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Don't Shoot the Messenger Chapter 6

"Who does what to whom?"

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Julie let Laura pick a dress from her wardrobe, a move that enabled what Julie intended as a quick conversation. Laura refused an offer of clean underwear.

"Fair enough," said Julie, "it’ll all come off when we get to the studio. Can you drive? Drive my car I mean, you know where we have to go."


"I think Anthony may need a cuddle."

"And you don’t want me to do that?"

Julie stopped. "Oh… I never thought… Um, it’s my fault, my responsibility."

"And you love him."

"Yes, yes but maybe I don’t deserve him."

"It’s okay, I don’t want to get between you but if you split up I don’t know what I’d do."

"It’s not your fault."

"No, no, I know that. Right now I’m a touch overwhelmed. I don’t know if I’d make a play for Anthony or for you."

"Oh…" For a second they were both speechless.

"Whoops," said Laura. Julie wrapped her arms around her, "just as well that Anthony’s a lawyer."

"You think he could sort out this sort of mess?"

Julie thought about it for a moment. "I think it would be tough but he'd rise to it. He’s had a lot dumped on him very quickly; you're not seeing him at his best."

"You're right. I should drive."

By the time the girls came downstairs  Anthony had changed into jeans and a t-shirt. Julie took his hand and led him to the back seat of the car. As they pulled away she whispered to him.

"Sorry love, I know I’ve thrown a lot at you, and it wasn’t fair."

"I deserve it," he said. "Some of it anyway." He collapsed against her. As the car eased it’s way across town Laura looked in the mirror to try to make sense of what was happening in the back.

Anthony’s head came up eventually.

"I was planning to make up to you. Everything you said about us was true, I was hopeless."

"Hence the flowers?"

"Yes, but what good is it? I have no idea what to do. I can’t make money for you— you’ve got more than me. I can’t seduce you— you’re better at it than me. All I can do is ask dumb lawyer questions, where’s the fun in that, where does that get us, where does it leave me?" The tears rolled again.

"Please love, don’t," she said. "I should have told you before. I used you. You made the platform, and I used it. Without you I couldn’t have done what I did."


"You were working so hard that you never noticed. A husband who wasn’t as tired, who didn’t have his head full of difficult complicated work would have noticed."

"Noticed what? That you served me supper wearing no underwear?"

"No dear, noticed that your wife had come home with a fresh fucked look and a ravaged pussy."

"You didn’t."

"I did. With men who’d been tested, who were safe; there were days when I let them fuck me bareback. I came home with a full pussy a few times."

"And I never noticed." He crashed again. "God I never noticed. Did we have sex with you like that?"

"No, but we could have. I’d never have done that to you deliberately but it could have happened…"

There was a long silence. "What would you have thought?" she said.

"I don’t know." The words crept wearily out of him. "I have no idea. I probably would have thought… um, I don’t know… If I’d noticed at all, I mean I probably would have thought you were more juicy, well more juicy that day. I don’t know, I don’t even know where to begin."

She stroked his head which by now was resting in her lap.

"What I meant was if you knew; what would you have thought?"

"I probably wouldn’t have believed myself. I’d have thought I was mistaken."

"What if I’d told you?"

"I don’t know."

"Come on Anthony, get the brain in gear. You must be thinking something. You’ll get around to telling me soon I expect, but if it was a year ago, two years ago, what would you have done."

"I can’t think. I’m too shell shocked. Everything is upside down."

"What would you expect a client to think?"

"No, please don’t do that. I don’t want to be a heartless lawyer, I love you."

Yes, she thought, and that part of your brain is so underdeveloped that you can’t think with it. She eased back in the chair, glanced out of the window; fifteen minutes away.

"Anthony, we’ve got ten minutes before we get there, are you going to be okay? Should I tell Laura to go the long way?"

"Let’s get there. Reality is probably easier to cope with."

"Rather than the awful thoughts going around in your head?"

He nodded. They both sat quietly, Julie resisting the urge to push him. She took his hand in hers and was relieved when it wasn’t pulled away. One step at a time she thought. Ten minutes later Laura pulled into Julie’s parking space, Julie unlocked the door and the three of them filed into her office.

