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Survival Instincts – Chapter 4

"Survival can release a number of emotions, sexual instinct being one of them."

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Author's Notes

"This is a set of five chapters that follow the adventures of two women – fighting for survival in a land where lives are cheap. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But there is hope that lies on the other side of the mountain range. A place where normality, peace and even a home, await them."

Our time with Jeff and Emily Warren was wonderful. They made us feel as if we were part of their family. We had to work, to earn our keep, and it was hard work on the farm. We often ended up completely knackered in the evenings and we would all be glad to get to bed and sleep.

Each of us occupied a separate room with a single bed and a shared bathroom. We couldn’t believe it at first; the least we expected was for us girls to be put together, but Warren’s farm was big enough to accommodate all of us in separate rooms.  I could tell that it hit Sarah the hardest.

Every time we seemed to be together in the field she would pester me to put my hand up her skirt and pleasure her. Her pleading made me smile and I would grin back at her and lick my lips. Most of the time I would comply with her wishes but it would be a quickie at most. On the odd occasion, I would refuse. That always put her in a bad mood, but I couldn’t help it.

I know she fucked Mark once or twice as well. I know this because on those occasions I heard Jeff have a go at her for being low on her quota; not harvesting enough grain. Mark would also be low on quota as well but not as much as Sarah.

The smirk she wore over dinner on those evenings was rather telling and her sly glances in Mark’s direction always brought a smile to my face. I think Jeff and Emily were oblivious to their comings and goings.

At night time, I would often stand outside Jeff and Emily’s door to see whether I could hear them have sex.  Either they didn’t or they were very quiet about it.

On occasion, I would be desperate for it. I would sneak into Sarah’s bedroom and slide in beside her. She was always glad to see me and we would spend the whole evening pleasuring each other. I liked nothing better than for her to slide down between my thighs and plant her soft lips over my pussy, prise them apart and lick her tongue along and in between my slit. I would often pinch my nipples and rub the palms of my hands over them as I let her pleasure me. She always got me so close, so quickly.

I would be panting and lifting my bottom from the bed as she licked me. Her hands would curl around my thighs and hold me in place, stop me from wriggling and throwing her tongue off its target. She would get me really close and then she would play with me. Softer kisses and flicks of her tongue flowed over my sensitive spots. I knew what she wanted and I always did it. When I could take no more, my hands flew down to grasp her head and I held her still while I fucked my pussy into her mouth.

Then, and only then, would she lick me like a demented demon? Her tongue would swipe all over my pussy before she would plant her mouth on my clit and suck it. When that happened, I would come instantly. As I bucked and thrust myself into her, she would then insert a finger into my cunt, quickly followed by another and fuck them into me. That always made my orgasm kick into second gear and I would invariably end up panting hard before gasping inaudibly.

By the time the sound started to come out of my mouth again, my cunt would be shaking with spasms and I would be gushing pussy juice all over her beautiful face. 

Sarah loved that. She would gather as much in her mouth as she could and lick the rest of it up before rising up my body and kissing me on the lips. Often, her mouth would be full of my juices and she would share them with me. We kissed so passionately when she did that.

Once I had come, it would be my turn to return the favour. She would always get the same as me, I made sure of that.

With tight schedules and hard work, we would often fall asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning, I would sneak back to my room for my towel before visiting the bathroom.

On about three occasions, I had the unfortunate chance of meeting Emily when I had scampered from Sarah’s room. I don’t know what she thought of it, but I presumed she would only think innocent thoughts of why I was leaving her room in the early hours of the morning.

One morning, I met Emily as I was exiting Sarah’s room a little too early. At five thirty in the morning, I think she could tell that it wasn’t an early morning wake up call. She was polite and wished me a good morning. I nodded to her and smiled before rushing into my room.

At six that morning, I reappeared and headed for the bathroom; giving her bedroom door a quick glance on my way past. I was well on my way through the bathroom door; closing it quickly behind me and I never saw Emily appear from the stairway, watching me.

Before heading out to the fields, I asked Emily whether I could help out with the cooking that evening. She seemed to warm to the idea and told me to be back by five o’clock and that she would have a word with Jeff.

The reaping work was hard, back-breaking, and as soon as it was cut, it had to be gathered before more cutting. It was never-ending for this time of year. Sarah would often be seen slacking. Taking rests and swiping the sweat from her brow. She would often glance in my direction; trying her best to incite a sexual response in me.

