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Semina Vitae Nine

"A marriage adventure in Mipple City"

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Eight PM Saturday evening….


“Sweet Jesus.” Mack spoke softly underneath his breath. Mary looked amazing. She had told him about her knockout dress but it was better than he ever imagined. She had not let him see it before tonight. Mary said it was special, like a wedding dress. Tonight she was honeymooning with her husband and another man and she wanted to impress them both. It was sexy. The mermaid shape enhanced her figure and made her body walk and talk as she moved. The deep V-front gave her cleavage to die for. With no bra, her breasts moved independently as she walked; her blood-red pendant was an invitation for men to examine it closely and it gave those same men a ready-made excuse when they were caught looking to see if her nipples were exposed. The split-front of her dress allowed her entire leg to be draped and framed with every movement. Those killer lace-up shoes made the look complete.

Mary teased Mack when she said, “That look on your face is all I need to know about how I look tonight.”

Mack swallowed awkwardly. “Damn. I have no words. No words to tell you how beautiful you look.”

He was intrigued by the asymmetric cut. There could not be more than 12 inches of fabric between the deep V of her top and the V of the split for her legs. Not her usual style, but this was a special night. He wondered if she would be showing anything when she sat. His cock stirred a bit at the thought of her exposure.

Mary gave Mack a come-hither look. It sizzled in the air. She looked Mack over. “Mack, you haven’t looked this good since we were married. And whatever scent it is that you are wearing makes me wet. What is it?”

“Amen is the name.”

“Amen to that scent. I just want to get closer to you.“

“It is always an experience to do something with John. Isn’t it? That man is incredible. He knows me so well and he knows what I will like and, apparently, what you like as well. He said you would love this.”

“I do,” cooed Mary as she turned to check herself out in the mirror.

She decided to wear a panty after all. It was tempting to wear a thong to avoid a panty line but it lacked the romance of a fine lace panty. She did not know this dress nor how the seating might be in The Prohibition Bar. Her dark panty itself lent a mystery about where her dress ended and her panty began. For John, she had scented her wheat and panty with Chanel No 5. The perfume was a gift from Mack for their anniversary last year. It was a sinful and appropriate way to re-gift the Chanel to John. She turned back to Mack, satisfied no panty line was showing.

“Cameras set?”


Mary walked over to Mack and gave him a hug. “Mack, sometimes it is the little things that impress me and I have to tell you how impressed I am with you today. You were attentive to all the things that would make this special for us. It was important to me that we were doing this together and that you felt the same way I did. You showed me that you did. Thank you.”

“Me too, Mare. Together. This is the way I hoped it would be and it is. I think we will have a good time with John. If for some reason, we aren’t, we will just call it a night and have M&M time.”

Mack kissed her and his kiss validated their relationship. Mary felt it. Mack did, too.

“I am ready. Did you want to call John?”

John answered, spoke briefly, and signaled George. “George, could you arrange for three chairs at the bar? I will return in a few minutes with friends. If anyone surrenders their seats, I will pay for their evening. And, George, I mean dinner and drinks for all of them. And at nine, could you move us to a table? Extend the same consideration to anyone who gives up their table.”

George nodded. “I will take care of this,sir.”

John rose and walked across the room to the elevator. A number of men and women turned to look. They wondered who he was. His manner told them he was one of them but they did not know him and that was unusual. No one knew him except the mature couple in the corner table. They smiled and touched each other. She was elegantly dressed and he was Mediterranean chic. Both were tanned beyond Mipple City standards. Her necklace and charm bracelet sparkled when she moved. Her anklet did the same whenever she crossed or uncrossed her legs. Her chest was impressive; her legs inviting. Her husband matched her physical beauty and he was eye candy for every woman in the room. She placed her hand upon her husband’s and leaned into him to say something as John entered the elevator.

John did not notice them. If he had, he would have stopped to say hello and ask how they were doing. The three of them were old friends.

Downstairs John knocked softly on Mack and Mary’s door. Mack opened and the two men hugged each other with affection.

“Did I see you on the cover of GQ last month?” John teased Mack.

“John, this is the best damn suit I’ve ever worn.“

“John, I can tell you that this is the best I have seen him look since we were married. He looks amazing, doesn’t he?”

“He does and, Mary, you are ravishing. Mack and I might need a couple of muscle men to help us keep other men away. Those heels with the satin lace closure really make you look sexy.”

“Thanks, John. You’re looking pretty good, too.”

“Are you both ready to go upstairs? Do you have any questions?”

Mary looked at Mack and then towards John. “We don’t. We just want to have a nice time.”

John looked around the room. “Everything set for later?”

“Yes. All set.”

