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Jim And The Work Wife - Chapter five

"After Jim and Molly's night together, Brad confronts them."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading this series. As always, if you haven't read the first four chapters yet, it's worth your time to go back and do that first so everything makes sense. I'm thinking that unless there's some major outpouring of requests for a sixth chapter, I may leave this as the last chapter for a while to go start on a few other stories. <p> [ADVERT] </p>That said, I really liked writing this one, so this may not be the last you hear of Jim or Molly. Thanks for reading!"

Molly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she awoke. As she glanced around the unfamiliar bedroom, it took her a second to get her bearings. Memories from last night flooded her mind as she turned and spotted Jim, asleep beside her.

Last night.

Molly sighed. Last night was incredible. No, more than incredible. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her life. Over the years, she and Brad had more than a few seriously hot and heavy nights. While they weren’t the kinkiest couple in the bedroom, they definitely knew how to have fun. Still, nothing she’d ever experienced could hold a candle to the nonstop, wet, wild fuck-a-thon that was last night. Watching Jim sleep, a smile crept onto her face as an idea popped into her head.

A few moments later, Jim groaned, stirring from the incredible sensations on his cock. As his eyes opened, he lifted his head and looked down at his crotch, where Molly’s head was busily bobbing up and down on his shaft.

“Mhhhh, yeah,” Jim groaned as Molly blew his cock.

“Good morning,” Molly said, pulling herself off Jim’s erection just long enough to greet her lover. Jim sighed as Molly licked up and down his shaft, pausing to swirl her tongue around the head.

Molly resumed sucking his cock, pistoning her head up and down on his shaft. Jim grabbed her by the hair and started rapidly face fucking her, thrusting into her mouth as he slammed her up and down on his member. Molly groaned on his cock, making slurping and gagging noises as Jim grunted and continued to thrust.

“Fuck, babe,” Jim moaned, “I’m cumming!”

With one final thrust, Jim erupted, shooting ribbons of cum into Molly’s waiting mouth. When Jim’s cock had been drained, Molly slid her smiling lips off him. She opened her mouth, showing off his load, then threw back her head, swallowing it with a gulp.

“Yummy,” Molly cooed, “I always love breakfast in bed.”

Jim chuckled at her comment as he assessed his coworker. Her smeared makeup was accented by several strands of dried cum in her hair. Her neck was covered in hickeys and marks. Her pussy was caked in dry cum.

“You know,” Jim stated, “you look like a well-used slut. What would you say to a shower?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Molly smiled. A few minutes later, Molly and Jim were in his shower, Kissing as they used Jim’s soap to lather up. Molly especially enjoyed lathering up Jim’s cock, stroking him to another orgasm. Jim replied in kind, fingering her pussy until her knees buckled and she came.

“You know, Jim, there’s one problem,” Molly stated as they dried off.

“What’s that?” Jim asked.

“I don’t have any clothes here,” Molly replied matter-of-factly.

“That’s something we’ll need to correct for next time,” Jim said with a grin, “but in the meantime, I do have a solution. Kelsey keeps a couple sets of clothes in my dresser. You can swipe one of her outfits.”

“Kelsey?” Molly tilted her head.

“You know, my home health nurse. The one I’ve seen a few times.”

“Oh, right!” Molly recalled.

“Anyway, she’s about the same size as you, except her tits aren’t as big as these,” he said, reaching out to grab Molly’s breasts, making her giggle. “I think it’ll work for today.”

“Yeah?” Molly asked. “How’s she going to feel about the other girl you’re fucking borrowing her clothes?”

“Oh, she wouldn’t mind at all,” Jim replied. “I’ve told her all about you. She thinks you’re awesome, and was even rooting for us to get together.”

“Oh she was, was she?” Molly asked playfully. “ You know, I don’t think it’s very fair that she’s heard all about me, and I don’t know hardly anything about her. Come on, you know I’m not the jealous type. Spill the beans.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Jim offered, “Let’s get dressed and I’ll tell you all about her on the drive in to work.”

“Deal,” Molly agreed.

