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Goblin Quest: Alternative 1

"A timid goblin partners with a dame"

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Author's Notes

"A reversal of my other goblin story. Each story will have 2 chapters & the third will be a merging of the two storylines."

“Princess Emmaline, this is already highly unorthodox! I implore you to please reconsider! Your safety, not to mention your virtue, is at stake!”

“I already have, Chief Steward, more times than you can imagine – lying in bed at night wondering who I was going to be married off to for what political favor or economic gain – and I have come to the realization that since I’m third in line for the throne, my virginity is unnecessary. Let my two sisters ahead of me worry about which noble is going to get their maidenhood. Besides, how do you know I didn’t already break it myself just to spite my family?”

“Don’t even joke about such things, Your Highness!” The elderly servant took a deep breath. “I can sympathize with you. I truly can. I’ve been in your family's employ ever since you were born, and I’ve taken care of you till now. Perhaps I spoiled you a bit too much, letting you roam as you wanted and shirk on some of your classes on how to be a proper lady, but surely you could have chosen a less… violent path for your life!”

“I was not gifted with lady-like grace or delicate physique like my sisters. I cannot even entertain the idea of a life as a pretty little flower at the beck and call of social and royal obligation. I crave the freedom to explore and adventure, and it was either marry, get sent off to a convent, or join the Order. Since I honed my athletic prowess and martial art skills as much as I can through training, it would be a shame not to take advantage of this noble career. Most importantly, it's a path I've chosen for myself.”

The princess placed a sympathetic hand on the old servant’s shoulder. “Let's not forget you're partially to blame. Ever since you gave me that toy sword, you kindled my interest in the Rose Shield-Maidens.”

He looked up apologetically. “It was meant to be a symbol of my sworn duty to protect you. I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression.”

“Don’t be. I'm glad you did, even if it took begging you every day for a full month to teach me how to use it.

Emmaline smiled warmly. “Chief Steward… Edwin… I appreciate your concern. You have served my family faithfully for many years. In several ways, you have been a second father to me, but I have made my decision, and I ask for your support this one last time.”

“You honor me, princess,” he sighed. “I have supported you to the best of my abilities, and I won’t stop now. I will support your decision, but… but…” He stooped forward to whisper. “Do you still have to participate in the… mandate?”

She laughed. “Of course! I don’t like singling myself out for special treatment.” She gave the old man a hug. “Thank you.”

Emma turned around, pushed open the weathered guardroom door, and stepped out into the sunny plaza. A dozen female paladins, with gold, blue, and white hauberks fluttering in the wind, stood at the base of a raised platform some distance away. Twenty male goblins, clean, clothed, and keenly interested, stood on the platform, leering at the human women below.

More than a few of the women leered back. The more coy ones tittered behind their hands and whispered amongst one another.

The princess crossed the aged cobblestone walkway, stopping beside her bunkmate.

“The old fox is actually going to let you participate in the mandate, eh, little swan?” mused the brawny female warrior.

“I wouldn’t say I got his blessing, but I did get his support, Kloe.”

The tall Amazon warrior patted her friend on the head. “Except for the time you wanted a comfier mattress for your bunk… or the time you asked for liniment for all the calluses you got after training… or when you asked for an outhouse to be built.”

Emma nudged her friend. “You know that was only for the first three weeks. I just needed some… time and help to adjust to a less spoiled lifestyle. I can squat in the bushes as well as any of the other girls now,’ she pouted.

Kloe laughed. “Not the highest of accomplishments. You're still shy about getting naked in the public bath, and I can’t fathom why. With shapely legs a stallion would envy and a chest that would turn any eye, what do you have to be ashamed of?”

“I was just brought up with a different sense of modesty. If you had your way, you’d be topless right now.”

“You bet I would! Having your body exposed to the sun and air feels so liberating!”

“Or maybe you hate armor because it chafes those perky nipples of yours.”

The amused warrior poked the side of Emma’s boob. “I prefer mine bold and assertive to little-miss-inny here.”

The princess covered her chest defensively. “It certainly makes it easier for you to orgasm during those boring theoretical combat lectures. You can just fold your hands and tease away.”

“Much of fighting is psychological. Being half-naked to show your opponent you don’t fear them is half the fight! Besides, right now, showing ma’goods to the boys on stage would make it easier to get their attention.”

“Speaking of,” Kloe said, glancing over her shoulder, “the men over yonder sure are ogling those goblin girls, and with chests like them, I would be too. Can’t replace a nice, filling cock, mind you, but I bet it’s something special to mash clits with a swollen gobby puss.”

