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Survival Instincts – Chapter 3

"Survival can release a number of emotions, sexual instinct being one of them."

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Author's Notes

"This is a set of five chapters that follow the adventures of two women – fighting for survival in a land where lives are cheap. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But there is hope that lies on the other side of the mountain range. A place where normality, peace and even a home, await them."

We approached upwind of the cottage in case there were any animals in the near vicinity. That was Mark’s contribution which was very sensible; I hadn’t thought that animals may be present but Mark reckoned on dogs and possibly horses this high up, and their sense of smell and hearing would have given us away in seconds.

Sarah suggested we be quiet; which was a given as far as I was concerned and my contribution was that we should all go together; safety in numbers and all that shit. Not that anyone was safe these days.

Our gear was left behind the last little hill before the shack; a good five hundred yards away, and we slowly crept forward to investigate as much as we could. It was also Mark’s idea that we blacken our faces with mud to make ourselves look like Special Forces operatives. Personally, I think he had been reading too many books, but we did it anyway.

Mark was right, there were horses and I could clearly see them in a make-shift corral. There were two horses, meaning two people. Mark remained behind as we approached and Sarah and I split left and right.

I had to laugh when I saw Sarah creep forward like a Ninja; only Elephant would have been more appropriate, especially when she slipped and fell forward. At least she had the good sense to stay down for a while before raising her head up. I wanted to run to her aid, but that would have caused too much noise. I hadn’t moved very far and I heard Mark say fuck under his breath and I had to agree with him. I could have done with a fuck right then.

I kept on moving to the right and I ducked behind a tree stump when I saw the door open. My heart was beating fast and I stayed hidden for what seemed like ages. In reality, it was probably only twenty or thirty seconds. I peered over the stump and saw the outline of a man walk to the adjacent barn and fetch two saddles for the horses. I wondered if they were leaving or just going out for a ride. He saddled up one horse and left the other saddle over the fencing. I watched as he walked back indoors. After a while, he reappeared, climbed on his horse and headed down the path.

Once he was out of sight, I got up and rushed to the side of the cabin. I could see Mark waving to me to get away from the cabin, but I needed to know who else was inside. If it was a woman we could be in luck. I peered around the window frame but saw no-one. I desperately wanted to but the window opened onto the bedroom. I wandered around the cottage, silently; or so I thought.

I could see that Sarah was now back with Mark and I risked another look through the next window. My head recoiled and I stood upright and flat against the cabin walls when my eyes caught sight of a woman preparing vegetables at the table. I was terrified; scared shitless of being caught.

I was about to try a different route which meant moving to the front of the shack. As I was about to move around the corner a hand came up on my throat and grasped me. I let out a shrill scream in shock. My breath comes fast and my eyes wide open. I looked into the eyes of the man that I thought had left on horseback. He quickly pulled me towards him; turning me around and clasping my hands behind my back tightly as he did so. He raised my arms in the air and I was powerless to get out of the hold he had on me. He marched me into the shack and I was immediately faced by the woman pointing a knife in my face. He threw me across the table, grabbed her knife and placed it across my neck.

“Who the fuck are you? What do you want? Where are you from? Are you on your own?”

So many questions, but my rapid intake of breath wouldn’t allow words to form at all.

I looked from him to her and back to him. My lips quivered. My heart thumped and my body quaked. I was dead. This was it, the end for Melissa Brendan-Foster. I just hoped that Mark and Sarah would get the fuck away from here, back to the camp and leave. I didn’t want Sarah to experience what I had experienced at Braymaster Station.

The man shouted his question at me for a second time.

“Melissa. Hungry. Over the mountain. Yes.”

I could see that he was rapidly taking in the answers to all the questions he had asked. To avoid the knife cutting me, I offered a more coherent description.

“I-I’ve come from over the mountain, so much death. I want to find a nice place. Please – please don’t hurt me.”

