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Don't Shoot the Messenger Chapter 8

"Julie gets back to work training Adrian and Mary."

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"Well?" said Julie when Anthony put the letter down, "what do you think?"

"It's indefensible behaviour."

"You mean the cop?"

"Yes,” he said. “I'm so glad we got Adrian off. That makes me feel a lot better but it's obviously left a mess. What are you going to do?"

"I have a wild idea that I think might work. I can't involve you because you were Adrian's lawyer. It needs some planning and I might drag Laura in, so you could be on your own for a while. Is that okay?"

"It depends how long I guess. At least you won't have to make up excuses."

"Have I ever?"

"I don't know. So many things go through my mind."

"All the Angela business over your case was the first time I've actually lied to you. I didn't like doing it. Anyway, before we get into any plans I'd like to go over my tapes to check some things out."

"Like looking at that cop again? "

"That and a few other things."

"You go, I'll talk to Laura, Yesterday was great but she needs time to think."

"Some cold light of day?"

"Exactly, plus we both have old-fashioned work to do, so we'll be busy being normal."

—  —  —  —


An hour later Julie was staring at her video screen.

"Big enough," she muttered to herself, "but how does he compare with Adrian?"

After several minutes playing with the images to be certain of the scale, she’d convinced herself that Adrian, when fully loaded was definitely a little longer than the cop who was obviously not only a bully but a braggart too.

"Adrian’s not the problem, dummy," she said to the monitor.

She emailed Mary Marsh and suggested an early appointment. The phone rang two minutes later and Mary appeared within an hour.

"Your letter’s very helpful," said Julie, "I understand the problem but I’d like to know more about the sex you have with these partners. The way you describe it, I don’t know what you’re getting out of it."

Mary had been sitting calmly, with a slightly nervous smile until then and at that point, her face fell and for a second she looked completely confused.

"I’m sorry to throw that at you," Julie said, "but I have to understand what was good as well as what’s going wrong. Maybe you should tell me about sex with Adrian," Julie managed an affectionate smile, "He’s had sex with both of us. It gives me a baseline of sorts."

"Sex with Adrian is good, except he comes too soon."

"Go on, like what do you mean by good."

"I love him, I want to have sex with him, so I try to do it as often as I can."

"Do you come?"

"Well, no, not from penetration, or at least not usually."

"Because he comes too soon?"

"I guess, and I know he feels bad about that."

"What about a second time around?"

"How do you mean?"

"Mary please don’t be naive. I bet that cop did you more than once and so do those other studs I expect."

"Well yes, I’d have a job to stop them."

"So what’s the second round like with Adrian?"

"We don’t. He feels bad about coming so soon and he sucks me off. I come that way every time."

"And you don’t do him again?"

"Um… well… no." She paused for a second. "Oh dear."

"The last time he was here he came twice within an hour."

"Oh God. I’m such a fool."

"Don’t go there, Mary. You’re here to start putting things right. Look at it from his point of view. He thinks about you all the time when you fuck these other men, so when he finally gets near you he’s so wound up he can’t help himself. Afterwards, he sucks you and I bet that feels wonderful, especially if you’re feeling guilty. It must feel like forgiveness and ecstasy all at once."

Julie watched Mary’s face, reading every line.

"It does, it makes me feel so good and I love him so much, I wrap my arms around him and we fall asleep. It’s absolute bliss." Mary fell back into the armchair, eyes closed, for a moment lost in the memory.

When her eyes opened there was a little frown, not anger or distress. Puzzlement, that’s what it is, thought Julie.

"So is that it? All I have to do is get him to come again?"

"If you’re lucky, but I think it might take more than that. He’s conditioned into thinking the way he does, so we have to break that. You're conditioned too, so if you don’t mind I want to do some work on both of you."

"Whatever it takes."

"Good. I think there might be some surprises for you. I want you to keep your guilt. Adrian taking you back after you’ve played away is obviously brilliant for you and I’m not sure that giving that up would be good for either of you."

"So I should go on with the guys I know? Not the bastard detective, but the other ones?"

Julie sat for a moment cogitating.

"I’d like to suggest something very different. It seems to me that you’re not getting a lot out of these guys and really you’re doing it because Adrian wants you to. Yes?"

"Sort of. I mean, they’re nice, and I quite like them."

