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Don't Shoot the Messenger Chapter 10

"Mary makes George perform, Adrian is rewarded, Annette discovers a new talent while takes a risk."

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George had never led a woman by a leash. If you have to learn how to do it in five seconds flat then having the woman wear a blindfold is a good start. He knew Annette was watching, so he had to do it right, but he dared not look at his wife for approval. He had to walk the whole way as though his performance was being judged, forcing himself to act as though he was paying no attention to the woman behind him, trying to remember Julie's coaching.

~  ~  ~  ~

George had spent two hours with Julie taking lessons, role playing; she'd coached Adrian so she made George the same offer. He spent half an hour showing her what making love to Annette was like, only this time Annette wasn’t there. He was careful, treating Julie like a delicate flower while not being allowed to come. Annette would have sucked him or given him a hand job. He tried to explain that they took it in turns to come first.

“Have you tried sixty nine as a way to come together?”

“Is that possible? Do people do that?”

"Of course they do."

She showed him, took him along, getting close to coming and then easing off, over and over. He figured out eventually that she was trying to make him frustrated and she succeeded.

The second hour she made him exercise. Lifting weights, doing push ups, crunches on the floor. Always the same deal, ten of whatever and then she'd suck him for a minute. All this to build some aggression, to make him want to pin her down and fuck her.

"You need to work harder, so we're going to play some more. I'm going to resist. If you're too rough I'll safe out. Right? If I say red three times we stop. Once means slow down a little, twice means slow down a lot, give me a minute to get my breath back. Got that?"


"Try to get me to red at least once, if you don't do that you won't have any idea of how far you could go."

It had been hard. For twenty minutes she'd, wriggled around, kissed him then teased him, spread her legs then brought them together, grabbed his cock and then let it go until he began to lose it, began to be annoyed with himself that he was so inept. Finally the last ten minutes of the session he buried his cock in her and started to seriously use it.

She came after five minutes but that wasn't enough. "Keep going, ignore me," she said. "Get as deep as you can," grunting as he knocked the air out of her. "You need to come. Come deep."

He never did get to red but he did come, deep and hard. Julie cleaned him up afterwards and dared him to try again. He said no, he needed time to think, to absorb what had happened.

"What would it take for you to be mad at Mary?"

"I have to be mad at Mary?"

"You need something to dig up some aggression. She's a size queen, when she's that way she's submissive, so if you are going to perform you need something to push you."

George sat dumb, unable to think.

"Kind of humiliating isn't it, being put on the spot like this. She's the cause of that. Either that or I am. You can't blame Annette because you haven't got it in you. This woman Mary, who you haven't met, is a promiscuous slut who is unfaithful to her husband and greedy for big cocks. So what are you going to do?"

George sat staring at Julie for a minute, slowly shaking his head.

"I could punish her by not giving her what she wants."

"And would that please Annette?"

"No," he said."No, I guess not."

"There is an alternative."


"Give her more than she bargained for. Fuck her so big and hard that she'll be grateful to get back to Adrian. Could you do that?"

He still sat shaking his head.

"George it's an act," she said. "You don't have to actually be angry, you just have to play a part."

"But what is the part?"

"A guy who is a full of himself, a guy who knows he has the biggest cock on the block and thinks it makes him entitled."

"Not someone I'd like."

"Your alter ego maybe. Someone who is everything you're not."

"Are there really guys who can turn it on like that?"

"What matters George is what you can do."

"It scares me."

Julie wrapped an arm around him and hugged him. "You'll have to do the best you can. There's a good chance Mary will know what to do."


~  ~  ~  ~

That was three days ago. Now George was leading Mary, naked and blindfolded, into the bedroom. Downstairs, Julie watched the pair of them on video, keeping half an eye on Adrian and Annette. She had intended to go home, at least right up until the moment when she'd told her guests that she would be downstairs. Somehow that had slipped out without thinking. Right then she'd been in hostess mode, much as she would have been in a normal day's work, but this was a night and she'd be leaving Anthony at home.

When she walked down the stairs after the two couples had arrived, it dawned on her that she had not told Anthony that she would be staying all night. She'd watched them until things were underway in both rooms and then called Anthony. She got no answer on the landline, so tried his mobile.

"Hi love, I've done something a bit silly."

"That's not like you."

"I have the two couples staying in the apartment, and while I was being the hospitable hostess I told them I'd be here all night if they needed anything."

"Ah," he said.

"So..." she took a deep breath, "I wondered if you wanted to have Laura come over?"

