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Neighborly Frolic

"Would YOU accept the invitation?"

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Ding-dong. The doorbell rang announcing the arrival of a visitor.

Jenna lazily got up from the couch where she was reading notes for the upcoming exam and walked to the door. She looked through the viewfinder, then cursed under her breath: “of-fucking-course.”

She rolled her eyes and opened the door. But before she did, she put a forced smile on her face.

“Hi, Cedric,” the girl greeted the guest.

“Hi, Jenna. You will not believe it. I decided to make a cake according to my grandmother's recipe, but I completely forgot about the eggs. Can you lend me five eggs? As long as it's not a problem. I don't want to impose,” the boy explained.

Cedric was right, she didn't believe him. Ever since he'd moved into the block about a month ago and saw Jenn for the first time, he'd kept coming up with excuses to talk. It was nice and fun at first, but now it's started to get boring. Jenna hated such cowardly guys.

“Yeah, sure. Give me a moment,” the girl answered politely and disappeared inside the apartment. After about three minutes, she returned with a basket full of eggs. “Take them,” she said, handing it to him.

“Thanks. You saved my life,” the boy said, then smiled widely. After, he opened his mouth, obviously wanting to say something else, but no sound came out of his throat. He just stood and stared at Jenn. She stared back at him. They stayed like that for a good minute or more.

“...okay. Good luck with the cake,” she wished him, and without waiting for an answer, she went back inside and bolted the door.

“Who was it?” Sandy, Jenna's roommate, who had just left her room, asked curiously.

“Guess,” the girl replied gloomily.

Sandy grinned from ear to ear.

“Was it your admirer?” she asked, although she knew from the expression on her friend's face that she was right.

“Ten points for Gryffindor.”

“What did he want to borrow this time?”


Sandy burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“Does he bake something or does he want to replace the "eggs" that he clearly lacks in his panties?” she asked mockingly.

Now it was Jenn who burst out laughing.

“I wish it was the latter,” she winked knowingly at her roommate.

“Man, Cedric is a real cutie. Too bad he can't act like a man when the situation calls for it,” Sandy mused.

“Yes, that's a real pity,” Jenna agreed.

Jenn honestly thought Cedric was cute. He didn't have the looks that attracted her, but there was something about him that... intrigued her. He was really tall, a head and a half taller than her, a bit thin and of a slender build. The hands seemed delicate and ended with slender fingers. He had black, medium-length hair and wore glasses. The general impression was that he could take care of a woman, although his behavior at the moment indicated otherwise. Even though Jenna didn't feel a strong physical attraction to him, she wouldn't mind if he asked her out.

A few days later

Ding-dong. A loud bell rang in the apartment that Jenn and her friend were renting.

“Hey, Jenna,” heard the girl as soon as she opened the door.

“Hey,” she replied.

“Thanks for the eggs,” he thanked her, then handed her a stuffed plastic bag. “Listen, would you mind lending me...”

“Take this,” she ordered, cutting him off mid-sentence and handing him a small plastic package.

“What's that?” the boy asked, completely confused.

“Condoms. I assume you know how to use them. Come with them today after 7:00 pm or never come again,” she told him, then took the bag he had brought with him to the apartment and closed the door.

Shocked, Cedric stood open-mouthed in front of the closed door, holding a small plastic package in his hand.

7:15 pm on the same day

The familiar sound of the doorbell rang again.

“It's nice that you came,” The guest was greeted by a smiling Jenna, dressed in a pink robe and slippers.

“Thanks for the invitation...,” Cedric said hesitantly.

“Come in,” the girl invited him in.

“Your friend isn't here?” he asked timidly.

“Why? You don't have the guts to ask me out and now you're interested in a threesome?” she asked, amused.

Cedric blushed deeply.

“Don't worry. We have the whole evening to ourselves,” Jenn assured him. “This is my room,” she said, pointing to the wooden door.

Immediately after, she turned her back on the boy and gently parted the lapels of her robes, lowering it slightly, thus exposing her shoulders. She tossed her hair back and walked to said door with the gait of a runway model.

“Count to a hundred and go inside. Or, you can also go back to your apartment. The decision is yours,” she told him, then disappeared into her room.

Cedric's heart was beating wildly with nerves, but also with excitement. He didn't understand how or why, but it looked like his new greatest dream was about to come true. He swallowed nervously, counted to a hundred, then turned the handle and entered.

He found himself in a cozy room. It was warmer than the living room. Apparently, it was already preheated. There was a faint smell in the air, probably coming from some incense. There was a small rug on the floor. On it stood the largest of all pieces of furniture, the bed. The only source of light, a lamp on the ceiling, shone directly on it. And SHE was lying on the bed.

