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Becoming Submissive - Part One

"Marina chooses virtual reality mind control to become a submissive slut."

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Author's Notes

"This is the first of two parts of a story I wrote for the Mind Control category. Honestly, I just let my imagination take over on this one. I hope you enjoy it!"


Marina walked up to the clerk’s desk and handed in her paperwork to the busty blonde in charge of Virtual Reality Submissions.

“Have a seat honey, let me look over your forms and make sure you have everything filled in accurately,” said the woman, whose nametag said, Janice.

Marina tried hard not to wiggle in her chair, but she was really nervous. She wasn’t at all sure if she was doing the right thing, but she was running out of options.

“Okie dokie, this all looks fine,” said Janice. “I just have to ask you a few simple questions before I turn you over to Vibex.”

“Vibex?” Marina repeated in the form of a question.

“Vibex is the tech who will help process you, sweetie. You’ll be in good hands,” Janice explained.

Marina just nodded.

“Okay, first of all, did anyone force you to come here? Or did you come of your own will?” Janice asked.

“My own will,” Marina answered, her voice barely above a whisper. That part wasn’t entirely true, but no one had forced her.

“Good. Next, are you prone to seizures?”

“No, not that I am aware of.”

“That’s good. Did you read the entire pamphlet sent to you by VRMC?”

“VCRM?” Marina asked.

Janice sighed and rolled her eyes, “No, VRMC. It stands for Virtual Reality Mind Control. It’s the name of the company, sweetie.”

“Oh!” Marina said, blushing. She must seem like a complete dolt to this clerk, she thought. “Yes, I read everything. I understand what will happen and that there are possible risks involved.”

Janice checked off the rest of the boxes on her checklist and said, “Okie dokie. Just go sit over there by the wall, and Vibex will be here to take you back momentarily.”

Marina frowned, “Back where?”

Janice huffed impatiently, “Back to the procedure room. Are you sure you are okay, honey?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” Marina insisted. “I’m just a little overwhelmed, I suppose.”

Janice softened, “That’s perfectly normal. Do you need something to calm your nerves, dear?”

“No, thank you, I’ll be fine,” Marina said. She went over to sit down and wait for Vibex.

Fifteen minutes later, a very androgynous-looking person came out to greet her, “Hello, Marina. My name is Vibex. I am your personal Virtual Reality Submissions Tech. I will be with you throughout the entire process, so you have nothing to worry about.”

Vibex smiled and indicated for Marina to walk through a door to a very stark room. Marina realized that she couldn’t tell if Vibex was male or female. She wasn’t entirely sure whether Vibex was even human. But it would be rude to ask, so she kept quiet.

One thing she did know was that Vibex’s voice was very soothing, and she found herself feeling much calmer. She was grateful for that, as she was starting to regret not allowing Janice to give her something for her nerves.

The room looked empty. But as soon as Vibex indicated that Marina should sit down, a chair seemed to materialize behind her. She sat and watched while Vibex unfolded a console from the wall.

“My job is to get you prepped for your Virtual Mind Control session. I’m sure Janice asked you, but I need to verify, did anyone force you to come here?” Vibex asked as he motioned for her to sit.

“Can I tell you something?” Marina asked.

“Of course, I’m here to listen,” the incredibly soothing voice said.

“No one forced me to come here, but I feel like I should admit that I feel like I have no other choice. I don’t see any other options for me. Does that make sense?” Marina asked.

“Would you like to review other possible options before we continue?” Vibex asked.

“I suppose, yes,” she answered.

“Based on your profile, I see that you are qualified to make several life choices. As a redhead, you would qualify to be a model, but unfortunately, your short stature makes it unlikely that the more successful modeling agencies would sign you. You could be a maid for the underground dwellers, although you list here that darkness depresses you. You could be a nanny for an upper-class family, but you would likely end up a spinster, which would be devastating considering your high testosterone and dopamine levels. You could do clerical work, but it appears that you don’t type fast enough to get a job that pays very well. Or you can use our mind control services and be trained as a sexual submissive. I think, based on the options, you’ve made an excellent choice,” Vibex said.

“But I’m not exactly sure that I will be any good at this either,” Marina sighed. “I don’t think I have what it takes to be submissive. I’ve always been a strong-willed redhead.”

“Well, my dear, that’s why you’re here! Most women need only three Virtual Mind Control sessions to become submissive,” Vibex explained.

“Oh, okay, well, that makes me feel a little better,” Marina. “I’ve heard stories of women needing twelve sessions.”

Vibex cleared his throat, “That’s only for women who wish to become pain sluts. You qualify for that program too. But, if I’m being honest, I just don’t like recommending women your age to go through something that traumatic. You can always request Pain Slut Mind Control if you and your Master wish for such training.”

