The Wednesday Before:
“Tribute me, Mack, show me your seed. John will show me his on Saturday. I know he will. He will rub his cock for me and I will watch him. You know he has a handsome cock. You have seen pictures of it.“
Mary’s timing and intonation were excellent. John was watching the video Mack had uploaded into the drop box last night.
She was killing Mack with her tease. She had stopped sucking his cock when his testicles pulled up tight. He was preparing to cum. He had never wanked in front of Mary before but there’s always a first time.
There are a lot of firsts with John involved, Mack thought.
He stood at the end of the bed with his dick wet from her mouth. His thighs were tight and he was as walt as he could ever be.
Mary purred, “Why, Mack, I think you want to cum for me… now that I’ve made you hard. I like tasting your cock but I’m not tasting it anymore tonight. Tonight you finish it yourself. John would finish his if he were here. I would watch him, too. You know I would. I‘ve never seen any man do it before in person. He will be my first unless you tribute me now. He would cum for me, you know. He is the kind of man who wants to give me what I want. He would look at my pussy and my nipples and he would pump his cock for me. You will pump your cock for me if I ask you, too, wouldn’t you? It is what he would do if he were here. He would want to please me. You do, too, don’t you? You want to be the first man to shoot on these tits, don’t you?”
Mack could hardly believe his ears. Mary had never been this expressive before. Never ever. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped his shaft towards Mary. He was no masturbation virgin. He had been doing this since his first erection thirty years ago. But he had never masturbated in front of anyone until now. And if John was going to watch this video of him and Mary, by God, John was going to be impressed by Mack’s wank. It was a two–fold mission: impress John and cum on Mary’s tits.
All over those motherfuckin’, son-of-a-bitchin’ tits, he thought. Mack’s sailor language was in his head when he was in heat and he was Hades hot right now.
He cupped his balls with his left hand and pumped with his right.
This feels motherfuckin’ good, he thought as he looked at Mary.
Where she got the strap-on he had no clue but she looked fucking hot stroking it. You would think she had been masturbating her own cock for thirty years: she was so good on the stroke with a little twist under the edge of the shroom. She must have picked that up from the videos today.
She had her Tommy Gunn dildo that she waved towards him. She held the balls in her hand and encircled the base of it with thumb and forefinger. She wriggled it like a man would do his own, letting it wave in the air. She teased her lips and face with it, too. She was talking so damn sexy.
Who the fuck is she crossed his mind several times.
“John is going to have his cock in his hands, you know. He will stroke it for me. Will you? Which one of you will go all the way for me? Which one of you will tribute me with your seed? I think he will, don’t you?”
Mary slipped Tommy Gunn into her mouth and fucked her mouth with the shroom while she stroked her strap-on. Mack could not believe how wanton she looked. His orgasm was close, so very close. His two eyes de-focused and his third eye, the one just above the eyebrows, took over his brain.
Mary placed Tommy between her thighs so Mack would see the strap-on and Tommy next to her pussy. Mack had fucked Mary several times before with Tommy. It was always good sex when Mack shared her with him. But it had to be driving Mack crazy to see her with two cocks so close to her pussy.
Her left hand went to her nipples. She pulled and teased them to erection. She knew Mack loved to watch her play. She was giving him the full show. Audio-visual, show-and-tell, she seductively flexed her body while she masturbated her strap-on and twisted her nips. She wanted him to see that all of this was just as arousing to her as to him. She would take her orgasm from Mack later; right now it was all about his.
Mack pulled on his ball sack and then fingered each testicle. With his tightened scrotum, he could not separate them. He was closer to an orgasm than he thought he was.
“Give me your cum, Mack. Shoot some hot seed on my nips. I will rub your cum on them just as soon as you do this for me. John would do this. He would shoot his cum over them and I would rub his semen over the tips. If John were here and if he shot his cum on them first, I would take his cum off my tits and I would spread it on your cock. Would you like that? I would coat your cock with his cum and then have you fuck my pussy deep. If he cums on my tits, you will put his seed into my pussy. I would like that. I think you would, too. You could put it so deep in me. Your cock would be the tool that puts his sperm inside me. His sperm would swim inside waiting for yours to join in."
Mary continued to purr, “If he is first, I might coat your cock with his cum. If he tributes me, I might tribute him by sucking his seed off your cock. The best gift you could give me, Mack, is letting me lick his seed off your cock.”
Mary plucked Tommy from between her thighs and let the head of it slide between her lips. Show-and-tell or tell-and-show, whatever it was, it made Mack pump faster.
That was it. That was the visual. This was the moment. Mack stroked as fast as he could; he thrust his hips toward Mary and splashed his load onto her chest. Six times his honey spurted on her tits. He pumped his cock to get out all his seed and onto Mary’s tits.
Mack could not believe how good that felt. He let go of his cock and watched it twitch and spasm a few more times to empty him completely. He squeezed his balls in case there was more. Mack knew John would appreciate this wank. It was a good one. He would be jealous that Mack had come on Mary’s tits.
Nothing like counting coup on another man.
Mary was startled by his first shot. She thought she might get more notice. But it was all good as far as she was concerned. Mack had been impressive and Mary was impressed. She should have done this a long time ago. There was something satisfying and sexy about making her man cum like this. She set Tommy aside and looked down at Mack’s cum pooled on her tits.
