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Serpentine Destiny

"Aris journeys to Greece to seek out his roots, and finds far more than expected."

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Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise.  All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind.

It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college.  The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d visited recognizing his passion for archaeology and attention to detail.  Being allowed to assist with sifting excavated material had been a dream come true.  Actually finding something had been more akin to a miracle.

The coin was poorly struck and even more poorly preserved, and thus of little historical or intrinsic value.  Still, he was the first person in thousands of years to see it, and touch it.  It was a connection to his heritage and ancestors he wouldn’t soon forget, and had only strengthened his desire to enter the field.

He stepped closer to the edge of the jagged cliff, feeling the wind blow through his closely cropped, dark hair.  Below, he could see the waves lapping against a thin strip of beach.  Then, something caught his attention.  There was a natural path winding its way down the face of the cliff to the water below.  The footing wouldn’t be ideal, but it was manageable.

The next thing he knew, he was on his way down.  His head felt muddled, and he certainly didn’t remember making any decision to climb down the cliff.  A desire – or rather a compulsion – kept him picking his way over the rocks.  Fear and confusion mingled with the need to reach the water, but the last held him as though in a serpent’s coils, and the former faded into a fog gathering in his mind.

When he reached the sand, he began removing his clothing, feeling all the more disconnected from his body by the moment.  Every article fell negligently at his feet, until he stood nude by the water.  Then he waded in and dived, moving toward the rocks to his right.

Some part of him knew he should be afraid when his lungs started to ache, but still he swam on.  His vision dimmed.  His lungs burned.  In the moment before darkness consumed him, he saw the breathtakingly beautiful face of a woman, and then knew no more.

The same face framed by red hair greeted him when the world once more faded into view.  She was stunning – exquisite.  Desire like nothing he’d ever seen before filled her eyes, and she was nude.

Her breasts were enormous.  Breasts that large were simply not perky, but these were.  They rode high and proud on her chest, and her nipples were stiff with arousal.  He reached out to caress them, and knew undoubtedly that they were real.  Though firm, they didn’t have the stiff, unyielding feel of silicone enhancements that he was quite familiar with.

She moaned and pulled him toward her.  He didn’t hesitate in the slightest to take her nipple between his lips.  He suckled and teased it with his tongue while her hands caressed him.  One of her hands glided over his back, tracing the contours of his muscles, while the other slowly stroked his very hard cock, making it throb in anticipation.

Something else stroked his back, just above his buttocks.  It was warm, dry and scaly, as was his seat.  He glanced down, and rather than being scared out of his wits as he should be by the red scaled coils, he was barely curious.  He had just enough interest to look and see where the woman’s soft skin was replaced by those scales, just below where her absent naval should have been.

A disapproving moan was all it took for him to focus his attention back on her impossible tits.

She moaned and cooed in wordless encouragement, her coils undulating beneath him as he increased his efforts.  She slowly reclined onto an enormous pile of pillows and cushions, and he eagerly followed, never releasing her nipple from his lips.  The hands that caressed him also guided him, and he soon straddled her serpentine tail.

She threw her head back and gasped when he sucked her nipple hard, massaging it with his lips and flicking it with his tongue.  He released it a moment later and sought out its twin, but she stopped him with a push on his chest.  For such a dainty arm, she had remarkable strength, and easily pushed him upright, preventing him from returning to her breasts.

Once he sat up straight, straddling her tail, the hand on his chest glided down between his legs.  Her other hand moved behind him, tugging forward, and he looked down to see something happening near the tip of his manhood.  Scales pushed outward, and something blossomed from between them, quickly expanding to hide the ruddy scales.  Though it was round, and shaped nothing like a pussy, there was no mistaking the pink folds before him as anything else.  She had little trouble encouraging him to aim his manhood at the glistening center.

A great hiss escaped her when he leaned over and sank inside her.  She was tight, hot, and oh-so slippery around him.  He pulled back to thrust again the moment his balls touched the velvety blossom surrounding her opening, and felt something amazing.  Her canal contracted in progressive waves, feeling very much as though it was attempting to swallow him.

He fought against the pull to withdraw to the tip, and drove his cock home, this time assisted by her walls pulling him deep.  He thrust again, already feeling the first tickles of an approaching orgasm from the way her canal was milking his erection.  She stared up at him – her eyes unblinking and afire with passion.  Hisses, gasps, and whimpers of pleasure tumbled from her full, pouty lips with every powerful thrust.

He could feel the muscles beneath her scaly tail quiver every time he slammed his cock home.  Every so often, he would see the tip of that tail lash about in his peripheral vision.  Her upper, human body began to thrash as much as her tail.  All the while, her slippery canal gulped his deep-diving cock.

Though he had always prided himself for sexual stamina, Aris rushed headlong toward an explosion in less than a minute.  There was no holding it back, and he surrendered to the inevitable.

But the inevitable did not come.

He found himself trapped in that excruciating moment of ecstasy just before orgasm, unable to escape it.  He pounded his cock home with all his strength and speed, seeking relief, and ignoring her scales biting into his legs.  Grunts and growls exploded from his lungs, mingling in a discordant cacophony with her increasingly loud cries.   Still, he remained torturously perched on the brink, his body beading with sweat for thrust after thrust after thrust, until finally, he tumbled over the edge.

Aris loosed a guttural, primal yell of relief as the first blast of cum erupted into her depths.  At that same moment, he saw her eyes widen.  She threw her head back and loosed a screech of such volume and pitch that the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.  Her canal closed around him, holding him inside her, yet continued to pulse with muscular waves.