"Exactly. Quite nice isn’t enough, not for what it's doing to you both. If you keep doing these guys there’s a risk that one of them might get possessive. They need to find out that they’re fucking another man’s wife and that doesn’t give them any rights. The last thing you need is either of these guys wanting more."

"So what do you have in mind?"

"I want you to be a whore. I want you to fuck for money. In fact, I’ll pay you. I know you don’t need the money but I have a particular client in mind. I think you’ll enjoy fucking him and I have a job for Adrian as well."


"I thought that might make you sit up. There’s a couple I’ve been working with. She’s very petite and he has a massive cock. I’ve managed to get her to take it but I it could be a long while before she can do it often. She wanted him to come to me so that he could have sex with a woman who could handle him."

"How big is he?"

"Big— borderline ridiculous."

"Has he fucked you?"

"Oh yes, and it was fun, and I think you’d enjoy him. There’s no question he’s bigger than Adrian."

For a second Mary’s eyes lit up, but then the puzzled frown was back.

"I don’t see how that helps."

"The guy understands why his wife is bothered and he was happy to screw me, but it was more to satisfy his wife. I want Adrian to fuck his wife. He can learn how to be a stud. There’s a job that needs doing. The husband can fuck you because Adrian thinks you need big cocks and he can do her as an exchange. It will give me a chance to coach Adrian as a stud rather than what so far has been a kind of exotic mercy sex. I know it sounds a bit crazy but I think the four of you might hit it off. I have a vacant flat upstairs so I want the four of you to use it. I want you to make it an all night thing."

"I’ve never done that to Adrian."

“Done what?”

“Stayed out all night on him.”

"Normally it would wind up his cuckold angst and you never know how that is going to turn out. He probably needs to find out what that’s like but not this time. He won’t get a chance to think about that. He’ll be under a different kind of pressure."


"To motivate him to be better. But he will be trying to satisfy Annette, so it's more like swinging than cuckolding."

"What if he falls for this woman?"

"What if you fall for the man?"


"I wouldn't risk it if I didn't think that both of you have a strong bond. Go away and think about it, and meanwhile dump these other guys. Maybe some time alone with Adrian will change things anyway."

"When do you want an answer."

"When you’re ready. I can handle everything till you’re ready."

"Will you see Adrian again?"

"Do you want me to?"

Mary paused, lost in thought for a minute. "Yes," she said. "Yes, give me a day and I’ll have an answer for you."

"One other thing for you to think about, should I pay Adrian?"

Mary sat quite still for a second until a slow grin came across her face.

"Adrian a gigolo," she said. "How much is he worth?"

"For a whole night, a thousand, what do you think?"


"Try trawling the internet and see what comes up, I think you'll find something like that. What would it do for Adrian if he was paid like that?"

I ... I think..." Mary closed her eyes, one hand on her forehead for a second. "I think it could transform him. Oh God, that would be magic and it would be so good for me."

"Go on."

"I could keep an envelope with a grand in it and any time he had doubts about himself... well you get the idea. Yes please, train him up and hire him out."

"And what about you?"

"I'd rather be a slut— I'll do it for free."


—  —  —  —


Julie saw them together the next day. Adrian, sitting nervously on the edge of the seat, Mary, more controlled, calmer on the surface, but Julie had seen enough of her to see the tension, the forced relaxation in her pose.

“Adrian, what I’m going to say will probably shock the hell out of you. I want you to say nothing and let your brain process it. Can you do that?”

Adrian shot an anxious glance at Mary.

“Say yes, love. It means a lot to me and I would really love it if you can go along with Angela.” A tight smile played across her lips and she reached out a hand to hold his. “I think you might enjoy it and it could be really good for us.”

Julie waited for a few seconds and then launched the bomb.

“I want to train you to be a stud, to be a bull like some of those guys you’ve been good enough to let Mary fuck. I know your first reaction is to think I’ve gone crazy, which is why I made you agree to keep quiet. I’m going to show you some pictures.”

Julie turned to the monitor and clicked a remote.

The first picture was George, or more specifically a little of George and all of his cock.

“Big, huh?” she said.

The next was a closeup of another cock and then another. After the third, she flicked back through them.

“Which do you think Mary would prefer?”

“The first guy.”

“He has a problem with his wife, he’s too big for her. They came to see me because she couldn’t cope. We’ve been working together but there’s a way to go yet. What do you think she should do?”


