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When You Get a Thought In Your Head

"A chance encounter leads to satisfying a long neglected need"

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Like every work-day morning for the past couple of years my wife left for work without saying goodbye. I had breakfast by myself and then did some maintenance things around the house that took up much of the morning. In the afternoon I planned to buy a few things in town before heading off to my job which started in the late afternoon. By the time I would get home from work my wife would be asleep in bed, and that would have been as extensive as our interactions would normally be on almost any given day.

Early that afternoon as I pulled up to an intersection in the small town where I live, an extremely attractive woman was approaching on the sidewalk from the left. She was probably fifteen years older than myself, which would make her somewhere in her mid forties. The sun was high and the contrast of the shadow that was cast by her breasts onto her stomach made them stand out very prominently. There would have been plenty of time to pull ahead and turn right and be on my way but I pretended to be reaching for something in the front seat of my car. This allowed me to delay moving just so I could watch her cross the street in front of me.

She stopped briefly at the curb and I held up my hand and gave a small wave as an indication that I was letting her cross. In this town it’s an unusual gesture given to pedestrians and she had a slightly surprised expression on her face as she stepped onto the street. We smiled at each other and I watched her as she walked. She had a lovely body and her breasts jiggled slightly as she walked. As she was about to cross in front of my car she looked at me and gave a very pleasant, “Thank you,” and I replied with an equally pleased, “You’re most welcome.”

There was something about her and our very brief encounter that caused my heart to race a little and I continued to watch her as she passed in front of me to the far curb. I had to wait for a few cars to pass by before I could pull ahead and turn right. She had walked about half a block by this time and as I passed her she turned her head slightly and looked my way. I made it quite obvious that I was looking at her as well and once again I gave her a small wave and she gave me one back. And then I was past her and gone. It was one of those nice little exchanges that make you feel good about the day and how it’s going.

Two days later I was in the local grocery store and as I approached the small lineup at the cash there was the same woman again. I stepped up behind her and a few moments later, searching for any excuse to make contact with her, said, “Excuse me. I’ve seen you someplace recently but I can’t place where.”

She looked at me for a moment and replied, “Oh, I know. You’re the fella that stopped for me the other day.”

Her response pleased me to no end, of course, and I said, “That’s it. Now I remember.”

With a beautiful smile she said, “I’m kind of old school and I appreciated the gesture very much. So thanks again.”

“There’s really no need to but I’m glad it meant something to you.”

She seemed to want to continue the banter. “I’ve lived here a long time and I know I haven’t seen you before.”

“Well, I’m a relative newcomer, but it’s already been about four years now. Funny isn’t it? A town this size and there are still new faces.”

We spoke amiably about generalities; the nice weather, what a fine place the village was to live in, the small town attitudes that made it that way. That sort of thing. The line had moved ahead and she started dealing with the cashier so our conversation ended. Just like the first time I saw her she was wearing jeans and a top that left nothing to the imagination. I watched her intently, admiring her beautiful figure and her rather elegant manner. As she paid and collected her three bags of groceries she looked at me, smiled and said, “I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

“I hope so,” I replied, emphasizing it in a way that showed my sincerity.

I paid for my couple of things and headed out to my car. As I drove out of the parking lot I saw her walking down the near side of the street. As I pulled up alongside of her I slowed down and lowered the window and asked, “If you’ve got a ways to go I’d be happy to give you a lift. Those bags look kind of heavy.”

“Well it’s several blocks and up the hill, so, yes, if you don’t mind. I’d appreciate it.”

I got out, walked around the car, opened the back door on her side and she put her things on the seat. Then I opened the front door for her.

“You are a polite one aren’t you?” she said with an almost surprised tone to her voice as she climbed in. Looking down at her from my vantage point as I closed the door I got a good closer look at her body and, in particular, her breasts. They were magnificent. A little on the large side but very firm and very inviting looking.

As I got back in the driver’s side I followed up on her comment. “I’ve never felt any harm in being that way, polite I mean, and if it’s appreciated then it makes it all worthwhile.”

“That’s really nice. I like that attitude in a man. It’s kind of rare these days.”

We made small talk as I drove her home.

“I don’t normally walk to the store but my old car finally packed it in a few weeks ago and my husband doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to buy me another one. I know the walking is doing me good though because I’ve been feeling kind of out of shape lately.”

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying, you certainly don’t look in bad shape to me.”