“She’s scared stiff, hun,” the woman said as she reached for her man’s hand and slowly moved the knife away from my throat.

I started to breathe a little easier with the threat of death diminishing with every inch the blade moved away from me. The man pulled me up towards him and I was marched to a chair near the fireplace. The woman brought me a mug of water which I quickly drank.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling at her.

“We get a few nasty types coming over the mountain. We’ve got to be careful. The patrols take care of most of them but you must have got past somehow. You’re lucky you stumbled upon us,” the woman said.

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for the noise that I heard earlier out back, this could have turned out very different.”

Fucking Sarah and her stumble, I thought.

“My name is Jen and this is Doug, by the way.”

Jen, my eyes sank to the floor and my mind raced into the past one more time.

In the thirty minutes since my capture, I had told them all about my journey and where we had come from. Yes, I decided to trust them, and when I first told them about Sarah and Mark, Doug went outside to try and find them, but they were nowhere to be seen. I expected that because we had decided that if anything should happen to anyone, we would rendezvous back at the camp.

They made me comfortable and fed me. The food was glorious; carrots and peas with salted beef and potatoes. There was bread as well. It was heaven. Absolute heaven. By the time we had finished talking and eating it was halfway through the afternoon. Doug had decided to come with me back to the camp to fetch the others and he would take us down to the nearest town. The refuge would take care of us from there.

As we set off, he swiftly picked his gun up from inside the door.

Both of us approached the camp as cautiously as we had approached the shack earlier. We needn’t have bothered being quiet. As we walked from behind the tree into partial view I could hear sounds that did not indicate that they were distraught at my absence. I placed a hand out to stop Doug going any further and we stood next to each other watching Sarah perform.

She looked fucking horny.

I don’t know what he thought of them, or me, but I noticed a twitch in his jeans as we watched Sarah mount Mark and lower her groin over his erect cock. Her cries of pleasure coming every ten seconds or so as his cock thrust into her. I crept forward with every Oh Fuck that I heard come out of her mouth. Doug followed me.

I looked down at his crotch and I could see that he was aroused. I admit to wanting to take his cock out but it would have been wrong to do so; especially as he was our rescuer.

We let them finish; getting closer with each step. It was amazing that Mark had not even noticed our approach, and I was definitely not going to let them get away with this Scott free. I waited for the moment when –

Sarah started to moan and groan; telling Mark that she was about to come and that he mustn’t stop.  Mark was indicating that he too was about to climax, this time, inside her.

“Missed me, I see?” I shouted.

Mark’s body stiffened as he sat bolt upright causing Sarah to be pushed from his lap; stones bit into her bottom as she fell onto the ground. She cried out as she hit the deck. It served her right, I thought.

It was Mark that recovered first.

“Who’s the man?” he asked, trying to cover his modesty as best he could. Problem was, Mark had a nice long cock and there was no way he was going to hide it in that state.

“Doug,” I said, “he and his wife, Jen, live in the shack.”

Sarah got up but never bothered to cover her wonderful body. Her breasts bounced as she sauntered over to Doug and offered her hand to him. He took it, though I think he would have liked to have swiped his palm across her breast rather than shake a hand.

“I could have been dead, and all you do is come back here and fuck,” I started to shout at them.

“We knew you were alright,” said Mark. We saw you get taken, I went to the window and looked in. I saw you on the chair, frightened but alive, we decided then to head back. We guessed you’d be back soon.”

“You bastards!”

Sarah smiled, sidled up to me and I instantly forgave her when she kissed me. I think Doug was astounded at that because his mouth fell open when we kissed for longer than a couple of seconds. This was no friendship kiss at all. This was a glad to see you kiss. A miss you kiss. A snog.

The two of them finally got dressed and packed up their belongings. We were to stay the night at the shack and make our way down to the nearest town in the morning. At least we would have our last night together in the warmth and comfort of somewhere safe. I couldn’t quite believe that we had made it. But we had.