"How much of the building do you own?"

Julie smiled, glad to hear a reassuring lawyer question.

"All of it," she said.

"What’s upstairs?"

"A flat with a tenant. There’s a separate door. I thought at one stage that I might want a caretaker but there was a sitting tenant who’s been no trouble. I hardly know she’s there."

"What does she do?"

"She’s a student, well she was a student. When I bought the building she was doing her undergrad degree. She’s finished her PhD now and she’s moving out. The renovators are starting next week. There’s a store room at the back, that and a cellar."

"So you haven’t made that into a dungeon?"

Julie smiled. "No Laura, I’m not running that kind of establishment, though I could I guess. There are some that would like it."

"Is it all damp and creepy with spiders and everything?"

"No, unless something weird has happened since I last looked. Laura would you mind being a fly on the wall for a minute or two and letting Anthony ask his questions."

"Can I ask you something first? Let Anthony get his breath." She moved closer, simpering as she got nearer. "Could you tie me up in the studio, I fancy being like part of the decorations."

Julie  was suddenly caught in two minds, doing something interesting with Laura might be fun but if Anthony was still fragile it could backfire. She had to think fast. She drew Laura towards the door, speaking quietly as she unlocked it.

"You can do it yourself," she said. "Lock your clothes in the cupboard and write your safeword on the door. Use the cuffs that are hanging from the ceiling and the ones on the floor underneath. I can control the chains from here. Grab a blindfold, do your ankles then the wrists and put on the blindfold, when you’re done tug the chains so I’ll know you’re ready." She pushed her into the room and closed the door.

"Were you listening?" she said to Anthony.

"No, what? Sorry I was miles away. Thinking about… well how did this happen… what was I doing… why didn’t I ever talk to you."

She pulled him close and kissed him. "You were busy becoming a star lawyer, being seduced by all that macho stuff and bringing in the money." She chuckled for a moment, "And thinking what a beautiful trophy wife you had."

She tickled his chin for a moment. "I could have stopped it," she said. "Busted all the conventional crap, made you take notice, but I didn’t." She paused for a few seconds, watching his face. "I did help a lot of people. You can read some of the cases and you’d see." she kissed him again, longer and deeper this time. "I liked getting fucked for money too, lets not leave that out of it."

"Because I didn’t do it enough."

"Well yes, partly that, but I liked the variety and obviously fucking me wasn’t as interesting as solving legal problems, so I got some on the side. Lots of women do."

"Do they?"

"Oh yes," she said, chuckling again. "You’d be surprised. Well, obviously you would be surprised or you wouldn’t have asked."

She reached out and flicked on the monitor.

"Don’t look. This is a surprise for you."

Laura was standing naked and blindfolded, both arms and legs in chains. Julie adjusted some switches and watched as her legs were drawn apart and arms pulled up until Laura was stretched in a star shape in the middle of the room. Julie glanced at the cupboard to see what safeword she’d chosen. The board was blank with a single line drawn across it.

"Cunning bitch," she muttered," leaving it all to me." She’ll do for now, she thought.

She turned back to Anthony, switched on her computer and found the accounting package.

"You must know your way around this stuff," she said. "Feel free, look at anything you like."

"Could I do that later?" he said. "I’ll take your word for it. I’m more worried about us. It’s not going to be money that gets in our way is it. I make enough and so do you apparently, so lets forget about money," he stopped himself. "Well, forget about it for now. What about us?"

"You tell me."

"I feel lost," he said. "I feel as though I’ve been a complete fool. I’ve neglected you. You could have any man you want and I’ve taken you for granted, ignored you. You could pick any one of these men you’ve seen, I’m sure they’d all fall at your feet."

"You are an idiot," she said. She looked at him carefully for a second and then slapped his face. "There," she said. "You deserve that," then she giggled. "I don’t suppose most people get to slap their lawyer. I chose you, so if I didn’t get what I wanted from you it’s as much my fault. Anyway, who’s to say I didn’t get what I wanted. I could have tried harder, maybe I wanted you to ignore me so I didn’t feel guilty."