By four thirty, I had gathered my last bale of wheat and had stacked it neatly with the rest before heading back to the farm. I could see Emily through the kitchen window as I approached. I shouted to tell her that I would take a quick shower and join her.

Her smile was intoxicating and I found myself having naughty thoughts about her.

I ran upstairs and rapidly splashed water over me and wiped it off just as quickly. I choose a short skirt and top in an attempt to reveal as much flesh as I could. I looked at my knickers on the bed and decided to leave them there. As I entered the kitchen I saw Emily leaning over the sink. When she turned I had no choice but to watch her breasts wobble before coming to an agreed stop.

“What can I do to help?”

“Some potatoes, in there, on the bottom shelf,” she said, pointing to the walk-in larder.

I smiled at her before turning to walk towards the larder. Before I entered I noticed her still looking in my direction as she nonchalantly polished a plate with a tea-towel. My eyes opened wide at the thought of what I was about to do.

“Bottom shelf, yeah?” I confirmed looking back at her. This was going better than planned.

Emily nodded and watched as I bent from the hips to rummage in the basket on the bottom shelf. I knew for certain that my pussy would be on show. I know this because I had practised it in front of a mirror in the bathroom that I took off the wall and placed on a table. I knew that my smooth lips would be facing her and I hoped, glistening as they did so. They should be, I had my fingers in there only a few minutes ago and I hadn’t even washed my hands before rushing downstairs.

I just knew she was looking. I twisted my body and managed a sly glance in her direction. I was both surprised and shocked at what I managed to see in those few seconds. Her tongue had extended and she was actively licking her upper lip as she watched my bottom.  I just knew that she was imagining her own tongue sliding up and down my pussy lips. I just knew it.

An immediate rush of heat flowed through me. My pussy leaked profusely. My nipples tingled. I grasped the potatoes and just remained bent. My eyes closed as I imagined Emily’s tongue reaching out to descend on my wetness. I didn’t want to spoil the moment; I wanted to stay there forever while her thoughts of ravaging me combined with my thoughts of letting her, engulfed me.

But I had to rise and walk back towards her. I pulled the potatoes up with me and turned to face her. By the time I did, she had turned back to the kitchen sink. I walked towards Emily and placed them down beside her. Grabbing a knife from the rack, I washed the potatoes in some water and started to peel them.

All I could think of was how much my pussy was leaking. My heart was pounding in my chest and I wanted to tell her what I saw. I was scared. What if I was wrong? What if I had misinterpreted that moment?

I let Emily watch me peel the potatoes and only glanced in her direction when I thought she wasn’t looking. I was wrong. She always seemed to be looking at me. Eventually, I smiled at her before reluctantly returning to grasp another potato from the pile.

“I’ve been listening to you.”

Emily’s voice seemed quiet, nothing more than a whisper in my ear. It was associated with a hand that had come to rest firmly on my bottom; a hand that was under my skirt and against my bare flesh.

My heart rate jumped through the roof.

“Have you?” I questioned.

Emily’s hand squeezed my flesh before she let her hand slide around to the inside of my bottom; her outstretched finger inching forward into the folds of my pussy.

“Every night I listen at Sarah’s door and every now and then I hear cries coming from inside.”

I let out a moan and the words ‘fuck’ left my mouth as the wetness of my pussy almost sucked her finger inside me.

“I hear whimpering and cries of pleasure. Do you know what I mean?”

Emily was breathing close to my ear as she whispered every sentence.

“Yes,” I nodded as Emily’s finger slid along the length of my slit. I felt the pad of her fingertip come up on my clit and she slowly circled it before I felt it disappear up inside me. I started to whimper as her fingers caressed me.

“Do you like what I’m doing to you now?”

“Fuck, yes, I love what you’re doing to me.”

“I thought you would,” Emily giggled.

“You’re gonna come for me now, aren’t you?”

It wasn’t a question that needed an answer. If she continued doing what she was doing, it would be a statement of fact.

I nodded my approval of her actions but I hadn’t expected to come quite so fast. Then again, I hadn’t expected her thumb to force itself inside my anus; lubricated by the soapsuds that covered her hand. It slipped in effortlessly and before long I was being fingered and thumb fucked in both my holes.

Her finger slowly slipped out me to rub furiously against my clit as her thumb plugged my rear entrance. I found my body rising upwards over the sink; my hands pushing upwards as I converted the sensations into a mind-blowing climax. I was standing on tiptoes as I came hard against her thrusting hand. Just at the point of losing it, Emily blew my mind by letting her tongue invade my earlobe. She licked at it as my body convulsed over the kitchen sink.