I looked at her and saw her smile. “I guess I’m not really, but you know how it is when you get a thought in your head.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” The thought that had been forming in my head had everything to do with her shape and what she’d be like in bed.

When we got to her place we both got out and before she could get her things out of the back I got them for her.

“Let me take these to your door. Trying to pass a few bags like these to someone is awkward and it usually ends up a mess.”

We got to her door and I got the feeling that she was about to ask me to come in, but the moment passed. I placed the bags down and said, “There you go,” and with a wink followed up with, “Glad to be of service, ma’am.”

“I really appreciate it.” Then she laughed and said, “Here I go again, thanking you.”

“Say, listen. I don’t do all my shopping here in the village. Usually about once a week or so I go into the city to shop. You’re without a car so if you’re ever in need to go in I’d be happy to take you along.”

“That’s very nice of you, but...”

I gave her my card. “Here’s my name and number. Don’t hesitate to call.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” She looked at the card and said, “Well I know your name now, Stuart. Mine’s Rina,” and she shook my hand. Her touch was soft and I felt a closeness in it. “Thanks again.”

Two days later I got a call in the morning.

“Stuart? It’s Rina. I’d like to take you up on your offer about a shopping trip if I could. Are you going in anytime soon?”

“Well, I was about to go in this morning, but if that’s no good I can go when it’s better for you.”

“Today would be great. I’m ready to go any time you are.”

When I got to her place I got out and was half way to her door when she came out. She somehow looked a little younger as she smiled and waved. As I opened the car door for her she said with a lightness in her voice, “This is really nice of you Stuart,” and once again I looked down at her as I closed it. The top she was wearing this time was much lower cut and showed quite a bit of cleavage and the soft upper curves of her breasts. To complete the marvellous view she was wearing a short summer skirt which exposed much of her shapely legs well above her knees.

We did our shopping in separate but nearby stores and I waited for about twenty minutes for her to finish. She apologised all over herself for keeping me waiting and I told her that the only way I could accept her apologies was if I could buy her lunch.

She had a glass of wine and I had a beer and over lunch we asked about one another. She wondered about how I seemed to be always free during the day and I told her about the hours of my job, not starting until late in the afternoon. We inevitably talked about our marriages and I couldn’t detect any enthusiasm on her part about what she briefly said about hers. I probably sounded much the same about mine as it had long ago lost any passion and spark. As we continued to talk I could feel that there was a growing friendship and understanding developing between us.

When we got back to her place I walked her to the door and this time she did ask me in for a coffee.

We sat in the kitchen and while we were talking I noticed that she occasionally reached back over her shoulder and rubbed somewhere below the base of her neck. I asked her about it and she said that a week before she had pulled a muscle reaching for something on a high shelf and that it wasn’t getting any better.

“You know, I’ve been told that I give a pretty good massage for those types of things. Would you mind?”

“Listen, if you think you can help I’m all for it. It’s really been bothering me, particularly at night.”

I got up and went behind her. In addition to showing off her breasts nicely her top exposed a fair amount of her back. As I started kneading the bare skin between her shoulder blades I could feel some knots in her muscles and told her about it.

“I think this is going to take a bit of time and effort to fix.”

“If you think it’s going to be too much for you I can go to the doctor.”

“He’d probably just pump you up with muscle relaxants which, personally, I don’t think is such a good thing. I don’t mind the effort and I’ve got the time so let me get busy with this, okay?”

“I’m not a big fan of pills either, so if you can help...”

I continued kneading between her shoulder blades, and as I worked at it I could feel her relax.

“It hurts when you work at the knots but otherwise it feels wonderful.”

“I guess it’s supposed to on both counts. You don’t have any ointments or creams for this type of thing do you?”

“I’ve been using something that’s supposed to be good but it hasn’t helped yet. It’s on the counter in the bathroom.”

I went and found it, and while I was in there I saw an open hamper with a bra and a pair of panties on top of the other things inside. It’s something that I had never done before and was completely of out of character for me but on impulse I reached in and picked up the panties, brought them up to my face and breathed in deeply. The faint musky smell was intoxicating and it sent a charge of excitement through me.

When I returned to her I applied some of the ointment to her back. As I started to massage it in I said, “I think I put too much on and I know it’s going to spread and get onto your clothes. Where can I get some paper towels?”

Then she surprised me. “Why don’t I just take off my top. That’ll make it easier for you won’t it?”

“Well, if you’re okay with that....”

And before I could finish what I was saying she pulled her top up and over her head, and dropped it on the floor.

