The Thursday Before:
John wrote an early email to Mack and Mary about the two challenges for today.
Good morning to both of you,
You are having a great week completing these challenges. I know from your emails and pictures that you both are enjoying this adventure. Your first challenge today is to spend half an hour naked in any outside sport. You may pick any sport you like but you both must be nude. There is kayaking in Lake Calhoun, running on a trail, taking a hike, perhaps swimming on a beach or having a game of badminton in your backyard. Just about anything you can think of as an outdoor sport qualifies but you must both be nude for 30 minutes. Pictures required, of course.
The second challenge is a telephone threesome. On Saturday, we will be together for real so this is a good ice breaker to have a sexual experience with me without me being present. It works like this: Mack calls me when you are both in bed. Put on the speaker phone. It is a shared intimacy that gets everyone comfortable and personal before Saturday.
Let me know what you decide.
John Bull
John called his tailor and confirmed Mack’s suit would be ready on Saturday. It cost extra for this level of service but it was always worth the money. The pictures and video of outdoor sex from Mack were a pleasant surprise. Obviously, the photographer was the person who Mary shared her secret with on Tuesday. John was pleased because it meant Mary and Mack would not be shy with him on Saturday night. John was also pleased to read Mack’s lengthy email about Fort Snelling State Park. This was the first time Mack was sexpressive towards Mary as he described how he felt with his cock in Mary while Anne and two men watched. John returned an email and congratulated Mack for controlling the public sex and for the quality of the photos and video. He complimented Mack also on his email and told him he had a flair for sexual descriptions in the hopes that Mack would go into more detail next time. It always aroused John to read the words of a husband describing sex with his wife. It told John a lot about their relationship.
John went to the kitchen and made himself another cup of tea. He drank only Market Spice Cinnamon Orange Tea. It was an oily tea, cinnamon heavy, redolent with orange. It was thicker than most coffees brewed by the baristas nearby. Unfortunately, he was unable to find this tea in Minneapolis. He relied upon a favor from a woman in Seattle’s North Queen Anne area to supply him. John could buy it on the internet, of course, but he enjoyed owing a favor to this woman; it was always a special time when she cashed it in.
Returning to his desk, John called Mary at precisely eight o’clock. “Good morning, Mary. I am a little early. Do you mind?”
“Good morning, John. No, this time is fine. If you are calling early then I am guessing that today’s personal challenge requires an early start?”
“Exactly so, but tell me please, were you comfortable with the outdoor challenge yesterday?”
“Well, it wasn’t going well at first but once we connected with Anne everything fell into place, like the location and the picture taking.”
“That is good news. I presume Anne was your photographer. She must be trustworthy if you and Mack invited her to do the recording.”
Mary’s eyes twinkled. “We do or at least we better trust her. Anne and I have known each other a long time and I helped her with several relationships and a bad marriage. She is in a good place now. So tell me what my personal challenge is today?”
“This morning, I would like you to role play a fashion consultant working with me to help dress a man for his date next week. This challenge is all about you having physical contact with a man.”
“Would that man be you by any chance?”
John smiled through the phone. “Wouldn’t that be premature?”
Mary mustered all her innocence into a single phrase. “Are you saying you don’t want to be premature with me?”
“Shall I make you premature on Saturday night? Would you like to try that?”
Mary became serious for a moment. “Is it possible for a woman to have a premature orgasm?”
“Yes, it is. “
“You mean that women can orgasm early, right?”
“Yes, I can do this with you, once or twice, for the experience. I’ve helped women learn to orgasm early to match her husband’s timing and I’ve helped men to orgasm later to meet hers.
“We’re getting sidetracked, though. The challenge I have for you today is a turn on but it is for you to turn on another man from head to toe. In this challenge there is a little role play. The man will come to lunch and you and I will pretend to take his measurements and choose clothing for him to wear on his date. What he doesn’t know is that you will actually touch every inch of his body through his clothing.
"Your mission, Mrs. Phelps, if you choose to accept it, is to be a professional consultant engaged in some unprofessional conduct with a very good looking man."
“I haven’t physically aroused another man on purpose, ever. What will Mack think about you asking me to do this… and who is this man?”
“I think Mack will love it when you tell him about it. There’s no sex but if things go well you will have your first experience touching another man. It will be a safe place and a safe experience.”
“I don’t know what that means exactly but I want to be sure there is no sex involved. Did you talk to Mack about this?”
“No. He has no knowledge of this. This is a personal challenge for you. There is no sex and this man will not touch you. I think Mack will be astonished, amazed, and aroused if you choose to tell him about it. How about this: you come over at eleven o'clock, dress in something fashionable with accessories. We will go over a few things in advance. He will arrive around noon and we will have a light lunch. If you are comfortable, I’ll suggest we take a few measurements. If you are not comfortable, I will set a date for him to return another time. Does that work for you?”