I gasped and thrashed my body on her hand as I recklessly spent myself. Spittle covered my chin and I kept repeating the words ‘fuck’ over and over as I pushed my body back onto her thumb that was all the way up my arse.

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Without warning, she pulled her hand away from me.

“Control yourself woman, pull yourself together,” she corrected me, sternly.

It was more of a hushed-up command than anything else. My skirt fell over my backside and I took in one last gulp of air before I let myself slip down to stand on the floor. Emily had left my side and was greeting her husband at the side door. She must have seen him approach from the window to my right. I never knew he was there.

I immediately pulled myself together and started peeling another potato as Jeff entered the kitchen; kissing his wife on her cheek as he did so. I looked at him rush past and up the stairs to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I turned to face Emily, walked towards her and smiled.

“Just as well he didn’t kiss your fingers,” I said, reaching out to grasp them I lifted them to my mouth. I seductively licked her fingers clean before letting her hand go.

“Tonight – come down here tonight. Be here at one o’clock. Now, come on, we have to cook.”

With that, we both turned to finish the preparation for the evening meal. The atmosphere was very different. We were both relaxed with each other. She had felt my climax hard against her fingers and I was so looking forward to the evening ahead.

The evening dragged. All five of us ate, talked and passed away the evening. But for me, one o’clock couldn’t come fast enough. By eleven that evening I had retired to bed. I feigned sleepiness all evening and I told Sarah that I was knackered and about to pass out. I felt awful lying to her like that, but as soon as I did, my excitement level went through the roof, especially as I knew I was going to get a mouthful of Emily’s pussy at one o’clock. I couldn’t fucking wait.

I rushed up to bed and started fingering my pussy in expectation. I watched the clock.

Five past twelve.

I heard Mark enter his bedroom.

Fifteen minutes past twelve.

I was lying on the bed with my fingers up me looking at the time when I heard a small knock on my door.

I froze.

The door opened slightly and I rolled over facing the opposite wall. I think it was Sarah and I knew she had come to see if I was awake. I lay there quite still, unmoving, in feigned deep sleep. Except that I was anything but asleep. My mind was racing, my heart beating fast and I was wishing that the door would close.

It did.

Twenty past twelve.

Jeff and Emily entered their bedroom and I could hear them settling down for the night. I heard someone hit the bed heavily and guessed it would be Jeff. I listened intently for sounds of movement but there was none.

Twenty-five past twelve.

Oh for fuck's sake,’ I whispered at the clock. ‘Come on.

I lay there, perfectly still waiting for the clock to catch up with my nocturnal intentions. I felt sleepy.

I came to with a start. I stared at the clock and almost gasped out loud when I saw the time. It was five past one and I was still in bed. What the fuck was I thinking? Falling asleep like that!

I got up and slowly opened the door. I looked out into the hallway but saw no one. Every door was closed. I was about to step from my room when Mark’s door opened. I quickly shut mine and I heard him make a bee-line for Sarah’s room. Through the crack of my door, I saw him enter Sarah’s room.

In a sense, I was relieved, as I knew no one would come looking for me now. I quickly left my room and scampered down the stairs. I looked around – no one. I walked through to the kitchen and stared intently into the darkness.

“You’re late,” said Emily, from behind the door.

I jumped out of my skin and then turned and looked at her as she slowly closed the door. Her nakedness caused me to smile. Her voluptuous breasts burst out in front of her and my hands instinctively came up around both of them. I pressed and squeezed them together; my lips approached her lips by the sheer weight of magnetism.

I kissed her. Tender at first but passionate kisses soon took over and soon we were pounding our mouths together and thrashing our tongues at each other for what seemed like ages. All the while, my hands kneaded her breasts. Her back was against the wall and Emily could go nowhere by the time my fingers pushed themselves up inside her cunt. Two of them went right up inside, gathering as much juice on them as possible before I retracted them and sucked them into my own mouth.

She tasted divine.

I pulled her from the doorway and led her to the table. Pushing her onto it, I grabbed her knees with my hands and pushed her thighs apart. My tongue was already out and making a beeline for her wet, juicy spot.

Emily put her hands behind her and held herself upright as she watched me descend to her sex. Her thighs touched the table on each side. It was a wonderful sight to see. My tongue touched her first but sank immediately into her velvet wetness before my mouth plastered itself all over her lips. Her feet wrapped over my shoulders.