"You think I can't manage a night without company?"

"Well no, of course you can, but, well, you know, following up on everything we've been talking about I thought it might..."

"Be a good use of time?"

Julie sighed, perhaps a little too loudly and without covering the phone..

"Sorry love," he said. "I need to up my game don't I. Here's a tricky question for you, should I ask her over or should you send her."

Julie laughed, relaxing.

"Excellent question," she said. "Now you're getting into it."

"Will you pay her?"

"Oh, even better," she thought for a moment. If I pay her then she's officially a whore. If he asks her then it's an affair.

"I'll pay her," she said "I'll phone her now. She may be busy, do you want me to call you if she's coming?"

"I'll go with the suspense option."

"You're getting into this aren't you love."

"Doing my best. What about you? Will you just be hanging around in case the fuses blow?"

"Who knows? It's my fault, I should have been more organised. I could have paid Laura to baby sit here."

She heard him chuckle at the other end, blew him a kiss down the phone and hung up.

She watched the action upstairs, sipped a good red wine and made notes. There might have to be a debrief and maybe some more coaching and she needed to be ready.

All very well to be sitting here being an expert but really she should have been more organised. When she offered Laura to Anthony she was being playful but did she really want Laura to have a night with her husband? Perhaps she could just do nothing; Anthony would be left in suspense, but that would be all. He'd be thinking about Laura now, imagining what they might do, he would not be thinking about her.

"I'm so fucking stupid," she said to the screen. She put down her fork and called Laura.

"Hi, it's Julie."

"Hi, did I miss something, I thought you were busy tonight."

"I am, but I've kind of screwed up a little. I'm going to have to stay at the studio all night, could you see a client for me?"

"Paid, you mean?"

"An all night job. Would a thousand do? It's a special client."

"Hell yeah. Who's the john?"


There was a long silence. Julie could hear her breathing.

"Can you put me on Face Time?"

Julie looked at her phone, opened the app and pressed the button.

"Why Face Time?"

"I had to see your face,"


"I had to be sure it wasn't a wind up."

"It's not." Julie took a deep breath. "I know we've talked about it, but we were all kind of wired back then. This is serious. If I'm going to carry on working like this and you're going to work with me then I have to trust you, right?"


"So I trust you to give my husband a good time and not steal him."

"So it's like a contract, and If I did steal him I'd have to pay you back the grand?"

"Got it in one." Julie flipped open her laptop. "Have you got Pay-Pal on your email?"


"OK, I'm sending you the money. You are now a paid whore. Make sure he enjoys it; the company's reputation depends on give our clients a memorable service."

"Shit. Julie are you sure?"

Laura watched as Julie's eyes rolled up and her mouth opened in a sigh. "Of course I'm not sure but we’re both grown ups. I'm putting my money where my mouth is." Julie stopped for a second. "Call his mobile, I'm not sure if he's home yet. It sounded like he was driving." She hung up before any second thoughts could get in the way.


~  ~  ~  ~

George concentrated so hard on getting the walk right that when he got to the bedroom he had no idea what to do next. He drew Mary towards him, holding her and kissing her. He was about to take off the blindfold when she sank to her knees in front of him, undoing the buttons of his shirt and planting little kisses on his chest as she descended.

George knew it was a cop out, but somehow letting Mary's expertise take over felt like the best thing to do.

Mary had experience in stripping men. George ran his fingers through her hair as she removed everything below the waist and found his cock in what felt like seconds. Right then he was still soft, still suffering from anxiety and maybe that was a good thing because Mary could suck a lot of his cock into her mouth before she began to press him towards the bed.

When he hit the mattress she really got to work, fingers, lips and tongue working together until he was rock hard.

"There," she said. "That feels about right, let me see what I've done."

She pulled off the blindfold and for a second he was caught in the suspense.

"I should have brought a tape measure," she said and they both convulsed with laughter. She flung herself onto him, wriggling around so that his cock was trapped between them and kissing him until his resistance faded.

"I know it's tough," she said, "kissing someone new. Roll with it if you can, I'll try not to scare you."


"Ignore anything I say. If I get carried away and say I love you don't fret. Sometimes I can't help it."

"But you don't mean it?"

"I think I'm going to love the feeling," she said as she pushed herself up into the beginnings of a cowgirl pose and started to engage his cock with her pussy.

She slid the first few inches into herself and lay back on his chest, her pelvis gyrating a little as she screwed him into place.

"How is that?"