“You didn’t tell me who this other man is.”
“He is a friend of a friend that I am helping with his confidence and his sense of style. He is an agronomist by training and works in sustainable agriculture projects. “
“Like a farmer?”
“No, like agribusiness. He doesn’t grow crops. He oversees sustainable agriculture investments. Like produce, like wineries, like olives, or beer hop production projects, like finding new ways to harvest existing crops and bring them to market sooner or better or fresher. About 40% of the world’s landmass is capable of producing some type of agriculture for people. That is his garden. He does not have much time to socialize and needs a little help with that.
“Got it. And it’s just lunch then unless I say otherwise?”
“Agreed. Just lunch and maybe an opportunity to earn a few extra points in personal space. And if it doesn’t turn out, how about I take you to 50th and France for a little shopping?”
“Extra points for personal space? I have no clue what that means either but I can do lunch and shopping if nothing else. If that is okay with you, then I am in. See you at eleven.”
Mary hung up with John and toyed with her butt plug. Her body accepted it a little easier each time. She could not imagine having an orgasm simply through anal sex but she wasn’t going to rule it out either. In the heat of the moment, who knows what a body will do? Some women orgasm through nipple play and others do not. It is just the way people are made.
She left her butt plug in while she showered and masturbated. She was thinking of sex with John, of wearing something fashionable, and she focused on the idea of touching another man’s body. She brought herself to the brink twice before climaxing. There was fullness with the butt plug inserted inside. She wasn’t quite sure if it was her thoughts about John’s cock or the butt plug but her climax with her shower vibrator had a different feeling but it was not like the OMG moments she had seen in the home videos. Putting the plug and the vibrator away, Mary considered whether perhaps Mack’s or John’s cock might make all the difference on Saturday night.
Mary called Mack about ten o’clock and asked what his thoughts were: nude sports or a telephone threesome? Mack said he preferred the telephone threesome. Mary agreed. He thought that nude kayaking was a really good idea but just not today. Mack said he liked the idea of teasing John a little, too. After all, it was now four days of sex-oriented thinking and doing. A little at home time with Mary was good for the two of them. He wanted intimacy.
Mary dressed for lunch and for John. She wanted John to see how sexy she could be and she wanted to be eye candy if they went shopping. She thought about rocking her look in yoga pants again: in for a penny, in for a pound. She wore the micro-thong but with dark blue yoga pants and she paired them with a steampunk bustier she had worn once to a costume party. She accessorized with gold jewelry. Gold sandals complimented her look. She added a silk shawl that added flexibility to the wardrobe and a little mystery but did not hide anything she intended to show off. A steampunk vixen, she bent over at the waist and checked her cleavage and her Cleopatra in the mirror. This’ll work, she thought.
Promptly at eleven, John let Mary into his apartment and greeted her with a peck on the lips. He complimented her outfit noting the clear definition of Mary’s cameltoe and cleavage.
“Nice, very nice, you are really rocking that cameltoe look. I almost wish Mack was here. He would love to see me drool over you.” Mary was pleased by his attention. In the kitchen area, John had a couple of trunks opened and a table set up with a few items on it. Props for the event, John had already selected clothing that Emil Harrier, the agronomist, would take home with him.
John went over the scenario with Mary. Emil was American by birth but his parents were French. He had spent many years working around the world. His wife passed away 5 years ago. It was a Cargill woman who asked John to help Emil with his style. She intended to introduce him to her family. They had met at a corporate event and seemed to hit it off.
Emil had spent too many years with sustainable crop farming. He needed a little guidance with clothes and a reminder about women. Mary would tutor him in both. Mary asked John if this is where the extra points came in. John nodded.
“It does. According to what I am told, Emil is under-endowed and has a confidence problem. I thought a good approach is to talk about clothing and penises from a woman’s perspective.”
“Oh, that could be difficult. I don’t have experiences with other men, let alone smaller ones, but you know that. Mack and I were virgins and while I have seen the small dick videos on the internet, I have never experienced one.”
“Excellent. If you said something silly like ‘it doesn’t make a difference’, I’d have had to pinch you, because it does, you know. It makes a difference. It only makes a small difference in the pussy while it can make a large difference in the mind of both partners. “
“Well, now you have me confused.”
“Internet pornography sometimes gives a distorted perspective because you can only see cocks and not experience them. And it doesn’t help that some of the porn is faked and some actors are overly expressive. In truth, though, if you look for the amateur and the authentic, the internet has done more to show real sex than the movie industry ever did.
“When it comes to undersized men, people get it wrong. Undersized men need to be paired with undersized women. You are skeptical, I see that. You don’t have to take my word for it. The Kama Sutra says there are three sizes of vaginas and penises, and the true internet authority, Wikipedia, even gives dimensions.”
“How do you know all this? Are you making this up?”