As they walked towards the elevator, John added a comment on walking together. “That’s a good stride for Mary. Not too fast. Think of all the 1940's ballroom movies with Fred Astaire and project that casual walk and look. Perfect. We look like a trio out for the evening. That is the way we want to look.“

Mack pressed the button and they waited for the doors to open. “I kind of thought Mary would be sandwiched between us, holding our arms or something.”

“Yes, whenever we are going up or down a set of stairs or we are on uneven ground, we will offer our arms as support for Mary. In more formal settings, we would offer our arms for a promenade or long walk but that would be overdoing it here.”

“Got it.”

“Is it always a teachable moment with you, John?” Mary asked.

“No, but if it enhances the experience of the moment, I will share it.”

The elevator door opened and they stepped inside. John pressed the button for the 27th floor.

“The dress code is Dress to Impress. We will fit right in.”

George saw them as the doors opened. He put it all together when he saw them exit. Two men and one woman. They moved in unison out of the elevator and headed toward the bar. He met them halfway. It was difficult for George to comprehend how Mary could look more beautiful tonight than she did on Monday but she certainly did.

“George has a place for us at the bar to start but later he will find us a table.“

George motioned them towards the bar and signaled the keeper.

They glided towards the bar in a casual elegant style. Heads turned their way. They stood close to each other with Mary in the middle. Mack ordered a Cosmo for Mary and Chivas Manhattan Martinis for John and himself. John ordered the Oysters Rockefeller and crostini to be brought up from Manny’s downstairs.

The trio surveyed the room as they waited for drinks. The décor was more modern than the name led you to believe. Not a smoky speakeasy as some of the Prohibition Era bars were in other areas of the country.

The Prohibition Bar had a mid-sized crowd tonight. Not quite standing room only but there were not too many tables available either. Not as elegant as Manny’s but the views of the city, with its mix of upper class professionals, made it an attractive venue for successful women and men. Young lawyers and accountants of both sexes mixed with an older, moneyed, country club set. The music was predominantly turn of the century.

When the keeper brought their drinks, Mack put one hand on the back of Mary’s neck and gently caressed it. His raised his glass with the other and waited for Mary and John to do the same.

“His Naughty Little Wife Enjoys Kisses and Caresses and Pleasures His Friend Secretly.” Mack repeated the phrase from John’s PDA email.

John tilted his glass towards Mary with a twinkle in his eye. ”His Naughty Lustful Wife Enjoys Kisses and Caresses…”

Mary tilted hers in return and held John’s eyes while finishing the line. “… and then Pleasures His Friend Secretly.”

They took sips and John asked, “Are you ready to fall in love, Mary?” She nodded. John took Mary’s hands and looked deeply into her eyes. She returned the look. “Four minutes, Mary, and we will be in love. Mack, please keep an eye on the time.”

Mack removed his hand from the back of her neck and checked his new watch. Mary and John held their gaze. The email from John about PDA included a technique for creating an intimate experience. It had been on television a few years previously about how gazing into another person’s eyes could make them fall in love with each other. It wasn’t quite true although John had teased her about it being an intimate experience. Mary knew that looking into John’s eyes for four minutes could never be as intimate as John removing and replacing her underwear at Mall of America, nor as intimate as having John on the telephone while Mack and she had sex. Mary could easily look into John’s eyes for four minutes and if John thought it would help with intimacy, well, why not.

Mack was supportive when Mary told him what John had proposed. “In for a pound, Mare,” he had said.

It was awkward to start. Should she stare? When John blinked, she knew she could, too. At first it was difficult to not be distracted by people in the background, but Mary focused on the shape of John’s eyes, the color, and the way the muscles around his eyes moved. In the second minute, Mary noticed the fine details of his skin and lashes before she fell deeply into his pupils. She wondered what John was seeing in her eyes. He might notice that she liked him. She trusted him; that had to be obvious.

She held his gaze. Her brain thought of her experiences with John this week: the flirting, the messaging, and the sharing of intimate information. In the third minute, her eye-gazing flooded her brain with images of John as she had seen him in all their previous meetings. She remembered how he looked in his Hugo’s at the dinner challenge and how he and Mack performed that runway turn. All the pleasant and erotic moments cascaded and tumbled about inside her. She was Pachinko-thinking again, waiting for those little balls to drop into the right slot. She could not help it. The tiny little muscles around her eyes signaled her feelings. She pressed her lips together and swallowed. Could John sense how much she cared about him at that moment? She hoped he did. And when those little Pachinko balls fell into their slots, her feelings of affection for John multiplied. He should know how she felt about him; her eyes softened and defocused. With a look that smoldered, she expressed her affection towards him.

