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Getting Off The Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 4

"Diane's act becomes more complicated, and goes further."

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On Friday night Diane’s act went even better than before. There was a bigger crowd, they were more raucous, and they paid more money. The bodyguards were two women. Diane knew that some girls were happy to make money by showing their bodies to men, but saw life differently outside work. Were these two girls a couple, or were they along for the ride out of curiosity?

The second act auction got close to a thousand. Diane felt for the guy that won. If he’d come a few days earlier he would have paid less than half to get the same thing. There was something in her psyche that wanted to give value-for-money. If she gave him more, who would know? The two girls would know, and they would gossip. If only Barry was in the other room, Barry would understand.
Diane led the new customer off the stage and through to her locker. She dumped the stripper clothes, threw on a robe and took his hand.

“This way,” she said. “We have our own entrance, your privacy is assured, no one is going to take pictures of you with a naked woman.”

“You’re not naked,” he said as the lift doors closed.

Diane slipped off the robe, letting it drop to the floor. She turned to face him,

“Better now?”

He stepped back against the rear wall of the lift, getting a better view of all of her.

“Much better,” he said.

“I can’t wait to see you naked,” she said.

“You might be in for a surprise.”

“Bring it on. I love surprises.”

Watching his face, Diane wasn’t sure what was coming next. What the hell, she was bought and paid for, at least for the next hour. Once they were in the room, she hit the buttons to turn on the cameras and gave him the usual spiel about recording and calling him Fred. With that out of the way, she took his jacket and hung it up. When she turned back to him, he was still wearing all his clothes.
Diane gave him her most encouraging smile and started to loosen his tie.

“What’s the problem, honey, are you shy?”

He opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn’t come out. Diane took his shirt off. Nothing wrong there, she thought. To get those muscles, he must work out. She undid his belt and unzipped him. He stood like a scared rabbit.

What am I going to find? She almost said the words out loud.

She stood up.

“Why don’t I dim the lights,” she said. “It makes it more romantic, doesn’t it.”

When she got his briefs to the floor, she saw the problem. Diane had never seen a penis that small. She pulled him over to the bed.

“Are you okay?” she said. “I mean, now that the secret is out?”

“I don’t know," he said. "I’ve never been with such a beautiful woman, I’m scared shitless.”

“Are you married?”


“What does your wife do about this.”

“She’s very understanding.”

“What does that mean, honey?”

“She doesn’t laugh at me... She did at first, but we came to a deal.”

“Go on.”

“She started taking the pill and fucking other guys with big cocks. Once a year she had a month off the pill and no other guys and I got the chance to make her pregnant. We both wanted kids.”


“We have two kids, both mine, she got DNA tests to prove it to me. We’re agreed that we don’t want more. She’s had the operation and so have I. It was like being true to each other.”

“But she fucks around to get what she wants?”

“What she needs, yeah.”

“And what do you get?”

“She's good to me all the time, but she goes out when she needs to. I like helping her dress to go out. She thinks it's good for me to go to clubs like this.”

"Does she bring guys home?"

"She used to, now and then, but it's tricky with the kids, so she doesn't do that now."

Diane nodded and then kissed him.

“Tonight, you and I are going to have an amazing night. I bet you’ve never been with a woman like me, right?”


“So I’m more beautiful and sexy than your wife?”

“Oh, um.”

“Thank you, very tactful. Can I call you Freddy? it sounds warmer than Fred and I’m starting to like you.”

“I think I prefer Freddy too.”

“The thing is Freddy, I’ve never had a guy with such a small cock, and I probably never will again, so for me this is a one-off. I plan to enjoy it. One-off experiences don’t happen often, so you and I are going to make the most of it, right?”

“Whatever you say.”

“Does your wife know about tonight?”

“She does, I mean she knows about your act and I told her I was going to bid. She tried to talk me out of it. She doesn’t like me being humiliated. Some of her guys did that, and she never had them back.”

“She sounds like a lovely woman. Okay, enough talk. Some guys like to shower first, do you? If you do I’ll join you, would that be good?”