Walking into the office, Molly found herself drawing more than a couple of stares. The skirt she was wearing fell several inches short of her knees, and the top, while technically a formal blouse, was tight on her breasts and her nipples were clearly visible through the material. (She opted not to wear a bra, thanks to Jim’s compliments on how hot she looked without it.)

As they made their way through the office toward the back hallway, they passed the copier, where Kevin happened to be waiting for a printout. Kevin glanced at the couple briefly, then did a double take. Stepping out into the path, he addressed Molly.

“Um, Molly,” Kevin stuttered, “your outfit today, I can’t let you–”

“Hang on, Kev,” Jim interrupted, causing his manager to look over at him. “You’re always fine with Molly’s outfit choices. Just ignore it and let us get to work.” Jim winced and shook his head as Kevin took a deep breath.

“Okay, yeah, fine. See you guys later,” Kevin said as he stepped out of their way. Molly and Jim resumed walking toward the back of the building, and once they were a few steps away, Molly spoke up.

“What was that, Jim? Why’d he just listen to you?”

“Oh, maybe I have a little blackmail on the ol’ boss,” Jim whispered with a grin, “or maybe I have superpowers. Either way, he’s still checking out your ass.”

Molly looked back at Kevin and caught him staring at her. He quickly looked away, and Molly laughed.

Around lunchtime, Jim was reclined on his office sofa while Molly was on her knees, giving him a blowjob. Suddenly there was an aggressive knock at the door. Molly looked up at Jim, startled, and jumped to her feet. As Jim buttoned up his pants, Molly grabbed her clothes from the floor and ran over to the bathroom. The angry knocking continued. Making sure Molly was safely out of sight, Jim finished tucking his shirt back in and opened the door. When he did, his eyes went wide.

“Oh, hello,” Jim addressed the visitor, recognizing him from photos he’d seen. “You’re Brad, right?”

“Yeah,” Molly’s husband grumbled while he pushed past Jim, entering the office. “Where’s Molly?” His face was scowling and he looked ready to erupt. Jim retreated back behind his desk as he replied.

“She’s just in the bathroom. She’ll be out in a second. Why don’t you have a seat?”

“No thanks,” Brad barked, beginning to pace the floor. “So are you this ‘Jim’ guy?”

“Uh, yes sir,” Jim replied. Brad opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, the bathroom door opened and Molly stepped out.

“Molly!” Brad exclaimed before stopping dead in his tracks and scanning her outfit. “Molly, what the fuck are you wearing?! What’s that on your neck?” Brad began ripping into Molly, asking her what was going on with her, why she moved offices and didn’t tell him, and why she was acting so strange the last few days. Molly tried to reply, but Brad kept talking over her. As he ranted, Jim’s eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face.

“Brad!” Jim shouted, causing Molly’s husband to look in his direction. “Stop it. Stand still and be quiet.” Instantly Brad fell silent as he stared daggers into Jim’s eyes. Jim grimaced a little and took a deep breath as he looked over at Molly. “Molly,” Jim began calmly, “I think what everyone needs here is some lunch. Why don’t you head down to the sandwich shop on Washington Street and grab something for all three of us?”

“Jim,” Molly said, a look of worry on her face.

“Just trust me,” Jim replied. Molly nodded. She went to grab her purse, and Jim opened the top drawer of his desk pulling out an orange prescription bottle. “Definitely gonna need these,” he mumbled to himself, taking two of his migraine pills and popping them in his mouth.

“Okay,” Jim addressed Brad as Molly headed out the office door. “Have a seat Brad, and let’s talk.”

Thirty minutes later, Molly trepidatiously opened the door to her office, clutching a bag of sandwiches. Slipping quietly around the door, she halfway expected to find a bloodbath. What she found instead was so much more shocking that she nearly dropped their lunch.

Brad was on the couch, laughing hysterically. Across from him, Jim was in his office chair, telling a story.