John’s eyes softened a little, too, She knew he was feeling the same: reciprocity, feedback, communication, and connection. There was intimacy with John. Mary’s heart began to connect the intimacy dots. She had always felt close to him, hadn’t she? Hadn’t she kissed him after dinner to feel what his body was like when it touched hers? Hadn’t she taken his challenge to remove her underwear and send him a picture? Hadn’t she dressed for him in her bustier and leggings? It wasn’t for Emil, Emil was simply an excuse to dress as she wished for John. And having John listen to her in bed with Mack, wasn’t that a sign of intimacy between them? And then there was yesterday’s shopping trip and him removing her underwear and later studying her in the changing room. She had been emotionally intimate with him all week. Not in love, of course, she was in love with her husband. But she desired John in the naughtiest of ways. The kind of ways that Mack had aroused in her when they had first been intimate.

“Time,“ Mack announced softly.

Mary took her hands out of John’s. She felt like kissing John, but she felt vulnerable. Turning towards Mack, Mary placed her hands around his neck. She kissed him deeply and lovingly. Mack was delighted. He was counting coup on John again. Mary was choosing him after looking into John’s eyes. In a way, he was right about counting coup.

John felt the connection with Mary, too. He knew Mary wanted to kiss him but chose to kiss Mack instead. Mack was her protector, and she wanted protection from the feelings she had for John. John understood this. It was her nature. It was all good as far as John was concerned.

After her kiss with Mack, Mary turned towards John and pressed herself into him.

John relaxed and let Mary experience him. Mack had no objection. This is what PDA is all about.

John held Mary with one hand on the back of her head and then slid his other hand down her back. He traced the contour of her ass before slowly pulling her into his hip to let her feel him from knees to neck.

Small groups of people began to glance their way. Who was with whom? The women were the first to glance and the men were the first to observe. What was happening at the bar?

Mary then turned around to face the room and nestled back into John. She took his hands and pulled his arms around her waist. She held them under her breasts, allowing him to hug her from behind. Life was good. She felt his erection rise and she shifted her weight to let John know that she knew he was aroused. This was pleasant and she liked it. John nuzzled her neck.

Mary’s eyes sparkled. “That was fun.” Mack smiled from ear to ear and John nodded approvingly.

“How many did we get?” she continued.

Mack counted on his fingers. “Five?” Mack offered.

“Probably five.” John smiled. These two were a great couple. “But it is not the quantity of PDA that counts, it’s the pageantry, the showmanship of it, and the seductive quality of the PDA. This is working well. There were quite a few people looking our way; discreetly, of course”

“Well, I liked it and I want more PDA.” With John’s arms around her waist and under her breasts, Mary let one of her hands wander behind her until it was between her butt and John’s member. She held her palm outward. “Bump my hand, John. What do they call it when the man bumps his cock into a woman on buses or standing in line? En coxa something?”

John smiled. Like many people, Mary thought of encoxada as a flirty game of a man using his cock to touch an unsuspecting person. He decided to explain the complications of encoxada to Mary some other time. It wasn’t as flirty as she might think. Mary was really more interested tonight in the secret touching that lovers do. That was fine with John and he bumped his member against Mary’s hand. She opened her palm more for him. John bumped her softly and maneuvered his member discreetly to tease her hand. She did the same to tease him, too. His member was erect and even in his Papi’s, he tented the front of his trousers. She felt it.

Some of the patrons noticed the hip bumping and alternated their eyes between the conversations they were having and the affectionate group at the bar.

“This can work two ways, Mare.” John opened his hands palms up and pressed them under Mary’s breast. “Does this remind you of the tits on the table flirt?”

Mary relaxed and let her tits drop into John’s hands. The she straightened herself and dropped her tits again. This was a more kinky kind of PDA. Looking over the room, Mary wondered how long she could do this without being noticed. Not too long, she thought. It was delicious though. She wished he would simply massage them. She wanted him, too, but that might be too much. She thought how sexy it might be for a little nipple play but that might be better left for later.

Mack was amused. Mary was flirty in a public place. That had not happened since forever. A few women and men had turned their chairs to improve their view of the bar.

“This is very hot. Can I get in on this?”

Mary disconnected from John’s arms and pressed her body into Mack’s. “Mack, give me a full body hug. Touch my butt, John.”

As Mack held Mary in his arms and hugged her close, John traced a pattern across her butt. He let his fingers explore her lower cheeks before pressing into the space between her thighs. Those who were watching the PDA of this power trio were amazed at the openness of the affection between them.

For Andreas and Jennifer Anastassakis seated at the corner table across the room, this triggered a fond memory of their adventure a few years earlier. “Help me out, I can’t remember the phrase,” Jennifer whispered.

Andreas leaned in and kept his voice low. “‘His Naughty Lustful Wife Pleasures His Friend; Enjoying Kisses, Touches, and Caresses’ ...or something similar, I think. There may have been the word ‘Secret’ in there, too.”

Jennifer started ticking items off her fingers. “Holding hands, Necking, Linking arms, Waist hugging, Playfulness, Heartfelt, Finger Play, Eye Gazing, Kissing, Secret Touching, and Caressing. I’m surprised I remember all the possibilities.”

