The Friday Before, 6:30 PM
Mack pulled into the driveway still thinking about Billy T, Dolores, plus how crazy it is to do Bullshots. John is a remarkable guy but this was really more than Mack expected. Of course, the entire week had been like this. Mack’s head kept spinning around the idea of a BullShot with Mary. He thought about he and John filling Mary with seed and Mary emptying her creampie into a glass to mix it with Bailey’s. It was primal, intoxicating; but Mack was unsure about swallowing John’s seed. If Mary was up to it then he was, too.
Fuck that Worcestershire and bouillon BullShot. A Bailey’s BullShot with Mary is better to consider.
Mack called out in a sing-song voice as he walked into the house. “Honey, I’m home.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Mack checked the mail on the counter and tossed away several. More junk.
Mary came into the kitchen wearing her Daisy Duke shorts, her bikini top, and an almost see-through beach cover that came to the middle of her thigh.
“Where are we biking today?”
“I want to talk to you before we go anywhere. There’s a few things I haven’t mentioned about this week and I want to before it gets out of hand.”
Mary’s heart stopped. Did John tell Mack about today? She felt twisted up inside. She shouldn’t have gone so far with him. She knew that but at the same time, wasn’t this supposed to be an adventure? She did not feel guilty but the lump in her throat made it difficult to breathe. She waited for Mack to continue.
“I’m embarrassed that I haven’t told you everything. It’s not the way we’ve lived with each other for twenty-three years and I don’t want to start doing that now.”
This wasn’t about her, thank God. It was about him. Her relief was short-lived as it quickly gave in to a suspicion. Mary’s eyes narrowed. What had he done that he felt guilty enough to confess? She was worried now.
Mack saw the look in her eyes and knew she had prepared herself for the worst, whatever it was.
He inhaled sharply and let it all out in one long breathy confession.
“Another woman was intimate with me. Nothing happened, I swear. I don’t mean sexually intimate but she touched my body the same way that you touched that French guy and I should have told you but I didn’t. I don’t have an excuse. I liked it and she did it and John was there the whole time. Mare, I swear. Nothing happened. And then today, I joined John in an erotic photo shoot and this woman practically swallowed my cock. I know I shouldn’t have but I let it happen. But again nothing more than that happened. There were pictures taken and I was never alone with that woman but it happened and I want you to know about it so we can deal with it.”
Mary looked Mack in the eye. “Did you cum with either one of them?” She locked her eyes on his to see the truth behind the words his lips would utter.
“No, Mare. I swear. Not like that. I would never.”
She saw the truth in his words. “Then don’t worry about it.”
The surprise was all over Mack’s face. He had that perplexed look he always got when he was sure that she would be upset and then she wasn’t.
“If you did not cum then you have not disrespected our marriage. I learned this week that it’s all about your seed. If you did not gift it to another woman, then you have not disrespected me or our marriage.”
Mack was very confused.
“Sit, Mack. Let’s talk this out. We are on a marriage adventure with another man for me. Soon we will be on a marriage adventure for you …assuming all goes well, of course, but I think you agree with me that it is going well so far.
“I had a sexy moment with Emil and you know about that but I had one today with John, too. In a very sensual act, John took my panty off and later he put it back on me. It was incredibly erotic but he never went beyond that. I was prepared to go further but it didn’t happen and I am glad it didn’t. In addition to that, John saw me in my bra and panty when I was trying on dresses. It was an emotional experience for me and I have to tell you that, except for you, I have never desired another man as much as I did at that moment. It reminded me of our first time together.
“You and I need to recognize and understand that when either of us is with John that something will test us or take us to a boundary that we never faced before. All of this is new to us. We need some structure to this and some rules we can live by. I did not feel like I was cheating when I was naked with other people, nor when I touched Emil's dick, and not when we shared our sexing by phone with John. I thought about why and it was because there was no other person's seed involved. When I watched some of those Chatroulette masturbation videos, I realized I would be pissed if I caught you cumming with or towards another woman even by video.What I am saying is that when we married, we pledged our troth to each other. Troth is fidelity and I am saying that you and I are not unfaithful to each other as long as you keep your seed exclusive to me and I keep myself exclusive to your seed. That's my seed, Mack. You pledged that to me when we got married and I pledged to receive only your seed.
I decided that my rule number one is that I will not be present if or when another man ejaculates. Unless you give permission, I will not observe nor participate in another man’s ejaculation. I think that rule number one for you is to never ejaculate in the presence of another woman without my permission. I mean never ever.
Can you agree to this? This means basically that if there is no seed then there is no deed to be concerned about.”
