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Unexpected Compensation From my Neighbor

"Divorced Kelly fulfills her sexual needs with the kid across the street"

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One cloudy afternoon after school I arrived home after my team's soccer practice. As I approached my driveway I saw Ms. Ferguson, my neighbor from across the street. As I turned into the drive I gave her a wave and she reciprocated. I thought quickly to myself it'd been a couple months since I had seen her. Just before summer, her marriage hit the skids, and her then husband packed up and moved out. No one really knew the full story, but it did come out that he had started an affair with a college intern at his accounting firm. It struck the guys on the block as odd given Ms. Ferguson was only in her early thirties, had dirty blonde hair that cascaded down just past her shoulder blades. She had, what I would describe as an athletic physique. Not rail thin, but also not chunky. Toned just enough that her figure accentuated her ample breasts and shapely ass.

After I had parked and gotten my backpack, I went to the mailbox to retrieve the day's batch. Just as I began to head back towards the house, Ms. Ferguson called out.

"Hey Andy, do you think you could give me a hand with something? I just got back from the electronics store. I had to get  new TV and I can't get it into the house."

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be over in a couple minutes, let me just get this stuff inside."

While inside my house, I dropped the mail on the kitchen table, then went to my room to drop my bag off. While there, I took a minute to check myself in a mirror and to spray a little cologne on just to freshen up after my school day and soccer practice. I then headed across the street. Ms. Ferguson met me in the driveway, using her key fob to open the back of her SUV.

"Thank you so much for your help with this. I had to get a new one because over the weekend my ex came for the last of his crap and took the TV with him." she lamented.

"No worries Ms. Ferguson its no trouble. And sorry again about your divorce." I said trying to be polite.

I went about getting the TV out of her SUV and into the house. She had bought a 55" screen, so it was a bit of a chore to get inside her house. Once I got it inside, Ms. Ferguson thanked me with a hug. It seemed to be tighter and more prolonged than the situation called for. Not that I was complaining. The way her breasts were pressed against me made my dick begin to wake from its slumber.

"Do you want me to set this up for you Ms. Ferguson?" I asked breaking the embrace.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that. I'm sure you have other things you need to do. Other people you need to be with." She replied with a slightly raised eyebrow. Her response puzzled me. People I need to be with? What was she insinuating?

I don't have anything going on, plus this TV is fairly heavy. It wouldn't be any trouble since I'm already here." I assured her. "I'm just gonna run home and grab a few things to assemble the base"

With that, I was off. It couldn't have been more than ten minutes and I was back at Ms. Ferguson's. In the time I was gone, she had changed her clothes. Gone were her somewhat conservative jeans and sweatshirt. Now she was adorned with a pair of body clinging workout pants and a sheer V-neck t-shirt. Very little was left to the imagination. How everything clung to her curves was stunning. Hoping not to get caught staring, and before my swelling cock became fully erect, I got started on the TV.

"Can I help you with anything, Andy?" Ms. Ferguson offered.

"No, I think I'm good for right now, Ms. Ferguson," I replied.

"Please call me Kelly. Ms. Ferguson makes me sound way too old. I'm only thirty two, so no need to be so formal." She shot back. "Besides, Ferguson was my bastard husband's last name, so fuck that!"

"Whatever you want, Ms. Ferg, er, Kelly." was my fumbled response.

While I was finishing up the base assembly, Kelly got up out of her chair and began standing mere feet away to my left.

"I really do appreciate you doing all this for me Andy. In hindsight, I'd have never been able to get this stuff figured out."

Yeah, no worries." I replied, looking over to see her eyes directed at my crotch. "I'm just about finished, I assume you want this over on that stand over there."

"Yeah that's where the old one was before my douche bag husband took it" she retorted.

"Well, Kelly, yes, he's a douche for leaving you, but I'm betting you're better off and you've now got a better television out of it. Once I get the wires hooked up you'll be set to go." I fired back.

Biting her lower lip, she reached out grabbing my arm, running her grip along my forearm, "Thanks, hun, you're so sweet."

I got the television to its spot, hooked up all the wires, and turned it on. I scrolled through the menus to make sure everything was on the proper settings and it was working.

"Well, everything seems to be working fine, Ms. Fer, Kelly," I said scrolling through her channels.

"Great Andy, but can you come sit and show me the remote, I want to make sure I don't wind up messing up the settings."

