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Don't Shoot the Messenger Chapter 11

"Mary and Adrian make progress, Julie's doubts continue, Annette sees a way forward with Mary's help."

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Julie had turned up the sound to listen to Adrian and Annette. As Adrian came into his own and began to really perform, Julie lay back in the chair smiling, a strange ecstasy creeping over her, pride, a sense of achievement, seeing her pupils succeeding.

“Wow,” she breathed as the pair of them went from one hot moment to the next.

“I am going to love paying Adrian, he’s earned it.”

She flipped the sound over to the other room and watched Mary working on George. To Julie, George was a disappointment, failing to find enough energy to push Mary into a submissive role.

That brought back her doubts, could she really do this? Was it all a crazy idea? Had she been lucky so far? Was that all it was? It got worse from there. She'd neglected Anthony and risked her marriage to help other people, or so she thought. It had worked for Adrian but George was turning out to be a failure.

Remembering Anthony didn't help. Why was he driving when she called — he should have been at home. He couldn't be cheating or he'd have found an excuse to turn down Laura. What would Laura do with him? From there it took only seconds to have doubts about Laura. Did Laura see through her? Had she risked her marriage for some infantile game, driven on by lust, by lack of self control?

She smiled as Mary drew and numbered the rings on George's cock. Good idea, she thought, I should have thought of that. She made a note on her pad, but that didn't help. Which matters most, my business or my marriage? There were no notes about Anthony on the pad, no reminders to be nice to him, no subtle presents, no secret plans to excite him. He ignores me, she thought— but I let him.

She had almost fallen into the depths of self pity when Annette and Adrian came into the room. She saw what Annette saw, was almost out of her chair to come upstairs and intervene when Annette took charge. And then it all went right. Annette did her domme thing and George had to perform. Had to, had no choice in the matter.

Julie was still looking on in amazement when Mary and Annette started yelling compliments and requests at her.

She got up, turned down the sound and set off upstairs.

“I may have given away my husband but at least I’m going to get a good fucking," she muttered to herself as got up to go upstairs. She glanced in the mirror. The corset and stockings still looked good but everyone upstairs was naked. Did she look more erotic dressed or undressed? If she was going to work with both men at once, would the corset get in the way? Maybe.

She undid the four of the fastenings, letting her tits float a little, stripped off the stockings, unclipped the suspenders and swapped her heels for slippers. She messed her hair a little, thought about lipstick and decided against, she looked relaxed, sexy and a little vulnerable, as though she'd been caught unawares. Perfect.

Julie found the four of them in the lounge eating.

"I'm glad you found the food," she said. Mary got up as Julie arrived. "Did you hear Annette and I talking?"

"Mmmm." Julie pulled Mary towards her and gave her a hug as a pretext for being able to whisper in her ear. "Have you told the boys?"

"Not yet."

"Who did the cooking?"

"George and I," said Adrian.

"Any chance you could do me a plate? I haven't eaten yet and this smells too good."

The two men were on their feet immediately and headed for the kitchen. The door stayed open but there was enough privacy for the women to talk.

"This is complicated," said Julie, "from what I heard downstairs you want to get off with each other and watch the boys DP me. It's hard to do both at once."


"So what is it to be?"

"Me and Annette together was my idea," said Mary but I'd like to make up to Adrian as well. I almost ruined his night."

"He doesn't know that." Julie held a finger to her lips, "so don't tell him. A bit of feeling guilty won't do you any harm. Have you had as much big cock as you want... silly question, have you had enough for now?"

"I wanted to show Annette how I trained myself to take them."

"How long do you need?"

Mary shrugged."All night?"

That brought a giggle from all of them.

"OK, so I'm sleeping with both guys for the night. That would be new for them. I may want to send Adrian back to you and look after George later on, if that's alright with you Annette?"

Annette looked anxious but nodded.

"OK, one more thing, put the TV in your room on Channel 6, that will show you what we are up to in the other room so you can take a break and watch at the right time. Keep the sound low. It's bound to take me a while to get the boys up to speed and I want to eat first."

"That will give George time to recover."

"Adrian's come twice already."

Julie turned to Mary. "Has he ever come three times in one night?"

"No, she said, looking wistfully regretful.

"A challenge then," said Julie, grinning. "I've got all night, don't you two fall asleep if you want to watch."

George appeared with a tray carrying a meal for Julie closely followed by Adrian with drinks. After a polite interval Mary and Annette disappeared each having given their man a sympathetic but stern look to keep them in place.

