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The Reserve: Part 2

"Our runner gets to know one of the guards at the reserve a little more intimately"

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Author's Notes

"This series started as something of dare/bet made out of curiosity. We're only planning a few more stories unless there is significant demand for more of them (which appears unlikely at this time). All parties associated with these stories are amateurs at best, but we do so hope you enjoy these contributions to the community."

My favorite experience? Hmm, that’s a hard one. My mind immediately drifts towards Enko of course. Believe it or not she’s never hunted me in the park. Most nilian types aren’t super big into hunting despite their heritage. She and I tend to spend most of our intimate time out on our balcony which overlooks the reserve. She has quite the penchant for anal sex and we’ve spent many a lovely night up there, her planted in my lap, me reaching around to please her. Both of us are mischievous which has led to a sort of game we like to play. We’ll talk about anything, the park, us, my original home world, even the weather if it suits us. The objective is to distract the other well enough to derail the conversation. As an added bonus we get to bond and learn about each other both physically and mentally. I’ve said it before, but I was very lucky to find her.

Truly, Enko represents so much of what I’ve come to love about my new home, but I suspect your question was more about my favorite encounter INSIDE the reserve. I can’t say for sure that its my favorite, but there is a particular story that comes to mind that is perhaps the most special.

It started, as many of my favorites do, on a lazy day during the off season. There were no events scheduled, only a handful of customers checked in, and no full moon coming for a couple of weeks. During the off season the runners tend to use the extra time to put up new structures, dead drops, and escape options. My absolute favorite was a zipline we added across the river besides the southwest bridge. I have made many an escape using it to cross the river faster than a predator can get to the bridge and cross themselves. The field on the south side of the river is a good place for a runner to be if they want to get spotted and caught, the zipline has helped us mitigate that risk, at least a little bit.

When not working, runners like to spend time in the spa on the south side. The spa is divided by a line that no customer is allowed to cross making it a pred free zone for us to relax in. The larger of the two sections is for customers. Runners of course are allowed in this section, but they run the risk of getting caught by a predator. Additionally, although its uncommon, some predators do bring their prey to the spa to relax with them, or fornicate, these are Mageni after all.

On this day in particular the customer side of the spa was empty save a few succubi that were trying to tempt some of the runners over the line. In a manner of speaking its like hunting for a succubus because in order to catch a man, she has to convince him across the line of his own free will. There can be some magic involved but most of the ones that end up here come to hone their craft, not to practice spell slinging. Any succubi can turn a mans brain to mush with a spell, but it takes an expert to seduce a man on their own, particularly a runner.

I myself have never been particularly fond of succubi. Virtually all Mageni are sexually motivated. Most are incredibly beautiful and many of them are quite interesting characters. Its this last point that tends to turn me off of succubi, I often find them, well, rather one dimensional. Most folks have dreams and ambitions. Even dark hounds, by all accounts some of the most sexually intense Mageni out there, often fantasize about doing something more with their lives than simply mating. As near as I can tell, succubi mostly exist to try and one up each other in some strange conquest to be the most sexually appealing and irresistible succubus to ever live. In short, I find them boring.

I watched, shaking my head back and forth as several runners laid by the edge of one of the hot tubs, practically drooling at the succubi trying to tempt them across the line. I was enjoying my down time in a different hot tub, close to the customer check in. I had been building more structures in our home base and was feeling a bit sore. The hot water felt good. The runner sitting across from me got a strange look on his face while peering over my shoulder.

“Is that… Helasia?” he asked confused.

“Nah,” I said as I started to turn and look myself. “She's off this week I thought.”

Sure enough, I was staring at Helasia’s back. She was talking to the attendant, but I couldn’t make out the conversation. Helasia is a dark hound, and the absolute best guard at the reserve. She’s pulled me and probably every other runner out of a bunch of bad situations, nursed us to health when we needed it, and overall just been a great guard, maybe even a friend. Most dark hounds are completely enslaved to their lustful nature, not Helasia. Despite virtually limitless opportunity, I have never once seen her even TEMPTED to take advantage of a runner when she was on the clock. Having spent a lot of time with dark hounds, we get a lot of them at the reserve, I have come to respect her as a person more than most.

In physical appearance, she’s a textbook dark hound. Midnight black skin, a powerful, sculpted frame, and just shy of about seven feet tall. Her hands end in some wicked claws that are part tool, part weapon. She has large breasts, a curvy backside, and a figure that would attract darn near any man, as most Mageni do. Perhaps most interesting though, are her eyes. A dark hound’s most characteristic feature is a pair bright eyes that come in various colors of red, orange, and yellow. They seem to glow in the most mysterious ways. There’s nothing quite like it in my home world, and I’m forced to conclude that its some form of magic that’s exuded. I’ve also found that the relative brightness seems to correspond to a dark hounds emotional state, most notably their lust, although I’ve noted several encounters that didn’t quite hold true to this principle.