The girl looked like she had been taken out of a magazine cover. Earlier, she collected a large number of red and pink pillows, which she put together. She was lying on the bed with her back and outstretched arms on the pillows. Her hair, which she had unbraided earlier, lay in a mess above her shoulders. Her lips glistened with freshly applied red lipstick. One leg was stretched out and the other was bent at the knee. She was wearing only a bra and panties that were as red as her lipstick.

“Close the door and undress,” she commanded him in a sonorous voice.

The boy obediently closed the door and began to undress.

“No, no, no,” she stopped him. “Slowly. Let me enjoy the show.”

Cedric did as he was told. He straightened up and slowly began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Starting at the neck, he worked his way down. Each subsequent one revealed more fragments of his naked torso.

Jenn watched him with keen interest. She even craned her neck to see better. On the one hand, she wished her partner was more muscular, but on the other hand, she couldn't stop following the movements of his slender fingers. She felt a growing excitement at the thought that soon they would be caressing her naked body.

The boy gained confidence seeing the flames of desire ignited in his partner's eyes. When he undid the last button, he grabbed the flaps of his shirt and tore them wide with a quick motion, showing his chest in all its glory. He whirled his hips a few times, then took off his shirt and tossed it vigorously into the corner.

Jenna licked her lips ostentatiously.

Then he unbuckled his belt, took it out of his pants, folded it in half, and stretched the fabric above his head several times. At one point, he made a swing and unrolled it violently, which caused the characteristic crackling of the material.

“Mrrrau,” the excited girl purred.

Finally, Cedric took off his pants, spun them above his head several times before dropping them right next to the previously thrown shirt.

Jenn pointed a finger at her partner and, waving it, encouraged him to come closer.

There was no need to tell him twice. He climbed onto the bed from the foot side and, like a tiger on the hunt, approached his "prey". He bent over her foot and from there moved higher, inhaling the scent that her alluring body exuded. When he reached her face, their eyes met. 

They stared at each other for a moment after which she gently took off his glasses and hung them on her bra. Then she leaned back as far as she could and allowed Cedric to pounce on her and mercilessly kiss her chest, shoulders, neck, and face. Eventually, though, she slipped her hand through his hair and pulled him away, only to pull him back a moment later and plant a kiss on his lips.

Their lips connected and it seemed like they would never part. Finally, however, they did. As a souvenir, the boy was left with a red streak on his face, the remnants of lipstick.

Cedric lay down next to his partner. He placed his index finger on top of her sternum and slowly began to pull it down. As soon as he did, she felt warmth spreading over her body and her muscles tensed involuntarily. His finger brushed her sensitive skin. It slowly traveled lower and lower. When it reached her navel, it began to tease her. The finger casually moved around the circle, threatening to slide inside. 

The discomfort made Jenna nervous, but the constant uncertainty excited her. She bit her lip and let Cedric continue the caress. It felt like an eternity, but eventually, the finger returned to its track and headed down again. Until it reached her panties.

As it did, Cedric placed his entire hand on her crotch. He felt the fabric of her panties being wet. He began to massage this area with his hand, and after several dozen seconds, he focused his fingers mainly on her labia and clitoris. Moving them up and down, he caressed her sensitive spot. 

Finally, he stopped and put his hand under the fabric. He carefully felt her clit and placed the tip of his finger against it. He began to massage it in circular motions. At the same time, he brought his face closer to his partner, grabbed her earlobe with his mouth, and began to suck.

“Oh my...! Ahhh! Ahh-ahh...!” Jenna began to moan as soon as pleasure took over her body. She closed her eyes, clutched the sheet in her hands, and let the feeling consume her from the inside out.

The boy let her enjoy the sensation, carefully watching her reactions. The seconds ticked by like an eternity. But finally, he stopped, taking away from her this private paradise on earth. He took the hand that had soaked his partner's juices and brought it closer to her face.

Jenn meekly opened her mouth, in which the hand disappeared. She began to suck it vigorously until it was thoroughly cleaned. Afterward she happily licked her lips and kissed Cedric. After this brief but intense elation, she pulled away and slid off the bed. Her partner followed her. She knelt before him. She took the dangling glasses from her bra and placed them on a nearby cupboard, then undid her bra, dropping it to the floor.

The girl reached for her partner's waist, grabbed his tight boxers, and with a sweeping motion pulled them off. A swollen penis shot out from under the cloth, which, as if in thanks for freeing him from prison, stood before her in all its glory. Jenna bent over it and gently rubbed it several times with the tip of her tongue as if to taste it. However, after a moment, she filled her mouth with saliva and spat on it violently.

