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Collared Schoolgirl Training 2

"Training becomes permanent"

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Someone rang the doorbell. An older lady stepped in while Bree was still standing frozen in the corner like a trophy, messy and silent. The reward from the collar was so incredibly intense now that she was not capable of paying attention, merely standing there percolating in absolute ecstasy.

Bree's blush was deep and hot, her humiliation soaring when the lady eventually turned to look at her.

"Is this thing your latest project?" the lady asked as she leaned in close to her and inspected Bree's gorgeous face, tactfully ignoring the smeared sperm soiling her nice creamy skin. "It's marvelous! I can understand why you keep it here on display up front. It really makes the room! Good pedigree? Will make a substantial contribution to the balance sheet, I'm sure."

"A local. Custom for a special client, I'm afraid. Good money, but not the insane amount she'd fetch at auction."

"Oh, I see," the old lady said. "The best ones are always special orders. Well, I'm sure the client will get a lot of enjoyment out of this one. With that look, she was bound to stumble into something like this eventually. That body begs for it!"

Bree tried desperately not to whimper.

The lady eventually left, the two of them alone once again. Bree worked hard to control her shallow breaths. Her white cotton panties were so soaked through now, the wet arousal was slickening the insides of her thighs under the preppy school skirt.

Done with his work, the man turned to her, intensely ogling her for a long while, he admired and evaluated every part of her body as she stood there, blushing and frozen. "She's right, you know," he said. "That leggy body combined with your young face and those tits would cause a bidding frenzy if I could send you to auction, collared, available and tame like this. I wish I could do it, but I'm afraid I need the collar back now."

He picked up the remote and turned it off.

Bree jumped. The sudden withdrawal was awful! She blinked her eyes, trying her best to hold back the tears. "Please let me keep it!" she begged. "I'll come here every day and... and blow you just like before! You can train me to do more things! Anything you want?!" She fell to her knees, looking up at him. "I'll ornament your bedroom! You can teach me what to do!"

He put a hand to her cute brunette head and petted her as if she was one of the dogs he handled daily. "Hmmm, I have no choice I'm afraid." He paused. "Though perhaps, I do have an extra implant. But those are quite permanent. It's a lot like getting a tattoo or a piercing, they can't be removed. They have been very popular in the slave bondage-I mean... body modification community. I've installed a lot of them in human females."

"I'll be able to feel it forever? Promise?"

"Yes, forever. Are you sure you want me to implant you? Besides your ears, have you ever had any other piercings?"

She shook her head. "No, but please! I want to do it, don't you want to train me more?" she pouted, looking up at him, pleading with her big eyes moist and glistening. Everything felt so horrendous now without the collar's constant thrum.

He stroked his chin as he looked down on her, on her knees, pleading. "You know what, If you really want it, I'll implant you. Just always remember that you're the one that wanted this. I didn't make you."

She nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!", looking up at him happily relieved, still wide-eyed.

He told her to get up, and again she responded quickly and without thinking. Still topless, she followed him at his heel to the room where she'd seen the dog on the table.

He patted the shiny steel surface with his hand. "Up!" he told her.

She couldn't help but think about how he'd used that exact same tone with the dog earlier. Bree jumped up and planted her butt on the table's cold surface, her legs dangling over the edge as she sat there. 'Now I'm that dog,' she thought as she watched him load up the implantation device, trying to ignore how scary and thick that needle was. 'I'm going to be trained like that bitch!' she distracted herself. 'He's going to give me more commands, and I'm going to obey and be rewarded!' The thoughts of doing things to be rewarded aroused her, and she ran with it. She fantasized as she clenched her thighs together, feeling the wet spot on her panties, her body lubricated and beyond ready.

"Here we go," he said, moving up behind her on the other side of the table. He grabbed the roots of her hair firmly with one hand and pressed the device to the back of her head with the other - just below that little bump at the base of her skull. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "It can't be undone."

She closed her eyes, clenching her mouth, getting ready for the pain. She'd pierced her ears in several places. This was probably going to be a lot worse than that. "I want it more than anything," she declared.

He didn't respond, just shoved forward. Bree heard the crunch as the needle went in, more heard than felt the squelches deep inside her of the device moving. He smoothly pressed it inside her head - through the delicate, slick, soft parts - up between the two halves of her brain.

She moaned, her eyes rolling up in her head and her face twitching as random synapses fired from the squelchy intrusion. Saliva ran from her slack mouth, hanging from her chin while she whimpered.

Incapacitated, she twitched while he fiddled with the needle for the right spot. He moved the implantation device forwards and backward inside her brain, gently skull-fucking her trying to find the correct depth. She was powerless to do anything but simply experience the gross sounds coming from the center of her brain - moaning and twitching in rhythm with the noises.