“Hey, sailor, I see you had a good time,” Mary giggled and scooped some of Mack’s cum on her fingers. She held his honey up to the camera, saying, “John, Mack was first. Now I get to lick Mack’s cum off your cock.”
Looking up at Mack to tease him, she licked her fingers clean.
Mack edited the video to end at that point so John never saw how the rest of evening went. Mary and Mack kept the rest of the video private.
John was absolutely impressed. Mary never once humiliated Mack. Instead, she had turned it into a competition; just the kind of thing that would make an alpha man rise to the challenge. She was very good and it was obvious she loved him. John wished he was Mack at that moment.
John typed out his new challenges for the couple. The first challenge was public orgasm. They were free to choose who would have the orgasm and how it was accomplished but it had to be in a public space with other people present but not necessarily watching. The second challenge was copycat exhibitionism in Sculpture Park. Mack and Mary would flip a coin while strolling through the park. The winner would choose one of the sculptures and the loser was free to choose how revealing he or she would be for a picture. After the pic, the coin would be flipped a second time to see if the picture taker had to copycat the photo just taken. This created a bit of tension in the selection of the sculpture and tension in the amount of revealing that would occur. Three different sculpture poses were required making a total of six pictures possible.
John also asked if Mack was free to go shopping with him. John said he wanted to help Mack with some details about dressing for Saturday night. Could they meet at John‘s apartment for lunch? Mack replied that he could be there at 11:30.
Mack was eating pineapple and drinking tea for breakfast when Mary came downstairs. Over Mack’s tea and Mary’s coffee, they talked about how they could accomplish each of the challenges. It was Wednesday so there would not be large crowds regardless where they went. Mack preferred the Sculpture Park Challenge.
Mary preferred orgasms with Mack over most everything else. Public orgasm was different. She was a little unclear as to how to do this specific challenge until Mack pointed out that sex in the car was an easy way to do this but there were other kinds of transportation that might make this sexier. Buses and the light rail train were an example; the rooftop parking garages also had an appeal. There was unknown risk in both ideas so they left it open to talk about it later in the afternoon.
After Mack left for work, Mary stripped off her clothes and inserted her butt plug. It was easier to insert today and more comfortable to wear. She walked nude around her house and paused at each window to strike a pose. With eighteen larger windows and two smaller ones, it was a vicarious memory of yesterday.
Her phone rang. John was calling. Mary stood nude at the patio door and picked up the phone. They talked about yesterday’s escapades and the video before John gave her a personal challenge. She was to tour one of the clothing optional resorts in the area and send him a photo. How appropriate, she thought.
John’s place at 11:30 AM
Mack rang John’s buzzer at 11:30. He answered with a cinnamon-colored woman on his arm. Large breasts, tight clothes, beautiful face, a sexually-charged brown-sugar angel if ever there was one. She was a clothes horse, too. Her outfit snugly draped her body giving her an enticing hourglass silhouette. She was abundant in all the right places. Rich gold hoops and bangled loops hung upon her arms, around her neck, and dangled from her ears. Mack was fascinated that her large breasts appeared to be cinched together with a belt. The golden buckle was centered at the top of her breasts and looked like a medallion. The effect was to pull her breasts up, together, and push them forward. One breast had a circular outline and it appeared to be a piercing; as if it was a single hoop of some type. It made him curious.
“This is Angelica.”
Angelica ignored Mack’s outstretched hand and stepped in for a hug.
“A friend of John’s is a friend of mine,” Angelica said sincerely and pressed her body into his.
“John was telling me that we need to dress you for dinner Saturday night.”
John nodded. “Angelica is our shopping guide today.”
“Shopping guide?”
“Angelica has a gift for determining the correct clothing sizes for a man and she has accessories to accent a man’s look. Angelica knows you are having a marriage adventure. She helps me from time to time. If you and I are to fill a specific role as husband and lover who share the same woman, we should dress the part. While you will be her ‘sharing husband’ and me her lover, we will not want you to look like a cuckold. “
Mack sensed a challenge in John’s words. “I can hold my own, I think.”
After the words tumbled out of his mouth, Mack realized what he said wasn’t exactly what he meant. Angelica started to laugh and John smiled.
Mack shook his head with that I-can’t-believe-I-just–said-that look.
“Ok, I didn’t mean it like that.“
“We know. Don’t worry. Let’s go in the other room. She has a few things laid out for us to look at.”
Three large suitcases were stacked in a corner, the high table was set for lunch. The work surface and another table were loaded with jewelry and clothing. Mack admired John for his preparation. He certainly had a gift for staging an event. This was no exception.
Angelica had Mack stand still on the exercise mat while she measured around his neck and down the length of his arm. She knelt to measure his inseam and she brushed against his cock to move it aside. She wrote down the measurements and then looked up.
“Mack, let me help you remove your shoes so we can see how you stand on your feet. You can hold my shoulder for balance.” Angelica touched John’s calf and John let her slip off each loafer. Her hands explored the shape and length of his feet and then encircled his ankles, testing the hardness and strength of the connection between foot and leg. Then she stood up.
“Allen Edmonds, for John. Size 11 1/2 What color would you like?”
“You can tell what size shoe I wear by feeling my feet?”
“It’s a gift. I will do the same with your other measurements in a minute. I start with a tape measure and write down the common measurements because that is what men expect I will do. But we are dressing you for a special event. We will want you to look like a million bucks and for that I need a sense of proportion that tape measures cannot provide. Mack, I will use my hands to feel you from head-to-toe. This gives me a sense of you so I can tailor items to best fit your body. Shirts, collars, sleeve length, torso, thighs, and rump, I will be choosing material and lengths that hug you but do not restrain you. Will you mind if I touch you?”