Helasia, for her part, has always had somewhat dim eyes, occasionally flaring during times of emotional expression. Most notably I remember a time when an orc had drunkenly pummeled me nearly to death. I’ve never cared much for orcs and the resulting sub-species, particularly after a bad incident involving one shortly after arriving on this plane. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to have Helasia around than when my ribs were getting crushed by such a belligerent guest. When she got to me I remember seeing her eyes flair brilliant and wild. The glow seemed to extend beyond her body. It was terrifying, but I was so very glad to see her. Today, despite having her back turned, I could just barely make out the distinctive glow in a reflection off some nearby glass, I remember thinking it was odd. Her eyes always appeared almost normal, and they were certainly never detectable from behind.

“Helasia?” I called out from the hot tub. There was no response.

“HELASIA,” I yelled more firmly, still nothing.

I slowly got up out of the hot tub and approached the line that marked the edge of the pred free zone. I looked about cautiously. Besides the succubi down the way, there weren’t any predators in the area. Since a succubus hadn’t convinced me to cross, I figured there wasn’t any danger of getting captured by one if I stepped over the line. Dripping on the floor, I took one more look around, steeled myself, and walked into the lobby.

Nothing seemed to change, I didn’t see any movement to indicate a predator had taken notice of me, the succubi remained where they were, still flirting, and the world seemed all the same. I shrugged and ventured further. As I got just a few feet from Helasia I was able to make out some of the conversation.

“-oom when you have a chance, no rush,” I heard her say cheerfully to the attendant.

“Of course, please-,“ the attendant cut off seeing me approach, I took the opportunity to try again.

“Helasia?” I asked cautiously, my palms up in a questioning stance, still approaching her.

She turned abruptly, the glow of her eyes were definitely uncharacteristically bright and only seeming to brighten after she caught site of me. Before I knew it I was wrapped up in a powerful hug. I had been held by her before, but never hugged, and certainly not like this if I had. She seemed excited, giddy even, I wasn’t sure what to make of it, I’d never seen her like this.

“Just who I was looking for!” she exclaimed excitedly, still hugging me, “I thought I’d find you here.”

“W-what are you doing here? I thought you were off this week,” I stated in confusion, trying to decide if I should return her hug, this was very strange behavior.

“I am!” came the cheery reply followed by a deep breath and a sigh which seemed to pull me further into a warm hug. I found I enjoyed her embrace, it was warm, welcoming, and it just felt… right. I returned the hug and melted into her.

After a moment my brain finally caught up to the situation, and a few things became stunningly clear. The first was that her aura was radiant, I found I had procured an obligatory and unyielding hard on. It occurred to me that I had never felt the presence of her aura, and if I had it was certainly NOTHING like it was right now. The second thing I noticed was that I was STILL wrapped up in a hug. But the piece of information that bludgeoned my mind was her response, she IS off this week. So why is she here? And why would she be at the guest check-in? She said she was looking for me? What in th-… uh… oh. My mind finally locked on to the answer.

“Did, did you just catch me?” I asked, only a little bit alarmed.

She finally broke our embrace and pushed back just enough to look down into my eyes. She kept her hands firmly on my shoulders, it occurred to me I probably couldn’t break away if I tried. Her eyes were bright and huge, but it was the emotion conveyed in those deep orangish yellow eyes staring down at me that struck harder. She was in full lust, it was fascinating, if not completely terrifying. She smiled, beaming down at me.

“I suppose I did! I don’t see what all the fuss is about, it seemed easy enough.”

After being here for as long as I have, I’ve developed quite the reputation. In recent years we’ve found ways to capitalize on some of our more reputable runners with various events and hunting options. But this was back some time before most of that. Even still, I was by far our most notorious runner. In some circles it had even become a sort of right-of-passage to be able to hunt me down specifically, and here I was, caught before check-in.

I stared up at her, disbelieving what I was seeing. I had a lot of respect for Helasia, hell I still do. I consider her our best guard, one of my best friends, and up until this point, I had regarded her strictly platonically.

“So, you came here to hunt ME?” I asked, still not sure what a proper reaction to this situation would entail.

Her expression shifted to look somewhat hurt, but I could tell she was faking it. I’m also sure she knew I knew she was faking.

“What, is Enko the only one here who’s allowed to want you?” she asked mockingly.

