she was having second thoughts. I had to pull them from her grip. When I flipped open the binder, I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me with a punch to my gut. The first line said it all: Dissolution of MARRIAGE.

“What the fuck! Is this some sick joke?” I exclaimed and stared at her in disbelief.

“I’m afraid it’s not. I’d never joke about something as serious as this.”

“Marika… Why? Why are you doing this? Have you met someone else? I know I’ve been preoccupied lately with this case, but—”

“No Jack. There is no one else. I would never do that, and it wasn’t your case.”

“Then why? You can’t possibly think I cheated on you, can you? God knows I’ve never looked at another woman since we met. I love you and you alone.”

“I know you love me… that’s what makes this so very difficult.” She frowned.

“What have I done?”

“Jack, it’s not you, it’s me.”

“What about Timmy? He’s only five and will never understand any of this. Hell, I don’t understand it myself. Are you so unhappy that you think we can’t work things out or even try? Don’t you think I need an explanation?”

“Of course, you do, but I’m not sure you’ll understand. I’ll start by asking, how long have we known each other?”

“What the hell difference does that make?”

“All the difference in the world. Just answer my question.”

I thought a few seconds before replying, “Let’s see… about eight years? We’ve been married five years next month and we lived together three years in college… right?”

“Correct. And why did we get married?”

“That’s easy, I love you more than breathing.”

“I know you do, but that’s not the only reason you asked me to marry you.”

“If you’re referring to your pregnancy with Timmy, that’s not why I asked. I asked you long before you were pregnant.”

“Yes, you did. In fact, you asked me three times. Do you remember what my answer was each time?”

“You said you weren’t ready.”

“That’s not accurate, my answer each time was no, not maybe. I said I’d only marry for love and I wasn’t in love with you. It was clear we were just friends—friends with benefits, but still… only friends. When I discovered I was pregnant, I was still hesitant to marry you, but you insisted you loved me enough for the both of us. Do you remember that?”

“Yes, and I still do.”

“Eventually, when I started to show, I said yes because I didn’t want my child being born out of wedlock. But I also don’t want to be trapped in a loveless marriage, like so many couples I’ve known.”

“I still don’t understand. Where have I failed you, Marika?”

“You haven’t failed me. You’re the most caring man I’ve ever known. Plus, you’re highly intelligent and a sensitive lover. I thought I would have to be crazy not to marry you. I truly believed that in time I would grow to love you.”

"So, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is, after five years, I still don’t love you with the passion a wife should love her husband. Of course, I care for you and I always will. You’re my best friend and father of my son. I truly believe that eventually you’ll find a woman who will love you as you deserve.”

“That’s a load of crap. I could never love another woman the way I love you. Plus, we have Timmy. Please don’t do this to us,” I begged.

“Jack, this wasn’t some knee jerk thing on my part. By staying married it’s robbing both of us of happiness. Eventually you’ll thank me. I have faith you’ll find your true soulmate. We’re both still young and it’s a really big world.”

“Ahh, I was wondering when you were going to bring that up. If you want to date, go right ahead, but don’t try and tell me what’s good for me. That’s bull crap. This is all about you, not me, and certainly not about Timmy.”

“No, that’s not it,” she sighed. “I’m not in a hurry to find a replacement. You’re my husband and while we’re still married, I’ll never break my vows. I won’t even consider any other men until the divorce is final.”

“Why not? What the hell difference does it make? You might as well get a jump start. Isn’t that what you want? Are you so convoluted that you think honoring your wedding vows is more important than honoring me?”

“Jack don’t say that. I respect you more than anyone.”

“I sure don’t feel respected. Do you want me to move out so you can bring your boyfriends here and fuck them in my bed?” I replied in frustration.

Marika jumped out of the recliner with her eyes ablaze and slapped my cheek, screaming, “I don’t have any boyfriends, you asshole. I told you I haven’t cheated on you and I’m not suggesting you move out. I was thinking we’d just go back to the way things were before we got married.”

“Are you serious? Like before we married? Friends? Friends with benefits? How’d that work out the first time?” I shouted slamming my fist on the table.

I reached my boiling point. I was pissed. She must have thought I was going to strike her the way she recoiled when I stepped forward. Instead, I picked up the documents I had tossed on the coffee table and started to read. I assumed she had put this decree together herself, since that is what she did every day as an attorney.

It was listed as a no contest divorce stating irreconcilable differences and joint custody as the primary issue, with an even split of assets and no alimony. She proposed the house was to go to me because I used the balance of my college funds to make the down payment. All she requested for herself was half the accrued equity on the house and half our cash assets. On the surface this seemed like a noncontentious settlement. She didn’t request any attachment of my 401-retirement savings, and there was nothing in the details that indicated any form of animosity. It appeared to be a fair and amicable split. I knew enough about divorce law to know she could easily get more than she asked.

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“I think I need some time to think about this,” I replied. “It’s all a bit of a shock to me.”

“Of course,” she said with sorrowful eyes. “We’ll discuss it further tomorrow. Let’s turn in and get some sleep. This has been a stressful day.”