“Would I be helping if I sat there looking at his cock and said 'gee,' like you just did?”

“I guess not. What did you do?”

“What she wanted was for him to fuck me so he got some fun. He’s good with his mouth, so she gets off that way, but she thinks he should have better. Does that sound familiar?”

“It’s kind of our story backwards.”

“So what’s the answer?”

Adrian sat shaking his head.

“Come on Adrian, you’re a bright guy, you’ve dreamed up a solution to your own problem. Tell me what to do with this one.”

Adrian sighed and then chuckled. “Okay, since it’s you that’s asking me, what’s needed is someone like Mary for the big guy.” He glanced quickly at Mary. “The wife is more tricky, she might be like me, well, um like I um, well you know...”

“Go on.”

“I don’t know if the wife gets off on the husband having fun. She might really worry that she’d lose him. She hired you— that implies money, transactions, agreed obligations, she knows you’ll give him a good time but you won’t take him. She must love him, love him, not his cock, so she really has something to lose."

"And how does that compare with you and Mary?"

"I don’t know, I can guess but I’d need to talk to her."

"Talk to Annette or to Mary?"

Mary leaned forward.

Adrian sighed. "I know where you’re going with this," he said. "I meant Annette, I know how I feel about Mary—"


"But …Oh shit." he looked despairingly at Mary.

"It’s all right, love," she said. "I’ve seen all of the tapes of you with Angela. I’ve seen you cry. It broke me up." She reached out to hold his hand. "That’s part of why we’re here. This thing we do, it can’t go on like this. I’ve ditched all my lovers."


"Because one of them nearly wrecked everything."

The two women watched as Adrian’s face changed again. This time there was no mistaking the angst. Shallow breathing, set jaw and his throat tightening. Julie wondered for a moment if he might be sick. Mary leaned forward and took his hand in both of hers.

"He didn’t," she said.

"But he wanted to?" Adrian’s voice by now was small and helpless.

"That detective that tried to frame you was one of my lovers. I turned him down flat when he wanted more, so he tried to frame you, to get you jailed so he could move in on me." She gave Adrian’s hand another squeeze.

"It would have failed anyway, even if he had got you locked up, I’d have stood by you, but we got lucky with Angela."

By now Adrian seemed to have shrunk a few inches.

"There’s one other piece of luck Adrian and you might like this one," Julie said. She flipped up the second and third cock pictures on the screen together.

"I’ve done a lot of work to get these exact actual size. If you had to choose one for Mary, which would it be?"

Adrian, still sunk in the chair struggled to focus.

"Come on dear," said Mary, pulling him forward in the chair. "I might actually get to fuck one of these. Angela knows who they are."

Julie caught Adrian’s fleeting despairing look as he forced himself to look at the screen. Mary stood up, walked behind the chair and began to massage his shoulders.

"Which is biggest?" she purred into his ear.

"The one on the left," he said.

"Good choice," said Mary. "Are you happy for me to fuck that one?"

"I guess," he said, and then responding to something in her voice and struggling to keep himself together. "Can I watch?"

Julie burst out laughing.

"What?" said Adrian. "What did I do."

"We’re not be being very fair to you."

"He doesn’t have to know," he said. "I mean I could watch on film or something."

"That would be rather difficult," said Mary. "Not impossible I suppose," and she cracked up too.

Julie pulled herself together.

"That one is you, Adrian. The other one, the smaller one is that idiot detective. If you really want to watch yourself fucking Mary on film at the same time that you do it I can arrange it."

"That’s me?"

"Hold on," said Julie. She played with some buttons on the remote and the picture zoomed out, there wasn’t any doubt about who it was.

"That was the last time you were here. You’ve got one of those cocks that grows, grows a lot and it ends up bigger than average."

"The problem," said Mary, "is that you’ve never believed it. I don’t want to sound harsh, darling, but this has to change. I don’t think I can do it on my own, you’re always going to think about the bigger cocks that I’ve had. I want Angela to work with us, so what we’re suggesting is that we swap with George and Annette. I’ll take George’s monster but in return, you have to give Annette the kind of sex you’ve always wanted me to have."

"And," said Julie, "to do that you have to learn to be a stud. The good news is that Mary and I are going to teach you together, so you’ll end up knowing what Mary wants and how to do it. On top of that, you’ll learn to figure out what Annette wants and how to give it to her and with luck that may give you the chance to surprise Mary now and then."