Mack looked at John with a question in his eyes and John grinned. “Yes, she can. It is truly a gift, almost an art. Other tailors will take a number of measurements with tapes and rulers but Angelica does this only with her body. It is an experience to remember.”
“Do I just stand here?”
“I might push and pull you a little bit to test how your body moves. If there is any tightness, I may knead or massage a muscle with my fingers. Just let your body respond to me. You may find it easier if you close your eyes.”
Angelica reached up to Mack’s head and began to run her fingers through his hair in long strokes from front to back. Her nails gently explored the shape of his head and felt the little bumps he had. Her touch made Mack cognizant of each of her fingers and how they explored the very texture of his head. She then held each side of Mack’s head in both hands and gently bent it from side to side and twisted it slightly. Because of his height, Angelica pressed against his body and Mack could feel her breasts and her hips against him. Mack willed his body not to respond. Angelica was not available to him.
I am married, he thought.
Angelica encircled Mack’s throat. “I’m checking neck size and flexibility. John, please write down Plus one and a half, slash four point oh.”
Her fingertips moved to his face and followed the ridges of his brows and nose and ears. She smoothed his cheeks and tested the resiliency of his skin to return to its normal shape on his face. One fingertip traced the contours of his lips. He could feel her breath on his neck and her chest on his body.
This was a hell of an experience as far as Mack was concerned. If it had been any other time or any other place, Mack might have resisted her touching him; but this was John’s place and John was likely giving Mack some type of experience for a reason. Mack was committed to letting things happen as John intended them. It had been all good so far with John.
Angelica moved her hands to his shoulders and explored his broad back and chest. She had him hold his arms out and she wrapped her arms around his torso in a hug and then moved her hands to his waist and encircled it.
“Mack, you will need a gladiator cut. “
Mack had not heard that expression before but he had been told that his size and shape were in larger proportions than most men. He knew what she meant.
When Angelica hugged his torso, Mack did not have enough will power to prevent his biology from reacting. Biology being what it is, it responded by tenting the front of his trousers.
Sliding her hands across his chest as she went and apparently oblivious to her effect on him, Angelica moved behind him. She embraced him again and pressed her tits against his back as she ran her fingers across the front of his chest and over his arms, feeling his muscles, his bones, and the shape of his torso. She squeezed his biceps, testing their density and size. Satisfied with his chest and torso, Angelica began to stroke his back in long sweeps of her hands to feel the contour, the length and breadth between his neck and butt, and then she had him stretch out his arms again as she ran each hand up the side from mid-thigh to his arms.
“I’m checking your contour for symmetry and size. John, please write down 2 left and 3 right.”
Angelica slid her hands down the backs of Mack’s legs as she knelt down. “Mack, I will touch your manhood in a minute to feel its proportions and to test how it moves within your trousers. If you are uncomfortable with that …or if you become uncomfortable with it… just say so. Before that, I will feel your glutes and test the shape and size of them. I will test the space between your thighs - just under your package - for room also.”
Mack had not been touched by another woman like this since he had been twenty-four years old and had had a one-night stand in San Diego. He had not intended to cheat on Mary but sometimes things happen with boat drinks, beaches, and bikinis.
Mack had a sweet memory of a beautiful woman. He was mindful of his behavior ever since and he avoided conditions that might lead him to regret his behavior. This was one of those conditions he would typically avoid but with John present, nothing was going to happen. At least he hoped not. If it did, he would have to stop it. Mack was in for a pound on this one as long as John was present.
Taking Mack’s silence as assent, Angelica cupped his buttocks in each hand and made circles to massage them. Caressing and squeezing each cheek, Angelica tested the firmness by pulling and pushing on them and then she reached between his glutes to feel his package.
“I’m going to get very personal now. Let me know if it is too personal for you.”
She lightly lifted his balls in her hand and she felt him stiffen a little more. She tested how much room there was between his balls and the seam between his thighs. Reaching farther forward from behind, she grasped his cock and stroked him to ensure he was hard. Then she moved his cock in small circles by rubbing his enlarged head from left to right in his trousers.
Angelica removed her hand from his cock and stood up. Moving around to Mack’s front, Angelica looked at John and said , “I think I can help him with everything he needs.”
She turned to Mack, “Mack, you have a great package but you are wearing the wrong underwear and the fabric of your trousers does not allow your manhood to move about as well as it should. Are you wearing Calvin Klein’s? I can tell you are slightly more than eight inches in length but it is almost not noticeable. Unless a woman is touching you, she would neither know how aroused you are, nor would she know the size of your cock.”
“I am married, you know. Other women are not an issue for me. How did you know I wear CK? “
“It is a gift, Mack. If we are to have you be the GQ husband on Saturday, we will need to choose different underwear, different trousers, and perhaps some intimate jewelry. With your size and the space between your balls and thighs - no rhyme intended - you could wear Hardwear cock rings easily enough.”
Mack burbled. “What? Wait. Where did that come from? John, what should I know that I don’t?”
“John, do you want him to wear the cock ring during drinks or put it on afterwards?”
“Afterward, when we leave the bar, I want him to wear Body Tech low-rise boxers with his suit. His wife will think it stunning and it will show off his package really well in public and private, especially in a light weight suit pant that clings tightly to his thighs and blouses slightly around his groin area.”