Andreas reached towards her hands and his soft brown eyes looked into the bright blue of Jennifer’s. “I have not forgotten. I try to do some of them whenever we are in public.“

“Now I’m embarrassed. I should have put two and two together. You are always affectionate in public. It has been a long time since we played these games together.”

“As long as you put us two together, that is all that matters.”

“Stop it… or I will fall in love with you all over again.”

“It is something I look forward to every day.”

Jennifer blinked back the wetness in her eyes. If it had not been for John, she would never have kept Andreas and she would not have such a good marriage. Her heart went out to the woman and the man with John. They were in good hands whatever was happening. She wondered if the woman shared; her husband was very good looking.

Andreas noticed the look in his wife’s eye. “Would you like to experience him?”

“I don’t know him so it is not possible to tell really. Would you mind if I did?”

“No. I was thinking though that you might want to. He is handsome.”

“And her? Would you like to experience her?”

“In Minneapolis, no. I am with you and that is enough for me. Perhaps on Rhodes; she would like the island and the Palladium, I think.”

Jennifer studied Mary and Mack for a moment before looking at John again. It had been five years and her affection towards him remained. Of course, Andreas was her husband and he held center stage in the theater of her heart but she would happily arrange a "will call" ticket whenever John wanted. Andreas would support her in that, too. It was John who taught Andreas that Jennifer was not unfaithful when she experienced other men. John taught Andreas how to read Jennifer in ways that no one else could. She gave her time and her efforts to making a good life for Andreas. She was a good wife. Every decision she made, every purchase she made, every home improvement project she planned, every thought of hers was to improve their lives as a couple. This is how she expressed her love for Andreas. John had shown him that. When Jennifer and Andreas were establishing a relationship, John had told Andreas quite clearly that Jennifer would never cheat on him; however, she would experience other men. Cheating, John had said, is when a person chooses to have a secret relationship.

“Jennifer will never have a secret relationship,” John once said. “Because she loves you, she will tell you before or after she has sex with another man. She does not want a secret relationship to come between the two of you. If you pay attention you will see that Jennifer has an affinity for some types of men. She will surrender her body to other men but once she has fully experienced the other man, she will be exclusive to you again. This is her nature. You should accept it. If you wish to be married to a woman who will dedicate her life to you, you should propose to Jennifer. Just be patient when her biology causes her to experience other men. If you absolutely must have fidelity from your wife, then go find another woman. However, if you wish for a woman who loves you and whose every thought is how to improve your lives together, she is the one for you.“

Andreas made his choice a week later and married Jennifer within the year. Jennifer had four affairs in the past five years and Andreas knew about each of them. The first was difficult for him and they had long talks about it. The others were not so difficult because of the time spent talking about the first one.

It was Jennifer’s nature to improve their lives. She helped Andreas build an estate, helped him in his business, bore his children, and gave purpose to his life. She knew what Andreas needed and she brought him friends and, at times, other women to improve him. It wasn’t always about sex, but sex was always involved with the women. Jennifer made Andreas a better man. Jennifer was special. She belonged to Andreas, and he owed it all to John.

Jennifer held Andreas’ hand. “If she freshens her make-up, I might introduce myself.“

She crossed her legs and her anklet sparkled from the five charms attached. Andreas was fairly sure that she would add a sixth one soon. She turned her attention back to the threesome at the bar and watched as they indulged in PDA. He was handsome and she was beautiful, what’s not to like?

Mary kept her arms around Mack’s neck and playfully teased his hair with her fingers. John moved his hips against Mary’s ass and pressed her into Mack’s hips. Gently sandwiched between the two men, John caressed her from her shoulders down to her thighs feeling the mermaid shape of her. Mary felt the luxury of two men’s attention and liked it. She eventually broke her kiss from Mack and John backed away. She sat on the tall chair and faced the mirror behind the bar. She looked regal and she raised an appreciative eyebrow at her reflection and at her two men.

John and Mack surveyed the bar and the room for any sign of trouble. Protectors and providers, it was the nature of both. They knew that their attention with Mary could not have gone unnoticed. Was it safe?

They caught a few women and men looking their way and smiled at them. Satisfied there was no problem, Mack turned to John. “How much trouble can we get into?”

“As long as we are not vulgar or nude, the Prohibition Bar is more liberal in its acceptance of PDA than most. Nudity is prohibited; vulgarity is a little more difficult to understand objectively, but it is frowned upon. No simulated sex acts, of course, no chair dances. You might see a woman flash her breasts or show she is commando, but please know that a flash does not mean she can be vulgar or repetitive about it. Dressing to impress is the standard for The Prohibition Bar and there is a lot already being shown... but there are limits to behavior.”

