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A Sailor's Tale, chapter Six

"They awaken in a house, another player has entered the scene and wants his share of her"

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Chapter Six


I went to the door to the hall, I hadn’t even tried it before…or had I?   Maybe Charles had unlocked it when the shower came on or something, I’d have sworn we were locked in.   In my bare feet I slipped to the balcony and watched as Sally walked across the room towards my uncle by the fireplace…as Charles turned I realized that he too was enamored with Sally’s body, his cock was just as swollen as the one now filling between my thighs.   I slipped silently down the stairs just as Sally got to Uncle Charles, I knew my uncle had seen my approach but hadn’t said a thing or even really looked my way.   I looked down at Sally’s ass, such firm sweet curves, her bare legs revealed muscles that would be a joy to hold as I thrust my hard eager cock deep into her tight little pussy…I wondered if she would be willing….I knew Uncle Charles and I had both been with a woman more than once…but damn, I wanted her to suck my cock dry, a dilemma for sure….   As I hid behind the oversized statue at one side of the sitting room I listened as they conversed. He said “Hello Sally.” Her reply came in quiet sultry tones “How do you know my name, Charles?” He smiled and said “Oh I know ALL about you.” Even more seductively she asked “And just what do you know?” “I know that you are a very naughty lady” he replied with utter confidence. “And just how do you know that?” She asked as she moved a little closer to give him a good view down her halter top. “Barney told me all about how you begged him to loan you 10,000 dollars to buy a coat…” his smooth words flowed like honey and then added   “…then bought one for $80.00.” I was in shock; the bitch only paid our $80 for a coat she said would be $7,000.   Anger flashed through me, I about came out of hiding to confront her but Charles would take care of this, we had done many things as a team before. “That lying bastard I never agreed that it was a loan I only promised to…to well make him happy, you know satisfy him.  And I did buy the coat; only thing is I found one on SALE a lot cheaper” she said in what seemed to be flustered or frantic tones.   “Look Charles, unless Barney is stupid it should have been obvious that he was paying for sex and not a fucking coat. He coughed up the 10 thousand when I told him I would try and deep throat him.” She stepped up very close to him and looked up at him and asked “Has any woman ever done that for you?” “Well…” Charles stammered “…one woman tried once and could not get it down.” She reached down to feel his cock as she cooed “Well Charles, it is pretty big but, if you would like, I could try.” Until then she had the coat on with the front open to give him a view of her cleavage. She let it drop to the floor. She looked pretty good with the soft light from the fireplace flickering over her body. With muffled grunting sound he asked “What is it going to cost me?” “Nothing Charles, I just want to get even with Barney for running to Uncle Charles. Here is what we will do. I’ll get him down here and get him naked while you hide in the other room. When I have him hot as hell you enter the room and tell him he needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet, besides he would gladly pay 20,000 to have me suck his cock. You tie him to a chair while I take your cock down my throat.” He smiled as he listened to her proposition of revenge, though a bit faulty with Barney standing only ten feet away hidden behind the statue, she did have gusto to her thoughtful plan. “Dear Charles…” she cooed seductively “…I hope that there is some place here in the great room where we can tie Barney up naked with his hands over his head. I want to be able to see his cock while we make love.”   I listened as Sally worked her magic on Charles. ‘Damned old fart would likely do exactly what she asked too’ I thought silently from behind the archaic statue only feet from Sally’s sweet ass…Thoughts of loss, ones of despair that Charles would have her at any price, just as I would have, ‘this girl’s good’ I finally concluded.   I stared at her as her coat, the one she had bought for a paltry 80 bucks from what I had heard, fell to the floor, Charles’s eyes naturally went with it, from face to chest, and from chest to the sweetest mound heaven had ever made, to the long supple legs that should be wrapped around my body. My erection throbbed painfully as I heard her proposal of having me tied up and only allowed to watch as she sucked not me…but Charles.   ‘Fuck’ he thought silently angered.   I caught sight of Charles as he glanced towards the statue making it seem as if he were groaning with the thoughts of having Sally’s lips suck him in, the quick look sent me back up the stairs silently as I caught on to what Charles really wanted… to fuck her just as bad as I did, and he didn’t need company.   I figured, begrudgingly, that if all I got was sloppy seconds it would be alright, and slipped back into the bathroom running the tub full for what I normally did after a catch…Charles needed some time to have his way with poor little Sally, he’d have her sucking him dry and riding his worthy, but not quite as large as Barney’s cock in no time.   I’d have to settle for whatever crumbs Charles allowed me; after all it had been Charles that was getting ripped off.   I settled into the tub for my routine bath and felt my hard on throb as I stroked it to keep it in readiness without bringing myself to climax…just in case it didn’t go down the way I thought likely.   In the mean time Charles replied to Sally as she covered all the details of what she would give and how she would make Barney watch her make love to Uncle Charles. “Sally you are a very naughty girl, but the idea really turns me on, let’s do it.”   She pointed out that she hoped that there was some place in the great room for Barney to be tied up naked with his hands over his head…she made it clear she wanted his cock visible when she made love to Charles.   “Well, tell you what, that statue over there is really heavy, we could tie him to that, he’d have to be standing though…it might be tricky to get him to willingly be tied up.”   He walked over to the statue and circled it, the large art piece was certainly large enough to hide behind, and his lips came to a smile as he spied an even better place.   His head cocked to one side as if listening “he-he, he’s in his second phase of getting the fishy smell off…I can hear the tub filling.   He’s so damned predictable; he’ll be in there for another twenty minutes before he even knows you’re gone.”   He walked back towards her, his eyes feasting on the lush body before him; he chuckled naughtily and said “I probably wouldn’t hold out that long Sally, how about you give me a sampler before we teach him a lesson? On second thought I had best wait, I want to give him a show he’ll never forget with his naughty little girlfriend” and laughed softly as he reached over and patted her butt lightly.   “OK, here’s what you do, go back to the bedroom and be just where you were when he went into the shower…when he comes out of the bath, he’ll most likely be in just a robe, getting him turned on is going to be the easy part, just tease him into coming down stairs and get him to sit on the big sofa here” he said, an almost evil grin coating his face, with an added gesture of his arm towards the piece of furniture sitting freely away from everything facing the fireplace.