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“Yeah, but get this,” Jim chuckled, “Afterward, the guy came up to her and he asked for seconds!” Both men broke into a fit of laughter. Molly just stared at the scene before her, unsure how to react. As they laughed at Jim’s story, Brad glanced over and noticed his wife.

“Babe!” he cried. “Welcome back. Oh god, why didn’t you tell me Jim was such a riot? Come on in, I’m starving!”

“Well, um,” Molly replied, still not entirely sure how to react, “it looks like you two are getting along.” Brad gestured for her to sit down next to him, and Molly stepped over to the couch to take a seat.

“Oh yeah, babe,” her husband began, wrapping an arm around his wife, “as soon as I found out how awesome a guy Jim was, I couldn’t help but love the dude. You sure are lucky to be working with him.”

Still a bit shell-shocked, Molly found herself replying that Jim was definitely awesome. The guys continued chatting and Molly distributed sandwiches from the bag she’d been clutching. As they ate, Jim and Brad continued bantering like longtime friends, with Brad occasionally checking Molly out and complimenting her looks. Slowly and cautiously, Molly found herself joining in the conversation.

“Oh hey,” Brad eventually spoke up, looking at his phone, “I didn’t realize what time it was. I really need to get back to work.” Brad stood up, causing both Jim and Molly to follow suit. Brad stepped up to Jim and gave him a big hug. “Hey man,” he said warmly, “it was so great getting to know you.”

“Same to you,” Jim replied through a smile. Brad turned and hugged Molly next.

“And you,” Brad grinned, “I’ll see you tonight.” He gave his wife a quick peck on the lips before breaking off the hug. “You two have a great day,” Brad addressed the coworkers before heading out the office door, pulling it shut behind him.

Jim rolled his office chair back behind his desk while Molly just stood there, trying to process the words she wanted to get out.

“Okay,” she finally said, “what the fuck was that?”

“What do you mean?” Jim asked.

“That. The whole buddy-buddy routine. When I left, Brad was coming off the rails. I was only gone for half an hour. How the fuck did you do that?

“Oh geez,” Jim started, “It just turns out that your hubby’s a pretty easy guy to talk to. I’ll tell you what, let’s sit on the sofa and I’ll tell you the whole story. There’s a bunch of stuff I need to fill you in on anyway.”

Jim went over and sat down on the sofa, patting the seat next to him. Molly smiled, and soon found herself snuggled up next to Jim, looking him in the eyes as he spoke.

It was close to midnight when Molly finally pulled up in her driveway. Opening the front door of her house, Molly was delighted to find everything spotless. The shelves were dusted. The carpets were vacuumed. The desk was cleaned off. Molly made her way to the kitchen, happy to find all the dishes washed and put away, the floor mopped, and the counters wiped down.

Stepping into her bedroom, she noticed it was just as spotless as the rest of the house. The dirty clothes pile was gone. The lightbulb in their closet that had been burnt out for a week had been changed. There were even fresh sheets on the bed, where Brad was lounging as he read his phone. Seeing Molly come in, Brad sat up in the bed and grinned.

“Hey babe,” he beamed, “welcome home.”

“Welcome home, indeed,” Molly smiled as she sat on the bed next to her husband. “The house looks great, sweetie.”

“Thanks,” Brad glowed. “I wanted everything to be perfect for you. I’m so glad you’re home. How was your day?”

Molly gave Brad a little smirk. “It was amazing, honey. I had so much fun.”

“That’s wonderful,” Brad replied, “tell me all about it.”

“Are you sure you want to know?” Molly asked. “Because I might have been a bit… naughty.”

“Oh god, Molly,” Brad sighed lustily, “yes, please, tell me.”

“Well,” Molly began, “after you left my office, Jim and I had a little talk. Jim is just so sexy, don’t you think?”

“Mhh hhh,” her husband agreed.

“He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever met, Brad, even sexier than you. I just knew I had to kiss him, so that’s what I did, right there in my office. I started kissing him. But it was more than just a kiss. I kissed him hard, honey. We made out like a couple of teenagers. His tongue felt so good in my mouth. It got me so hot.”

