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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 6

"Chris walks the tightrope of reconciliation while trying to keep out of the rut."

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Author's Notes

"I very much appreciate all the comments. I understand that some folk think that Chris should be more assertive, but he has to get this done his own way— there's no point in keeping Carol but having to be someone else, nor any point in trying to fundamentally change Carol. <p> [ADVERT] </p>By now they both know it's going to take some work."


Walking the tightrope

Waiting for a clinic appointment gave us some breathing space. I guess we could have found somewhere we could walk in right away, but I preferred some privacy so we booked online. I said we'd take a cancellation if one came up.

Thursday morning we went to a sex shop looking for things to keep us entertained until the clinic came through. It turned out to be an adventure which left both of us wondering why we'd never done it before.

"I see what you mean about a getting out of a rut," I said as soon as we were confronted with all the toys for adding entertainment to sex.

"Mmmm," she said, giggling, squeezing my hand, "This place is definitely not a rut."

"On the contrary," I said, feeling the need to sound witty and confident, "it appears to be dedicated to rutting."

“Very funny.”

“Can I choose your belt?”

“And vice versa?”

In for a penny, I thought. This had to be about trust. If we lock each other and swap keys we’d have to trust each other.

“Okay,” I said, still a little hesitant. “Remember yours is a punishment, whereas mine is me showing you moral support and if that sounds as though I'm in two minds it's because I am."

"Do you have any measurements? I'd hate to get something that would hurt you."

"I don't have a clue."

Carol laughed. "What a pair, we fall at the first hurdle. We should have brought a tape measure.”

We strolled around the shop, trying to avoid giggling at our incompetence and avoiding being too shocked at what we saw. There were no tape measures visible. We left the shop in search of a haberdashery. The sex shop was on an out of town trading estate so we ended up taking half an hour to find somewhere that sold more conventional apparel and a tape measure.

“Find somewhere private we can park,” Carol said when we got back in the car.


“Find somewhere and you’ll see.”

Early afternoon on a weekday, where the hell could we go? The sex shop didn’t close for hours, so there was no urgency. Time enough to drive a few miles. I headed out into the country trying to remember a little wood off the beaten track.

I had a vague memory of taking a girlfriend there years ago. That was back before satnavs and I had no idea what the place was called. I didn’t even know if it had a name. I should have told Carol to drive, made her responsible for finding a place instead of putting pressure on myself.

Luckily back in those days, I was good at navigating and in twenty minutes I had us rolling down a track that I knew had a little lake and a clearing at the end. With luck, we wouldn’t find any fishermen.

“Perfect,” she said when I parked by the water, “you’re going to love this.”

I hadn’t a clue what she had in mind but she was out of the car in a few seconds and around my side before I’d got the engine stopped. She hauled the door open and half pulled me out of the seat, grabbing my legs and swinging them out of the car so she could attack my crotch from where she was kneeling on the grass.

She had my belt undone and the zip down one-handed while she was unbuttoning her blouse.

"What are you doing?"

"It's no good measuring you while you're excited. I'm going to empty those balls and then we should swim. You need to shrink before I measure you."

I pushed her back and started to get out of the car.

"We should make it fun," I said, dropping my trousers and starting to get naked. There was no sign of anyone around, so why not.

"Good boy," she said and dropped her skirt. We were both naked in half a minute.

"Remember your rules," she said, "this has to be a hand job."

“I know we’re not fucking but what about a blowjob?”

“No, if we’re playing safe it’s only fair to cut both ways.”

"What about tits," I said, I knew I had to keep calling the shots.

"Oh yes," she said. "When did we last do that?"

"You did it with Jay on Monday."

She stood up for a second, looking at me carefully but not letting go of my cock.

"I've never actually done it with you have I... Oh shit. Are you keeping score?”

“Score of what?”

She looked up at me. “All the things I did for them and not for you.”

“I have the tapes but I don’t know what went on before.”

For a second she hesitated.


"I don't know when you started with Dean and Jay. I read your diary but that wasn't like movies and I doubt if it was comprehensive, and who knows what or who you did before Dean and Jay."