Now, it's worth noting that physical relationships work very differently here than they do in my home world. Where I’m from, its very rare for sexual partners to engage in anything promiscuous. As a matter of fact, most relationships are built upon a mutual understanding that sex will be performed exclusively with each other. People in my world are very territorial like that. Most Mageni are different. I’m not saying EVERY Mageni will let her husband lay with another, or even lay with another man herself, but its pretty much the norm here. Maybe there are other realms with Mageni that its not, and other realms with humans where it is, I don’t know, but here, promiscuity is common. Enko is certainly not territorial, hell, she’s the kind of mischievous that goes out of her way to make sure I get caught by customers, or simply encourage me to bed another on a whim. She once slipped me a potion that amplifies our scent making us easier to track without my knowing, maybe more than once.

Helasia knows all of this of course. We’ve spent many a night talking about my home world. She often regards it as rather prudish, which, I suppose by comparison is true. That said, all of this is to say that she was screwing with me, big time. Back to the story.

“W-uh-I…er,” I sighed, exasperated, completely unsure of how to respond.

Had she just said she wanted me? Was I sure this was Helasia? Had I really just been caught? Thoughts continued to swarm in my head.

“Hmm,” came a reply. “You seem flustered, and if I’m being honest, this was a little too easy.”

She stared at me, I wasn’t sure if she expected a reply. I wasn’t entirely sure I was still on the same plane of existence. Maybe I’d fallen through to a new world, I mean, it’s happened before. She gave an exasperated, albeit playful sigh.

“Alright, tell you what, I’m going to finish checking in. I expect I’ll be done in about two minutes. The bellhop is going to take my bags for the week to the room. You have until then to run, try not to disappoint me. I KNOW it can’t be this easy to catch you.”

With that, she pulled her arms off of me and turned back to the attendant. For my part, I was still stunned, trying desperately to understand my situation.

Ok, she’s here to hunt. How strange. Correction, she’s here to hunt ME. I, I should be running now, two minutes she said. With that, I turned and bolted into the park, still processing everything that was going on. A week, did she say she was here for a week? She did, oh dear. Ok, fine, where am I going? Hmm. Crud, my scent, she can find me anywhere in the park, she’s GOOD at it too, I’ll have to start by addressing that. There’s a dead drop across the river by the zipline, should have scent potions, lets start with that. I began running harder towards the river.

I was glad we had addressed the issue of scent in recent months. There are plenty of Mageni with sensitive enough noses to track a man by smell. That’s usually not so much a problem so long as there are other runners around. Most predators weren’t usually interested in a specific man so long as they were able to catch somebody. As one of our faster and more tricky runners, well, it was rarely a problem for me. In stark contrast, I was once hunted by a werewolf who was specifically stalking me. At the time all of my tricks involved pushing a predator onto somebody else’s trail, but that doesn’t work so well when you’ve been singled out. In response to that situation I had come up with de-scenting potions which we kept in various dead drops around the park. The first iteration was a great success, too great, it masked us for almost two days. That seemed a little unfair to me. After some reworking, we finally came up with a solution that masked us for about an hour, give or take.

Two minutes is not a huge head start against any type of werewolf, even a dark hound. Particularly one who’s job typically involves being able to identify and track us on a routine basis. I knew it would be a close call getting to the river before she could catch me. That said, if I could get onto the zipline I’d give myself some extra time to pull ahead. Plus, if I could get a potion in me she’d have to guess where I was going. I certainly wanted to be out of sight before she got across the river. Dark hounds are fast, maybe as fast as regular werewolves, and let me tell you, no man can outrun a werewolf.

A few minutes later I could see the bridge in the distance, and my mind had finally caught up. I liked Helasia, I’ve always admired her discipline, doubly so as a dark hound. Its difficult for most dark hounds to hold down a job on account of their excessively lustful nature. It tends to detract from their ability to focus. Helasia was always the go to counterexample. If I’m being honest, I’ve always had a thing for strong individuals. It was somewhere during that run to the river I finally realized I had always had a thing for Helasia. This was going to be fun.

As I approached the zipline I became aware that something was running behind me. Fuck, that’ll be her. I put more effort towards getting to the jump point. I was lucky, it was set up with the handle bars on the correct side of the river. It wouldn’t have been the first time the trolley hadn’t been returned to the correct side leaving me stranded. I ran up the wooden dock leading to the jump. I was aware she was getting close to me.

Now look, if I’m being honest, I kinda wanted her to catch me, at least at some point. During my run to the river I had thought about how I could evade her for a day or two before “accidentally,” getting caught. It’s not often I find myself in a situation where I actually want to fail. That said, this felt too early. As much as I wanted a chance to be with Helasia, I wanted to live up to my reputation as well.

I leapt onto the bars. Time felt like it was barely moving as I willed the trolley to move faster out onto the water, to safety. I heard the distinctive sounds of claws on wood. Instinctively I began pulling my body up towards the line.

I could practically feel her hands reaching for me. Time was still, the trolley seemed like it was barely moving. I became suddenly aware of a presence behind my back. I felt a hand barely graze my backside. Had I not pulled myself upwards she would have surely gotten enough purchase to pull me from the line. Then there was nothing for what seemed like seconds, minutes even. I felt a slight pressure at my right heel, then nothing again. More time passed, its uncanny how long it felt like I was hovering there.