"Maybe you kept doing it because they were better than me."

"All of them? Really," she laughed. "You’d better look at the tapes."

"It might make me feel worse."

"It might, but I doubt it. think outside you fears for a moment. I was doing remedial work. They came to me. I didn’t pick them. These were people with problems who paid me to work with them to make them better. I wasn’t like those hot wives you read about who go out to find better studs than their husbands. I was a therapist who fucked people and did other intimate things when it made sense to do it. Some of it was entertaining, I’ll admit that, and I did have fun, but they were mostly not husband material as far as I was concerned."

"And I am?"

"We’re still married aren’t we. Think about it love, how long would my business have lasted if I was stealing husbands and breaking up marriages? These were men and women who wanted to know how to please their partner, some of them were sent by their other half, some came as couples. All of them were trying to get their relationship to survive."

"So you really could have taught me?"

"Of course darling, of course I could. Don’t let it prey on your mind, there’s nothing wrong with your performance."

"But not enough of it."

She kissed him again. "Maybe we don’t have to do anything. You can fuck me whenever you want, I can get paid to fuck whoever will pay. What’s not to like?"

She looked at him with one raised eyebrow. "Mmmm?"

"You mean that now I know what you’ve been up to, I should let you carry on and not worry about it?"

"Could you do that?"

"I don’t know. It’s not the same is it."

"No love, and that’s why we’re here. Now," she said, suddenly sounding business like, "back to the here and now. You have to make some choices or I have to tell you what to do."

"What choices?"

"In the studio," she said, turning the monitor so he could see it, "Laura wanted to tie herself up, with the help of my equipment, and she’s hanging there fantasising about what’s going to happen to her. So what’s it to be? You can go and enjoy her and I’ll watch, or I can play with her and you watch, or maybe I can tell you what to do, or I could play with both of you."

"You left out one possibility."

"Go on."

"You could be tied up and I could play with both of you, or I could untie Laura and—"

"I left out those deliberately. It’s my studio. You wanted to know what I did here, so for now I’m in charge. Either you play, or you watch, but I’m in charge."

"Is that how it’s going to be for us?"

She giggled."It’s a possibility, but we’d both have to decide anything like that. I’m talking about right now, today, in this studio, in my studio, this instant."

"When do I get to watch someone fucking you?"

"Do you want to?"

"I think I’ll have to."

"Fair point," she said, "but not today. Today you do Laura, the poor girl must be dying for it by now."

"I don’t know what she likes."

"Good answer, but she’s put herself in this position, she could have said no. She hasn’t posted a safeword, and that was a deliberate choice, so she’s ready for anything. Now it’s up to you."

"To do what?"

"To decide whether pleasuring her is most important or pleasuring yourself." She paused, kissed him and stepped back."Think of it as a kind of weird personality test."


"I’m a psychologist. We do tests. Now strip and go in there."

She reached out and started to undo the buttons on his shirt. He stood there dumb, trying to catch up, trying to process what she’d said. Her fingers moved down to his belt then the zip and in a moment the stood with his trousers and boxers around his ankles.

She knelt in front of him and undid his shoelaces.

"Right foot up," she said. "Now the left."

She peeled off his socks and stayed kneeling, smiling as she took his cock in her hand.

"Let me get you started," she said, leaning towards him, holding his balls in one hand as the other reached behind him to pull him forward as her mouth enveloped his cock. She sucked slowly as though she was savouring a delicacy. "I should have done this more often," she said when he was fully erect. "Now go and play with Laura."

She rose, swung the door open and pushed him through, shutting it behind him. She turned slowly, almost in two minds as she watched him on the monitor. "Poor boy doesn’t know what’s hit him," she said to the screen as she slowly undressed, hanging her clothes in a locker, taking his and folding them neatly as she watched his progress.
What would he do? Julie was genuinely curious, not only about what Anthony might do but how she would react herself.

She watched him stalk around Laura, walking like an interloper, placing his feet heel first and rolling along the side of his foot, as though his bare feet might make some unexpected noise. There was caution in every movement.