“I don’t think I could make up half the things I know. But for some interesting penis stories, the older, sexually active women know the most about big and small dicks. They unanimously favor older, small-dicked men. They don’t want to spend an hour getting something up that then falls down before they finish. Older women prefer age-appropriate smaller-sized and even under-sized men.
“Would you like a tip about romance and old fashioned sex? One of the most romantic and sexy things that ever happened to me was a seventy-two years young woman who bought herself a bottle of Calvin Klein’s Obsession and spritzed her wheat with it before our dates. “
“Seventy-two? Really? And wheat?”
“Seventy-two, really and truthfully. One of the most sexually honest women I ever met. Ever seen a wheat field with the wind rippling across it? When I am oral with a woman, I breathe slowly on her to simply enjoy the look of her wheat moving. Anyway, when she knew that I liked that cologne, she would scent herself for me. I found it romantic and told her so. I adopted her habit after we separated. My recommendation is that you wear your husband’s cologne for special occasions. He will love it. But of course, it has to be a scent that both of you enjoy. I wear a woman’s perfume on my underwear sometimes."
Mary was puzzled, “Why perfume?”
“I want a woman to feel comfortable and safe and surprise her with a scent that she will recognize.”
Mary was aroused imagining John between her legs and breathing on the wheat of her pussy. She wondered what Mack would think if her wheat was scented for John Saturday night. She might surprise them both.
Mary nodded that she understood about the choice of scent and then said: “Emil is coming soon. What is it about this adventure that I should know?”
“I will introduce you as my fashion consultant and will lead most of the conversation about the size and capabilities of a penis. When the time is right, I will ask you to measure him for custom fit clothing. For extra points in this personal challenge, begin at the top of his head and caress or massage his body down to his feet. Come up with a reason to touch him and make him erect. We will have Emil try on different clothing and you will compliment him and explain why certain things look good on him. You may be a little nervous and you don’t have to do this but it is a good way for you to feel another man’s body and to explore your attraction to it. It will also help Emil to know that women are not focused on the size of his cock as much as they are on him and his relationship to them. Size is not a reason to reject a man from your bed; a poor attitude and poor performance are.”
“This is quite a stretch for me, John. I’m not sure. You want me to touch another man to help him with his insecurities about his size? I don’t know. I am okay with being eye candy, not so sure about touching him.”
“No worries. If this is a stretch for you, we will not go forward. Would it help if we have a safe phrase, like “Macintosh Plaid”? If you say Macintosh Plaid, I will bring the fashion consulting to a close, no personal measurement will be taken, and I will reschedule Emil for another session. This is part of your marriage adventure and it should not be uncomfortable for you in any way.”
Mary was uncertain. “Hmm... Macintosh plaid and we stop? Okay, but no guarantees.”
“No guarantees. I am good with that. If you decide to touch his manhood, be sure to give a reason and ask permission before you do.“
“John, I have to tell you that I would not do this normally. I trust you to protect me.”
“You are safe with me at all times. I am a travel guide in this adventure. This moves you a little outside your comfort zone but not so far that you will be apprehensive or afraid. It is just a man that you will be touching in a safe space and a safe place.“
The doorbell chimed.
“Ok. Big hug now before we open the door to our adventure.”
Mary reached for John and held him close. She pressed against him as his arms pulled her in. His embrace was honest; she absorbed him, all of him. She felt him caring for her and realized she cared for him, too. At that moment, she knew she was safe whenever she was with John.
John opened the door and there stood a genial giant of a man with twinkling eyes. Mary had a good feeling about him.
"Bonjour, my name is Emil," came out in a French baritone.
Mary was delighted. They had chemistry, or biology, or agronomy or whatever. Mary took an instant liking to him.
Thursday evening
Mack and Mary were enjoying Manhattans on the patio as a mixture of steak pieces and oil-coated vegetables were cooking on the grill. A fruit salad sat on the table and Mack saw that Mary had mixed cherries and peaches with the pineapple and pears. He thought about telling her about his experiment and then thought better of it. Let it be a surprise if it worked and if it did not then there was no harm in eating fruit for a week. It had been a long day for Mack at work and it felt good to unwind in the back yard with just Mary.
Mary, on the other hand, was up and down, moving about, checking things, and touching things. Effervescent. She touched Mack every few minutes. Hand on back, hand on arm, leaning in. She was all shorts, halter top, hair flips, and smiles when she cupped his butt and patted it. She was definitely turned on.
“You seem in a good mood today. Is there a particular reason?”
“There might be.”
“And are you planning on telling me about it?”
“I’m thinking that tonight there may be a perfect moment for you to hear about it.”
“I’m not saying another word.”
“Ok, then. Should we talk about our telephone call with John tonight?”
“Not really. I mean, I know I want you to end up with a body-wrenching orgasm screaming my name but I don’t really want to plan too much of it,” Mary teased.
