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Survival Instincts – Chapter 5

"Survival can release a number of emotions, sexual instinct being one of them."

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Author's Notes

"This is a set of five chapters that follow the adventures of two women – fighting for survival in a land where lives are cheap. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But there is hope that lies on the other side of the mountain range. A place where normality, peace, and even a home, await them."

It had been two weeks since I made my mind up to visit Jen and Doug before I actually did it. Logistics got in the way. I needed transport and that meant a horse. Fortunately, one was on hand; loaned to me by a neighbouring farmer. I was not sure what they thought they were going to get for it in return, but I promised to bring it back in one piece and thanked them kindly. Directions were the next thing I needed and Emily was quick off the mark to show me how to get there.

And so it was, that on one misty morning, I started off up the South path to the mountains. I was told that it was quicker but a little steeper, and since it was just myself and a horse, it would be no problem and would be a safer bet. Few people travelled that route and that meant the bad people as well. Everyone ensured me that I would be safe.

That wasn’t how I felt when the trees started to close in on me. Anyone could have been waiting to jump me, but the morning passed without any issues and I rested and ate a packed lunch before continuing on to the shack.

The ramshackle of a place was a sight for sore eyes as I rounded the hilltop. I could clearly see smoke rising from the chimney and felt confident that someone was home. I wasn’t sure whom I would be glad to see first, Doug or Jen.

I hurried the horse along and soon I was tying it up outside and shouting to whoever was around. No one returned my calls. I pushed the door open and shouted some more.

“Anyone here?”

It was Jen that rounded the corner of her bedroom, looked at me, and rapidly ran into my arms. I must have lifted her clean off the ground as I spun her around.  My feet came crashing down on the wooden floor before Jen pushed me away.

“Look at you, you look wonderful.” The pleasure of my presence was evident to see in Jen’s eyes.

I wanted to kiss her but decided that it should perhaps wait.

“Where’s Doug?”

“He left for town this morning. You must have passed him, surely?”

“I came by the South path, apparently.”

“That explains it then. Sit down, we have lots to chat about.”

And so we did. More than Jen could have thought. I filled Jen in on everything that had happened to us since we found a family to take us in. I then told her about Emily, though I thought afterwards that perhaps I shouldn’t have said anything. News like that travels quickly in places like this. Still, it was a bit late now.

Jen told me all about the incursion.

“The what?” I asked.

The incursion was a short period of time when bad men started to press in on their shack, making their presence known, infiltrating more and more on this safe side of the mountain. Tracker guards had been sent in to clear the area and about thirty men and a couple of women were removed from it. Horizontally removed that is. Guards were still present in some areas to prevent any further encroachment and frequently patrolled the area.

“Are you not afraid?” I asked.

“We can’t let them prevent us from being who we are, or what we want to do with our lives,” replied Jen.

“Will Doug be back tonight?”

“Tomorrow. It’s supply time again, he took the cart with him.”

My mouth opened.

“I know,” Jen said, holding her hands up in the air, “but we must live and not be afraid.”

Jen continued telling Melissa about the incursion as she prepared some food. It was getting late in the afternoon and the sun was sinking behind the taller trees.

Before long, we had been watered and fed. I helped Jen to do the washing up. Jen washed, I dried. The glances I received from Jen as she handed me the plates, pots and pans did not go unnoticed. It kept me smiling all the while that I dried them. The last few plates were positioned on one of the pans and we both listened to the gurgling and slushing sound of the water as it drained from the sink.

Jen caught the end of the dishcloth that I was holding and dried her hands quickly. She was soon behind me; her hands circling my body and cupping both breasts. I polished the last plate so that it sparkled.

Jen’s hands felt good on my body and I swayed from side to side as Jen cupped and squeezed my breasts. I put the last plate away and Jen turned me around and pulled me up onto the wet counter. Her arms encircled my waist once more and the kiss was passionate from the outset. I felt her hands pull at the bottom of my shirt and I soon found the fabric rising upwards and over my head.

Jen’s mouth immediately found my right nipple and she let out a relieved sigh as she sucked on it.

I heard a faint murmur leave Jen’s lips before she planted her mouth over the other nipple.

My hands came down on the back of Jen’s head as I threaded my hands through her hair before pulling her up by her tits.

“You’re all I’ve thought about since you left,” Jen blurted out; showering my face with tiny kisses.

It was a welcome thought and I wanted her more than ever.

I slipped off the counter and while holding Jen’s wrist tight, led her to the bedroom.

Within seconds, we were both naked and kissing more passionately than ever before. My fingers had found Jen’s breasts and nipples but were urgently travelling South on their way to a crevice that I knew would be swamped in pussy juice.