They showered. Diane teased him, washed his cock, sucked him in the shower and kept him as hard as she could. She towelled him off and led him back to the bed.

“If this isn’t too tough a question, how do you have sex with your wife?”

“Mostly missionary.”

“Do you go down on her?”

“Not often.”

“Okay, tonight you are going to enjoy Dee’s advance training course. Kneel between my legs. You can see everything because all my hair has been removed. Kiss my pussy.”

Diane took him through her routine, teaching him anatomy step by step.

“There’s one thing you should know,” she said. “I am not going to fake any of this. If you get me off, then it’s all your own work.”

It took fifteen minutes before she came. By then his tongue was getting tired, but his confidence was improving.

“Well done,” she said when she had her breath back. “We did oral in the shower, so we’ll skip more of that for now. Have you ever done anal? Sorry to be so blunt.”


“I think you should learn. There are a lot of women who worry about whether it will hurt, but one advantage of your cock is that it should slip in without any trouble. The other thing that’s good is that I can play with myself, and you can reach around me and play with my tits. I don’t know if you'd like that, but I do.”

Diane wrapped a condom on him, lay face down on the bed sideways, and spread her cheeks.

“There’s a bottle of lube on the side there. Use it if you need to, but you could try slipping a few fingers in my pussy and seeing if there is enough juice.”

There was enough juice. Diane did her best to sense how he was doing and carefully pushed back against him to get maximum penetration, but she stopped him moving at the same time, making him last as long as possible. It took five minutes before he came and he was ecstatic, Diane, working her clit, came at the same time.

Freddy collapsed and she let him lie there for a while before gently nudging him. She found a wet cloth and wiped him off and left him on the bed for five minutes.

Diane knocked on the door between the two halves of the penthouse.

“How are you two doing?” she said when the door opened. She was greeted by two naked women.

“Okay, I guess,” she said. “I was curious to know what hopes you had for the rest of the night?”

“When does he go home?”

“It depends on whether I can get him up again to fuck me. What do you think? Should I try it?”

“Why don’t we all work on him?” said the taller girl. “I’m Sue, by the way, and this is Carla.”

“I love what you did for the guy, I mean he can’t help being born that way. He must be a nice guy, I mean he lets his wife have her fun, and she hasn’t left him, so he must be a great guy, right?” Carla said.

“Even if he isn’t a great fuck,” said Sue.

“How do three broads have sex with one small dick?”

“Only one way to find out.”

Freddy, or whatever his name was, opened his eyes and thought he was hallucinating. He was being kissed, which was good, and his cock was being sucked at the same time.

“Hi, Freddy, you’re back with us. Meet my two bodyguards.”


“The trouble with an auction is you never know who is going to win. It could be someone lovely like you, or it could be someone who has evil intentions, so there’s always a bodyguard in the room next door.

“Two bodyguards?”

“These two come as a package. I’m guessing that you plan to go home tonight, but we thought it might be worth a try to see if there is anything left in the tank.”

Freddy gasped, but could not find words.

“Right now I am going to take another shower and pamper myself for a few minutes while these two add to your experience.”

Diane showered, dried herself, and then applied moisturising cream and perfume. She intended to be as overpoweringly seductive as she could imagine. Ten minutes later she came out of the bathroom to see Carla sitting on Freddy’s face while Sue was sucking his cock as though she was trying to extract it from his body.

Diane strolled across the room and lay on the bed next to Freddy. Sue eased herself off his face as Carla put a condom onto his painfully stiff prick. The two of them rolled him towards Diane. She reached for him and pulled his face onto her breasts, knowing that the perfume would be overwhelming.

“Enjoy me,” she said. “Make the most of what you’ve paid for. Kiss my nipples, suck them until they’re hard, and then fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.”

When Diane thought about it afterwards, she rated him about seven out of ten. He tried and despite her telling him to think about his pleasure, he couldn’t help himself thinking about her. He lost points for his cock, but gained on the gentleman front and for trying to please her.