His cum surged up with ferocious energy, and caused him to scream with every ejaculation.  Her hands snapped to his back, and he cried out again when her nails dug into his flesh.  The body beneath him – both soft and serpentine – bucked chaotically with her throes.  The tip of her tail whipped around his neck and constricted, causing spots to dance before his eyes.

Yet he was still coming.

As darkness closed in on his vision, he saw the hazy image of another woman.  She reached out, laid her hand on the fire-haired woman’s forehead, and spoke to her in a language full of hisses and harsh consonants.  The coil around his neck slipped away, and he sucked air into his starved lungs before collapsing with his head resting on the heaving breasts below him.

Strong, but soft hands slipped beneath him and lifted him as if he weighed no more than a child.  The satiny prison around his cock resisted its escape, and he let out a weak, gurgling cry as he slipped out.  The opening of her cloaca immediately puckered inward, but remained engorged and quivering above her scales.

The other woman turned him upright in her arms as easily as she’d lifted him.  A sibilant whisper and a wave of her hand caused chills to race through him.  The burning gouges in his back cooled.  The pain in his chafed neck, thighs, and knees likewise faded.  Then he was resting on a second pile of pillows and cushions, facing the woman he’d just coupled with.

She writhed, still caught in the aftershocks of her orgasm, her tail cracking like a whip.  He trembled with his own aftershock when he saw the sweet agony writ large in her flushed face, and knew that he had caused it.

A shift in the pillows, a moan, and the soft hand caressing his side caused him to roll over onto his back.  There, lying next to him, was a woman who was even more heart-stoppingly beautiful than the first.  Her breasts were even larger, and defied gravity as well.  Her hair and the scales of her serpentine lower half were a brilliant emerald in color.

Her voice deep, sensual, and seductive in the extreme, she said, “The mating of man has changed in these many years.  You take pleasure from her pleasure.”

The fog that had clouded his mind from the moment he looked over the cliff seemed to have partially burned away in the heat of his climax and he thought, They’re Lamias.  That’s impossible.

“Lamias,” she repeated as though he’d spoken the thought.  “It is different from the names man called us by in the past, but not unpleasing.”

Though fear was returning along with his senses, a surge of curiosity accompanied it as well.  He trembled, not sure what to do.

“Be calm,” she said, and cupped his cheek in her hand.  Like magic – which he thought it might very well be – his fear retreated, leaving behind the curiosity.

“Your blood resists my magic,” she said when his trembles subsided.  “I suspected it might be so.”

“Where am I?” he asked, his eyes darting about.  As best as he could tell, he was within a natural cavern with an unusually smooth floor, lit by sources unseen.

“Our lair.  Our lonely prison for oh so long,” she pouted.  “It opens beneath the sea where you swam.”

And what do you want with me? he thought, only to remember that she appeared to be able to hear such musing.

Her smile confirmed as much.  “Fear not.  We will not imprison you or devour you.  Our kind learned this lesson through much pain and loss eons ago, long before my sister and I came to be.  What we want of you, you have already given my sister.”

Aris sucked in a sharp breath through his nose when his muscles tightened and his sensitive cock ached in protest at the memory of his orgasm.  Even the pain she had caused him paled in comparison to that.

“I will speak no more of that until you have regained your strength,” she said.  “How are you called?”

“Aris.  Aris Sifakis,” he answered.

“It suits you,” she said.  “You may call me Tiassa, and my sister is Alissa.  So, Aris, the world has forgotten us?  Thinks us unreal?”

He nodded and said, “You’re just legends.  Myths.  Are any of the others real?”

“Which others?” she asked.

The first thing that popped into his head was, “Medusa?”

Tiassa’s eyes hardened.  “Yes, the queen of the Gorgons was very real.  Our peoples were not fond of each other.”

“Sorry,” he apologized.

She waved a dismissive hand.  “It was so very long ago.  They may have all perished, as so many of our people did.”  She heard his errant thought and answered it as well.  “Yes, the Gorgons could turn men to stone with their gaze.”

Intrigued, he asked, “Nymphs?”

She chuckled.  “Yes, they were everywhere.  Men did not fear them as they did us – at least not at first.  In time, they were treated little better than our people, and man ravaged their lands as their number grew.”

“What about Minotaurs?” he asked.

“Few, but very real.  And rude.  And smelly.”

He found himself smiling at her jovial tone.  Having exhausted all the creatures he could think of that had Greek connections, he ranged farther afield.  “What about Bigfoot?  Maybe Sasquatch, or Yeti?”

“I see that of which you speak in your thoughts,” Tiassa said.  “Yes, they were gentle, solitary creatures.  Once there were many, but man pushed them into harsh lands where only the strongest and most wary survived.”

Aris heard the harsh, hissing language Tiassa had spoken coming from behind him.  He glanced that way to see Alissa lounging on her cushions, caressing her breasts in the afterglow of her orgasm – her tail languidly waving at her side.

“Do not be rude, sister.  Speak in his tongue.”

Alissa sighed and said, “It asks many questions.”  Her voice was slightly higher than her sister’s, but no less sensual.

“He,” Tiassa corrected.

He asks many questions,” Alissa repeated.  “He gives much pleasure, though.  You should stop talking and take your turn, or I may take another.”

Aris felt his face warm when he saw the mixture of satisfaction and growing hunger for more in the redheaded Lamia’s eyes.

Tiassa said, “He needs time to recover, sister.  I know it has been long, but surely you remember this.”

“Too long,” Alissa muttered.

“So many years we waited,” Tiassa said.  When he turned back to her, she caressed his cheek.

That prompted him to ask, “Why me?  I mean, the beach where I was isn’t a tourist trap, but it’s not remote.  Surely other people must have been here.”