Turning her attention back to their side of the plaza, she put an arm around Emma. “So, little swan, any lad catch your eye?”

Emma peered toward the new recruits on stage. “I read descriptions of them but didn't expect them to be so wiry and short.”

“Sure are! Perfect height for licking pussy when you’re just standing around, and I bet they have all kinds of clever ideas on how to fill a hole.”

Emma shifted her weight and asked, “How would I know if I have any compatibility?”

“Like personality and stuff? Can’t really help ya there. Maybe the one that would annoy you the least?”

Up to that point, none of them caught Emma’s fancy. A particularly raucous male stepped to one side and revealed a timid-looking individual behind him. The previously hidden goblin was wringing his hands and looking toward the ground. His facial features were less sharp, and he was a smidge shorter than average.

Kloe nudged Emma. “I know that look. Which one caught your fancy just now?”

“Him. He's kinda cute.”

Kloe leaned to the side. “Kinda looks like a runt. You have a motherly spot for the small and weak?”

“No, but the rest all seem too… excitable for me.”

“Well, I’m not gonna judge your taste. It’s less chance I’ll have to compete for him.” She waved to the raucous goblin who had looked their way just then. “He looks like he could withstand some bouncing.”

“Just try not to break his pelvis,” Emma teased.

“No worries. I don’t mind being a power-bottom. Can’t make any promises about not squeezing him dry, though.”

The two continued chatting and laughing until the debut concluded. Emma bid farewell to Kloe and went to the barrack’s marshaling hall. 

The actual pairing was a more private affair. While a paladin could request a particular partner, the goblin had the final say. This made it especially helpful if more than one goblin was being requested. If the goblin declined all suitors for whatever reason, they were cycled into the next batch of new recruits.

“Oh! Princess! I didn’t know you were coming, or else I would of met you at the door!” reported a nervous-looking woman in a gray dress.

“It’s fine, Anna. I'm just here to put in a request for my partner.”

“You… you are? I mean, of course! Whatever you wish for, Your Highness. Which one is it?”

“He’s a bit smaller, about this high, and has timid eyes,” Emma explained while gesturing with her hands.

“Ah, him,” Anna replied with a sigh of relief. “I’ll go get him ready.”

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Anna returned a moment later, opening a side door. “This way, Your Highness.” 

Emma entered a musty room with a window she wished they had opened. The goblin was seated in a chair, staring nervously at the floor. He briefly glanced up as the two women entered the room and then back to the floor.

“We are quite relieved, princess! This one is in his fifth round of debuts, and we were afraid no one would pick him.”

“Pyx Rockleaf, stand up,” she commanded. “Fortune has granted you an amazing opportunity. You are to service one of the princesses of the realm. You will show her respect and fulfill her every wish, do you understand?”

“Anna, stop that. Look how scared he is.” She approached and knelt down next to him, stroking his black hair. “He is not to be talked to as a servant. All are equal in the eyes of justice. My rank means nothing here. We will be equal partners,” She declared firmly. 

“My apologies, princess!” Anna stammered, bowing repeatedly.

“Hello, my name is Emmaline, but you can call me Emma. What’s yours?”

He said nothing but just looked into her green eyes.

“Princess, I'm afraid he can’t speak.”

“Oh? He doesn’t speak our language?”

“No, I mean, he’s mute.” Anna looked over the information in Pyx’s scroll. “It took a lot of effort, but we managed to piece together from the other recruits that he’s a bit of an outcast or, at the very least, a low level in their social hierarchy for reasons I am not privy to. We are not sure if he was born mute or something else caused it.”

“You poor little thing!” Emma exclaimed, hugging him into her chest. “Don’t worry! That doesn’t change my decision in the least. I still want you as my partner… if you accept me, of course!”

He hesitantly looked up from between her breasts and nodded twice.

“Wonderful! Anna, papers, please,” Emma directed.

“Here you are, your highness. Both of you, please sign on the line, and the partnership is complete. His harness has already been fitted. Please take the next few hours to pack your belongings. Your first campaign assignment will be given to you by the guards at the east gate.”

Emma left, feeling a bit giddy. She had worked hard to make this day possible, and now she was finally setting off, free of her societal shackles… at least for now. She hurriedly packed only the essentials and made her way to the east side of the fort. 

Pyx was sitting in a far corner, still in eyesight of the gate but well away from the main flow of traffic. He was sitting on his bag, naked except for his harness; his cock and balls hanging as dejectedly as he looked.

“I am here. Sorry if you waited.”