“I was thinking the same but it would be you screaming my name.“ Mack paused and then continued, “I confess that I am enjoying this week; really enjoying it. Every day, I want to see what John has planned for us; what challenges there might be. John said that I would find myself closer to you as we do these challenges. It's true. Like today with all the baloney at work that we are working through, I found myself taking a mental break with you and thinking of the memories we made this week. This has been good for me.”
“I know, right? I felt very close to you every minute of the day this week. Even now, I want us to share things together we have never done before. I feel safe… and protected… and adventurous all at the same time. If anyone had said to me that one day we would have telephone sex with another man, I would have laughed in their face. But I am looking forward to it tonight. I want John to know that you fuck me because I choose you to fuck me. And the fact that he knows about it because you chose to let him know about it, makes it more delicious. Wait. That sounds weird but I feel you are proud of me this week and I am proud because you are proud of me. I am sure there is some psychological meaning to all this but I don’t care. We are a team and that is important. We are together in this and I could not be happier about it.“
“That‘s how I feel, too. I want other men to be jealous that I am married to you and I want them to drool every time they see you with me. And when you are not with me, I want them to wish that you were. I want them to think that if they play their cards right, you and I might give them a glimpse of the relationship that we have. Later, they can go home to their partner or spouse and think about the gap between what they have and what we have.“
“Now that sounds like my husband’s testosterone talking. But that is what I love about you and about us.“
Mary then sat on Mack’s knee and kissed him.
When they broke, Mack asked, “If John had asked for a video call tonight instead of a phone call, would you have wanted to do that?”
“I don’t think so. You?”
“No, but I want to hear why from you.”
“It would be like a sex interview, wouldn’t it? I don’t want that.”
“I was thinking the same thing. This is not us auditioning for John.”
“We agree. But I will tell you that it is kind of sexy to know that John will be listening.”
“I think so, too. I am okay if you moan a lot and shout my name so John can hear,” Mack teased.
“Well, what if I moan a lot and then call John’s name?” Mary teased back.
“I will bust your pussy to remind you who I am.” Mack held her tight.
“You better say that, big guy, and you better do it, too. I expect nothing less.” Mary held Mack tight.
God, I love this man, she thought.
“Let’s eat outside. How about making us a second drink?”
Thursday evening about 9:30 pm
John had initially considered Skyping but rejected it in favor of the telephone. There was something to be said about keeping the nakedness, the nudity, the revealing of each other to Saturday night. There’s only one first time. And the first time of almost everything is the beginning of a life-long vector. John wanted to control that vector so Mary and Mack would enjoy the experience, savor the memory, and have their first threesome in a positive and uplifting way.
John had always thought that sex should be fun and soul-consuming in a way that rewards each partner with body-shuddering climaxes. There were different types of orgasms, of course, and any orgasm was better than none but extraordinary climaxes with a third person created a sexual vector; a beginning and a direction that added to human sexuality.
Swingers knew this. Sex is a life experience and not a ritual to be performed between two people on holidays and vacations; and it certainly was not a task to be checked off the To-Do list. John recalled his bitter feelings when he learned his ex-wife’s calendar had a code for which days she would have sex with him. It ate him up to know that he was relegated to an appointment like getting her nails done or a perm for her hair. His ex-wife was a good person but her desire for sex had waned to almost nothing with John by the time she was thirty-nine. John was looking at forced celibacy for the remainder of his life. He tried everything he could think of to re-capture the spark she once had for him but there was no cure. She loved him but was not in love with him anymore. John stopped trying in the third year of a sexless marriage and took a lover. Discreetly at first and eventually not so discreetly and then finally, he was discovered and they divorced. After the divorce, she did not date but she filled her life with friends and family and activities. John’s children said their mother was happy and John believed it to be true. He wondered if they told her that he was happy, too.
John poured a couple of fingers of Bailey’s into his glass. He had written down the three things he hoped to accomplish tonight. He read them several times along with re-reading Mack’s emails and watching Mack and Mary’s jerk off video a few times. John ticked the three objectives off on his fingers again: establish intimacy, expose them to taking sexual directions, and engage them in verbalizing and vocalizing their desires to each other and eventually to him. Everything that happened tonight was to improve the comfort level with each other as partners. If it was awkward or uncomfortable, then Saturday night would not go either; if it went at all.

John called promptly at ten. Mack answered.
“Hello, John. Prompt as usual.”
“Hi, Mack, how was your day?”
“There’s a reason they call it work, you know.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“No worries. Mary and a couple of Manhattans earlier have erased all of that. And I think you helped by the way.”
“Glad I could help, I guess.”
“It’s these challenges, John. They give me something to think about when I don’t want to think about work. I can take a mental vacation for a few minutes while the memories of this week absorb me. It gives me perspective instead of invective.”