“Because you are of our blood,” she answered.

His eyebrows lifting, he asked, “Huh?”

Tiassa chuckled.  “There have been couplings between our people and man.  Though they were rare, the product of these couplings increased over time.  When a child was born from one of your females and one of our males, it would look like a man, but carry our blood.  You have come from two who carry our blood, and it is yours as well.”

“You’re saying I’m part Lamia?”

She nodded.  “Your females pursue you, do they not?”

It was true.  From the moment he had realized there was something interesting about girls, he had no trouble exploring those interesting things.  He’d also developed a whole host of excuses to beg off from the advances of women he didn’t find attractive.

“That is our blood.  It is how our magic manifests in those who walk as a man.”

“So, I charmed them?  They didn’t have any choice?” he asked, feeling a little sick at his stomach.

“Much has indeed changed with the mating of man if this disturbs you,” Tiassa said, a smile brightening her already stunning features.  “Fear not.  The charm awakens their desire, but does not compel them.  Women lay with you because they wish to, and because you seek their pleasure as well.”  She shivered and said, “I see that so strongly in your thoughts.”

It was impossible not to see the spark of desire light up in her eyes as she spoke.  There was no ignoring the stiffening of her nipples, either.  When he glanced down, he saw the telltale parting of her emerald scales, and a hint of wet pink between them.  With the fog in his head gone, he felt aversion to her serpentine half.

But, he also remembered the incredible milking sensation of her sister’s canal and the mind-blowing orgasm it had given him.

She rolled onto her side, reached out, and traced a fingertip over his chest, still smiling.  The position pushed her enormous breasts together, and simultaneously thrust them out toward him.  He admired them, the brilliance of her eyes, the softness of her touch, and the almost unearthly beauty of her face.  When he glanced down, he saw that her cloaca had fully emerged, and a dribble of wetness meandered through the pattern of her scales.

She’s using her magic on me, he thought in a panic when the sight of her reptilian lower half didn’t bring him up short.

“Yes, but not to compel you,” she answered his thought.  “It is as the magic of your blood.  Your desire awakens, allowing you to see that which is familiar and arousing, and forget that which is strange and frightening.  Your will is your own.”

“But I still don’t have much choice,” he countered.  “I barely remember it, but I know I almost drowned getting in here.”

“I will see you safely to the world of men, if you so wish.  My magic can make it so you may linger and marvel at the world beneath the waves on your return.”  She pointed and said, “There.  You see the reflection of the water?  From there, you may safely leave our lair with my magic.”

Aris followed her pointing finger and indeed saw the shimmering of light reflecting off water, casting its pattern on the nearby stone.

“But if you stay, you will experience the full pleasure of our joining without the cloud of compulsion.  I wish to feel these changes in the mating of man that I have seen in your memories, free of my direction.”

The full pleasure? he wondered.  What he’d already felt had left him limp and gasping for breath, and there was more?  Still, he wasn’t sure if he trusted her.

She closed her eyes, and her pouty lips worked in silent whispers.  When she opened them, she said, “My magic is upon you.  Go to the entrance of our lair.  See that it is true, so you may know that all my words are true.”

“Foolishness,” her sister Alissa sneered.  “Take his pleasure and his seed.  He will leave.”

“If he does, it is his choice.  Go,” Tiassa encouraged him again, and then pulled back her caressing hand.  She nodded toward the entrance and smiled.

Aris had felt the magic flood into him, but her previous magic had taken deep root long before that.  When she pulled back her hand, it made him ache for her touch again.  Though it hadn’t been nearly long enough since his first, unbelievable orgasm, his manhood stirred with the first, fitful attempts to respond.

Tiassa drew in a shuddering breath when she heard his thoughts and felt his rising ardor.  “Or you may stay,” she said while teasing one of her stiff nipples.

That amazing sight was enough to make him scoot closer and take her other nipple in his mouth.

“Oh, it has been so long.  You pleasure me so well,” she cooed while stroking his hair.

Aris moaned around her nipple, and then switched to its twin.  He tongued and sucked the stiff points, marveling in how firm, yet yielding the gigantic globes were.  In his passion, he reached down as he normally would, and paid little mind to his fingers gliding over the small scales where her mound should be.  Tiassa whimpered when his finger reached her pink blossom.

Still worshiping her breasts, he explored her engorged folds, finding them far more slippery than he would have expected.  When his finger dipped into the entrance of her canal, she thrust her tits toward him and hissed.  He could feel the squeeze even around the tip of his finger.  There was also another sensation that piqued both his curiosity, and his arousal.

He glanced down and saw the end of her tail curling into a tight coil.  Though he wasn’t in the best position to see, he thought that his eyes confirmed what he was feeling.  Seeking her clit, which was naturally not where it would be on a normal woman, he had stumbled upon it anyway.  The entire ring at the end of her canal had the same smooth, puffy contrast he’d been searching for.  The way she shivered and her tail coiled further confirmed it.

At the first hint of a thought about going down on her, Tiassa whimpered, “Yes.  Please.  Yes,” and rolled onto her back.

Aris sat up, and despite the unnaturalness of it, found her iridescent green scales becoming.  He had barely leaned in when the scent of her arousal hit him.  It was musky, but earthy – like the smell of forest loam after a warm rain.  When he swiped his tongue over the petals, which were dripping with her dew, her taste was almost hoppy – like beer.

It was also just as intoxicating.

Tiassa writhed on her cushions, and her tail curled even tighter.  He could feel the muscles roiling beneath his arm as he drank up her nectar.  A swipe of his tongue over the ring of her canal drew a yelp, a shudder, and prompted her to reach down to stroke her hand over his short hair.

