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Maybe not out of Reach - Part 1

"What can a girl do but daydream."

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Knocking on the office door, I waited for Williams response. I wasn’t looking forward to bringing his documents to him. They were all trashed because of that pathetic printer. The fight I had with it was evident by the toner marks all over my white blouse. Thank god it didn't touch my skirt, I’d never have gotten the marks out of this linen weave.

Well, at least he can re-print. If I had my way, that machine would be thrown out in the next trash unit. I never understood why he refuse to purchase another, its like he enjoys seeing me tangle with the blasted contraption.

“Come.” William sounded exasperated. Feeling the dread, I entered, the room noticing his eyes immediately flew from my face to my chest, the corner of his lips curling a little.

“Ah, I see you have had another run in, Why is it, Melissa, you are the only one who seems to have grief?” his voice holding that usual exasperated tone. I hated that.

“I have no idea sir.” Walking to his desk to place the messy looking documents on his desk; only his hand grazed mine as he took them directly.

Williams skin always was so hot, I felt my breath catch over that simple little touch. Watching his head bow while moving the papers from one hand to the other, his head starting to shake.

“These are a mess, is the machine fixed now?”

He glanced back up, catching my eyes. Beautiful brown velvet, I would love to get lost in them. I shook my head, to express no and also to shake myself out of the fantasy I was starting to build again. I always find myself daydreaming about William, and like a sixth sense he would always appear in front of me for some job to be done as I did. One day I know I will embarrass myself, I just hope it wouldn’t be today, but I had a strange feeling.

“Hmm, okay let's go and see if between us, we can ensure you don’t have trouble again.”

William brushed past me out the door and down the corridor. He didn’t notice how his elbow brushed against my breasts. My breath shook as I turned and followed him. Watching the strong stride, legs of an athlete, a tight butt, narrow hips, with a body that grew into wide shoulders and a strong neck. I loved watching how he moved around the office, the graceful flow of a predator. Sighing out loud, if only he would pounce on me. He turns his head catching me out.

“Hurry up would you, I need these before the meeting.”

Williams' lips curling that little bit more, his eyes twinkling made me pick up speed. I need to get a life. Maybe I should take Mr Sinclair's offer up, move to his side of the building, it was after all a promotion. But honestly it felt like I was betraying the man in front of me if I did. I don’t know why, we all work for the same business. Sighing internally I knew exactly why I hadn’t taken the offer, I wouldn’t get to see him every day. Yeah, I really do need to get a life.

The printing room was little, three machines and a photocopier. Very little room for one person let alone two. I never understood why William wanted his printer in this room rather than in his office. The amount of times he makes me get up to collect his printing in a day was ridiculous.

I had silly ideas and dreamed like, 'maybe he liked to see me move around' but I checked and he never was watching me. Even when I could feel his eyes on me as I moved down the corridor, I knew it was my daydreams. It didn't help that his office door was at one end and the printer room the other, I couldn’t move without being self-conscious. Would love to be that girl who’s hips wiggled seductively rather than my thickish hips.

I am short. 5feet 3 inches. No hiding the fact. It's the reason I live in stilettos, to give my legs that look of length. Being short also meant that I had a short body ensuring my hips and my breast look twice the size they actually are. Having a small waist just emphasised them further. I tried so hard to not let them sway so that I didn’t look silly because believe me; I would.

He stopped at the door, gesturing me to enter first. Again I brushed his body with mine, not intentional, there honestly just wasn’t any room. Feeling his breath on my hair, I close my eyes, dreaming of him taking in my scent, to feel his fingers getting lost in my thick locks…. I have to stop thinking like this.

Clearing my throat, I moved to show him the culprit, feeling him move up against me, leaning over my shoulder and run his hand along the horrid thing. His other hand came around me, and he started to work the machine open. Closed it up.

"Go ahead, show me what you did."

I looked over my shoulder at him in exasperation, leaned in, flicked the on switch and..

“Puff, Zzzt, poof.”

I felt the black powder hit me; my throat constricted, and I start to cough. His body barred me from moving away, his arms around me, held me tight against him as the black dust fills the room like a low lying cloud.

I don’t know what was worst, the intense coughing and spluttering I was making or the way my body was heaving against his solid frame. Without thinking, I turned into his arms and protected my face from the cloud of fine powder. I felt him tuck his face into my hair protecting himself from the powdery attack.