Mack looked at Angelica. “I want what he said even if I don’t know what that is.”
“You’re the boss. What about cock rings?”
“Let’s try one on him. Mack, are you okay with that? “
“Hmmm, I’ve never tried one so I guess so. What do I need to do?”
“Get soft. Think you can?”
“Uh, maybe?“ Mack looked at Angelica.
“My measurements are complete.”
“Then let’s have lunch and rest a bit. Would four fingers of Belle Meade Bourbon help, Mack?”
“Two helpings of that would guarantee it!”
Angelica laughed good-naturedly at the torment that Mack was going through. “Sorry, Mack.”
“Don’t be sorry. Best tailoring measurements I ever had.”
“I am glad you said that ‘cause if you had better, I would want to go there myself just to compare.”
Over lunch, they talked about the sex life of elephants and John’s adventure travel trips. John explained that he was alone in his travel pictures because he was with married women known to the general public. They wanted more sexual experiences than they had at home. The wives would often ask John to make some specific sexual adventure available to them and John would choose the location and ensure it was a safe experience. John confided that most of the women were over 50 and held prominence in their field or community.
One woman had become First Lady after her husband had been elected and another had run for the White House herself. Many were women executives in non-governmental organizations. This was ‘bovis a vita’. The Life of a Bull. John did not take money from his clients. He had plenty of that already. John just asked that they pay expenses and send him a gift to remember the experience, if they were comfortable doing so. His apartment was full of their gifts. Many of them not on display.
“And they do not pay for your services?”
“My expenses are covered but evidence of a successful liaison is really the payment I want.
Mack appears ready to try something on. Mack, are you read to drop your pants and expose yourself? Angelica, would you choose the right size of a horseshoe cock ring for Mack to try? I agree with you that he is beefy enough to wear it.”
Angelica selected an above average size among a line of cock rings that looked like industrial strength horseshoe-shaped jewelry. Mack dropped his trousers and removed his Calvin Klein’s.
“You will do better with Body Tech because of your size. Calvin’s are okay, but not for playdates.”
Angelica kneeled before Mack and slipped the cock ring piece over his member, letting the notch sit on top of his dorsal vein. She slid the locking pin under his balls and onto the first bead. Mack began to feel his cock swell. Angelica felt a little thrill herself as she watched his cock grow just inches from her mouth. It was a great looking cock. Angelica was pleased to see that he was man-scaped but not shaved. It made his cock look amazingly tasty.
“Any pain?”
Angelica looked up and raised her eyebrows. “So up close and personal. Do you mind?”
Angelica reached for his cock and paused, waiting for permission. Mack’s cock was halfway hard. His gesture said it was okay.
Angelica wrapped her hand around his cock and began to stroke him to make him fully erect. Mack let it happen.
I will truly bust Mary’s pussy when I get home, thought Mack as his cock lengthened and expanded under Angelica’s touch. Good Lord, this feels good.
With obvious difficulty Mack said, “What’s this ring thing called?”
“It’s from Hardwear and it’s a horseshoe-shaped cock ring. The locking pin can be fitted into sections of beads to increase or decrease the amount of pressure needed to produce an erection. In older men, it helps them to achieve one and in younger men, it provides enough stimulation to keep the cock semi-firm even after ejaculation. It allows you to keep thrusting so your partner can have an orgasm on your cock if you cum before her.”
“And I need this… why? Mary seems to cum just fine with me.”
“Don’t confuse your ejaculation into her as the best possible orgasm she can have. The best orgasms for aroused women occur when your cock is inside her for fifteen to twenty minutes. Many times the man is overstimulated before he enters the woman. The 4-minute man is typical, the 10-minute man is extraordinary. But for a mind-blowing, weeping, wailing, bedsheet-clutching, name-calling orgasm every time, then your cock should stroke her on the inside for twenty minutes and sometimes more. It takes time for a woman’s body to prepare itself for the full pleasure of a man. Foreplay is important for penetration but for her to connect with you at that primal level, you need to be there for at least twenty minutes - and for some women even more. If you can cum in her a few minutes after her orgasms, she will desire you practically forever. Many men don’t use cock rings but if they did, their wives would have sex with them more often.”
Angelica let go of Mack’s cock and stood up. It was swollen and primed; Mack looked down and remarked that he had never seen himself so large. Angelica’s pussy was wet. She turned away so she could not see Mack’s cock anymore. She was hungry for sex now. Her husband would receive the benefits of her appetite. He said that he did not care where she got her appetite as long as she brought it home. Angelica planned to do exactly that.
John gave a few instructions to Angelica. “Thanks for everything today. Can you deliver a Glen Urquhart suit on Saturday, arranged so that he dresses on the right side? Add a French cuff shirt, and, of course, the Body Tech underwear.”
“What’s an Urquhart suit?”
“A Glen Urquhart suit refers to the pattern of the suit. James Bond wore Urquhart-patterned suits. Sometimes called a glen plaid or glen check. If you really want to know more, go to the website The Suits of James Bond.”

“John, is there anything else?”
“Yes, send along the Amen cologne. He will love it and Mary will too. Also, add a large-faced gadget watch to match Mack’s links. Mack, you should choose one now from the table.”
“And the Hardwear Mack has on now?”
“Mack, would you like Angelica to remove it?”
“My choice? I’d like to remove it myself while Angelica is still here.”