“I think I’ll pack some things and move to a motel. If you’re serious about this, I think we need to make it clean break as soon as possible. Stretching it out will only make it more painful on everyone.”

“Please don’t leave, Jack. If anyone should go it should be me.”

“No, you stay. Timmy needs his mother. You need to think about how you’re going to tell him though,” I said as I walked toward the bedroom.

I was holding back my tears as I attempted to pack. It was as if I was in a fog, grabbing things and mindlessly tossing them in my travel bag. What the hell was happening to me? Today was supposed to be a celebration. Now my life seemed like it was a bad episode of The Twilight Zone.

Marika stood in the bedroom door watching me. I couldn’t bear to look at her because I knew I would melt into a blubbering mess. In my heart I wished she’d tell me to stop, but she didn’t. I felt my life was a total failure. With nothing left to say, I zipped my bag shut and headed toward the front door.

Then, I stopped short and in a final act of defiance, I signed and dated the documents that were still where I left them.

If this is really what she wants… fuck her! I won’t beg.

I slammed the door so hard behind me the windows shook like a sonic boom.





The Days Inn was just a few minutes away. All I was looking for was a clean room to get some sleep, if that was even possible. I knew Marika too well to believe this was some temporary thing that would just blow over. My initial reaction was that this could be fixed, but deep down I knew that wasn’t true. After all these years together, I understood she wouldn’t do this unless she believed it was the right thing for her to do. I kept thinking about what I might have done wrong. All I could figure I was guilty of was loving her too much. But did I love her enough to let her go?

The next day I tried to work as if nothing had happened, but after a sleepless night, it was virtually impossible to focus. I caught a glimpse of myself in the restroom mirror and frowned at my reflection. I looked like a zombie with my dark eyes and unshaven face. Several people at the office asked if I was feeling poorly. I lied and told them I was just a bit under the weather.

I didn’t contact Marika for three days and she didn’t attempt to call. She was either respecting my space or was just glad to be rid of me. The more I thought about it, I realized the most aggrieved party in all of this was our son. After I got over my initial self-pity, I called Marika’s cell in attempt to approach this as an adults.

She picked up on the first ring. “Jack, how are you doing?”

“Kinda numb to tell the truth, but I’ll survive. I called because I think we need to talk about Timmy.”

“He’s been asking for you. I told him you were away on business and would be home soon... You are coming home soon, aren’t you?”

“Marika, I don’t have a home with you any longer. Over these last few days I came to realize I can’t make you love me anymore than I can stop loving you. I don’t think turning this into a bitter fight will benefit anyone. My biggest fear is that this will sour our son on love.”

“I agree. This is a life lesson no child should ever have to learn. I’m so sorry. This is totally my fault.”

I could hear her sob as I said, “How do you propose we explain to a five-year-old that mommy doesn’t love daddy, without him thinking we might stop loving him too?”

“I’ve thought about the same thing and I think for the time being, the best thing is for you to come home and try to act normal. Pretend none of this ever happened.”

“Marika, that would be living a lie. Eventually he needs to know the truth.”

“Jack you’re a good man and I don’t like hurting you, but Timmy is my focus right now. I’d do anything for him.”

“Including staying married to me?”

“That’s not fair to ask me.”

 “Marika, I’m devastated that you feel I ruined eight years of your life. I’d do anything to correct that.”

“Until the divorce is final, I’m still your wife, that part is the truth. And you didn’t ruin my life.”

“Did you file the papers yet?”

There was a long pause before she answered in a soft voice, “Yes… this morning. I’m so sorry.”

“Wow, you didn’t even let the ink dry. You’re Sorry? Why be sorry? Now you’re a single woman. You can do whatever you want, anytime you want. You owe me nothing. If it weren’t for our son, you could just erase the past eight years, like I didn’t even exist. It seems to me there is more to this than me you’re saying. I know there is more to this than your saying.”

“You make it all seem so sinister. I never wanted to hurt you. I still… care for you.”

“A little late for that. All I’m concerned with now is my son.”

“Then, for the sake of Timmy, I think you should move back here. You don’t need to stay in that hotel.”

“Marika, I want to be clear. I might still love you, but I don’t like you at all. After what you’ve done to our family, I’ll probably never forgive you. If I come home and put on the act, that’s all it will be, an act. Are we clear?”

“Crystal clear. I made pot roast for dinner. I’ll make you a plate.”





I moved back in the house that night and settled into the spare bedroom. When we decorated the guest room earlier this year, I never considered I’d be living in it. After putting my things in the bureau, I transferred my clothes from the master bedroom and took my soiled things to the laundry. Timmy followed me around chatting about nothing. I knew he sensed something was wrong.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and thought about informing our parents but decided not to because I knew it would probably cause a huge rift in the family. I didn’t want people to choose sides and I wasn’t sure if my dad’s weak heart could take it. I knew Marika’s mother loved me, always referring to me as her son; I knew she would be hurt by this divorce almost as bad as I was, and it wouldn’t go well between her and Marika. I always considered divorce to be a selfish act that almost never considered the collateral damage it left in its wake.