Then came a splash, but it wasn’t from me, I was still on the zipline. Time came back into focus and I zipped across the river. I chanced a look over my shoulder in time to see Helasia emerging from the water. She didn’t look upset, as a matter of fact, she looked quite happy. The hunt was afoot.

I allowed myself a smirk as I continued across the river. She would have to get back to the bank, run down to the bridge, cross it, and then back over to the other end of the line. By that time I would have crossed, gotten into the dead drop, drank a de-scenting potion, and then headed off who knows where. If I could keep hitting dead drops I could probably hide around some of the more obscure areas of the park. I smiled thinking about how maybe I could keep out of reach for a day, maybe two. It was going to be great, it was going to be-. I froze mid thought as my eyes locked onto my right heel. It was… bleeding.

I had felt a slight pressure just before she fell into the water, I’ll bet she nicked me with a claw. Uh oh. De-scenting potion wouldn’t heal my foot, and even a feint blood trail would be more than enough for her to track me. I needed a de-scenting potion AND a healing potion. That complicated things, we didn’t usually keep healing potions in the dead drops. For that, I’d have to hit our home base, which was a considerable ways east through the woods. Alternatively, most of the guards carried one on their person in case of emergencies. I smirked at the thought of asking the woman pursuing me for a bottle. Then I pondered whether I could get all the way to home base before she tracked me down. It would be close. As I hit the far bank I immediately turned right and began running east. No point in stopping for a potion here, I’d get everything I needed at home base.



I made pretty good time all things considered. Even still, there was no way Helasia would be far behind me. Worse, she of all people would certainly know what my play was. She knew almost every play we had, that was part of what made this whole thing so exciting, and perhaps hopeless. As I approached the base I passed under a spotter tower.

Spotter towers were a solution we came up with somewhat early on that addressed several key problems. Most of them were a simple wooden structure high up in a tree that could be accessed by a counterweight elevator system. We occasionally get runners who are less interested in getting caught by predators than others. The towers were a great solution that enabled them to be in the park, contribute to the experience, but also be reasonably safe from capture. Even if spotted, MOST Mageni couldn’t hope to scale a tall tree to retrieve their prize. MOST. We tend to put them in locations where we either like to congregate, or where food drops are located.

Food drops are one of the methods we use to stack the deck in favor of customers catching a runner. Food is brought and placed by park staff at specific locations on a published schedule. Its considered relatively high risk to get food from these locations, but we do it routinely. A man has to eat after all.

As I ran under the tower the runner manning it whistled to me. Two low notes and a high note, our universal code to ask if a predator was present or, in the case of returning the call, indicating that there was no predator we could see. It’s a simple but effective system that usually goes unnoticed by predators. USUALLY. There have been a couple instances where a customer actually figured out what we were doing and used it to their advantage. Its all a part of the game. In this case, I didn’t bother to whistle in return. Me running was clue enough, plus, she wouldn’t be interested in him. Even if she was, dark hounds aren’t really one of the species that can climb well enough to get to where he was. A lamia might be a different story.

I ran up one of the ramps that connected to a series of bridges linking several of our buildings. This area is by far the most built up as its furthest away from the guest quarters. The third treehouse up the ramp contained a cabinet full of goodies, including the two potions I needed. About the time I made the cabin I heard the towerman outside whistle. Two highs and a low, he had spotted a predator, Helasia was coming into the camp.

I opened the cabinet and downed the two potions tossing the empty jars onto the counter. My options were limited. One side of the treehouse led back out to the bridges connecting the other structures. If I ran that way I had several options, but I would almost certainly be spotted, and probably chased down. The other side of the house had two swing vines tucked up on a ledge for quick escapes. The orientation of the hut even made it such that I could PROBABLY swing away on one without being noticed, but she would almost certainly see the missing vine and put together where I went. If she managed to get a visual on me and get to the ground before I could disappear into the forest, well, that wasn’t looking good either. I looked back at the counter.

I had helped build these structures, Helasia had not, none of the guards had, why would they, they weren’t for them. The way we had mounted this particular house to the trees made it look like the corner of the counter ended in a tree trunk, but there was actually a small nook if you crawled under the counter that could get a decently sized man completely hidden from view behind the trunk, but under the counter. As I heard claws running up the ramps below I formulated a plan.

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I quickly undid one of the swinging vines and tossed it over the edge. Then, I quietly moved under the counter and crawled behind the tree trunk. It was cramped, but I was completely hidden from view.