"What about Annette and George? Don’t they get a say in this?"

"I’ve already talked to them." Julie was as brusque and dismissive as she knew how, wanting to leave Adrian no way out.

He sat for a moment, eyes rolling up to the ceiling before he shrugged his shoulders.
"Okay," he chuckled for a moment. "I’m worried about that detective. If he’s that devious, won’t he come back at us?"

"He’s been transferred to the other end of the country."

"That was lucky."

"I talked to the lawyer who defended you," Julie said. "He fixed it, plus a restraining order that won’t allow him near either of you."

"Wow, just like that." He blinked and for a second his gaze flicked to and fro between the two women. "I’m glad I didn’t know he was after Mary, I think that would have thrown me. How did it make you feel, love?"

"Furious. I’ve always, always, always, made it clear that nothing I did with anyone else was to come between us. He didn’t get it. Sometimes, Adrian, I wonder if you get that, so don’t ever doubt it and don’t ever forget it."

With her hands still on his shoulders, though now standing a little to one side, she stroked his head. "Now what do you think of Angela’s plan?"

"I ought to be saying 'When do I start?' shouldn’t I."

"Yes... But?"

"Please note that I’m scared shitless; but when do I start?"

Julie took charge, getting up and beckoning Adrian to the door.

“I want you to go and sit in the basement; the decorators are almost done upstairs but for now it’s the only spare room that’s comfortable. Don’t read anything more into it than that. I want to talk to Mary for a few minutes, I’ll come and get you when we’re ready."

Once Adrian was out of the room she turned back to Mary.

"Tell me about these lovers. I’d hoped you’d say in your letter but you didn’t. Do you seduce them or are you submissive? Don’t be embarrassed — I’ve heard it all before."

"And more besides, I expect. With them, I’m a slut. My whole life I’ve been a rich, educated, entitled girl. Adrian respects me too much. I love him to bits and he’s a wonderful guy but, well…"

"He has you on a pedestal and it’s hard to be a bad girl on a pedestal."

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"Yeah, I guess that sums it up."

"Okay bad girl, we’re going to shock the hell out of that husband of yours," Julie chuckled, "probably shock you too. I want you to do what I tell all my clients in the studio to do. Strip, lock your clothes in that cupboard and write a safeword on the blackboard."

"What am I going to do?"

"You aren’t going to do anything, you’re going to be done to. I’ll give you a couple of minutes while I talk to Adrian."

Julie showed Mary where to put her things and left. Adrian was sitting quietly in the basement.

"Did you hear what we were saying?"

"It was a shock. I didn’t realise you were going to do that. Did Mary know?"

"No. I wanted you to feel naughty, feel a bit guilty for listening in. Did you?"

"Sort of. Is that right, I mean about the pedestal thing?"

"Isn’t it?"

"Um… maybe, I guess."

"Have you ever told her that she’s a bad girl?"

"NO." As he said it Adrian stiffened, offended.

"Exactly. When you were here I whipped you for cheating on your wife with me. That was cruel of me but you accepted it, because even though she paid for the session, you still felt guilty. How do you think she feels about her lovers?"

"I don’t know, I wanted her to feel loved, I mean like it was a present, something special."

"Adrian, you amaze me. She is lucky to have you, but you are going to have to step up and do a better job. She needs to be punished. She’s a bad girl. This is what’s going to happen next. I’m going back and I’m going to put her in bondage. Nothing awful, but when you come in she’ll be chained up. She’ll be gagged and blindfolded. You are going to whip her like I whipped you, and then you are going to forgive her and make love to her and make her come with your cock. No tongue. Right?"

"What if I come too soon?"

"You probably will. That’s when the work comes in. You’ll come and all the erotic excitement goes down, but you still have work to do. You make her eat your cum, you punish her for making you come too soon and you keep at it until you’re hard again and then you fuck her properly. You won’t come so fast the second time. Believe me, I know. Got that?"

"Yes but—"

"You’re scared. I know. But you have to do this. I can whip you afterwards if you think you deserve it, or better yet refuse to, which might be a bigger punishment."

She pulled him upright. "Strip for me."

Adrian undressed.

"See, growing already. I’m tempted to suck you off right now, but I want Mary to swallow that first load. Wait here."

Two minutes later she re-appeared and led him into the studio. Mary was naked, standing with her legs spread wide with a bar and wrist cuffed to chains hanging from the ceiling. She was gagged and blindfolded and wearing headphones.