“How has it been for you so far?” Julie sliced into her pizza, drank a sip of wine and wondered which of them would be the first to respond. She had to work to keep a straight face, glad of the distraction provided by the food as each man was being asked to comment on having sex with the other’s wife.

She knew Adrian better, so when the silence had grown she turned his way, smiling, eyebrows up a tick.

"It was good," he said, glancing nervously at George. "I hope that's what Annette will tell George in the morning. She said it was good."

"Did you come too soon?"

"No," Adrian half suppressed an embarrassed laugh. "No, not this time."

"Is that an in joke?" George looked puzzled.

Julie saw the instant hesitation in Adrian.

"Sort of," she said. "From when Adrian had a session here, like you did. It was his biggest worry, that Annette would be so sexy that he wouldn't be able to contain himself."

She smiled at Adrian. "I watched some of it," she said. "You did well. What about you George? How was it for you. You needn't be embarrassed in front of Adrian, he saw some of it."

"You'd have to ask Mary, I guess."

"But what do you think George?"

"I think Mary enjoyed herself," said Adrian, coming to the rescue.

"Why don't we watch Adrian. I need some time to let dinner settle." She glanced quickly at Adrian, conscious that she was playing the two of them. "It's only fair, you've seen George fucking Mary."

Julie stood up, taking her wine with her and set off towards the bedroom. The two men followed and by the time Julia had settled herself on the bed the screen had come to life.

"This is a tricky game," Julie said, "we don't want to watch the whole thing, but if I skip too fast it look silly. Luckily I've done this before so the tape has markers we can jump to every quarter of an hour."

First they watched some of Annette sucking Adrian. Julie wrapped an arm around George, pulling him into a hug, feeling the tension in him.

"See how he's getting bigger."

"But not too big," he said. Adrian, at first hardly daring to look, began to relax. Julie jumped the tape forward and they watched as Annette responded to Adrian's tongue.

"He's doing a good job isn't he," Julie whispered in George's ear as Annette had her first orgasm.


"Tell him."

There was a pause but George couldn't take his eyes off Annette.

"Thanks, mate," he said.

"Only fair," said Adrian. "She deserves a treat."

Julie clicked the tape forward looking for the point where Adrian actually fucked Annette.

"Hold onto your hats boys," she said, "this is where it gets good."

They watched as Adrian screwed Annette and Julie stopped the tape before their recovery talk.

“No, don’t stop it, I want to hear,” said George.

“Sure, but Adrian’s heard it all. Adrian, would you get us some more wine, take your time, let George hear this, okay?”

Adrian headed back to the kitchen hoping George wouldn’t be upset. Julie let the tape run.

"Some of this may be uncomfortable George."

"Have you seen it already."

"Mmmm, some I watched with the sound down. I was watching both rooms at once." She paused the tape. "From memory this next bit you need to listen carefully and not get mad. It's a chance to learn something."

She reached out and held his hand as the tape began to play. Adrian's voice was clear but hesitant.

"Was it, um, I don't know how to put it. Was it good?"

"Yes, it was good?"

"On a scale of..."

"I'm not much of a judge. George frightens me, if I didn't love him so much I'd have run a mile already."

Julie stopped the tape and squeezed George's hand. "Did you know that?"

"Sort of," he said with a heavy sigh.

"I'm not trying to take you away from George." Adrian's, voice was barely above a whisper and since they started talking he hadn't dared look at Annette.

She put an arm around his shoulders. "If I didn't love George I'd be tempted to steal you. I can't imagine why Mary wants anything else."

Adrian relaxed, dropped into an armchair and almost passed out.

"Seriously Adrian, that was great, George doesn't do that. I've made him timid."

"Oh Christ,"

"George it's not a time for being upset. This is for learning. You've just heard something that Annette would hate to tell you because she loves you."

On the tape Adrian opened his eyes. "Do think he'll be like that with Mary?"

"What are you hoping for?"

"I want her to have a good time."

"Should we look?"

"Or listen?  Would you like that?" Adrian as polite as ever.

"Have you ever watched Mary with someone else?"

"No, We talked about it. Mary was anxious that it wouldn't be good for me, I mean you read these stories where bullish types like to humiliate the husband. I could have coped... Well I think I could have but Mary didn't want to risk it."

"Have you ever seen a video, did she film for you? I read that some people do that."

"I never asked for pictures. She wasn't doing it for me, It was a treat for her."

"Poor guy," said George.

"Why so?"

