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The Apartment

"Angela becomes Kyle's slave."

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“I’m going to need out of my lease.”

The man stood there in front of Angela’s desk in the back of the leasing office.

“Let me pull your file. Just in case you weren’t aware there’s going to be a charge to break your lease,” she responded as she got up and made her way to the filing cabinet.

The man had his hands in his pocket, he held a small device that he began to push the button on.

“How about we just waive the fee to break my lease?”

Angela looked at him for a couple of seconds.

“I can’t do that,” she said, picking back through her file cabinet. "Now what was your name and unit number?"

The man stared at Angela. She had blonde hair that came down to below her shoulders. She was in her early forties and was attractive for her age. She was a little chubby, he thought. Big waist and ass but smaller breasts. Thick thighs.

He held the button on the device again, trying to point it at her without taking it out of his pocket or drawing attention to it.

"My name is Dean, I'm in 14C."

She found the file and returned to her desk to look it over.

“Come on, I think we could waive the fee.”

“Sir,” she said looking at him a bit sternly. “I told you, I cannot do that. My hands are tied.”

The man started getting more impatient. He pulled the small device out of his pocket and tried to hide it with his hand while pointing it at her. He pressed the button again.

Angela squinted her eyes and rubbed her temples. A sharp pain in her temples began to grow stronger and stronger. She closed her eyes and saw what looked like bright lines connecting across her vision. They grew brighter and brighter and then in an instant just vanished. The pain in her temples disappeared as well.

“We’ll drop the fee for the lease,” he said calmly.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” she replied.

“You’re hands weren’t so tied now where they? But they will be. Hmmm.”

Just then a maintenance worker walked in. The man watched him grab some keys that were hanging on the wall and walk back out. He looked like he was in his early twenties. Short brown hair, almost shaved, with a goatee. The man thought he looked a bit 'dim'.

“Who's that?” he asked Angela.

“That's Kyle. He's maintenance,” she replied.

“What do you think about him?”

“He's good at his job but irresponsible. I've given him a couple of warnings already. If he no-shows again he's going to be fired,” Angela answered in an emotionless tone.

“Do you think he's cute?” the man asked.

“He's twenty-two, that's a little young for me. He's also kind of stupid. Gets on my nerves a lot. Like most twenty-year-olds do when you're forty-two.”

“Are you married?”

“No. Not anymore.”

“Good. Not that it matters, I guess. Ke-Kyle was his name?”


“Kyle is your boss now. You are his slave and he is your master. You will do whatever he wants you to do and it will bring you more joy than anything else possibly ever could. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“Good! Okay, hey, It was great living here but I'm off to greener pastures. Have fun with Kyle.”

The man then turned and left.

Angela sat there slowly regaining thought. She looked around at the papers on her desk and filed away the lease that she had just filled out.

She glanced up and watched as Kyle came back in and placed the key back on the hook. Excitement shot through her body. She quickly made her way to the office door.

“Kyle!” she shouted. She had startled him, causing him to jump a little.

“Oh, hi Angela,” he responded. He was expecting her to reprimand him as she usually did.

“ are you doing later?”

“I'm working on cleaning out 23H. You said it needed to be ready by tomorrow, right?”

“I mean after that. After work. How about we hang out? I can buy you dinner and we can do whatever you want after that?”

Kyle stared at Angela as she leaned up against the door frame, straightening her clothes trying to make herself more presentable to him.

“I don't a date or something?”

“Yes? I don't know. I mean whatever you want! If you call it a date it's a date!”

She began to get nervous hoping he would be pleased with her answer.

“Um, hey, you're pretty cool Angela, but I don't think so. You're kind of too old for me.”

Angela stood up straight and moved towards him quickly.

“Okay, not a date! Look, I'll do whatever you want. I'll buy you food. I'll buy you weed. You smoke weed, right? I'll buy you video games. We can go to any store after work and get whatever you want. Then we can go back to your place and I can clean it. You can also have my body, Kyle.”

Kyle stared at her as she tried to change her posture to a more sexy standing pose.

“You can fuck my pussy, or I can suck your dick. Whatever you want. I know I have a big ass, but you can do whatever you want with it. I'll be your slave.”

“Are you okay?” Kyle was in shock.

“Please Kyle, let me be your slave!”

Shocked, Kyle had agreed to let her pick him up after work since he didn't have a car and buy him dinner. Angela sat at her desk for the next three hours trying to get work done, but having a hard time concentrating on anything other than Kyle.

At five exactly she locked the door and walked him to her car. As they drove to get drive-thru she asked him about his life. She made sure not to interrupt him or concentrate on her own life, worried that if she talked too much about herself it would annoy him.