"No, there wasn’t anyone else," she said, “I've put everything between us in doubt, haven't I? Yeah, you've every right to ask." She looked up at me, her gaze searching my face, looking for confirmation I guess.

“It was only them," she said. "It was only ever them and no one before."

Another long pause, looking at the ground and eventually back at me.

"I, um, well... If it had gone on there might have been more, Jay talked about some of his friends but I pushed back. It was supposed to be fun, not taking over my life..."

She stopped again. "Damn. I’m not going to let this get to me,” she said, her face tightening a little. “Anything you think of, or remember, or wish for, I owe you, right? I let them do whatever they wanted, so I owe you the same. Not just what they actually did, I gave them a blank cheque, so you get the same; anything you think of, whatever, whenever.” She took a deep breath. “You want a tit fuck, it’s all yours but it may be tricky, it's so much easier on a bed but we’ll have to make do with the ground, grind me into the mud, I deserve it."

There was mud, and by the time I'd gotten hard enough and worked my way between her tits she was a filthy mess. My knees were covered in the same goo but we did it, I came between her tits, shooting all over her chin. We ended with both of us screaming with laughter.

The water in the pool was freezing, but we had to get the mud and everything else off and I sure as hell had shrunk by the time we were clean. We had no towels so kind of shook ourselves dry and ran around to get warm. She measured me while I was shivering and shrunken.

"Don't buy something that tight," I said, "I need a bit of slack, I'm doing this to help remember."

I measured her, naked in the forest, wild, primitive and seductive.

On the way back to the sex shop we stopped for a coffee to warm up some more and then set about our purchases, each keeping secret what we'd bought until we got home.

With the two of us naked again but in our own bedroom, I realised that I'd need another cold shower before we tried fitting anything. That got me an extra treat, a shave and a careful, delicious handjob with a lot of lotion before a hot shower, followed by a cold finish.

I towelled off and came back to the bedroom to find Carol still naked with the device wrapped in a black cloth in one hand and a hood in the other.

"Put this on," she said. When I had it over my head and pulled down so that I couldn't see a thing. She laid me on the bed and applied some more lotion around my cock and balls before I felt the first touch of metal.

I'm no expert on these things but what I felt was something with a hinge that folded around the important bits and, lay close to my belly. It closed with a click. After that, I felt metal sliding over my cock and the two metal objects came together with another click and then a third click.

"Stand up," she said. "Oh, I love that. It looks amazing."

"What are you doing with the key?"

"Hanging it around my neck. That's the right thing to do, isn't it, or should I put it on my anklet?"

"The anklet, unless it’s huge. But there'd better be a spare."  

She led me to to the full-length mirror and then pulled the hood off. I don't know what I expected but somehow seeing the cage in position and feeling its weight was sexy in a weird way. Carol liked the look; was that a good thing? Right then, I had no intention of making this a permanent part of my wardrobe.

I twirled around once or twice like a fashion model, figuring I might as well milk it for all it was worth before it was Carol’s turn. She hugged me, a long hug, must have been at least a minute.

"It's your turn," I said.

She giggled.

"If you're thinking of changing the deal," I said, "then I'm going to fetch my hacksaw."

"It is tempting. I never realised how sexy it is to have a man under control like this."

I watched as she fixed the key to her anklet.

"You'll have me in a collar and on a lead next."

"Mmmm," she said. "Maybe one day, but don’t fret love, we’re learning this together."

Carol moved over to the mirror and then stood back pointing to the spare key that she'd taped to the top corner.

"I'm going to shower and get rid of any pond slime before I let you loose on me."

I was impressed with her trick of using the hood on me and wished I had something equally original. I could use the same hood, and maybe that was the simplest thing, owning up to her originality and insisting on it being a fair exchange. I had a different surprise up my sleeve so settled for the hood.

When she came out of the shower I made sure she was dry all over.

"The hood was a good idea," I said, "imitation is the best kind of flattery," and put the hood over her head.

I stood behind her, pulled her arms back and slapped self-locking cuffs onto her wrists.

"Hey?" she said.

