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Semina Vitae Six

"A Marriage Adventure in Mipple City"

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The Friday Before: 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM

“Good morning, sleepy head. Time to get up. You have work today.“

Mack mumbled a few things and went into the shower. It was Friday morning and he was exhausted. Mary followed him a few minutes later. They clung to each other as two shower heads pumped gallons of hot water onto their backs. Mack had designed the shower with three things in mind. First, it had to be large enough for two but still be an intimate space; second, it had to have a bench so he could just sit and let the water pour over him from the neck down; and third, it had to have two independently controlled shower heads so Mary and he could do exactly what they were doing now.

Slowly the heat of the water penetrated the fog of his brain. Clutching Mary helped him reclaim his authority over his body. The sinew, muscle, bone, and brain began to work together again. He opened his eyes to see Mary looking at him quizzically at first and then smiling.

“Rough night last night, sailor?”

“Yeah. Whew. You sure know how to show a sailor a good time.”

“You going to be okay?”

Mack smiled. “If you consider smiling all day about how much I love you.”

“I will take that as a yes.“

“How about you?”

“I’m okay. In fact, I am feeling pretty darn good about everything.”

Mack looked at Mary through one open eye.

“Did you have coffee already?”

“I did as a matter of fact.”


“I might say the same thing about you after last night.”

Mack grinned broadly. “It was fuckin’ great. Both times.”

“Hmmm, I had a nice time, too, sailor, but it’s time to get you cleaned up and back to work.”

“I don’t know that I am ready for that.”

“Well, you just stand there and let me do all the clean-up.”

Mary reached for the shampoo and poured some in her hands. She shampooed Mack’s head and then washed his body with care. There was love in her touch as she soaped him and rinsed him. From behind, she reached around his waist and soaped his cock and balls letting her hands explore him in a gentle massage. Her breasts pressed against his back and gave him comfort. Mack leaned his forearms against the shower wall and let Mary experience him as only she could do.

Satisfied with Mack above the waist, Mary crouched. The water flowed over her hair and dragged it into her face. She tossed her hair to flip the water off and repositioned her head to avoid the torrent falling upon her. She washed both of Mack’s legs with long strokes, kneading the musculature as she cleaned him. She stood and turned him around a few times to rinse him off.

“Ok, big guy, get your butt out of the shower now. You shave and brush your teeth while I finish in here.”

“That was nice, my turn to do you next time.”


Mack walked out of the shower. Mary swiveled the two shower heads towards the bench and sat down. She looked like she was going to soak for a while. It was a great place to let the water massage you with its force and let it comfort you with its heat while you just let your mind wander. Mack had done this many times himself. It was a private time for your head and for your heart. Mary was in a happy place as the water splashed across her body.

Mack completed his ablution and dressed for work. He sat in the kitchen with his tea and pear and thought about the adventures he and Mary had this week. He considered how John had made it all possible. Catalyst came to mind. Mack admired this quality. John improved the reaction between Mary and him. It was clear this week’s experiences were superior because of John and he wasn’t even there. Just before falling asleep last night, Mack had thought about Mary having sex with John and then he thought about John having sex with Mary. These were two different issues in Mack’s mind although it would be the same event. In the end, Mack concluded that John was worthy of Mary. The thought repeated itself as he drifted off to sleep. John was worthy of Mary.

This morning, Mack considered this new feeling about John. It was an odd feeling, too.

Mack would watch the actions of other men when they saw Mary at company or industry events. He would see first how men were attracted to her and acted around her. Eventually, ultimately, they would realize that Mary belonged with Mack in a way that their wives or girlfriends would never belong to them. Men were often awed by the loving relationship between them. Their wives were jealous. Mack lived for those moments when other men and women felt something was missing in their lives. It was Mack's ego speaking and, yes, it felt good.

And now, here was John. He was in their lives. He was worthy of Mary in ways that other men were not. Mack wasn't jealous; it wasn’t like that. It was recognition that John was a man like he was. He was a fellow traveler, a brother, a comrade. He was the kind of man that you could trust with your treasure and not be worried about its return or its condition when it was returned. It was an odd feeling to think about John and Mary together but it was acceptably odd... like eating steak tartare. Only the best ingredients, freshly made, with the right amount of seasoning made it work.