I sat on her couch, and Kelly followed. Her right leg contacting my left. Leaning toward me, she placed her hand on my thigh. I glanced over seeing her shirt drape off her slightly, showing me a nice view of her cleavage. The placement of her hand caused my dick to instantly harden, and my mouth to dry out like the Sahara.

"Umm, ok, Ms., Kelly, you only need this remote for both the TV and the cable box." I stammered, trying to remain focused.

"Great Andy, that will make things much easier for me." she answered moving closer and running her hand towards my inner thigh.

"Now obviously I know what the numbers will do, but what about all those up above them?" she quizzed.

As I answered her questions and showed her the different features of her cable system, she continued to incrementally edge herself closer to until her breasts were pressed up against my arm. Her hand also had continued to travel the inside of my thigh and was on an upward trajectory towards, my now rather apparent erection.

"Now before you go, I have to compensate you for all your help today," Kelly said through a mischievous grin.

Her hand had found my cock, and she was running along it from stem to stern. All I could do was sit there, motionless, blankly staring in her direction.

Kelly brought her head towards mine, looked straight into my eyes, and said, "You know, before we split, my ex and I had stopped having sex even before he moved out."

"Uh, ok." was all the response I could muster in my daze.

Kelly pulled my leg towards her, spreading me open and began to unfasten my belt.

"I have a confession to make Andy," she said. "I know about you and Emily. Over the summer I would see you sneaking into each other's houses most afternoons. One of those afternoons, when you went to her place, I snuck over to the fence and saw you guys by her pool. I watched Emily give you a blow job. She was standing in the pool, you were sitting on the edge, your back towards me, your legs hanging in the water."

"So you spied on us?" I retorted.

"Spied is a strong term. I'd say observed. And from what I saw, even from a distance, I was impressed." Kelly countered.

By now Kelly had her hand tucked into my boxers, lightly stroking my dick, ensuring it was fully hard.

"You should be proud of this Andy," she assured me. "Without seeing it, I can tell this bigger than my husband's. How big is it?"

"I've never really measured it," I tried to coolly say.

Kelly would have none of that. She simply just looked at me with a “Who the fuck do you think you're kidding”expression.

"Alright, it's just shy of eight inches." I conceded

"Mmm, impressive. And you'll probably get a little bigger before you're finished. My husband was only six and a half, and not nearly as thick. Emily is a lucky girl." Kelly lauded.

With that information, I seemed to find my confidence. My hand went to her wrist, stopping her from stroking me.

"Don't you mean ex husband?" I questioned. Biting her lip, she shook her head affirmatively.

"Now, about you seeing this..." I trailed off spreading my legs fully open and sliding forward on the couch.  I looked at her with a devilish smirk and moved my head downward towards the space between my legs.

Kelly got the intended message. As she was slinking down onto her knees, I leaned back into the couch, lifted my hips and slid my jeans and boxers down. Kelly latched onto them and pulled them all the way down to the floor. My cock flopped back onto my stomach. Kelly didn't need any instructions or encouragement. She leaned forward and ran her tongue along the entire length of the underside of my dick. Then used her tongue to later my balls.

Taking my left ball in her mouth, she rolled it around her mouth like she was swilling mouthwash. She then alternated to the right and repeated her work. As she inched her way back to my tip with her tongue. I leaned back into the couch, my arms draped on top of the backrest.

"Go ahead Kelly, take my cock in your mouth." I encouraged while she was twirling her tongue around the head of my dick.

She didn't need to be told twice. Without a second thought, Kelly's lips enclosed around my staff. Her suction drew me in, little by little. My eyes closed, head tilted skyward, breathing deeply. It wasn't long she had me fully inside her mouth. That shot my eyes wide open.

"Oh Kelly, that's amazing. Emily can't get me all the way in like that!" I exclaimed

"Give her some time, she'll get there." her muffled response, my cock still in the confines of her mouth.

Kelly alternated the speed and depth in which my cock passed into her mouth. She'd expertly work just the tip and stroke my shaft with one hand and fondle my balls with the other. Then she'd change things up, fully engulfing my dick, her saliva coating my balls. I leaned forward on the couch, allowing me to reach down to Kelly's tits. I started kneading them over the shirt. While still blowing me, she lifted her shirt over her breasts, freeing them from captivity, allowing me unfettered access.

"Damn Kelly, your ex is a fool to be giving this up." I breathlessly spoke.