I started licking while my body was at right angles to Jen’s and I soon felt the touch of Jen’s hand on my inner thigh as she slowly eased me around to meet her face.

As my tongue entered Jen, Jen’s tongue entered me. We lapped at each other’s pussies for what seemed like ages. The pleasure was wonderful but our oral caresses were no more than the outward display of the love that we felt for each other.

Jen finally clamped her mouth over my clit and started to suck on it.

“Wait, I’ve got a surprise for you,” I said, lifting my face from Jen’s pussy and swinging my leg over her face.

I placed Jen on her back and spread her legs wide. I straddled Jen’s left leg and carefully placed my clitoris next to Jen’s swollen, wet pussy. I started to rock my lower body, slowly at first; the pleasure of the instant friction was written all over Jen’s face.

I then lifted Jen’s right leg and placed it between my breasts as I clung onto it; wrapping both my arms around it tightly like I would any lover. I started to move my body in a fucking motion; treating Jen’s clitoris like a penis but wishing it could penetrate me as well.

Jen started to moan. “Fuck, that feels good,” she sighed.

I upped my game, suddenly becoming intent to fuck Jen to orgasm with my new found method of female sexual satisfaction.

Neither I nor Jen heard the outer door open. Neither I nor Jen heard heavy boots crashing around outside the bedroom.

Both of us turned and froze when the door of the bedroom burst open and was suddenly faced with two shotguns pointing at us.

“Well, Joe – looks like we have found us a pair of carpet munchers.” The older, uglier guy, spat the words through his unkempt beard that looked like it hosted several nocturnal creatures.

I caught the quizzical look on Joe’s face as he looked at his partner, father, uncle, whatever.

My attention was suddenly forced back to the older guy who had pulled me by the hair and yanked me from the safety of Jen’s leg. A leg that I found I was clutching on to, tighter than ever.

“Keep the gun on them, boy, we don’t want them getting ideas anytime soon.”

“Yes, Uncle Jamie,” came the hesitant reply. Joe’s gun was levelled, first at me and then at Jen.

Uncle Jamie pushed me onto the chair beside the bed. But before he started undoing his trousers, my survival instincts kicked in.

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Jen was about cry out, say something she perhaps shouldn’t have said in order to protect me but I beat her to it.

U-n-c-l-e Jamie is it.”

Jamie looked at me as he placed his gun safely out of reach. Jen looked at me and tried her best to catch my eye, but I was sliding onto the floor and smiling. I knelt just short of U-n-c-l-e Jamie.

“I’ve never sucked an Uncle’s cock before,” I lied.

Jen’s mouth opened in disbelief as she stared at the scene before her.

“Boy, go take her out and tie her to the chair. I’ll be out when I’ve finished with this one,” Jamie spat on the floor just to the side of me.

The young lad nodded at his Uncle and motioned for Jen to leave by pointing his gun towards her and then the door. Jen got off the bed; grabbing a long white slipover garment as she did so. Her last glance back at me saw me unbutton his trousers. Jen caught my wink before the door closed.

Outside the door, all Jen could hear were the words, ‘Yeah – suck it good, girl.’ Jen was tied with rope to the nearest chair. Joe had then gone out to their horses and fetched more rope; finishing the job as he heard his Uncle roar from within the bedroom.

Joe knew better than to burst in on his Uncle, even if he was in danger. Somehow he didn’t think he was.

Uncle Jamie appeared from the bedroom pulling me by the hair. He flung me into a chair and told Joe to tie me up as well and then they should both get some sleep for their early morning forage before he disappeared back into the bedroom.

Joe tied me to the chair watching intently as I licked my lips. Both of us were tied, but only I had ropes of cum glued to my hair and drying on my tits.

Joe wandered over to the sofa and pulled a blanket about him. He turned his gaze away from us and tried to get some sleep; just like his Uncle told him to do.

“Do you always listen to your Uncle?” I asked.

There was no answer.

“You ever fucked a woman, Joe?”

Still, there was no answer.

“You can fuck me if you like.”

Joe turned around and looked me in the eye.

“You can feel my tits and hers as well,” I said, pointing to Jen, “she likes a good cock, just like me.”

Joe looked towards Jen and then back at me. He got up from the sofa and walked over to us.

“Take it out, let me look at it.”

Joe unbuttoned his trousers and let his long and thin cock spring from the smelly confines of his stained underpants.

“Let me suck it for you,” I enticed him further and Joe arched his body in my direction.

My lips wrapped around the head of his cock and I soon found it responding despite my repulsion at the smell.