Kyle wanted some drive-thru fried chicken and had her make a stop at a liquor store. She bought him a ninety-dollar bottle of scotch. He was in disbelief as she paid for it and handed it to him. Serving him made her so happy, she thought. She had never been this happy in her life.

They made their way back to his apartment which was in a scummy complex on the other side of town.

As they entered she looked around. The place reeked of marijuana, as there was his roommate, a shirtless guy his age with a ball cap on smoking a joint.

“Hey,” the roommate said. “Who's the lady?”

“This is Angela,” Kyle replied. “She's my boss, we're ju…”

“I'm his slave,” Angela corrected before Kyle could finish.

She instantly became nervous hoping he wouldn't be angry with her for stepping out of line.

“Fuuuuuuck,” his roommate said laughing.

“C'mon let's go to my room,” Kyle said.

“I hope you're not angry at me for interrupting,” she said as she followed close behind.

Inside his room, she watched as he ate the fried chicken and watched TV. He would glance over at her as she stared at him in adoration.

“So, what happened? You were always kind of mean with me before.”

“Oh, please forgive me,” she pleaded.

“It's all good, I'm just kind of freaking out over this sudden change, ya know?”

“I was at my desk today and something just happened. I realized the secret to my happiness was being your servant. Doing whatever you asked of me. Making you happy is all I want in life now.”

Kyle looked at her in disbelief. He decided to give her what he felt would be the ultimate test.

“You said you'd suck my dick?”

Angela instantly got up and walked over, kneeling down before him as he sat on the edge of his bed.

“Of course, do you want me to suck your dick?”


She helped him pull his pants down and began to suck his cock. It was average, but it felt like the greatest cock she had ever encountered. Part of her began to ask herself what she was doing, but she was so happy that it didn't matter to her. She couldn't believe how good she felt. How wet her pussy was. She hadn't felt this turned on in a long time.

Kyle reached down and began to play with her breasts over her clothes. Angela began to unbutton her shirt and move her bra down so he could have access to her tits. She made sure to keep his cock in her mouth the whole time.

He squeezed her tits with one hand while pushing down on her head with the other.

“Let me see that big ass,” he told her.

She got up and removed the rest of her clothes, turning around so he could look at her big ass. She was embarrassed at how she was acting, but also so happy. She spread her cheeks apart to give him a view of her asshole and pussy which he could tell was already wet.

“Damn,” he said, staring her over. “Get back to sucking my cock.”

Angela got back down and took him back in her mouth. He lay back on the bed as she continued.

“You swallow?” he asked.

“Whatever you want me to do,” she said, quickly taking him back in her mouth so as to not upset him.

“Yeah, swallow my cum.”

She sucked his dick for another couple of minutes before he came, swallowing every drop of it. Something she had never done before. She found the taste to be off-putting but it felt so good to please him.

He lay there quiet for a couple of seconds before getting up and looking at her as she sat there on his floor completely nude, looking at him with a smile on her face. Kyle reached down and squeezed her tit. They were kind of small, but her nipples were pretty large.

“I don't know what's going on, this is insane,” he told her, taking his hand away from her breast.

“I just...nothing makes me more happy than serving you,” she answered.

Kyle looked around his small room. It had dirty walls and his bed had a simple comforter on it. He had a small flat screen tv and an old gaming system.

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“You got your own place?” he asked her.

“Of course.”

“Can we go there for the night?”

They got dressed and Angela drove him to her apartment on the other side of town. As they walked in he looked around. It was very clean. She had a nice couch with a large-screen TV in the living room. He looked in her bedroom and saw a small bed. She lived in a two-bedroom apartment, but the other room was just storage.

“What's with the boxes?” he asked.

“My ex-husband's stuff. He hasn't come to get it. It's been like two years. I'm getting ready to throw it out, but I haven't been able to,” she answered, almost ashamed.

“Oh, well is it alright if I stay at your place tonight?”

“Of course!” she answered, “I'll take the couch, please you take my bed. You can stay here as long as you like. My apartment is now your apartment!”

“Sounds good,” he answered looking around. “Take your clothes off. Whenever we're at home here I don't want you wearing anything.”

She quickly stripped her clothes off. The fact that he called her apartment 'home' sent waves of excitement through her body.

Kyle stared at Angela standing there nude. She had some cellulite on her tummy and thighs. She wasn't his ideal, she was about fifteen years older than he would be dating and about a hundred pounds more than he liked, but she was his.

“Would you like me to suck your dick again? You can fuck me too if you'd like.”

The words escaped her mouth as inside she felt ashamed at what she was saying and the fact that she was standing there nude in front of him. She would have never been this confident with her body, especially with someone almost 20 years her junior.

