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Hailey's Vacation Part 3

"Hailey's past won't leave her alone as her time with Rick comes to an end."

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Hailey felt something hard pressing against her ass, and an unfamiliar warmth around her body. She opened her eyes to see a sleeping Rick holding her close and smiled. She realized the hard object was his cock. It wasn’t a dream, she thought happily, I really had sex last night with Rick.

Rick’s eyes opened and he smiled. “Good morning beautiful.”

“Good morning. Is that your cock I feel between my cheeks?”


“What a way to wake up!”

Rick purred in her ear and stretched his legs. “Is that your shoe on my foot?”

Hailey stretched her legs and realized she still had one of her shoes on and her stockings. She began to giggle then laugh. “You asked me to keep them on last night and I guess I didn’t realize I fell asleep with them still on.”

Rick smiled. “It’s because I like the feel of stockings on a lady’s legs. I know it’s silly, but it really added to my arousal. But then again, I think it was because they were on your legs.”

Hailey blushed. “Do you mind if I take them off now?”

“Not at all,” said Rick. “I need to drain the main vein anyway.”

“I thought you did that last night.”

Rick chuckled. “I did indeed. But you don’t want this donation. It’s not as much fun.”

“Ewww!” said Hailey, laughing.

Rick sat up and chuckled. “Well shit! Look.”

Rick swung his leg up to show the black dress socks he was still wearing on his feet. Hailey smiled. “I guess I wasn’t the only one to not get fully naked.”

Rick slipped off his socks and padded to the bathroom as Hailey rolled the stockings off her legs and rescue the lost shoe under the bed. As the toilet flushed, he stood in the doorway of the bathroom and smiled. “ASG looks very good on you.”


“After sex glow. I’d like to give it to you again.”

“Bathroom first, sex in a moment.”

Rick stepped aside as Hailey darted into the restroom and took care of her business. As she padded back out, a knock came from the door. “Shit! Must be breakfast.”

“Well, I am hungry, but not just for food.”

Hailey shook her head and slipped on her robe. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Perhaps. But I know what I like.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Hailey padded to the door to see Suzette with a large try in her hand. “Good morning ma’am.”

“Morning Suzette. Just set it on the table.”

As Suzette made her way to the table, she spotted Rick as he zipped up his slacks. “Oh, I see you have company. Guess it’s a good thing I brought you extra.”

Suzette set the tray down and revealed a large stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, orange juice, a large pot of coffee, and a small bottle of cinnamon-vanilla creamer Hailey liked. Rick padded out and smiled. “Mmmm, breakfast, I’m starved.”

“I’ll return later to gather the dishes and straighten up the room,” said Suzette, who quickly left.

“Huh? That was weird,” said Hailey.

“What?” asked Rick as he sat down at the table.

“She’s never brought extra food or left before making my bed. Maybe you spooked her.”

“Maybe. Hey, would you mind if I had her give me a ride back so I can get a change of clothes. As much as I’d rather stay naked and in bed with you all day, I thought we could take a hike later and my dress shoes are a bitch to walk in for long periods of time.”

Hailey chuckled as she sat down next to Rick. “Only as long as you promise to come back.”

Rick took Hailey’s hand into his and said, “Baby, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

They ate breakfast and discussed their plans for the day. As they finished up, Suzette returned. Rick helped her gather the dishes and while she made the bed, he slipped on his shirt and shoes, gathered up his tuxedo jacket and tie. He kissed Hailey goodbye and promised to be back shortly. Rick rode back with Suzette while Hailey took a quick shower, wishing he was with her. She decided to wear a V-neck t-shirt and shorts, She put the necklace and earrings Rick gave her back into their box, and put her Eagle back on. A loud knock came from the door.

Happily, she skipped to the door, saying, “Couldn’t wait any longer either?”

Hailey opened the door and saw Alan standing there. The smile on her face vanished immediately. His face was bruised from Rick’s blow the night before, and he looked disheveled.

“What the hell do you want?”

“Nice to see you too Hails,” he said dryly.

“Cut the bullshit Alan, why are you here and how did you find me?”

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“I’d rather not if it’s all the same, but come in.”

Hailey stepped aside and Alan walked in. “Nice place.”

“Thanks,” she said as she stepped away from the door, leaving it open.

Alan sat on the couch and said, “So what did you say to my wife last night?”

Hailey sat in a nearby chair and said, “She asked me if Tim’s really yours and I told her he was. Oh, and she wanted to know if I wanted you back.”