The more I sucked, the further my nostrils got away from Joe’s smelly underpants. I eventually let his erect cock slip from my mouth.

“We can teach you all about sex if you want.”

Joe nodded.

“But you need to untie us.”

Joe hesitated but made a move for Jen and started to untie her bonds. He fetched his handgun and raised it towards me as he untied my bonds.

“Come on, Joe, let’s have some fun. Lie on your back.”

Joe did as he was told but he clenched the gun in his right hand all the time.

“Jen here is going to teach you all about oral sex and I’m going to fuck your lovely cock. Do you want that?”

My tone was condescending, to say the least, but Joe just nodded eagerly.

I straddled Joe’s cock and while grasping it, pointed it to my entrance. Jen took the hint and guided her pussy to Joe’s lips. I didn’t know whether it was the lad’s first attempt at sex but Jen was moaning and I gathered he was doing a really good job on her clit.

Jen started moaning as Joe grunted profusely. I could feel Joe’s cock stiffen and his come shoot into me as I mercilessly rode him. I immediately pushed Jen off Joe’s face and told her to get on all fours.

“Come on, Joe, now it’s your turn to fuck Jen.”

I watched from behind, the gun still in his hand as his other hand guided his cock into Jen’s wet pussy.

“Yessss…” Joe grunted through clenched teeth.

“Fuck her, Joe, she loves long hard strokes,” I encouraged him.

Joe fucked Jen but found that it was hard to keep up with her. With each forward push, she inched away from his cock, despite its length.

“Go on, Joe, give her your cock,” I encouraged.

Joe shuffled forward, gun in one hand and the other resting on Jen’s hips. He fucked her a few times but each time she moved forward.

Joe was beside himself and eventually, he put the gun down on the chair, clenched Jen’s hips with both hands and let his bottom fuck his cock into her waiting depths. Joe didn’t feel the crash of the saucepan across his head as he fell sideways; his cock instantly deflating as he hit the floor, unconscious.

We recovered quickly. It wasn’t long before Jen and I had tied him up with the rope and dragged him to the barn. We propped him up in the corner near a hay bale.

“Shame,” Jen said as she looked down at his body, “that was a nice long cock.”

“It sure was,” I replied with a smile.

Jen found some spare shoes and a smock for me before we started to run out of the barn and down the path. We must have run for about ten minutes before the sun started glinting through the trees. As we rounded a corner, Jen saw the familiar sight of the horse and cart that Doug had taken to the village.

Doug had soon jumped from the cart and was running towards us as we jumped into his arms. Mumbled speech and glances back towards Jen’s home filled Doug in on the course of events that had occurred.

By the time Doug reached the shack, Jamie was brandishing his shotgun and stumbling from the shack in his underpants and loose grey shirt. He was shouting for Joe when he heard the sound of a rifle shot before he felt the bullet rip through his left shoulder. His instant response was to spin around and fire the shotgun. The second shot from Doug’s rifle didn’t miss and Uncle Jamie fell to the floor.

A couple of hours after the skirmish, Doug had helped the Tracker Guard load the dead body onto the back of the spare horse. Joe was tied to the saddle and would have to walk behind.

Doug watched the younger lad as they left; whether to live or die, Doug didn’t actually care.

When Doug came back into the shack, he found Jen and me naked and waiting for him.

“I guess you’re feeling randy, wanna have an upturned arse to fuck,” I told him, I knew that Doug would appreciate my backside as much as I would appreciate his cock. The smile on Jen’s face said it all.

Neither Jen nor myself waited for an answer. We hurried back inside the bedroom, where this time it was Jen on her back and I licking avidly at her pussy. Jen watched her naked husband appear at the doorway.

My tongue entered Jen’s pussy just as Doug’s hard cock spread my lips wide.

I just knew that it was going to be a long and very pleasurable week.

As the weeks passed, it became apparent that I was going to stay with Jen and Doug. I wanted to be with Jen whenever Doug left for supplies. I couldn’t leave her on her own, not after what happened. Though I will admit that I miss Sarah deeply, and even miss Mark and Emily. I know I will see them again, one day. And, so it was, that I sent a letter to Sarah to inform her of my decision. Doug delivered it a few days later when he visited the refuge.

I find it funny, in a way, what kind of circumstances bring people together and what breaks them apart or allows them to make different arrangements. While I will always love Sarah, it is Jen that I want to be with right now, and since Doug doesn’t mind being pleasured by two horny women then it’s a win-win situation for all of us. The sex is great. The mountains are great too and I love being this side of them.

Written by DarkSide
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