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Faithful Grace: Chapter 1 - Monday

"Grace Daniels is a faithful loving housewife going through a bit of a dry spell with her husband. When her friend suggests a new app, it turns her world upside down."

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Author's Notes

"Thanks for stopping by my story. I hope you like it. This is a multi-part series, so be on the lookout for future installments!"

“It’s got to be in here somewhere,” Grace muttered to herself as she tore through the back of her walk-in closet on the warm Monday morning. It couldn’t have been that long since she wore it last. Though as she flipped through hanger after hanger, she started to second guess herself. She and Greg had been going through a bit of a dry spell lately, and she hadn’t been motivated to really dress up in ages. 

That happens to most couples by their eighth year of marriage and second baby, she reckoned. Everyone starts out hot and steamy. Over time, the near daily sex turns into weekly sex, then near-weekly sex, and before long you can look up and realize that it’s been a couple months since the last time you fucked. For Grace and Greg, that was the last time she wore her “little red dress”, on their date to that fancy Italian place downtown. That was what, three months ago? No, probably closer to four. 

“Wow,” Grace admitted to herself, “it really has been a dry spell.”

“Aha!” She shouted in triumph, finally finding the hanger with her favorite dress. Well, one of her favorite dresses. In reality it was Greg’s favorite dress because as they often joked, that dress meant he was getting lucky. She pulled it off the hanger and turned around to face the full length mirror on the closet door. Slipping off her gym shorts, tank top, and bra, Grace tried the dress on and smoothed it out before striking a few poses. 

She had to admit, for a 28 year old mom of two, she still had a pretty smokin’ body. Her shoulder length blonde hair brushed against the shoulder straps of the deep red dress and the plunging neckline only further accentuated her already generous breasts, showing off ample cleavage. Sure, her tummy wasn’t quite as flat as it was when she and Greg met - you carry two children to full term and see how you look - but regular trips to the gym and a good diet kept her pretty damn proud of her looks. She definitely got plenty of attention when she went out, not that she was remotely interested in those guys. Even after almost eight years of marriage, Grace was still every bit as in love with Greg as she was the day she said “I do”. Sure, their sex life might be a bit more sparse than it used to be, but he was still the only man for her.

That was all the more reason she was glad to find the dress. While it was still four days until their eighth anniversary, Grace had already decided that she was going to turn over a new sexual leaf, and this was the perfect opportunity. Their anniversary fell on a Friday this year, and as far as Greg knew, the plan was to drop the kids off at his mom’s house for the night and just have a quiet little anniversary dinner at home. Little did he know, Grace was already pulling strings. Instead of staying overnight at Grandma’s house, Greg’s mom was picking them up after school for the whole weekend. Instead of a boring little dinner at home, She had booked dinner reservations at Chez Faire, a super swanky French place. If that wasn’t enough, she had another surprise for dessert - the whole weekend booked in the honeymoon suite at the hotel adjacent to Chez Faire. After dinner they could simply walk down the connecting hall to the hotel and spend the next 48 hours getting down and dirty.

Happy with how the dress looked on her and a little turned on thinking about her upcoming weekend of passion, Grace decided to snap a few selfies before she hung it back up. She bent down and fished her phone from her shorts and noticed that she had an email notification. Swiping down on the notification she saw that it was from her best friend Tammy, so she opened it up.

“Hey Gracey! How you doin’ girl? I was thinking about your super secret hot date this weekend with Greg. I got this app a couple weeks ago, and it blew my mind. Like literally. I was skeptical at first, but if I’m being honest, I’m wet and ready all day every day now. I’m such a hot slut that Scott can’t even keep up. If you want to light a fire, this is how. Seriously, check it out.”

Below Tammy’s paragraph was a link to some app store she hadn’t heard of before. Grace read the email several times over, slightly confused. She and her best friend had talked about their sex lives with their husbands from time to time, and they both had been looking for ways to spice things up and get out of dry spells, so it sorta made sense. But Tammy wasn’t the sort of person to use dirty talk with her husband, let alone Grace. A phrase like “wet and ready” wasn’t in her vernacular, and she definitely wouldn’t call herself a hot slut. In fact, Tammy once complained about a time when Scott had tried calling her a slut in the bedroom and she was so upset that she didn’t give him sex for a month.

Still, maybe Tammy really did find something that could improve her sex life. Grace knew there were apps out there that had sex positions and guides to dirty talk. She’d never downloaded any, but if there was something out there that could spice up her weekend with Greg, why not try it? She could always remove the app if she didn’t like it. 