How many men wanted to share their wife with another man? Mack thought hard about that question until he realized it didn't matter how many other men did or did not want to share their wives. It was enough for Mack to know that he personally wanted it and that the opportunity to make it happen was just a day away.

Mack imagined Mary would be sated and exhausted to the point of sleep at the end of the night. He imagined both he and John taking pleasure from her and providing pleasure to her. The idea of sharing that experience with Mary and John had meaning to Mack. It felt right. Maybe even beyond Saturday night? Could that actually work? He puzzled over it as he sipped his tea.

Mary let the water fall over her body, feeling its warmth. Its soul-cleansing, mind-clearing properties grounded her in a way that few other things did.

She realized last night that she had feelings for John. Good feelings. Although she and Mack were physically together last night, she knew she was emotionally reaching out to John. She was letting him know she was available. It was an odd feeling to desire two men; just as odd as having an urge for crisp bacon covered in maple syrup at two in the morning. That kind of odd. A good combination that you cannot explain why it strikes your fancy. It just does.

She wanted to be touched by him, to be penetrated by him, to receive him. She had never had these feelings towards another man before. It had been a very long time since she had them even this strong towards Mack. But somehow last night she did have them. After they hung up with John last night, she had taken Mack roughly. Unleashed was a good way to describe her behavior. John had added to last night’s experience that little extra, indescribable, element that made it special and he wasn’t even there.

Sitting under the flowing water, Mary thought about the picture John had sent her. His cock, his cum, his wine glass and in the background was Mary with a strap-on and Mack masturbating. That image moved her. Two men masturbating to her or for her or something. She wanted John emotionally and physically and she wanted Mack at the same time. She wanted them both; maybe even lusted for them. She knew for certain she ached to have them.

She wasn’t sure how her emotional desire and physical ache for John would express itself. She wasn’t even sure if Mack would allow John one percent of her heart while he held ninety-nine percent of it. Mary only knew that it was now a fact that she had an emotional connection with John and it would soon be a physical one.

Reluctantly, Mary stood and turned off the showers and toweled herself dry. The day had to begin sometime. This was it. Enough self-indulgence.

She walked into the kitchen wrapping her karate gi around her. Her bare feet, bare legs, bare face, and towel-wrapped hair gave her the sweet look of a young woman. She poured her second cup of coffee.

Mary asked, “Feeling better?”

“I feel better, honey, but I wish I was more awake. We were on fire last night.”

“A couple of times, as I remember it; so much heat between us. I still have heat this morning, big guy, but I am a little sore.”

Mack arched his eyebrows. “I am sure I have another one in me.”

“Maybe you should go to work and I should recover a little. How many orgasms have we had this week? Eight, Ten? And it’s only Friday morning?”

Mack ticked them off on his fingers. “Hmmm, Sunday night one, Monday afternoon one, Monday evening two, Tuesday night one, Wednesday night one, and last night two. That’s eight by my count.”

Mack did not add his masturbation into the count but Mary silently added another two solo O’s to arrive at her number. She smiled.

Mack continued, “It’s amazing, isn’t it? This is one heck of an adventure when you think about it. We have done things we would never have done on our own. But what is more amazing is that there are four adventures we have not chosen to do…at least not yet… and those would be just as exciting. They just needed more time to plan than what we had available or we weren’t quite ready for them. John is a good guide. He seems to sense what will turn us on.”

Mary smiled. “I know. I was thinking in the shower…”

“I knew what you were doing the moment you sat down.”

“…that this is all about Saturday night for us. I was a bit anxious that maybe you…”

“ …that maybe I would not want to go through with this after all? That maybe this is a bridge too far for us?”

Mary loved it when they were in sync like they were now. “Yes.”

“I think about that, too. Especially after a night like last night.”

Mack reached over and took Mary’s hands in his.

“Mary, I am telling you the honest-to-God’s truth. Every day this week I ask myself if I really want this for our marriage. Every day I think, what if she likes this guy’s cock more than mine or worse what if she likes him more than me? Other times I think, what if she thinks that I don’t respect her or that I don’t respect our marriage? How could I let another man have sex with her and not stop it or not be jealous about it? I do think about that. The ego side of me answers, because I want you to compare me to John Bull and then choose me.

