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After Midnight Chapter 17

"Rhona buys the bungalo next door and Candice takes Andy on holiday"

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Author's Notes

"My apologies for the length of time between chapters."


Buying the bungalow proved easier than might be expected, mostly because it needed a lot of work. Before she died, it belonged to an old lady who’s family was in Australia. They had no interest in the property, so it was auctioned by an agent in its existing run-down state. Rhona had a careful look and came to the conclusion that the auction would not be well attended.

“Think about who would it suit?” she said to Andy.

“Someone who was happy to spend money to get it in shape.”

“Exactly. An elderly couple won’t want to do the work. A young couple with kids would have too much on their hands and would want a high percentage mortgage, which no one will get on that place.”


“So I’ll go to the auction and get it for a song.”

“A local builder might go for it.”

“They won’t bid a lot because they’ll factor in the renovation cost and want a decent profit on top. I’ll outbid them.”

“Are you that rich?”

“Enough; anyway I can raise the money against my house, bid cash, and recover the money when I sell the place in Scotland.”

It worked out exactly as Rhona predicted, but for Candice, watching, it was an astonishing experience because she saw something in her mother that she’d never seen before. After ten minutes the bidding was down to two people, her mother and one other man, who Candice took to be a tradesman when she looked at his hands.

Once the others were eliminated Rhona bid another fifty and when the man responded with another fifty Rhona said ‘And ten.’ After the fifth time that happened, she waited a few seconds after he’d bid and then said, ‘And a thousand.’ The guy blinked, literally blinked, his breathing rate increased and Candice could see a little pulse in his neck. Rhona showed no sign of anything, she smiled at the auctioneer, waited until the man said, ‘and fifty,’ and came back with ‘and ten.’

She might as well have said, ‘I can be here all day.’ It took another couple of rounds of Rhona’s idiosyncratic bidding before the man cracked and Rhona owned a bungalow.

Rhona spent two weeks in Scotland clearing her furniture to storage, and finding an agent she trusted. By the end of the month, she was living with Andy, Candice, and Marsha while supervising renovations. She had a driveway built alongside the house so that visitors could park unobtrusively at the rear.

At the end of the week it took to get Rhona settled, Candice made an announcement over breakfast.

“I’m going to take Andy on holiday,” she said. “We need some time together before I’m seriously into the lactation business.”

Andy managed to keep a straight face as she spoke, managing to give the impression that he knew all about it.

“Where are you going?”

“That’s a secret,” Andy said, glancing at Candice with a conspiratorial grin. “You two are both busy, so it won’t bother you if we are not around.”

“I’ll be working,” Marsha said.

“I’ll be keeping a beady eye on the builders. You’re right, good timing, make the most of it.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

When they were alone later, Andy waited for some kind of move from Candice, but none came. As she was getting ready for bed, he flipped open his laptop.

“What are you doing?”

“I thought I’d better find us somewhere to stay.”

Candice laughed. “Will Cap d’Agde do?”

“When were you going to tell me?”

“When you asked. I thought you picked up the cue very well.”

“I guess it sounds dumb to say why there... but why there?”

“I wanted to go somewhere that you can show me off. I want to wear all my kinky jewellery and nothing else and watch guys being jealous of you.”


“You need practice at being masterful.”

“Oh, right.”

“I am going to flirt and you are going to decide what happens next.”

“When you say flirt, what exactly do you mean?”

“There will be guys there, naked guys, so what they’ve got is going to be in plain sight, no seduction skills required to get their pants off — so if I see something I fancy then I’ll make it obvious. After that, it’s up to you, but I don’t want you saying yes to everything. Right? This is about you taking control, you decide what might give me a good time... actually no, I mean what will give both of us a good time.”

“And if I say no to every single one?”

“That’s absolutely okay. Actually, I think that’s quite likely. I never gave you the chance to do that before, I never really even tried to find out.”

“And if I see some woman that I take a fancy to?”

“Then you go for it — without asking me.”