Grace clicked on the link in the email, and almost immediately the prettiest loading screen Grace had ever seen popped up. The whole screen filled with vibrant colors that seemed to move and splash all over each other. Grace found herself trying to follow the splashes of color on her screen, not really caring that the loading screen went on and on for several minutes.

When the site finally finished loading, Grace was almost sad that the splashes of color were gone. Noting the time on her phone, she discovered that nearly 30 minutes had passed. She was surprised that it took so long for a page on an app site to load, and a little concerned that she seemed to have zoned out the whole time. Then she saw the title of the app her friend had sent to her and couldn’t believe it. “Hot Datez: Meet local hotties”.

“What the hell? Did she send me a dating app?” Grace asked out loud. That made no sense. She and Tammy were both faithful wives, happily married to amazing husbands - neither one had any business being on a dating app. As she read through the page, it was obvious that this wasn’t just a dating app, but the kind of app that people used to find a quick fuck. The premise was like a lot of these apps. You get to see a picture of a person. If you think they’re hot you swipe right. If you think they’re not, you swipe left. If you swipe right on someone and they swipe right on you, it’s a match and you get to send them messages. 

Grace was so confused. Surely there was no way Tammy meant to send her a dating app, right? Did she think Grace was actually going to get on this thing and start browsing ads for local guys? That was absolutely never going to happen. She was faithful to Greg, and as far as she was concerned, even checking out the guys on an app like this may as well be cheating.

Grace moved her finger to hover over the button to close the window, but stopped herself. She started thinking about the 30 minutes it took for the page to load. What if there’s some legitimate reason Tammy sent her the app? As much as she enjoyed the splashing colors of the loading page, it would still be another 30 minutes wasted, and she didn’t want that. Grace was faithful to her husband and didn’t want a dating app on her phone, for sure. Still, maybe there’s some functionality that lets couples use the app, she reasoned, and she just didn’t see it on the description page. 

Against her better judgment, she decided to just go ahead and install the app, and she’d ask Tammy about it. It’s harmless, and she could just delete it later. Grace clicked the install button, and all of a sudden the splashing colors of the loading screen were back. Grace found herself feeling better about the decision to download the app as she watched reds splash into blues and blues splash into greens, and a hundred other colors come and go in beautiful waves. What felt like a few moments later - but according to the clock was actually another 30 minutes -  the app finished installing and showed up in her app tray.

Once the app was installed she switched back over to her email app and fired off a response to Tammy. “Hey Tams, Gracey here. Hey, what’s up with this app? I followed the link you sent, but it went to some dating app. The page took like 30 minutes to load so I went ahead and downloaded it just in case, but are you sure you sent me the right thing? I don’t need to find “Hot Datez” Tammy. Greg’s all I need. Let me know what’s up girl.”

Moments after sending the email the phone rang, and the Caller ID told Grace it was Tammy on the line.

“Hey Tammy, what’s up?” Grace answered.

“Gracey girl!” Tammy squealed. “I got your email! That’s the right app girl, and trust me, you should open it up right away.”

“But Tams, I told you, I don’t need a hot date. I’ve got Greg, and we’re not swingers or anything weird like that. Why on earth would you think my faithful little housewife self would want to browse ads for a bunch of horny dudes looking for fuck buddies?”

“Girl, hear me out on this. I know what you’re thinking. I thought the same thing when Collette sent me the app a few weeks ago. I’ll tell you what she told me, and listen, it sounds crazy but it’s true. When you’ve got a dry spell going like the one you and Greg are having, it’s going to be super awkward if you just try to jump back into fucking like bunnies. You don’t want to look stupid on the big night. What you need is a little fantasy fodder, and this app is perfect for that. All these guys are like porn star-level hot. Pop on, check out the profiles, think some dirty thoughts. It’ll make this weekend so much hotter, I promise. It’s not like it’s cheating. I’m using it and I’m still 100% faithful to Scott. Like I said, it seemed wrong to me at first too, but I’m sooo glad I did it. Scott’s glad too, if you know what I mean.” Tammy giggled over the phone.

“What? You told Scott about the app? What’d he say?!”

“No silly, I didn’t tell him about the app. He wouldn’t understand. But before the app, Scott was getting laid a couple times a month, and so far this week it’s been more like a couple times a day.”

“Wow, really? And you think the app helped?”

“Helped? Gracey, it’s ALL because of the app. I’m not joking, you have to try it out. Just open it up. It’s harmless fun. If you don’t like it you can delete it and I’ll never ask you to try it again. But trust me on this, you won’t regret it.”

