Stuart stood in the queue in the coffee shop scanning for a glimpse of the redhead. He saw her notice him and then quickly drop her head to put the lid on the coffee cup. Stuart was sure he saw a smirk on her face.
“Your Americano,” she glanced at the cup. “Stuart.”
“Thank you,” he glanced at her chest looking for a name badge.
“Ashley,” she giggled.
“Nice to put a name to the face.” He paused and glanced around but before he could speak, she stopped him.
“I can’t talk now. Why don’t you text me.”
She turned to serve the next customer and Stuart reluctantly headed out.
During the team meeting, he found his thoughts wandering back to last night and Ashley’s voyeuristic performance for him when he’d watched her strip and masturbate in her bedroom with the curtains open. She’d put the hundred pounds he’d given her to good use. The green silk lingerie had looked so good against her pale skin and red hair.
He knew he wanted her again. But he also knew he wouldn’t be satisfied with a repeat performance from across the street. He’d seen her up close in the coffee shop and he knew he wouldn’t be content to watch her through a pair of binoculars again.
Back at his desk, he took his phone out and composed a text. He drafted it a few times, trying not to sound too needy or desperate.
“I’d like a repeat performance but would like it to be up close and personal. Interested?”
For the rest of the day, the phone sat silent. He checked it every so often but there was never a message notification. He even asked his friend to text him as he began to become convinced his phone was broken. Finally, just as he was heading out the revolving door of the office, his phone pinged.
“It’ll cost a lot more than a set of lingerie. You’ll have to book a hotel room too. How up close did you have in mind? Another striptease and watch me play with myself or were you thinking more of a lapdance?”
Stuart felt a blush coming over him as he read and reread the words. He angled the laptop bag to hide his growing erection as he waited in the queue for the bus. All the way home, he played and replayed her text in his mind.
He sat in his study with the lights out, watching her bedroom across the street. He saw the lights flick on and there she was, in her white blouse and black skirt. He licked his lips in anticipation until he saw her cross the room and pull the curtains closed.
His phone pinged.
“No more free previews lol”
“Bitch,” he thought as he stood up and went into the kitchen where his wife was cooking pasta for dinner.
“Listen, love. Gerry is asking if I can go out for a few drinks with him some night next week. Is there any night that doesn’t suit?”
“Ach, no, love. You go ahead. It’s been ages since you had a good night out.”
She kissed him on the cheek before turning back to stir the tomato sauce. He picked up his phone and texted Ashley back.
“What night next week suits you? I’ll book the hotel and text you the room number. 8 pm suit?”
The phone pinged back almost instantaneously.
Stuart didn’t know how he got through the weekend. He kept finding excuses to walk into the rooms on one side of the flat so he could look across the street. The bedroom remained either empty or the curtains were closed the whole time.
On Tuesday morning he had a panic attack about how much cash he should bring. He considered asking her when she served him his morning coffee but he hated the idea of discussing money with her. He felt it cheapened her somehow. He decided to withdraw the £500 daily maximum figuring that would be way more than enough. He could lodge the money he didn’t spend back in his account on Wednesday. While his wife didn’t demand bank balance statements, she did like to know how much money they had in savings and might question why they seemed to be a few hundred pounds short.
He’d made a reservation at the Crown Plaza hotel under a false name, figuring it was suitably anonymous looking and if he did run into someone he knew, he’d just say he was meeting a friend there.
Tuesday evening, after work, he checked into the hotel.
“Here you go, Mr Jones. Room 317. Third floor, lifts are over there.”
He took his key card and picked up his briefcase and headed to the lifts. Once in the room, having texted Ashley the room number, he got the bottle of champagne from his briefcase and searched for glasses. The only ones there were plastic toothbrush glasses so he headed back down to the bar on the ground floor to procure a bucket of ice and two glasses.
In the shower, his thoughts went immediately to Ashley. Reminding himself how she’d stripped for him, exposing her tight teenage body to him before masturbating, knowing he was watching. And now, here he was, waiting for a repeat performance. He thought about the offer in her text. “Do you want a lapdance?”
He’d never had a lapdance. He’d never summoned up the courage to slip into one of the numerous lap dancing bars that dotted the city centre. He was too scared of being seen going into or coming out of one. A few of the guys from work had gone once and had described to him afterwards how they’d paid for women to strip and grind themselves against their cocks. How John had broken the no-touching rule by running his fingers up one girl’s thigh and getting slapped down and threatened with being thrown out if he did it again.