I can’t explain these feelings any other way. If for some reason you don’t choose me afterwards, I will be devastated. Yes, there are risks with this and I am willing to take them because I have a lot of ego, you know that. But, and this is really crazy, John is worthy of you in ways that other men aren't. He’s not more worthy than me but worthy enough. Enough for both of us.

John made me realize something that I should have known but didn’t. When I think about you, I want to be your sexual provider and your sexual protector. I desire you and I choose you. Not because I am possessive but because you agree with me that we belong together. It validates me and it validates us as a couple.

Now that is what my head says, but there’s another part of me that is feral, undomesticated. There’s a part that says John is worthy enough to bed you and leave his seed inside you. I want John to take carnal pleasure from you, as well as with you. I want you to experience two men who will biologically mate with you as nature intended. I believe this is a bonding experience; a shared journey in sex.

And, Mary, there is no question that I want it to be John. My hope is that you want us to have this threesome adventure. You are not doing this for me. I want to know that it is because you personally want John and me in your bed. I am aroused when I think you might want John out of a biological need… but you will only act on that need if you have my permission. This makes me your sexual provider and your sexual protector at the same time. It was so clear to me last night that I want John to give you orgasms; to put his hands on your body and his cock inside you. I want both of you to lose yourselves in an orgasm with each other... and that is about as feral as it gets, I think.”

Mary was surprised to hear Mack say this so clearly. She knew this was something he had thought deeply about.

“Sexual provider and sexual protector?” Mary considered that phrase for a moment. “Is this something you and John talked about?”

“John was telling me about wife sharing and exploring sexual activities as a couple. He said that sometimes he is the sexual provider for a wife in a marriage; like when a husband cannot have sex or does not want sex. Sometimes it is a medical condition, sometimes it is a religious choice to abstain, and sometimes it is because of trauma. He said that in all these cases, the husband is fiercely protective of his wife’s honor and reputation. The husband will not let his wife be called names or be hurt or be treated disrespectfully. The husband is her sexual protector in those cases but he is also her provider. He provides her with other men. Some men prefer strangers and hotel rooms for their wife. Other husbands call John and make arrangements for John to be her provider in their house, in the bed they sleep in.”

“So this means you see this adventure with John as you being my sexual provider? Would you really call John and arrange, uh, play dates?” Mary was intrigued by Mack’s thoughts on this.

“Now, yes. Not when we first started. I saw this as the two of us trying something new and different and it was kind of a challenge to see where this would go. In the beginning I was really worried that John might be an asshole.”

“Did I hear a ‘but’ in there?”

“Yeah. I still see it the same way… but… I also see that as your husband that I should be... I ought to be your sexual provider. I like the idea that I should be responsible for your sexual fulfillment in whatever form it takes. It’s an extension of our marriage vows. I take care of you in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, and for your sexual satisfaction and gratification.”

Mary’s eyes twinkled. “I don’t remember that in the marriage vows.”

Mack smiled. “No, but maybe it ought to be given the number of divorces in society… I admit it is a bit on the wild side, but I like having this responsibility. If you want something sexually, I will make it happen or I will help make it happen.“

Mary looked at Mack and blinked back the wetness of a tear. She loved this man. God, how lucky could she be to marry a man like this. He knew who he was and what he wanted. What he wanted was her as his mate and her happiness, whatever it took. She was emotional and wet just sitting with him.

“Mack, we are together because we want the same thing, a union of us. I want to be your mate and I want you to be my mate. I want you to provide for, or maybe I should say fulfill, my sexual needs, too. I want what you want: you as my protector and my provider. That is a good way of saying it.“

Mary stood up and opened her robe and teased him. “You want me and my body in some primal fashion as your mate. I want you and your body in the same way. You want to possess me carnally and I want you to do that, too.”

Mack smiled and shook his head side to side. “You are such a vixen. Here I am trying to be serious and explain myself and you go and do this. How can a man think and talk now? You didn’t do show-and-tell like this when you were in highschool.”

Mary closed her robe and sat down again. “Ok, maybe I’m a little over the top but I am serious that we want the same thing, don’t we? We are adults committed to each other’s happiness. Partners. Husband and wife. We wanted to try a threesome and by the flip of a coin, it was two men first. I think we were incredibly lucky to have found John. He fits well with us. I hope we do as well with our choice in a woman.”

“I’m not thinking that far ahead. This simple man can only focus on one thing at a time.”