"Mary's out fucking other guys and he's sitting at home hoping she comes back and he's never even seen what she does."

"Well he has now thanks to your wife dragging him into the other room."

"Yeah, but that was me, I mean he's never seen the real studs that's Mary's fucked."

"So you don't rate yourself?"

George pulled away and buried his face in both hands.

"You saw," he muttered, "I'm not even as good as Adrian."

"I doubt if Mary thinks that."

"Only because Annette beat me. On my own I'd never have done for her what Adrian did for Annette."

"So you should be grateful to Adrian." She watched his face, "but you're struggling with that? Yes?"

"He did kind of show me up."

"But he's not going to steal her."

"No, no, he's too decent a guy but I need to be better don't I, I mean now she knows...She won't forget will she"

"So we'd better keep working at it. It's me you should be mad at, I got you into this."

"How do you mean?"

"I want you and Adrian to work together, I want both of you at once."

"Making us compete?" said Adrian from the doorway.

"Compete or co-operate, up to you, but I want a double penetration."

"You mean like Mary?"

"No, the other two holes, both at once."

"Who goes where?"

"I want her arse," said George, suddenly sounding decisive.

Julie looked quickly from one to the other and read something in George's face.

"Good idea," she said.

"But he's bigger."

Julie pulled Adrian towards her and whispered in his ear. "Best if he doesn't see my face."

For a second Adrian was puzzled and almost said something.

"In case I look hurt," she breathed in his ear. Before Adrian had a chance to react she had wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, knowing that he would be horrified, giving him time to get over it.

"On the bed Adrian," she said, "I need to get you hard. George will have to get hard from watching us."

"It'll be my third time tonight."

"Fun isn't it," she said, pushing him onto the bed.

"What about the drinks?"

"They're for after," she said as her mouth enveloped him. George, standing behind them watched as Julie slid up the bed, worked herself up into a cowgirl position while still working on Adrian's cock before she slid it into herself and started the squirm and rotate, lifting a little and working back down. George could see the delight on Adrian's face as he felt himself growing inside her.

Julie looked back over her shoulder.

"Lube," she said, "lots of it and get that thing hard."

George grabbed the tube and squirted some of the liquid on his cock, masturbating in rhythm with Julie's movements, his cock growing in his hand.

Julie slowly sank face down onto Adrian and then in a sudden acrobatic move she let her whole weight rest on Adrian, spread her lags and pulled her arse cheeks apart. Fortunately George didn't need a hint and squirted more lube where he knew he was going next.

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In the other bedroom Annette, flat on her back was luxuriating in the attention from Mary. Two orgasms on Mary's tongue and still Adrian's gift, some of which had been licked out by Mary, much to their mutual amusement; she was well lubricated and up to the third size of dildo. She was in a orgasmic haze but still had enough external attention to nudge Mary.

"They're going to do it now," she said.

"Do you want to go and watch?"

"Mmmm, this is great but we should shouldn't we."

"One more and keep it in," said Mary, pulling out one dildo and sliding in a slightly larger one.

"You want me to keep it in?"

"With a little help."


"This," she said, holding a leather thong. "What you really need is a chastity belt with a built in dildo— Julie probably has one somewhere, but this'll do for now."

"Will I be able to walk?" said Annette, giggling.


When they sneaked up to the other bedroom door George was positioned with the head of his cock against Julie hole.

"Sshh," whispered Mary. "Lets see how he does without the whip."

The two of them kept a few feet back from the door, close enough to see inside but unlikely to be noticed unless someone looked directly at them.

Adrian did exactly that but Mary caught his eye and put a finger to her lips, holding it there for a second and then blowing Adrian a kiss. That was enough to make him thrust upward pushing Julie towards George. The effect was to nudge George into Julie, who knew enough about the business to relax her sphincter as George's cock head came into her. The pressure on that organ was enough to make George reflexly thrust forward and three inches were in before he realised.

From there onwards the two cocks took it in turns to push. Adrian had the presence of mind to time his movement out of phase with George until he knew that every inch of George was inside Julie. He could feel the thing through the membranes between them. Adrian could see George's face, eyes closed in passion, grit and determination written all over him.

Adrian adjusted, somehow feeling responsible for Julie's safety, making sure that George had enough room, that nothing was crushed between them. Julie, knowing what he was doing kissed him, never letting her lips leave his, kissing him for his tenderness, for his care, trying to give him the best reward she could.

George came quickly and soon it was all over. Adrian did not come, but somehow that was even better, stamina indeed.