He hoped Ashley wouldn’t have a no-touching rule. The thought of wrapping his hands around her substantial tits made his cock twitch. Deciding not to masturbate then and there but to wait for Ashley, he got out of the shower and towelled off.
He got dressed. Then thought maybe it’d be better if he was in the white towelling robe provided by the hotel. That way, she’d know he was clean. He got undressed again and sat in just the robe while he waited for the clock to crawl slowly towards 8 o’clock.
At one minute past eight, there was a soft knock on the door. He got up and peered through the peephole. There she was, wearing a knee-length black coat and glancing nervously up and down the hallway.
He opened the door and stepped aside to let her enter. She took the three or four steps necessary then turned to him as he closed the door behind her.
“Nice place you’ve got,” she giggled as she looked around the drab anonymous hotel room. She saw the champagne in the ice bucket with the two glasses and smiled.
“I like your style. Do you have any music?”
Stuart blushed. Fuck, he’d forgotten about music. She saw his reaction and laughed.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got something here.”
She reached into her pocket for her phone and selected the Spotify playlist she’s compiled earlier. As the seductive tones of the French band Nouvele Vague filled the room, she unbuttoned her coat and let it fall from her shoulders.
Stuart had been unwrapping the foil of the champagne bottle but paused and gave a low whistle as he stared at her outfit. The black blouse was held closed by the two middle buttons with the bottom tied in a bow showing her stomach. The plunging neckline exposed the generous cleavage her breasts produced and the cream pencil skirt was short enough to display a lot of leg, encased in sheer black stockings.
She smiled at the sound of the champagne cork and waited for him to pour and hand her a glass. When he had filled his own glass, he raised it.
“Here’s to an entertaining evening,” and chinked her glass with his.
“Here’s the deal,” she whispered in his ear as she leant in close. “Every time you slip me a note, more clothes come off.”
He swallowed and nodded.
“And,” she continued, “you keep your hands to yourself.”
He could smell the perfume dabbed behind her ears. The heady sultry undertones caused his cock to twitch.
“Must I?”
He’d wanted it to sound jokey, like he didn’t care one way or the other but it came out sounding more like a needy plea. She giggled.
“Well, maybe that’s up for negotiation.”
She stepped back, took a swig of champagne, and then slowly danced around the room, singing along in her soft Scottish lilt to the French girl singing about teenage kicks.
She danced like no one was watching, as if she’d come into her bedroom after a party and was reminiscing about something.
Then, turning, she danced closer to him. He was perched uncomfortably on the edge of the bed, the wallet clasped in his hand. She lowered her gaze to the wallet, then looked up, straight into his eyes.
Stuart, flustered, remembered and scrabbled to open the wallet and extract a twenty-pound note.
As Ashley leant down, he folded the note in half and slid it into the left bra strap visible through the gap in her blouse.
She straightened, biting her bottom lip, she swayed slowly as the remaining buttons were undone. Taking Stuart’s hand, she guided him to tug on the bow holding the blouse closed. It opened and the blouse parted, revealing the same green silk bra she’d bought for her last striptease.
Stuart licked his lips, hardly daring to breathe as he watched Ashley sway, teasing him with tantalising glimpses of her breasts as she moved away from him, the blouse slipped off her shoulders and dropped on the floor.
He was faster on the uptake the next time and had another note out of his wallet and folded in two by the time Ashley danced her way back to him. He tucked the note into the same strap as the first. The two purple notes contrasted with the green strap and the pale freckled skin.
She turned and wriggled her ass in front of him. Stuart reached out, wanting to grab her hips and pull her towards him, but instead, managed to restrain himself and instead, gently tugged on the zipper.
The two sides of the cream material parted, revealing the matching green lace and silk knickers as she gave her hips a wriggle and the skirt fell to pool around her ankles. Stuart gazed at her ass as she bent over in front of him to pick up her skirt. The two full globes were so close. He wanted to squeeze them and paw them, feel their firmness. Instead, he slipped another twenty into the back of her knickers.
Once Ashley had picked up, folded and laid her skirt on a chair, she turned and sashayed her way back to Stuart. He didn’t know where to look; Her boobs, her curves, the triangle of green silk covering her mound, those two legs encased in black stockings, the black garter belt. It was like Christmas morning and his birthday rolled into one. His cock throbbed in agreement. Fuck, she looked hot.

At this stage, Stuart was so thankful he’d changed. If he’d still been in his trousers and pants, he’d have been in agony by now. Instead, he just untied the belt and let it all hang out.
