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Inter-Dimensional Consentacles: Chapter 1

"An ancient magic discovered, another dimension awakened... consent and join their passion."

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Author's Notes

"Content Warning: Includes elements of extreme penetration, bondage, eggs, cumflation, breeding, birthing, portals, body transformation, magic, multiple penetrations, etc. If these topics or extreme/otherworldly predicaments are uncomfortable please do not proceed. After initial consent, all following intercourse is considered implicitly consensual. The story may contain elements of dubious consent. The term "violation" is used to describe unexpected, unorthodox, or unrealistic intercourse."

Anya had never expected something so exciting to happen when she first touched the mysterious runes. Flipped on her back and suspended in midair, her arms were restrained behind her, her calves and thighs bound together and spread wide, allowing ample access to her luscious, dripping holes. Only minutes ago, she had been in a mountain cave, having hiked deep into the forest, following clues left in ancient texts. She could still see the bright pink glow that had filled her vision, the tentacles appearing almost out of thin air before her. She had been searching for traces of an ancient magic, an art only hinted at in ancient historical writings. When she found the runes, she was almost drawn to them, her presence activating the power that had remained sealed away for centuries. She knew what she was getting into, but she couldn't help herself, she wanted - no, needed - to know.

Log Entry 0034-5:

After initial contact and receipt of consent, the tentacles transport the female partner, or host, via portal to a pocket dimension, the transit removing all regular contents of their bowels and slightly altering their genome and physiology. These alterations allow their orifices and cavities to expand far beyond usual limits, provided the stretching occurs gradually to allow their body time to physically adjust. The stretching process produces pleasure rather than pain, often causing orgasms during penetration. Exposure to tentacle excretions, such as slime or semen, can have the same effect on the genome, in addition to amplifying the sensitivity of erogenous zones and heightening lust and libido. Up to a certain point of exposure, changes to the genome can be gradually reversed if desired by the host after returning to the normal world.

After reaching the portal dimension, the tentacle being restrains and disrobes the female, gently toying with her sensitive parts. The atmosphere of the pocket dimension contains a light aphrodisiac, causing her to experience heightened arousal, her pussy dripping wet by the time the tentacles have finished removing her clothes. And thus the fun begins.

Chapter 1

The first tentacles had been very basic in form, a simple taper and little in the ways of texture or detail. Caressing them, Anya had marveled at their soft skin, letting them curl around her fingers. Their small form was surely not to be underestimated, she could feel their firm, unyielding strength even as they gently entwined her hand, as if to pet her in return. Others soon appeared, larger now, and taking a more familiar form. Feeling her pussy moisten, Anya kneeled in front of the glowing wall, her head level with the tentacles. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips around the largest of the bunch, her tongue running over the head of the tentacle, pleasantly surprised at its slightly sweet taste. She quickly lost track of time, her free hand wandering into her pants, rubbing herself as she bobbed her head back and forth. Anya knew she wanted more, she had been searching for this moment for years, and wasn't about to waste it. Pulling back, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand, unbuttoning her shirt and pants as she presented her petite, toned form to the tentacles. The soft words "take me, please" just barely left her lips as the tentacles advanced, needing no further instructions, deftly snaking around her body, slipping easily beneath her clothes as it pulled her into the glow.

Back in the present, Anya found herself in a pleasantly warm, slightly damp atmosphere, dim light seemingly illuminating the dark around her out of nowhere. Her naked body was fully restrained by the tentacles, her private parts easily visible, were anyone around to see them. She knew she should probably feel quite vulnerable, but her excitement and lust were too great to overcome. Small, tendril-like tentacles approached quietly from below, wrapping gently around her exposed body and beginning to caress her nipples and clit, slowly sliding ever further between her puffy labia. She shivered and writhed to little avail at this torturous teasing, bucking her hips ever so slightly and moaning.

Sensing her lust, the tendrils at her nipples retracted, as two oddly pointed tendrils poised themselves above her small but perky breasts. Anya looked at the new tentacles quizzically, half curious, half frightened by the prospects of what they might be planning. She was not left to wonder for long, as the tips of the tentacles split open like a flower, four lips curling back to reveal an interior of tiny, writhing nubs and an orifice at the center. Each appendage latched eagerly onto her breasts, the orifice engulfing her sensitive nipples and beginning to apply suction in a rhythmic pattern, as the tiny nubs wiggled and massaged her sensitive skin. She gasped at the sudden, intense stimulation, barely noticing as the nubs at the edges secreted a sticky substance, firmly adhering the tentacles to her boobs.