“Uh-huh. How long are we going for?”

“Two weeks, with an option on another one or two.”

“Okay, on one condition... after the first week we have a day to take stock and see how we both feel.”

“No, no change for two weeks. It’s got to feel like it’s going on forever.”

“Ten days?”

“Thirteen,” she said.

“So till the second weekend?”

“Until the second Sunday.”

“Okay, but then we’ll need the third week.”


“To have a relaxing time living what we’ve discovered.”

Candice laughed and hugged him. “I’m sorry I sprang it on you. Does it scare you?”

Andy said nothing for a moment but eventually nodded.

“Explain,” Candice said.

“What you’re asking me to do, to be, is kind of being doubly naked. Cap d’Agde is great and everyone is naked, so that’s no big deal. What you’re proposing is constantly pushing me to control my feelings, or risk being made to look like... a coward, or any number of disagreeable male chauvinist nasties, or a fool. I’ll have to be the person you think I might be, while I’m not completely certain that guy is ready to see the light of day, or whether I like him or can be him.

“You’re overthinking again.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s my thing... my armour too. That’s what I mean about doubly naked. It’s all very well to sit at home and look at pictures on the web or emails and argue the pros and cons of whether it was a good idea that some guy or guys had their way with you. It’s not so simple to stand there naked and look some guy in the eye and say yes you can, or no you can’t.”

“Sounds simple to me.”

Andy pulled back a little to examine Candice’s face. She was clearly suppressing an urge to giggle.

“Think about it,” he said. “Am I saying no because the guy scares me, like because I think he’ll... well, you know, if I say no then it looks like either I don’t trust you, or I think this guy will outshine me in some way... If I look too confident I could come across as arrogant, too cocky, foolish. You want to know why I’m a little scared... it’s because you’re offering me a tightrope for a couple of weeks.”

“You want to call it off.”

“Hell no.”

“So what about when you say yes?”



“Same sort of reasoning, only backwards. Am I admitting that I know he’ll be better than me? Am I giving you a treat that I can’t give you... Of course, there are women too... I might see a woman that you fancy and then decide to have her myself.”

“Or we could share?”

“Or you get her ugly sister.”

Candice collapsed laughing. “Okay,” she said eventually. “You’re in charge, I get whatever you decide.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Rhona insisted on another nightcap before bed.

“Are you trying to loosen my tongue?” Marsha said as she poured one for herself.

“No... not that I’m not curious but I feel like I’m buzzing and I need to settle down before I try to sleep.”

“These clients of yours, is it okay to ask?”

“You’re curious too?”

“A little. Do you have sex with them? I wondered if the idea would freak them out? I mean, it’s sort of like incest, isn’t it, if you’re playing at being their mum. Taboo.”

Rhona laughed. “That’s what excites them, some of them anyway. I sometimes wish I could talk to their mothers. One reason I like guys to come from a distance is so I’m never tempted down that road.”

“Did you guess that or find out the hard way?”

“Neither. It was an accident. My first client came from London. He was scared of meeting anyone he knew so he picked me because I was many miles from his home turf, it all fell into place, I realised it cut both ways.”

“So how’s that going to work down here?”

“Same as always, there are always more and more possible clients the further away you go.”

Marsha sat sipping her whisky.

“And you’re thinking?”

“I was thinking... the way you organise it, If I did that, I’d never meet any of my patients.”


“I was wondering if there are guys out there who have naughty thoughts about nurses... guys or girls.”

“Tucked up tight in bed and wishing they could get a hand under that uniform, that sort of thing?”

“Well I don’t know,” Marsha said, “I guess it would need research,”

The two of them descended into giggles.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Candice and Andy went by train, or to be more exact, trains. The Eurostar to Paris and a sleeper to the Mediterranean. The great advantage of going to a nudist resort is that much less luggage is required. Travelling light and at high speed is exhilarating, as well as being better for the environment.

Sleeping naked on a train got Candice excited. Although it was dark, she insisted on standing by the window naked. Andy was much calmer.