"How will she say a safeword?"

She has a ring on her little finger. If she presses that a buzzer will ring. If that happens you cuddle her and give her a minute or two of rest. If she does it again, you do the same thing. Third time, we stop everything. Personally, I don’t think she’ll use it, but maybe you should push her to the first stop if you can. Remember, she can’t talk, so you have to base everything on what her body tells you."

"How am I going to fuck her like that?"

"Adrian, I thought you were an engineer? The simplest thing is to hook that bar to one of the ceiling chains, pull her legs up and stand between them. If you can’t manage that then push the couch under her and lower her back onto it. Put this earplug in your ear so I can coach you without Mary knowing, right? Okay, now, get to work. I’ll take her headphones off so she can hear you."

"Hang on."


"Where are you going to be?"

"In my office, watching you on a monitor. Everything will be recorded so you can go back over it. Right?"

"Okay, I guess."

"I’ll go to my office, you can take her headphones off when you’re ready."

Julie closed the door, sat down and flicked on the monitor, everything else was already running.

"Hi, Adrian. Testing, testing, testing one, two, three and all that."

She saw him give a thumbs up sign.

"Now you need to get a little bit mad. Right now you’re feeling uncomfortable, being made to do stuff out of your comfort zone and it’s Mary’s fault. She paid for this, she put you in this position. You were just trying to be nice, giving her treats but she’s feeling guilty and set you up." Julie paused for a second. "The whips are in the corner, you’ve seen me use them, you’ve felt them, so you know what they do. You’re an expert."

Adrian circled around Mary, leaving the headphones on. Julie, watching, wished she had a feed from his brain, but you can’t have everything. This was a test for her as much as him. She had to rely on body language as much as he did. She waited.

He began behind her, slowly walking around, standing so close Julie wondered if Mary could feel his warmth and then he slowly pulled back. There was a mike above him. Julie racked up the gain, listening to his breathing. Deep, controlled breaths, calming himself, she could see his chest moving, his whole body straightening, shoulders back, abdomen drawn in, convincing himself that he was up to this.

"Julie," he said. "If I come too soon she can’t eat it with the gag in place."

"I didn’t say you had to leave it in, I just didn’t want the two of you colluding."

For the first time, she saw Adrian smile.

"You have to make it happen, Adrian, that’s the point. You have to make it work for her."

Adrian walked around Mary one more time, only on this circuit he examined her bonds more carefully, looked at the gag and how it was fixed, examined the blindfold and then checked out the other equipment in the room and moved a few items onto the side table. Julie couldn’t see what toys he’d picked because he was blocking the camera view. Was that deliberate? She made a mental note to install another camera, these had been placed for her convenience, but if... well, whatever, another angle would be good.

Adrian turned back to Mary and for a few seconds stood still but leaning one way and another as though he were sizing things up. He undid the bar between her legs but left the cuffs in place and then lowered the chains on her arms, forcing her to kneel at the same time. He knelt in front of her and began to suck first one nipple and then the other, dividing his attention equally until both buds had hardened. That’s when Julie saw that he had picked up a couple of clamps from the side table. He shuffled back a little to give himself a good view and then carefully opened one spring clamp in each hand.

Julie watched, as with agonising slowness he poised with each clamp hovering over a nipple, making tiny adjustments in position until both were exactly ready and then he shut the clamps.

Even with the gag on Julie heard Mary scream. As soon as his hands had moved away she heard the bells on the clamps ringing. That’s when he took the headphones off. To make sure that Mary heard the sound, he flicked one bell and then the other, watching as Mary squirmed and bounced.

Adrian’s right hand moved down to Mary’s pussy and began to invade the folds, his other hand played with his cock, working it as it grew and hardened.

That’s not going to take long, Julie thought. Adrian stood and moved back, turning to the side table again. He returned with a large vibrating dildo and a small stand. He flicked the bells again and began to insert the well-lubed dildo. Mary’s movements continued, almost as though she thought she could wrestle the tormenting bells off her nipples.

When almost all the dildo had disappeared he turned on the vibration and extended the telescopic stand so that there was no escape. Mary by now was wriggling all over the place. The dildo stayed in place but the bells rang wildly. There was no escape.

"Enjoy," he said.