Ashley glanced down and bit her lip. He was big. His cock bobbed in the cool breeze from the air conditioning. She could see a bead of pre-cum glistening on the tip. Suddenly, she felt a little afraid.
This had all started as a laugh. The pervy older, married, man paying to watch her play with herself from across the street. She was going to do it anyway, she reasoned, so taking a hundred quid to buy some undies seemed a bargain. But now, in a hotel room with him, it was suddenly very real.
And then she decided, ‘Fuck it’. She’d come this far, she may as well finish it off. She grinned at him and reached down to her shoe, giving him an eyeful of her cleavage again as she leant down. She stepped out of the shoe, then feeling a bit silly standing lop-sided, took off the other one too,
Stuart grinned, the folded note held out, just out of Ashley’s reach. She stepped forward and he tucked it into the waistband of her knickers. Not missing a beat, her fingers moved to unclip the suspenders from the stocking top. She placed her foot between his legs, her toes only millimetres from his balls. Licking her lips, she slowly unrolled the stocking. She watched his cock twitch again and again.
As she moved forward to slip the stocking off her foot, her hair hung down and brushed against his cock.
“Fuck!” His elongated gasp betrayed his need.
Ashley straightened and let the stocking dangle and drag over his cock as she gazed into his eyes. He squirmed and whimpered. This was hotter than she’d imagined and she could feel a little dampness oozing into her knickers.
As the song on her phone faded, she let the stocking drop and stood, hand on hip, waiting. Stuart had another note out in seconds and as the next song started, he had it secured in her knickers. She put her other foot on the bed. This time, her big toe brushed against his balls as she unclipped the suspenders.
She leant in again, guiding her hair to brush his cock as she slowly rolled the nylon down her thigh and over her knee. She could see Stuart gripping the bed. His fingers clenched the sheets as his knuckles turned white.
She dragged the empty stocking leg up his shaft from balls to tip. The gossamer thin nylon caused him the jerk and moan again.
The stocking discarded, Ashley stood before him, moving in time with the music. Stuart could see between her legs and the damp patch on her knickers. Was she as turned on as him by this? He doubted it. He felt he was going to explode at any second.
He reached for his wallet again. A hundred was gone already but there was no way he was stopping now. He folded another note. He reached forward and tugged on the waistband of the knickers, stretching them and revealing a freshly shaven mound.
He glanced up into her green eyes, slid the note into the crotch of her panties, then let the elastic snap against her mound again.
She turned her back on him. Her hips swayed as she lowered her ass towards his cock.
“Can you unfasten my bra?” she whispered as the pantie-clad ass pressed against his cock.
With shaking hands, he managed on the third attempt to open the clasp. She had her hands up, cupping her breasts and the straps dangled down her back. She squirmed on his cock for a few more seconds before rising and turning again.
Stuart swallowed. The scent of her filled his nostrils. Not just the heady perfume smell but another darker, more sensual scent, the smell of sex. Her sex, he could see the evidence she had dripped into her panties as she ground down on his cock.
As she lowered her hands, the twenty-pound notes fluttered around her, falling to the ground as he stared, transfixed on the swollen rock-hard pale pink nipples that adorned her breasts.
“Fuck,” he whispered. He wanted, above anything else, there and then, to taste them. To suckle them between his lips. To tug on them with his teeth until she gasped. She moved in closer, hands cupping her tits, smiling at him.
“You like these up close and personal, do you, Stuart?”
He nodded, not sure he’d be able to speak. The ache in his balls was becoming unbearable. He clutched yet another note in his hand, beckoning Ashley closer with it. The knickers and suspender belt were the only garments left. Not taking his eyes off her breasts, he tucked the money in the waistband of her knickers.
She dropped her hands, letting her boobs sway free. Stuart watched them, almost hypnotised as the garter belt was stretched over her hips and fell around her ankles. With the daintiest of side steps, she kicked it out of the way.
“You’ve got me nearly naked, Stuart,” she whispered. A slow pirouette to emphasise that the skimpy damp panties were the only barrier between him and her naked body.
Stuart’s fingers fumbled into his wallet again. The pile of notes getting smaller and smaller. As she swayed in front of him, hypnotising him with her body, he pulled more notes from the wallet. In his haste, a few of them were stuck together but he didn’t care. He had no idea what would happen when her knickers hit the floor but he wanted her.
She bit her bottom lip as she moved away. Her back was turned but he could see her watching him in the dressing table mirror as she slowly dragged her knickers down over her ass.
She bent forward to slide them down her legs. Her ass stuck out and Stuart could see juices glistening on her pussy lips.