“That sounds reasonable,” Marina agreed.

After Vibex finished the intake interview, he took Marina into another room. This one was very dimly lit, which she supposed was supposed to be relaxing, but it just made her more nervous.

Sensing her discomfort, Vibex said, “I’m guessing you didn’t let Janice give you something to help you stay calm. Let me get you some tea before we begin the session. It will go much better if you aren’t so edgy, my new friend.”

Marina was grateful for such an unexpected kindness. She really shouldn’t be so nervous, but she just couldn’t help but worry.

When Vibex returned with the tea, he asked, “What seems to be making you the most uncomfortable? I think we should identify the root problem before we begin the virtual training.”

“I’m not concerned about becoming a submissive. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to follow this path. I just worry that I won’t be good enough at it and will displease my Master. I don’t want to be a failure, Vibex,” she admitted.

Vibex sat next to Marina and touched her hand, “My dear girl, it is true that redheads are naturally more difficult to train due to their inherent sassiness. But I can assure you that we will not offer you to a Master until we believe you are ready. Sometimes, it takes four or five sessions instead of the typical three to train a truly spirited red-haired girl. But you strike me as someone eager to please. And that, my sweet girl, is half the battle.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Marina agreed.

“Of course, it does, now drink your tea; it will help you relax enough so that the first round of training will be easier on you,” he said firmly but kindly. He left the room to allow her to enjoy her tea in peace.

Once she had finished the tea, she started to feel remarkably calmer. She really did want this to work. Some people scoffed at the Virtual Mind Control programming. But she figured it was the only way she would ever make it as a submissive. Her mouth had gotten her into trouble many times growing up, and she didn’t want to displease a Master who would expect a biddable sub to serve him.

Vibex came back and said, “Ah, I can feel your calm vibe now, Marina. You’re ready to begin the first session.”

“Yes, thank you! I feel so peaceful and open. I really appreciate you helping me out,” she said.

“You’re quite welcome, but I’m just doing my job,” Vibex answered. “Now, you need to remove all of your clothing and lie down in this reclining chair.”

Thankful that the tea seemed to be working, Marina undressed and hung her clothes neatly on the hooks provided. Then she got into the chair and waited for the next direction.

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“Put these on,” Vibex said, handing a futuristic-looking pair of VR goggles to her. “Make sure you keep them on until I give you the direction to take them off, okay?”

“Okay,” Marina answered.

“Here we go, Marina…”

Suddenly Marina felt strange. She looked at her hands, and they appeared cartoon-like in appearance.

“What’s happening to me?” Marina cried out.

“You’re going to be fine,” a soothing voice assured her. “You won’t feel anything but pleasure. Open yourself to the pleasure, Marina. Open your mind, open your arms, and open your legs.”

Another voice said, “Your body is meant to be owned. You will enjoy not having to make any decisions. You will give yourself to your Master willingly. He will own you, use you, and punish you as he sees fit. He will take care of you, and you will serve him. It is what you are meant for, Marina. Your body is meant to be a vessel to please others.”

Marina heard the voice from many different directions. She felt woozy and realized that she was on the ground, in chains.

“I’m afraid,” she said warily.

“Do not be frightened,” a third voice said. “You will be mine. I will take care of you, and you will service me. You will give yourself to me willingly. I will own you, use you, and punish you as I see fit. You will enjoy pleasing me.”

Marina felt herself relax. Then suddenly, strong hands were on her. There was a man behind her. He lifted one leg in the air with one hand and groped a breast with the other. He spoke firmly in a voice much deeper than the other voices.

“You are mine, and I will open you up for use. Feel the pleasure that opening up for me brings you! Your mind and body crave to be used for my pleasure. You will beg for whatever depraved acts of hedonism I wish to perform, because I own you,” he said firmly.

Suddenly, Marina felt herself being pulled up and away. “Take off the goggles, Marina,” she heard a voice say.

Feeling groggy, she followed directions and took off the headset. She blinked a little to clear her eyes.

Vibex smiled at her. “You did very well for the first session. We were able to get quite far before you started to talk back inappropriately to the trainer,” he beamed. “I’m quite pleased!”

“I never said anything to anyone,” Marina insisted. “I just had the goggles on for about five minutes and heard a bunch of voices telling me that my body would belong to someone called the Master.”

“Marina, your session lasted an hour and a half. During that time, you were taught how to kneel, bow, and present yourself to your Master. You were spanked and penetrated and were successfully submissive until your Master attempted to probe you anally. You became very cross and slapped him,” Vibex explained.

“I don’t remember any of that!” Marina said in a panicky voice.