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We ate a hearty meal that evening and very much looked forward to the journey down from the mountain. Doug and Jen filled us in on the where we were, the refuge and how we would be treated. We weren’t the first people that they had taken to safety and probably wouldn’t be the last.

Our sleeping quarters were arranged into male and female. The three of us found ourselves vying for position on the double bed. But in the end, Sarah and I decided to sleep at the foot of the bed and leave Jen the luxury of having all the space to herself. Both the men were relegated to the main room and out of sight.

It was a shame, as we would have preferred that all three of us stay in the main room; leaving Doug and Jen to the bedroom. I had dreamt up a few scenarios as we ate our evening meal, all of which had to be abandoned.

Nevertheless, we waited silently at the foot of the bed until Jen had fallen asleep before we started kissing. It was both gentle and surreal because here we were, situations reversed, on the floor instead of the bed with another person asleep or listening.

At that moment, I wanted Sarah so much I would have died to have her. Fortunately, she was in the same state as I was. It wasn’t long before our hands were upon each other’s breasts. Everything was gentle. I’m not sure why gentleness crept into the equation, maybe it was because of the fact that we were safe, I don’t know. Before today, we would have had fingers in pussies well before now and it would have turned into a feeding frenzy of sexual activity.

Instead, we kissed, fondled, caressed and cared for each other. My hand was the first to slide down her unblemished skin and touch her sex. My finger slipped in easily causing a shallow moan to be released from Sarah’s throat. She did the very same to me and we pushed our fingers into each other as we snogged.

I knew that sooner or later we would have to make a noise.

“Me too!”

My eyes shot open when I realised that Sarah had not uttered those words and I looked up to the bed to see Jen sitting over the end, legs splayed, with her finger stroking her pussy.

“Please,” she pleaded.

I looked at Sarah and planted a kiss on her lips before raising myself off the floor. I knelt to one side of Jen and kissed her full on the lips. At the same time, Sarah planted her mouth on the inside of her thigh and kissed her way upwards. Jen’s body pulsed with expectation; sighing with every kiss, every touch and every breath that caressed her body.

Her loud moan into my mouth was accompanied by Sarah’s tongue penetrating her outer lips. I could smell her sex as it oozed its fragrance to fill the room. A hand encircled my body and Jen pulled me in closer to her. Her hand rested on my head and she pushed me downwards as she climbed up the bed; legs splayed wide. We were both invited to please her and we both accepted.

Sarah and I planted kisses along her inner thigh, working upwards and closer to her sex. This time, I was the first to reach her sex and I sucked her lips into my mouth before pushing them back out; my tongue following their movement up along her slit and into her pussy. As I moved back down her thigh, Sarah performed the same movement. It was as if it was rehearsed, but it wasn’t.

Jen let a loud groan escape her lips, which consequently caused me to look towards the door. 

“Fucking lick me.”

Her next words were much louder and from there on I had made the decision that it was pointless trying to be quiet. Jen’s bum had lifted off the bed and as Sarah finished lapping her tongue up towards Jen’s clit, I got on all fours and planted my tongue on the underside of her pussy, close to her anus. I licked upwards and took in her sweet scent as my mouth rolled over her pussy.

Jen cried out once more and pulled at her nipples with each stroke of our tongues; first me, and then Sarah, as we took it in turns to lap along her wet and fragrant slit. I was in heaven and I suspect Sarah was with me all the way.

Jen’s cries became louder and louder the closer she got to her release. We made sure she was edged further and further to that cliff before we let her fall off. It was a competition to see how far we could push her before she exploded on us.

I started to lick her pussy on the left-hand side; concentrating on her lips and clit. It wasn’t long before Sarah had joined me on her other side and we tongued her in unison; our tongues mingling in the warmth of her moistness.

I never even bothered to turn around when I heard the door creak open.

“Which one do you want?” It was a rhetorical question by Mark.