Angelica watched as Mack reversed the steps and slipped the Hardwear off without a problem. His cock was throbbing and bobbing about a bit as he pulled up and buckled his trousers. His erection was hidden now by his Calvin’s just as Angelica said and it made him look less hunky.
Angelica looked at his groin. “Your wife is a lucky woman. I hope she knows that but you really need to wear something different underneath.”
“Thank you. I think we are both lucky we have each other. Do you need a credit card?”
“Mack, this is taken care of. There are perks to being wealthy and one of them is being able to treat a friend to something special. “
“Thanks for allowing the intimate measurements, Mack. My body will not forget your measurements and your wife will love how you look on Saturday, too. Come pick out some links and a watch.”
Wednesday 3:00 PM
“Hello, where are you?” Mack was curious how Mary’s day went and when she might be home.
“I am working through my personal challenge for John.”
“I hope it’s sexy.”
“Let’s just say that it is revealing things about me that most people don’t know.”
“That’s a tease. Here’s one back at you. John and I had lunch with a woman who will dress me for dinner Saturday.”
“Literally or figuratively? What if I’m jealous?”
“I hope you are jealous. I want to give you the benefit of biblically knowing me. You know, to recapture my heart.”
“Did you say hard or heart?”
“Which do you prefer?
“Are you saying the two are not connected? All this time I thought they were.”
“Let’s say I prefer you connect them… Now would be a good time, too.” Mack put some emphasis on the last part.
“Sounds like you need duct tape. It can connect the two. It fixes everything. And it’s available when I am not.”
“I am not aware that duct tape can give one an orgasm and fix one’s heart. But I will buy a roll and duct tape you naked to the hood of my car to see if that does the trick. ”
“And what if I already had an orgasm?”
“Then I will be jealous because I was not there at the time.”
“Ok, sailor. I think I am getting your message. We both need it.”
“It has to be public sex, though, or it won’t count.”
“Okay, how about the bike path near our house? Outdoor sex is very appealing to me right now.“
“Done. How soon can you be here?”
“Thirty minutes after I put my clothes on.”
“Another tease? Maybe leaving your clothes off will cut a few minutes off your time and make a lot of truckers very happy.”
“You never know. See you soon. Bye.”
Mary had just completed John’s personal challenge to visit a nudist resort. Hanging up from Mack, Mary recovered her clothes and said her good byes to the people at Avatan. She had not been to a clothing optional resort before but she had come to trust John’s requests so she had taken the tour of the grounds in the nude with the host. He was an elderly man, past his prime, of course, with sagging skin, a hairy groin, and a small penis but he was pleasant and completely comfortable showing her around. Mary had never seen so many naked adults. She enjoyed being in the buff, too.
She was a little unsure at first about doing this because Mack was not there but she thought, what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Mary could not help herself; she compared men and women and their equipment as she walked around. She knew they were likely doing the same with her and that it was not sexual. That was odd in a way but then so were some of the people at the resort. Mary decided that men with a flaccid penis and hairy groins were just not sexy no matter the length. Even men with a fire hose for a penis were unattractive with an excess of groin hair. It was too natural in Mary’s opinion.
She was surprised to find that so few men and women were ‘scaped and that they preferred the naturally unshaven look. She trimmed herself weekly for Mack. Mack liked the look of a tended garden so she kept herself that way for him. Many men and women wore tattoos but so few of them looked good with them. As personal statements of expression, they did not make the wearer any better looking or more interesting. Piercings were everywhere. Mary winced at the thought of having so much metal in her body. One woman’s pussy jangled as she walked; Mary was firmly convinced she could never pass through a body scanner at the Minneapolis airport.
After her call with Mack, Mary put her clothes on and drove home quickly. Greeted by Mack with a bottle of wine, a camera, and a blanket, she could tell that Mack was commando in his athletic runner shorts and T-shirt. She had him wait a minute while she changed. Upstairs she mimicked Mack’s attire. Her nipples were hard pokies and obvious through her clothing. As they walked toward the bike path, Mack’s package swung freely in his shorts.
They were looking for a suitable place to have sex. They did not want to be discovered by any kids but they would be okay with others who might find them by accident.
“This is more difficult than I thought. Anything within a few minutes walking distance is high risk for kids.”
It was a short walk but because it was late afternoon, the path was busier than expected. They had not gone but 100 yards when they decided that there were just too many teenagers and traffic. The desire they felt for each other was becoming clouded with real-world practicality. This was not the venue for fucking. Disappointed, they turned around to walk home.
Mary saw Anne with her watering can giving her hanging plants a drink. “Oh, shit. There’s Anne. She will guess what we were up to.”
“But we didn’t do anything.”
“Doesn’t matter. She will think we did.”
“I am okay with that. You?”
Mary’s face acquired a mischievous look. “Hmmm. Yeah, I guess so but thinking it is not the same as seeing it.”
“I know that tone of voice. What’s going through that mind of yours?”
“Something, maybe, Hi, Anne.”
Anne had seen them walking onto the bike path and had figured that this might be one of John’s challenges. She thought Mack might be commando given the sway in his shorts but she wasn’t sure. She was sure, though, that Mary was bouncing around in her t-shirt. Anne wondered if they would come closer so she could check them out.
Anne waved and was delighted to see Mack and Mary turn and walk towards her. Mack was definitely free balling it today, Anne decided.