He waited a minute before playing with her pussy, running a finger gently between the folds then slowly encircling her clit, getting closer and closer before letting go and starting again, repeating with a finger what he’d done with his tongue many times.

"Listen to her breathing," said Julie.

Adrian smiled and did just that, noticing the change as his finger got nearer and the sigh as it moved away. He moved in front of her and changed tack, using his cock now that it was as hard as it could be. Sliding it into her opening alongside the dildo, using some of the vibration for himself and then working it upwards until it touched her clit. Several times he withdrew quickly, obviously desperate not to come too soon.

He rocked to and fro, no more than an inch at a time but leaving her in no doubt about what was bouncing on her clit. By now she was panting and a finger in her entrance came away covered in juice.

Continuing to dip into her folds with his left hand he undid the ball gag with the right and before she could say anything he’d filled her mouth with the drenched fingers of his left hand.

He let her suck on them for a moment, moving in and out to establish a rhythm and then stood so that his cock was level with her mouth. The fingers came out and the cock went in. He heard her gasp, felt the intake of breath and dropped his hands to the bells on her nipples.

"I imagine those clamps are starting to hurt, but they don’t come off until I come. So get at it slut and I’ll keep ringing those bells."

Julie grabbed the camera control and zoomed in on Adrian’s face. There were tears running down his cheeks, but he kept at it, face fucking Mary with all the energy he could manage. Julie watched as his rhythm changed. Mary’s lips closed around him sucking him in, her arms were pulling at the chains as she tried to get her arms around him but there was no chance of that.

Adrian sensed what she was doing and grabbed the back of her head. With his fingers intertwined in her hair, he pulled her face onto him, forcing himself down her throat, pulsing as hard as he could until he stiffened, moaned and let go. As he withdrew his cock Julie could see the cum beginning to leak past Mary’s lips. Adrian pushed it back in with his fingers and stuffed the ball gag back into place so none of his gift could escape.

"I hope you liked that slut," he said with all the vehemence he could manage. "You can stay there and think about it while I work out how to punish you for this wanton behaviour."

He put the headphones back on her head, leaving her hanging in chains in silence. Adrian sat on the floor in front of her watching the dildo still doing its work in her cunt.

He watched as her body spasmed, her pelvis thrusting forwards against the dildo.

"Should I stop that thing?"

"Your decision Adrian. Let her body tell you."

"I can barely see for crying. I need help."

"You’re doing well, Adrian. I know it’s hard but that was fantastic. I bet that was as good as she’s ever had from a stud."

"Are you sure she’s enjoying it?"

"Watch her, watch her. What do you see?"

"She’s breathing fast, panting really, she’s flushed… Oh God, I think she’s coming again."

"I make that three. If you want my professional opinion I’d let her have one more, then whip her to slow it down. By then you should be ready to fuck her to another one. Does that sound like a plan?"


"Can you do it?"

"I’ve got to try, haven’t I?"

"Here’s a tip. That stand is telescopic, if you’re clever, you can pull her up and keep it in. I’ll come and help if you like."


"Give me a minute."

Julie dropped her dress on the floor, pulled on a pair of black fishnets and hooked them to the black leather underbust corset she was already wearing. She stepped into a pair of four-inch heels and opened the door.

"Oh, wow."

"I thought I ought to keep you hot." She strolled over to him. "You work the chains, the winch will take her weight and I’ll manage the dildo."

"Can we do it the other way around? You can fix the stand once she’s up but I’d like to keep it in place."

Julie grinned. "It’s your pussy," she said and began to wind the winch handle. There was a sharp intake of breath from Mary as the chains started to pull her up, but not a lot she could do about it. In half a minute her heels came off the ground and Julie stopped.

"Keep an eye on her fingers, if they start to go blue she has to come down. How do you want this thing?"

"It’s well in. Can we fix the stand here and then let her down onto it?"

"Okay." Julie unbuckled the straps around Mary’s legs and adjusted the telescopic stand. She glanced at Adrian, raising her eyebrows as she held the strap and buckle. He nodded and she refastened the strap.

"Crank up the vibe a little and then whip her. You may want the headphones off so she hears her own screams. You do want her to scream don’t you."

"Does she know I’m going to do this?" There was a tremble in Adrian’s voice.

"No, so you’d better tell her, but do it right. Don’t mess around, no sissy stuff."

"Have you got a floor mat or a mattress or something? When I let her down I want to be able to… well, you know."