Not but a few moments after I had hid I heard Helasia come running into the hut, her claws grinding her to a halt on the wooden floor. My heart beat hard in my chest, but I didn’t move. I could hear her moving about the cabin, investigating the scene. She was trying to get a lock onto my scent, continually testing the air and moving around. I had intentionally left the jars for her to find, that way she’d know she could no longer track me by scent, at least until the de-scenting potion wore off in an hour or so. By that point I could be anywhere in park, she’d have to get a visual on me soon if she hoped to track me.

I heard her move towards the swinging vines next. I half expected her to grip the second one and swing down to the ground in an attempt to pursue me, but she didn’t. She seemed to pause, considering her options. Then she did something unexpected, she turned around and faced into the cabin again.

“I know you’re in here,” she spoke in a calm, sultry voice that sounded quite confident in her statement.

“If you come out now, I PROMISE not to break you this week,” she offered seductively, trying to coax me from wherever I hid.

I wasn’t sure if she actually knew I was still in the cabin or if this was a bluff. Either way, I didn’t want to just give myself up. Maybe I’d pay for it, but I was gonna make her EARN catching me. I remained quiet, trying desperately to control my breathing. Her threats continued, its all a part of the game.

“You know, I HAD planned to fuck you until you passed out. I know how hard that is to do supposedly, but I bet I can do it. If you come out now, I’ll just make you WISH you would pass out.”

Now that one almost made me do it. This woman knew me, still knows me, and definitely was using her knowledge to try and oust me. It was still a part of the game, but I believed her. I definitely don’t pass out easily from sexual exertion, whether or not that’s a good thing is up for interpretation. Suffice it to say however, if I’m getting close to that point, it’s been one hell of a ride. Furthermore, I had no doubts that Helasia could probably deliver on that threat. As tempting as it was, I wasn’t convinced she actually knew I was still there, I figured this was a bluff and held my ground.

“Fine,” came a cool but more hardened voice, “then I guess I’ll just have to be merciless then. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.”

I steeled my resolve and kept quiet. If she knew I was here, well, I was gonna make her get me, regardless of her threats.

“Last chance,” came her voice, this time it sounded almost like she was pleading. “Come out now and maybe I don’t tie you to the bed.”

That one almost made me laugh, which would have been a strange way to get caught. I have something of a fetish for bondage, she knows this. She probably also knew how tempting it was to reveal myself to chastise her, it almost worked too. Despite what many may think, Helasia, and really dark hounds in general, aren’t dumb, just task oriented, and there’s only one task most dark hounds are interested in. That said, they can really be quite clever when they apply themselves. I was proud of myself, I stayed quiet, and waited for her to either grab me or leave.

After about another minute I heard her sigh, sounding somewhat defeated. She trotted out of the cabin solemnly, albeit more quietly than I would have anticipated.

Was she gone? Had I won this round? I stayed put, straining my ears for clues. I heard subtle thud mid way down the counter. Was that her? Could the tree house have shifted a bit? I wasn’t sure.

Moments later there was the snap of a twig in the distance. Had she moved on? Was she on the ground pursuing a phantom? I stayed still for several more minutes.

Roughly five minutes later I was starting to get sore. It had been quiet, and I decided it was time to move. I pulled myself from behind the tree as quietly as I could, but stayed under the counter. I didn’t think it would really help me, but it felt safer somehow. The floor of the cabin was empty, and I slowly began to crawl out on my hands and knees. I got near the center and looked out the door, there was nothing. I let a subtle grin creep onto my face as I slowly stood up, feeling victorious.

With a somewhat smug expression, I decided that I’d be nice and put up the empty bottles from the potions I had downed. I turned towards where I had placed them and my heart felt like it stopped. There, sitting on the counter, was Helasia. She was in a very characteristic dark hound pouncing stance with a big Cheshire grin stretched across her face. It reminded of a photo I’d seen in an encyclopedia once.

I tried to run, I really did, but she was ready for me. She pounced on me, and just like that, the chase was over.

“Gotcha,” she whispered into my ear, pinning me to the ground with a victorious smile.

“How th-,” I started before she landed a kiss on my mouth, cutting me off.

Before today I had never really even been hugged by Helasia, let alone kissed by her. It felt warm, and right, and long overdue. Her tongue explored my mouth and mine hers, albeit with much less competence. My tongue has always been a weakness. Her aura was strong, the fire from her eyes gazed piercingly down upon me further amplifying the lustful effects of her aura on me. Her hand came up off my shoulder to brush against my cheek. Normally at this stage of the hunt is when I feel the most threatened and uncertain, but this felt safe, kind, and just plain wonderful.

She pulled her face from mine and stared down at her prize. After a capture, most Mageni will move their prey to whatever room they’ve booked. Dark hounds on the other hand are one of a few species that prefer to take their prey immediately upon capture. I honestly expected Helasia, being who she is, to take me back to her room. She did not. With a smile and a set of competent claws she tore the tunic I was wearing right off, leaving me naked and exposed on the floor. I was hard, lustful even. With a quick series of movements she removed the scant few items she herself was wearing and stared once more back at her prize.