“I never thought of myself as a cursing inhibitor but maybe I should think about that on a T-shirt. John Bull: Cursing inhibitor. Maybe with a few exclamation points, pound signs, and other characters on the end of it.”
Mack smiled, too. “How about Cursing inhibitor: A sexual perspective inhibits an invective as a tag line or something similar?”
“I like it. Might be worth a million dollars on college campuses.”
Mary joined the conversation while they both were laughing, “Hey, don’t you two have something better to do than a business plan at the moment?”
Mack teased, “I don’t know. Maybe. John?”
“Now that Mary is here, I am thinking about the advertising. A picture of Mary, with a provocative expression, wearing our T-shirt might sell millions of these, I think.”
Mack still teasing, “Might happen.”
Mary frowned, “Well, if you ask me, putting a middle-aged woman in an ad for college men, is not a bright idea. You need like a shirtless ski instructor or bikini-bottomed college girl.”
“Hey, there is something about a MILF that works for me. I am married to one.”
“Hey, yourself. Being a MILF works for me, too. Maybe we should target a slightly different market if you want me in the advertising though. How about Hashtag MILF4myhusband or Hashtag MILF-Don’t leave home without it or Hashtag MILF-Film at 11?”
John started to chuckle: “I like that one. #MILF:FILM@11 works on a couple of different levels.”
Mack was committed to the banter now. “Maybe for millennial college kids it should be MILF is FILM spelled backwards.”
Mary interjected, “How about the word MILF reflected in a mirror as FILM. It kind of pokes fun at the spelling of millennials as well as the whole MILF video genre in general. Too intellectual?”
“You two are hilarious. I haven’t seen this side of you before.“
“Well, maybe because Mary and I are both in tune with each other. There was a time when we could banter all day and we were set off by almost everything or nothing at all.”
“We did, didn’t we? Seems like ages ago now.”
“Doesn’t really matter what we did back then as much as what we do now; we are reconnecting, I think. And that is good.”
“Yes, it’s all good.”
“Very good, as a matter of fact.”
Silence. John listened for a while and heard no sounds.
“Are you guys kissing?”
“We are.”
More silence, then the sounds of sheets moving.
John waited patiently and imagined the two of them stretching out in the bed.
“Ok, John. We’re back,” Mack announced.
“It sounded nice.”
Mack replied, “It was.”
“Mary, is Mack a good kisser?”
Mary was still bantering, “You probably would not like it, John.”
John bantered back, “Mae West once said, ‘I found men who didn’t know how to kiss. I have always found time to teach them.’”
Mack added. “My favorite about kissing is something like ‘I don’t care who kissed you first as long as I kiss you last.’”
“Richelle Mead writes the absolute best descriptions of kissing but men don’t read her,” Mary pouted.
Mack looked at her. ”Maybe because we prefer kissing instead of reading about it.”
“Mary, that sounded like an invitation to me. What do you think?”
“I accept.”
Respectfully quiet, John listened to the soft sounds of Mary and Mack. It was good to be present when two people kissed who were committed to each other. For John, exploring the taste of a woman’s lips was succulent but it was the texture of her kiss that drew him in. Every fiber of her being, every essence of her arousal, all of it was captured and transmitted through her lips into his. And the rush, the flush, of feeling from his lips to his hips warmed him and fulfilled him. Sharing a moment and connecting were the best parts about kissing another man’s wife.
John heard more sheet rustles before Mary spoke.
“John, can you guess what I might be doing right now?”
“You might have your hand on Mack’s cock. Do you?”
Mary put her fingers to her lips to shush Mack before he said a word.
“I do, John. Mack is erect. All eight inches of him and I am stroking him. He is hard, John. Nicely hard. I have wrapped my hand around him. His cock is magnificent.”
“It’s all good when a wife enjoys her husband’s cock.”
“I do, John, but do you know it is missing something tonight?”
Mack looked at Mary’s hand wrapped around his shaft. “I think I am doing just fine.”
“You are but you will be doing better when I tell you what John made me do today.”
“John, what should I know that I don’t?” Mack was curious.
“Mack, I think Mary has something to tell you and it is not my place to tell it.”
Mack looked into Mary’s eyes. “Oh? Am I going to hear what made you so touchy- feely earlier? You said there was a reason.”
“It is and this is a good time for me tell you while I have your cock in my hand. John had me do some role play today to help a friend of a friend.”
“Friend of a friend, John?”
“Yes, are you familiar with Cargill agribusiness? One of the women I know in the family asked that I help a friend of hers. It seemed to me that Mary and this friend of a friend…”
”Wait. Are you telling me that you personally know members of the Cargill family?”
“I have helped a lot of people, Mack.”
“Hey, can a girl tell her story while pumping her husband’s cock and while her future bull listens?”
“Sorry, Mary. You have my full attention.”
