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Training The MILF Part 4: Loving The MILF

"Devon chooses a Master for Susan."

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The day had come to select a Master for Susan. Devon pored over the information of several possibilities, trying to find any reason to disqualify them.

Ronald was looking for a sub who would clean his house in addition to serving him sexually. While Devon was certain that Susan was an impeccable housekeeper, he hardly thought she’d appreciate having to clean someone else’s house as well.

Mitchell was looking for weeknights only. He had a vanilla wife who traveled during the week and wanted someone who would serve his more decadent needs while she was away. He worried that Susan might not be amenable to fucking another woman’s husband.

Terrence seemed like a possibility. He was divorced and was looking for a twenty-four/seven sub to satisfy his kinky desires. He had a separate housekeeper, so that was not an issue. However, he was nearly seventy and was excessively stern. Devon wanted someone younger for Susan. Sure, she was a MILF, but she was only forty. And, while a Master should be strict, he should also enjoy being playful with his sub. He doubted that Terrence would provide that for Susan.

Antonio already had multiple subs so that Susan wouldn’t get enough attention. Dominic traveled a lot and would expect Susan to travel with him. That might be difficult for her to explain to her daughter.

Bertram might be a good fit. He was a fifty-two-year-old widower who kept himself in great shape. He was known for being firm but fair, and he kept only one submissive at a time. Devon tried hard to find fault with him, but nothing stood out as a red flag. He decided to give Bert a call and arrange a lunch meeting with him.

Susan spent the day trying to keep busy. She knew that Devon would send a text message once her Master had been chosen and that she would be summoned. The waiting made her nervous, so she was doing whatever she could to keep her mind occupied.

So far, she’d cleaned the house, baked cookies, rearranged her living room furniture, and updated her Christmas card list. She considered watching some of the videos Devon had suggested, but she figured she would end up wanting to masturbate, and he’d been clear on the fact that she was forbidden to touch herself today.

During lunch, Devon asked Bert to explain why he wanted Susan for his sub and what he planned to do with her.

Bert took a sip of his whiskey and said, “Well, I have to say that she’s very good looking and has nice firm tits in the picture you shared with me. I’d want to pierce those nipples, so she knows who owns her, of course.”

Devon nodded, making mental notes. He wasn’t sure how Susan would feel about the nipple piercing, but maybe she’d enjoy that.

Bert continued, “I’m looking for a sub who will kneel by my feet and suck my cock whenever I feel like it. She needs to be able to deep throat, but you already mentioned that Susan has that particular skill mastered.”

Devon grinned, “She is probably the most orally talented sub I have ever trained.”

“Excellent!” Bert replied. “I like to spank my subs by hand over my knee. I also need a sub that can take large objects in her pussy. I like to spend a few hours on the weekend seeing how much I can stretch a tight cunt.”

Devon took a deep breath. He was confident that Susan would fit Bertram’s needs very well. He could find nothing objectionable.

“Well, it sounds like Susan will be a good match for you then. I’ve been calling her slut, but you can choose your own pet name for her. She’s very submissive and well-behaved, but she is enjoyably feisty in bed,” Devon explained.

“I’d like to meet her, of course. If she’s everything you’ve described, I think we can do business. When can you arrange a session?” Bert asked.

“Tonight, 8:00 p.m.,” Devon said.

After lunch, Devon sent Susan a text.

Come at 8:15 p.m. in your coat and heels. Wear some sexy thigh high stockings as well. The potential Master wants a session with you. I will observe.

Susan shivered. She was nervous but very excited. This is what she had trained for, after all. Still, she wondered if her body would respond to whomever Devon had chosen to be her new Master like it had with her Trainer. She spent a wistful moment wishing that Devon could remain her Master. But that was just silly; she was old enough to be his mother.

She arrived promptly and was greeted by Devon’s assistant, Brynn.

“Master Devon would like you blindfolded tonight,” Brynn explained.

Susan nodded and turned around so Brynn could secure the blindfold around her head. She was taken by the arm and led into the training room. Once there, Brynn eased the coat off Susan’s shoulders and left her standing there naked beside her stockings and heels.

Brynn came back in a moment to secure her arms over her head with rope and put a collar around her neck with a chain leash attached. As he fastened the collar, he whispered in her ear, “Good luck.”

The Master reached out and took Susan by the hand and helped her into a kneeling position. He took a crop and gently tapped it against her nipples, thinking about how sexy they would look pierced. Then he let the crop come down hard several times on each breast.

Susan remained stoic. She knew that if she were meant to make any noise, the Master would have expressly granted her permission. Instead, she inhaled sharply with each stroke. And, though she could not see it, the Master smiled.

But she could feel her soul smiling. Each time the leather stung the delicate flesh of her breasts, she felt herself go damp between her legs. This was what she craved! This was what she needed in a master.