Mary reached for Mack’s hand. “I know. But let me tell you that this week you have given me a hundred reasons not to let another pair of panties near you. I never fell out of love with you in the twenty-three years we have been married and I never loved you more than I do right now.”

“Mary, this is the most intimate experience we have had since our first full weekend together. I feel the same way as you and… it is all because John has connected us in a way we would never have done on our own.”

“That is so true. Do you want it to stop now?”

Mack looked at Mary and she returned the same look.

Mack swallowed. Mary paused and waited for a sign from him. Mack checked Mary’s face to see if she wanted the truth. She did. Mack swallowed again.

“No, I don’t. Maybe I should but I don’t. I am not even sure that I understand it. You?”

Mary leaned into Mack. “I don’t want to stop either. Does that bother you?”

Mack breathed easier. “I am relieved and thankful we are on the same page. I was worried that you would think poorly of me for wanting it. I know that it is a society thing to be monogamous and I should ignore this feeling but it is still there in my mind. It does not bother me that you want the same thing I want.”

Mary relaxed. Mack was in a good place about this. The same place she was.

“We both want John for this marriage adventure. It is good for our marriage connection. I know we both want John to explore pleasures my body can provide him and we all want to explore pleasures that both of you can provide me. When it is over, the three of us know for a fact that you and I are a couple and John is an experience. A good experience, too. With your permission, there will be two sexual providers for me on Saturday night.

“I know that someplace in your head there is a man who wants to be feral and have another man experience me; someone as a testament that I am special and I am with you. If John knows what it is like to cum inside me then each time afterward that you cum inside me, you will be counting coup on John. This is so you and what I love about you. We chose John for this. We want him to know I am a gift from you to him but it is a kind of bounce back gift, isn’t it? I get pleasured, John gets pleasured, and you count coup for a long time afterward?”

“That is so accurate. Truly it is and truthfully… sort of arousing, too. I can be late for work if I want to be, you know.“

“True, but I really am sore and although I would like to hump you right now and let you claim me again, let’s give it a rest and see what happens later tonight.“

“And the truth is that while I have it in me to do this, I really need a rest, too. Rain check?”

“Absolutely. Give me a kiss goodbye. Go to work now and think about these hips and lips all day and think about John’s cock in both of them.”

Mack and Mary held a long hug. His hands explored her ass underneath her robe and he held her hips against his. It was a bit possessive but it was all good as far as Mary was concerned.

She liked being possessed. There was no doubt that she was Mack’s forever. But she was okay, too, with being John’s sexual provider on Saturday night. She was looking forward to it, especially with Mack watching. It was a little power trip in her head to experience the second cock of her life with her husband’s permission. Not every woman was this fortunate.

After Mack left for work, Mary stripped and inserted the butt plug for the fourth day. It slid in easily. Just like the other day, Mary walked around her home nude and paused in front of every window to show herself off. When she came to the patio doors, she yielded to temptation and stepped outside to let the sun warm her. She stretched out her arms to feel the sun on her skin. She felt the heat in her loins, too. What an arousing morning so far. She wanted to rub one out like the other day but she chose not to. She was shopping with John today and she liked the idea of being aroused around him. On a whim, she bent over and touched her feet knowing that if anyone was looking, they would get an eyeful of her butt and her butt plug and her hair wrapped in a towel.

Housewife Hottie, she thought. Eat your heart out, buddy.

No one was looking; Mary did not know this. It was enough for her to think that somebody might be.

She went into the house and checked for an email from John. There was something erotic about doing this in the nude. She felt intimate with John.

Naked and waiting for him. She liked that idea.

There was no email from John. She was disappointed. She pulled up the nude pictures of John and studied them again. She looked a long time at his cock and tried to imagine what it would be like to touch it, taste it, and treat it to parts of her body. She wriggled her butt plug to consider what it might be like to have him in there. She sighed.

Enough longing.

Not quite ready to get dressed, she typed in and searched for shared wife first time. Previously, she had read about two dozen stories before choosing John. In fact, her reasons for choosing John were related to the stories she had read. She and Mack had talked about inviting a friend to their bed for their threesome adventure but it was in the back of their minds that their friendship might be at risk just by asking. They thought about friends of friends and realized that they didn’t know enough about some of them to feel good about it.