Like most Mageni, Helasia was beautiful. Her dark black skin ran seamlessly into various patches of identically colored fur. Her large breasts were spread out before me, begging for attention. Her eyes, god I love her eyes. The orangish yellow hues stared down at me with that brilliant glow, they were as bright as I’ve ever seen them.

My usual method for handling these encounters is to conserve my energy and contribute as little as possible. That may sound somewhat selfish to someone from my world but I promise you, if a Mageni has you under their care, they WILL make do. Your job as the male in most cases is to simply stay awake long enough for them to enjoy the experience. Even then, the strength of a lustful Mageni’s aura can keep a man hard even when he’s completely unconscious. All of that said, this was different. I didn’t just want this woman to enjoy me, I wanted her to enjoy ALL of me, mind, body, and soul. Helasia is important to me, maybe not as much as Enko, but firmly the second most important person to me in my new life. I didn’t just want her to have a good time, I wanted her to have the time of her life, and maybe mine too. Never have I found a way for two people to lose themselves in ecstasy like they can when combining the physical and the emotional, and this felt as emotional as it did physical.

She moved herself into position and gently lowered herself on to me. She exhaled slowly, hotly, never breaking eye contact. I moved my hands to her hips, slowly feeling around her curves, taking it all in. I felt a pressure building behind my eyes, was I fighting back tears? I let out a deep sigh as she sank further on to me, our hips joining one another for the first time. I smiled up at her and she beamed back at me. Her breasts looked starved for attention, I reached up to fondle them. She let out a subtle moan and bit her lip as I did so. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back. She began to grind.

I wasn’t sure if she intended to ride me to unconsciousness here in the tree house, and I didn’t care. I did my best to move my hips in rhythm with her movements. Sex is sex, and there’s a pretty simple formula to it, but making love is different. There’s a connection you feel with the right partner. You begin to feel what the other one feels, and adapt yourself to make them feel even better. As much as its lustful, its also selfless, your purpose becomes their pleasure, and vice versa. I don’t know that I can really tell you everything that we did. I wasn’t really thinking about it, I was just feeling it as we went. Wolf type Mageni are high in empathy, and that’s great, but Helasia and I have chemistry, and there’s just no amount of words or expressions that can capture the intensity of such a thing.

Hours rolled by, day became night, and the more exhausted I felt the more I fought to keep going. Eventually, I was spent. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to keep going, and Helasia was clearly enjoying my contributions, but I’m only human. Now I began to worry whether she would let up before I passed out. Even as exhausted as I was I could feel myself remaining hard. Orgasms were still being ripped from body as she continued to ride me. The aura of a Mageni is a powerful thing, doubly so for dark hounds, triply so I suspect for those that repress their nature like Helasia.

I’ve been told that Mageni can feed off of a man’s semen. Its not a concept I’ve quite wrapped my head all the way around, but there isn’t much mess to clean up even after such a long session with a Mageni, their bodies seem to absorb everything quite greedily. Still, even Helasia was looking SOMEWHAT satisfied. Much to my relief, she eventually slowed, and then stopped.

We laid on the floor together for several minutes, her body draped across mine. Both of us were breathing hard, although me much more so. She picked her head up and brushed her nose against mine, smiling with her eyes closed as she did so.

“C’mon, I’ll carry you back to the room,” she offered, slowly getting to her feet.

For my part, I just laid there, breathing rather hard. I was covered in a layer of sweat, and I felt like I had expelled every ounce of strength my body had to offer.

“Ok,” I managed between breaths.

With that, she leaned over and plucked me straight off the floor. Her strength never ceases to amaze me. She turned to walk out of the cabin. Our session had garnered some attention from several runners that had returned to the camp. In almost any other situation they would most certainly have turned away until it was safer, but given who the pair of us were, well, I’d probably have been curious too. As she walked by, nude and carrying my also naked body, she turned to the closest of the runners looking on.

“Bring my clothes to my room,” she demanded of him, “or I’m coming for YOU next.”

He gulped and looked at me wrapped up in her arms. I was completely spent. That takes a lot, and I’m sure he knew that. I imagine the scene probably scared the hell out of him. A gentle smirk formed on my face as he turned to move into the cabin and retrieve her clothes. She continued towards the end of the bridge.

“Uh, Hel-Helasia,” came a rather timid voice from the cabin.

She turned to stare back at the man looking somewhat unamused. Her eyebrows raised asking what he wanted without ever saying a word.

“Do, do you- his tunic?” he asked, nervously gesturing to the pile of scraps that were once my clothes.

“-or, or maybe a new one?”