Determining her pussy to be sufficiently wet, four of the thin tendrils rubbing her wriggled their way inside, eliciting another slight gasp from Anya's parted lips. They explored for a brief moment, reaching her cervix and brushing against it, then tickling the orifice. The tendrils began to excrete a thin, slick mucous, lathering it on her cervix as they brushed back and forth, the chemicals and stimulus causing the tight ring of muscle to relax.

Simultaneously, some tendrils began to take note of Anya's hitherto un-attended anus, and began to massage her rear, excreting more of the thin substance. As she moaned and gasped yet again, a penis-like tentacle poised itself in front of her face. Realizing its intent, she opened her mouth wide, inviting it, begging it to violate her mouth and throat. Wriggling with pleasure, the tentacle happily obliged, filling her mouth and allowing her to run her tongue over its smooth surface, giving it the lubrication it needed for what was about to come.

The tendrils at her anus, satisfied that her muscles are ready, prodded their way inside, still excreting their relaxing goo. After a short time of wiggling around in her colon, the tendrils slowly began to stretch her anus open, six tendrils pulling outwards, gaping her wide. A larger tentacle, tapered at the end and lined with patterns of ridges and bulges, poised itself behind her, patiently waiting for her hole to stretch large enough for the bulges to fit inside. Seeing this, Anya's eyes widened, cheeks flushing with heat at the realization of what was about to happen. Just as the tendrils reached the right point in spreading her ass, the thick tentacle plunged forward, slithering into her rear as her eyes rolled back with pleasure.

Anya barely managed to groan before the tentacle in her mouth, now thoroughly lubricated, pushed its way down her throat, her eyes shooting open again in surprise as it slid into her stomach, the writhing tip occasionally creating a visible bulge in her belly. The tentacle in her ass hadn't stopped, slowly slithering its way up her large intestine, the bulges and ribs popping through her anus one at a time as it ventured ever further. Reaching her small intestines, it paused for a moment, then pumped out a large splat of relaxing mucous, beginning to massage it into the transitional opening. At the same moment, the tendrils in her vagina pushed their way into her womb, beginning to spread her vagina and cervix open in much the same way as the others had with her anus. Moaning around the tentacle writhing down her throat, she shivered with pleasure, her mind beginning to numb as she reached the cusp of her first orgasm.

The tendrils at Anya's clit had not ceased their teasing, and as the tentacle in her ass pushed on into her small intestines, she finally succumbed to a massive, shuddering release, squirting her juices as her eyes rolled back, toes clenched and fingers grasping at nothing, struggling to break free of her bindings as she convulsed with wave after wave of intense, heated pleasure.

The release of fluid from her urethra, now visible with her dripping pussy spread open, attracted the attention of a thin tentacle with a slightly bulbous tip, which briefly prodded the small opening before slipping inside. Reaching her bladder, the tip of the tentacle unfolded, latching in place inside her. Another, similar tentacle, this one much larger, took advantage of her gaping pussy, pushing in, pistoning back and forth as Anya quickly reached orgasm for a second time. With her cervix still held open, the tentacle surged into her womb, unfolding and releasing a sticky goop, sealing itself firmly within her uterus.

Her belly now bulging and writhing as the tentacle in her ass reached her stomach, Anya noticed the tentacles beginning to quiver in an odd rhythm within her holes. Then she saw them. Slight bulges, working their way rapidly down each tentacle, quickly approaching her stuffed orifices. She shuddered as the first bulges pushed inside her, the tentacles in her mouth, womb, and bladder each erupting in blasts of tentacle semen, soaking her innards with their seed. At that moment, the bulges of the tentacle in her ass began moving. She barely noticed as the first egg, round and about the size of a golf ball, was ejected into her stomach, but soon realized what was occurring as they began to pile up, expanding her petite waist even further outwards.

Having filled her womb and bladder entirely with semen, the tentacles stopped pumping, giving Anya brief respite. She gasped as the tentacle in her throat retracted, quickly returning to moaning as the eggs in her stomach continued piling up, the tentacle now retreating, filling her intestines with eggs as it leaves.

Turning her upright, the tentacles continued to massage her body and distended stomach, the tentacles in her womb and bladder remaining firmly in place. Over an indeterminate period of time, during which she slipped in and out of lucid sleep from exhaustion, the seed pumped inside Anya seeped into her system, keeping her nourished and preparing her for the next ordeal. The eggs within her intestines grew more and more energetic as the hours passed by, and her breasts expanded slightly as they started lactating, much to the delight of the tentacles latched onto her, which milked her eagerly as the flow increased. At some point, the eggs reached the peak of their energy, some transforming into slimes while others hatched into tentacle wormlings.