Even though he had been in a fog of charming magic, he had wondered about how quickly Alissa had reached orgasm, considering how prematurely he had ejaculated.  It was obvious as he tongued her green-haired sister.  Every inch of his diameter had been stimulating her pleasure ring.  He turned his attention to Tiassa’s to do the same for her.

He started with quick flicks of his tongue.  Every touch caused the green-scaled Lamia to writhe and whimper.  A broad-tongued lap made her yelp.  Her tail uncoiled, and the tip slapped hard against the stone floor, beyond her cushions.  It happened again when he gave her a second stroke of the tongue.

She shrieked and nearly bucked him off when he circled her clitoral ring with the tip of his tongue.

Aris continued to lap the sensitive circle.  Tiassa’s cries grew louder and her indrawn breaths ragged – desperate.  Her tail lashed out, scattering pillows about the chamber.  She pulled him tight against her cloaca, and only seconds later, she came with an ear-piercing screech that matched her sister’s.

Though she thrashed violently and her fingers dug into his scalp, she at least didn’t break skin, as her sister had.  He slipped his tongue through the ring and tongue-fucked her, able to feel it contracting around him.  In a preview of things to come, he could feel the milking waves of her canal tugging at the tip of his tongue as well.

The emerald-haired Lamia kept coming, holding him tight against her and shrieking with every penetration of his tongue.  After a dozen strokes, she began to tremble violently, and her tug abruptly changed to a push.  The arms that were strong enough to carry him as though he weighed nothing were weak and shaking from her climax, though.  Drunk on the flow of her abundant juices, he stabbed his tongue into her canal again.

He managed a second probe before the end of her tail wrapped around him.  It too quivered and quaked, but had enough strength to pull him away from her climaxing sex.  As she sat him back on his knees, he could see streams of her wetness following the stair-step trail of creases between her scales, spreading out from her cloaca and dribbling onto the cushions below.

Tiassa covered the pink flower protectively with her hands, and then released him from her tail’s grip.  It immediately whipped away from him as she gave her orgasm free rein.  Her whole body undulated and flopped to the opposite side of the cushioned nest, where she twisted, coiled and thrashed through the throes of ecstasy.  Throes that only increased in intensity when he marveled at how hard he had made her come.

“I must have it do this thing for me,” Alissa said as she rose up from her cushions.

“No!” Tiassa’s mental voice shouted in his head.  Even her telepathic voice was quavering.  “You cannot control yourself.  You will hurt him.”

“And you can?” Alissa spat back.  “You scream in both our heads.”

Aris heard both the real and mental versions of Tiassa’s whimper when another wave of orgasm shot through her.  He then felt the mental connection slip away, though from the look on Alissa’s face, it was apparent her sister was still speaking to her.  The red-scaled Lamia hissed in frustration a moment later, and slithered back to her nest of pillows.

Tiassa seemed to regain mastery over her body, though she still breathed heavily – her massive breasts heaving – and her tail quivered.  She curled it around, hugging it in her arms, and the quake slowly subsided.

“The ways of mating amongst men has indeed changed greatly,” the green-haired Lamia said as she wriggled back atop the mound of pillows and cushions.  Then she laughed, apparently unable to hold it back as she reclined next to where Aris sat.  She ran her hands over her scales and moaned.  Though her throes and the pillows had wiped away her wetness from the surface, much still remained in the creases between the scales.

The sight made Aris lick his lips, which were likewise still very wet.

Tiassa shivered and moaned in response to that, and then noticed that he’d swollen to about half hardness.  She reached out and caressed his member, causing it to twitch and straighten a little more.

“I would give you pleasure, as you have given me,” she said.  The hand stroking him moved up to his chest and pushed, silently instructing him to lie down.  He followed her guidance, and she leaned over him as he reclined.  “I have seen in your thoughts how the mating of your females has changed as well.”

Aris groaned when she lapped his half-hard cock with a tongue that was pleasantly warmer than expected.

Tiassa wetted him, and his manhood rose in response to her touch.  She looked up into his eyes with a smile on her lips, obviously emulating what she’d seen of women in his thoughts.  She was doing it remarkably well, and then took it a step further.

His eyes widening, Aris watched in astonishment as her tongue doubled in length on the next lick.  It slid along his hardening flesh, and then grew even longer on the next lick.  The tip split into a fork, each lobe acting independently to tickle the ridge beneath the swelling helmet of his cock.

Her tongue curled around him when she lapped her way back down to the root, demonstrating it was as prehensile as her tail, and just as capable of constricting.  Only a few more passes of the wet, slippery appendage had him rock hard – if somewhat numb and sore from having reached his peak so recently.

Tiassa slowly retracted her tongue – which had curled two full wraps around his hardness – and then looked into his eyes again.  She stood his erection up with a single finger at the root, parted her lips, and took him in.

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Aris groaned loud and long as her lips slid down over him – all of him.  His hips bucked of their own volition when he slipped into her tight throat, and she showed no sign of discomfort whatsoever.  She actually swallowed around his throbbing erection, further enhancing his pleasure, and her tongue caressed him as well.  Then he felt it slip out to slather over his balls – all while he was still deep within her throat.  Her lips slid oh-so slowly back to the head, sucking hard, and then kissed the tip as it emerged.

“I have some skills your females do not possess.  It pleases you?” she asked.

“Fuck yes,” he answered in a burst of breath.

She moaned and engulfed him again.

His fingers clawed at the pillows as she swallowed around him, tongued his balls, and slowly rotated her head back in forth in half circles.  A growl escaped him at the same time as his cock slipped free of her lips.  He knew he couldn’t last long under such an onslaught, and as incredible as her mouth was, he wanted something else.  He wanted to feel her canal engulfing him, and make her come with him.