"I thought I was supposed to ask you."

"Mmmm, I know," she said. "But you're shy aren't you; so I thought I'd get started." Mary slowly rose up and sank down again.

"Oh, that's big," she said. From there on she gradually worked up speed, rising higher, slamming down faster and further, grunting as she began to sweat. George lay mesmerised, never having seen or felt anything like this. He gradually began to understand her rhythm and started to thrust upwards as she descended.

"Yes, yes," she said. "Do that— that's good."

Mary's ability to ride far exceeded George's skill, but it didn't matter. After what felt like hours, George began to feel it in his abs and thighs, muscles he'd usually ignore, beginning to tell him he needed more gym work. He was close to really hurting when Mary came the first time. It gave him some relief and a surge of good feeling.

"That's the first time," he said as Mary sank forward, her tits coming down onto his chest. She kissed him, small rapid kisses between breaths, getting longer as she recovered.

"First what?"

"First time anyone has come on me."

She kissed him again. "That thing is still as solid as a rock," she said, "so I want to go again. We have all night so there's plenty of time for you."

She came again and again before she started to tire, eventually lying flat on his chest kissing him hard until she had her breath back.

She rolled off and knelt on the other side of the bed. "Come on," she said. "Take me this way so you have to do the work. I want every inch of that thing."

Mary knelt on the bed waiting for George to get behind her.

"Am I pushing you too fast? Have you done this before?"

"Julie made me."

"Come on then. I'm itching to know what it's like when you're doing it. Bang it in as hard as you can, I'm all lubed up."

"What if it's too much? Do you have a safe word?"

"If you can do me so hard that I want one I'll think of something. Fuck me that hard, I dare you."

George slowly got himself into position, kneeling behind her but was clearly finding it awkward.

"Stand at the end of the bed," she said. "I'll come down to you, you'll get a better thrust if you're on your feet."

Mary knelt, spreading her legs enough to open the way in and position herself exactly in line with George's now solidly erect member.

"Bang it in George, be rough, I like it that way, fuck me, fuck me hard."

Despite the encouragement he was still tentative, a few inches found their way in but he was desperate to know that she was alright. She felt him enter and then pause, for a second she was tempted to scream but held it back, realising as she almost let it out that he would pull back for sure. He was big, she could feel that but there had to be more.

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"How many inches is that George?"

"I don't know. "

"George darling we are going to have to do something about this."

She rolled sideways, leapt off the bed and grabbed her bag. A hand delved deep into the contents and emerged with a sharpie.

"Give me that thing," she said and started drawing rings around his cock about an inch apart. There was room for nine rings and in another moment she had them numbered.

"Right George," she said, "I want performance. So far there's only three rings in the damp part, now get to it."

She was back in position before he could say a word and her hand was guiding him in.

"Call out the numbers," she said.

They'd got to five when Adrian and and Annette snuck in. Both caught their breath for a second, Adrian never having watched Mary being fucked and Annette in shock when she saw George's cock beginning to be buried in Mary.

"Five going on six." Adrian said.

Mary turned and smiled when she saw the two of them.

"Annette come over here."

Annette glanced at Mary and understood what she had in mind, for a second she felt a surge of excitement knowing what Mary's tongue could do but right then she was still feeling mellow and satisfied. She felt rather than saw Adrian begin to slump as he took in the sheer size of George. The number five had disappeared but six, seven, eight and nine were still clearly visible.

Annette stopped, she didn't need Mary's attention right then but Adrian did. Five minutes of watching George's cock disappearing inch by inch into Mary and he'd be back to being a small dick failure again and he didn't deserve that, he really didn't, not after what he'd done for her.

She pulled Adrian towards her, hugged him, kissed him and shoved him towards Mary. She threw a pillow down and forced him onto it, pressing him down, spreading his legs and manhandling his cock so that it was presented to Mary's mouth.

"He was so good to me," she whispered in Mary's ear. "He deserves the best."

The words found their way into Mary's brain, somehow cutting through so many memories, turning them on their head. George pushed in another inch and Adrian's cock seemed to grow in front of her. It was an illusion, probably it was an illusion but right then, caught in the moment, being penetrated by George's monster and seeing Adrian's cock looking so inviting in front of her Mary moved onto another plain. A deep ecstasy began to overwhelm her, rising from far inside and somehow connecting her love for Adrian to all her sexual urges.

Annette was right, Adrian did deserve this, deserved so much more. Her lips enveloped him just as Annette reached around her and gripped both her nipples at once, teasing for a second and then squeezing tight. Mary felt herself gushing, lubricating George's cock so that another inch found it's way in.