Helasia looked down to regard me, I stared somewhat absent mindedly back at her. Then she turned back towards him.

“No, I don’t think he’s going to need clothes for a while,” she stated firmly before turning back to walk down the ramp.

With that, the man picked up her clothes and followed behind us the whole way across the reserve to the room. I smirked the whole way there. Never, not once had I ever seen a runner follow a predator like that. If I hadn’t been so exhausted, I would have probably laughed.



The next morning I was surprised to wake up in an honest to goodness bed in one of our luxury rooms. I was even further surprised to find that I was in the nicest room we offer at the reserve. Its got all sorts of features, including hot running water for showers and baths. It’s one of the few offerings that isn’t budget friendly, Helasia was really treating herself this week. I looked about and realized Helasia was already up, staring out the window enjoying one of the better views one can find out here. She was still naked, come to think of it, so was I. She heard me stirring and turned to regard me.

“Good morning lover!” she said cheerily, a bright smile upon her face, “I was worried you’d never wake up.”

I started to get up, only to realize I was still drained after a long night of being ridden.

“I feel like maybe I should stay down.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” she asked, only mildly concerned. She knew me well enough to know I was fine.

“Hmph, It takes more than a couple hours of gentle love making to hurt me,” I teased, almost immediately regretting my words.

She smirked devilishly, and my concern for my well being grew. I knew she wouldn’t hurt me, but I also firmly recalled her threat to ride me to unconsciousness, and I was probably still hers for the rest of the week. I wasn’t doing myself any favors poking fun at HER stamina.

“Oh, I know it does. But don’t worry, we’ll find your limit,” she replied, her eyes squinting as she looked at me.

“But we’ve got time before that, and breakfast should just about be here!” she stated, returning to a more upbeat attitude.

Sure enough, breakfast showed up shortly afterward. Helasia knew all of my favorites. She was really sparing no expense this trip. The real shock however, was that Enko delivered the meal.

“Morning love!” Enko offered as I opened the door, feeling somewhat confused.

We have staff that deliver meals, place food at the drops, and whatever else needs doing. Not that we’re never understaffed, and not that Enko herself won’t fulfill some of these roles as needed, but it struck me as unlikely that she would just happen to be the one bringing us breakfast. That woman is mischievous, and I suspected something immediately.

Sprawling the meal out before us Enko turned to Helasia and produced three small glass bottles. I couldn’t quite make out what they were from where I sat, but I figured it could only mean trouble for me. With that, Enko turned to leave giving me a knowing wink and a kiss as she walked out the door smirking.

“Have fun sweetie!” she said in a blatantly mischievous manner.

I didn’t know what these two were up to, but decided I’d find out soon enough, and began to chow down on breakfast. After the meal, relieving myself, and a hot shower with Helasia, I figured it was time to ask about the potions.

“Alright,” I said, staring at her “what are you and Enko up to?”

Helasia walked over to the bed and sat down, looking at me. Then she moved the pillows around to reveal two leather restraints at the top corners of the bed. I quickly deduced there were probably a similar set at the feet. She gently tapped the bed with her hand gesturing me to sit down.

“Trade ya,” she teased, smirking at me. “Your arms for some information.”

I tried not to let my excitement show as I pondered it. She knew I liked bondage play, all the more reason this felt like a trap. That said, I figured I was getting strapped down whether I volunteered myself or not. Better to get some info up front I figured.

“Ok, I’ll play your game,” I stated walking coolly over to the bed.

I sat down and offered an arm to Helasia. She took it and buckled me in to the leather strap at the corner. With one hand free I could undo the straps, but if the other was wrapped up to I’d be completely unable to wriggle free.

“Alright,” I said, “talk to me.”

“Mmm, uh uh, I said ARMS, not arm,” came the reply.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I leaned back on to the bed placing my free arm by the second strap. Looking very predatorial, she came striding up and locked my other arm in place. I was stuck here, for as long as she decided to keep me like this. It was kinda hot.

“So,” she said teasingly, getting up and walking towards my feet, “I have with me a rather unique set of potions.”

She produced the first of the three jars Enko had left, placing it into my view. I recognized it as a strong vitality enhancement potion. The sort of thing a marathon runner might take before a long run. It’s excellent at keeping the body hydrated for long periods of time, days even. It also helps stabilize the body against a lack of nutrients, like if you haven’t eaten in a while, or you’ve ejaculated them all out.

“Drink,” she demanded, placing the bottle to my lips.

I gulped, and then drank. I was apparently not going anywhere for a while, oh dear.

“So, what are the other two?” I asked getting concerned.

“Uh uh,” she chastised, “feet first.”