I was speechless.

“There. You think that’ll help you?” And when I didn’t respond right away she said, “You’re okay with this aren’t you?”

A little unsteadily I replied, “Sure... sure, I’m okay with this.”

I got back to massaging her, spending a lot of time looking down over her shoulder at her magnificent breasts which were held in a lacy white bra. The view was extraordinary and I found myself not concentrating on the job at hand. I made it worse, well, better actually, when I found that by vigorously kneading the knots in her muscles her breasts jiggled beautifully.

She had lowered her head, resting her chin on her chest, and while I was creating this most erotic sight of her gorgeous, jiggling breasts, she started to almost purr and said things like, “Oh, this feels wonderful,” or, “Yes. Oh yes. That feels just right. Don’t stop.”

Needless to say it just added to the overall erotic effect and I could feel my cock starting to respond accordingly.

I massaged her for probably twenty minutes and was sweating lightly by the time I stopped.

“Oh god, that was amazing, Stuart. If that hasn’t helped I don’t know what possibly could.”

“I really hope it has, Rina. I could feel the knots getting softer but they’re not gone yet. You’ll need a few more of these before things are better.”

She turned towards me, looking up, giving me a different view of her breasts, which I gratefully, but quickly took in. I know she couldn’t help but notice my glance down at them and it certainly didn’t seem to faze her in the least.

“Would you mind doing it again for me sometime, Stuart? It felt so good.”

She paused for a moment then continued in an almost confidential tone. “And do you know something else? I’ve really enjoyed spending this day with you.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Rina, because I did too. It’s nice getting to know you. And the massage is there for you anytime you want.”

“Stuart, I’d like you to stay and talk longer, but my husband...”

“I understand, Rina. It’s about time I got going anyways.”

She picked her top up off the floor and, standing facing me, raised it in her hands well over her head and pulled it back on.

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As her arms stretched upwards I looked at her breasts and watched them become taught and lift in her bra, briefly showing the edges of the areolas around her nipples.

She leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the cheek. “I’m already looking forward to my next massage.”

The next morning about ten I got a call from her asking if I wanted to come over for lunch and perhaps give her another massage. I readily agreed.

She was wearing a fairly loose blouse which was tantalizingly unbuttoned enough to show something of her breasts. We had a good lunch, with a little wine, and the conversation flowed really easily. And then she started speaking about her marriage.

“After six or seven years the spark went out of it. I tried hard to keep things going but he just became so remote. At first I thought it might be another woman but after awhile I dropped that idea. And then he started drinking too much. It’s usually under control but there have been a few times when he wasn't. I try to make myself scarce now when he’s had too much to drink because, to tell you the truth, I’m scared of him. We don’t do much together anymore, other than the odd social function, and we’ve slept in separate rooms for years. It’s not really much of a life we’ve made for ourselves.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Rina. I really am. It seems like such a waste for such a fine woman, and it really bothers me that he scares you.”

“I’ll be okay, Stuart.”

“I hope so. But, you know, you’re not alone in having a bad relationship. It was obvious that my marriage was a mistake almost right from the start. It’s only been a few years now but there’s just nothing to it anymore.”

“I’m sorry about that too, Stuart.” She reached across the table and touched my hand.

And then there was a fairly long, almost awkward, silence between us. Eventually she broke it. “Well, what about that massage? You know I’m dying to get it, don’t you?”

I got up and went around behind her as before. “Okay, but that blouse of yours isn’t going to make it easy.”

“I thought you might say that,” she said as she unbuttoned it. Sitting with her back to me she quickly slipped the blouse down and off her shoulders, pulled her arms out of the sleeves, and dropped it on the floor. I had looked forward to this with anticipation but was more than delighted to see her back completely bare, devoid of the straps of a bra.

“I thought this might make my massage a little easier for you to do. You’re still okay with this?”

Unlike the day before I wasn’t taken aback because I knew beforehand where this was leading.

“Rina, if you are how could I not be.”

After squeezing some of the cream between her shoulder blades and spreading it around I started to massage her. Once again I looked down over her shoulder and this time was treated to the sight of her completely bare breasts. They looked amazingly firm without the support of her bra and her nipples were erect. Finding the knots in her muscles I started a vigorous massage of them and watched as her bare breasts jiggled freely.

“The knots are still there but I bet that they’ll start to loosen up today.”

“Oh, I hope so, Stuart. It really bothered me last night and I had a lousy sleep. The only thing that helped was thinking about another one of your massages.”