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"But you better slow down or you're going to have more than just my cock in your mouth."

Kelly just gave a wink and increased the pace of her motion and the pressure of her suction. Within a minute I was close to the edge.

Both of my hands clamped onto her head, forcing it down my pole, while my hips thrust upward, my cock plunging Kelly's throat.

"Oh fuck, here it comes, Kelly....fuck!" I grunted.

With that, I shot torrents of my semen down her throat. Kelly pulled back her head with each of my spurts, keeping all of my cum in her mouth. I let my hands fall from her head onto her shoulders, my muscles relaxing. Kelly let my still hard penis slip from her mouth, slithering her way up between my legs until we were face to face. With our eyes locked, she closed the gap in between us until our lips met. She parted my lips with her tongue. In turn, my tongue entered her mouth where Kelly still had the remnants of my blast.

Breaking the kiss, I complimented, "Wow Kelly, that was incredible. And that was the first time I've had a girl share my cum with me."

"Well, that's because this is the first time you've had a woman, silly." she purred.

"Now it's my turn, let's see what kind of skills you have." as she got up and stood on the couch, straddling me. Her delicately trimmed pussy directly in front of my face. She leaned her upper body back, which jetted her pelvis towards me.

I reached out my arms, latching my hands on her ass cheeks. Pulling her to me, I flicked my tongue out at the lips of her pussy. Tracing around the outer rim of her fold, my tongue would run across her clit intermittently causing Kelly to whimper.

I took charge and dropped between her legs to behind her. Standing, I flung Kelly around so so she was facing me, and then had her sit on the top of the backrest of the couch.   

Placing my palm on her mound, my thumb extended downward onto her button. My tongue alternating between tracing around her labia to entering her vagina.

"You're, uh, not bad at this for, umm, a beginner, fuck!" she moaned.

Kelly palmed the back of my head and pressed it towards herself. As she did this, I switched things up. Moving my thumb off her clit, I twirled my tongue around it, flicking her bean, as my fingers began to probe her inner sanctum.

"That's it Andy, mmmm, you're getting me close baby!" cooed Kelly.

Hearing this,  I took my index and middle finger and spread the area around Kelly's clit. When it was in full view, I took it into my mouth, my lips enclosing around it. I began running my fingers upwards in her canal, then, when fully inserted, started moving my fingers in a come here motion. Within I seconds Kelly was over the edge.

"Oh my God, I'm fucking cummming!" she screamed. Kelly's legs snapping closed around my head like a vice.

Kelly started gyrating her hips and drew my head in tighter with her hands on the sides of my head. As her orgasm overtook her body, Kelly's muscles tensed and her juices began to flow. Her moans and whimpers echoed through the room as her sweet nectar coated my chin, getting me instantly hard in the process.

Kelly unclasped her legs from around my head and slunk to my side, collapsing on the couch, breathlessly. I sat back, licking my lips, savoring her leftover glaze. We both looked at each other, content, but also with added desire.

"Where the fuck did you learn all that, Andy?" Kelly quizzed.  "That was better than any man I've been with."

"I'm a visual learner, so watching porn and tutorials. The internet is a beautiful thing." I confided.

"Being young, Emily doesn't have a clue how lucky she is with your talents." she purred.

Kelly's eyes then glanced down towards my cock, She had a surprised expression wash across her face.

"I'm not used to seeing a guy get hard again after cumming," Kelly said through a smile. "It never happened with my husband."

"A benefit of youth I guess. And the present company sure helps." I shot back., using my thumb and index finger to hold my dick at the base, flicking it in her direction.

Kelly, seeing waving my cock, looked back up to me, shaking her head affirmatively. He shifted her position on the couch. She knelt on the far cushion, then crawled a little towards me on the middle cushion. She placed her hands on my shoulders and drew her head towards my neck. She licked her way up to my ear, flicking at the lob.

"Well, I wouldn't want that to go to waste." she whispered.

With that, Kelly straddled me and lowered herself down my cock until I was in to the hilt. She began to raise and lower herself along my dick. I grabbed onto her ass to support her movements. The feeling of her pussy was tremendous. I ran my hands from her ass, along her back, up to her shoulders. I leaned Kelly back and began to thrust my hips. Judging Kelly's facial expressions, I knew she liked what I was doing. Cradling her in my arms, I maneuvered us so she was on her back. With one foot on the floor, my other leg bent on the couch I began to drive my cock into her.