The two bodyguards showered together as Diane and Freddy relaxed in a long cuddle.

“Your wife is lucky to have you,” Diane said. “You are a gem of a man, and all the more admirable because you let her find what she thinks she needs that you don’t have.”

Diane could have whispered the words into his ear, but knowing it was being recorded, she spoke slowly, thinking that her words would make a fitting ending to the evening.

She eased herself off the bed.

“Relax there for a moment. You shouldn’t drive until your heart rate has come down and the adrenalin has gone. Chat to Carla and Sue while I tidy up a few things."

She made her way into the other room and paused the video. She brought up the recording, ran the first few minutes to find a good place to start, and edited off the unwanted footage. She scrolled through to the end and faded it out after her speech. She copied the whole thing onto a DVD, put it into an envelope, turned the recording back on, made a few adjustments to the settings, and made her way back to Freddy and the girls.

Freddy was dressing.

“Here’s a present for you. It’s a recording of almost the whole evening. Show your wife. It may be good for both of you.”

“Is there any way my wife could meet you? I know it wasn’t part of the deal, but when she sees this, I know she'll want to talk to you.”

Diane smiled and gave him a hug. “Freddy, you are a gem. I did think there might be guys who would want to follow up, and I knew I couldn’t rule out the possibility, so I bought a burner phone for exactly that reason. There’s one thing you should know, and you might appreciate it. I won’t answer that phone or look at messages until Sunday, and I’ll give the phone to my husband.”

“So if she wants to talk to you, she has to explain to him?”

“Got it in one.”

Freddy smiled. “That is so cool. Please give me the number."

Diane handed him a card that had her picture on one side and a handwritten number on the other. When he’d gone Diane turned to the two girls.

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“So you’re a couple, is that right?”

“How did you guess?” Sue said and then both burst into laughter.

Diane shrugged her shoulders.

“Because it’s fucking obvious,” Carla said. “What happens now?”

“I think the idea is that you have your way with me as a sort of reward for staying the night and looking after me. Either that or I pay you something for your time.”

“Freddy already tipped us and he left some for you.”

Why don’t you split that as well? I’ve done pretty well out of the auction."

“Yeah, but the boss takes half of that doesn’t he?”

“He does, but I’m still doing okay.”

“So if we take the money we don’t get to play?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Get on the bed girl, we’re going to rock your world. Have you ever been tied up?”

“No, but if you want to try it, then I’m up for it. I think I need the practice, anyway.”

“You what?” Sue said.

“It’s too complicated to explain, but I owe my husband. I messed him around and went too far. Sooner or later he’s going to even things up.”

“You think bondage will be part of it and you’ll let him?”

“I told him to build a cell for me. I don’t know if he’ll include cuffs and chains, but I don’t see why not? I deserve it.”

"You think he'll build an actual cell?"

"He's very ingenious."

“I'd love to see that. You have an interesting marriage.”

“I have a bloody brilliant marriage, but he let me go too far. I did stuff I shouldn’t have done. I thought I was being sexy, but I was just being stupid.”

“Dee,” Carla said. “That’s enough of that sort of talk. You are in a post-orgasm come down, so you need cranking up again. What we like doing is more like tie and tease than the S&M end of the game. We have these very comfy cuffs and ties. We both know they are comfy because we’ve done each other a ton of times.”

Diane spread herself on the bed. “Okay,” she said. “Sounds like I’m in good hands.”

“Go and pee first, and anything else you need to do. This could go on for a while.”

Diane ran to the bathroom and was soon back.

“That was quick.”

“I had an enema this afternoon, best to be ready for anything.”

“Smart girl,” Carla said as she cuffed Diane’s arms while Sue took care of her legs.

“It works like this,” Carla said. “It’s a sort of race. I’m going to face sit you while Sue tries to make you come. It doesn’t matter who comes first, but once one of us has come, we add a nipple clamp, change ends, and go again. After the next orgasm, you get another clamp and we change ends. After that, we find somewhere else to clamp and go again.”

“How many clamps do you have?”



“Not if you’ve had an enema.”