“Hi, Mary. Mack. Are you enjoying yourself on a nice day like this?”
“We are, thanks. I wanted to know if you were lucky enough to find any shoes on sale yesterday. Were you able to manage a discount?”
“I did actually. Wish you were with me. You might have found something for yourself, too. I tried out a pair that I really liked.”
“You’ll have to tell me more about that later. Maybe we can go together another time. A friend might be needed to help pick the right style. ”
Mack figured there were sisterhood secrets in there somewhere but he was really clueless on what the underlying message was.
Mary slipped her arm through Mack’s in that universal body language that says “We are together”.
“Anne, would you have time to help Mack and I with something today?”
Anne’s eyes sparkled. She nodded and said, “Mack, is your wife going to get me in trouble again?”
“I don’t know yet. You and I are hearing about this at the same time.”
“I told you about the challenges that Mack and I are doing this week? Well, today’s challenge is to have public sex. ”
“And you thought the bike path would offer that opportunity.”
“We did but there are too many teenagers and neighbor joggers. We are looking for a place with a little less traffic. Any ideas?”
“Actually, yes. Fort Snelling Park is a great place for outdoor sex. Tons of trails, not well-traveled this time of day, only 15 minutes away.”
Mack and Mary looked at her quizzically.
“I know, right? One of the perks about working at a TV station is that you learn where people are caught having sex and sometimes, where they are not caught. It is amazing what you find in the background of some of the filming we do around Minneapolis. Fort Snelling Park is one of those places. If you don’t mind a small audience, there is one section that is sometimes used for dogging according to the millennials at work“.
“Dogging? In Minneapolis? Who knew? Sounds promising. How do we find it?” Mack looked at Mary.
Mary chimed up. “I’m in.”
“I know where it is but couldn’t tell you how to get there. There are a lot of trails and places to park.“
Mary looked at Mack. He nodded and Mary looked back at Anne.
“Are you up for a little more trouble, Anne? Can you show us where this is?”
“Would you really want me along? I mean, I would love to. These opportunities don’t happen every day. I would like to be there.”
“I think we need a spotter, a lookout, just someone to warn us.“
Mack agreed. “And we need a picture or two. Anne, we’d love to have you along. Let’s take my car.”
“If you are sure you won’t feel awkward… Let me lock up and I’ll be right over.”
Mack went into the house, grabbed his keys, and then picked up a towel. The two women were in the back seat of the car when he came outside.
“I’m feeling like a chauffeur.”
“I like chauffeurs. To the Park, please.”
“Mack, Mary told me a few things the other day about this marriage adventure. I am surprised that the two of you are doing this and incredibly curious. How did it start? I mean, if you don’t mind me asking. I think the whole idea is interesting but it is a bit unusual.”
“Not really unusual but not common either. You have known us for 12 years. You know us really well. Now that Mary brought you into this, I‘m just going to be honest. You could tell if we were lying any way.
“I can’t speak for other men or for other couples but I can tell you from my perspective and Mary can tell you her side of it. I like it when other men wish they could have a wife like Mary. I know what those men are thinking because I had the very same thoughts before Mary and I met. Mary makes other men jealous of me. We are a team and we do things together even after more than twenty-three years of marriage. We are faithful to each other. But we are curious and aroused by married threesomes we see on the adult sites. We decided to have a shared experience and bring another person into our bed; two actually. First, it will be two men for Mary and then two women for me if we are okay with this experience. We have been married long enough to know each other and to know that she will not cheat on me and I will not cheat on her. “
Mary cut in, “And that is why I love this man. He is mine and I am his. I am not his property but his partner. I am curious what it would be like to have two men pleasure me; one of them being Mack, of course. It is a shared experience for the two of us. I want to explore being desired and satisfied by two men at the same time. To have Mack watch me pleasure myself is always arousing. Knowing that Mack and I both want this experience with another man pleasing me, it becomes part of our marriage. Rather than something that happens to one of us, well, it increases the bond we have with each other. And, of course, I like the fact that Mack wants to show me off. I can’t begin to tell you how much I value him because he wants me to be the wife that other men wish they had. I like the idea that my husband is superior and feels superior to other men because of me. “
“I think John is preparing us for a threesome experience. I like the son of a bitch. He is concerned that Mary and I are ready for a threesome so he is exposing us – I don’t mean it that way - showing us what it might be like to be sexual with others. I can tell you that each of these challenges has been to get us thinking about sex and how others can be or could be a part of it.”
Mary chimed in, “We’re becoming friends with John as we go through this. These are what you might call shared experiences once removed. John is not part of the experience but a catalyst; because he is suggesting them, he is connecting with us.”
Anne nodded. “And will I ever hear about all the challenges?”
“Well, you now know two of them plus one personal challenge. That’s enough for now.”
Mack turned onto the drive that leads into the park. “We’re here. Where do I go?”
Anne gave Mack a series of turns that put them near a remote parking area. Mack pulled into the middle of the parking area, turned off the engine and turned to face the back seat.
“Is this the right place?”
“Yes, from what I know of it. “
“It doesn’t look dangerous, thank goodness. “
Mack spoke decisively, “Ok, let’s assume this is the right area. It’s a bit after 6 PM and plenty of light. Here is what I think we should do. The scene is that Mary and I are dogging in the park. Anne is the photographer outside the car. Mary and I will do what comes natural to us in the back seat and Anne will take pictures. Anne, you tell us if anyone approaches so we can decide what we will do. Take enough background pictures so that it is obvious we are in a public place.“
“Ok, hand me the camera.”