"Wow," said Mary watching in the doorway. "Your man gave her quite a hammering. One day that could be all yours."

Annette turned and kissed Mary. "For now I'm happy to be the only woman around here who hasn't had that thing where the sun doesn't shine. One day maybe, but for now I'd like to keep on stretching."

The two women turned to go back to their room, Mary giving Adrian one lingering look and another blown kiss. As she walked away her shoulders dropped a little and she shrank into herself. Annette, ever observant, put an arm around her.

"Adrian did good again, you should be proud."

"I, am but why have I never done that with him?"

"A threesome you mean?"

“Well yes that, but anal too, that's what I was thinking about. I should let do me," she said. "I've let myself be unfair to him."

"I don't need your arse, so maybe you'll get lucky. If Adrian wants to sleep with us I'm game. He can't fuck me again with this thing stuffed up me."

"You mean have Adrian sleep with both of us? What about George, I thought we were supposed to swap for the night?"

"What's 'supposed' got to do with it? I want to keep on doing what we were doing. I'm not ready for George, I want him to stay with Julie. She's doing a good job with him so let's have Adrian."

In the other room the three of them had rolled away from each other, got their breath back and at Julie's instigation had headed for the shower. Adrian was the only one that knew they'd had an audience. He did his best to throw himself into the fun of showering with two other people but in the back of his mind there was a lingering doubt. He'd been seen by Mary fucking another woman and apparently enjoying himself.

Was Mary okay with it, did she approve? No amount of shower gel and hot water was likely to cleanse the weird mixture of guilt, pride and anxiety washing around inside him. He had to see Mary, he had to know, but was that allowed?

Adrian and Julie were first out of the shower, wrapping themselves in towels and then bathrobes while George, whose cock had been in the places he'd never known before, was washing more obsessionally.

"You okay?" Julie asked, nestling close to Adrian to speak over the noise of the water.

"I... um... I don't know. Mary saw us."

"Does it feel weird?"

Adrian nodded.

"Go to her."

"Will she mind?"

"She's in bed with a woman you fucked earlier, what could possibly go wrong?"

Somehow the joke cut through and Adrian chuckled. "Yeah," he said, "it's one of those nights isn't it."

"Go to her."

Adrian tiptoed as far as the kitchen and had a look through the fridge. A bottle of Prosecco seemed like a good idea. He put the bottle into an ice bucket and picked up three fresh glasses.

He hovered at the door, which fortunately for him was slightly ajar. Did he dare knock?

In the room Annette was lying on her back, arms flung out wide, head resting on two pillows. Her eyes were closed. Mary was lying between Annette's spread legs gently nudging a dildo an inch in and out of the pussy spread in front of her; her tongue was working some sort of magic on Annette's clit.

Adrian stood there for five minutes, watching in awe, desperate not to interrupt. If he wasn't holding the tray he'd have been working his cock but he needed two hands to make sure that the glasses weren't clinking into each other. His cock was managing to rise a little on it's own. When he looked down it surprised him and it stiffened another inch. That's how it was when Annette came again and eventually opened her eyes and saw him.

She grinned, knowing what he'd just seen and beckoning to him to come in.

"That was so good," Annette said to Mary, "and here is your reward."

Adrian took the cue and stepped into the room. Mary rolled over to look.

"Which is the reward? The drinks or the waiter?"

"Both?" said Adrian, managing a tentative, hopeful smile.

"Come here love," Mary said, holding her arms out to take him into a long hug.

Annette lay on the bed another minute until she had enough breath to ease herself into a sitting position and shuffle over to where the drinks were.

"Can you see that thong?" she said.

"The other side of the bed." Annette drank half of a champagne flute before she stood up and carefully walked herself around the bed, holding the dildo in place. She found the thong and slid it up her legs, firmly holding the dildo in place.

"I'm going to give you two a couple of minutes, right? Over to you Mary."

"What did she mean by that?"

"I need to get something off my chest."Mary paused. "Actually love could you sit up for a minute so I can see you properly."

"I couldn't be happier like that."

"I know, but for a minute love, could we be serious."

Adrian got up and moved to the armchair while Mary sat on the edge of the bed. He looked worried.

"Did I do badly?" he said. "I tried really hard—'

"You did brilliantly, don't fret love it's not you..." She took a deep breath. "Adrian I'm so sorry... I've been so horrible."

"No you haven't."

"You can't see it, I haven't let you."


"Adrian shut up and listen. "When was the first time you came in my mouth?"