In his arms, the warmth of his breath against my head, my breasts tingled, nipples hardened with his heat pressed against them. I couldn’t stifle a groan. I loved being right there in his arms at that moment; I wanted to give thanks for that stupid machine.

His arms seem to tighten around me, like he didn’t want to let go either. I raised my head to peak up at him, and found his eyes directly in front of mine. His nose almost touching mine covered in powder, and his lips poised to say something. I didn’t try to pull away, neither did he. Instead, I was loosing myself in his eyes, watching them darkening, from the lukewarmth of my boss to a predatorily dark, black almost.

With a growl, William had lowered his lips to mine, taking them almost viciously. My mouth opened in a cry that was stifled by his tongue engaging with mine. I felt the shudders running through our bodies. Kissing him with all I had to give. Everything that was pent up now poured out of me. The way he plundered my mouth was both exciting and exhilarating.

He crushed my breasts against his hard chest, feeling a little abused, they swelled against him, nipples pebbling so hard they ached, I pushed against him harder trying to release the ache. Tenderly his hands rubbed my back then down and around my buttocks before stopping and holding me by my ass while he rubbed his hardening cock against me. I shuddered with excitement, to which he responded by grinding harder. A warmth flowed through me as I felt myself cum a little. Our kiss deepened all the while he continued to memorise every curve with his gorgeously strong hands. Slowly he brought the kiss under control, taking his lips from mine, resting forehead to forehead, uneven breaths. I couldn’t bring myself to say a word. I felt a little contented, a feeling that alluded me for some time.

“Why didn’t you take that promotion.” His voice was so gruff, it took me a moment to work out what he had said. I pulled back from him to see his eyes.

“How did you know about that?” I asked, my voice a little rough, from the kiss or the powder I had swallowed, I wasn’t sure. Trying to pull away from his arms, but there was no room for me to move. He seemed to tighten his hold.

“Because I was the one who put your name forward,” he growled.

I was stunned.

“You… You don’t …” Not sure what I was going to ask; I closed my mouth.

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Opened it again to ask and closed it again. Looking everywhere in the room rather than at him.

“I need you to take it.” Shaking me a little as he growled these words, just completely confused me more.

Hadn’t we just shared an earth moving kiss? I felt the redness raising in my otherwise pale skin. Oh my god, what had I just done? Did he know? I hands dropped from his waist; I felt an ache in my fingers from where I had been holding on really tight. He knew.

I struggled out of his grasp, bumping into the wall as I moved around him to get out of the door, but he wouldn’t let go completely.

“I think its for the best that you do.”

Looking up into his eyes and seeing some sort of desperation in them, I felt the humiliation seeping deep into my very bones. His face went all his face went blurry in a way. Nodding I tured away, walking straight into the ladies, into a cubicle and locked the door before pushing the top lid down and sat there stunned.

I had fallen in love with my boss. Oh yes, he had a good grope. I should be angry shouldn’t I? Who was I trying to kid, I would do anything for him. Sitting up a little, I realise I would do this for him too. I can cry about this later, but not here with the office crowd seeing it.

Standing up I straightened my outfit and unlocked the door. The place was empty which allowed me to move to the lockers, pull out my bag and tidy my makeup before putting it away. Looking directly into the mirror I saw that my eyes were a little red, however as there was black toner everywhere on me, it could be explained away that it was in my eyes too.

Back at my desk, I didn’t look in his direction in any way, instead picked up my phone, I dialled Mr Sinclair's Office and asked for a meeting. Mr Sinclair was happy to hear from me and would see me right away. I didn’t even stop to tell William.


So that was that I had thought as I closed Mr Sinclair’s door. My new job starts on Monday. William has been authorised for a temp to take my place. As I was in such a mess, I had been given the rest of the day to go home and prepare for my new position. It dawned on me that it was Friday. I have two and half days to get my shit together and to work out how I am going to be without seeing him apart from those rear occasions he comes for meetings. I felt rather disconnected to it all.

By the time I had got back to my desk, William had left for his meeting. I had written a short note thanking him for everything and pushing me into this opportunity, then rushed to my car before I saw anyone. The drive home was uneventful; I hadn’t mentioned in my note how hurt and confused I was feeling. I didn’t mention his lips are all I would ever crave for from now until… there simply was no closure.