“Do you?”

“Fuck no! Sorry Alan, but that ship long since sailed. Especially after the way you reacted when I told you I was pregnant.”

Alan chuckled. “Your lips say no but your body says yes.”

Hailey rolled her eyes. “Same old full-of-bullshit Alan. Nice to see nothing has changed.”

Alan leaned over and smiled. “Come on Hails, when was the last time a man made you scream?”

“Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but last night in fact.”

“Oh? Did lover boy step on your foot?”

Hailey stood up and said, “I think we’re done. So, unless you’re here to pay me my back child support, we’ve got nothing more to say to one another.”

“It’s not yours Hails, it’s the boy’s.”

“Would you pay it then if I promised every fucking dime went to him?”

“I’m not paying for another man’s kid!”

“Oh my fucking god! We’re back to this old fucking argument again! You’d know he’s yours if you’d done the fucking DNA test when the court ordered you to do all those years ago.”

“And how do I know that you wouldn’t try to manipulate the test results?”

“Oh you’ve got to be kidding. Tell me Alan, what color is the sky in your world?”

Alan sat back and smiled. “Come on Hails, you and I both know that it’s happened before.”

“The only reason you refused to take the test is because you knew it would prove I was right and he’s your son!”

Alan jumped up and said, “No! I refused to waste my time with your petty bullshit! You were the one who said you’d had unprotected sex before!”

“I said I had done it ONCE before and got lucky! You were the one who claimed a latex allergy! I begged you to use a condom.”

“I did! Remember, that’s when we found out you were allergic to sheepskin.”

“And after that I found out you could wear two different condoms, the sheepskin on your cock and a latex over it for me. But you didn’t want to spend the money getting the two different types or wait until I could get my appointment.”

“Please! You claimed it was a two month waiting period yet I know for a fact several girls barely waited a week to get theirs.”

“Not from the school’s health clinic which was the only way I could get them back then.”

“Just admit it Hails, you wanted to get pregnant to trap me into marriage.”

“Marriage? With you? Don’t make me laugh! I wasn’t in love with you and the sex was less than stellar. Besides, you showed your true colors as soon as I told you I was pregnant. I never wanted to marry you, especially after how you treated me.”

“Then answer me one question Hails, why didn’t you get an abortion?”

Hailey felt her stomach drop. She had considered this back then, but also knew why she decided against it, and as far as she was concerned, it was none of his business. “Are you saying I should have aborted Tim?”

“Well, you wouldn’t be in the mess you’re in now.”

“Get out. Just… get the fuck out.”

“See; proof you kept him to trap me.”

“The reason I chose to keep Tim is none of your fucking business. But let me assure you, it was not a decision I came to lightly.”

“So instead of doing what was easier for both of us, you decide to bring an unwanted child into this world.”

“The only person who didn’t want him was you.”

“And the only reason you wanted him was to force me into marriage.”

“Do you hear yourself Alan? Or is the vacuum between your ears so loud you can’t hear?”

Alan stepped up so he was inches from her face. “You and I both know you saw me as your ticket to wealth and success. I was your gravy train. That is, until you fucked up and got knocked up with some other guy’s kid.”

“I can see that Rick’s hit last night didn’t do enough to knock some sense into you.”

“He sucker punched me. It won’t happen again.”

“It will if you don’t step away from her right now,” said Rick.

Hailey looked over and smiled seeing Rick standing in her doorway. “Oh look,” sneered Alan. “The white knight is here.”

“I won’t ask again, step away from her,” snapped Rick.

Hailey tried to move away but Alan blocked her path. “We’re not done Hails.”

“The hell we’re not! And quit calling me Hails. I hated it twenty years ago, and I hate it now.”

Rick stepped up as Alan stepped back with his hands in the air. “Fine, I’m moving away. But just so you know, this is far from over, and my lawyer will be in touch.”

“You mean you’re going to pay the back child support?” asked Hailey.

“No you money-hungry bitch,” snapped Alan. “I’m filing charges against slugger here.”

“Bring it on!” said Rick, then punched Alan again. “And that’s for calling her a ‘money-hungry bitch’ you prick!”

Two security guards entered the bungalow and grabbed Alan. “We got a report there was a problem,” said the first one.

“He fucking punched me again!” screamed Alan.

“He attacked Miss Davidson. I was protecting her,” said Rick.

“Ma’am, did you invite this gentleman to your bungalow?” asked the second one.