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The next approach was to consider one of the Jamaican resorts that catered to sexual libertines. There was opportunity there. There was an available supply of men from different races plus anonymity for her. It was missing two things: a relationship between the three of them that made it more than just ‘screw-my-wife-please’ and, two, if they changed their minds it would be awkward to spend that money and leave thinking how silly they were to consider hedonism as a solution.

That is when, together, they turned this into a search for an experienced bull and began to seriously consider qualifications. If they were going to have this experience, failure was not an option. In for a penny, in for a pound, they agreed.

The process of choosing a bull involved hours of talking over a month of time about what each wanted from the experience. It always ended with intimate sex between them. Sharing their impressions honestly with each other drew them closer together. They had interviewed four men before John. They were physical specimens of manliness but Mack and Mary were careful to also screen for attitude and character. After all this wasn’t about finding an acceptable man and making it work, this was about choosing among alternatives for best fit. They were prepared to interview ten men but only got to five when it all clicked with John. In the oddest of ways, it was character and attitude that won out over abs, biceps, and cock size. It was true that both Mary and Mack were impressed by John wearing a French-cuffed shirt, a tailored suit, and those bull elephant cuff links for the interview, but it was his demeanor and his deference to making this their experience that sold them on John. His questions showed he cared. That was enough for Mack and Mary to agree on John.


Her reverie was interrupted. She closed out of the website and opened her mail.

Mary knew this was John’s email. She straightened her posture. She subconsciously wanted to make a good impression. It was as if an email from John was the same as his physical presence. Opening the email she read:

Good morning,

Sorry, I am late. Sometimes life gets in the way of our plans and that happened to me this morning.

Today is Friday and this week has been full of adventures. With that in mind, there is one challenge for the two of you tonight plus I may have a personal challenge, too. Mary, I will pick you up at eleven o’clock.

Today’s couple challenge has an element of chance in it.

I know you both have bikes and are regular riders. This is a bike challenge ride and it will be ~70 minutes long give or take. You each will have a coin and you will stop every ten minutes to flip them. On the first half of the trip, whoever rolls a heads, takes off a piece of clothing. If you roll tails, you stay as you are. When you have passed the halfway point of your ride, it gets a little more complicated. If you both roll the same thing, you both take off a piece of clothing. If you don’t roll the same thing, whoever rolls a heads then puts on a piece of clothing but tails stays as they are. Video or pictures start to finish please. That is six stops in an hour and you return to the place you started from.

You choose when and where to ride. You must wear three items of clothing only plus shoes and a back pack. When you take your articles of clothing off, you put them into each other’s backpack, not into your own. Have fun and send pics before, during, and at the finish.

I have reserved a suite for the two of you at the Foshay for Saturday. Mack’s suit will be delivered to the room. Let’s plan for us to meet about eight o’clock.

I will send just one more email before tomorrow night. It will be about PDA so that you both know what we are talking about for Saturday. You can call or text me and I will reply.

John Bull

This could be interesting, Mary thought. There was no way to predict how the bike ride might turn out… and an email from John about PDA was something to look forward to. She called Mack and let him know about the challenge. He thought it would be fun and he was glad it was not eroticism but exhibitionism. He needed a physical rest. He wanted to choose the route. They agreed that it was best to ride about an hour or more before sunset when traffic would be low and yet enough lighting to see clearly where they were going.

After the call, Mary removed her butt plug and chose what she would wear with John today. It was a mid-thigh skirt with a print blouse and matching flats. It would be easy to slip on and off. She thought about commando but didn’t. She also thought about a certain pair of black lace panties but in the end she chose a low rise tan panty that was modest enough. After all, this wasn’t a sexual adventure, it was a shopping trip. She had some hope that it might become sexy but she did not want to appear too eager. She picked up Mack’s cologne and spritzed her wheat and the panty before putting it on. It made her feel special to do this for him even if he might never know.


Friday at 11:00 PM

John pulled his yellow Corvette convertible into Mack and Mary’s driveway just as Anne Weathers was looking out her window to check the temperature and humidity on the porch. It was unusual for the McDonald’s to have visitors and when Anne saw the ‘Vette and the man getting out, she suspected it might be John.

Anne’s mind raced ahead and wondered if John was there for Mary’s challenge. Anne even wondered if maybe John and Mary were having an affair behind Mack’s back. If they were then Anne fully intended to scold Mary for her indiscretion.