Mack looked quizzically at Mary.
“Yes, I can agree to this but I am not sure what you are telling me. Are you saying that we might be together with John or other people after tomorrow night? I just want to be sure what you are telling me.”
“Oh my God, Mack! I never thought it would sound like that. I am only trying to protect our marriage from unexpected… unplanned events. Ejaculation is a bridge too far. You cannot walk back from knowing that your partner did not think of your feelings when or where seed is involved. Whether it is you or me makes no difference. If you secretly gift your seed to another man or woman or if I secretly accept the gift of seed from someone then our relationship is no longer our relationship, period. Until that happens, the relationship is not broken. It may be hurt or be ‘black and blue’ but not broken. When broken, it will never be the same again. You see that don’t you?”
“Yes, oddly enough, I do. John and I had a similar conversation earlier today. He said it differently but I get this, Mare. I do. He said I should focus on your treasure and then on your pleasure. He said that if I did not safeguard your treasure, then I will have broken something and it will not be the same as it once was. So I get this."
Mary wanted to be certain that Mack was good with what she said.“So we are good on this, right? We are unfaithful to each other in this marriage adventure if seed is involved and we do not have each other's permission.”
“Yes, we are good on the ejaculation part. No secret seed, no secret deed. That breaks our relationship and our vows to each other. I can live with this rule...Was it a Freudian slip that you might want a longer arrangement with John?”
Mary did not hear an undertone in his voice.Thank goodness.
“I don’t know if I do or if I do not want the same relationship as we will have tomorrow night but I like him. I think you do, too. And however it turns out tomorrow, I would like to keep open the possibility that we become good friends.”
“Fair enough. I do like him. He likes us, too. He invited me to a Twins game next week and the first thing he asked was whether you would be okay with it.“
“I would be okay with it.”
“That’s what I said, too. He respects us as a couple, Mare. You know what else he did? He offered us a way out tomorrow if we needed one. He told me about a husband and wife who discovered they did not want a threesome and how instead they have this Hot Wife marriage adventure in which the husband pretends he is quote the other man end quote and John pretends he is her husband. So they have Hot Wife adventures and send pictures and texts to John. He is a pretend husband. They have adventurous sex together as they role play the Hot Wife experience.”
“All the adventure of Hot Wifing without another man's seed.That’s kind of cool actually. I can see where that might be fun. We should think about that as a future adventure. That isn’t what we want for tomorrow night though, right?”
“I agree. We are pretty clear that we want to experience both types of threesomes. And, like you said, we are really lucky we found John. He is good for us.”
Mack paused and Mary could see he was thinking. She waited for him to speak.
“So what are we going to do about tonight? After this conversation, I am not really into another adventure.”
“Me neither. I would like a bike ride with you but no challenges tonight. Would you be okay with that? Maybe we can just connect with the path to Minnehaha Falls and back again. Won’t take too long.”
“Ok, let me change clothes. I might have to find something to compete with those Daisy Duke’s. You are rocking that look by the way.”
“I’ll get the water and check the tires. Bring down a travel blanket from the hall closet. You never know when we might need one.“ She winked at Mack and he figured out the rest.
The bike ride was just what they needed. They spoke very little. Both were thinking how these challenges had changed them, opened them, and made them think differently about sex and marriage. When they stopped for a break, neither was in the mood for sex and seed. Honesty can do that sometimes. They just wanted to be with each other.
In the spirit of the marriage adventure, they stripped and took a few nude selfies to send to John. They let him know they did not do the challenge but were sending pics instead.
When they returned home, an email from John about PDA was waiting for them. This changed their mood again. They laughed and teased each other about how PDA with John could be, would be, a lot of fun.
The phone rang. It was Shelby with her weekly phone call to bring Mom up to date. Mack knew that it would be a long call. They always were when their daughter called. Mary would catch him up later. This was all good as far as Mack was concerned. He wanted some think time.
Mary had sort of pulled a trigger in John’s head when she Freudian-slipped Mack with Rule Number One. The fact that Mary even thought about a rule meant that at some level she thought there would be a continuing experience. Mack was not certain if Mary was thinking of a second time with John or if it was Mack’s upcoming adventure with two women. In any event, she was right. Some kind of rules were needed before they risked too much of their marriage because one of them made a mistake they could not walk back. The rule about seed was the first but there must be others needed to protect their relationship.

Mack walked upstairs to his computer in the den and opened a blank document. As was his engineering nature, he began to compile a set of expectations and compare them to a desired result. He crafted a list of relationship risks and then began applying problem-solving techniques. He had done this many times with technical issues but never before with relationships. A class in psychology might have helped.