“A penny for them?” she said.

“Am I being too thoughtful?”

“You’re being very nice to me, I bet everyone in the restaurant thought you were the perfect husband.”

“But I’m being too nice?”

Candice stood with her back to the window. She grinned, closed her eyes and sighed. “No one could ask for nicer...”


Her lips came together in a tight drawn exasperated half-smile.

“But you can’t figure out what to say to me because you think mister nice guy is a front? Is that it?” he said.

“Is it?”

“Of course not, that’s the natural me.”


He laughed. “Go on.”

“It’s so natural that you can do it all day while you’re thinking of something else entirely... How am I doing?”

“Pretty good. I think I could get away with it with someone who didn’t know me so well.”

“So you have been thinking.”  


“Are you going to tell me?”

“Are you going to tell me what you’re planning?”

“Oh... right.” She laughed. “So is that it, we’re going to spend the next three weeks surprising each other?”

“I thought the plan was you were going shock the hell out of me for thirteen days and then we’d spend a week picking up the pieces.”

“Is that what you think?”

“It’s what you said.”

That stopped Candice, at least for a few seconds. “Well yeah, I suppose I did, but I didn’t mean it like that, not exactly. I didn’t say I wouldn’t talk to you, you know, talk about things as we go along. I don’t want it to be like that.”

“So not like the blind date?”

“A bit like that, but not exactly.”

“So actually you don’t have a clue.”

“No,” she laughed, “you’ve got me. I kind of thought we’d work it out.”

“Can I make a suggestion?”

“Of course you can, silly. That’s the whole point.”

“Why don’t we let it rip, no holds barred,” Andy said, watching her eyebrows rise “But have safe words. Like BDSM, which physically it may be sometimes; so either of us can call a time out when we need it. We could grade it, so the first level might be a flag to say this is getting a bit much, so sometime soon we need a breather. I’m assuming that if other people are involved, we might not want to stop dead in our tracks.”

“And if it was really bad we have another level that means stop right now?”

“Three levels maybe.”

“Okay,” Candice said, “So, um... ‘What are we doing tomorrow?’ Means we have to talk about this before we sleep. ‘Have you seen the time’ means ask me how much more I can stand?.”

“Why didn’t we go to Spain?”


“As the last one?”

“I’ve got a better idea.”

“Go on.”

“It doesn’t matter which of us says it, but how about, ‘Where has Candy got to?’ Or ‘Shouldn’t Candy be here by now?’”

“I get it,” Andy said. “Clever. One of us says that, and the other knows we have to drop everything and find out what had happened to Candy, which means we could rush off to phone, or anything. I like it. Yeah, that ought to work in most circumstances.”

“In most?”

“If either of us were gagged and blindfolded, we’d need something else.”

Candice chuckled, reached across the table and held his hands. “You think of everything.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Rhona took Marsha on a tour of the bungalow. To get there they had to drive around the block in order to park at the back of the bungalow. Stepping out of the car, Rhona couldn’t help staring at the rear of the house she was staying in.

“Do you suppose Andy would object to a doorway in that fence?”

“I doubt it, why don’t you message him and then you could get your builders to do it while they are here.”

“Should I message Andy or Candice?”

Marsha laughed. “I doubt if it makes any difference. Don’t take my advice — you probably think I know both of them. I do have the hots for both of them, but they still surprise me every day.”

“And you’re having a baby for them?”

“With them, yeah. When I say they surprise me, don’t let me mislead you. Over the last few months, I’ve seen the pair of them going through the most awful things, I’ve seen them right at the bottom of the biggest hole. Right down there, those two are as solid as you can get. The rest is detail, fun details mostly, but this baby is coming into something very, very solid.”



“My apologies Marsha.”

“For what?”

Rhona chuckled. “My apologies for underestimating you. It seems to me you’re a match for the pair of them.”

Marsha shrugged. “I’m an intensive care sister, they have to be a match for anyone.”