I was already pretty well locked down, so I shrugged and offered my feet without a fight. After locking me in place she showed me the second bottle. It was expensive. Not to mention the sort of thing only a master craftsman could make… like Enko. Fuck. The contents were a derivative of lamia venom that dulled the effectiveness, but elongated the release time of the venom. Lamia don’t produce as strong an aura as other species to ensure the men they mate with remain hard. Instead, they produce a venom that works in conjunction with their aura. In general, the stronger the venom the weaker the aura, although there are plenty of counterexamples to this rule. Undoubtedly, the venom used in this concoction was derived from a strong venom.

The idea behind the brew is that as the aura of a Mageni begins to die down, the slow release venom will pick up the slack, ensuring a male stays erect, charged, and begging to cum. I was beginning to worry even more. How long was I going to be on this bed? How long did she think SHE could go? Was she planning on bringing in more Mageni?

She placed the bottle to my lips. I hesitated, and she looked me in the eye.

“Drink, or I make this worse for you,” she threatened, and I believed her.

I drank, it would be some time before I started feeling the effects. Not that I needed it right now, Helasia’s aura seemed like it was on fire. The whole situation was thrilling, yet terrifying. I knew I was in for the ride of my life.

“Whats the third potion?” I asked hesitantly, not sure if I really wanted the answer.

She smirked.

“Oh, this one’s for me,” she said gulping down the final one for herself.

It took me a moment, but I finally realized what it was. Not far from here, deep in Mageni territory, there’s a sort of lab that runs experiments on extending the stamina of humans and Mageni alike. Somewhat recently, they had come up with a clever brew that worked to constantly revitalize dark hounds. In the trials just prior to release they had found subjects were able to mate continuously for upwards of twenty-four hours. The record was just over thirty-one hours.

Thirty-one hours I thought to myself. No… fucking… way.

My concerns must have been easy to read upon my face, Helasia suddenly changed character. She looked at me with concern, the brilliance of her eyes dying down.

“Is, is this too much?” she asked earnestly.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t particularly keen on the idea of being copulated unconscious. I don’t feint easily from intercourse, and the few times I have there’s usually additional factors, like being tired to start, or being the sole captive to a large group and getting passed off several times. As I thought about it, this wasn’t really one of those situations. I was well rested, and the potions I had consumed would ensure that I maintained peak physical condition for as long as my body could take it. In a similar manner, Helasia was herself well rested and primed. Really, what we were looking at was a contest between man and dark hound. That sounds pretty one sided, but if ever I was going to find my limits, my actual physical limits, this was probably it. The scientist in me was curious now. To boot, I could do far worse for a partner. If ever I was going to have my limitations run down by a dark hound, well, I WANTED it to be Helasia.

I looked up at her, my entire thought process flowing through my facial expressions. She looked at me thoughtfully and I gave her a gentle smile.

“No,” I said gently shaking my head, “if its going to be anyone, I want it to be you.”

That did it. In a moments notice the flair of her eyes burned bright, her aura seemed to sear itself into my body causing an instant reaction. She smiled gently down at me, and proceeded to shift her expression into that of a predator who had just caught its prey. Oh, I was in trouble, but I’m still not sure who was more to blame.



It’s a hell of a thing, particularly for a man from where I’m from, to not only experience multiple sequential orgasms, but do so for more than a day straight… I could have probably filled a lab with all the chemicals swimming in my brain by the end of it.

We had started in the mid morning after breakfast. I know that much. I also distinctly recall the sun coming up the next morning. Other than that, I don’t have much reference for how long I lasted. Helasia, no doubt taking cues from my darling, mischievous Enko, refuses to tell me when I finally blacked out, or even when she stopped for that matter. I suspect she made it just shy of thirty-ish hours. I also suspect she was upset she couldn’t break the record. Either way, she continues to tease me that if I want to know, well, we’ll just have to do it again. Damn that woman. Both of them.



The rest of the week was pretty tame by comparison. We’d sleep, eat, shower, walk about the park, and of course make love whenever the mood set in. For a dark hound, that’s often. Even still, she took it pretty easy on me after that day. To this day its fascinating to me how easily Mageni are able to omit the refractory period in men on this plane. It feels like it ought to violate some fundamental principle of the universe. It also feels like it violates me, a lot. The trade-offs of magic I suppose.

After that week things went pretty much back to normal. Helasia is still my favorite guard. When she’s on duty you’d have no idea the connection we’ve shared, or the passion that lays behind those eyes. That woman is the epitome of discipline, especially for a dark hound. Me being me, I’ve turned it into something of a game. When I see her on duty I’ll often give her wink, a look, anything I can to elicit a reaction. Most of the time she brushes it right off. But sometimes… a tight smirk, a faint blush, or even the slightest of a jump in the flair of her eyes tells me, she can feel it, whether she shows it or not. Enko isn’t the only mischievous one around here, and I’m so very glad to have both her and Helasia in my new life.



Written by TedLancer
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