“Very funny.”

“Do I get a safe word?”

“You do, but there’s a catch.”

“Go on.”

“If you want this game to stop you say DP, right?”

“DP, you mean like in double penetration.”

“Yeah, that’s it. If you can’t stand the clamps and all, then you say DP and we both strap on dildos and we give you DP. It is a safe word, sort of, I mean DP is safe.”

“You know what,” Diane said. “I like your imagination, but I’d like to play the game differently. I’d like both nipple clamps now and a turn with each of you at each end and then I’ll have the DP.”

“Who said you get to chose?”

“I do. If you start being cruel, I’ll get you fired in the morning. Don’t think killing me would be a good idea because enough of what you’ve said has already been streamed to my server, which is miles away and very secure. I may act like a dumb whore, but I’m not dumb, and I have a very senior lawyer on my side. If I don’t wake up in the morning, all the video will be forwarded to him and he’s very good at knowing what to do with it.”

Carla and Sue looked at each other.

"Wow, one scary woman," Carla said. “Okay, okay, yeah, we were teasing, right? Do you really want the clamps?”

“Yeah, I do. I like your game, but five clamps could take us half the night and I’d like to get some sleep.”

Diane’s biggest interest was the chance to have her mouth on two pussies. Never having played with a woman before, that was the big thing for her. Having her own pussy played with was less of a novelty. She doubted anyone could be much better than Barry. There was a dilemma. If she got both of the girls off before they made her come, then she would get nothing from the encounter, other than her competitive instinct being satisfied. She did have the DP to look forward to, so she went for winning the competition.

Finding her way around another woman’s pussy was interesting, especially as it was upside down compared to looking at her own in the mirror or on film. The other thing she didn’t have to help was being able to see or feel what impact she was having because her whole vision was filled with pussy. The only thing she had to go on was the amount of secretion, but that didn’t help too much because Carla had a tendency to flood her with feminine juice.

By concentrating very hard and using the fire in her nipples to give herself energy, she was able to ignore what Sue was doing, and before long she knew she was winning mostly because she was having to swallow faster.

Carla screamed and collapsed onto Diane, breathing heavily for a moment and then rolling off.

“Is that the first time you’ve done that?” Carla said when she had her breath back and Sue had given up.


“Did you enjoy it?”

“Mmmm, apart from nearly drowning.”

“She does that,” Sue said. “I’m not so bad, but if you can get me off before she does you, I’ll be impressed."

“How do the clamps feel?” Carla said.

“Not so sharp, aching, not screaming.”

“Wait till we take them off.” Sue laughed. “That’s when you know all about it.”

“When are you going to do that?”

“When we fuck you. Enough talk, get sucking,” Sue said as she eased herself into position.

Sue’s cunt was bigger, had more slack in the flesh which made it harder to find her way around and harder to breathe. Diane ignored what Carla was doing and concentrated on finding her way around Sue, trying to feel for any clues that she was hitting the right spots. It didn’t take long before she could feel Sue tensing up. Sue could see what Carla was doing, and the two of them could collude. Diane felt Sue squirm down onto her face, forcing Diane to turn her head sideways to find some air. Right at that moment, Carla bit her, not hard. but enough to make her jump.

The sharp intake of breath was enough to give Diane a chance to go flat out at Sue’s clit for a minute. Sue screamed as she came, Diane got her breath and Carla moaned.

“Fuck, she’s done it again.”

“Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

“Honest. It’s fun though, I might do it again.”

“You know what happens now.”

“You’re gonna take the clamps off.”

“Yeah, and the tough part is we’re not going to untie you, so you can’t touch your tits, you’ll just have to take it, and we’re going to get tooled up.”

The two women positioned themselves either side of Diane, each took a clamp. Carla called out;

“One, two, three.”

Diane screamed, feeling as if her whole chest was on fire, straining against the bonds as the two women walked away. At first, Diane struggled, trying to pull her hands free, but she soon gave that up. A little voice in her head reminded her that this might be the only time she would have this pain. It had to be owned, enjoyed, celebrated.