After that it got crazy, that was the only way she could describe it later. Annette pulled back and stood behind George.

"Show me what you can do," she said, her voice recovering all the tones of command and discipline that her daytime self was so well practiced at using. A glance at the dresser behind her took in a little flogger, placed there by Julie as much as decor than any real expectation of use. It was in her hand in a flash and she had no hesitation in whacking George's behind, one swipe and then as she found her aim another harder whack.

"Harder," she said, quiet, right by his ear, stern and commanding. "Harder, fuck her harder."

"Seven," she said, loud enough for Mary to hear. "Eight coming up."

George, egged on by the flogger, helped by Mary's juices gushing lubrication, hit the nine mark two thrusts later.

Annette was beginning to enjoy herself, hitting George in a way that she'd never dreamed she could and as the first flush of pleasure bubbled up inside her she suppressed a laugh and hit May's arse, watching with satisfaction the way she jerked, a jolt that triggered a spasm in George burying his cock in Mary and hitting ten for sure.

Annette took a deep breath, suddenly feeling so powerful, she hit George again and then Mary, producing more spasms. She risked a glance at Adrian whose head was thrown back, lost in a sea of emotions. That's what she wanted to see, and that boosted her another notch. She was in charge, Annette the dominatrix took a deep breath and thought about doing some strength work to build up her arms. She switched sides, moving the flogger to her left hand and hitting George on his so far untouched right buttock; changing her stroke, hitting across rather than full on she aimed to sting rather than batter.

"Harder," she said. "Fuck the cheating bitch." Well she does cheat, she thought and whisked the flogger across Mary's back and then, in a moment of inspiration she hit her with a low backhand catching her pendant breast with the tip of the flogger hitting the nipple. This is so much better than tennis, she thought.

Mary by then was awash with endorphins, the impact of almost constant orgasms flooding through her, her skin on fire from Annette's attention as she squirmed on the end of George's massive cock from which there was no escape.

George, stinging from Annette's whipping and desperate now to show his mistress that he really could use his cock to good effect, he found himself working to hit different parts of Mary's cunt. Sometimes leaning back so that the rear wall of her vagina was scrapped from one end to the other, something leaning a little forwards so that he filled the space behind her cervix and then a little more forward with the next thrust, hitting the cervix full on, a thrust that made him jump as if he'd been stung.

It was only later when they wound down that he discovered that Mary had an IUD and he was hitting the nylon tail that was there to pull the thing out when it was no longer needed. He'd read about IUDs— you weren't supposed to feel them, but he did, he did because he was big. He needed to learn to enjoy it.

For now, pushed on by Annette's attention to his burning backside, the sting was simply another stimulation, though he found himself leaning back, aiming at the posterior fornix, a term he remembered but in the midst of this level of stimulation he'd no idea where.

For Mary that was the best, the deepest, every impact as he plumbed the depths making her feel fuller than the'd ever been. With every filling stroke she sucked, deep throating Adrian, a thing she'd never done for him. He'd always come too quick but now he had stamina because Annette had drained him enough, worn him out enough, deadened his sensations enough that he needed so much more stimulation.

For Mary it was a marvel, sucking him in and being filled at the same time she felt as though Adrian was plunging right through her. It felt so right, the pang of guilt that came with realising that she never done this for him added another spur, pushing he on.

Annette by now was carried away with her role of commander in chief, flying on a cloud of wild celebration at being able to play with three people at once. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought what fun it must be to be Julie, to do this sort of thing for a living.

Resting her arm for a second she leaned forward to whisper in Mary's ear.

"Finger his arse."

As she said it the sheer profanity of her words gave her another lift. She hit George a couple of times, hard, stinging blows and then as she watched Adrian respond to Mary's finger she did the same thing to George. Adrian lifted himself onto his elbows, glanced briefly at Annette and then gazed into Mary's eyes. He thrust himself at her throat, almost blocking her breathing as he felt sensations boiling up in his pelvis, thrusting, driving forward, knowing there was no stopping him coming now.

George, driven by Annette's finger and her whip, was overtaken by a similar internal explosion flooding Mary's depths as the same instant that Adrian filled her mouth and throat.