“I better. Sheesh. The two of you are something else. I hope you are not this easily distracted when we’re together on Saturday.”
Respectfully silent, both men waited for Mary to speak.
“Ok. Now that we know I was helping a friend of a friend of John’s. Let me tell the story:
“John called and gave me a personal challenge today that involved another man. The man’s name is Emil and he is a Frenchman who travels the world for Cargill. He is divorced and a bit shy because he is underendowed. He thinks his wife left him because of his size and because of his travels. One of the Cargill women knew Emil and his wife before the divorce and now she wants to date him. Because his work does not allow him to socialize, Emil has been out of the dating scene for a while. He doesn’t have confidence is what John says.“
Mack knew Mary had an interest in small dicks. She was astonished the first time she had seen a video of a small dick go from soft to hard and then ejaculate without ever being touched. She asked Mack how it was possible. He did not have an explanation but said something about muscle control and self-training. Mack said this was a skill he never wanted to acquire. In Mack’s view, orgasms are great but the pleasure of getting there is all the fun. It was the journey that Mack wanted, as well as the destination. Just like now, with one of Mary’s hands wrapped around his cock and the other caressing other parts of him. It was all about the pleasure… until it was all about the release. That’s the way Mack thought of sex. Untouched ejaculation held no interest to Mack.
“John told me a few things about cocks that I did not know…”
Oh, now that was something hot: Mary talking with John about cocks. Mack was genuinely attentive and he was trying to think where Mary was going with this story.
“...then John asked me to be a fashion consultant…”
What the heck did she just say?
“…and my role was to help Emil with fashion tips and to support John in his conversation with Emil about how underendowed men should be confident with women because cocks and pussies come in different sizes and they simply need to match up. Well, that’s the Cliff Notes version of what John and I talked about… Hey!
Mack, you just got harder. Are you counting coup on underendowed men now? You are amazing. Strong, virile, and here you are ready to compete with any cock in the room, even when it is not in the room. This is what I love about you.”
Mary gripped him tighter and slid his skin over his hardness.
He is walt now if he wasn't before, she thought.
“So basically my role was to back-up John’s argument that size does not matter and underendowed men were attractive but John said I could earn extra points, too.”
Mack was not even sure he should ask but he wanted to know. “Extra points?”
Mary adjusted her rhythm and stroke.
”Yes, for extra points John wanted me to physically arouse Emil by giving him a head-to-foot massage. I was so nervous and so worried about what you might think that I wasn’t sure that I could do this challenge. It is so outside of my boundaries to touch another man.“
Mack’s walt was fully engorged. Stiff. Erect. Extended. The thought that Mary had been touching another man the same way that Angelica had touched him yesterday was erotic. His mind filled with images of Mary and the unknown Frenchman. He was pretty sure that nothing happened but he wanted to know if Mary had touched the other man’s dick.
Oh, fuck. If she touched his dick and did not make him cum… oh, sweet Jesus, what an angel.
Mary’s eyes began to sparkle and she talked rapidly. The same as when they were first married and just the same as Monday at the Foshay when she was aroused.
“Oh, Mack. I have to tell you that after I met him and we talked and had lunch, I was so comfortable with him. I had to do it. In for a penny, you know… I just had to do it and even though you weren’t there, I measured him with my hands and my body and I felt him all over. It was so exciting and… I touched him, Mack, through his clothes, I touched him and I made him hard. I wanted to know how big, I mean how small he really was. I had to do it. And when I touched him, he did not have any underwear on. I touched his cock. I made him hard and I stroked it through his pants. I was so wet. I told him why I liked it and why I liked him. I am wet just thinking about it. Please don’t be mad.”
“Did anything happen?”
Mack was imagining Mary’s hands caressing a man through his pants.
“No. Not like that. That would be cheating if you did not know about it. But I was wet, so wet. Just like now. I liked touching him. I have never touched another cock, you know that. He liked it and I liked it. I stroked him through his clothing. And Mack… telling you about it is incredible. I have wanted to share this with you ever since you got home.”
Mack looked at his hard cock. Mary was using both hands to pump him.
“It’s pretty incredible to me, too.”
Mary was very aroused. It was obvious that telling Mack about Emil had excited her again.
Mary looked into Mack’s eyes and pumped his shaft but her voice went to the phone and John, “Are you hard, John?”
”I am.”
“Good, because I want to use some of the skills I learned the other day. Is your cock out, John?”
“It is out. Has been.”
Mary continued to look at Mack and stroke him. “And are you stroking it for me, John?”
“Only for you, Mary.”
Mack looked quizzically at Mary and she shushed him with her finger to her lips. Mack thought about John masturbating while Mary was giving him a handjob. There was quite a bit of coup to count at this moment. Life was good.