Mack is a great catch and Mary better appreciate it, ran through her head.

When Mary answered the door, she greeted him with a hug but not a kiss. An affectionate hug, yes, but it was not a kiss. Anne understood the meaning of that hug. Really good friends but definitely not a lover’s hug. She breathed easier. Seeing Mary in a skirt, Anne wondered how she would manage getting in and out of that Vette with modesty. Well, that simply wasn’t possible, was it? No, it wasn’t possible but Mary managed without flashing too much of the neighborhood.

"Any panties today?" Anne asked her window. There was no reply.

As John and Mary roared away, Anne thought how good the two of them looked in that convertible. A high testosterone car, a man, and a woman. Anne wished it was her.

At the Mall of America, John and Mary started with shoes. John said that if they get the right shoes then the dress was easy. When Mary asked John about shoes she was surprised to hear him say:

“Mary, for this special night I recommend a high heel ankle strap shoe. Men are looking for a woman to wear a shoe that reminds a man she will surrender to him. A high heel ankle strap absolutely looks like the woman has her legs ready for soft bondage. In fact, if we can find a pair that has a ring or round buckles so much the better. A thin strap is sexy but a thicker strap that looks like it would be tough to break out of, well, so much the better to wet the man’s appetite. ”

“John, did anyone ever tell you that you know too much about being naughty?”

“Hmmm, Mary, did anyone ever tell you, you know too little?“

“No one ever tells me anything, John,” Mary teased.

“Then I accept full responsibility for teaching you naughtiness. Would you like your first lesson in naughtiness?”


“I‘ll take that as a qualified yes. The first lesson about naughtiness is innuendo. This is an art form that is underrepresented."

“Mack and I use innuendo when we banter.”

“Good. And the best innuendo is saying something innocently that causes everyone to pause with an amused expression. I prefer targeted innuendo myself where I know that I can say something innocent that only one or two people will understand the naughtiness of what I said.”

“Yes, like when you talk about strap-on shoes instead of shoes with a strap."

“Yes. Strap-on shoes are suggestive. The second most important thing about naughtiness is that the act or phrase must be known generally to be mischievous.”

“Is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”

“Precisely. Mae West was one of the best.”

“But there is more to naughtiness, isn’t there, John?” Mary cooed.

“Tone is everything.”

“But it only takes me so far, John,” Mary cooed a second time.

“Yes, unexpected… and expected… touching can also be naughty.”

Mary caresses John’s arm. “I have my panties on, John.”

“I’ve created a monster, haven’t I?” John smiled.


At that moment, the sales clerk arrived. “Hi, can I help you?”

“We were just discussing that and I think the answer is maybe.”

“We are looking for evening wear. A black strap-on shoe with a thicker strap and maybe a buckle or ring on it.“

Mary piped in, “Size 7.”

“Give me three minutes. I have several in the back.”

John smiled. “Take your time. We are not in a hurry.”

“Here. Sit. Let me take your shoes off while we wait.”

John sat on a stool and pulled Mary’s leg forward so it rested on the inclined surface. He removed the first shoe and then the second in the same way. He began to massage Mary’s feet, first gently pulling them away from the leg and then later using his thumbs in deeper massage between her joints. When Mary exhaled her appreciation, John moved his hands up Mary’s legs and caressed her skin just at the hem of her skirt.

“John, are you going to be naughty?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“If you think this is naughty.”

John slid his hands higher under Mary’s skirt to her panty hem and then slid a finger underneath it.

“Oh, John, it is definitely naughty in a shoe store.”

“And why is this naughty?”

“I suppose because people who are looking can see your hands underneath my skirt. I also suppose because the shoe person could return any second and see you and also because you do not have my permission to touch me like this.”

“All true, Mary, but you know what else is naughty?”


“Not pushing my hands away is very naughty. Which of us is really naughty, Mary?”

“I think it’s a tie, John.”

“Mary, are you ready for your personal challenge today?”

“Are you thinking what I think you are thinking?”

“That sounds like a yes. Raise your hips and allow me to take them off.”

Mary closed her eyes to settle her thoughts; a mental pause. She checked her feelings about John removing her panty. She could look around and see if anyone was looking but if she did, and someone was, then she was afraid she could not do this challenge. His fingers were still under the hem of her panties and she wanted him to touch her. She wanted to do this challenge. She wanted John to remove her panty.