“You aren’t supposed to, sweet girl,” Vibex said kindly. “You should only be able to recall the subliminal messages that were given to you over and over.”

“I remember those!” Marina exclaimed.

“Excellent! Now, put on this robe and let me lead you to the dormitory where you will be given the obligatory eight hours of rest before we take you through session two,” Vibex said as he pressed a bunch of buttons on the wall to make a door open to a hallway.

Once she was in her room, she lay down on the bed and drifted off to sleep in minutes. In her dreams, hands touched her everywhere, kneading and probing her body. She heard the voices telling her over and over again that she would be used for pleasure. She woke up startled at one point with her fingers buried in her pussy as she climaxed in the dream. She fell back asleep and dreamt of being a good girl, on her knees, pleasing cock.

The next time she woke up, she felt rested and relaxed. She ate a small meal and was allowed a half-hour to properly digest it before Vibex took her to the area where her second session would be held.

“I want you to think positive thoughts about anal sex, Marina,” Vibex encouraged her. “You really need to allow the Master to enter your asshole without incident.”

“The whole idea of anal sex scares me,” Marina admitted. “It’s going to take more than thinking positive thoughts for me not to be afraid.”

Vibex paused for a moment, handed Marina a cup of the soothing tea, then patted her on the shoulder. “I have a solution for that. I will add anal stretching to your next session. If your anus is properly stretched, accepting large objects, such as the Master’s penis, will not be painful. Therefore, you will not need to be afraid.”

“Will the anal stretching hurt?” Marina asked. “What if I slap the trainer?”

“You won’t. I promise,” Vibex assured her. “It’s just like stretching any other muscle. You may be a little sore afterward, but you won’t experience any intolerable pain.”

Marina nodded. She probably wouldn’t remember any of the anal stretching anyway.

Once she was seated and had the goggles on, Vibex said, “This second session will be longer and more intense. But you’re going to do splendidly!”

She felt foggy again and heard a voice say the same messages from her first session, “Your body is meant to be owned. You will enjoy not having to make any decisions. You will give yourself to your Master willingly. He will own you, use you, and punish you as he sees fit. He will take care of you, and you will serve him. It is what you are meant for, Marina. Your body is meant to be a vessel to please others.”

Her mind drifted. A vessel? Wasn’t that a ship? Wait, something is…Ow!

“Relax, Marina. Your ass needs to be stretched to accommodate the Master’s cock. You will learn how to please his cock with your body. You will enjoy pleasing him in this way,” a voice said.

“Do not be frightened,” the Master said. “You will be mine. I will take care of you, and you will service me. You will give yourself to me willingly. I will own you, use you, and punish you as I see fit. You will enjoy pleasing me.”

Marina suddenly had a collar around her neck, clamps on her nipples, and was inside a cage. She heard the Master’s voice again, “You are mine to use as I see fit. The collar indicates that I own you. The clamps are to remind you that your nipples belong to me. The cage is to make you understand that you are my pet. I will take you out of the cage to play with you when I need pleasure. But when I am finished, you shall go back in the cage.”

She felt woozy and disoriented. Then the Master’s voice spoke again, “You are mine, and I will open you up for use. Feel the pleasure that opening up for me brings you! Your mind and body crave to be used for my pleasure. You will beg for whatever depraved acts of hedonism I wish to perform, because I own you.”

“Marina, take off the goggles,” she heard a different voice say. Then she realized that Vibex had given that last instruction.

She did as she was told, but she was puzzled why she had to take off the goggles when she’d only been in the session for a few moments.

Vibex praised her, “My goodness, you did so well. Three full hours! And you didn’t slap anyone!”

When Marina stood up, she realized something large had been inserted into her anus. It wasn’t causing any sharp pain, but her asshole felt very sore.

“What is in my butt?” she asked.

A tight smile appeared on Vibex’s face. “Your asshole was simply too small to accommodate a cock of any measurable size. We spent about an hour and a half on anal training. It was suggested that we leave the large butt plug in your ass to help stretch things a bit.”

Marina nodded. It made sense, and it explained the soreness. “How long do I have to keep it in?”

Vibex shrugged, “At this point, until your training sessions are finished.”

Marina frowned, “How will I go to the bathroom?”

“Oh, you just need to let me, or the dormitory supervisor, know if you have to go, and we will temporarily remove it for you,” Vibex explained.

“Do I need to keep it in while I sleep?” she asked.

Vibex blinked, “Well, of course, we need that asshole stretched, my dear girl!”

“Of course,” Marina agreed. “I think I will go lie down again.”

“That’s an excellent idea!” Vibex replied.


Written by techgoddess
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