“Did you know what Candice was doing on her cock nights?”


“And you weren’t shocked?”

“Rhona, you don’t know me, I’d done much worse before I met Candy.”

“So you call her Candy?”

“She went by that when she met. I meant Candice, it's a force of habit, calling her that, I guess.”

Rhona laughed. “Let me show you around my new house, and maybe you can tell me what you used to get up to?”

“Message Andy and Candice about that back door before you forget. We might need it.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Candice and Andy were waiting for a taxi when Rhona’s message arrived. Both phones pinged at once.

“Say yes?”

“I guess.” Andy started typing.

“What did you say?”

“Okay — surprise us.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

“Well?” Marsha said when Rhona’s phoned beeped. Rhona turned the phone so that Marsha could read it.

“See, I told you it would be good.”

“Yeah, but now we have to think up something clever.”

“I think you should have a pool. A pool gives all sorts of excuses for sexy accidents.”

“I like it. Maybe we could have a changing room or a gym or something backing up to the boundary with an entrance from both sides and a pool on my side. I’ll get my designer guy to work something up.”

“Won’t that cost a fortune?”

“I’m getting this place for a lot less than my place up north is selling for.”

Rhona unlocked the back door and let Marsha in. The bungalow had a kitchen and dining room across the middle of the house. Two bedrooms off one side that shared a bathroom between them and another room at the other side of the house that had an ensuite bathroom.

“It’s nice. So, where will the client’s sleep?”

“I’m not sure. The obvious thing is me in the big bedroom and the guest in one of the small ones.”

“And the not so obvious?”

“The two single rooms share a bathroom, there has to be some mileage in that.”

Marsha chuckled. “So the big room might be an art studio, or maybe the decorators are in...”


In the kitchen, Marsha looked around. “Most of this has to go, right?”

“I think so. I think a conservatory on the back might be good.”

“Somewhere to be caught sunbathing? You know you can’t get a tan through glass.”

“I can’t wait for one of my clients to explain that to me.”

“What’s behind that door?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t look in the cupboards.”

“It’s a big door for a cupboard.”

“Can I open it?”

“Of course.”

Marsha pulled the door open and stepped into the cupboard. She emerged a second later.

“Did you know you had a cellar?”

“Oh, that’s where it is.”

“Rhona you’re hopeless.”

“There was something on the bumph but they didn’t show me and I forgot about it.”

“We need a torch.”

The cellar was huge, took up as much space as the kitchen and dining room.

“This has possibilities.”

“Marsha, are you imagining that I could run a dungeon down here?”

“I just said it had possibilities.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Andy and Candice spent the day enjoying the sun, taking turns to slather each other with sunblock between swims. As the sun went down, they had a final swim and headed back to their chalet.

“Do you want to eat in or try the local restaurants?”

“There was a place by the beach, shall we try that?”

“It might be chilly.”

“So your nipples will harden up.”

“And your cock will shrink.”

Andy laughed. “That should give the opposition a better chance. I may need all the excuses I can find.”

Candice studied his face for a few seconds, trying to decide if Andy was joking or worried.

“Well...” she said. “There are other ways of looking at it. If I see someone who seems very resistant to any temperature effects, then I might suspect that they were using some assistance, chemical assistance maybe.”

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“I think I need to cover my bets,” Andy said.


“I’m going to lock you into all your metal jewellery.”

“Oh good, I get to show off.”

“No love, I get to show you off.”

Candice looked up quickly, suddenly very alert. Andy acted casual, pouring himself a drink, finally looking at her and grinning. “Did I get that right?”.

Candice pulled him close and kissed him.

“Why don’t you have a shower while I get things ready,” he said.

“I can deal with my own jewellery.”

“Where would be the fun in that.”

“You’re cooking up some sort of surprise aren’t you.”

“Shower. Ten minutes maximum.”

“Yes master,” she said, giggling all the way to the bathroom.

“Oh, hey, there’s something for you in the shower.”

