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My Friend Jenny Bought My Pussy

"Katie has a sleepover with her friend Jenny, so Jenny's Daddy, Mr. Thomas, can pay for and use Katie's pussy."

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Author's Notes

"This is the third story in the series about Katie, an eighteen-year-old high school escort. Mr. Thomas asks Katie to have a sleepover with his daughter, Jenny, while his wife is out of town so that he can patronize Katie's services in the middle of the night. <p> [ADVERT] </p> But little does Mr. Thomas know that Jenny has her own plans for Katie that night."

Mr. Smith made his plans to set up more parties for me. I felt sure they would be very popular and very lucrative.

Meanwhile, I had been very intrigued by Mr. Thomas's invitation (or maybe it was more like he placed an order) for me to plan a sleepover with Jenny so that he could pay for and use my pussy after Jenny was asleep. Spending the night at the Thomas's home would offer up other exciting possibilities, in addition to the opportunity to take more of Mr. Thomas's money. Something that I was sure her Daddy was not aware of was that Jenny (who, like me, was also an eighteen-year-old high school senior) and I had experimented with each other during our last sleepover - the one when I was wearing the t-shirt and panties that had been so memorable for him.  

As Mr. Thomas suspected, I had, in fact, been deliberately flashing him, giving him an eyeful whenever I could. I was mainly doing this to petrify Jenny, who would get super embarrassed every time I did it. But I was also doing it because teasing and tempting older men, especially married older daddies, gets me wet. This was before I began my new career, but I was almost always horny, constantly looking for new ways to get myself worked up and get myself off. After Mr. Thomas went to bed in his upstairs bedroom that night, Jenny and I sat on the couch downstairs together in the dark, watching a movie, wearing just t-shirts and panties under a blanket. I was super horny from teasing her daddy, so I was kind of squirming. Out of nowhere, almost like she knew the source of my squirminess, Jenny said, "I can't believe you were teasing my daddy like that."

I giggled, "I can't help it; I love to tease daddies. And yours is really cute. You have to admit it was pretty funny how he tried to pretend he wasn't looking. Do you think he liked what he saw?"

"Jesus, Katie! Stop!" she said, but playfully. She cuddled up close to me as we continued to watch the movie, and after a while, I felt her take my hand in hers. She grasped it firmly as we snuggled close together. I was surprised by this unexpected act of intimacy from my friend, and it was at that moment that I started to become very aware of her scantily clad young body.  

Jenny was about five foot four, a little taller than me but with much bigger d-cup boobs. She was fit with long, smooth legs and a flat tummy. The part of her that had always drawn my attention the most was her mouth. She had full lips and a super pouty mouth that looked like it was made for kissing. And for sucking. I had actually fantasized about what she would look like sucking on a big cock, but now, half-dressed here on the couch with her, I was wondering what it would feel like to kiss those lips and to have that mouth go to work on my tits and my pussy. These thoughts made me even wetter. 

I moved my other hand and let it rest on her bare thigh. She stirred a little and let out a little sigh. Her skin was so smooth and warm under the blanket. A while later, I started to caress her leg, slowly at first. She nestled closer to me and rearranged herself. When she resettled, I noticed that I now had a clear path along her long thigh all the way to her panties. My caressing strokes grew gradually longer, moving closer and closer to her underwear. 

I teased, moving my hand very close to the line of her panties, but then I moved my hand sideways and rubbed her inner thigh, my fingers brushing a millimeter from her pussy. She let out a little moan and finally ended the pretense that we were still watching the movie we had both forgotten all about. She turned to look at me, "What are you doing?"

"Do you want me to stop?"

She hesitated for a moment, looking into my eyes. "No," she said, "I don't want you to stop."

I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on those pouty lips. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth slightly, and let me kiss her. She tasted fresh and minty, as she had recently brushed her teeth. After a moment, I pulled back. She opened her eyes and had a greedy look on her face. "Why did you stop? Do it again," she said petulantly. I leaned in again, and she closed her eyes. I stopped with my lips very close to hers but not touching. She opened her eyes again. "Please. Please, Katie. Do it again," she begged; the last part of her sentence was barely more than a whisper.  