She then took her breasts in her hands and slammed them against his now-wet cock. Moving them alternately, she laboriously spread saliva over the entire surface. When his cock was slippery enough, she squeezed it from the sides with her boobs and from behind with her hand. She began to move her body up and down, rubbing it. Her movements were calm but methodical.

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Cedric felt the tension run through his body. It was barely noticeable at first, but the longer his cock was in Jenn's embrace, the bigger and more intense it felt. Soon it was pounding on the gates of his brain while his testicles tingled mercilessly.

After some time, the girl began to bend deeper, so that her partner's penis ended its journey in her mouth. As soon as it entered it, her lips closed around it like a snare, her wet tongue caressing it piercingly. When it was leaving, it was covered in saliva, the excess of which ran down the girl's chin and dripped further onto her chest.

“Ha… hah...” Cedric began to moan softly as the pleasure took its toll.

Meanwhile, Jenna stopped using her breasts. Instead, she placed her hands on her partner's legs and, using them as support, began to move quickly back and forth, sucking his cock.

Warmth spread throughout the boy's body. His penis swelled and quivered, and every movement, every touch triggered a piercing impulse.

He reveled in the sensation his partner was giving him, and when he had had enough, he placed his hands on her head and gently but firmly pressed her closer to his body, forcing her to take his cock deeper. He held her in that position for a few seconds, then released as soon as he heard the gurgling sound caused by the lack of air.

Jenn stepped back and coughed. However, as soon as she caught her breath, she returned to her previous position, but this time she grabbed Cedric's legs from behind and, not waiting for his movement, leaned against them, pushing in his penis to the limit. When she couldn't stand it any longer, she moved away again and greedily swallowed air, supplementing oxygen deficiency. Then, covered in saliva and with tears at the corners of her eyes, she looked into her partner's eyes, smiling with satisfaction.

The boy returned the smile, gave her a hand, and helped her up.

When she got up, the girl threw her arms around his neck, pulled his head down, and kissed him.

They stayed connected like this for a long time. Eventually, however, Jenna let go of her partner. She turned her back on him, placed her hands on the windowsill, and puffed out her buttocks.

Cedric took off her damp panties. Next, he put his hand to her naked firm buttock and began to massage it with the palm of his hand making circular movements. He caressed one buttock for a moment, then the other. When he had thoroughly massaged the skin in that area, he leaned over his mistress, put one hand on her back, then swung his other hand and slapped her hard.

A loud hit noise echoed through the room.

“Ah!” Jenn groaned but didn't move an inch. She still showed off her buttocks invitingly.

The boy swung again and slapped her other buttock.

“Ah!” the girl groaned again. “Ah! Ah!” she repeated as she was hit two more times.

Her ass turned red. The skin was decorated with a handprint and burned with fire. Even so, Jenna had a big smile on her face.

Cedric spread her legs wider. He got down to his knees, grabbed both of her buttocks, and pushed them apart. He brought his face close to her private area and started rubbing her pussy with his tongue. He carefully licked it all up, then lashed her clit with just the tip of his tongue. From time to time he put his whole mouth to her labia and sucked them.

“Haa...Yesss... Ahhh...!” the girl moaned in delight. Meanwhile, she grabbed her breast and started massaging it. Gradually, more and more intensely with the growing sensation of pleasure provided by her partner. 

“Ah..! Ahh...!” she moaned louder and louder. Her fingers gripped the stiff nipples and began to twist them. She pursed her lips, fighting a mixture of pain and pleasure. Feelings mixed and intensified until they finally gave her the desired fulfillment.

Cedric stood up, wiped his mouth, and ran his fingers over his partner's wet crotch. He then grabbed his penis and ran it over the same area. He was about to put it inside when Jenna spoke up, panting heavily.

“Didn't you forget something, dear?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” the boy answered the question with a question.

“I'm talking about condoms. You were supposed to bring them. Do you remember?”

“Right!” He slapped his forehead, then walked over to his pants that had been thrown on the floor earlier, took a plastic package from his pocket, and returned with it.

“Give it to me,” Jenn said, then took the package from his hand, ripped it open, and took out the rubber contents. Then she fell to her knees, at the height of her partner's crotch. She put the condom in her mouth and then pushed Cedric's cock inside. The girl leaned more and more, making the penis disappear deeper and deeper. When she finally pulled back, the cock was already covered with a condom.

The speechless boy stared at her.

“Let's go back to where we left off,” she said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and immediately returning to her previous position. “Oh and take me hard 'cause I'm horny as hell,” she added with a smile.

Cedric smiled and set to work. Sliding his penis over her pussy, he found her labia, opened them, and inserted it inside. He felt the moist walls of her pussy tighten around it. He placed his hands on her waist and began to move back and forth. His initial movements were slow, but he went deeper into her with each thrust. When he started to come to an end, he paused for a moment, then finished with one hard thrust.