Then the implant suddenly bulged through the needle and was deposited inside her. A wet slurp as the length of the needle was pulled back out, and her head immediately closed up behind it. Bree whimpered.

The bliss suddenly hit her one-hundred-fold, the egg activating. Bree moaned out, threw her head back, and came.

The intense orgasm must have made her pass out. When she came to, she was on her back on the cold hard table, looking up into the ceiling. She moved her hand to her throat. Yes, the collar was gone. But it was still working! She could feel the blissful thrumming in her head, now emanating like a constant pressure from right behind her eyes, at that exact spot between her ears where the sound was when she used headphones. She couldn't help but feel that the device was her new core now - the very essence of her being - all of her mind, flesh, and bone just subservient layers around it for protection, under its control. She was deeply, permanently changed, and for the better.

"Oh fuck" she managed, still panting.

She moved a hand to the back of her head and felt the nub of the bone there. There was nothing more than a little pinprick mark to indicate she'd just been penetrated, no traces of damage or blood, or any pain.

"It went perfectly," he said, coming back from the other room, bringing a wet cloth. He quickly wiped off her face and chest with the dirty rag with about the same amount of tenderness as if carelessly wiping off a table, cleaning off what she realized was fresh cum as she lay on her back. He must have come over here again while she was passed out. "What..." she started, but then he dragged the course scrap over her enflamed nipples, and she ended up just arching her back in a long moan, the nubs on her chest red and hard, her sensitive little headlights entirely on even after her mind-shattering release.

"Don't worry about it," he said, and she nodded obediently, remaining submissive from her recent conditioning. Even so, she blushed in shame as he helped her up into a sitting position on the table, her legs off the table near the corner.

She looked at him, her breathing still fast. "I... I think it's working," she said.

"Oh, I'd say," he said, looking down at her intensely swollen nipples, chuckling. Before she could ask him what he meant, he showed a little black device in his hand and held it up to her.

"Another remote?" she asked.

"Your remote! The one that controls you. Can you feel it?" he asked as he pressed the button.

Bree gasped and almost climaxed again. She bit down into her lip, not trusting herself to speak, just nodded, looking down as she panted hard. Her panties were beyond salvage now, as wet as she was.

He grinned, seeing her look. "Just be a bit discreet about the implant. Not everyone is into this sort of thing," he said. "Think about it, what do you think your mother would say if you'd gotten a tattoo," he asked, pausing while Bree nodded.

Bree could just imagine her mother's resulting sorrow and disappointment, could almost hear her upset cries if she found out about the implant. An early teen pregnancy and single mother in high school - and abandoned by her much older boyfriend - her mom had always hoped Bree's life would go in another direction than her own. Despite her own behavior, she'd guided Bree towards independence, investing in herself towards the long run so she could stand on her own two legs and not need anyone. Training collar and implantation, basically being remote-controlled, was the very opposite of what her mother wanted for her. Bree knew it would absolutely destroy her mom if she ever found out.

"Your teachers too - there are a lot of people that shouldn't know about your implant, but feel free to bring female friends here, and I'll let them try a collar, but no one else needs to know. You understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl," he said, and pressed the button, strengthening her obedience to the instructions.

After her episode of bliss was over, Bree looked dazedly at the remote in his hand. She couldn't wait to press that button again, and finding out what the other buttons and sliders did.

"Can I have it now, sir?" she asked.

"No, of course you can't have it."

"What? But I thought,"

"You'd just bliss yourself out, wouldn't be able to function," he interrupted. "You'd be a vegetable within days. No, this is a tool for a man's hand. It's not a toy; it's for someone that knows how to shape you. I'll make sure it ends up in a safe place."

She bit her lip and sulked as she looked up at him, making an upset little whining sound. "But, sir! I-"

"No. You are not allowed to ever use it yourself, do you understand?" He held up the remote, aiming it at her. "No more discussion or I'll just turn off the implant and destroy the remote."

She gasped! She didn't want that, so she nodded, pushed her surprise at not being allowed control over herself to the side, struggling with her disappointment. "Yes, sir," she said, pouting, looking longingly at the remote in his hand.

He'd already turned his back to her, but he pressed the button again in response to her acquiescence. The tamed girl on the table shivered in response, biting her lip harder to stifle the moaning sound slipping past her lips as the implant bliss overpowered her disappointment and smothered it out of existence before it could even take hold.

"I'll go get that package. And your top. Wait here," he said, reminding the whimpering teen why she was here in the first place. Right, her mom's boyfriend's package.