The two wives chatted a few more moments before saying their goodbyes, and after one last prompt from Tammy to try the app, Grace promised she’d think about it and they hung up. When the call screen disappeared, she swiped into the app tray and looked at the ‘Hot Datez’ icon. She was so torn. On one hand, she was faithful and really didn’t want to be fooling around behind Greg’s back on some app. But on the other hand, what could it hurt? Tammy was right, if she just looked, there’s nothing wrong with that. She’d never cross the line and swipe right on a guy. She could just go through the app and swipe left all day, enjoying some harmless fun.

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With that settled, she decided to take her friend's advice, and clicked on the icon to open the app. A screen popped up with the options to log in an existing user or start a new user. Grace clicked ‘new user’ and a new screen popped up asking her to select her gender and orientation. Grace picked “female” and “straight” from the drop down and hit the ‘next’ button. Suddenly the same splashing colors from the download page were filling her screen as a ‘loading’ message appeared at the bottom. Grace had to admit, the colors from these loading screens were really nice, and found herself zoning out as they washed back and forth for several more minutes.

Once the app finished loading, a new screen appeared asking Grace to create a username and enter her age. Not knowing what to use for a username, she just entered “Grace” and “28” and hit ‘next’, which led her to a screen informing her that the name “Grace” was already taken and asked her to select one of three alternatives. Grace’s eyes widened as she read the options. ‘Grace4Cocks? SlutGrace69? Cum2Grace? These are disgusting!’ Grace thought to herself. There was no way she was going to pick one of these as a username. Besides, she didn’t want to send the wrong message to guys on the app. She was ultimately here for Greg, not to lead on some poor guy thinking she was some kind of slut. 

Grace tried hitting the back button on her phone, but it was disabled. Looking around the screen, she saw an ‘x’ in the top right corner, and decided to click on it to see if it would let her restart the session. When she clicked on it, another loading screen of splashing colors came up, and as she watched it she felt herself starting to calm down. Finally the loading screen was replaced by a message window. ‘Are you sure you want to end your session?’ To prevent bots and abuse, new user sessions can only be started once every 72 hours per device.’ with ‘resume’ and ‘end session’ options below.

Grace knew she should end the session. She didn’t want to give guys on the app the wrong impression. But she really did want to have a hot weekend with Greg, and 72 hours was such a long time to wait. She could always delete the whole profile later, she supposed. Clicking on resume, Grace was once again hit with a brief loading screen full of splashing colors before going back to her options. She decided that “Cum2Grace” was the better of the three, and selected it. 

The colorful loading screen came up again, and Grace found herself really getting comfortable with her choice. After all, this is all just harmless fun, and it’s kinda sexy to have a naughty nickname on the app. Grace thought about guys seeing her username and getting turned on by it, and started getting turned on herself. After all, it was hot, harmless fun to get noticed by others. After a few more moments, Grace knew one thing - she was definitely more aroused than she had been in a long time.

Finally the loading page vanished and the next page came up. It was titled ‘Photos’ at the top, and had a dozen boxes she could click on to insert photos. The instructions read ‘Cum2Grace, Please use your camera to add up to 12 photos. The naughtier the better! Three photos are required to proceed to the next step.’ Grace was feeling fairly turned on by her naughty username, but she didn’t know if she wanted to make the photos too sexy. After all, this is just to have some innocent fun and get warmed up for Greg.

She clicked on the first empty box and the camera opened. She framed the photo so her face took up the whole screen, gave a nice smile, and clicked the shutter button. A window popped up that said ‘Analyzing photo…’ a moment later a line appeared with additional text. ‘Naughtiness factor: 0/10. Minimum score of 1/10 required. Please retake.’ with a continue button underneath. The back button was still disabled and there was no way to exit out of the window, so Grace clicked on continue, and was greeted by yet another screen full of colorful colors splashing over each other. 

As the splashing colors filled her mind, Grace rethought her approach. Maybe she could be a little sexy in her photos, she realized. It’s not like she was going to pose naked or anything. Besides, it’s just a little harmless fun. When the color splashes stopped, the camera returned, and this time Grace made some changes. First, she held the camera far enough out that you could start to see the plunging neckline of the dress and catch a hint of cleavage. She gave the camera a hot smile with a wink and pressed the shutter button. The “analyzing’ screen returned, and this time announced her photo was a 1/10 on the naughtiness scale and a button came up to return to the photo screen. Grace clicked on it and there was another colorful loading screen before it finally delivered her to the page.

Surprisingly, Grace found herself a little disappointed that she only got one point on that photo. Sure, she only showed a hint of her breasts, but she thought her wink was pretty sexy. She decided she’d try to do...

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Written by ThePenisMightier
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