In the doorway, she looked back.

“How does one look coquettish when already naked?”


Five seconds later there was a shriek and the sound of running water. Andy smiled quietly to himself and carefully unpacked the jewellery from the case and laid it out on the table.

 Candice appeared wrapped in a towel, somewhat damp, and clutching a bottle.

“Please moisturise me.”

Andy looked at the bottle and held it up to the light. “Is this something new?” he said, taking to top off and smelling it.

“It’s special, see what you think.”

Andy set to work, starting with her feet and working up. As he smoothed the lotion onto her legs he grinned.

“Glitter,” he said, “does it show up in the dark?”

“Only if the lights are on.”

“Does it come off if I hug you?”

“Not if you’ve put it on properly.”

“That sounds like an incentive,” he said, carrying on working his way up.

When he got to her waist, he quickly checked that the butt plug he’d left in the bathroom was in place and then stood up to retrieve items from the table.

He wrapped a long gold chain around her waist, securing it with a padlock in the middle of her back. The remainder of the chain he threaded through a loop on the plug and then moved in front of her.

“Here is your second surprise for the evening,” he said, slipping a small vibrator into her pussy. Once that was safely nestled in place, he threaded the chain through her labial rings and secured it to the waist chain with another padlock. Two meters of chain remained free.

Andy stood back to admire the result before applying moisturiser to her breasts and back. When her skin had acquired the right level of glow, he fastened her woven silver collar in place and drew the chain up between her breast before adding another padlock and letting the free chain hang loose.

“Are you happy about me doing the next bit?”

“Which is?”

“You know damn well.”

She cupped her breasts in her hands, pushing her nipples towards him.

“You mean these?”

“What else?”

“I thought you might be going to put your trademark on my butt.”

Andy looked surprised for a second.

“How did you know about that?”

“Marsha persuaded me to talk to Mistress.”

“I wouldn’t do that again.”

“Why not? Mistress said you were a craftsman, absolutely brilliant, she said.”

“She can’t count. I got it wrong.”

Candice shook her head. “Are we talking about the same thing?”

He laughed. “Let me do the task at hand and if you’re good, I might tell you after dinner.”

“Yes, master.”

Each nipple had a straight bar supporting a stirrup from which Andy suspended six links of chain matching the one threaded through everything else. On the end of each nipple chain, there was a small bell. The length of chain guaranteed that each bell would swing free and ring with every step she took.

Andy took hold of the chain. “Shall we go?”

The sun was half lost in the sea as they strolled towards the beach restaurant. The heat coming off the beach contrasted with the beginnings of a chill in the air as the breeze came off the sea.

Candice deliberately walked half a step behind Andy, making sure that there was enough tension in the chain so that it didn’t sag. They found a table. Candice pulled two small towels from Andy’s backpack and spread them on the seats.

“Are you feeling paranoid?”

“No, I just don’t fancy sitting on someone else’s sweat. Some naturist places have a rule that you must always have a towel to sit on.”


“I read about it. Don’t fret, I haven’t been off to some secret nudist camp behind your back.”

“We have a dilemma.”

“We do?”

“I can’t decide whether to send you to order or go myself, leaving you here.”

“You could padlock my chain to the table.”

“Who knows who might come to try to rescue you.”

Candice giggled. “We should both go to order, I don’t think I’m ready for the wild stuff yet.”

“So, this wild stuff,” Andy said when they had their food. “What would that entail?”

“As I said before, you could leave me here chained to the table. I’d be helpless, but unless they brought a hacksaw with them all we could do would be to talk."

“You could give a blowjob under the table.”

“If the chain was long enough.”

“I guess I could drive a screw anchor into the beach and leave you chained to that.”

“What would you do? I mean, would you leave me completely or keep a safe distance and watch?”

“I don’t know. I’d need to think about it. How does the idea make you feel?”


“I should try to find a vaginal plug that has a moisture detector.”

“You and science,” she said, laughing, “You’ll drive me crazy one of these days.”