With eyes closed, she lifted her hips and let John pull her panty down over her hips and off her legs. She felt naughty in a really good sort of way. She settled back into the chair with eyes closed and waited for John to touch her.

But he didn’t. She sensed him standing up. It confused her.

A clatter of cardboard boxes reached her and she knew the assistant had returned.

Damn customer service, she thought and opened her eyes.

“How many pairs is this? Six? Ok, let’s open them all up and pull out a shoe and put them here on the floor.”

The assistant did as John requested. He chose the pair with the thickest strap and put them on Mary.

At the mirror, Mary could see the wrap around straps were just above her ankle and were similar to the straps used in soft bondage. She frowned.

“John, I see your point but you can see that these are more casual than what I intend to wear tomorrow night. I like the idea of clubbing with these shoes or even wearing them to a large dinner party but they are too casual for tomorrow.”

“As you wish, shall we go for the thinnest strap with, maybe, an anklet?”

A few minutes later, Mary was happy with her choice of shoes. Elegant, stylish, feminine. They were Merilians with a lace closure. The shoes advertised that she was an attractive and stylish woman and wanted men to know it.

She wore them out of the store through Mall Of America to JJs House to look for the perfect dress. She felt a thrill being commando through MOA in her new shoes. It passed through her mind that Commando Friday at MOA would make for a nice suburban adventure for her and Mack. She paused at the glass railing and looked down to the first floor. No one was looking up her dress. Maybe later, Mary thought.

Unknown to Mary, her panty was in John’s back pocket as they walked through the Mall. She had not thought of it since it had been removed. John had been careful not to let Mary get behind him. If she had, she would have seen that enough of her panty was exposed for people to see what it was.

“Look how naughty this dress is, Mary.”

“It is naughty. Perhaps it is the naughtiest thing you have shown me.”

“Maybe not. I think the public display of underwear is naughty. Look at my back pocket.” John turned to show that he had pranked her.

“John!” Mary tried to grab it but he scooted away.

“I take it that you agree with me.”

“You are…”

”Flirting with you.”

“I was going to say incorrigible.”

“Now just think about all the people who were walking behind us. I bet this lifted their spirits.”

“I am so embarrassed.”

“Please don’t be. No one followed us in and no one drew any attention to it. You were safe with me in any event.”

“That’s not the point.”

“And what is the point?”

“The point is that people thought they were mine.”


“And I didn’t wear the lace ones…”

“And why not?”

“Because… well… just because I didn’t think we would show them to everyone in the mall.”

“So you wanted me to see the plain ones but everyone else could see the lace ones? Now who is naughty and incorrigible? Hmm?”

“Ok, you win. I was hoping that somehow we would be flirting but I didn’t want to appear too… Oh, I don’t know… too prepared? Too planned? I didn’t want you to think that I thought about you at all even though I really did.”

“And I am flattered that you did. Do you find it erotic knowing that people will wonder if the panty was yours?”

“Yes. If I were to see a man with a woman and he had a panty hanging from his pocket. I would know it was hers and I would know that she had given it to him on purpose. Her intentions were to let everyone know that they were sexing together.”

“May I help you?” The sales clerk heard the last couple of words and peered over her glasses at John.

“Yes, my friend wishes to try these three dresses on and we hope that you can find similar styles among the other designers. Let’s try an 8, Misses, first. Please bring them in as you find them.”

“Yes, of course.” The sales clerk walked away and John walked Mary into the dressing room.

“Mary, you know it wouldn’t be right for me to see you nude before tomorrow night without Mack present but I would like to help with your dresses. Would you mind putting this back on and then allow me to stay and help you?”

John extended the panty to Mary.

“I’m glad you said that, John. I was thinking the same thing. I need Mack’s approval in some areas of this relationship.”

“I agree.”

Mary sat and extended her shoes towards John.

Then she said, “But it is also appropriate and naughty for you to put them back where you found them.”

John cocked an eyebrow towards Mary and then kneeled to slide the panty over her shoes.

“This is very naughty, Mary. This makes you a ‘vilaine fille’, a naughty girl.”

“I guess it does.”