She lay still and let it wash over her. She took deep breaths and imagined the fire in her tits, creeping over her belly into her pelvis. The muscles tensed, she squirmed, her pussy grinding through one rotation after another as if she was an old fashioned stripper doing bumps and grinds. The pain evened out. She worked her shoulders to make her tits move, her whole body picking up the rhythm, making her almost come on her own, but that would never do. She had another experience coming. She needed to squeeze every ounce of erotic pleasure out of tonight because after tomorrow she would belong to Barry, and who knows what he would do after the week he’d had. She would have to show him the videos. It couldn’t be a secret after midnight tomorrow. She had to own up to everything. Thinking that was almost enough for her to come again.

Sue and Carla came back, both sporting large penis-shaped dildos. Not the biggest cocks Diane had ever seen, but big enough if she was taking both at once. At least foreplay wasn’t needed. Those things were plenty hard enough already.

“Okay honey, it works like this. Sue likes to be underneath, so we release you, give you a minute to stretch and then you impale yourself on Sue’s cock. Do what you like, kiss and cuddle and all that, but after a minute I’m coming for your arse, and we are going to make you come so hard you’ll never forget.”

“Have you been fucked in the arse before?” Sue said.

“Sure, plenty of times, but not with one of these.”

“You should be fine. Carla will use lots of lube, so come on kid.”

Diane knelt on the bed, straddling Sue, looking at her. She reached down with one hand and took one of Sue’s nipples, playing with it between her fingers. Her other hand she slid down to play with her clit for a few seconds and then pushed her fingers into her pussy, spreading it. She lifted her pelvis a little higher, slid the dildo into place and enjoyed feeling it penetrate.

She controlled herself, slowly grinding down onto the thing. She took Sue’s nipples, one in each hand, squeezing harder this time, pulling up, twisting, watching Sue’s face. When Sue’s eyes closed and her mouth started to form a word, Diane came all the way down on her, taking possession of her mouth, her tongue invading so fast that she took Sue by surprise.

Diane made the most of her position on top to work her pelvis down as hard as she could onto the plastic cock. There was only one thing to do now. She reached back and spread her cheeks, waiting for the invasion. Carla was ready to hammer into her, but there was something about the way that Diane seemed so confident that forced her to stop and think for a second. Suddenly she didn’t want to seem like an amateur in front of this woman, who had made twice as much money as anyone else this week by inventing a new routine, who had the three men in the club eating out of her hand and had effectively topped from the bottom to control the way their session worked.

It was time to be subtle. She slapped a big blob of lube on the orifice in front of her. She watched as the cold produced a reflex contraction. She put a finger in the centre of the blob and pushed until she felt a relaxation. The dildo came in as her finger moved out, but she didn’t push too hard. She held the pressure, waiting for the muscles to lose their tension. It took a few seconds and then she was in. She kept going. Men had it so much better, two of them in a woman like this would feel each other’s cock, but the dildo had no nerve endings.

Praying that she had the angle right, she got the whole length in and was relieved when Diane breathed out the words she was waiting for.

“Oh, yeah. Right there. Oh, yeah.”

Diane’s right hand slid under her, finding her clit and working it as the two soft plastic cocks pounded her with a rhythm that she could not control. She let herself go and enjoyed the feeling of an orgasm rising in her belly.

When Carla pulled out, Diane rolled off Sue.

“That was great girls,” she said. “Do you feel anything?"

“Mine goes up inside me,” Sue said. “Carla’s doesn’t. Usually, she likes being dominant and too much stimulation means she loses control if you get what I mean. If she starts to come she can’t go on being vicious.”

“She wasn’t rough.”

“Not today. Lucky you.”

“So are we turning over and going again?”

“Christ woman, you are insatiable,” Carla said.

“We could sleep and finish off in the morning.”

Sue and Carla looked at each other.

“Yeah,” Sue said. “We could do that.”

“Could I have a go with one of those things?”

“We are definitely waiting until morning,” the two strippers said together.



Written by Whitebeard
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