Anne took the camera and checked out the controls. This was one of the newer cameras and all pictures were written to a memory system that would be easy to export. She had a similar camera at home and wished she had brought it. Maybe she could have had a few memories for herself.
While taking a few test shots, Anne could see that two cars on the end had a couple of men in one of them and wondered if this was a gay hangout now. Meanwhile, Mack got out and opened the back door and left it open. The thought of him taking Mary in front of Anne was more of a turn on than he imagined it would be. His cock swelled and the tip protruded from the bottom of his shorts. Mack asked Mary to kneel doggy style in the back seat so he could take her from behind. Crouching down, Mack pulled aside her shorts and kissed Mary’s pussy with affection. He loved the scent of her and the look of her and the feel of her. Mary and her pussy were one carnal object in Mack’s mind. Mack flashed on the thought that John would be eating Mary’s pussy in a couple of days.
Anne watched and listened as Mack intimately plashed Mary. There wasn’t much for Anne to take pictures of at this angle; just the back of Mack’s head and Mary’s shorts-covered backside. Anne could see that Mack’s nose must be nudging her asshole as he licked her. She noted Mack’s cock had extended below his shorts. She didn’t know why but the phrase ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ popped into her head. Anne mused that a woman on top and twerking on a man’s cock might be the origin of that phrase. Anne admired Mary at the moment. She was a fortunate woman to have a dragon like that available to her.
Anne backed up for a few wide shots of Mack and Mary but there wasn’t any angle or view that would allow anyone to know it was Mack and Mary dogging in the park. It could be anyone. She heard a car door close and watched as two young men cautiously approached. It was obvious to anyone that Anne had a camera and there was something happening in the car.
“Mack, two young men are coming this way.”
“Is there danger?”
“No, I think they‘re just curious.”
“An audience is fine. Mary, turn over and spread your legs wide. Let’s show you off to a couple of young men. One good reason for public sex is to show others what they are missing.”
Mary heard the gentle command in Mack’s voice. The kind he used in the bedroom when he took charge of her and issued instructions. She surrendered herself to Mack’s lead and turned over; opening her legs wide to show herself off. She pulled aside her shorts so her pussy could be seen.
“Anne, take a few pictures of Mary while I talk to the guys for a moment.”
Mack stood up, his erection visible in his shorts, and waited for the two young men.
“Hey, friends, my wife and I are having a little fun as you can tell. I am okay with you watching this photo shoot if you can be cool about it. If you can’t be quiet and respectful, I will ask you to leave right now.”
The tall one spoke, “We can be cool.“
The short one added, “No problem. This your wife? She’s pretty cool herself.”
“Thanks, you can get a little closer but don’t get in the way of the photographer. Ok?”
Both men nodded and said, “Yes, sir.”
They were clean cut with hair a little shorter than normal. Mack did not have any concerns.
“Mack, what’s it going to take to get your attention again? There’s some prime stuff here getting lonely.”
“Anne, take as many pictures as you like but be sure to get at least two different shots with our friends watching.”
“Got it.”
“Mary, let’s get those bottoms off.”
Mary lifted her butt and slid her shorts off. She surprised herself perhaps more than Mack, Anne, and the two young men. Three days ago she would never have exposed herself like this. This was different. She was different. She was excited and willing to show her pussy and to have Mack fuck her in front of others.
Mack dropped his shorts and stepped out of them. His hard-on waggled as he approached. He slid himself inside Mary. Her legs went straight into the air to take him as deeply as possible and Anne began to take a series of pictures as Mack pumped into Mary. Mary was moaning and Mack was guttering a syllable or two as he thrust inside her. He pulled up Mary’s T-shirt to expose her. Anne shifted to get a few pictures of her nipples and Mary’s sex face. Mary was getting deeper into the fuck now. Mack was hitting all the right places and Mary’s body shuddered with each thrust. In the front of her mind was that she was being fucked by Mack in front of Anne and two strangers. The back of her mind imagined how hot this must look for her to be sullied in a parking lot like women in the dogging videos she had seen.
“Mack, take me from behind. Let me turn over and show my pussy then fuck me hard. I want you to take me from behind.”
Mack pulled back and Mary turned over and put her feet on the ground and her face into the seat of the car. Anne shifted the camera to video as the strangers came forward for a close up of Mary’s exposed pussy. Mack stuck his finger inside Mary and motioned for Anne to get a close up. He slowly finger fucked Mary and let that image seep into everyone’s mind. Then grasping his cock, he guided it to her labia and rubbed it around her inner and outer lips. Anne shifted the camera to capture his erection entering Mary and taking long slow strokes in and out of her.
This is so hot, thought Anne, I want a man to fuck me like this, too.
Mack’s strokes increased and he penetrated deeper into Mary. She moaned and bucked against him. The slapping sounds of Mack and Mary’s bodies repeatedly filled the air. Anne moved behind Mack to shoot video upward from between his legs but she needed more light to capture anything. She then backed up to include the two men into the frame watching Mary take a pounding.
So effing hot. Anne almost said the words aloud.
The two men covered and clutched the front of their pants as they watched. They thought it was hot, too.
Mack was ecstatic that his cock was buried deep into Mary while Anne and two strangers were watching. He wanted them to watch his wife take his seed in front of them. There was nothing more satisfying to Mack’s ego than that right now. They will leave with blue balls and he will leave with his sperm swimming in Mary’s pussy. Life could not be better than this.