“There is a piece of research you could do, on the subject of randiness.”

“Go on.”

“Have you seen those guys who walk about the beach in a T-shirt and no pants. Like they were shy about their body but have to show off their cocks.”

“Yeah, they look kind of daft.”

“I have this theory that they are the sort of guy that sends unsolicited dick pick to women they don’t know.”

“And you think I should what? Do I chat them up and ask them, or poll up and say I’m doing a survey — have you ever sent an unsolicited dick pick?”

“I could leave the exact method to you.”

“So you want to leave me at the mercy of the sleaziest guys on the beach.”

For a second Andy hesitated.

“It’s okay love," she said. "I can’t really object can I. Some of them are probably the same kind of guys that I used to blow in the clubs.”

“Dressed the way you are they couldn’t fuck you and if you wore your watch, I could track you and you could call me.”

“Which would be better than the clubs.”

For a second her eyes were downcast and Andy hesitated to say anything. He reached for his bag and while her attention was fixed on the table in front of her, his fingers found the remote control in the bag. Candice looked up with a start as the vibrator in her pussy came to life and seconds later the butt plug did the same thing.

Candice looked surprised, hints of hidden pleasure visible in her face.

“When you imagine chaining me naked on the beach, what goes through your mind?”

“Trying to read what’s happening to you, keeping you safe, looking out for who might be nearby, trying to balance you being turned on with me being worried out of my mind.”

“That’s very devoted of you love, but that’s not what I meant. Are you turned on? Do you feel jealous? Nervous? Disgusted? I mean, what’s in it for you?”

“I don’t know. That sounds stupid, but really I don’t know. You always went on your own.”

“But you said you followed me sometimes.”

“Yeah, but I was only there because I was scared for you.”

“So you were worried? Jealous?”

“No, not jealous. I was desperate for you to be safe. That crowded out everything else.”

For a few seconds, Candice looked confused.

“Love,” Andy said. “You’re asking the right questions, but I don’t know the answers. We need to find the answers while we are here. I promise you I’ll answer one way or another before we go home.”

Andy gave the vibrators an extra buzz.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but it’s fun to see your face.”

“I want you to push me, make me do stuff, not for me to enjoy, even though that’s nice. I want you to put me into things that stretch you, really find out what turns you on and what turns you off. I promise you whatever happens I won’t leave you.”

“Even if I make you do something you don’t like?”

“Whatever love. Whatever, but what would be best is if you make me do things that turn you on.”

"Or the opposite, make you do things that scare me and see how much I can stand."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Rhona watched the surveyor measuring the cellar.

“What do you think?”

“It’s all sound. What do you want to do with it?”

“A sort of general-purpose recreation room. I want it to be dry, warm, and safe to put lighting into. I want to be able to fix things to the walls and maybe hang things from the ceiling.”

“What sort of things?”

“Like in a gym, you know something in the ceiling I can swing from if I feel like it. Would the beams take the weight?”

The man laughed. “Why wouldn’t they?”

“I’m asking you.”

“Do you fall through the floor when you’re walking around upstairs?”


“So the beams take your weight. You’re not planning on walking on the floor upstairs and swinging from the beams down here at the same time, are you?”

“No.” Rhona smiled. “Sorry, dumb question when you put it like that.”

“You might want some lateral reinforcement if you really do plan to swing. I can send you some drawings.”

“Please do.”

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Candice and Andy finished their meal.

“Those clubs you went to,” Andy said. “Did they ever have a glory hole?”

“No, or if they did, then no one told me.”

“There’s a club here that has one.”

“And you think?”

“It would break me in slowly... they couldn’t fuck you, there’s no conversation, no seduction.”

Candice giggled. “There might be no customers.”

“True, but until we know that for sure, I can practice worrying,” Andy said as he led her by the chain. The club was five minutes walk away and when they arrived the glory hole was not occupied.

“How does this work?”