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Mary looked in the mirror and caught them both standing guard over her. It was comforting to have both men pay attention to her in public. They were protecting. It was obvious. She was more interested though in the provider side of their behavior. She turned her head around. “Could one of you be a protector while the other is the provider?”

Mack and John exchanged a look. Without saying a word, John knew Mack would stand first watch. John turned toward the bar mirror and stood behind Mary. He placed his hand on her shoulder and let it slide down the front of her dress to cup her breast. Because she faced the bar mirror, no one could see John slip Mary’s breast out. He left it uncovered and reached for his drink. Her breast and nipple were exposed, if the bartender turned towards them he would get an eyeful of Mary. Mary looked at John in the mirror. “Never touch a cold drink with the same hand you use to touch a woman.” Mary teased. John smiled and moved to place his free arm around her shoulder.

Mack had a view of everything John was doing. Mary’s nipple erections were one of her best features as far as Mack was concerned. She looked amazing.

Mary herself was on fire. Her exposed breast looked sexy hot in the mirror's reflection. She leaned forward to let her breast rest on the bar. She lifted it up and lowered it again. It was her signal to John that it should be touched.

It is always erotic when John is involved with me.

All week the marriage adventures had been erotic, but none were as off-the-chart erotic as John touching her body yesterday nor as erotic as showing her off at the bar just now.

John set down his drink and teased Mary’s hardened nipple with a cold finger. “Sometimes there is a reason to hold a cold drink with the hand that will touch a woman.” Mary sat as still as possible and focused her attention on the sensation. John tapped her nipple several times to harden it even further. Mary's nipple contracted tighter. Every tap of his cold finger brought her pleasure; every tap of his cold finger made her think about him touching her in other places. It was delicious to watch in the mirror as John tapped. She would be sinful with John, too, just not yet.

John noticed the bartender look his way. The cautious and careful thing to do was to slip Mary’s breast back into her dress. Taking a chance on what Mary and Mack might find erotic, John held Mary’s breast in his hand and rolled her nipple between his fingers as the bartender approached.

Only his fingertips are cold, Mary noted. She was surprised that John was showing her this way. She wondered about Mack’s reaction. Mack raised an eyebrow but said nothing. This was PDA and finger play was part of it.

The keeper stopped in front of them. “Would you like another drink?” Leaning into John, he continued. "There are security cameras in the bar, sir.” His fingers on the bar discreetly pointed out the locations. He used his body to block any video.

John slipped Mary’s breast inside her dress. Mary smiled at the bartender. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem, ma‘am. Just protecting you and your gentlemen from the unknown, if you know what I mean.”

“Thanks”, said Mack.

“Thank you, “said John.

The bartender raised an eyebrow. “George said we should look after you. I can see something is special between you. Do you mind if I ask what led you here?”

John waited. This was Mack and Mary’s story to tell. Mack looked at Mary and she back at him. She knew that Mack would not say anything that would embarrass her or ruin the evening. This had been a secret from everyone but Anne, but secrets have no value unless others know that you have one.

Mary looked at the man behind the bar. His name tag said Nicholas. “Are you married, Nicholas?”

“Yes, nine years now.”

“Good. Then let me tell you a story about my marriage adventure. I mean our marrage adventure.“ Mary touched Mack to single him out. Mary relayed the story of their marriage adventure from her perspective, talking about the places and things she had experienced and the fun with her husband. Both John and Mack alternately touched her and caressed her during her story. She glossed over a few things about John and left out details that Nicholas did not need to know. Nicholas stopped a couple of times to make a drink for others. Mary was able to tell a good story of a conservative Midwestern couple enjoying an adventure without making it tawdry and unseemly.

Mary concluded, “… and now we are at the Foshay. We are here to explore PDA with each other. It is unusual to share with John tonight but we are all adults."

“I will enjoy telling my wife this story. She will like the idea of me being her provider and protector,too; however, it may not mean the same thing as you and Mary.” Bartenders always had the best stories to tell their partners. This was no exception.

John nodded and said, “This is a good time to be seated. Please ask George for a table. Could you move our appetizers for us?”

The bartender took a long look at Mary’s cleavage and then at the three of them. “George said we should look after you. Now I know why. Thank you for your story.”

George seated them at a small table with their backs against the wall, Mary’s exposed leg, with those satin ribbon lace-up heels, made her the seductress in the room. Her dress draped away from her leg and accentuated her look. In the dim lighting, one could not tell where the dress ended and the panty began. Mack took the opportunity to softly stroke the inside of Mary’s thigh as high as the dress permitted. Mary tingled with every caress. She loved this attention. While Mack stroked her inner thigh, John caressed the back of Mary’s neck and played with her earring.

“A woman could learn to like this,” Mary cooed.

“I hope so,” Mack replied.

George approached with the appetizers and placed them on the table. “It is good to see all of you again. Are you enjoying the evening?“

It was not possible for George to place himself to one side so he stood where he was and stared openly at Mary.