"All part of the surprise," I said

I wrapped the belt around her waist and hooked on the rear part, swung it between her legs and before she could move I slid a very well lubricated vibrator into her pussy and clamped the under part of the belt at the front. I hooked a padlock into the clasp and locked it. Matching step for step what she'd done with me I took her to the mirror and stood her in front of it. I taped her spare key onto the other side of the mirror, trying to make it symbolically symmetrical.

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I took a couple of snaps, taking in her back and the vision in the mirror and then pulled off the hood.

"Oh, wow," she said. The belt was made of black leather with a kind of silver metallic trim and decorated with chrome studs with a chain that ran over the surface through her legs and up to the back clasp. The waist belt was sufficiently tight that there was no way out.

"Do a twirl."

She obliged and when she was facing me I remotely turned on the vibrator.

"I thought this was all about winding up my frustration."

"It is," I said, turning it off and on again a few times.

She pulled me towards her and gave me the longest deepest kiss I'd had in years. Right then, I was feeling very good despite the fact that all I’d had was a tit fuck and a hand job in a fortnight.

We spent the rest of the day naked in our new devices. I started to feel good around Carol again and I loved the way she was responding to me. I stopped feeling outgunned by so-called alpha males who offered an exciting time and little else. I stopped feeling like the comfortable sofa.

Some time late in the afternoon Carol insisted that we should order pizza. Whoever delivered it was in for a treat. I could see the point, she wanted to tick another thing off her guilt list.

Carol phoned an order but they were busy, a forty-five-minute wait.

"Let's watch a movie," she said. "One of yours."

I picked what I thought would be an entertaining half hour of video. I wanted to save the scene with Dean on the countertop for a day when we could replicate it. What I couldn’t repeat was Jay and Dean spit-roasting Carol. I knew it was clumsy sex, neither of them seeming to work together for her benefit. She made an effort with Jay but he’d only just arrived and was too excited.

By then I think Dean had already come twice and was worn out a little. Dean took her mouth and was not being a team player. Watching him I don’t think he looked at Jay and he hardly said a word to Carol.

It was cruel of me to pick a clip that was pretty sordid and ended with Carol’s face a dripping mess. I said nothing when they stopped. I closed the video and wasn’t sure what to say. Would she be angry?

“God that was sleazy,” she said. “Who was that whore?”

“Sorry,” I said. “I wanted to get that out of the way.”

I turned the vibrator on and kissed the side of her neck. “Really I should have installed more cameras, that wasn’t a good angle for you. It really needed better lighting.”

She spun around to look at me and I tried really hard to keep a straight face. She cracked up.

“You are a loveable idiot,” she said. “Hmmm, now how should I put it? That was disreputable and shameful.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second, looked at the ceiling then the floor and finally back at me.

“Excellent cinematography, capturing the essence of the action and displaying its filthy wanton nature so well. It was beastly and primal whilst showing the true nature of the act. The use of a continuous single take adds to the cinematic veracity and shows so clearly how a vulnerable female, consumed by her extreme urges can be exploited by selfish men. Watching it with you gave it another level of meaning."

"Could you remove your movie critic hat now, please?"

She chuckled. "I like this game," she said. "I deserve to be shamed. If you’d asked me how it was I’d have told a very different story, and if you’d asked the guys, I'm not sure what they'd have said. Probably how much fun it was to fuck over a dumb broad who knew no better and gave it away for nothing.”

I was ready to say something but the doorbell rang, rescuing me from the possibility of screwing up my own show.

Carol jumped up. “Are your cameras working?”

“No, but they could be.”

“Switch them on and set that vibrator going, I’ve got a pizza to collect.”

It took a few seconds to get the system running and even less time to have Carol vibrating. I didn’t have to move an inch to watch, I had the whole thing patched through to the TV.

She took her purse and strolled to the front door. As she stepped along I tweaked the level of vibration, winding it up until I could see a change in the way she moved.

She opened the door and beckoned the kid to come in— I guess he was probably just about eighteen, old enough to drive a delivery van or a motorbike with a pizza hotbox on the back but not much more. She was safe enough, even without him knowing who else was in the house. He hadn’t a clue what to do— actually he could barely speak— despite the fact that she was squirming on the spot.    