He sighed. You have to use the tools you have and not the ones you wished you had.
A breakthrough in his thinking happened about 40 minutes later as Mary came upstairs.
“Are you coming back down?”
“I’m in the middle of something. Not sure how long it will take.”
“Then I’m going to start a movie or something. When you come down, we can catch up on Shelby’s life.“
Mary headed downstairs and poured herself a large glass of cabernet. She turned on Amazon Prime and began to watch The Skinny Dip series. The idea of skinny dipping around the world appealed to her.
In the meantime, Mack puzzled out a few rules to add structure to an ongoing relationship but it was missing a control process. How do you manage something like this?
He lost track of time as he often did but at least he had something to think about when he was done. He closed out and went downstairs. He found Mary sleeping through the final episode of the series. He realized just how long he had been at it. Gently he woke her and they went to bed. They were asleep in seconds.
Eight AM Saturday Morning:
Mack was petrified when he woke. The dream was so vivid. He first looked towards Mary. He could not have stopped himself from touching her arm even if he wanted to. He didn’t want to wake her. He hoped that touching her would reassure him. He felt vulnerable and he felt guilty. A penny of Mack’s desire had turned overnight into a pound of guilt. His heart was pounding.
What if Mary was just doing this because she wanted to please him and what would happen if his new approach did not work?
He had gone to sleep feeling pretty good about everything but a nightmare last night worried him this morning. In his dream, each day’s sexual challenge had become a tentacle wrapping around Mary, seeking to penetrate her, to enter her, to explore her, to violate her. In his nightmare, Mary could not escape. She was helpless. She was afraid and she was losing hope of rescue. She was pleading with Mack to save her.
Mack’s horrific vision had him trapped in a large cock cage. Pressed painfully against the cage, he was confined and impotent to save Mary. He was frustrated and enraged that he could not break free. Without the key, he could not save Mary from her fate and he could not find the damn key.
Mack’s heart was beating loudly in his chest. The images were not what Mack wanted for Mary. It was disturbing. Intellectually, he knew Mary was freely choosing this threesome adventure; but emotionally Mack felt as if he was complicit in the tentacle rape of his wife. Mack thought about that incongruity. How is it possible for Mary to be excited and engaged in all of this week’s adventures and Mack still feel guilty about corrupting her? Maybe it was because the protector in him was worried about the outcome. What if he wasn’t good enough to protect her from the unexpected?
It was one thing for Mack and Mary to have these adventures all week; it was another for John to join on Saturday. John was the unknown, the unexpected, in the relationship. Mack thought about John and Angelica, John and his apartment, John and Billy T with Dolores, and then John’s conversations with him. Mack thought, too, about Mary and John’s adventures this week. Mack had not felt any jealousy, regret, or remorse about their time together. Of course, Mack did not know every moment that Mary spent with John. That was to be expected, wasn’t it?
Mack ‘s thoughts a few weeks ago had been that a sexual bull was like a sex toy; like a six-foot living breathing dildo that Mary and Mack could use on a Saturday night after getting a couple of drinks in them; this turned out not to be true.
This week Mack had seen his and Mary’s relationship evolve with John. While John was a sexual bull chosen by both of them, John had become more than that. He was a catalyst in their marriage. He had not taken part in intercourse or outercourse with Mary and yet John’s involvement had improved Mack and Mary’s relationship. This was amazing. He was amazing. But the dream was disturbing. Obviously, Mack was concerned that he was not doing enough to protect Mary. He had to give this more thought.
Mack caressed Mary’s arm and she moved a little.
Mack remembered that he and Mary had a spa date today. John’s idea, but Mack really did not want to go. He wanted to spend this time connecting with Mary. There was plenty happening tonight at the Foshay and that was enough for one day. Mack wondered if the spa experience was important to her.
Pushing his nightmare out of his thoughts, he rolled out of bed and wrapped his karate uwagi around his frame and walked downstairs. Mary had given him a karate jacket like hers a few years back and it had become Mack’s favorite piece of sexy clothing. It was short but it covered his package and his butt. The slits on the sides showcased his muscled thighs. Wholly inappropriate in public without sweats or shorts underneath, Mack liked the sexiness of it around the house.
Mack peed heavily into the downstairs toilet. The sound was magnified in the small room and echoed. Even at forty-three, he could still strip paint off the wall with the force of his piss. It was a reminder that he was strong and virile. Alphas don't have shy bladders.
In the kitchen, he made himself tea and a piece of toast with jam. He sat at the counter thinking again about the dream, the coming evening, and what he wanted to see happen. About twenty minutes later he heard Mary stirring upstairs, heard her flush, and in a few minutes she came downstairs in her uwagi jacket, too.