“Nah, actually let's just chill with some TV for now. I know you gotta work tomorrow morning.”

“No, don't let that stop you,” she almost pleaded. “I don't even have to go tomorrow if you don't want me to.”

“No, you should go to work. You need to pay for this place. It's pretty nice. I think I'll move in with you.”

Her heart began to race at the excitement of him moving in with her.

“You should go to work. You're good at what you do, managing that complex. We need you to bring in the money to pay the rent and buy me shit.”

“Yes, of course.”

They sat on the couch watching TV. He watched some shows about cars that would have bored her otherwise, but since Kyle liked them she was into them as well. Trying to learn about everything that was said, taking mental notes.

After an hour Kyle looked over and took his basketball shorts he was wearing off. He began to stroke his cock and play with her tits.

“Let me do that,” she said, grabbing his dick from him.

She jerked him off until he was hard.

“Get on my dick.”

She got up and sat down on him. Straddling him, staring into his eyes as she guided his cock into her pussy. It had been about a year since she had fucked anyone. The last person was her ex-husband as he came to fill out the divorce papers. He had signed them and then talked her into fucking him one last time.

She couldn't believe what was happening. A part of her wanted to scream and run, but she was so excited to be able to serve Kyle. As his cock pressed into her pussy she let out a moan. It was the most pleasurable experience she had ever had. It took just one thrust into her and she came.

Kyle sat for a minute, a little amazed she had cum so quickly. After a couple of seconds though, he began to fuck her.

He grabbed her ass with both hands and slapped it after a couple of thrusts.

“Spank me, master!” she told him.

“Damn, your pussy is tight!”

“My pussy is only for you, master.”

Anglea couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.

“Grind that old ass pussy on my cock.”

She put her hands behind her head and began to thrust her hips. He took his hands off her ass and began to squeeze her tits.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum," he told her.

"Cum in me," she said. "I'm infertile, you don't have to worry about getting me pregnant."

After Kyle had finished they sat on the couch together as he got back to watching TV.

“This pussy is mine. Got that?” he told her during a commercial break.

“Of course, master.”

“If I want you to share it though, you'll share it, right?”

“Of course, I'll do whatever you want me to do,” she told him. Trying to reassure him that she was fully his.

He got up and then went into her room and closed the door to go to sleep.

She lay on the couch nude trying to sleep. She set her alarm to make sure she would be up early and ready to go to work the next morning, as he ordered her.

She had always had a hard time trying to sleep nude. She liked wearing pajamas and having a lot of covers on her, even in the summer, so she never slept nude of her own volition. It took her a couple of hours before she was finally able to sleep and even then it was a restless night. She had to get used to it though, she thought. Kyle wanted her nude every time she was in the apartment.

The next day she got up, got dressed, and went to work.

She spent the day doing her best to exceed at her job. Usually, she had free time she used to browse on her phone, get in touch with friends or just catch up on TV shows. Today she would take no breaks, only her lunch to eat, and then would quickly get back to work.

She returned home as fast as she could after her day was done. As she walked into her apartment, she quickly disrobed before looking at Kyle lying on the couch wearing only his basketball shorts. He was smoking weed, her apartment reeked of it. For a quick moment, she wanted to yell at him and open all the windows, but she became so happy to see him enjoying himself.

“Hey baby,” he greeted her. Her heart filled with joy at him calling her 'baby'.


She quickly made her way over to him, “Do you need anything?”

The apartment was so full of smoke that she hadn't noticed the stranger sitting in the chair next to the couch. He looked to be around the same age as Kyle. He had long hair and a long beard. She figured he was around 250 pounds. She slowly covered her tits and pussy.

“That's Derek. Show him your body, baby.”

She quickly moved her hands away, back to her side.

“Shit man, I can't believe this,” Derek said.

“I told you. She just decided out of nowhere she wanted to be my slave. Ain't that right, baby?”

“Yes. I'm Kyle's,” she happily responded. She felt an immense amount of pride being able to say that. Pride had quickly overtaken her embarrassment.

“Baby, Derek just brought me some weed. I told him you would give him some great head since I don't feel like paying for it and he agreed.”

“Oh,” she responded.

Normally these were the kind of guys Angela would have hated to have even been around for a second. She began to marvel in her mind at how she should feel versus how she felt at that moment. Happy to please Kyle.

“Weed ain't cheap,” Derek laughed.

“I'm going to go take a shit. You suck his dick, lick his balls, and swallow his load, alright?”

“Of course!”

She made her way over to Derek who was arching his back to take his pants off as Kyle left the room. She helped him pull them down then grabbed his cock with her right hand as she got down on the floor in front of him. It was flaccid as she put it in her mouth but quickly stiffened up. It...

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Written by MCB
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