“We are, George. The view of Minneapolis is amazing.”

“Will you mind if I say the three of you look amazing yourself?”

George looked them over and spent an extra moment watching Mack’s hand slide up Mary’s leg as high as possible and then he briefly glanced at Mary’s cleavage.

“Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” George smiled and walked away.

George’s once over of Mary was noticed by both men. “He likes your look, Mare.” Mack smiled.

“And I like yours. You are damn handsome tonight, Mack.”

John removed his hand from Mary’s neck and reached for a crostini. “Are you both enjoying the attention?”

Mary looked at Mack. “I know that I am and Mack seems to like it, too. Mack?”

Mack stroked Mary’s inner thigh again before replying. “I am. Quite a bit actually. I am good with this just like it is. ‘His Naughty Little Wife Enjoys Kisses and Caresses and Pleasures His Friend Secretly’. That phrase says everything about my expectations for this moment and for the night. It is all good as far as I am concerned."

Mary nodded. “Me, too.”

Mary arched her back to push her breasts forward. It was tempting for both men to touch her. “I am having a great time with both of you. I am aroused, more please.”

John looked at them both. “Mack, I have an idea. Are you in for a pound? Go remove your underwear. Put it in your inside jacket pocket. When you come back, stand at the entrance for a little while and watch Mary and I. Then re-join the table when you are ready. Mary, are you okay with some PDA with me?”

“Is this where the naughty wife secretly pleasures the friend? I am in for a pound on this if Mack is.”

Mack nodded. “Be back in a while, I think I want to see what other people are seeing tonight.” Mack kissed Mary on the lips and headed for the entrance. Before walking out of the room, he turned to look at the table. He could see Mary leaning into John, just as John’s hand disappeared under the drape of her dress. She was successful at masking whatever John was doing so that no one could see.

Life is good.

John had told Mary to turn into him and to rest her head on his shoulder. He slipped his hand underneath her dress and touched her labia through her panty. Mary leaned into him and spread her hips slightly allowing freer access.

“Mary, unbutton one button on my shirt and slip your hand inside. It makes for good finger play.“ Mary did and felt the silken hair of John’s chest. It was erotic to be touched by him and to touch him in return. She felt heat and welcomed the rush. John had a gentle touch and his caress of her cleopatra made it pleasant for her to simply go with the flow. It was the best kind of naughty.

“I like this, John. I am having a nice time.”

“Me, too.”

“I never thought this could be so much, oh, I am not sure what the word is, but I never imagined that I would like having two men around me like this.“ Mary touched John’s nipple and ran her fingers through his chest hair again. It was good to have two men who genuinely cared for her.

“I think I should have left my panty in the room.” Mary sighed and caressed more of John’s chest. While they waited for Mack to return, they looked around and saw a number of people watching them. They were curious, of course. A few got up to get a drink at the bar and they walked near John and Mary for a better look.

Noticing a woman approaching, John thought she looked familiar. “It looks like we might have company,” John said and removed his hand from under her dress. Mary straightened slightly but left her hand inside John’s shirt. Gently, John removed it.

“Hi, John.” Jennifer looked at him and at Mary. ”Sorry to interrupt, but I saw you across the room and wanted to say hello before Andreas and I left.”

John stood and helped Mary to her feet. “Hi, Jennifer, good to see you.” He hugged her and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back. “This is my friend Mary, her husband is Mack and he is in the loo at the moment.”

“Yes. Andreas went to introduce himself. I hope that is all right.”

“Of course, Mack will like that he did. Will you be in the States long?”

“Another few days and then back to Greece.”

Jennifer turned to Mary. “You are stunning in that dress, and those shoes make you look fabulous. My husband has been watching you and giving you compliments. I might receive the benefit of your beauty tonight.”

Mary blushed slightly. “Thank you for saying that. Is Greece your home?”

“Yes. We love it there. If you come some time, let us know and we will host you. John knows how to reach us. This might be a little forward, but I want to let you know that your husband is very handsome. Is he exclusive to you?”

Mary was surprised at the question. She had not expected that. She saw that John was about to say something but she spoke first. “He is at the moment. He will be flattered to know that you asked about him. It might be a little forward under some circumstances, but I see it as a compliment coming from you. You are very beautiful yourself.“

Jennifer nodded her appreciation for the complimentary reply. “Please know that the invitation to let us host still stands. It will be a pleasure to show you both around our country.”

Turning to John, Jennifer placed a hand on his lapel to say something and then noticed his shirt button undone. With both hands, she re-fastened the button and said, “Andreas said that you should come too, with either one or both of your friends. Please keep us in mind.”

Mary understood the message behind the invitation and a smile played upon her lips. A number of tables had paused in conversation and were looking at them. It was clear they were confused about this new addition to the playful trio.