He looked up silently.

“Come now, why are you still looking so glum?  You have a partner and are about to go on adventures!” She considered him for a moment. “Could you be anxious about not being able to fulfill your job properly?”

He nodded.

She set down her pack and sat beside him on the grass. “You're going to be fine. I know this is all new for you. It's new for me, too! Don’t feel like you will need to perform for me. I don’t get horny very often, so you can just relax and enjoy the ride.” She wrapped her arm around him, causing her boob to rub the side of his face. 

“There you go, just relax! Much better.” She rubbed his head and stroked his ears. ”We are gonna have fun together, see new things, and meet new people. It’ll be exciting! And...oh! Hello there. Looks like your nervousness went away. She considered his growing erection. "I know this is supposed to be the other way around, but shall we make our partnership official before we set out.”

He nodded hopefully.

“A quick little handjob before we set off should do it.” 

He tilted his head questioningly.

"You know..." she made a jerking motion with her hand.

His eyes lit up.

“Have you ever had a girl do this for you before?”

He shook his head.

"I'd be honored to be your first. Let's go behind that tree." They relocated to a tall oak. Sitting do she lifted him onto her lap. “I have a little confession. I’ve never done anything of this nature with someone before either, but I’ve borrowed some, uh...reading material so let me know if I'm doing a good job. Are you ready?”

When he buried his face between her breasts, she smiled and whispered, “I’ll take that as a yes.” 

She took his cock between her fingers and slowly moved them up and down. “It's bumpier than I thought it’d be. Are you fully erect yet? Still feels a bit soft, let's see if we can fix that.” With a firm grip she stroked him, fascinated by the semi-erect member filling with blood. 

“You seem quite taken with my breasts. Would you like to see them?”

He nodded.

"Ok, just give me a...moment...why does chainmail have to be so inflexible?" Wiggling the metal ringed shirt up over her head, she set it aside. "They sure don’t make these easy to get in and out of.” Removing the padded gambeson and finally her wool blouse, she offered him her nipple. “There we go. Please be gentle. They've never been sucked before.”

He greedily latched on and sucked.

“That did the trick,” she cooed. “Quite the difference, I must say. From travel size to fun size! Let’s see. I think next, I pull your foreskin back and rub it with my thumb.” She pressed on the spongy head, feeling it jerk in her hand. “Oh, you like that?” He pushed his hips into her hand. “Look at all this precum. Is this amount normal?”

He was too occupied with her nipple to answer, so she smeared some precum along his shaft and tried to remember more of the things she read in Kloe’s lewd book about the art of pleasure. Granted, this was a goblin and not a human, but aside from a few textual and color differences, all the parts seemed to be in the same places.

“Let me know when you are ready to… OH!”

Before she could finish her thought, he came hard.

“Already!?!” she squeaked in surprise. Most of his single, powerful squirt formed a pool in the grass, but a little dripped down her fingers. “Goodness! You must have been very needy! Is that what they call premature ejaculation?”

He detached himself from her breast and kissed her cheek.

“You're welcome,” she returned with a smile. “Your balls still look a little swollen. Should we see if you have any more that will come out?”

He returned to sucking her nipple, this time playing with the other one. Using the cum from his first ejaculation, she returned to the handjob, the wet sounds growing louder as she increased the tempo.

She was entertained by the way his balls bounced with her motions. Just a moment ago, they were loose and heavy, but with each pump of her hand they started to pull up close to his body. 

With a few more pumps, he gripped her arm tightly. Surprised and delighted, she milked several more spurts into the grass in front of them. “Good boy! Just let it all out.” She slowed her pace, pumping the last remnants from his deflating cock. “Five spurts seems quite impressive.”

She pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her hand clean. “That was fun. I hope you enjoyed it, too!” 

He responded by nuzzling her chest with a sleepy smile on his face. 

She kissed the top of his head. “I’ve heard boys feel sleepy after the orgasm. Feel free to take a little nap while I go get our orders from the gate guard.

She got dressed and weaved into the flow of traffic. Returning several minutes later with an officially sealed parchment. She broke the wax and pursued the contents. “They want to send us to help out a nomadic tribe? That should be about a two week journey.”

She glanced at her companion, curled up, quietly sleeping with a smile on his face. The communication issue had been in the back of her mind. Yes and no questions were all well and good but limited. She was sure an idea would come to her, but for now though, they had clear skies and a lot of road ahead of them. She grabbed her partner's harness, being careful not to wake him. Eager to reach their first mission.

Written by Scribbler_Mori
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