“Good morning, dear. Great minds think alike.” Mary touched his clothing and kissed him. “Sleep okay?”
“More or less, I guess.”
“Want some breakfast?”
“You know what? I think I do. I had toast but I would like more.”
Mary began to rattle around and busy herself with making breakfast. Mack sat there admiring her. The flash of her thighs in the side slits accentuated her beauty. The flap in the front and back promised there was more underneath. He felt blessed again.
“Mare, I’m not feeling this spa thing today. How about you? ”
“I was going to talk to you about that,” she said. “Great minds think alike again.”
“I’ll call and cancel.” Mack went upstairs for the phone number and left a voicemail to cancel the appointment. He took a moment to wash his face and brush his teeth and then returned downstairs.
Mary had breakfast almost ready and Mack put plates on the counter.
“If we are not going to the spa this morning, what would you like to do?” Mary asked.
“I’d like to hang out here at home.”
“All day?”
“Your tone tells me you have a different idea.”
“I thought we might stroll the Mall early and then have lunch. We could be back by two and pack a bag for tonight.”
“That reminds me. I have to test and pack the camera bag as well.”
“Do we even know what we are bringing?”
“Until now, not a clue.”
They both laughed. “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” Mack echoed Mary’s line from a week earlier.
“We are quite a pair, aren’t we?”
“I think so anyway.”
“Breakfast is ready. Come fill your plate.”
Seated at the counter, they begin to eat. Mary paused to watch the yellow of the yolk dripping off her fork. It reminded her of sex. “We might need two suitcases tonight. I’m thinking all our clothes for the evening in one and then tomorrow’s clothes in another.”
“We are going to need a couple of other things, too. Some snacks in case we get hungry, condoms, a bottle of Baileys, a few stemware glasses, and not sure what else.
“We will need lube also. Why Bailey’s?”
“I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you. So much happening.” Mack told Mary the story about the Aussie Special Forces and the origin of BullShots.
“… John said that women like the idea and I was supposed to tell you about it. It slipped my mind last night. “ Rolling his eyes, “Can’t imagine why.”
Mary had her thinking face on. Mack recognized her look and he kept quiet. He would not speak again until she did. Sometimes Mary’s thoughts were like the little steel balls in a Pachinko game. A thought would bounce around until it settled on the bottom or got caught in a tulip trap. Mack waited for the thought to play itself out.
Mary toyed with her food as she thought. Baileys, John’s cock, Mack’s cock, warm cum, sharing, bonding, and relationship building. The thought bounced around until it fell to the bottom of her brain and there was no more to think about.
“It’s kinky but I like the idea. It is intimate. I like it.” Mary looked at him. “You think you can do this?”
“After this week? Probably. I mean, if you can, I can.”
Mary was attracted to the idea; the three of them swallowing Bailey’s with a mixture of man-seed from both men. It was kind of hot if you thought about it. It was also ceremonial in a sense, like a toast at a wedding reception. On the adult videos, she had never really liked watching a husband eat another man’s cum from his wife. It was kind of creepy. But this was different. It was tribal, if not primal, to toast each other and to celebrate the experience.
“Aussie Special Forces, eh? That’s kind of hot, too. I can see where men like that would take things to the extreme. You know what they say ‘Big guns, Big results’. ”
“ ‘Men like that’? You know those big guns are compensation for little things.”
“I hear that the caliber is more important than the length of a bullet when speaking of a big bang.” Mary teased.
“So this is the way it is going to be today, eh?”
“A squad of eight men with large caliber guns… ooh, a girl can dream, can’t she?
“I think I would like this innuendo if I could keep up with you but I am not sure I can.”
“And why is it that you have to make it all about your penis? Keep UP?”
“Now you’re twisting my words.”
“Ha! I’m not the one who brought it UP, sailor.”
“Yes, you did. And look who’s talking about erections now!”
“Your mind is in the gutter, you know that, don’t you?”
Mack reached over and touched Mary’s hand. “And it has very good company, too.”
“Yeah, well, I love you, too.”
Mack and Mary held that moment together.
“You know, we do have a lot to do today, sailor man.”
“Yep. And I don’t want to rush any of it.”
Mack’s disturbing dream faded away. Mary was not trapped. Mack was not impotent. It wouldn’t hurt to review what he wrote last night but Mary was in a good place and was looking forward to the evening. Mack would keep his plans to himself. Sometimes improvising the details was a better way to go anyway.
No need to over plan and under deliver.
A wry smile crossed his lips. How appropriate is that phrase considering tonight?