Some hours later...

Woken from her shallow slumber by a strange wiggling feeling in her stomach, Anya felt the first of the tentacle spawn push at her anus, struggling to break free. Instinct taking over, she strained, pushing the first handful out, shuddering and moaning with pleasure as they wriggled free. Over the next half hour, she pushed her newly hatched clutch out into the world between orgasms of pleasure, with a few strays wandering up her throat, much to her surprise.

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Sensing that Anya was once again empty, the tendrils soon returned, again spreading her ass wide. This time, not one, but two beaded tentacles shoved themselves into her ass, bringing forth a yelp and a groan, giving an opportunity for a third and fourth tentacle to plunge into her throat. Unsure as to how she was still breathing, Anya felt the tentacles writhe into her, one of the two in her mouth plopping bulge-by-bulge downwards, the two in her ass pushing simultaneously upwards towards her stomach. The fourth slid smoothly alongside the other in her mouth, corkscrewing inexorably down her throat, pausing only briefly in her stomach where the others had stopped before continuing downwards. Wiggling past the other two tentacles in her intestines, Anya could see the bulge of the tentacle traveling through her distended torso, unable to help herself from squirting a little as it pushed its way out of her already stretched ass, coiling around and poising below her.

The tendrils massaging Anya's clit spread her pussy wide yet again, drops of tentacle fluids and pussy juice dripping in the opening below the other tentacle, still firmly seated in her womb. Plunging into her silky love tunnel, the tentacle from her ass began to fuck her entire body at once, rubbing and wriggling back and forth at a rapid pace, drawing out another series of powerful orgasms. As the third shivering release subsided, Anya noticed bulges traveling down the tentacles in her bladder and womb, accompanied by a strange sensation at her tits.

The nipple latches had stopped milking, and had extended thin tendrils within, now massaging her areolae with more of the relaxing secretions. Tugging gently at her erect nipples, the tendrils wriggled and prodded against the pert tips, then slowly pushed inside. More tendrils followed, until both her nipples had 3 tendrils each, penetrating and prodding about within her milk glands, still secreting goo as small ridges traveled down each shaft.

As the first of the bumps pushed into her pussy and past her cervix, the other tentacle still happily fucking away, Anya realized through the haze of pleasure that these bulges were not the same as the last. Her realization was confirmed as, almost all at once, the tentacles within her began pumping her full of eggs and seed. Her stomach filled first, the tentacles again pulling out and stuffing her intestines behind them, leaving only the long, smooth tentacle to continue to writhe and ravage her holes.

Flipping Anya over, her bulging stomach swinging beneath her, the tentacle in her womb continued to fill her, stretching beyond even the previous filling until it was sure she could fit no more. Moaning with uncontrollable pleasure and nearly passing out, Anya was barely cognizant of the fact that every possible orifice was about to become a living incubator for tentacle spawn. The tentacle in her bladder and tendrils in her breasts had also packed her full of sperm and eggs, these ones much smaller, each the size of a pea. With her bladder and womb at their limits and her breasts heavy and dangling full of unhatched tentacle spawn, the tentacles finally pulled out, the one in her womb dissolving the sticky slime that had held it in place. Upon their exit, the last remaining tentacle pulsed, releasing a thick slime into her vaginal canal, sealing off her womb and filling the gaping space where the other tentacle had been. Pulling out and retreating back into her ass, it again pulsed, sealing her anus as well, before pulling out completely.

Finally, the tentacles released her from her suspended bondage, only to again restrain her in a wall of tentacles, her arms and calves completely enveloped and held behind her, leaving only her head and torso accessible. The tentacles at her breasts remained firmly attached, the tendrils no longer penetrating her nipples, instead massaging the exteriors of her bulging breasts.

Over the next few days, tentacles routinely penetrated her holes to check on the clutches of eggs, sometimes eliciting orgasms in the process, before re-sealing her with more slime. Every few hours, another tentacle pushed its way down her throat to feed her tentacle semen, a process she very much enjoyed, particularly when it flooded her already bulging innards with even more warm goo, distending her ever so slightly further.

The eggs in her breasts and bladder were the first to hatch, giving way to hundreds of tiny writhing tendrils. The nipple latches finally released themselves, allowing their offspring to venture forth, each tendril popping free alongside a spurt of breast milk. The strange sensation of the tendrils wiggling in her bladder and flowing out of her urethra pushed her to the edge of another mind-shattering orgasm, just as the rest of the eggs began hatching within her.