Placing my hands on the back of her knees, keeping her legs spread, I pushed them up and into to her. This raised her ass off the cushion just enough to create a deeper angle of penetration. Kelly carnally grunted and squealed as my cock unrelentingly pounded her pussy. Leaning downward I grabbed her tits, kneading them. I slowed my strokes, pulling out until just the tip was still inside, then plunging all the way until my cock was completely buried, each stroke running along her clit.

This clitoral stimulation sent Kelly into the beginnings of another orgasm. The added wetness I felt around my cock allowed me to glide quicker along her clit.

"Holy fuck, you're making me cum again...mmmm, keep fucking me like that!" she bellowed, her climax confirmed.

Heading her wishes, I pressed my dick against her swollen pearl and jabbed my cock into her with slow, deliberate strokes. Her juices flowed around me, seeping out and coating my balls. Kelly's body became rigid, and her moans morphed into a breathes whisper, barely audible. As she was regaining her faculties, I pulled her over to the side of the couch, draping her over the arm rest.

"Mmm, I love it when a man fucks me hard from behind. Are you a man Andy, or are you still a boy?" Kelly taunted.

Without a word spoken, I lined up behind Kelly and with one inward thrust, I bottomed out, completely inside of her, all eight inches stuffed into her canal. Roughly grabbing onto her hips I began to unleash my barrage. The sounds of our bodies crashing together filled the room. Bucking my hips with fervor, my balls would bounce off of Kelly with each thrust. I was beginning to feel that familiar tingling in my sack.

Bringing my hands off of Kelly, I raised them up then flung them down, slapping her ass. She moaned and grunted in approval. I repeated with different force a couple times, then with one final slap, I worked my hands across each check, massaging, then meeting at her crevice. I parted her ass, allowing me a peek at her knot. Keeping my rhythmic pumping of her pussy, I let a trail of spit fall from my mouth right onto the opening of her cavern. Kelly craned her neck and looked back at me over her shoulder at me when a dollop of my saliva hit its intended target.

With a devilish smirk, I looked Kelly in the eye, I tracked my right hand across her ass cheek, keeping it spread open. Once I reached her crevasse I brought my thumb to her o-ring. Kelly's eyes rolled back as my thumb pressed on her star, not entering, just pressing on it like I was giving a thumbprint. She started to push herself back, increasing the pressure of my thumb on her cleft and the depth of my cock in her pussy.

"Holy God, keep playing with my ass, fuck that feels good" Kelly implored. "Damn it, fuck me harder Andy!" she snarled.

Not wanting to disappoint, I took Kelly's instruction and picked up the speed of my thrusts. My now tingling balls were bouncing off of her with force. Sensing I was building up to blowing like a geyser, I again adjusted out position. I reluctantly moved my hands from her ass and latched onto Kelly's tits. I gradually lifted her up until she was standing, still bent a little at the waist. My dick still gliding in and out of her gash, I moved a hand to her neck.
"I'm getting close to blowing, where do you want me to cum?" I whispered in her ear.

"Keeping fucking me and cum inside me. I'm on the pill and I want to feel your cock erupt inside me!" Kelly growled.

I didn't need any additional direction. The change in angle of penetration had me on the doorstep. Kelly was too, I could feel her vaginal walls contracting around my dick. It was time. The speed of my stroke increased until I was at the point of no return. The I went to long, deep strokes.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, ugh, here!" I grunted.

Pulling Kelly tight against me, I buried myself balls deep, my cock spasming, spurting my load deep inside. With each release, my hips involuntarily thrust forward into her.

Once I was empty, I released my hold on Kelly. She collapsed onto the couch. I slumped next to her on the couch, my legs spread, my cock not yet deflated, glistening with Kelly's juices, leaned back onto my stomach.

Whew, that was incredible Ms. Fergus, I mean Kelly!" I exclaimed.

"You're not kidding Andy." Kelly cooed, taking my cock in her mouth to clean it off.

"I can't remember the last time I've been fucked like that. Safe to say it was before I got together with my husband. I'm sure Emily has no clue how lucky she is to have a dick like this to play with." Kelly complimented. "I think I'm going to have a lot more things around here I'll need your help with," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"No problem Kelly. It'd be my pleasure. And yours too." I joked.

"Yeah, but next time I'll want more than your thumb in my ass." Kelly intimated.   



Written by am1992
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