I moved my mouth to hers, and this time, I grasped her head in my hands, kissed her more firmly, and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She opened her mouth eagerly, and I felt her tongue twisting with mine. The kiss was deep and slow at first, but we just kept going, our passion building, both of us heating up. We made out for ten minutes straight, kissing each other hard and urgently, both of us trying to get our tongues as deep into each other's mouths as possible. I deliberately did not make any move to touch her panties or her tits. I just held her close, and we focused on the kissing. 

When we finally broke the kiss, my panties were a soaked mess. Jenny was panting and squirming, and I knew she was waiting for me to make the next move, even if she didn't know exactly what she wanted that move to be. I smiled at her and decided I would make this very easy for her. I scooted back against the armrest of the couch. "Come over here, Jenny. Lay down against me with your back to me, between my legs."

She hesitated for a moment and then did as I told her. I opened my legs and let her rest against my body between them. The length of her body was warm against me, and the small of her back put delicious pressure on my pussy thru my wet panties. She nestled her head on my shoulder, with my mouth beside her ear. "Just relax, Jenny. Spread your legs," I whispered.

She did as I asked. I pulled her t-shirt up to her neck, exposing her panties, her flat belly, and her large, beautiful breasts. I began to caress her breasts, gently rubbing and pinching her nipples, making them super hard. I moved down to her belly, rubbing her, petting her, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin. Finally, I slipped my hand under her panties. Her pussy was a swamp, and my fingers got soaked. I ran my fingers along her slit, making her shudder and moan.

"What...what are you going to do, Katie?"

"Shhh, Jenny. I'm going to take care of you. Let me take care of everything," I whispered breathily in her ear, making her shiver. I slowly rubbed her pussy, tracing little circles around her clit, teasing her.

"Do you want me to touch your clit, Jenny?"

She hesitated, but I could feel her lifting her hips, trying to rub herself against my fingers.

"If you want me to do it, you have to say it," I teased.

"Yes. Fuck. Please touch my clit, Katie."

I used my middle finger to apply firm pressure against her clit, and she moaned out loud. I clapped my other hand over her mouth. "Shhh, now. We wouldn't want to wake up your daddy, would we? Then I might have to touch him instead of you."

She slowly shook her head left and right as she lifted her hips against my finger. "Nooo," she said, "Touch me, not him. Please."

I moved my finger in little circles on her clit, varying the pressure and speed. Soft and then hard, slow and then fast. She started to buck against my finger, moving up and down faster and faster. I suddenly removed my finger from her clit. She looked up at me, a look of desperation and longing on her face.

"Why did you stop?"

"Do you want me to make you cum, Jenny?"

She looked at me pleadingly, obviously embarrassed to say it out loud.

"What did I tell you, Jenny?"

"If I want you to do it, I have to say it."

"That's right. Be a good girl, and tell me what you want me to do."

"Please, Katie. Fuck yes, please. Please keep touching me. Please make me cum."

My middle finger was slick from rubbing her pussy. I dragged it along her full lips, applying pressure until she opened her mouth and sucked and licked her pussy juices off my finger. I moved my finger back down under her panties and to her clit, rubbing in fast little circles. I kissed her neck, and I whispered, "Cum, Jenny. Cum for me. Cum for Katie."

Her entire body tensed up, and she bucked her hips up into my hand. I covered her mouth with my other hand again to muffle her cry of ecstasy. Her orgasm went on for over a minute, and I kept up the relentless pressure on her clit the entire time. Finally, she collapsed back against me. She turned her face towards mine, and we kissed again, her face flushed from her release. It was a long, slow, wet kiss, our tongues entwined in our mouths.