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How can you be reticent about walking round a naked, blindfolded girl? she thought. Is my husband really that shy? really so unsure of himself?

She’d watched him yesterday confidently blowing away the prosecution in the courtroom, but here he was out of his comfort zone and somehow desperate to avoid upsetting a girl who had chained herself naked in the middle of the floor and refused a safeword. At first she was puzzled but slowly it dawned on her that when there are no rules, when everything is up to one partner then all the attention is on the prime mover. They are the one who has to come up with the goods without any idea what is expected of them.

It’s okay for me, she thought, I do this with a script in my head, with a letter from the client in front of me. I go in with a plan. Anthony is more naked than she is. She has the comfort of the chains, solid metal links fixing her to the floor, absolving her from making any judgement, blindfolded, a blank canvass for someone else to write on.

Laura happened to turn her head full on to the camera for the first time. She’d gagged herself as well as the blindfold and chains. She’d used a ring gag, the biggest size, slipping the strap under her hair so that Julie hadn’t seen it until now.

Cunning vixen, she thought again. Julie watched as Anthony circled around Laura, obviously unsure what to do. Had she set him up to fail. That would be cruel, pointless, unnecessary and she almost opened the door to stop it and then she saw that Anthony’s erection was still there. She watched it like a barometer, an indicator of Anthony’s libido.

He stood behind Laura and began to play with her hair, easing it aside to breath on the back of her neck. Julie could see an air gap between his lips and the flesh, no more than millimetres as the seconds passed and the distance diminished until it was impossible to tell if his lips had made contact. Laura gave the game away as her head arched back and began to sway from one side to the other, almost writhing, stimulated by these tiny kisses.

Julie smiled, thinking well done Anthony, and not even a trick he’s played on me. And then she thought, remembering and embarrassed; he had done it once but she’d complained. A justifiable complaint, she was at the worktop chopping vegetable with a very sharp knife. It must have put him off, and now she began to understand how shy he was, even after all these years, he lacked confidence and it took only a tiny rebuff to send him back to his comfort zone, legal papers, sports and cheap detective thrillers.

"Damn," she said to the monitor. "Damn, damn, damn, and I’m supposed to be the psychologist."

That was the problem wasn’t it. She’d helped herself to a clandestine career where she used up energy and wanted to come home to… to someone who took charge, that she could submit to, be seduced, taken, transported, but Anthony wanted the same. He spends the day beating people up, well metaphorically beating them up and he comes home wanting nurture and seduction.

Distracted by her thoughts she’d stopped seeing the monitor. Anthony had moved, the kisses crossing Laura's back, across one shoulder and down her left breast aiming for a nipple that has just disappeared from view when Julie’s concentration came back. The erection was still there.

She smiled approvingly as his mouth transferred to the other nipple and his hands continued to roam over her body. From what Julie saw they were gently caresses, not wild groping. Gradually he was doing his best to turn on every square centimetre of skin.

Two minutes later he’d found the remote that worked the chains and set the motor in action. Laura sank to her knees as Anthony adjusted her posture until the ring gag was exactly positioned in front of his cock. He eased himself forward, allowing the tip to touch her tongue. He nudged forward another centimetre and back again in and out, each time a little further.

Julie found herself salivating, imagining her own throat being invaded. Would Anthony ever do this to her? Could she let him? The question brought her up short. That was the problem wasn’t it, she wanted to be out of control and in control at the same time. Her work had corrupted her, she’d got so used to putting herself into other people’s lives and digging deeper into them than most of them ever wanted to go, digging so deep that she discovered things they never would have found on their own. That’s what brought the customers back, that’s what brought in the big money, but what did it do to her?

On the screen she could see Anthony undoing the ring gag; he needed a person not a dummy. Laura wasn’t a sex toy, but did Anthony need Laura or simply any person.

"He’ll undo the chains next," she muttered to herself, and watched as her prediction came true. Yes, she thought, I made her chain herself up, Anthony has to do it his way.

That’s good. That’s good, she thought. Maybe now he’ll figure out what to do with me, or maybe I’m too much for him now that he knows, maybe he’ll keep Laura.