Tiassa’s eyes closed and she gasped when she heard his thoughts.  Her lips once again moved in silent, hasty whispers, and she brushed her fingers over his balls.  The numbing, dull ache he’d experienced ever since hardening vanished with her touch.

“Please,” she said as she rolled over onto her back.  The center of her cloaca puckered inward, squeezing in anticipation.

He was no less hungry to be inside her.  Aris popped up from the pillows and mounted her as he had her sister.  Her clinging walls drew him in as he thrust, until his balls rested against her wet folds.  She held him inside her, trembling beneath him, her head thrown back, and breasts thrust upward for long, exquisite seconds.

The moment he was able, Aris pulled back to thrust again, fighting the tug of her contracting canal.  He slammed into her, knowing he wouldn’t last any longer than he had the first time.  This time, he could see the rapidly mounting ecstasy in her face, and knew she was right there with him.

He pounded his cock home again and again.  Her wetness squirted out around him, spattering over both of their bodies and dribbling to the soft bed below.  Both voiced their pleasure in unrestrained screams, and then he was there.

As with Alissa, he remained teetering on the precipice, unable to tumble into sweet oblivion.  There was a difference, though.  Instead of the agonizing, desperate need to spend his seed, he was in a state of perfect, ongoing pleasure.  He plunged into her satiny canal, growing lightheaded in his bliss, until Tiassa drew in a gasp that ended in a squeak.

The breath exploded from her lips in a wail as she came, her walls closing in on him and molding around him.  The milking contractions of her canal increased in speed and intensity until they were nearly vibrations, and that was the trigger that set him off.

A roar echoed back from the stone walls as the first jet of cum spurted into her depths.  The blast of semen was so copious and intense, it was as if he had gone without relief for days, not the few minutes that had passed since he had filled her sister full.

Tiassa’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him to her breast, and though they were tight, they weren’t uncomfortably so, and her nails didn’t pierce his skin.  What tiny bit of dim awareness he had beyond the repeated rush of his semen heard her tail whipping and slapping against the stone floor.

She milked him dry, and he continued to pulse long afterward, until clouds of inky black crept in on his vision.  He settled against her rapidly rising and falling breasts, and surrendered to the darkness.

Aris roused slowly.  First came sound – a beating heart.  Next was warm softness – Tiassa’s breasts, which his head rested on.  The faint tang of salt water.  The rustling of scales on stone.  Finally, his eyes drifted open, and he looked up at the dimly lit contours of the cavern ceiling above.

He let out a groan and asked, “How long have I been asleep?”

“Man’s need to divide the day into such small things eludes me,” Tiassa said.  “The sun has just passed its zenith in the sky above.”

It wasn’t a perfect answer, but he at least knew it wasn’t so late that his family would be concerned for his whereabouts.  He shifted his position slightly, as a stiff pillow was poking into the small of his back.  Half expecting his manhood to feel as if it had been beaten with a rubber mallet, he was pleased to feel no discomfort.

Tiassa explained, “I used my magic to ease your ails.  You dreamed of many things as you slept.”

“I don’t remember any of it,” he said.

“This thing that is your chosen path...”  She paused for a moment, as if trying to remember the word.  “Archaeology.  It will take you to many places on this world?”

He answered, “Maybe.  If I can afford to graduate.”

“Do you feel rested enough to rise?”

He couldn’t resist the urge to say, “That depends upon whether you mean to get up, or get it up.”

Tiassa laughed, her body – most notably his large pillows – shaking from the outburst.  When it died down, she sighed, moaned, and then said, “This is another pleasure you have given me that I have not experienced in a very long time.  My sister is not of particularly good humor.”

Alissa spat out something in their hissing tongue in response to that.

“I meant the former.  I wish to show you something,” Tiassa said in answer to his question.

Aris sat up and looked back at her.  It was immediately apparent that her magic still held, because he found himself admiring her.  The longer the magic was upon him, the less he seemed to dismiss her serpentine body in favor of seeing it as another part of her stunning beauty.

He also discovered that the latter half of his joke wasn’t so far fetched as he had imagined, either.

Tiassa moaned when she saw his manhood rising, but said, “Follow me, and I may aid you on your path.”

The emerald-haired Lamia slithered down from her cushions, and Aris rose to follow.  She led him toward the back of the cavern, toward a tunnel he hadn’t noticed before.  Along the way, he couldn’t help but notice the way her body swayed from her motion.  It was very much akin to a normal woman’s sexy walk, and no less enticing.

Tiassa turned and grinned at him.  “Thank you,” she responded to the twin, silent compliments of his thoughts and his fully engorged member.

“I didn’t even see that,” he said, nodding toward the opening they were approaching.

“Well, we were busy,” she said, and then giggled.  “It is not far.”

Once within the tunnel, Aris noticed several darkened doorways and other tunnels branching off.  Ahead of them, one such doorway slowly swelled with light.  Tiassa passed it by, and then turned to face him.

Aris stared in amazement at the contents of the room.  Everywhere there was the glitter of gold, silver, and gems.  There were piles of coins, statuettes set in niches, jewelry, ornaments, and all manner of riches filling the space.

“Man still finds value in these things, yes?” Tiassa inquired.  “This would help with your graduation?”

“I could buy a college with all that,” he muttered.  Recognizing the style of a few of the artifacts, he asked, “How old is all this?”

Tiassa shrugged.  “Some is ancient, by your reckoning.  I find pretty things in the ships that sink beneath the waves.”