After we finally broke the kiss, I pulled her shirt back down over her naked body, and she dozed off in my arms; the two of us lay there for a while. When she awoke, she looked up at me apprehensively. She seemed disconcerted as if she were emerging from a dream. We stood up from the couch, and the two of us went to bed. We always shared her bed during our sleepovers, and I spooned her as we fell asleep. 

We woke up and had breakfast the following day, but neither of us said anything about what had happened the night before. We have never discussed it since.


The very next week after the first of Mr. Smith's parties, I buddied up to Jenny at school and slowly worked the conversation around to me coming over one Saturday night to sleep over. Mr. Thomas let me know that his wife would be out of town one particular weekend, so I made sure I would have the sleepover with Jenny on that Saturday.

That night, I wore a tiny pair of white jeans shorts and a white crop top that left my flat belly bare. I planned to tease the fuck out of Mr. Thomas before I let him inside me.  I also brought with me the t-shirt and panties he had told me he wanted to fuck me in so I could change into them later. I wondered how things would go with Jenny that night. We hadn't slept over together since the night I made her cum, and she had been a little distant until I made the effort to reconnect.  

When she opened the door to let me in, Jenny immediately eye-fucked me, looking me up and down from head to toe.  

"Come on in, Katie."

I walked into the house, checking out Jenny's outfit. She was wearing tiny athletic shorts and a tight crop top that showed off her amazing tits. It occurred to me that Jenny would assume that my slutty outfit was for her benefit alone. I decided on the spot to let her go on thinking that. The phrase "two for one" floated through my mind, and I smiled to myself, thinking about the conquests of the evening ahead.

Mr. Thomas came down the stairs and stopped dead when he saw what I was wearing.

"Wow, uh, hi, Katie," he said, almost struck speechless.

I smiled a big bright smile, "Hi, Mr. Thomas! I haven't seen you in a while! I'm trying to remember when we last saw each other. Do you remember?"

"Uh, um, well..."

"Oh, you know what? I think it was the last time I slept over!" I said, taking pity on him.

"Right. Uh, right. That must have been the last time," he stammered.

"How is Mrs. Thomas? Can I say hello?"

"She's, uh, visiting her sister this weekend. Out of town."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I missed her! She and I have a lot to catch up on," I said, amusement sparkling in my eyes.

He walked back up the stairs in a daze.

With a wry smile, Jenny said, "There you go, teasing him again."

"Just him?" I said slyly.

Jenny just looked at me but couldn't keep herself from smiling.

"You are so bad, Katie."

"No, I am so good!" I said, laughing.

We had dinner and then sat on the couch to watch a movie, back to the scene of the crime. So far, she had seemed entirely at ease and wasn't showing any signs of feeling awkward about the fact that we were sitting in the same place where I'd rubbed her clit and given her an eyeball-rolling orgasm just a few months earlier. I decided just to play it cool. We watched the whole movie without incident. She never made a move, and neither did I. Mr. Thomas hadn't made any more appearances. I had a feeling he was hiding out until after Jenny went to sleep.

Finally, it was time for bed. I changed into the t-shirt and panties that I needed to be wearing to fuck Mr. Thomas later. There was no way Jenny didn't recognize that I was wearing the same clothes as our special night together. But she didn't blink. We chit-chatted about school, boys, and other things. I couldn't believe it, but she didn't seem remotely interested in rekindling what we had started the last time. I was surprised but resigned. I decided to get some rest because I had Jenny's Daddy to service in a few hours.  

I had just fallen asleep when I felt a warm hand on my thigh. Was it already two o'clock in the morning, and Mr. Thomas had come to get me? It didn't seem like it had been that long. I blinked through the darkness, trying to focus. After a moment, I saw that it was Jenny who was touching me, sitting up in bed. She was naked.

"Katie, are you awake?"

"I am now. Why are you naked?"

"I have something I want to ask you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Katie, I...I want to buy you. To buy your pussy. For an hour."

I just stared at her, shocked. How had she found out that I was an escort? Who else knew?

"Jenny, what the hell are you talking about?"