“No. He just showed up. I told him several times to leave.”

“It’s true,” said Suzette who was standing in the doorway. “I heard her tell him to leave but he didn’t. That’s why I called.”

“Sir, we’re going to have to restrict you to your room until your flight departs as this is the second time you’ve had an issue with Miss Davidson.”

“What about him? He fucking hit me again.”

“For defending a woman’s honor,” said the first one. “I’m sure he felt her life was in danger.”

“I did,” said Rick.

“Ma’am, did you feel your life was in danger?” asked the second one.

“Yes,” said Hailey softly.

“Then would you say this gentleman was protecting you and not assaulting him?” asked the first one.

“Yeah,” she said.

“Then we’ll take him out of your way now folks. Sorry for the disruption,” said the second one.

“This isn’t over Hails, not by a fucking long shot!” hissed Alan.

The two guards escorted Alan from the bungalow, put him a golf cart, and drove off. Rick put his arms around Hailey and said, “Did he hurt you?”

“No, not physically.”

“What was he doing here?”

“I don’t know. He just showed up. I thought it was you until I opened the door.”

Rick kissed her head and said, “Well, I’m impressed with your bravery. The way you stood up to him without showing any fear was incredible.”

Hailey began to tremble. “I was scared shitless.”

Rick held her tight and whispered, “It’s okay baby. It’s over now.”

Hailey shook for several minutes in Rick’s arms and wept, then took a deep breath and said, “Thanks for having my back. I can’t remember anyone defending my honor like you have.”

“Hey, how about something different today? I know my sister loves some good old-fashioned retail therapy when she’s had a bad day and I’m sure you’d love to get some souvenirs for that son of yours. So how about I help you spend that credit you’ve got.”

“Okay,” said Hailey. “Wait, how did you know about my credit?”

“I heard you ask the salesgirl about it when I bought you the backpack. I’m sure you didn’t spend it all on your dress.”

“I’m not sure, it was a pretty expensive gown.”

“Well, even if you did, I need to get Judy something and I’m more than happy to help you get Tim something nice.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“I know,” said Rick smiling. “I want to. Now get some shoes on those feet and let’s go.”

Rick kissed Hailey’s lips softly, then she slipped on a pair of sandals and Suzette gave them a lift to the main building. They spent the morning and afternoon visiting the different shops buying t-shirts, hats, and a new backpack for Tim (she decided to keep the one Rick bought her for herself).

After a pleasant lunch, Rick helped Hailey pick out some nice new clothes for herself. By the end of the day, Hailey was sure they had successfully depleted her credit, but she now had gifts for all her friends at work, her parents, and Tim, as well as a nice new wardrobe for herself. She looked over all her new purchases and smiled.

“I’m so glad you helped me today,” said Hailey. “This was a great idea. Though, I’m not looking forward to packing all of this in my suitcase.”

“Then don’t. You can have them all shipped home. In fact, you should also ship your dress home from the ball as well. This way you don’t have to deal with a garment bag or customs.”

“That does sound like a nice idea, but I’m sure I’ve spent my entire credit and I don’t have any spare money.”

“Nonsense! If you can’t afford it I can. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

Hailey smiled. “Do you always get your way?”

“No, not always,” said Rick, smiling. “But I do win more times than I don’t.”

Hailey laughed. “So I guess arguing with you is pointless then.”

“No, I love a good debate. But I really wish you wouldn’t argue about this though. I know you’re a woman with pride and dignity, and I really want to do this for you. Please. Let me.”

Hailey sighed. “Oh okay. How do we go about doing this?”

“Easy. We can take your purchases to the concierge and they’ll ship them directly to your home.”

“My parent’s home would be better. This way I don’t have to worry about them getting stolen.”

“If that’s what you’d prefer my dear, then we will send them to your parents.”

Hailey smiled. She loved how Rick had used so many terms of endearment toward her. They took the packages and forms to the concierge; the new purchases were boxed up, ready to be shipped to Hailey’s parents.

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They also arranged to have her dress picked up shortly so they went back to her bungalow. A few minutes after their arrival, a resort employee arrived to pick up her gown. Hailey included the shoes and undergarments as well.

They decided on a nice soak in the balcony hot tub to relax their tired bodies. Rick brought his swim shorts with him and changed in the bedroom first. Then he set the jets, lit some candles, and poured two glasses of wine while Hailey changed. She stepped out, heard the soft music playing and saw Rick standing by the Jacuzzi with two glasses of wine in his hands. She walked out, took a glass of wine and smiled.