“Oh god,” Brad replied, his erection starting to become visible under his shorts. “That’s so hot, babe.”

“I’m so glad you’re not angry, darling. I was just so turned on, Brad. I couldn’t help it. Jim makes my pussy so wet. I knew I had to do more. Do you know what I did next?” Molly asked, her eyes sparkling.

“I want to know so bad,” Brad sighed.

“Well, I was so turned on, and I could feel Jim’s big, hard cock rubbing against me as we kissed. I wanted to see it so bad. So I got on my knees in front of him and slipped off his pants. Honey, his cock was so hard and yummy-looking. I had to taste it. I started kissing his shaft, and it was so good. I couldn’t control myself. I just started sucking and bobbing and blowing him like a horny little slut. It was so sexy. I hope you’re not mad.”

“Fuuuck. Keep going,” Brad groaned, his eyes meeting hers as he leaned back, placing his head in Molly’s lap. “Did he cum?” Molly placed a hand on her husband’s chest as she continued.

“Baby, he came so hard,” Molly cooed. “It was so yummy. I’ve never liked the taste of your cum, but Jim’s is super delicious. I drank as much as I could, but there was just so much of it that it ran down my chin and onto my tits. I felt so slutty for him, darling.”

Brad let out a moan. Molly’s hand slowly moved down Brad’s torso, until her fingertips were just under his waistband.

“I was thinking about you the whole time,” Molly purred. “I knew I was breaking my wedding vows, but I couldn’t help myself. His cock tastes better than yours, and it’s bigger than yours, too. I wanted it inside me so bad.”

“What did you do?” Brad asked his wife, his breathing growing ragged.

“Well, after I blew him, I wanted him to stay hard, so I started touching him, like this.” Molly’s hand slipped into her husband’s pants and she began stroking his cock. Brad let out a low groan as his wife continued her story.

“His cock felt so good in my hands, honey, but I still wanted more. So I pushed him onto the sofa, climbed up in his lap, and I rubbed his cockhead all up and down my pussy. I was so wet. I was leaking everywhere. His cock was getting coated in my juices and felt so good sliding up and down my folds. Do you know what we did next, Bradley?”

“Did you fuck?” Brad barely whispered as his cock jerked in Molly’s hand.

“We fucked, sweetie. I guided his cock straight into my pussy, and he fucked me so hard. It felt so good, his big, masculine cock pounding my tight little pussy. Does it turn you on to know the man you had lunch with fucked your wife like she was a dirty slut?”

“Oh god,” Brad moaned to his wife, “you’ve got me so turned on.” Brad had begun thrusting his hips as Molly continued stroking him.

“That’s so cute,” Molly replied. “I suppose I can finish stroking you off, dear, but Jim says I can’t fuck you. At least not until I’m good and pregnant. He fucks me so good, honey, I just have to have his babies. That’s why I’m home so late. After work, we went to Jim’s place, and he spent the whole night trying to breed me. You won’t mind if I let Jim knock me up, do you, darling? Wouldn’t it be so hot if your little wifey got bred by her big sexy coworker?”

“Ungh!” Brad grunted, unable to take it anymore. His cock erupted, shooting a load of cum all over the inside of his shorts. Molly smirked at her husband, withdrawing her hand from his shorts and wiping the cum that landed on her fingers onto his chest.

“I guess that’s it for you tonight. But maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you go down on me. Jim made quite a mess tonight.” Brad shifted out of her lap and Molly pulled up her skirt revealing a thoroughly used pussy. Overcome with lust, Brad dove in and began lapping at her folds. Molly let out a happy sigh.

“Slow down, baby,” she groaned as Brad worked away. “I want to enjoy this. Oh, before I forget, I need your credit card for tomorrow. Jim’s going to pick me up and we’re going to go on a little shopping spree. Jim wants to have some toys and clothes for me at his house for nights when I sleep over, and he thought I could update my wardrobe a little. He’s so thoughtful Brad, I really love him so much.

Brad groaned his approval as he continued eating out his wife, and they both reflected on how lucky they were.

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Written by ThePenisMightier
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