“John, stroke yourself while I stroke Mack’s cock. Do you remember the masturbation video that Mack and I made? Of course, you do. You know that I had a strap-on and that I was teasing Mack with it as he stroked himself?”
“I remember.”
“Tonight think of me masturbating Mack’s cock while you masturbate yourself. Are you using your right hand?”
“I am.”
“So am I. I'm stroking Mack’s cock from its tip to its base and back again. It’s big, John. Bigger than you. It’s rock hard and I am getting it ready to cum inside me. Just imagine it, John, just a bit at a time entering me. I want you to imagine Mack putting it inside me. Do you wish it was your cock slowly entering my pussy? It’s warm, you know. Mack was inside me before you. Do you feel my wetness? It’s not all me, you know. It’s something Mack left behind. Each quarter inch of my pussy is warm due to the heat of my husband’s cock when it was deep inside me. He left a present in me for you to feel.
“John, do you have a picture of me in front of you? Are you fantasizing about being inside me? Will you tribute me tonight?”
Mack locked eyes with Mary as she stroked him and talked to John. There was something intimate and arousing about Mary as she played this game with him. Mary was teasing both of them at the same time. Mack’s ego could not be more thrilled that he had the sexual benefits of Mary and John did not. How many times this week had Mack counted coup on John? It was enough for Mack to be happy about it.
“Mary, I have your video with Mack running on the screen.“
John was fantasizing about penetrating Mary in front of Mack. Listening to Mary as she stroked Mack was erotic. John hoped it would lead to sex between him and Mary on Saturday night. His best orgasms occurred with married women whose husbands were watching. It took John over the top every time. Whenever a husband watched, it was indescribably satisfying for John to thrust inside his wife and then spray his seed against her cervix. That feeling of shooting his cum into another man’s wife was why he loved his life as a sexual bull and it was why he continued doing it for the past decade. It was feral, undomesticated, alpha-male rewarding to have permission from a husband to put his biology into her biology.
Some husbands were clueless about the kinds of sex that their wife wanted or needed. Husbands got the message though when John brought a wife to all-consuming climaxes. Marriages improve when the sex is good and John brought good sex to a marriage. If a wife pleasured John and swallowed his seed with passion, it let a beta man know that his wife would do this to him, too; he just needed to step up his game. When an alpha like Mack gave permission to another alpha, it was because he respected John as an equal. If John elicited bedwetting, convulsing orgasms in the alpha's wife, her husband would do the same to prove himself. John and he would bond afterward because they had experienced the same woman. Married life and sex were both better with John involved. John hoped Mack would see that, too.
Right now, John throbbed for release. Mary was exciting him with her tone and her sexy taunting. John wondered how Mack was holding up.
”John, Mack’s cock is really hard right now. Is yours? His balls are drawn up tight and he wants to cum. That is how I want you to be in front of Mack. Your cock in my pussy and your balls drawn up tight. You feeling pleasure each time you pump me. You and Mack would both be thinking about my climax, your eruption, and a fountain of cum inside me. John, are you ready to cum? Are you ready to release that hot seed from inside your balls into the air? I want you to cum hard for me. Give up your bull seed for me. Mack is watching us John. You are my bull. Cum for me. Tribute me, John. Give it up for me.”
“Fuck, Mary. You are really hot tonigh.”
John stood and felt the muscles in his thighs tighten. He thrust his hips and erection forward. He took faster and longer strokes.
Mack was also close to cumming. “Mary, roll over on your back and spread your legs. I want to be inside.”
“Like this, Mack? John, if only you could see this. My legs are spread wide and Mack is ready to penetrate me. If you are lucky John, Mack might let you do this to me Saturday. He might let you slip your cock into my pussy. Mack, do you think I should I let John fuck me or should I fuck John? Let me feel you go deep. That's it. Put your seed in deep. Make John jealous that I am here with you and I am here for you. Now get that rhythm going. Slap your thighs into me. Deeper. Hit it, Mack. Hit it. That's it.”
Mary opened her mouth and moaned. John could hear her sounds and he could hear Mack slapping against her.
Mary had never talked liked this until this week. John's challenges this week had changed her. She was vocal and verbal but not vulgar. Mack liked this change. She seemed freer with her sexuality. John was the cause. Mack knew it. As her husband, he was receiving all the benefits of Mary. John was the reason for Mary's enthusiasm this week.
Can it get any better that this?
John was pumping his cock with his right hand and he imagined Mary and Mack having sex with each other. This was a good sign. He gave himself three strokes and paused, then a single stroke and paused, then four strokes and paused. He listened to the sounds of Mack fucking Mary and her moaning.