"No," her voice surprised her, somehow louder than she’d expected in the silence of her office. She glanced at the mike switch, it was off, she relaxed. No it wouldn’t work because if he kept Laura and she left, with her money then Anthony would have to support Laura and he’d go back to working the way he did and Laura would become the frustrated wife. Not right away; there’d be a wild period, sex night and morning, who knows what adventures, but it would fade, the legal papers with their seductive urgency would find their way back into his head…

She looked at the mirror. "Is that what you want?" she said to the mirror. "Spend your life as, what did Anthony call it? A psycho-whore. Playing games with other peoples sex lives, turning the world on and turning yourself off. Is that what you want?"

There had to be some other way. She knew without articulating it that she wanted, maybe even needed to be, the woman in those chains. To get there, to be that woman meant giving up control, leaving the safe word blank, trusting. Was that why the other night with Laura had been so exciting. Weird, embarrassing, but wildly exciting.

Trust, that was the thing, how many times had she said that to other people? Did she trust Anthony, yes, no question, but Anthony would undo the chains, just as he was doing right now. Anthony would be too nice, too shy, too Anthony.

She watched as he released Laura's legs and then her arms, took off the blindfold and kissed her. The erection was till there, but was it dropping just a little? Laura had already sensed that, Julie could see it in her body language, the woman was fast, really fast, on her knees before Anthony had a chance to do anything. On her knees with his cock in her mouth, working her lips and tongue around the tip and then pulling him in, both hands around his arse and no doubt, though from this view she couldn’t see it, there was a finger up to no good behind him.

The erection returned and Laura started to push him backwards, heading for the couch. Julie found it hard to take her eyes off the screen as Laura held Anthony’s cock in one hand, wrapped the other around his neck and slowly forced him onto the couch and laid him horizontally. In one smooth movement the hand from his neck had reached under the couch, found one of the big leather straps and pulled it across Anthony while she was still kissing him. The hand on his cock was replaced by the other, allowing her to reach the other side of the couch and buckle Anthony securely before he had any idea what was happening. The second strap pinning his arms took another second as she stopped kissing him and threw a cloth over his face, effectively blindfolding him. She buckled his legs and then took off the blind.

"Sorry," Laura said. "you don’t have it in you to dominate."

"But you do?"

"Mmmm, ask Julie, she’ll tell you. Don’t worry, you’ll like it."

Her mouth worked on his cock for a few seconds, bringing it back to it’s prime and then she wrapped a strap around his cock and balls, pulling it tight enough to keep him rock hard and smiling at her work.

She worked around the couch as though she’d used it a hundred times before, sucking Anthony, playing with him as she looked around the room, seeking something. Julie watched and was not surprised when Laura stood quickly, dashed across the room and returned with a proper blindfold. Once that was on there was no possibility of Anthony seeing anything.

Laura looked up, focusing directly on where she knew the camera was and beckoned. Her hand kept signalling as her mouth descended onto his cock again.

Julie thought for a second before rapidly pulling off her clothes and slipping silently through the door. She picked up a set of headphones from a shelf and stood behind Anthony, waiting until Laura’s head came up again. As Laura paused and looked at her Julie clamped the headphones on Anthony’s ears and pressed the button on the side of them.

Laura raised her eyebrows.

"Rock and roll," she said. "He can’t hear us. Did you have a plan?"

"I want you to fuck him."

Julie shrugged her shoulders. "I was enjoying watching."

"He hasn’t got it in him to dominate."

"But you’ve seen him in the courtroom."

"It’s not the same. Fuck him or I’ll whip you again."

"Maybe I won’t let you."

"Oh really?"

Julie put one foot on the step at the side of the couch and then stopped, watching, waiting. Laura grinned.

"Face to face?"

Julie swung her leg over Anthony and stood, not touching him, waiting. Laura climbed on the other end of the couch and lowered her pussy onto Anthony’s mouth, expertly positioning her clit exactly where his tongue had the best chance of making contact. She reached out with one hand and took hold of one of Julie’s nipples.

"Good this, isn’t it."

"Do both."

Laura smiled and nestled her pussy closer to Anthony’s lips.