“Where’s the music coming from?”

“It’s a setting on the media center for music. They have all kinds, rock, pop, metal, grunge, country, and classical to name a few. I set it for romantic love songs. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I keep forgetting you’ve been here before and know all the secrets.”

Rick took a sip of his wine. “I wouldn’t say I know all the secrets, just enough of them to look like a genius.”

Hailey giggled. “Shall we soak?”

“Ladies first.”

Hailey stepped into the tub and sat back. Rick followed and sat next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. They looked out at the ocean, watched the waves crash and the sun set while they sipped their wine. They sat quietly for several minutes, then Rick leaned down and kissed her softly.

He set his glass down and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. The kisses quickly became deeper and more passionate. He forced his tongue into her mouth, as his cock grew hard while their tongues performed their erotic dance. Hailey set her glass down behind Rick, wrapped her arms round him, and began grinding her hips into his.

Rick couldn’t wait another moment longer. He reached under the water, pushed his swim shorts down and moved the bottom of Hailey’s bathing suit, giving him access to his prize. He slipped his stiff-as-steel cock deep into her pussy and thrust up. Hailey moaned into his mouth and met his thrusts by grinding her hips into him even harder. She began to ride his cock, water splashing all around them, really getting into the moment.

Rick kissed down her neck and along the edge of her bathing suit. He pushed it off her shoulders exposing her breasts and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. Rick squeezed her ass as she rode his cock harder than the night before. He felt her pussy grip his cock firmly and knew she was having an orgasm. Hailey cried out and Rick couldn’t hold out, filling her pussy with his sperm.

Just as before, when she came down, she began to cry. Rick wrapped his arms tightly around her and held her tight until the tears passed. He kissed her salty cheeks and stared deep into her eyes, green eyes looking deep into blue eyes.

“That was amazing Hailey.”

“Thanks Rick.”

“I know you wanted to relax, but you turn me on so much I just can’t help myself.”

Hailey blushed. “Well they say sex is the best way to relax.”

Rick chuckled. “Very true.”

They finished their time in the tub, then dried off and wandered into her bathroom for a quick shower, more sex, and sleep. From then on, it was rare that Rick wasn’t with Hailey. They hiked, swam, shopped, and made love. Hailey couldn’t remember when a man had gone to such effort to make her feel so special and loved. She even entertained the idea of them dating when they returned home, though he lived in New York and she lived in California.

The sunset horseback ride was more magical than Hailey could have hoped for, even if it did leave her a bit saddle sore. They rode for an hour to the secluded location where the couples had a romantic dinner and took a sunset hike along the beach. Rick insisted on breaking away from the group to a secret, secluded location. They began to kiss, when Hailey broke away and said breathlessly, “We’ll get caught.”

“No we won’t,” he said. “Trust me. The other couples are doing the exact same thing we’re about to do.”

Rick kissed Hailey, guiding her to the ground and caressing her body. He slid her pants off one leg, pulled his own cock out, and quickly mounted her. As he entered her love canal, he kissed her deeply and moaned into her mouth. The thrill of the outdoor sex seemed to add to their arousal and Rick began to thrust faster and harder than their normal sessions.

Hailey’s heart raced, sure they would get caught, but didn’t want Rick to stop. She knew her own orgasm wouldn’t hold off much longer and she decided not to fight it. When she felt it strike, she pulled Rick into her, kissing him hard to hide her screams. Rick moaned as he filled her, then held her tight as her emotional outburst passed. They dressed quickly and wandered their way back, only to discover there were still a few couples out “hiking” alone.

Hailey’s last day was challenging, because she knew her vacation was ending, as was her summer romance. She didn’t want to leave Rick, but she wasn’t sure if he felt the same way about her that she was feeling about him. They walked along the beach, took lots of pictures, and enjoyed every moment they had. They spent one last magical night together making love all night long. Hailey even treated Rick to something she rarely did to any man, but wanted to show him how special he was to her.

She pushed him onto his back, kissed her way down his firm, naked body, until she reached his pinnacle of manhood. She kissed the tip and was treated with a bit of precum. Both the musky scent and salty-sweet taste filled her senses, and fueled her desire. Rick moaned softly as she licked down his shaft, over his balls, and back up. She slid her mouth over his cock, taking his balls into her hand and caressing them as she sucked and licked his cock. Rick wove his fingers into her hair to keep it out of her way, but never tried to force her down on his cock. He moaned as he felt her work her magic and soon he knew he was dangerously close to filling her mouth with his seed.