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  I figure he’s going to do just about anything you want him to with the prospect of getting a blow job, or whatever else you may have to offer…just be sure he is sitting on it facing the fireplace and he’ll never know what hit him.   I’ll slip in quietly as you do what you have to for distraction and get behind the sofa.”   He moved quickly to a nearby cabinet and produced some cotton twine, jerking at it stoutly he said “this should hold him in place” and moved behind the sofa and doubled the twine for good measure, tucking the twine under the skirt of the sofa to hide it as they walked by.   “He’ll know I would be at work, I’m never home at this hour, and even if he suspects he’s in deep shit over spending so much of his uncle’s money, he’ll still only think of getting some of your sweet….uhm…offers.”   He walked around the sofa and sat in the center of it resting his arms over the low back gracefully.   “You have to get him to have his arms over the back…come here sweetie, see if you can push my arms over the back of this thing if you straddle my hips like you’re teasing me.   Be sure to keep your pants on Sally, or he’ll ram his big ol’ cock into you faster than you can blink.”   She walked over and pushed at Charles’s arms as he guided her to know where they would need to be for him to tie Barney’s wrists quickly enough for the surprise.   Her warm groin pressed against his rigid cock and Charles groaned as his hips involuntarily pressed upwards against her.   She got up and stepped away from his obvious need.   Shaking it off Charles got back up and walked over to Sally, gripped her waist and pulled her in close.   He took a deep nasal breath and let it out really slow saying “Sally, you better be as good as you say, I will get my money’s worth, and he will get an eyeful of just what he missed out on.   I hope you’re ready afterwards…he’s gonna be pissed as hell if he doesn’t get what you promised.”   He glanced at his watch and said “You got the plan down right?   Just be sure you push his arms over the back of the sofa, tell him you want complete control, that can be my cue to tie his arms back there and we can start in on his torture as soon as he’s tied to the statue...oh, you might want to get off him pretty quick if you’ve had to straddle him like you did me.   Now get that pretty little ass of yours upstairs, he’ll be out any minute” as he released her waist and slid his hand over the lush curves of her ass to send her on her way. As she turned to go he whispered “Sally…this is going to be fun, the little brat deserves it for using my money to get a piece of ass.”   Sally made her way upstairs and sat quietly while she waited.   The way she saw it was: I heard the water draining from the tub. I intentionally turned my back to the bathroom and pretended to be looking out the window. Barney walked up behind me and put his arms around me and cupped my breasts. “Oh Barney, I've been waiting for that all week.” I turned to him and we kissed; our tongues in and out of each others mouths as we kissed hungrily. His hand went down felt the thin soft material of my short shorts and the generous lower portion of my ass that was not covered. His cock was getting hard fast. With each beat of his heart it would pulse larger and more erect.