“Either?” came Doug’s reply.

“Take Sarah then, she’s tighter.”

Fucking hell, I thought, since when did I become loose.

Although we didn’t know Doug’s or Jen’s ages, they looked a lot older, so the sight of Sarah on all fours must have excited Doug no end.

We never stopped our oral attack on Jen’s pussy all the while their cocks slid up inside our wet and willing cunts. I let Sarah continue to bring Jen off because I wanted to watch the expression on her face when she realised what was happening.

Her face was a picture when she opened her eyes; part surprise and part relief at her husband enjoying himself buried deep inside Sarah. I felt hands encroach my hips and knew that Mark was going to hammer into me. I watched as Doug copied him. Sarah licked and sucked Jen in earnest as she knew that once her orgasm started to build she would not deliver the concentration necessary to bring Jen off.

I lovingly kissed Jen’s upper thigh as I saw her tip over the edge. She must have been so close to it and I reckon the sight of her husband joining in with our lesbian fetishes secured her climax. Jen came hard but it was only after she climaxed that Sarah started to abandon herself and push her body back onto Doug’s welcoming cock. I did the same with Mark until his cock bottomed out inside me. I knelt forward, my head resting on the bed and my body draped across Jen’s leg. I let Mark thrust into me until he came.

It wasn’t me that took his seed. It was Jen. Mark had pulled out of me once I had made my orgasm audible and more or less ran to the side of Jen; presenting his cock to her mouth so that she could clean up. Seconds later and without much help, his spunk erupted down her throat.

I found myself wondering while gasping for much-needed air, how long it had been since she had taken someone else’s cock like that or how long it had been since Doug had fucked a horny young woman. For all I knew, they may have done it quite regularly.

Sarah was the last to come. I don’t know how she managed to survive Doug’s onslaught for so long, but he had come inside her long ago. I reckon she was milking him for everything that he had.

After we were all sated, we actually started to chat.

I was right about Jen, it had been quite a while since she had her pussy licked by a woman, but it was something she enjoyed so much. Though not as much as spending her time with Doug in this mountain retreat.

She was eager to give us a taste of the same medicine and I immediately volunteered to go first, as I would of course. Jen was wonderful and the experience of the older woman definitely showed.

As we were finishing pleasuring ourselves, we watched Sarah take both the men. Her mouth eager to please Doug and her mounting pleasure were about to make sure that Mark came at the precise time for all three of them.

We finally fell asleep in the same room. A far cry from the male and female division we had earlier.

I awoke to the smell of bacon. Bacon! I mean, how luxurious was that!

Jen had already prepared the bread and laid the table, so there wasn’t much for me to do. I asked if I could help and she grabbed my hand and placed it underneath her long white shirt and told me to stroke her while she turned the bacon.

My finger slipped in easily. I would say that she was almost as insatiable as Sarah, but then, the pleasures of the female flesh had been dormant a long time.

We had to leave. Heaven forbid, none of us wanted to. But we had to announce ourselves to the authorities in this new world.

We were sad to leave.

Jen was sad to see us leave.

But we all made the trek downwards and into the valley beyond.


Doug made all the arrangements for us. We hardly said a word. It was about thirty or so minutes when he announced that he would head back to the shack. We thanked him for his kindness and generosity. They are the two most outstanding human traits that show themselves when you need them the most. We were introduced to Jeff and Emily our new carers.

At the refuge, Mark was taken in one direction and Sarah and I in another. We watched as he was led away, doe-eyed and open-mouthed.

We looked at each other and a sense of loss overcame us.

“Wait!” I shouted.

“We want to stay together, can we, please?”

Emily shrugged and before we knew it Mark was walking back towards us. I looked at Sarah and whispered in her ear.

“They have no idea about us do they?”

She shook her head in agreement, bit the side of her lip and grinned.

We giggled all the way to our next home. I think we can call it that.



Written by DarkSide
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