I licked and sucked at her sex like a starving hyena. She tasted heavenly and I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she gave me earlier. I lapped at her pussy, alternating between pushing my tongue inside her and letting it roll around all over her outer lips. Every once in a while I let it rest on her clit and flicked it up and down, left to right, before once more, pushing it inside her.

I could feel her body react to my oral ministrations. I felt her lift and lower her body as I licked her. I heard her groan with pleasure as she swirled her pussy around in my face. When I looked up into her eyes, they were a picture of abject pleasure. Her eyes never left my tongue.

I started to watch her, intently. Every movement of her body seemed to match my pattern of licking to enable her to get the most out of every touch. Suddenly, Emily started to moan out loud, uttering the same words that I had done earlier. I watched her smile as she shook her head from side to side as she watched me lick her.

“Lick it! Lick it, now,” she whispered.

I let my tongue flick at her clit and seconds later my mouth clamped down on it as I sucked it between my lips.

God! Did she come hard?

I swear it was the hardest come I had ever experienced from a woman, but let’s face it – she was only the third one I had ever had. I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted to make her come forever.

It was only when I was physically pushed away from her convulsing body that I raised my head and looked into her eyes.

With her body suitably ravaged, her eyes told me a different story. They were alive, piercing my own eyes like steel bolts shot from the end of a rail gun. She slid off the table, grabbed both my arms and slung me over the table. She descended on me like a rampant lion.

Devouring my lips, my tits and nipples; sucking and biting them as her face slid downwards. Her mouth contacted my sex and her tongue exploded inside me. A finger came up on my anus just like she had done earlier.

I came as her mouth sucked at my clit. She stopped, just short of my orgasm to flick it with her tongue but by then I was well on my way to climaxing. I grabbed her head in an unconditional response and pulled her into my nether regions. Fuck, she could lick.

I was seriously out of breath by the time she had stopped pleasuring me and I must have come three or four times.

Emily lifted my limp body from the table and kissed me on the lips. Her arms encircled me and she pulled me towards her. My legs wrapped around her body and we rested there for what seemed like ages; kissing and fondling each other. Our pussies were inches away from each other but neither of us touched them.

For now, at least, our sexual drive was sated. We just enjoyed the feel of each other’s warm bodies.


I was to find out much later that Emily was disappointed when she had to succumb to having Mark stay at the farm. She had deliberately chosen both of us women, who she had correctly surmised were not normal in the sense of needing men to satisfy them. She had secretly hoped that all three of us would become intimate and help her in her quest for sexual freedom.

We certainly did that. Well, I did. Sarah didn’t have a clue that Emily and I regularly met downstairs, on the kitchen table in the early hours of the morning where we licked each other senseless before I returned to my bed and she returned to her sleeping husband.

After that first day, I helped out in the kitchen more often than I helped in the fields. We pleasured ourselves in the larder, over the lounge chairs, and finally, in the marital bed. It was there that she introduced me to tribbing.

While holding one of my legs in the air and clasping it tight to her chest, she rocked her body and thrust her pussy and clit over mine. The pleasure was excruciatingly wonderful. The first time she did this, I came first with the constant rubbing of my clit. The second time, she came first and I held on tight to her as she rubbed herself to climax. After that, we were determined to come together. We managed it several times.

For me, it felt like it was the most beautiful position that two women could ever be in. Both experiencing the same feelings at the same time. The pleasure building slowly until the intense rubbing exploded in our loins; a bit like fucking but with both women experiencing the same sensations.

On more than one occasion we were nearly discovered. Once by Sarah, but we managed to stay quiet until she left. We were lucky, but she would never enter Emily’s bedroom without being asked.

Sarah became suspicious for two reasons: the first was that neither of us was around preparing food when she arrived back at the farmhouse, and the other was that Sarah and I hardly engaged in any form of sexual activity anymore.

Even though the sex was wonderful, I eventually became restless. Thankful for all Emily and Jeff had done for me, but restless. After a month of Emily and I pleasuring ourselves, I decided that I wanted to visit Jen and Doug at the mountain shack. Over the course of about a week, I made my excuses and reasoned with Emily and Jeff that I would like to visit them to see how they were getting on.

I think Emily knew the real reason, but Jeff was oblivious to why I would want to leave this safe farming community for the mountains on the edge of oblivion. I knew otherwise. So did Sarah and Mark but at least they kept quiet about it.

The night before I left I stayed in Sarah’s bed. I happened to mention that Emily had a rather deliciously tasting pussy. I winked at her before slipping down under the bedclothes to lick at her sodden lips.

I think she forgave me – eventually.

Written by DarkSide
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