With John’s help, she slid both feet into her panty and let him pull it up ever so slowly over the calves and knees of her legs. Then she held John’s shoulder for balance and stood up. John would have had a delightful eyeful of Mary’s gardened pussy from this position if she hiked up her dress; instead he looked up into Mary’s eyes. That is when John smelled it. Mack’s cologne. It was either on her panties or on her wheat. This was delicious. She honored him by scenting herself. John looked up at Mary. Mary felt the heat rush between her thighs. She knew he had discovered what she’d done. She had prepared herself specifically for him. It was the naughtiest she had ever been towards another man. And John now knew.

He slid her panty up slowly and raised her dress as he did. He pulled the panty into place and then he leaned in, touching his nose to her mound. He inhaled deeply and blew his breath through her panty into her wheat. Her clit swelled. She wanted to lean into his touch but she could not move. All she could do was feel her heat for him. She was on fire for him, for his touch, for him to release the tension that was inside her.

Her pussy said, I can't wait until tomorrow.

Each time she had that thought, she also thought about Mack. She was not going to betray him like this. Mary had his permission already. She would be faithful until they were all together. But,oh, sweet Jesus, she loved flirting like this along the way. It takes three things for a sin to be delicious: opportunity, desire, and the contemplation of surrendering to it. All three were present in Mary. This moment was sinfully delicious for her.

John understood the effect he was having. For only the second time in her life, a man had touched her emotions and ignited a desire in her. John knew she was vulnerable and he restrained himself. This is what the week was leading up to. Mary desired John and John intended that she explore her desire when Mack was present. Not before. This was as much Mack’s experience with John as it was for Mary to be shared by two men. John understood this at every level.

John stood and helped Mary out of her skirt. He unbuttoned Mary’s blouse and slipped it off her shoulders.

Mary trembled slightly in her bra and panties; it was the first time that she had stood like this in front of another man.

This is how a new concubine feels, she thought.

She blushed. Her internal heat was soaring. John studied her. Mary believed he was examining her to see if she had the qualities he required in a concubine. She knew the look in his eyes. It was the same as Mack’s.

Her body responded… it sensed his mating intention. Her hormone cocktail flooded her veins to warm her, prepare her. Her nipples hardened; her pussy moistened, her body prepared for penetration. Her biology was the key to her womb, it opened her to receive him. She held her breath. She feared to breathe in case this spell would break. No matter what, she must not move until John had chosen her. Her lips wanted to say aloud what her brain was screaming in her head.

Choose me. Mate me.

Biology 101. She was in heat. To be penetrated by him, to be bred by him, to be fucked by him over and over until his semen filled her, coated her inside, until his balls were empty and his manly fluid dripped out of her; she could not stop trembling as she thought about a possible experience with John. She did not want it to stop.

John traced a finger from Mary’s cheek, chin, and throat, down between her breasts, across the gore of her bra, and then further down across her belly. He stopped precisely with his finger on her clit.

He leaned into her and whispered a single word, “Tomorrow”.

Her heart melted, her resistance melted, her knees melted. She surrendered her sexual control to John in that instant. He could have her if he wanted her. She accepted him… and his seed… whenever and wherever he might desire her. She had just one honorable restriction to hold onto. Mack had to be present the first time.

John turned his attention away from Mary toward the dresses he brought in. He chose the split-front deep cleavage dress and slipped it over her head and let it settle to the floor. Gently, he closed the fastener and turned her toward the mirrors. She looked elegant even in the gaunt lighting of the dressing room and absent any jewelry. The depth of the cleavage cut meant her bra was showing. But without a bra, the dress would rest delicately along the crest of her nipples. They would be available to any man who had the confidence to take them or to any man Mary chose to show them. In absolute silence, John knelt to examine how the dress would drape Mary’s shoes.

“Oh, my” said the attendant as she entered with two more dresses. ”You may not need these after all.”

John looked up at Mary. “Is this everything you intended it to be?”

Mary understood John’s deeper question. He wasn’t talking about the dress.

“Yes… and more.”

John smiled. “We’ll take the dress.”

In a few minutes, they returned to John’s convertible, slung their purchases into the back seat and slid into the front. In another minute they were out of the parking garage and into the warm sun. Mary hiked up her dress to give John a panty flash on the drive home. A token, a signal, that John made her feel special.


Written by Trystin715
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