“May I?” he asked, pointing into the room.

She nodded her approval, so Aris walked into the room.  He bent down, picked up a glimmering gold coin from a pile, and gasped.

After sifting through a few more coins, he said, “These...  They’re pristine.  It’s as if they were struck yesterday.  There’s so much history.  It’s all priceless.  I’d hate myself if I used it like it was normal gold or silver.”

Tiassa’s lips pursed and her brow furrowed.  “I hadn’t considered that.  Years are a fleeting thing to us.”

“I wish I could show even a little of this to someone.  There’s so much we could learn of the past,” Aris remarked as he leaned in to examine a statuette of Ancient Egyptian origin.

“Then perhaps I have a solution,” Tiassa remarked.  “If you were to reveal things such as these, it would aid you on your path?”

“I don’t know how I would explain finding anything like this.  People would probably think it was faked.”

“I do not take all I find.  Only those things which catch my eye.  I know where a ship still lies beneath the waves.  What if you were to reveal this ship?”

Aris turned, his face full of excitement.  “An unknown wreck filled with ancient artifacts?”

“Coins.  Amphora.  Many things.  I can show you,” she said, and then reached out to gently touch his forehead.

Aris drew in a sharp breath as he beheld the wreck.  His vision was crystal clear, allowing him to see the piles of encrusted coins peeking out of the sandy mud, sealed amphora amidst many broken ones, and even the remnants of armor and weapons.  He knew it had to be a large merchant vessel of some kind.

When the vision ended, he said, “Even if I don’t get anything out of it, I have to show that to someone.  There’s so much we could learn.”

“I can feel your passion,” Tiassa said.  “It is here.”

Aris suddenly had a sense he had visited the site countless times, and knew exactly how to reach it.  It wasn’t so deep that divers couldn’t explore it, and the underwater conditions were reasonable as well.

“I just...  I don’t know how to thank you,” he said.

Tiassa offered a seductive grin.  “Beyond the pleasure you have already given me?  There is something you could do for me, and my people.”

“Like what?”

“If it is as you wish, and you are able to visit many places in this world, you could take some of my magic with you.  There may be others in hiding.  My magic could reveal them to you, and allow me to speak with them.  You will be able to reach their lairs beneath the waves, and they will know my magic as Queen of our people, so you will be unharmed.”

“Queen?” Aris asked.

She nodded.  “Since the passing of my mother, I am Queen of our people.  I would bring us together again, and find a place for us in the shadows of the world that has forgotten us.  Would you do this for me?”

He couldn’t help but think about what ancient knowledge other Lamias might possess, and how much could be learned from it.  “Of course,” he answered.

“You have already divined how it may benefit you, and I have pieces of your lost history to reveal, but there is more,” Tiassa said, and then slipped past him, gesturing for him to follow back into the main chamber.  “You may find others who have our blood, as you do.  If you wish to sire children, you will need to find a woman of our blood.”


“It is a peculiarity of the joining of our people with man.  While a female of the blood may take any man’s seed, a male’s seed will only take root in the womb of one who is also of the blood.”

That was somewhat concerning to him, but not overwhelmingly so.  “I’m not sure I want to have kids, but at least I know that, if I ever do decide I want to.”

“And you will know one who may take your seed if you choose.  It will also warn you of others, such as the Gorgons, Nagas, and Minotaurs.  You will know when you are near any of the ancient races from before the rise of man, and it will protect you from them to some degree.”

“Like not getting turned to stone?”

She chuckled as they emerged into the main chamber again.  “Yes.  It will protect you from the poison of Nagas as well.  It can do little to prevent a Minotaur from goring you, however.”

“I should probably just stay away from all of them,” he said.

“That would be wise,” she agreed.

Alissa lifted up from her cushions and asked something in their sibilant language.

“Patience, sister,” Tiassa said.  She then stroked Aris’ cheek and said, “My sister wishes to know the pleasure you give with your mouth, and feel your seed within her once more.  If you wish to, I can calm her so she does not harm you.”

It was hard to miss the hunger in the crimson-scaled Lamia’s eyes, and the thought caused his manhood to throb.  Apparently sensing his thoughts, Alissa grew even more excited, and caressed her breasts in a display that made him throb even harder.

“Come, show her pleasure,” Tiassa said, knowing his thoughts, and feeling his rising ardor.

Alissa reclined on her cushions and fixed Aris with a sultry stare as he approached.  She continued to stroke her enormous breasts and tease the nipples, as she could hear his thoughts as well as her sister, and knew how it aroused him.

Arouse him it certainly did, but it also piqued his curiosity.  He wondered if they served the same purpose as a human woman’s.

As always, Tiassa answered his thoughts as if he had spoken them aloud.  “No, we do not nurse our young.  In ancient times, those who had what you call breasts were seen as more desirable mates.  Then, those with larger ones.  As the ages passed, we became as you see us today.”

Alissa lifted one of the attributes in question to her lips and tongued the tip.  “Do you find mine desirable?”

Aris nodded, though his cock bobbing at the sight probably answered in far more convincing fashion.

“Then come show me,” she cooed.

Tiassa giggled when Aris increased his pace.  She not only matched it, but surpassed it.  Her scales hissed upon the stone until she reached her sister’s cushions.  She slithered next to Alissa and laid a hand upon her forehead.

“She will not harm you in her passion,” Tiassa said.  “Awaken it.”

Aris climbed onto the cushions and answered the call of her bountiful breasts.  He suckled one of the stiff points and teased it with his tongue.

Alissa moaned, and then hissed in pleasure from his efforts.  “Harder,” she said.