Then, as before, she lowered her head forward and started to purr. “Mmmm. I love what you’re doing to me,” and, “That’s it. Right there. Oh yes,” and following a little wince, “Ahh, that hurts but it’s good. Mmmm, don’t stop.” And as I could feel her relax she said, “Your hands feel marvellous. They know exactly how to do the right things for me.”

This time when I stopped, again after about twenty minutes, my cock was fully hard, straining against my jeans.

“There. How’s that?”

“Mmmm. I haven’t felt this good all week.” She turned partly to me again, and I saw her eyes look down to the long lump my cock was making down my pantleg, and at the same time I made no effort to hide my gaze as I looked down at her breasts. They were simply gorgeous.

“This has been another lovely couple of hours spent with you, Stuart. I’m really enjoying my time with you. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve had someone pay so much attention to me. I don’t mean just your massages but we also seem to have such a nice friendship developing. I really don’t know how to thank you enough for what you’re doing for me... and to me.” Then she took my hand and placed it on her breast. “But perhaps this...?”

Her breast was warm and soft as she covered my hand with hers, holding me in place.

I was silent as I squeezed her breast gently, and after a few moments she released my hand and stood up and turned to face me. I lifted my hand and ran the tip of my finger from her shoulder down over her breast, stopping at her nipple, circled it and took it between my finger tip and thumb, rolling it gently.

She purred again. “That feels nice.”

Looking her in the eyes I said, “Your breasts are lovely, Rina. And please, there’s nothing you need to thank me for. Anything I’m doing for you is because I want to. I’m enjoying our time together as well and I feel the same as you about our new friendship. It’s brought some warmth back into my life and it’s making me feel good.”

As I spoke she started undoing the buttons of my shirt and then slipped it off me. We stood facing one another, naked from the waist up.

“Would you hold me, Stuart? I need to feel someone holding me that cares.”

As we embraced I felt her large, warm, soft breasts press into me. She held her face against my shoulder and I could smell the fragrance of her hair.

We stood like that for the longest time, then she said, “This feels so nice but please, what I want is for you to make love to me, Stuart. Make me feel like a woman again. Take me.”

We pulled apart and we each undid the others’ jeans and took them off, followed by my shorts and then her panties.

“Let me look at you, Stuart.” She slowly walked around me, running her fingertips over my back and shoulders and around onto my chest. She dropped her hand and lightly took hold of my very hard cock.

When she spoke again her voice had changed. It was husky and had a hint of a hard edge to it. It sounded very erotic.

“You have a beautiful cock, Stuart. It feels so nice to hold it in my hand and feel its hardness.”

She started to stroke it and pre-cum leaked from its tip onto her finger. Letting go of my cock she brought her finger to her lips and inserted it into her mouth, making a small slurping noise when she withdrew it. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, “It’s been so long since I’ve been fucked. Don’t keep me waiting any longer, Stuart. I want your big hard cock inside me. Fuck me now. Please! And don’t be gentle.”

She took me by the hand and led me into her bedroom. She lay on her back on the bed and as she held her hand out to me I moved above her and lowered myself onto her. With nothing that could have been remotely considered foreplay my cock was already positioned at the entrance to her pussy. She took hold of it, moved it up and down her slit a couple of times, then pushed her hips up at me as I pushed forward. She was already very wet and I penetrated her easily. She groaned in a way I had never heard a woman do as my cock pushed deep inside her.

Wrapping her legs around me she started bucking under me. I got into her rhythm, and it was fast. I pounded my cock into her as hard as I could and she didn’t let up. She started speaking and every other word was followed by a grunt as my cock thrust into her.

“Oh god... yes. Fuck me... Stuart. Fuck me... hard. Don’t stop. Cum... inside me. Fill my cunt... with your cum.” And then I felt her as she came with an immense shudder that rolled through her. Moments later I felt the tightness form behind my cock and I spurted my cum deep inside her.

I lay there on top of her, both of us breathing hard, our sweat making our bodies slippery against one another.

“Keep your cock inside me,” she instructed, and with her legs still wrapped around me she rolled us over, straddling me.

Looking down at me she asked, “Do you really like my breasts, Stuart?”

“Oh god, yes! They’re absolutely beautiful, Rina.”

She leaned forward, lowering her breasts towards my face.

“I’m glad. I’ve watched you looking at them since we first met and knew what you wanted. Suck on them Stuart. Bite my nipples.”