He'd already left the room.

So she just sat there on the table obediently, swinging her legs and floating in the buzz, trying really hard not to touch herself. The implant somehow made her even hornier than the collar. Her sex and lower lips were swollen and oversensitive, and she could feel herself gaping open like a fertile present, one lip on each side of her panties. The muscles inside her box slowly contracted and released, like grasping for a nonexistent penetration, whenever she didn't clench to make it stop. Bree whimpered. She thought of the video of a mare in heat she'd also seen in biology class. And the swollen, pregnant mares later in that video.

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Distracted by the sudden thoughts of pregnancy, she started grinding herself against the surface of the clinical table. Her legs parted, her left leg moving to the other side of the table corner, the metal feeling cold against the inside of her bare thighs and swollen lips. Hand on her belly, she dragged her needy sex and moist panties over the surface like a wet snail, moaning in response to the pressure against her open pussy.

Suddenly she realized he was back, standing in front of her, watching as she was teasing herself against the table corner like a shameless animal needing breeding. Bree blushed. She didn't know how much time had passed but it felt like a while. She'd gotten totally distracted by what she was doing.

He snickered.

"Put your top back on," he said, throwing the garment at her face. She jumped to obey, pulling the top back over her shoulders, trying to get all of herself back into the right place with the garment on. Naturally, her bra was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he'd keep it in his office as a memento, she liked the idea of that for some reason. Her nipples poked into the silky, soft fabric, tenting it.

She looked up, hair still disheveled, and he held out the package to her.

Bree took it submissively with both hands. She looked at the gift-wrapped little box, the pink, shiny wrapping with the cute hearts and bunnies pattern on it, and the white ribbon tied in a big bow at the top. It was an adorable package, like something a schoolgirl might give as a gift. It would be weird when she gave it to the man that slept with her mother. Bree wondered what it contained and why it was wrapped that way. She wouldn't want the old pervert to get the wrong idea.

"I know he's looking forward to this, so you should go home and give it to him as soon as you can. He's there waiting for your delivery."

She put the package carefully in her backpack. "Yes, sir!" she assented, nodding.

"Good girl!" he said, patting the top of her head as they walked out to the front of the building. "Already so obedient! Be careful biking back, you might be a bit dizzy before you get fully used to it."

"Okay!" she said cutely, waving to him. She got on her bicycle and left.

John took his phone out as he watched the naive girl pedal away. He looked at the back of her short skirt flaring from the wind for a few moments, her athletic thighs flexing as she worked to get up to speed before he looked down to the phone and made the call.

The man on the other end picked up.

"It's John." He paused for a moment, listening. "Yes, it went fine with the daughter. I gave her time to get very addicted to the effect, then had a little training session with her."

The brunette had reached the intersection now, turning. The wheat in the fields hid most of her, but he watched her head bob over the golden grain as she steadily got smaller, blending with the horizon.

"She's fully familiar with how it works. Already conditioned to the point where I didn't have to touch the button most of the time. She obeys just for the potential of pressing it. I taught her 'stay' and 'don't speak' - among other things." He smirked.

He paused again and listened. Bree was almost gone from view now, but he could see her head now and then where the grain was shorter. The intense sunshine made it hard to pick out her brunette crown from the golden fields obscuring her.

"Mhm, implanted and ready. Once doped up on the rewards from the training session, she was very agreeable to it. After they get a taste of it, they are all easily manipulated into being permanently tamed."

Bree was gone from sight now. He turned and walked inside.

"She's on her way. She'll deliver herself along with the remote to you soon."

He walked past the clinical metal table as he listened to the other end, went to the far wall of the room, and bent down to pull up the shutter door Bree had leaned against earlier. "Hold on," he said. The aluminum door rolled up noisily, revealing a small area behind. There were more shelves and, on the far wall, a metal door that led to the part of the building where he kept the girls after they had been implanted and were waiting for transport to the auctions. In front of the door, in the center of the little room, was a standing bondage frame looking like a big X - with a ball-gagged, naked woman securely tied to it.

"No, she doesn't know it's her remote in the package. It will probably be quite a revelation for her when she recognizes it in your hand and understands what it means. Let me guess, your plan is to enjoy the tamed schoolgirl in her own bed?"

Next to the wall was a shelf, containing dozens of collars, haphazardly in a pile. He threw the one Bree had worn on top of the others.

"Yeah, figured. A barely legal schoolgirl, letting herself be fucked by her mother's older boyfriend in her childhood bed? I'm sure she will feel very naughty. Well, just press the reward button once, to establish the carrot, and she'll do whatever...

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Written by Breedingpuppy
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