John thanked Jennifer for saying hello. Jennifer kissed him again and then headed for the door. Andreas joined her at the doorway a second later with Mack in tow. Andreas introduced Mack to Jennifer and Mary watched as Mack exchanged words with her. Jennifer patted his arm, leaned in, and kissed him good-bye. Andreas waved towards John as he and Jennifer left the room.

Mack stood there awkwardly for a moment and then decided to return to the table. He had expected to take a few minutes watching John with Mary but the conversation he had with Andreas had changed the moment for him.

A few more people that had caught on that something was happening with this well-dressed trio. Mack caught them stealing glances in both directions to see what John and Mary were doing as well as what Mack, Jennifer, and Andreas had done. He decided to return to the table.

“Friends of yours, I understand,” Mack said to John while he slipped his arm around Mary’s waist and then caressed the outside of her thigh.

“Yes, we have not seen each other in about five years. Andreas was struggling at the time and I helped him see that marrying Jennifer would be a blessing. It has turned out that way, too.”

Mary looked up at Mack. “Jennifer paid you a compliment. She said you were very handsome. She also wanted to know if you were exclusive.”

“Exclusive? What…oh. What did you say?”

“This sailor is all mine.” Mary joked and put her hand on Mack’s heart. “Right?”

“Right. I said something similar to Andreas, too. He introduced himself to me by saying, ‘My wife and I are good friends with John Bull. You will be the same, I am sure.‘ In about three sentences I knew that I liked him. He liked me, too, I could tell. Someday you will have to tell me why I like everyone you know, John. We were talking about how he knew you when out of the blue he asked if I ever vacationed away from my wife and, if I did, Jennifer would love to show me around Greece. I let him know that we vacation together, and he said that friends of John are always welcome to come and experience Greece. When he said ‘experience’, I knew what he meant.”

John smiled. “Were you offended?”

“No, surprised and, well, pleased is more like it. I took it as a compliment.”

Mary lightly punched Mack in the side. “Not too much of one, I hope.”

“Shall we sit? Mack, would you sit where I was, please? Mary and then me.” John signaled George and indicated that he bring another round of drinks. They looked around the room as they finished the appetizers and waited for the drinks. George was as discreet as he could be when placing drinks on the table but it was obvious his eyes were devouring Mary’s cleavage. Mack and John exchanged a look. Both were sure they were counting coup on George by being with Mary. John placed his hand high on Mary’s exposed leg while Mack put his arm behind Mary and caressed her neck. It was uncanny how they synchronized without signaling each other. They gave George a little something to be envious about.

“How long have you been coming here?” Mary motioned around the room. She sensed the two of them were showing off to George so she dropped her hand into Mack’s lap. If they could show off to George, then she could, too. She cupped Mack’s member as George cleared the remains from the table. Mack shifted his hip to give her a little more to touch.

“Just occasionally, the last year, do you like it?” John watched Mary caress Mack from his angle but he blocked the view from other tables.

“I do.”

“Good. The people who come here are looking for a little something out of the ordinary. It has character that you cannot find in newer hotels. It is one of the better places to people watch."

Mary was encouraging Mack’s cock to grow. She felt him harden and helped guide his cock so it lay against his leg.

Mack was enjoying this attention. She had not done this in public in ages. Every stroke of his member was a stroke to his ego. It was hot to see John caressing Mary’s leg and to have Mary rub his cock. The pant fabric stretched tight across his erection. Eight inches of Urquhart plaid bulged outward.

John’s hand slipped underneath Mary’s dress for the second time. Mary uncrossed her legs for access. John gently caressed her mound. Mary looked at Mack. Her eyes asked if it was okay. Mack smiled.

Mack approved. That knowledge sent shivers through her body.

Approved and accepted. Her thighs tightened. Why did she always feel like an orgasm was pending when John touched her? Her body tingled. Her pussy clenched.

She opened her legs further to his touch and then closed her eyes to savor the moment.

John lifted the edge of her panty and paused for Mack's approval. Mack nodded, John slipped a finger inside the panty and touched her slit. Uncontrollably, she moistened again. She knew it; John knew it.

She moaned quietly and then stiffened her legs. John touched her secret places. Her toes tried to curl but the shoes would not yield.

While he watched his wife being fingered, Mack toyed with his martini glass; a failed attempt at nonchalance. It came across more awkward than intended. He took a couple of sips, set the glass down. This is where he ought to be thinking of something witty to say but he had nothing. He was pleased with Mary’s unembarrassed and bold caressing of his cock in public. He was also pleased Mary accepted John’s public petting. He felt blessed... and aroused. It was a damn good combination.

John was careful to screen his actions from nearby tables. Too much PDA would have them ousted. The embarrassment that Mack and Mary might feel would be enough to kill the evening and perhaps even the relationship. He had privately touched Mary and Mack was aware. That was enough. John removed his hand and reached for his drink. Mary was warm in all the right places.