“Oh fuck Hailey! I’m so fucking close!”

He felt her hum on his cock, but she didn’t stop. She slid her head up and down faster and soon Rick’s cock pulsed as she sucked and swallowed his cum, never stopping until the last drop was gone. She slid back and smiled while looking up in his green eyes. She crawled up and kissed him, surprising him with the last bit of his cum on her tongue that she shared with him.

Rick moaned loudly as he tasted himself on Hailey’s tongue. It was a sensation and taste he’d never experienced before, but enjoyed it with Hailey. They kissed for several minutes, holding each other tight. Rick couldn’t remember the last time a woman had sucked him to climax, or if he’d ever shared his cum with her before.

“Oh my fucking God Hailey, that was amazing!”

“I’m glad you liked.”

“Liked? I fucking loved it!”

“Good. It’s not something I do often, but I really wanted to do this for you to show you how much you mean to me.”

Rick smiled down and her. “You didn’t need to.”

“I know. I wanted to.”

“And I don’t think I’ve ever had a snowball kiss before.”

“Well, I hate being selfish and I wanted you to taste the sweet treat I got.”

“You are too amazing for words.”

The following morning, Rick left to pack his things and promised they would ride back to the airport together. He also asked Hailey to wear her diamond necklace and earrings home so customs won’t give her grief. Before he left, he handed her a resort V-neck t-shirt that he wanted her to wear home to remember the wonderful time they shared together. Hailey showered quickly, laid her clothes on her bed, including the shirt from Rick and her jean shorts, and slipped on her robe.

Mrs. Lee and her granddaughter Kim arrived and quickly set up their table. As before, Hailey removed her robe and climbed onto their table. Today, Kim did more of the massage this time, and Hailey had the same result as before, a powerful orgasm and a relaxed body. Hailey thanked the two women and as they packed up, she dressed quickly.

Suzette arrived to pick up her bags and take her to the main building. Ms. McDermott met her with a smile. “Did you enjoy your stay Miss Davidson?”

“More than you know,” said Hailey, smiling.

“We wish to thank you for your support of the Talbott Foundation.”

“Ya know, I never asked, what do they do?”

“Many different things. AIDS research, feeding the homeless, and assorted youth organizations geared to keep kids off the streets and out of gangs by teaching them to play sports.”

“Like soccer?” asked Hailey.

“Yes. Soccer, baseball, and basketball as those are the three the kids like the most with the least amount of injuries. We hire college students on their respective teams to teach the kids. We rely heavily on the coaches’ recommendations and found it doubles as a mentoring program for the kids as well.”

“Sounds like the one my son is working with now.”

“It very well could be,” she said.

Rick walked up and kissed Hailey’s cheek. “Hey baby.”


“Miss Davidson,” said Ms. McDermott, “the limo is outside and ready when you are.”

“Can Rick join me?”

“If that is what you wish Miss Davidson.”

“It is.”

“Then he may join you. Thank you both again. Jake will load your bags. Have a safe flight and please join us again.”

They shook Ms. McDermott hand and headed out. Jake smiled as he saw them approach. “Good to see you again Miss Davidson. I see you have a guest with you.”

“Yes,” she said. “This is Rick. Rick, this is Jake. He took me off the bus because I didn’t know to look for him. And by the time you came out of the terminal, we were leaving.”

“It’s okay. Now I can compare the two and next time I’ll know if I should reserve a limo or not.”

“Well, though I haven’t experienced the bus, I’d say the limo hands down.”

“Thank you ma’am,” said Jake as he opened the door. “The bar is fully stocked so please help yourselves. And if you’d like, I can put of the privacy screen as we have an hour drive.”

Rick smiled wickedly. “That would be nice.”

Hailey and Rick climbed into the back of the limo and had a glass of champagne as Jake loaded their things in the trunk. Jake climbed into the front, turned toward the couple and said smiling, “I’ll give you two a warning about five minutes out. Enjoy the ride.”

With that, the privacy screen went up and the limo pulled out. Rick kissed Hailey and took the champagne from her hand. “I intend to enjoy every second of this ride.”

Hailey giggled as his hand caressed her breasts under her shirt. He pushed her back on the seat, pulled her shirt up, and kissed the exposed flesh along the edge of her bra. Hailey moaned softly as he lips left a snail-trail of kisses all along. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts. He moved it above and sucked her left nipple while he worked to get her out of her shorts and panties. He felt her moisture and heat as his fingers penetrated her pussy and rubbed her clit. He switched nipples and pushed his shorts off. Hailey reached down and stroked his hard cock. Rick pushed her back and slid his cock inside her, and began to pump.