He complied, sucking hard on the stiff nub while keeping his tongue at work.  Alissa responded with a loud whimper and pressed her breast against his lips.  She also grasped his left hand and brought it to her other breast, where she guided him to pinch her nipple.  When he did so, she squeezed the fingers together far tighter than he would have thought pleasurable, though her yelp seemed to be filled with it.

“The coupling of our people is often...” Tiassa paused, and then finished, “Rough.  I find your softer touch more pleasing.  My sister prefers otherwise.  Do not fear to hurt her.  It will please her.”

Aris experimented, tugging on the nipple he was pinching.

“Yes!” Alissa cried.

He pulled harder, and then nipped the bud between his lips with his teeth.

“Yes!  Yes!” she responded, even louder than before.

Aris twisted her nipple with his fingers, and bit down harder on the other.  His sensibilities wouldn’t allow him to go farther, but it appeared to be enough for the fire-haired Lamia.  She writhed and cried out, breathing faster by the moment.  She did let out one pained whimper, but it was when he released her nipples in preparation to switch.  An approving moan accompanied his lips engulfing her other nipple a moment later.

Her nipple was warm between his lips from the twisting and pinching.  It took a few seconds to grip the other with his fingers, as it was slick with his saliva.  He let her anticipation build, sucking and tonguing her nipple until he was able to pinch its twin firmly.  Then he sucked as much of her areola as he could between his lips, and let his teeth scrape it until he held only her nipple again, which he bit.

Alissa wailed in delight.

Aris continued to pinch and nibble on the hard points.  When the echoes of her loud cry died down, she gripped his shoulders and pushed him away.  Then, she said something that sounded strange coming from the harsh, testy Lamia’s lips.

“Please,” she begged, pushing him down.

Her sex had fully emerged, dribbling wetness onto the surrounding scales.  He could see the center puckering in anticipation as he drew nearer.  He filled his lungs with her earthy, musky scent, and then lowered his lips to her pink folds.

A warbling whimper escaped Alissa from the first touch of his lips.  He traced her folds with his tongue, slipping beneath them, and over them, avoiding the needy center at first.  Her taste was slightly different from her sister’s, but still hoppy and intoxicating.  He knew he wouldn’t be able to resist seeking the wellspring of her nectar for long.

He started when something brushed against his balls with a feather-light touch.  He could see Alissa’s red tail twitching in his peripheral vision, and knew that couldn’t be it.  When he cut his eyes up toward Tiassa, he saw her wearing a sly smile, and her scaly tail’s tip curled around his balls in a surprisingly gentle caress.

The whimpers and moans escaping Alissa quickly grew insistent – almost desperate.  The momentary distraction of Tiassa’s tail, which had moved to tickle his erection, was fading.  He needed to taste her nearly as bad as she needed him to.

And so he did.

Alissa’s wail echoed back from the walls and cavern ceiling as he lapped up the nectar from the entrance of her canal, despite touching her pleasure ring for only a fraction of a second.  Her sister further demonstrated the dexterity she had with her emerald tail, wrapping it around his cock without squeezing or scraping, which helped to quell the ache of the throbbing organ.  Aris forced himself to tease, tonguing and sucking the redhead’s folds, and then darting in unexpectedly to brush his tongue over her clitoral oval.  She seemingly took pleasure from this torment, as she had from his teeth – but only for so long.

Her hands trembled with restrained passion as they came to rest on the back of his head, trying to pull him to the center of her cloaca.

He responded with a series of fast, stiff-tongued flicks of the puffy ring.  Alissa’s back arched up high from the cushions, and she screamed anew with every touch of his tongue.  He paused just long enough for her to draw in a ragged breath and tug on his head again, then stabbed his tongue into her canal.

Alissa quivered powerfully, her walls clamping down and pulling on his tongue.  Aris delighted in her juices, which grew thick on his tongue, and curled it as he withdrew, allowing him to drink up her wetness.

He traced the full circumference of her pleasure with the tip of his tongue, causing her fingers to entwine in his hair.  A flash of pain shot from the roots, but her grip relaxed almost immediately under the influence of her sister’s calming magic.  He followed this with a stronger circumnavigation that made her lurch beneath him and emit a weepy sounding whimper.

Drunk on her wetness and her sounds of pleasure, he assaulted her clitoral ring with hungry need.  Alissa yelped and squirmed, feeding him an ever increasing flow of her juices, and after only a few seconds of his slippery appendage’s dance, surrendered to ultimate ecstasy.

Only a squeak emerged from her tight throat as she came.  As he had with her sister, Aris stabbed his tongue into her canal, tongue-fucking her and making her orgasm spike even higher.  Her voice finally returned in a pained-sounding wail that lasted until it exhausted every ounce of air in her lungs.  She sucked in several noisy breaths, and then cried out again.

For far longer than it had taken him to bring her to her peak, he kept her there with his stabbing, swirling tongue.  Even when the hands that had once pulled him against her tried to push him away, he persisted.  It was only when Tiassa intervened by uncurling her tail from his hardness and used it to push him away that he relented.

Alissa dug her nails into a pair of cushions and gasped for breath while her head lashed back and forth.  Her tail stood out perfectly straight, hovering above the floor and trembling.  Her cloaca pulsed and gulped from the aftershocks of her orgasm, still oozing her honey in abundance.  Aris smiled, licked his juice-covered lips, and watched her slowly descend from the heights.

Alissa’s tail dropped with a thump to the floor, and it was then that Aris glanced at Tiassa to see her expression was tight and flushed.

In answer to his unspoken question – though not without hints of labored breathing – she said, “I had not anticipated that what she felt would pass to me through the bond as I calmed her.”

He then noticed that her cloaca had blossomed as well to dribble down her scales.