“I’m going chain you to the wall, lock the door and scout around. I’ll buzz you when I find a customer. There may be some who find you without my help.”

Two minutes later Andy turned off the light and shut the door, that was the moment when Candice realised that the chain wasn’t long enough for her to reach the light switch.

“Andy?” she said into the dark, “I can’t reach the light.” There was no reply. Candice sat for a moment staring at the circle of light in front of her, but the light dazzled any night vision she might have had.  

After a moment’s thought, she closed her eyes and wrapped her fingers around the lower rim of the hole, hoping that would be enough of a signal to any interested punter. Turning her face away from the bright light of the hole, she counted to fifty and opened her eyes.

She had started on her knees on the hard floor but she was sure that Andy’s bag with the towels in it was still in the room. Once she had found it she folded the towels to make a cushion. While searching for the bag she also found a box of tissues. What she did not see was her phone, propped on a convenient shelf, busily transmitting to Andy, who smiled when she made her pillow.

Candice, kneeling in the dark, tried to imagine what Andy might say to entice a man towards that hole in front of her. This was so different from her adventures in the clubs. There she’d been the centre of attention and able to manipulate the scene. She could speak, comment on the men nearby, dance, flaunt herself, even loosen her clothes to tease.

This was totally different. The men who came would not know what she looked like, they would not be attracted to her but to the activity. She would know nothing about them, apart from the size and shape of their cocks, what they tasted like, and how fast they came. This wasn’t sex, this was anonymous fornication. Was that the right word? It sounded sufficiently disgusting. What was Andy thinking?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the vibrators springing to life. She’d taken three breaths when a cock appeared on the hole. At the same moment, the door opened and Andy appeared.

“He’s clean,” he said, “I checked.”

He might as well have said ‘get started,’

Candice leant forward, this one had a foreskin, and was a grower. Half erect as it came into view it started to grow as soon as she touched it. She ran her tongue along the underside a couple of times to see what happened. It grew. She moved on to the foreskin, playing with it, her tongue dipping into the hole in the centre as her fingers gripped the shaft, working up and down until she thought it was as big as it was going to get.

She glanced across at Andy, who had switched on the light. She raised her eyebrows, turning her head to one side, questioning, before she pointedly looked at Andy’s cock. The specimen in the hole was bigger, though not by a lot and Andy wasn’t growing.

It didn’t take long. Not a premature ejaculation, but a steady acceleration towards an inevitable climax. Candice could have made it take longer, could have savoured every movement, but didn’t. As she worked she managed to turn her head enough that she could see Andy’s cock. It didn’t move, and he didn’t play with it.

She cleaned the cock when it had stopped spurting, spat into a tissue and watched as it disappeared. She rocked back against on her heels and turned to look at Andy. He pointed with a finger at the hole and another cock came through.

“Oh,” she said, this one was smaller, smaller than Andy. It crossed her mind that maybe Andy didn’t know, but this was a nudist resort, he had to have known.

This cock was amusing, she remembered the small guys from the clubs, the ones she never photographed. She could take this cock in her mouth, completely enveloping it, using her tongue to press it against the roof of her mouth and pretending to swallow. Did the guy imagine his cock being swallowed, disappearing for good? She gently let her teeth close on it, making it impossible for him to withdraw as her tongue milked it as hard as she could.

There was a risk that he might spurt into her lungs, but it was interesting to try to sense the moment when he might come, wondering if she could swallow fast enough. Years ago she’d learned circular breathing to play the clarinet, learning to control the way the air flowed from her nose to her mouth; somehow it all came back together. He came, she swallowed and kept his cock restrained with her lips and teeth, holding him there for a minute as he became exhausted before she let him go. The cock disappeared too fast to see if she’d left marks, but she found herself hoping she had.

“Well?” she said, turning to Andy. “Have you seen enough?”

“If we hang around there may be more, especially if I leave the light on.”

“Is that what you want?”

Before he could answer a cock appeared in the hole. Candice looked at Andy and then at the cock. This one was bigger. She grabbed it with one hand and began gently playing with it while she took Andy’s cock in her other hand.