Pushing her far beyond the edge, Anya spent the next hours somewhere between extreme pleasure and unconsciousness, shivering and bucking with wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure, spraying milk, tentacle spawn, and her own cum flying in all directions as each new tentacle worked its way free. When the last tentacle finally exited, slithering out from her womb, she was left a quivering mess, passing out for some time.

Finally awakening, Anya realized her position had been changed, her arms still stuck behind her in the tentacle wall, with her legs now spread as high and wide as they can go, and held firmly in place. Her stomach and breasts had somehow returned to normal size, although her nipples were still dribbling milk. The nipple latches returned, curling into view from behind her, this time unfolding to reveal a much larger inner tendril. Pushing forward, Anya moaned as they once again penetrated her breasts, latching on with the same sticky goo, but pulsating much differently than before.

The small tendrils slid back into her pussy, stretching it wide as the thickest tentacle yet slowly rose into Anya's field of view. Her eyes widening with a bit of fear, her gasp is cut short by a tentacle shoving into her mouth and down her throat. Pushing slowly up against her gaping twat, the thick tentacle slowly writhed into her, stretching her vagina further than it had ever been stretched before, Anya groaning loudly through the tentacle in her mouth. The thin tendrils coaxed open her cervix once more, allowing the massive tentacle full access to her ravaged womb, the bulge from its girth clearly visible on her stomach.

Down each of the tentacles in her breasts, singular bulges slowly pushed towards her orifices, as the tentacle in her womb began to pulsate. As another orgasm washes over her, she felt her nipples expand as the bulges passed into her breasts, being deposited within her now-fertile milk glands. The nipple latches gave her tits a final, loving squeeze before releasing, pulling out of her tortured breasts and retreating into the darkness.

A singular, round bulge pushed up against the opening to her vagina, bringing Anya's attention back to the monstrous member filling her privates. Eyes wide and trying to mumble around the tentacle fucking her throat, she bucked her hips in vain, even as the bulge passed into her womb with a pop, making her stomach appear as though she was in the early stages of pregnancy. The large tentacle pulsed once more, flooding what little space was left with semen, then retracted, leaving her gaping with a small waterfall of cum flowing from her slowly closing cervix. The tentacle in her throat pulsed, filling her stomach with a last load of nourishment, before it too retreated.

Gasping for air, chest heaving from the pleasure and strain of taking something so large inside her, she barely noticed a few small tendrils waving in an odd dance just below her vagina. The odd glow however, did draw her eye to the floating glyph that had just appeared in front of them. Anya watched, entranced, as the symbol grew in complexity, forming a ring, before she realized why it looked familiar. This was a portal glyph, the same as the one that had transported her here, but much smaller and right below her orifices. As the tentacles finished their dance, the glyph pulsed slightly brighter, then floated upward into her pussy, with a small black symbol forming on the clean-shaven skin of her pubes. Anya wasn't given much time to ponder what exactly happened, as at that moment, the tentacles released her completely.

Falling to the ground before catching herself and slowly teetering to her feet, Anya looked around for her clothes, forgetting about the new inhabitants of her womb and breasts. A particularly well-mannered tentacle presented her with her clothes, freshly laundered and folded. After cleaning up and dressing, she is transported back to her home on Earth, choosing to keep some of her newfound... flexibility. She didn't know when that might come in handy, after all.

It wasn't until she stepped into the shower that evening that she remembered the bulge in her stomach. Running her hand over it, she contemplated trying to push it out, but was startled when it wriggled underneath her caressing hand. An odd feeling in her breasts reminded her of the two bulges that had been deposited there, and her imagination didn't disappoint, as two tentacles poked their heads out of her nipples, before wriggling back inside, causing her to gasp in pleasure.

The bulge in her womb moved once again, and then a slime began oozing out of her pussy as the bump slowly deflated until her stomach was once again normal. Pooling on the ground, the slime reformed into a tentacle, which lovingly caressed her leg before slithering up and poking at her anus, its head morphing into a tapered point with nubs and smaller tendrils. Realizing she had acquired what would prove to be a very interesting new pet, she blushed, spreading her ass-cheeks, inviting it inside.

As she succumbed to her first orgasm that night, the glyph on her pubes began glowing again, opening a portal below her pussy... Spreading her legs and holding herself open, she lay back against the shower wall and welcomed the familiar, glorious feeling of yet another pulsing tentacle, spreading and filling her womb with seed.

Written by ThatOneGuy1264
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