I thought I could brazen through it.

"Katie, I know all about it. I know you are an escort. And I know my daddy fucked you at a party."

What the actual fuck.

"What are you talking about?"

"One of his friends took a video and sent it to him. I've seen it. I saw you tied to that X-cross thing. I saw my daddy cum in your pussy."

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I was still speechless, not sure what to say next.

"That...that last time you slept over, the way you touched me, the way you made me cum...I've never cum like that with a boy or even when I touch myself. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since. I saw all those people using you in that video. Now I want my turn. I've got money to pay you with."

Her mention of money hit me like an erotic wave. The thought of her paying me for us to fuck was super hot, and I felt myself starting to get wet.

"Okay, Jenny. How much money do you have to pay me?"

Her mouth opened in a sexy little pout, and she gasped. I could tell that the way I had spoken to her had sent a little thrill down her spine and all the way to her pussy. Her girl-cum was visible on her inner thighs.

"I have . . . I have two hundred and fifty dollars. Is that enough?"

"Do you want to know how much your daddy paid to be in that room with me that night?"

She paused, and I could hear her heart racing.

"Um...How much?"

"Twelve hundred dollars."

The look on her face was a combination of shock and disappointment.

"Oh, well, okay, I understand. It's not enough," she looked down at the bed, forlorn.


She looked back up to me, fighting back tears.


"Let's just call this a first-time discount. Ask Mr. Smith about that sometime. Get out your money and put it on the bed."

She stared at me for a moment, then got up and walked to her dresser. The sight of her walking naked across the room to get the money she was going to pay me to fuck her gave me an intense thrill. She pulled out a stack of fives, tens, and twenties. She timidly placed it on the bed.

"Spread out all the bills all over the bed. We are going to fuck on top of your money."

She gasped, opened her mouth, and got another of those amazingly erotic pouty looks on her face. Her pussy was gushing. Breathing hard, she started to spread the money out on the bed. I took off my t-shirt and panties and folded them neatly off to the side. I was going to need those later. Now, both of us were naked on a bed covered in money.

"Lay down on your back, Jenny. Lay down on the money you used to buy my pussy."

She shuddered and did as she was told. Pushing her legs apart, I got up on my knees on the bed between her spread thighs.

"Put your arms up and behind you. Don't move them from that position until I tell you."

She did as I asked. I started at her knees and slowly caressed her soft skin. I moved along her legs to the tops of her thighs and then down to her inner thighs. I traced around her pussy but did not touch it. I ran my fingers along the front of her buttocks and then back up around her pussy. I gently caressed her tummy and the curves of her waist. I took my time, exploring every inch of her.

I spoke to her while I played with her body, "Did you save up all that money, Jenny? From your job at the mall? Were you squirreling away every penny, hoping you'd have enough to pay me to fuck you?"

"Fuck, yes, Katie, I saved it all up. I wanted your pussy so badly."

My hands went to her ample breasts, massaging and fondling. I took her nipples between my fingers, rolling them and pinching them, slowly increasing the pressure until she let out a soft cry. I leaned forward and got on top of her, our breasts pressing together. I moved forward until I was face to face with her, and then we began to kiss. I slid my tongue into her warm mouth as we began to make out with urgency. I pushed my pelvis forward so that my pussy rubbed against her belly. My hands moved all over her body as we kissed.

After a while, I broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes. "Is this what you wanted, Jenny? Is this what you paid for?"

She nodded, panting, her breasts heaving up and down with her breath.

"Kiss me again, you bitch," she said, "I paid for you and I want it now."

I dove back into her mouth, kissing her harder than ever. I slipped one hand between her legs and began to tease her pussy, dragging a finger along her slit. She let out a moan and pressed herself against my fingers.

"Jenny, do you want me to finger your pussy?"

She didn't hesitate. "Yes, fuck yes, stick your fingers inside me."