“Ah… ah… ah...!” Jenna moaned every time his cock pounded the gate of her womanhood.

When their bodies finally got used to each other, Cedric grabbed his partner's right leg and lifted it high, giving himself a better opportunity to penetrate. The walls of the girl's vagina tightened around his cock like a bear trap. The boy started to move again, but this time instead of being precise, he focused on speed and strength. After the first few thrusts, he immediately sped up.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Jenn's moans turned high staccato.

Cedric, however, paid no attention to her, as he was in some kind of trance. Pheromones mixed with sweat and other bodily secretions hit his brain. At that moment animal instinct took over.

The boy, still holding his partner's leg with one hand, grabbed her hair with the other hand, which he pulled tight and held. At the same time, his newfound strength tirelessly and mercilessly penetrated her sensitive pussy. Like a possessed, he shoved his meaty cock into her with impetuosity, slamming into her body in the process.

“Oh, my God! Yes! Yessss!” Jenn screamed in the rapture of pleasure, not caring if someone undesirable heard her or not.

The girl was in the land of pleasure and would gladly announce it to the whole world. The passion in her partner's behavior aroused desire in her. She liked it when he treated her body like a toy. His thrusts were aggressive but sexually intense. 

Jenna crashed into the window. Cedric penetrated her with such force that she could barely hold on. She leaned her hands as much as she could. The momentum made her breasts jump as if electrocuted. With a characteristic sound, they smacked several times against the cold glass pane. The rest of the hair the boy hadn't caught was stuck to her face.

If someone from the building across the street decided to look out the window right now, they would witness a scene straight out of hardcore porn.

Jenn felt her leg go numb. Her breasts ached from the close contact with the glass. Her hair was taut like strings, and her vagina, penetrated continuously for several minutes with the force of a speeding train, was on fire. Yet none of that mattered. Everything was overshadowed by overwhelming pleasure. This spilled over the girl's body with the force of a tsunami. Her body and mind turned to a shapeless mass.

She alternately panted like an old locomotive or moaned as her nerves glowed like exploding fireworks. She was afraid that if it continued like this, she would pass out from lack of air. However, that never happened. What did happen was a huge orgasm that hit her like a thunderbolt with a force that almost knocked her off her feet. Her body tensed, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and electricity ran through her entire body, from her feet to the roots of her hair. The girl was shaking in convulsions and probably only instinctively grabbed the windowsill to protect herself from falling. Finally, she felt the muscles of her pussy relax, and after a while the juices flowed out of her and, like from a broken faucet, spilled onto the ground.

“Hah… hah...” Cedric was panting tiredly, watching with keen interest what was happening to his partner.

After a short pause, the girl got up, walked over to the boy, and kissed him. They stayed like that for a moment before Cedric spun them around and pushed his lover onto the bed.

The mattress springs creaked dangerously.

“Let's finish it!” he turned to the girl. 

Jenna looked deep into his eyes and nodded her agreement.

Cedric grabbed her legs and lifted them up. For comfort, he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs wide. He gently slid his sore cock into her pussy, but as soon as it was inside, he began to thrust. He began to move back and forth with quick movements. 

“Ah...! Ahhh...!” they both moaned.

The boy felt his cock vibrate. His testicles ached mercilessly. He felt a growing urge to ejaculate. 

Jenna was in tatters. Her body, having already experienced the sweetness of orgasm that evening, was more than ready for another. Therefore, the girl allowed her partner to do his thing. She dug her nails into the quilt, closed her eyes, and waited for the desired fulfillment.

This came quickly and as before, very intensely.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” They both roared as they reached orgasm.

Cedric's cock shook one last time and shot sticky hot cum that filled the condom. The boy carefully removed it and placed it next to Jenn. He himself lay down on the other side, where there was more space.

They lay there for a while in silence, broken only by heavy breathing. Finally, Jenna broke the silence.

“Sandy will be back soon. It's time for you to go.” 

Cedric didn't object. He was absolutely satisfied. He obediently began to prepare to leave while his partner was still lying there staring at the ceiling. As he opened the door, he heard a voice behind him. 

“Hey, neighbor!” The girl who was still on the bed and sitting on her knees called him. “Thanks for today,” she thanked him, then with a smile on her lips ostentatiously opened her mouth and stuffed inside the contents of the condom he had left earlier. When she emptied it, she swallowed hard and licked her lips.

Cedric smiled broadly and said goodbye: “Good night, neighbor.”

Jenn waved back at him, and when the door closed behind him, she collapsed exhausted onto the bed, snuggled into one of the many pillows, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Written by Warzkos
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