"When he gets the hint."

Julie grinned, poor Anthony, she thought, I wonder if he has a clue. Laura’s face changed, a misty look creeping over her eyes. Julie hung on another few seconds and then lowered herself onto her husband’s cock. The surprise must have got to him, he jerked upwards, ramming deep into her as she lets her weight come on him. Poor guy, she thought, I wonder if he has any idea which of us is doing what.

How would Laura fuck him? Energetically, Julie thought. Preferably not anything like me. Time to try something new. If he thinks it’s Laura on his cock, he’d feel guilty. If he thinks it's me he’ll work harder so I don’t feel jealous.

She pushed down hard, working her pelvic muscles to crush his cock, working in a screwing rotating movement trying to get his cock to places it had never been before. She could feel him responding but her eyes never left Laura’s face.

The clever bitch must have figured this out, she thought, guessed it would give me a treat. It was doing that, no question. Laura was already lost in an orgasmic trance. Julie was sure Laura had come once, the grip on her own nipples relaxed, Laura’s hands fell to her belly, reaching down, fingering herself, pressing her bits into Anthony’s mouth.

Julie reached across the space between them, took a nipple in each had and stretched them forward, forcing Laura to bend, and holding her there as she moved herself to make their lips meet. Using her tongue Julie explored the other woman, sensing her body tense as she came again.

They might have gone on like that for who knows how long but something had to give. Anthony bucked harder, screaming for a second as he came so hard that Julie could feel the spurt, feel the extra lubrication and couldn’t help squeezing Laura’s nipples even harder so that produced another climax.

As they all wound down Julie knew she was the only one who wasn’t satisfied, but what could she do? The other two were wiped out.

She let Anthony’s cock subside inside her, gave a Laura a sly grin and carefully lifted herself up and away from the couch. She watched as Laura leaned forwards into a fully horizontal sixty-nine position and wrapped her lips around him to clean Anthony’s cock. As Laura sucked, Julie massaged her shoulders, working her fingers into the muscles. She felt Laura respond, saw her neck and shoulders rolling one way and the other as the knots in the muscles gave in to the fingers digging their way through the tensions.

When she thought she’d done enough Julie let go, turned the lights up a little, opened the fridge, took out a bottle of wine and found three glasses. She sat in the big comfortable arm chair in the corner, sipped and thought. What now? The girl has talent, I could make her an offer, she thought, but to do what? She’s wasted as a dogsbody in Anthony’s office, that’s for sure.

Laura slowly finished cleaning Anthony and rolled off him, grinning at Julie as she did.

"Shall I free him?"

"No, not yet, let him rest a while. Let his mind work on what happened." Julie got up and handed Laura a glass.

"Have a seat, you probably need some thinking time as well. I want something from the office."

Julie left the office door open while she collected some papers and came back a minute later.

"What’s that?"

"My accounts. Easier to read the paper than do it on the screen. Anthony may need something to calm him down."

"Or get him excited."

"I meant distract him. He’s never had an experience like that. I can’t imagine what’s going around in his head."

"Why don’t you release him and ask him?"

"I think he needs time to process and I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on."

Julie took a deep breath. "What do you want out of this? Is it just fun or are you looking for something?"

"You mean do I want to have fun or steal Anthony or get a pay rise or work for you? That kind of thing?"

"That kind of thing."

"You’re the psychologist, what do you think?

Julie grinned. "I’m not playing that game," she said. "If you were a client I’d insist that you put something on paper. It could be anything, but you have to say something."

"I have no idea… well that’s not quite true. I told you before I’m not going to steal Anthony. I couldn’t live with myself if I broke up a marriage. If you left him or he left you then it’s different."

"He’s already had you, maybe you’re too much temptation."

Laura glanced across at Anthony, still bound to the couch and seemingly not moving. "I hope I am that tempting, but if he said he wanted to leave you for me, I’d make him wait a year."

"What if I said I wanted to leave him for you?"


"You don’t fancy that?"

"Well, yeah, yeah I do but… " she looked up, glanced at Anthony and back to Julie.


"I like both," Laura said.


Written by Whitebeard
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