Working the two in time with each other was interesting, but vaguely pointless. The other guy couldn’t see Andy and had no idea that Andy was in the room with her. Meanwhile, Andy was watching her and not giving anything away.

She gave Andy a final squeeze and concentrated on the big cock in front of her. The thing had grown, this one was circumcised, so getting it in her mouth was uncomplicated and it started to be interesting, but not the wild fun it had been in the clubs. The lack of an audience, the music, the sweat from the body in front of her; there was none of that. This guy must have had a shower before he came out and clearly had a liking for a shower gel Candice had never tasted before.

Some men had no consideration, it tasted awful.

Whatever the good points of this cock might be, and it did have length, girth and rigidity going for it, pulling out and splattering Candice in the eye, along with the fake ‘masculine’ perfume, was the last straw.

The cock withdrew.

“Where the hell has Candy got to?” Candice said. Andy reached across and unlocked the chain, picked up the towels and began gently wiping her face. Candice reached behind him and switched off the light.

A minute later they were sitting in the bar with drinks.

“Weird isn’t it,” Candice said after a minute.

“What’s weird?”

“I can recognise them and they have no idea who I am.”

“You can?”

“You know two of them, so I’ll tell you. The guy over there, with the beer, sitting with another couple. He was number two. Number one isn’t here and number three is getting a drink from the bar, right now.”

“You’re right about number one.”

Candice laughed. “Shall we go and talk to them?”

For a second Andy looked surprised and then realised that Candice was joking.

“It would be stupid,” she said. “The people he’s with might not know what he’s been doing, but actually seeing him makes me feel better. I would really love to know if he has bite marks on his cock.”

Andy took another sip of his drink and gave her a questioning look.

“Go on.”

“I didn’t enjoy it. Could you tell?”

“You gave up after three.”

“Yeah. It felt so dirty.”

“So the 'being used' thing is only part of the story?”

“Mmmm, I only realised while I was doing it. It’s not sucking cocks that I like, it’s not even being made to do it, it’s being made to suck a real man’s cock. A real person is different, they sweat, they make noises, their body moves, they’re real. Those cocks felt unreal, impersonal. I felt dirty.”


“No don’t be, I’d never have found out any other way, and If I’d been taken to a place like that by someone else I might have had to suck a dozen and I’d have felt like a worthless whore... and actually that’s not how I want to think about myself. I like seducing men, men or women actually.”

“So in control actually?”

“Sorry,” she said, “You must think I’m completely mixed up. I like the wild adrenalin when it gets out of control, but I have to start it, I have to set it going, I have to make them want to possess me.”

“So you really want to cheat on me?”

“No, not really, I mean no, not at all, I want you to be proud of having the woman that everyone wants... does that make any sense at all?”

Andy was silent for a moment, covering his confusion with a slow couple of swallows.

“It is sort of cheating,” she said. “Do you suppose they have a whipping room?"

“You want to be whipped?”

“Caned. You promised you’d explain what was wrong with what you did when you were with Mistress.”

Andy leant back in the chair. He took out a pen and drew on a beer mat.

“When scientists are counting things, there’s a well-recognised trick. You do it like this.” He drew four parallel lines in one corner of the mat, and then a diagonal through them. “They call it a five-bar gate. fives are easier to count than ones.”

“And that’s what you did with the cane?”


“So what’s wrong with that?”

“When you read stories about boys being caned at those old public schools, how is it described?”

“Six of the best...Oh, I see, so it should be like this.”

She took the pen and drew five horizontal lines and then a diagonal.

“Not quite.” Andy drew four parallel lines and then a diagonal cross. “If I’d wanted to have a trademark signature, it should have been like that.”

“I want it. Find a whipping room, I want it.”

She looked at him with a determined, tight grin. “Find me an audience.”


“Do it for me and I’ll tell you why afterwards.”

Written by Whitebeard
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