They felt the road pass under them as they shared this final intimate moment together. Rick held Hailey tight and thrust harder. Neither wanted this to end, but when Hailey’s orgasm hit, it triggered Rick’s. They moaned and kissed as each achieved their sexual climax. As before, Rick held Hailey tight as her emotional outburst passed. They began to clean up when Jake knocked on the privacy screen and they knew their time was almost up. The back to the limo smelled heavy with sex while they carefully dressed. Jake pulled up in front of the airport, climbed out, opened their door and began to unload their bags.

“Thanks again Jake,” said Hailey.

“It was my pleasure Miss Davidson. You both have a safe fight and I hope I see you again soon.”

“Only if I win the lottery,” said Hailey, smiling.

“Well ma’am, you never know,” said Jake with a wink. “Oh yes, I almost forgot, Ms. McDermott asked me to give you this.”

Jake handed Hailey a large manila envelope.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“I don’t know ma’am, I’m just following orders.”

Hailey opened the envelope and saw the picture of her and Rick from the night of the ball. “Oh Rick look!”

“Hey, that came out pretty nice.”

“But there’s only one copy.”

“Then you must keep it,” said Rick with his arm around Hailey’s shoulders, kissing her head. “I’m sure I can get one later.”

“But that’s not very fair.”

“Hailey, think of this as a way to remember me and our time together.”

Hailey sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget this trip even without this.”

“Please Hailey, keep it. For me.”

Hailey slid the photograph back into the envelope. “Okay. I’ll keep it.”

Hailey put the envelope into her carry-on bag, Rick grabbed their bags and they checked in. They wandered to the first class lounge, but had barely sat down when the announcement of their flight was boarding. They walked hand in hand and even had their seats next to each other for this leg of their journey. They realized this would be the only portion they would share as once they reached the U.S., they were flying in different directions.

During the short flight back, they talked about meeting in a few weeks and wrote their phone numbers on napkins, as they didn’t want to get in trouble for using their cell phones on the plane. Just as they finished, a bit of turbulence shook the plane causing them to drop the napkins. Rick grabbed one napkin and Hailey grabbed the other. They left the plane, went through customs and since Rick was flying out first, Hailey walked with him to his gate and waited for his boarding call.

“I can’t remember when I’ve had a better time,” she said.

“It was incredible.”

“I’m so glad I made that silly mistake about the seat.”

“Me too.”

“Now boarding Flight 984 for New York. First class and passengers with small children or who require assistance please step up now,” came the dreaded announcement.

“Damn!” hissed Rick.

“Looks like our time is up.”

“Promise you’ll call me when you get to California.”

“I promise.”

Rick kissed Hailey, then held her close. “I had the best time with you. I can’t remember when I’ve had better. Thank you Hailey.”

Hailey pulled back and smiled. “I should be thanking you. No one has ever treated me so well, except for Tim of course.”

“Oh, you don’t understand, and I don’t have time to explain. I need to go before I miss my flight which I’m tempted to do.”

“No, you need to go. Though, I don’t want you to.”

Rick smiled and kissed Hailey. “Safe flight home baby. I’ll think of you often.”

With a final kiss, Rick walked over and boarded the plane. Hailey stood by the window with tears in her eyes and watched as he plane pulled out and flew away. As the plane disappeared, she felt a pain deep within her chest. She knew exactly what it was and was shocked. In three short weeks, she had fallen in love with this man. She reached into her pocket to look at the phone number as she walked to her terminal and made a horrid discovery. She had the wrong napkin. Instead of having Rick’s phone number, she had her own. It was at this moment she also realized, she didn’t know his last name. She pulled out the photograph and looked, but all it said on the back was, “Hailey Davidson and guest” and the date of the ball. It didn’t even identify Rick by name.

The flight home was long and depressing. Her parents met her at the airport and told her the packages had arrived a few days before. Her dad said she looked well rested and tanned. Her mom noticed the new jewelry and complimented her on it. She also noticed the sadness in Hailey’s face. Hailey said she was suffering from jetlag and wanted to get some rest. That night, alone in her apartment, for the first time in years, she cried herself to sleep, staring at the picture of Rick and her from the ball.

Written by NymphWriter
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