“Mack, hit that spot, Mack, C’mon. Oh, there it is. That’s it. John, Mack’s hitting it. C’mon Mack, keep hitting it. John, Mack’s cock feels so damn good right now. He is fucking my pussy so good. He is so deep. Mack, a little faster, let your balls slap against me. Oh, god, I am creaming on his cock, John. I want to cream on yours, too. Mack, can I cream on John’s cock? I need your permission, baby. Got to have it to cream on John’s cock. You want me to cream on it don’t you? You want John to know what your wife feels like when she is creaming on your cock, don’t you. Tell me it is okay to cream on John Bull’s cock. “
John continued to stroke and paused as he listened to them. He followed the first eight digits of pi as he stroked and listened to Mary. 3-1-4-1-5-9-2-6. He was rimming his orgasm in a random way. It was a test of self-control and he was failing this test tonight.
Mack uttered, “Fuck. Mary. Fuck. I want to cum in your pussy. Right now. Oh, fuck. “
“Oh this is so hot, Mack. I know you want to say something to me, I want you to say it, John wants you to say it, too. I want you to say it when you unload into my pussy; when you are cumming, I want you to say it. Cum for me, Mack, and say ‘Mary, I want you to cream on John’s cock.’ You want it, I want it, and John wants it. If you say it, I will do it for you, honey. I will cream on John’s cock for you just like I am creaming on your cock now... Mack, tell me you want me to cream on John’s cock. Cum in my pussy, Mack, and tell me you want me to cream on John’s cock like I am creaming on yours.“
The last sentence put Mack over the edge.
Mack gasped, “I want you to do it. I want you to cream on John’s cock.”
His cock convulsed and he spasmed deep. His cock pulsed over and over again dumping more cum into his wife than he thought possible. Mary bumped against Mack to take as much as he could give.
John came just as he heard Mack give permission for Mary to cream on his cock.
Fuck me, So hot.
John’s cock and balls clenched as he shot a rope of cum into an empty wine glass, it was followed immediately by a second and a third and a fourth and a fifth. He had once masturbated through the first thirty digits of Pi but not tonight. He could not get all nine strokes of the thirteenth digit done before his orgasm.
Mary’s Cleopatra clutched Mack tightly. She felt him pulse into her. What an incredible day! She had stroked another man’s cock at noon, masturbated her husband as another man listened, was mated by her alpha male while another alpha listened, she had received permission to orgasm with her bull, and she had just taken her husband's seed while her bull was listening. Wow. Amazing and incredible. She had never felt so close to Mack as she did then. She held his orgasm-wracked body and claimed his sperm as her own by rocking her hips a little from side to side. He had given it up for her. It had meaning to both of them.
Mary whispered, “Thank you.”
Mack wasn’t exactly sure what Mary meant. He presumed it was about having John present and his making Mary orgasm. He was feeling good that he came inside her while John could only listen and wank.
Nothing better than counting coup on another man.
Mack was satisfied that Saturday could be special for the two of them with John. A few moments of silence followed before John spoke.
“That was nice. Very hot.”
“I know I enjoyed it. I mean, what the fuck, Mary. You were hot.”
“John, did you tribute me? I know Mack did.”
“I did.”
“Will you send me a picture? I want to see it.”
“Mack, do I have permission?”
“Yeah, I guess so. If that is what Mary wants, I am okay with it.”
“I do. This marriage adventure… I don’t know why but I want something to remind me how special this was tonight. A memento.“
“I will send you a picture tonight. I have already ordered a little something that will arrive next week. A gift from me to both of you to remember this week."
“John, you are a generous man. I know that it will be something special coming from you. Mary and I are honored to accept… to receive… a gift from you.”
“Will you accept another gift from me? I would like to take Mary shopping tomorrow.”
“I am fine with it. Mary?”
“I am always up for shopping; it will be a treat with John. But right now I would like a little more Big Mack time. John, would you mind if we hang up now? We need some M&M time, just the two of us.”
“Yes. Thanks for having me with you tonight. See you tomorrow.”
Mary said good night and wrapped her arms around Mack. This was nice, Mary thought. Mack and John and she had shared an intimate moment; yes, this was very nice.
John hung up and considered how successful the evening was although it was not exactly the way that he had planned it. Mary had referred to him a few times as her bull. This meant that Mary had transitioned from thinking about John as a third person in their married bed to John as a sexual provider. It was significant on Mary’s part to go from a marriage adventure with her husband to John as her bull. Perhaps Mary will take her sexual pleasure from John without any guilt. This could make for a great experience for all three of them on Saturday night.
John took a picture of his splooge in the wine glass. In the background was a frozen image on the monitor of Mary stroking her strap-on while Mack had his cock in hand. He sent it to both of their phones. It was an excellent photo.
Might be worth mounting on the wall one day.
With stemware in hand, John walked nude into the kitchen and removed a glass vial from a drawer. He poured in his cum. Sealing it tight, John put it in a holder in the refrigerator. Then he poured a bit of Baileys into the same glass, swirled it around, and drank it down. It was a good day today. Tomorrow had a promise of adventure, too.