And with my cock still hard and deep inside her I followed her wishes. She started moaning and moving her hips around against me and a minute later told me, “I want you to fuck them. Will you please fuck my tits? I love the feel of a nice slippery cock sliding between them,” and she rolled us over again.

I pulled out of her and moving up above her I positioned my wet, glistening cock between her breasts. They felt incredible as she held them together around my cock and I slowly fucked them.

“It’s too soon for me to cum again just now, Rina, but one time, when I’m fresh, I want to cum on them. I also want to cum all over your face. Would you like that, Rina?”

“Oh god, I’d love that, Stuart. You’ll get your chance. Now what I want is for you to move up and let me suck your balls.”

I lay my cock across her face and forehead and positioned my balls at her mouth. I could feel her warm breath on them as she kissed and licked them and then sucked them both, one after the other, into her mouth. I could feel her tongue pushing between them, moving them around in her mouth, and as she did my cock started dripping the remainder of the cum from my orgasm into her hair.

When she finally released them with a soft slurping noise she slid up alongside me and started biting my neck and sucking my earlobe. Whispering in my ear she told me, “Your balls are such a mouthful. I love sucking on heavy balls like yours, but now I want to get a mouthful of that beautiful cock.”

For the next half hour we went at it without letup. She seemed insatiable, unquestionably trying to make up for the sex she had so desperately missed for years.

We had lain on her bed side by side, completely spent, for several minutes when she snuggled up to me and spoke.

“I’d love to spend the rest of the day in bed with you but I guess it’s time you left. I’m really sorry, Stuart. It’s been marvellous. I haven’t felt so alive in... I can’t remember when.”

“Don’t apologise, Rina. It’s the situation. I can’t begin to tell you what today has meant to me. Just being with you is enough in itself. But fucking you! I’ve never had such incredible sex. You’re such an amazingly hot woman.”

“I’m so glad I’m able to satisfy you, Stuart,” and she moved down beside me and took my soft cock into her mouth. When I eventually got hard she pulled back and said, “I’ll finish sucking your beautiful cock the next time. That’ll keep you thinking of me, won’t it?”

“You bet it will.”

I got dressed and she walked me to the door naked. As she gave me a long deep kiss she rubbed my still-hard cock through my jeans and gave my balls a squeeze.

I hadn’t driven a block from her house when a car sped past me in the opposite direction. When I looked in my rear view mirror I saw it turn into Rina’s driveway.

“Good Christ,” I thought. “Is that her husband?”

Rina had just returned to her bedroom when the front door burst open and her husband barged into the house. He went straight to her room and found her standing there naked, guilt written all over her face. The bedding was rumpled and there a large wet spot on the sheet. Between her breasts he saw the dried sheen of the combination of my cum and her juices, and then he saw my cum running from her pussy down the inside of her thigh.

Two days went by and I hadn’t heard from her. I was getting pretty worried because of what she had told me about her husband’s temper and also what he might have seen when he came home that day.

I called a few times during the day from a pay phone, not wanting to use my home phone because my name and number would show on her call display and I didn’t want her husband to see it, but there was never an answer.

It was six days after we had had sex when I got a call from her.

“Rina, where are you? I’ve been really worried.”

“Stuart, my husband got home only a minute after you left and it was obvious to him what had been going on. There’s a neighbour of mine that doesn’t get along with me and I think she had seen you around my place and had called him. Well, he was furious and you can imagine the argument we had.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay but I'm still pretty upset.”

“Where are you now?”

“Well, I had been talking recently about visiting my mother back east for a while because she’s not doing well. He got on the phone while our argument was still going on and booked a flight for me the next day. He didn’t let me out of his sight until I got on the plane. So that’s where I am. I’m a long ways away.”

“Oh god, Rina. I feel awful about this.”

“No, please don’t, Stuart. It’s not your fault. And you want to know something? It was all worth it.”

“How long are you going to be there?”

“A month probably. Maybe longer. He’s called a few times but my mother won’t let him talk to me. She doesn’t want me to return home because she knows what sort of man he is, but I can’t imagine myself staying here indefinitely. I’m not sure what’s going to happen when I do eventually get back, but regardless of what he does I know I’m looking forward to one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Remember I told you I was going to finish sucking that beautiful cock of yours the next time I see you? Well, you know how it is when you get a thought in your head.”

That night I booked a week’s leave from work and early the next morning was on a flight back east. I had the same thought in my head.

Written by NorthernFlicker
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