The only person I felt I needed to tell was the HR department at work for tax purposes. I also needed to change my beneficiary from Marika to Timmy.

As it turned out, Sally in accounting was an awful gossip and almost immediately my pending divorce became common knowledge through the rumor mill. Most of the senior partners acted sympathetic, but they seemed more concerned about how it was going to affect my work performance. After winning that newsworthy case, I was now the golden boy and my client list grew exponentially.

What didn’t go unnoticed, was the number of women that made it their mission to flirt with me. It appeared having a single status made me a target for every unattached female in the firm—and a few of the married ones also. However, I wasn’t ready to wade out into the morass of the dating scene because I still had a fool’s hope of reconciliation.

As the weeks passed, I played my part as the loving husband so well, I almost convinced myself. Things appeared to be normal, but not quite. After about two months, both Marika and I were starting to feel the effects of our self-imposed celibacy.

One night, she tapped on my bedroom door, and when I opened it, she stood in front of me with her robe gaping wide open. She didn’t need to say what she wanted, but she did anyway.

“Jack, there is no reason why we can’t still be intimate. Technically we’re still married.”

“No reason? Are you serious? If you want to get laid, go to a bar and pick up some random stud. You never know, he might end up being your Mr. Right.”

“That was nasty. You’re not a mean person, Jack. I have no clue why I feel the way I do. I have always found you sexually attractive. In fact, you’re everything any woman would want.”

“Any woman but you it appears. Drop this crazy divorce and we’ll get back to our life.”

She turned to leave, but I reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Wait! Don’t go.”

Her robe seemed to fall away as I pulled her naked trembling body to mine. Our lips crushed together in mutual desperation. What ensued after that was four straight hours of the most intense sex I ever experienced in my life.

Marika was always a passionate lover, but this was at a whole new level. She seemed a completely different person in how she responded to my every touch. It wasn’t our usual polite sex; this was… raw, intense, and almost combative.

When she took the lead and rolled on top, I thought, what the hell? She never does this.

Then, she bit my lip. Who was this little she-devil? In turn, I pinched her hard nipple and she dug her nails into my back. She was like a stranger to me. I never experienced such passion from her in all our years together. Gone were the sweet whispers and gentle caresses. She was an untamed animal in my arms. Our bodies slid on the sweat soaked satin sheets as we fucked wildly. When she ordered me to spank her, I was a bit hesitant, because I’ve never hit a woman in my life. But then, all my repressed emotions seemed to empower my hand as it cracked down on her bottom over and over. It was primitive primordial sex that ensued after that.

I had never ever caused pain to a woman before, but when Marika taunted, “Is that all you’ve got? A sissy can hit harder than that”—it provoked me. After a few minutes her butt was beet red and my handprints were imprinted on her beautiful butt cheeks. She seemed to soak up every bit of sexual energy I possessed. Eventually I collapsed from sheer exhaustion thinking, who is this woman in my arms?

When I woke up the next morning, I felt as if I’d been drugged. Suddenly, I was jolted awake by Timmy jumping on my back. As I snapped open my eyes, glanced at the clock and panicked.

Oh my God, I’m late for work.

Then it came to me… this was Saturday.

Timmy shook me saying, “Daddy, get up! Mommy says we’re going to the zoo!”

“Why do I need to go to the zoo when I have my own monkey right here?” I said grabbing my son by the leg and tickling his foot.

We wrestled awhile before Marika called out, “Breakfast will be ready in five. Timmy come help mommy and let your daddy go get cleaned up.”

She was right. I reeked of sex and needed a shower. I thought how this whole divorce thing was confusing to me. I knew I’d never find someone more compatible than I was with Marika. I could understand this if there were glaring differences between us, but there were none that seemed obvious. We almost never fought and our disagreements were always civil.

There must be more to this than it appears, I thought as I toweled off.

As I looked in the mirror, it seemed as if I’d been in an MMA fight rather than having sex with my wife. There were noticeable bite marks on my chest and neck. I turned to view my back and was surprised. I thought, What the hell? My right shoulder was etched with claw marks. If this was the real Marika, how had I missed it for eight years?

When I entered the kitchen, she was busy cooking and Timmy was watching Saturday cartoons in the den. I pulled her to me and looked in her face. She grinned at me like she had a secret. In turn, I kissed her and slipped my hand in her robe, cupping her ample breast.

“Not here,” Marika whispered. “There are prying eyes.”

“Was that really you last night, or was I having some erotic dream?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, feigning ignorance.

“You know exactly what I mean. I couldn’t believe that was you. I think I might need to give you a DNA test to prove that was not some stranger last night. All I know is that I’m more determined than ever to get you to stop this damned divorce.”

“Jack, last night was just sex. Don’t mistake it for anything else.”

“Marika, I’ve gone along with this and have done everything you asked. Now I want something from you.”


“If I arrange the appointment, will you at least go to a marriage counselor with me?”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Please? Do it for Timmy, if not for me.”

“All right, for Timmy… but it won’t change anything.”




Written by ChuckEPoo
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