I slid two fingers into her pussy and used my thumb to massage her clit. I methodically finger fucked her, varying the speed but never stopping. I broke the kiss again, but then I moved to kiss her neck, and then her chest, and then down to her breasts. I scooted down her body, licking and sucking her nipples and then sliding my tongue into her navel and licking her flat belly. I kissed and licked her inner thighs, moving inch by inch closer to her pussy. She spread her legs wide and lifted her hips, willing my mouth to find her cunt. I kissed all around her pussy, torturing her.

"Jenny, do you want me to lick your pussy? Is that what you paid for?"

"Yes, Katie, please, please lick my pussy, lick my clit."

I darted my tongue into her pussy and licked all around. I found her clit and began to lick it very slowly at first. Then I sped up and swirled my tongue on her clit in little circles. She moaned and bucked as I ate her pussy. I kept going relentlessly. And then I stopped.

She let out a yell of frustration. "Why the fuck did you stop!"

"Jenny, do you want me to make you cum?"

"Fuck yes!" she grabbed me by the hair and shoved my face back into her cunt. I latched onto her clit and licked it - fast and then slow, fast and then slow. I could feel her release building as her body started to shudder. She let out a loud cry and raised her hips, mashing her pussy against my face. She came and came and came all over my face. After she was utterly spent, I laid my head on her smooth tummy. She laid back, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm, her breathing slowing.  


"Yes, baby?"

"I want to eat your pussy. I paid for it, and I should get to have it in my mouth."

"Your wish is my command."

I got up on my knees and put my legs on either side of her head, bringing my soaked pussy close to her face. As I hovered there, a few drops of my girl-cum dripped onto her pretty face. She used her fingers to wipe it up and sucked them clean, tasting me. 

"Mmm. Yummy," she said in a throaty voice. 

"Jenny, do you want me to sit on your face?"

"Yes. Please," she said longingly.  

I lowered my cunt onto her face, and I felt her warm tongue slip inside me. I let out a long, audible sigh. I rode her face, moving forward and backward and side to side. She put her hands on my ass to guide me and shoved her face up into me, licking and lapping. She took my clit between her lips and sucked on it, and then she took it between her teeth and lightly bit down on it, making me cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. We got into a rhythm, and the pressure on my clit seemed to amplify. I knew I was close to cumming. 

"Jenny," I said breathlessly, "Jenny, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face."

That energized her, and her cunnilingus became a feeding frenzy. I moved faster and faster, grinding my clit against her. I felt it build and crushed her face with my cunt until my body exploded with my orgasm. I let out a scream, no longer giving a fuck what Mr. Thomas heard. I rode her face until my long, drawn-out orgasm had run its course. 

I fell onto the bed beside her. I looked over and saw that her face was drenched in sweat and my girl-cum. I began kissing and licking her, cleaning her up. It turned into a deep tongue kiss, and we made out for several minutes, both of us enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss. I put my arms around her and spooned her, pulling her warm body tight against mine. As we lightly dozed, I wondered about Mr. Thomas. There was absolutely no way he hadn't heard the sounds of me having sex with his daughter, yet we hadn't heard a peep out of him.

A little while later, we got up and got dressed, and I collected my sex-stained money from Jenny's bed. Jenny went to the bathroom to clean herself up, but I deliberately left myself dirty, smelling like just-fucked pussy. That's the way I wanted to go to Mr. Thomas. I made sure to put on the t-shirt and panties that he had explicitly requested. Jenny and I fell asleep in each other's arms.

I felt a soft, insistent tap on my arm in the middle of the night and slowly awoke. I looked up and saw Mr. Thomas standing over me. He was wearing a t-shirt and loose-fitting shorts.

"Wake up, Katie. It's time."

As I got up from the bed, he slid his hands under my t-shirt and rubbed my tits. Someone was feeling very anxious. He took my hand and led me upstairs to their guest bedroom. We walked inside, and he closed the door. He immediately began to maul me; his hands were all over me, touching, rubbing, squeezing.

"Katie, you smell like sex. What have you been doing?"