Mary was creaming on Mack’s cock and her mind was screaming for Mack to explode inside her.
”Cum in my pussy,” she whispered while he assaulted her.
She wanted Anne and the strangers to know she accepted his seed. As her mate, she wanted him to seed her in front of others. They were partners after all.
”Oh, just fuck me.”
Mack felt his orgasm rising and, even in the height of passion, he thought about how to show his superior position over others. He pulled his cock back so only the tip was inside Mary. He wanted this creampie to be obvious and to have his cum drip out of her. His balls and cock pumped his first shot of cum into her. His cock surged four more times and he emptied himself inside.
Anne could see he was cumming. She focused the camera on his withdrawal so she could capture it on video. Mary moaned and clutched the towel on the seat.
Mack stepped back and let the final pulse shoot on the outside, evidence of the deed. Anne videoed Mary’s gaping pussy and Mack’s cum oozing out. She was able to keep Mack’s cock in the picture so it had the look of a conquest photo. The hard cock and the cum-seeping pussy; Anne thought a frame grab of this would be spectacular.
“Mary, hold that pose for a minute.” Mack looked over at the two strangers. “Step over here for a close-up look. I’d like a picture of the two of you with her like this.”
The strangers came closer and Anne took a picture of them with one on each side of Mary’s dripping pussy. They could smell the sex and were just inches away from her pussy and Mack’s cum.
“Thank you for being so cool about this.”
“This was great. Would you mind if I took a picture as a memory?”
“Just one and then we have to go.”
The taller one pulled out his cell phone and clicked off two pictures. Both strangers began walking towards their car and talking about what they had just seen.
Mary backed out of the car. “That was so fucking hot, Mack. We can do this again some time. I liked it.”
“Me, too. And we probably will.”
Mack bent over, pulled on his shorts, and then reached for the towel on the back seat.
“Mack, I’m not going to clean up here. Give me the towel to sit on in the back. Anne, you ride up front with Mack.”
They climbed into the car. Mary sat in the back seat sideways with one leg on the floor and the other one propped up on the back of the seat in a trucker flashing pose. As they drove past the two young men, they waved to each other. The taller man checked the license plate and added the numbers into the caption of one of the two pictures he had taken. It was always good to have evidence. You never knew if it would be needed.
“Anne, I don’t want this to be awkward between us in the future. Thanks for doing this.” Mary was genuine.
“I don’t even know how to say thanks to you for letting me be part of this. It is not the norm that’s for sure, but I enjoyed it. I am not a prude and if you knew some of my early dating experiences, you would know that this will not make me uncomfortable with the two of you. “
Mack added his thoughts, too. “Thanks, Anne. When Mary told me that you knew about this adventure, I was a bit uncomfortable myself but you were terrific in today’s scenario. “
“Mack, I am curious what you would have done if the two strangers had not been cool?”
“Depends, of course, on what was not cool but if they had become vulgar, I would have stopped and confronted them. Up close, very personal, and in your face kind of personal; there is no reason to be an asshole.“
Mary’s pussy was still leaking. She let his seed seep out at a natural pace. She thought about how Anne might feel seeing Mack’s cum drip out and she thought about how Mack’s ego must be feeding on the fact that his cum was leaking out of Mary while Anne was in the car. Surprisingly, Mary’s ego was feeding on this, too. Anne was somehow the lesser of the two women because Mary had his cum and Anne did not.
Anne casually looked over to check if Mack had a wet spot on his shorts. He did and there was string of cum drying on his thigh. She could see the cloth of his shorts was raised where his relaxed cock lay. Mary noticed Anne was looking at Mack’s lap and smiled.
Mary thought to herself, Look all you want, Anne. It is all good and all mine.
Mack was curious about the silence. “Did I say something wrong? It’s womanly quiet in here now.”
Both Anne and Mary said ‘no’ at the same time.
“You’re a good man with a great attitude, Mack. Got any cousins in Minneapolis?”
“I do as a matter of fact; one that is divorced for over a year now.”
Mary added, “Anne, let us arrange a dinner party for a few people and we will give you a chance to meet him. He is not dating yet. This will be our way of saying thank you for your help.”
“I have turned down a few dating invitations since my break up with Dave; so no promises from my side. But I would like to meet him if you think I should.”
“I do and you should. He’s a decent guy. “
Anne teased. “So he doesn’t have bad guy’s eyes and he is not an asshole?”
Mack smiled. “Not even close.”
Mary straightened up in her seat. “Well, I guess I should put on my shorts now. Getting close to home. Can’t be getting out of the car with no pants on.”
Mack looked into the rearview mirror. “Not recommended. I agree.”
All were quiet as Mack turned down the street and a minute later into his driveway. Before getting out of the car, Anne spoke once more.
“Again, thanks for including me in this. You two are amazing. So glad I was there. Mary, call me when this adventure is over. Mack, I hope you don’t mind but I want to know all the details that you and Mary are willing to share. “
As Mack and Mary walked into their home, Mack told Mary, “This was a great experience. Your idea of having Anne involved made it special, I think. I think we were both comfortable with her.”
“I think so, too. It would not have turned out as well without her. I will have to think of a way to thank her more than just an introduction to your cousin.”
“I agree. Are you hungry? I’m hungry. I could use a burger about now. How about I throw a couple on the grill?”