The smell of sex was stronger now. She shuffled her legs apart and Stuart could see her fingers dipping between her legs. He wanted her to turn around. He needed her to turn around.
“Please…” he gasped. She turned. Her mound was smooth and hairless. Her labia were plump and engorged. He saw juices glisten on her finger as she brought it to her mouth.
“That’s the show over, Stuart.” He watched her tongue lick around her fingertip. “Unless you want to pay for an encore?”
Stuart looked at her pathetically. The thought of her leaving him in this state didn’t bear thinking about. The offer of more.
“How much?” He whispered, his voice croaky with desire.
“A hundred for you to touch me… for you to finger my tight teenage pussy.”
She slid her hand between her legs and moaned suggestively to emphasise just what was on offer.
Without even thinking about it, Stuart had the five notes counted out and laid on the bed.
She stood in front of him. Her legs spread. She gripped his wrist and pulled it towards her. Guiding him, she steered him to where she wanted him to go.
His fingers brushed against her swollen lips. He could feel her slickness and her heat. She pressed her hips against his hand.
“Fuck,” she hissed. “That’s it.”
She rode his hand as he watched her. His middle finger arched and brushed her tight entrance.
“Mmmm yes,” she groaned.
She was dripping. Was money the aphrodisiac, Stuart wondered fleetingly before she ground down on him, her pussy swallowing his finger.
“Fuck,” she squealed.
Her hips rocked as Stuart curled and uncurled his finger inside her. He felt her juices dribbling down his hand. She squelched every time he thrust deeper and harder into her.
“You’re such a bad boy,” she groaned, riding his hand. She’d released her grip and now used both hands to paw and maul at her tits.
Stuart’s thumb strummed her clit. He added a second finger. Ashley gasped as she felt him stretch her wet velvet walls. He scissored his fingers inside her, tapping the soft spongy spot the way his wife liked it.
Ashley leant forward, her hands on his shoulders for support. He saw his chance and moved his head and suckled her left tit. He felt her jerk as he wrapped his lips around the pink nipple and sucked harder. His fingers moved in and out, fingering this teenage temptress in an anonymous hotel room.
She ground down on his hand as little bird-like cries escaped her mouth. She went rigid and shook on him. Her pussy spasmed around his fingers.
“Oh god,” Ashley groaned.
Her breath came in rasping gulps of air and she drew the oxygen back into her lungs.
“Oh fuck, Stuart. You are such a naughty boy.”
Stuart grinned, brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked noisily, tasting her flavour on his tongue.
“You look like you’re going to explode.”
Both Stuart and Ashley looked down at his cock, still pointed skywards, still throbbing.
“Two hundred and I'll suck you dry.”
Stuart counted and recounted. He was twenty short. His voice trembled as he gazed up at her. The piles of notes clutched in his hand.
“I… I… I’ve only got a hundred and eighty left.”
Ashley snatched the money and dropped to her knees. Stuart leant back on the bed. The whispered “Thank you” made him sound so needy.
Ashley dragged her tongue up the shaft. The pre cum had been dribbling down and she tasted him as she slurped her way up to the swollen purple head.
Ashley didn’t mind giving blowjobs. She was relieved he’d spent all his money. There was no way he could pressure her into sex now.
She blew her breath over the tip as she gripped the shaft. The foreskin was pulled all the way back and her tongue tip licked the little joins of skin. It was a nice big cock. A good mouthful. She wrapped her lips around the head and sucked. As she slid her mouth down and enveloped his cock, Stuart flung himself back and groaned loudly. He sounded in pain.
Ashley lifted her face away and looked up.
“Are you o..”
Spurt after spurt of cum flew out of the tip of his cock. They arched gracefully and landed, splattering his stomach.
“Fuck,” Stuart whimpered. She could see tears glisten in the corners of his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he continued. “I just couldn’t hold back any more.”
Ashley smiled and shrugged.
“Hey, no worries. I’ve heard it happens to everyone.”
She turned, still on her knees and gathered the notes scattered on the floor. Moving swiftly, before he had time to recover, she got dressed.
“Can’t you wait a bit, til I recover?” Stuart pleaded.
“Sorry darling. I kept my side of the bargain. I sucked you til you came.” She smirked as she ran her eyes over him. “I think you got quite a bargain, truth be told.”
With the stockings and garter belt shoved in her coat pocket, She stood at the doorway.
“I don’t think we should do this again.”
And with that, she turned and headed home, five hundred pounds richer. Not bad for an hour’s work, she reasoned.