Mary collapsed onto the bed, George falling out of her and away from her in one exhausted movement, collapsing into the easy chair set against the wall. Before he could even breath Annette's mouth had enveloped him, sucking whatever was left out of his shrinking cock, cleaning him in a few more licks and then with mischievous energy throwing herself on him to kiss him with enthusiasm that surprised him almost as much as the mouthful of his own cum that he found he was sharing.

"What now?" said Annette when everyone had their breath back.

"You seem to like being in charge," Mary said. "Why were you beating me? It was good, but what gave you the idea?"

Annette moved over to the bed and sat facing Adrian and Mary.

"You deserved it," she said. "You were going to play with me, and that would have been nice but I didn't want Adrian being neglected."

"I wasn't going to." As she said it Mary's face changed. Annette raised her eyebrows.


"I, um, I didn't, I don't know what you mean."

Annette turned to George. "Darling could you find us some drinks or nibbles. Adrian, go with him. Give us five minutes, see what you can find, call Julie if need be, I'm sure we all need some energy replacement."

There was an edge to her voice that allowed no argument.

When the men had gone Annette returned to the bed and sat at the end facing Mary.

"I glimpsed Adrian's face when he saw George going into you. I could see it all, he was shrivelling as I watched. He didn't deserve that. If he'd had to stand there calling out the inches as George fucked you he'd never get that image out of his head again. He was so good for me, I couldn't let that happen to him."

Mary sat up, pushed the pillows behind her and laid back against them.

"Oh," she said, a sigh more than a word.

"How was it sucking him?"

Mary's face broke into a rueful smile.

"Did you guess?"

"Sorry, guess what?"

"I've never done that for him before. It was amazing. He seemed to last forever. If you hadn't told me to finger him I don't know how long it would have taken. My lips were tiring, I almost got cramp in my tongue."

"He came hard in me," said Annette "That's why. I read somewhere they always have more stamina the second time. I guess it's true."

"And I thought I was the expert."

"Mmmm, you are I guess, but Adrian loves you so much, finds you so amazing, that he comes in an instant and then he doesn't get a second go because he feels inadequate."

"And I reinforce it because I feel sorry for him." Mary sighed again, images of past episodes with Adrian passing through her brain.

"How did you know?"

Annette shrugged, "Partly I asked him, partly it was so obvious. He would never had said. He adores you so much that he couldn't say a word that you might not like. The two of you were trapped in what you'd made for yourselves. Julie is a genius to see the way through for all of us."

She turned towards where she thought the camera might be. "Did you hear that Julie. You're a genius. Thanks."

"What about you?" said Mary.

"I was beautifully fucked by a lovely caring man."

Annette turned back to Mary. "Really, he was fantastic. Don't worry, I don't want to keep him but if I could borrow him now and then..."

"Only if I have George."

"It looked like you were enjoying what he has to offer."

"You must try it. You need to work at it," Mary said. "It may hurt a bit to begin with, but it will be worth it. Have you tried dildos?"

"A bit."

"What you need to do is find one the same size as George and a range of smaller ones. Work your way up, practice every day. Did it hurt when you did it with Julie?"

"No, but we were all so wound up anything could have happened."

Mary lay back against the pillows, closing her eyes, thinking.

"What do you think of me? I mean are you disgusted that I've been such a slut and um, well, neglected Adrian."

"I don't think you neglected him, just kind of misread him a little. When it comes down to it I guess I'm the same with George, in a way. I mean I let him adore me and he gets pushed into my way of seeing things. We both end up being less than we could be."

"You may be onto something with that domme act."

"Go on?"

"George is a rare find, he's a submissive with a big cock, for a dominant woman that might be the best thing going. You just have to figure out how to use him."

Annette giggled. "What are we going to do for the rest of the night?"

"Can I make a crazy suggestion?"

"Why not."

"I want to spend the night with you, start opening you up, play with you, teach you some stuff."

Annette fixed Mary with an enquiring gaze, searching her face.

"You're serious...What about the boys?"

"We're going to be friends, right?"

"Could be."

"So we'll do this again, yes?"

"I guess."

I think we should ask Julie to let both boys take her, she could teach them how to DP."


"Double penetration. What I had is called a spit-roast; DP is the other two holes at once, well sometimes two cocks in one hole but let's not get ridiculous. She can teach them. Over the next month I'm going to see you a few times each week and stretch you up to take George, then we'll do this again."

"Only by then the boys will be able to do both of us every which way?”

"You've got it. What do you think?"

"I'd actually like to watch the two of them fucking Julie at once, I bet that would be quite a sight."

"Julie," they both sang out together, "can you come up here?"


Written by Whitebeard
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