Mary felt good about everything. Especially good about John touching her. She felt special. Her men, of course, made her feel that way.

Her men.

She surprised herself that she thought of the two of them this way.

Her men. It was a good way to say it.

She dropped her hand into John’s lap and cupped him. How many women could say that and actually mean it? She could.

Mack felt good about everything, too. He was comfortable with the evening's PDA. John’s hand underneath Mary’s dress seemed natural for the three of them.This week had turned out so much better than he imagined it would. Mack decided then that this relationship needed to continue.

Mary’s hand was stroking Mack's trousered erection. Her other hand was in John’s lap.

John knew it was all good when Mary first placed her hand in his lap. He was erect in seconds. Unfortunately, seated like this his cock was cramped. He shifted a little to relieve the pressure. Mary rewarded him with a hand wriggle that un-cramped his cock. There wasn’t a lot of room for extension in his Papi’s but it was all good for John.

John let Mary play for a while before he suggested they pay the bill. He signaled for George and was pleased Mary kept her hands where they were. Mack and John could count a little more coup on George. Mary was showing off; two men for her. She was okay with George knowing that she wanted both men.

As George approached, he could see Mary’s hands holding the fabric of both trouser fronts. 

“George, please put this on my room,” John said. “Thanks for watching over us. We appreciate it.”

“Yes,sir. You will find a charge on the ticket to relocate a guest party. It was in line with your request earlier.“

“You’re a wise man, George. Thank you.”

Mary continued to pet both men. George tried not to look but it was impossible not to. He paused a long time before saying, “I want you to know that I have enjoyed this experience. It was unique. Thank you. Let me bring you the ticket to sign.”

As George fetched the ticket from the register, he wished he were one of the two men with Mary.

“I think George is the third happiest man in the room,” Mack smiled. “Shall we ask him to take a picture of us?”

“That’s a good idea, “ John said. “Your phone or mine?”

“Mine.” Mack reached into his inside breast pocket and fumbled about. His damn underwear prevented the phone from slipping out easily. He had no choice except to pull his underwear out first and then the phone. Mary let go of both men to take the underwear from Mack’s hands. She held his Body Tech underwear below the table.

“In for a penny, men?” Mary said with a mischievous smile. “Let’s get a picture at the bar like before.”

Mack and John both looked down at their erections and then at each other. The "why not" look crossed their faces as Mary smiled.

George returned from the bar with ticket book in hand. John tripled the amount of the check for a tip and signed it with a note that said, "Please share".

“George,” Mary said, “Would you mind taking another picture of my husband and I, but this time with our friend John?“

George nodded and the three of them slipped out of their chairs and stood by the bar. Mack’s and John’s attention were focused on how their erections might appear and both men took a provocative stance next to Mary. Mary encircled their waists with her arms which forced both men to lean close and place their hands on her upper back. Neither one noticed that Mary’s hand had something in it.

Some of the guests turned to see what was happening but most went on with their conversations.

“I’ll take three pictures so hold your pose until I get all three.” George looked at the cellphone screen. “Ok, smile and say Wisconsin Cheese, please.“

George continued, “Three… Two… One.”

On the count of Three, Mary spread her right hand out and shook out Mack’s Body Tech Pouch Briefs. On the count of Two, Mary raised her hand to show the crowd what she had. On the count of One, Mary smiled.

Click, click, click.

George knew the photos would be excellent; two handsome smiling men with obvious erections and Mary holding out Mack’s underwear to the side. Priceless. Several people began clapping. Others looked over at the trio and began to clap when they saw Mary was holding a pair of underwear. That was when the room broke out in full applause. John looked at Mack and shrugged. They both looked down at their erections and then they smiled at the room and nodded a "thank you" back to the audience.

“Hey,” Mary said loudly to get their attention. “This isn’t all about you.” Mary brought her right hand around to the front. Mack and John both began laughing when they realized they had just been pranked. By now the whole room was in on the joke. Mary dangled Mack’s underwear from her finger and tapped her foot in an exaggerated fashion. Whose-is-this was written all over her face.

The Prohibition Bar exploded in laughter.

John reached into his pants and pulled up the waist band of his Papis to show that he still had his. A second wave of laughter crossed the room.

Mack reached out to take his Body Tech from Mary. As the laughter continued, he stuffed it into his outside breast pocket like a silk handkerchief. He retrieved his phone, held it up to the audience and then put it in his jacket pocket.

A proper exit was needed now. As the laughter and clapping continued, John offered his arm to Mary. Mack did the same.

Mary held both men still for a moment to let everyone know that she was with her men. She smiled around the room and, amid increasing applause, they made an exit worthy of a Fred Astaire movie and headed for the suite.



Written by Trystin715
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