The flat was empty, of course it always was, that is if you can call a one room bedsit plus own bathroom a flat. I didn’t own a dog as I worked long hours, and I never got a cat for the simple reason of not wanting to be that lady. Living alone apart from her cats. But right now, in this instance I wish I was. I needed something to hug.

Groaning as I saw my reflection in the mirror that hung about the false fireplace, I realised I needed a shower badly. God knows what Mr Sinclair thought of my appears. He seemed to be laughing the whole time and when I turned to leave he had let out a roar of laughter. I suppose I could enjoy working for a man who seems to be in happy all the time, couldn’t I?

Stipping, I moved to the shower and washed the toner away; the tears fell thick and fast as I remembered every detail of that kiss. His hands touching my back, rubbing it tenderly, pulling me tightly to him before smoothing the material over my bottom holding me against him.

Grinding himself against me. Closing my eyes, I could still feel him. I could feel the length of him pressing against me; I am not sure how, he must have been holding me off the floor. I could feel his length from my mound to my belly button. He was so long and thick against me. Groaning I shook my head only to taste the way his tongue had investigated every inch of my mouth. The way I had rubbed my breasts against his chest, how my harden nipples had felt grazing with his touch.

My body was coming to life as the water hit it, with the memories he inspired. If only he had continued with his touch. Would he have slipped his hand inside my top, to rest below my breast before hold its fullness? Fingers rubbing the nipples, playing with them as my breast became heavy with need. I found myself fondling my flesh now, wishing for his hands. I may not be able to have him, but I could pretend. Pretend this one last time.

Pushing my face under the spray of water, I rubbed my nipples like I wished he had. Wanting his mouth to take them in, sucking them hard. Thinking of him rolling the buds with his tongue always draws the warmth to my lower abdomen. This wasn't my first solo fantasy where he was the main subject.

Forcing myself to step away, I turned the water off and quickly towel dried myself roughly, enjoying the texture of the towel against my skin before dropping it on the floor. I moved to my bed, sitting down and opening the side drawer, pulling out my little companion and its lubrication. I can’t have him, but I can still dream. Dream this one last time before I grieved and try to let it all go.

Squirting the fluid on the tip, I watch if slide around. How I would love to have tasted his cock, just once. To kiss his body all over, and have his mouth on mine. To feel the heat of his breath pressing against my skin. I lay back against the pillows, one hand playing with my nipples, my lelo vibrator on the pillow beside me.

Closing my eyes I picture him with me, nibbling my neck, my fingers trace the pathway he would take down my body, paying attention to each nipple, before moving further down to my soft mound. I slid my fingers along my clit as I dream of the sensation I would feel if his mouth was on it. Hot breath, sliding his hotter tongue against it, cause me to swell before taking my clit with his lips, sucking it hard then tenderly releasing with a lick.

My fingers continue to work it while I imagined his tongue seeking my entrance out. Dipping in and out, thrusting that little further each time, groaning my fingers replace his imaginary tongue. I wanted him so. My other hand left my breast, picking up the vibrator, pushing the button on then lowering it to my pussy.

Bringing my wet fingers to my mouth, I enjoy the taste while arching my back to take the pink toy into my depths. My body rippled with sensations. There was no gentleness about it. I push in as far as I could, before just hold it there. The little vibrations were rippling through my senses. Turning the power up on the vibrations, I felt the tears well up again.

He could have had this. He could be with me right now, pushing deep within, enjoying my kisses, my body and all that I am. Wipe the tears away, But he isn’t. Using the Vibrator more like a dildo, I plunged and pulled out, plunged back in and pulled out, over and over and over.

Its hardness hurt, but I needed that roughness, feeling myself cumming hard, I couldn’t help but cry out his name….My cry turned to sobs as my body slowed down its shudders to cease. I continue to lie there, vibrator working deep within, while the tears fell, wetting my pillow. How do I give up a man I never had? How do I stop loving him?

I knew I should turn my toy off, get up and clean it before placing it back in the draw, but I didn't. I was finding comfort in the sensations. I slowly closed my drenched eyes, lulled in a deep sleep where he was holding me in his arms, keeping the lonely reality away for the rest of the night.

Written by Tranquil
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