For a second he look puzzled. "Tonight, I loved it." Tears welled up in his eyes. "Did I do wrong, should I have pulled out?"

"No love, you beautiful idiot, it's not you. I should have done it years ago."


"There's more," she said. "George fucked Julie arse tonight didn't he."


"Have you ever done mine?"


“Has anyone?”

“Um... I think so, I mean you said they had—“

“Did you see my arse afterwards?”

“Once I think, no, a few times but once when you made me look.”

“And what did you see?”

“Have we got to do this?”

Mary stopped, a long pause decorated by a wan smile. “What you saw was cum leaking out of my arse because the guy had got all the tests and I was showing off. Right?”

“I guess.”

“Adrian could you stop being kind.”

“I’d rather not, it’s who I am.”

“It is, isn’t it. You’re right, it’s me that needs to change.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“No love you didn’t but I did. Tonight I want you to do everything to me that you’ve never done. Everything that I’ve done for other people that I haven’t done for you. Do it tonight and do it any time you want.”

“So are you giving up the studs?”

“If you want me to.”

"I wish I knew what I wanted. That's a crazy thing to say, and I know it sounds stupid, but right now I don't know what to think."

"Take it slowly love, the last few weeks have been wild times and you don't even know all of it."

"I don't?"

"No, and now's not the time. Right now I want you to fuck my arse, I'd feel a lot better if you would do that."

"I've come three times already tonight."

"We have all night."

"What about Annette?"

"She has a dildo up her, a big one, pretending to be George's little brother and when that comes out we're going up a size, so her pussy is off limits and you're not having her arse before mine."

Adrian chuckled. "I wasn't asking for that"

"I know love," she laughed with him for a second, kissed him deeply and then lay back on the bed.

"That's nice," she said.


"Joking with you."

Adrian rolled over and looked at her. "Can I suck George out of you?"

"Of course you can, so long as you enjoy it."

"I think I will," he said.

Ten minutes later he rolled off when she'd come.

"That was lovely darling."

"Living with you is a bit like walking a tightrope," he said.

"Go on," she sat up, a doubtful uncertain smile playing on her lips. "Go on, explain."

"When you walk a tightrope is totally scary the whole time, even on a low one that's perfectly safe it puts you on edge and on a high wire— "

"Have you ever?"

"Once. Not fantastically high, sort of leg breaking, rib cracking high."


"There was a safety net but it was still totally frightening."

"And living with me is like that?"

"The thing is, when you get to the other side the rush is amazing."

"So if I'm out with some other guy it's like that, scared to death until I get home and then an adrenaline rush?"

"Yes," he said. "That's about as close as I can tell it." He grinned, "so it's not all bad."

"But why is it so scary, you know I'm coming back to you."

"They have to be better than me, the studs, they have to be better, else what's the point, so it always feels like... well like you might not."

"They're not that good Adrian, and from what Annette told me I've been missing out, and there's so much more to you than your cock."

Mary watched as the stress lines on Adrian's face relaxed and she found her spirit lifting.

"You were worried weren't you."

He nodded, unable to speak for a second.

"Poor you. I've put you through so much. Making you go to Julie, the trial and now this, and you've come out of it all better than ever."

Annette came back, standing in the doorway unsure what to do.

"Am I interrupting?"

"No come on in, I need a witness."

Annette looked puzzled.

"This is for the record," Mary said. "I've been an terrible wife, I've neglected and humiliated my husband and my behaviour has brought awful things for him to bear. He's come through it all better than ever and he's my total hero." She took a deep breath. "There I've said it. If I haven't given him my arse before we leave here you are to whip me so hard I'll never forget. Right?" she said, fixing her gaze on Annette. "Promise?"

"Don't I get a say?" said Adrian.

"No," the two women said in unison.

Mary took his hand. "I know you need sleep, we all do, but in the morning you're going to do me so I won't get whipped, even though I deserve it."

Annette handed each of them a glass of fizz.

"Drink up," she said. "We have something to toast." She handed Adrian an envelope.

"What's this?"

"It's from Julie. Open it."

Adrian peeled open the envelope. A pile of fifty pound notes fell out.

"It's the fee for the marvellous gigolo that Julie hired for me. You earned every penny."

Adrian sat counting. "A thousand pounds. She never said."

"She told me," Mary said.

"Drink up Adrian," said Annette, "we all need sleep and there's two women here who want to cuddle you to sleep. You'll need your stamina in the morning."









Written by Whitebeard
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