”Barney there is a wonderful room downstairs with a nice fireplace. I want you to fuck me in that wonderful sexy place.”   I chuckled silently and played along “Whatever you want Baby”    Barney thought that finally he was going to get what he had been dreaming of all week. I led Barney down the hall way and down the wide elegant stairway. “Why don't you sit on that lovely couch near the fireplace darling?” Barney agreed and sat on the couch. I pushed the robe off of his shoulders and put my knees on the couch facing him. My boobs were directly in front of his face. Barney started to fondle my breasts while kissing and sucking my nipples. “I'm sorry Barney; you can kiss me but not touch me just yet. For now I want you to put your hands behind you, you want me to take care of you don’t you?” She coaxed his arms behind the couch and giggled teasingly as my heated groin pressed against the throbbing cock I had promised to take orally…maybe even deeply.

Charles appeared out of no where and slipped a rope over Barney's hands. Barney struggled to his feet, sputtering “what the heck are you doing Uncle Charles?”   “You have been behaving like a real baby and tonight I'm going to show you how a real man makes love to a woman” Charles replied coldly.   Barney struggles about but I grab him by the balls and squeeze really hard, and lead or should I say drag him over to the statue where Charles ties his hands in the air. I love it Barney is naked and his arms above his head, and best of all I had a perfect view of his massive cock which for some unknown reason, she giggles at the thought, has gone a little flaccid for the moment.   Viewpoints differ as everyone knows, but I saw it in a totally different way being the recipient of the act of apparent revenge on both their parts.   As I turn off the water and climb from the tub I dried off, step to the doorway into the bedroom and sees Sally standing by the window.   Her coat is off; her halter so skimpy I can see all of her back, the graceful shape of her ass covered only by the sexy white short shorts, lush flesh fills my eyes…again my arousal begins with hope filling my mind and body with desire.   I walk over behind her, slipping my arms around her, my hands at last feel the fullness of her breasts and cup them with trembling caressing fingers working over the thin fabric to twist gently at her nipples.   My breathy voice whispers in her ear “I think my uncle had us kidnapped.   The old fart is probably pissed off that I used some of his money to get you the things you wanted…he should have known I’d pay him back out of my trust fund, but he’s a devious old codger” he concluded as his hands roamed freely over her body, all but the sweet firm petals of her pussy had been properly felt up in short order.   She turned and let me know that she had “waited for that all week” as our mouths crushed to one another, tongues darted into each other’s mouths in a dance of lovers as I got more and more aroused, my cock now all but full, though not yet quite stiff enough to fuck her as I’d like to.   Our lips parted as she spoke of a room down stairs, and wanting to fuck me in front of the fireplace…his brows rose up for a minute before saying “Whatever you want baby” and muttered under his breath “Uncle Charles won’t be home for hours anyway.”   She led the way, her in her skimpy halter top and short shorts…I was only in my robe as we descended the stair…she asked me, no told me to sit on the couch…by now I’d do whatever she wanted to have a chance of her lips or pussy finding my cock’s invasion.   I sat on the couch as she taunted me, she straddled my lap and all but pressed her massive tits against my face, I struggled to lick what flesh I could as my hips rose again and again under the warm sweet loins, my cock was now hard as a rock, a pillar of stone as I had told her it would be.   She pushed the robe off of my shoulders and coaxed me to put my hands over the back of the couch as her hips gave me reason to comply with the sultry warm cunt all but making me cream all over her shorts…as soon as they fell over the back of it my wrists were bound together by some unknown power, I struggled to my feet and turned to see Uncle Charles standing there with a shit eating grin on his face as he began pulling me across the room with the ends of the rope binding my wrists together.   “What the heck are you doing Uncle Charles?” I asked in a panic stricken voice.  
Written by teninchstoryteller
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