"Mr. Thomas, I fucked your daughter downstairs on her bed."

He stopped groping me and froze for a moment. Again, there was just no way he hadn't heard us, but I guessed that I had shocked him pretty good by being so brazen about it.

"Yeah, I ate out her pussy, and she came all over my face. And then she wanted to return the favor, so I straddled her face until I came all over it. Quid pro quo, you know, Mr. Thomas?"

He just stood there, staring at me in the low light of the bedroom.

"Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention - she paid me to fuck her. Two hundred and fifty dollars. I guess she saved up all her money from her job at the ice cream shop at the mall. Just think how long she had to save up so that she could afford to fuck me. I made her spread the money out all over her bed and we fucked on top of it."

I watched him carefully, and I could see that while he wanted to be outraged, what he was actually feeling was intense arousal at my bluntness. I waited while his internal struggle played out.

"Do you still want to fuck me, Mr. Thomas?"

He hesitated for a few moments, but then his will broke. He reached for me, but I took a step back.

"Not so fast, Mr. Thomas. Aren't you forgetting something?"

He stared at me for a moment, then walked over to the nightstand next to the bed and opened a drawer. He pulled out a stack of twenty fifty-dollar bills and offered them to me.

"Spread it out on the bed, Mr. Thomas. Like daughter, like father."

He did as I asked, carefully placing the crisp fifties all over the bed.

"Good boy."

He attacked me again, ripping my t-shirt off and roughly fondling my body. I opened my mouth for him, and he kissed me hard. I slid my hand inside his shorts and grasped his hard cock, jerking him off. He grabbed the front of my panties and pulled back hard, making the material rip. My panties came apart, falling to the floor and leaving me naked. My pussy was gushing.

He threw me onto the bed on my back. He pulled off his t-shirt and shorts, and then he was on top of me, ravaging me, forcing my legs apart.

"You dirty fucking whore," he rasped, "Daddy is going to put you in your fucking place."

"Is that right, Daddy? Are you gonna show me who's boss?"

I deliberately struggled against him, trying to close my legs and push him away. This enraged him, and he overpowered me, pinning both of my arms together behind my head with one hand and forcing my thighs apart with the other. He moved on top of me, putting his full weight on me until I couldn't move. I could feel his throbbing cock against my soaked cunt.

"Are you gonna fuck me now, Daddy? Are you gonna stick it in me?"

Now that his body was on top of me and between my legs, it freed up one of his hands. He used it to grasp my throat. He started to squeeze.

"That's right, you nasty little bitch. Daddy is the boss. Daddy owns that dirty little cunt."

I was completely helpless as he shoved his cock into me. I let out a loud moan as he filled me up. And then he was pounding me with all his strength, taking out all his frustrations on my bought and paid-for little pussy.

"Fuck it, Daddy. Own it. Make my whore cunt yours," I urged him.

He groaned as he railed on me, making me feel like he was going to split me open. His hand continued to tighten around my throat, constricting my breathing. He fucked me faster and faster, and I could feel his breathing quickening. I knew he was close.

"Give me all your cum, Daddy. Mark me on the inside. Make me your owned little bitch."

That pushed him over the edge. He shoved it in deep and held it there, moaning very loudly as he spasmed inside me. He was almost crushing me, like he was trying to keep his cock as deep inside of me as possible. When he started to pull back, I thought he was finally done, but then he shoved it back inside of me again as if he still had a few more spurts of his cum to put inside me. He repeated that several times until it seemed that he was finally spent. After a while, he pulled out and rolled off me. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, panting. He looked over at me.

"Fuck, Katie. Fuck," he said, shaking his head.

Without another word, he got off the bed, collected his clothes and left me there.

I gathered up my cash and clothes and crept back into Jenny's room.  I laid down next to her, naked, and took her in my arms again. She looked around at me sleepily.

"I hope my daddy enjoyed your pussy as much as I did, Katie."

With that, she rolled over and fell back into a deep sleep.

Written by JackOwnsU
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