“What kind of tip do you normally get?”

“Um, whatever...”

“Would feeling these do?”

Poor kid, I thought. I couldn’t hear what he mumbled but she put the pizza box on the hall table, turned and backed against him pulling his arms around her and letting him hold her breasts. She snuggled against him and kissed the side of his neck.

She let that go on for about three breaths and then slid out of his grasp, turning and dropping to her knees in front of him. I knew what she was going to do but I still kind of held my breath. Her hands were on his crotch before she spoke.

“You’re not gay are you?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Is it okay for me to see what you have down here? We can’t get in any trouble while I’m wearing this thing.”

“What is that?” The kid's voice was a sort of strangulated croak.

“It’s a chastity belt,” she said, “because I’ve been a bad girl. But you could have guessed that couldn’t you.”

She could see all she needed to and was clearly impressed. She leaned towards him and ran her tongue up the underside of his cock before blowing warm breath on the tip. A sort of non-contact blow job— it was a wonder he didn't spurt all over her face.

“Honey, I don’t think I can do this beautiful cock justice and keep the pizza hot. Write your number on the box and I’ll be in touch. Don't tell a soul. If you do I'll find out and we'll buy our pizzas elsewhere. Got that?”

The poor kid scribbled the number on the box, mumbling, "Yes ma'am," as he tried to pull up his zip and get out of the door. He must have enjoyed the experience because the number was in big clear writing.

“Are you straining inside that cage?” she said as she came in with the pizza. “Was the entertainment to your satisfaction, sir?”

“Awesome— you are a wicked girl. Were you serious about that number? The poor kid will be on edge for weeks.”

“Could you cope?”

Well, there’s a question. Could I?

“I'd have to be here. Would I have to wear this thing when he comes.”

“That might be half the fun.”

I took a deep breath and poured the wine as she opened the pizza box.

“A properly controlled experiment would need one night with the cage and one without and we'd have to have some scoring system to measure the all-around experience.”

Okay, so sometimes I get carried away with science, there’s no way this could be some sort of sociology experiment. I knew I was still struggling to boss the way this was going, but I was always the cool intellectual in this marriage, Carol was the extravert. There are days when I come across as somewhat withdrawn, passive even.

It might look like I’m letting Carol off lightly but I couldn’t see the point in crushing her. I wanted to end up with the same woman that I fell for and married. We needed to be us, but smarter and wiser. Somehow I had to find a way for all this to make us stronger.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Carol said. “I’m such a fool, we could have done this years ago.”

“Don’t look back. love. What's done is done. I feel like I'm walking a tightrope but it's not a rut.”

About then both our phones pinged. My email was simple, the clinic offering a cancellation for the next day, so I said yes immediately.

Carol's was more complicated, she had a vitriolic email from Dean. She showed me straight away.

"What are you going to do?" I said.

"Give me a second and I'll show you."

She opened her laptop and typed for a minute. "What do you think?" she said, pushing it across to me.

Give it a rest, Dean. You had your chance and you blew it. If I hear another word from you, I'll send everything to your wife.

There's nothing you can do to me. Chris knows, the boss knows. Give it up.

By the way, Chris sends his regards and says he hopes you enjoyed the whisky.

"Is that last crack okay?"

I thought about it for a second and decided I liked it. It was a clear message that we were tight, we could laugh it off, he hadn't broken us. I grinned at Carol, reached over and hit send.

"Enough excitement for one day, love?" she said.

"Yeah, but time for one more first."

"The pair of us sleeping in chastity?"

I gave her a hug. Maybe it was a good thing that all we could do was cuddle— we both knew we needed our rest. Going to the clinic the next day was bound to be stressful. I know it’s all confidential but having to tell strangers what she’d been doing was bound to be painful for Carol and risked some humiliation for me.

I went to sleep trying to see myself as a strong, mature and forgiving grown up and not look like some sad downtrodden wimp of a husband, trodden underfoot by his slutty irresponsible wife.

It could be a tough day.

Written by Whitebeard
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