“It was far from unpleasant, but made keeping her instincts under control somewhat difficult,” Tiassa said, and then chuckled.

“I still can’t get over how fast and hard you come,” He remarked, and was surprised to see a smile decorating Alissa’s face in response.

Tiassa smiled as well.  “That, like our breasts, comes from the evolution of our people over time.  As I said, our mating can be rough.  In ancient times, it was not uncommon for it to be deadly.”

That took him aback.  “Really?”

She nodded.  “It made our people strong, for only those who were strong could survive a mating.  Those who could draw out a male’s seed were more likely to endure.  Because our orgasms open the pathway to our eggs, those who reached their peak more quickly were more likely to have young.  Though the violence ebbed, those things remained, and were prized.”

“That was as pleasurable as it looked,” Alissa said in languid tones.  “Much better than when I compelled him.”

“The other is much better, too,” Tiassa hinted.

That caused her sister to glance at Aris’ hard cock and shudder.

Tiassa turned back to Aris and said, “My mother, in her wisdom, forbade the violence amongst our people, and against man.  She foresaw what was to come, and hoped to prevent this existence in the shadows.  But enough of that.  My sister’s climax has ebbed, and she hungers for your pleasure, if you so wish.”

“Yes,” Alissa said, rolling onto her back and playing with her breasts to emphasize her desire.

With Tiassa’s magic suppressing any aversion to their serpent halves, and restoring his stamina, the knowledge of the amazing orgasm that awaited him made his decision a foregone conclusion.  He climbed astride Alissa’s crimson-scaled tail, and Tiassa placed her hand on her sister’s forehead once more.

He and Alissa both groaned as his erection sank into her depths.

Alissa gripped his buttocks, holding him with his balls resting on the soft, slippery petals of her cloaca.  She moaned from the feeling of fullness.  He growled from her muscular contractions already milking him despite the lack of movement.

The redheaded Lamia caught his gaze when he opened his eyes after the initial, sweet shock of penetrating her faded.  “Fuck me.  Come inside me,” she said in a voice that was demanding, but with her eyes pleading.

Her hands moved to his back, and he did exactly that.  Alissa squealed as he withdrew against the resistance of her slurping canal, and then yelped as his cock dived back inside her.  Any thought of going slow and trying to make it last vanished with his very first thrust.  There was no resisting her constricting, gulping embrace.

Aris growled and grunted, once again feeling the burn of his thighs rubbing against her scales, and not caring in the slightest.  He pounded his cock into her with every ounce of speed and power he could summon up, mesmerized by the sight of her breasts quivering, the ever-growing ecstasy in her face, and the sound of her loud cries of pleasure.  Squishy claps sounded every time his balls slapped against the satiny folds of her cloaca.  In less than a minute, he was on the brink of emptying his balls inside her, yet she was ahead of him.

Alissa screamed loud and long as her orgasm claimed her.  Aris grunted when her walls constricted, preventing him from thrusting, though the rapid, gulping motion of the muscles holding him tight made it unnecessary.   Even as he teetered on the brink, Tiassa let out a pained whimper.  He looked up to see her trembling and jerking, with streams of her wetness flowing from a fully engorged, puckered cloaca.

She was coming, too.

It was the last thing he saw before his eyes pinched shut and he roared in release.  Thanks to Tiassa’s restorative magic, it was once again as if he had gone days without ejaculating.  His semen blasted into Alissa’s depths over and over again, leaving him utterly spent and gasping for breath with his head resting on Alissa’s hot, flushed, heaving breasts.

He had no concept of how much time had passed when the green haired Lamia lifted him into her strong – but trembling arms – and then reclined to rest his head on her bountiful breasts.  A contentedly moaning Alissa snuggled up next to him as well.  Magic poured through him, calming the ache in his softening cock and burning thighs.

“Rest,” Tiassa said in a voice that still had hints of breathlessness from her unexpected orgasm.  “I will ensure that you rise in time to return to the world of man without worrying those who await you, and I will give you ancient knowledge in your dreams.”

He didn’t really have much choice in the matter as exhaustion overwhelmed him.


Aris leaned on the rail anxiously as the diver broke the surface and whipped off his mask to reveal eyes filled with wonder.

“So, what have we found?” Demitros, the representative from the museum at Delphi asked.

The diver pulled out his regulator and grasped the handles of the ladder, answering even as he climbed.  “Large numbers of coins.  Sealed amphora.  Statuary.  And that is only what I could see without disturbing the site.  I would say it’s from the Archaic period.  This is a magnificent find.”

“Exactly as young Aris here reported.”  Gregory, a wealthy American enthusiast of ancient Greek culture said, and then clapped Aris on the back.  “I need to get this one in college immediately so he can lead the study of his next amazing find.”

Aris couldn’t help but blush – and smile.  His education was a sure thing thanks to his new benefactor, and the knowledge Tiassa had imparted upon him as he dreamed resting atop her breasts ensured it would not be his last discovery.  He would be able to pursue his life’s dream, and deliver incredible knowledge of the ancient world to all of mankind.

It was more than he would have ever dared dream of.


Miles away, deep within her cavernous lair, Tiassa smiled.  The golden ring Aris wore held her magic, imparting all the gifts she had promised him, and allowing her to still hear his thoughts so long as he was reasonably nearby.  She had little doubt that he would find more of her people in time, and use the magic of the ring to reconnect them with their Queen.

She ran a loving hand over the five warm, leathery shelled eggs atop her cushioned nest.  Across the cavern, her sister nestled four of her own.

Aris had already given his greatest gift to the people of his blood.


Written by RejectReality
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