"Give me a second."

Julie ran to another cupboard and flung the door open and Adrian played with the dildo, taking the speed up a couple of notches. Julie hauled out what looked like a deluxe exercise mat, two inches of stiff foam covered in artificial fur.

"It’s washable," she said as she flung it on the floor behind Mary. "Just don’t fall over it while you’re whipping her."

For a second Adrian smiled, almost breaking his concentration. He picked up the leather whip that had been used on him on a previous visit, carefully wetting the leather and letting the water drip off before tentatively stepping onto the mattress.

"Can you tongue her while I do this? Is that allowed?"

"Anything is allowed provided she doesn’t safe out."


Adrian took off the headphones.

"I’m going to take off the gag now slut, but it better be licked clean. Have you swallowed everything?"

Mary’s throat moved, and then she nodded. Adrian undid the gag standing behind her.

"Mary, you’re a slut. You never told me until now. You have to be punished. I know what you need. It’s going to hurt but it’s cathartic. you’ll feel better afterwards, so scream all you like but unless you press that safe thing, this goes on until I decide you’re done.

By then Julie’s tongue had been at work for a minute and the dildo was still buzzing.

"Oh God," was all Mary said before the first blow struck. Adrian was systematic, working one side and then the other until the whole of Mary’s back from shoulder blades to the top of her thighs was bright red.

Julie found herself admiring his technique, particularly the way he allowed the leather to wrap around her chest and catch her breasts from the side about every fifth stroke, though the bells on her nipples rang with every blow. Once she was red all over he let her rest for a moment and then removed the nipple clamps.

The returning blood flow produced louder shrieks and as he did it, Julie obligingly bit her clit, producing a massive shaking orgasm.

Adrian watched as that subsided and then picked a wicked looking cane from the rack.

"Still no safe signal. Well done, slut," Adrian said and let go with the first cane strike on her left buttock.

That produced a massive scream and before she could recover he hit the other side. The second scream was muted because she hadn’t taken a big enough breath. The safe word alarm rang out.

That was enough for Adrian. Unable to imagine more safe cycles, he hugged Mary, holding her close and signalling to Julie to release the chains. As soon as she was loose and before she even knew what was happening he’d flipped the quick release on the leg strap and taken her down onto the bed. Seconds later his cock had replaced the dildo and he’d ripped off the blindfold.

Julie was anxious for a moment that Mary might not feel him at all but she needn’t have worried. The thing had been there long enough and fast enough that Mary was swollen inside. Not so bad that it hurt too much, but enough that she felt every stoke from Adrian.

Mary lay exhausted on the fur-lined mat, but Adrian was determined that her best memory of the event would be the ending. Being careful to control himself, using his fingers to work her clit while kissing her passionately, he talked, whispering comforting sweet nothings as he kissed her lips, her cheeks and her eyelids.

While one hand never left her pussy the other was wrapped around her holding her tight, making their bodies so close that they felt like one.

Adrian could feel Mary rising again, her pelvic muscles holding his cock as her body pulsated under him and she came with the biggest climax of the day. Adrian relaxed, the tension going out of him and in two more thrusts he was there.

Mary’s eyes opened and she stared at him in wonder.

"I can feel you coming," she said. "Lots of it, Oh God, Adrian, Adrian, Adrian."

Julie dimmed the lights and moved to her office, closing the door behind her.

Laura was sitting in the armchair watching the monitor.

"How much did you see?"

"Most of it I think."


"Brilliant. Awesome. I don't think I could have done that. Did you have a plan or was that all ad lib?"

"I had a rough plan. Nothing ever goes exactly how I plan, but I wouldn't risk ad-libbing the whole thing."

"Did you write it down or was it all in your head?"

"I sketched a bit. The main thing is to know what's essential; that and where to end."

"And if it all goes pear-shaped?"

"That doesn't usually happen but if it's going off the rails, the important thing is to be able to laugh about it and end in a good mood. Something to build on for the next time. I knew where I was with Adrian because I've seen him a few times. This was taking him to places he's never been before but I knew he trusted me and he knew it was important for the two of them."

"What now?"

"Let them cool off and shower. We'll have a drink and then lock up."

"Yeah. And then?"

"We'll go home and I'll explain to Anthony that I'm exhausted and—"

"If he can't fuck your brains out, then I should."

Written by Whitebeard
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