The crop was replaced by a flogger, which the Master used to whip her tits tersely. Her body shuddered, and a trickle of her juices ran down her inner thigh.

That she could have such a powerful orgasm, simply from having her lovely breasts abused, made the Master’s cock hard. She was perfect! He unzipped his pants and let his shaft spring free of its confines. Then he grabbed the slut’s leash and yanked her head into his pelvic region. Would she wait for instruction? Or would she instinctively know that her mouth was required now?

Susan felt the head of the Master’s cock against her lips and opened her mouth eagerly. She was thrilled that she was being allowed to show off her oral skills so soon. She’d imagined that she would have to endure more impact play before engaging in an actual sex act. But here she was, sucking on this rigid pole while her pussy continued to leak.

While she gobbled this amazing cock, she realized it was a good thing that Devon’s dick had been so big. It was good training for the one currently easing its way into her throat. Suddenly hands were pushing her head down until her air supply was cut off, as the Master’s prick slid all the way in. His balls, heavy with cum, rested on her chin. Just when she thought she might pass out, he let go of her head so she could take in a big breath of air. Then he grabbed her head again and starting pumping in and out of her throat until his balls tightened.

For a moment, she wasn’t sure what was happening, then he pushed his dick into her throat one last time until he exploded. She felt his seed run down her esophagus as he eased his cock back and out of her mouth. She swallowed hard and took in a big gulp of air again.

“Up!” the Master said gruffly, as he tucked his spent prick back in his pants and yanked at her leash again. Susan stood up and bowed her head.

He grinned, pleased that she lowered her gaze even though she was blindfolded. She was very well trained. He led her over to the spanking bench and helped her get into the proper position. Then he rubbed a hand over her gorgeous ass that was presented for him.

He grabbed the cane and gave her three harsh strokes across each butt cheek.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

He expected with such quick, extreme strokes that she might cry out. Instead, he heard her moan. He rubbed her bottom again, soothing the sting, and was instantly aroused.

He was torn. Both her pussy and her ass were right there waiting to be taken. He supposed he could fuck one and then the other.

Without warning, he slid his erect member into her dripping nectar. God, such a tight cunt, especially for a MILF. Her pussy sucked him right in and grasped him firmly.

Another moan escaped her lips, which pleased him greatly. He wanted to hear more, wanted her to respond freely. So, he bent down and whispered in her ear, “Let me hear you, slut. Let me hear the sounds of your pleasure.”

“Oh, God, yes!” Susan cried out. The Master’s cock was big and thick, just like Devon’s. She wondered if that was planned or just a coincidence. But, then again, she really didn’t care as long as it kept pumping into her.

“Yes, Master! Please, more. Fuck me hard, fast, and deep!” she pleaded.

He obliged her and felt her whole being quake as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body.

“Oh. Fuck. Yessss!” Susan screamed. Her pussy clamped down on his dick as she came, and he knew he was going to cum right behind her.

He made a guttural sound as he pumped into her wildly, then he let go, filling her with his seed.

“Thank you, Sir!” she panted.

He gave her ass a playful swat and left her in that position on the bench. He watched his cum leak out of her and run down her thigh.

Oh yes, he wanted her! She would be the perfect sub for him.

She stayed still, waiting for some direction. Then Brynn came in and removed her blindfold. While her eyes adjusted to the light, she was guided to the shower and told to wait for Master Devon.

Minutes later, Devon came in and took off his clothes. “Shower with me,” he said seductively.

Susan nodded and stepped into the beautiful stone shower. Devon turned the water on and pumped a generous amount of body gel onto his fingers. Then he rubbed the gel over Susan’s soft skin and washed every inch of her body with his hands.

“How do you think you did?” he asked as he stood her under the water to rinse the lavender foam from her back,  then turned her around to do the same to her front. When she hesitated, he said, “You may speak freely.”

“Thank you, Sir. I think the session went very well. I couldn’t see his facial expressions because of the blindfold, of course. And he didn’t speak to me until pretty much the end. But his touch seemed to indicate pleasure,” she explained.

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Devon nodded, “Now wash me, slut.”

Susan’s hands got busy lathering him up while also exploring his body. He was so muscular, but not overly so, not like a bodybuilder. As her hands gently cleansed his rod and sac, she felt him grow hard beneath her touch.

“Look what you do to me, slut!” he moaned.

“Sir, may I ask a question?” she inquired.

“Yes, just don’t stop moving those hands,” he grinned.

“You said you were observing the session. Did the Master look pleased with me?” she asked.

He lifted her chin so he could look in her eyes, “Yes, he looked very pleased. You were outstanding.”

“Really?” she asked, sounding like a giddy teenager. “I’m so glad. I was so worried that I would fail to please him properly and embarrass you in the process.”

Devon smiled, “You shouldn’t have worried. You were more than ready. And you were perfect. The Master is very pleased with you and wants you in his bed tonight.”

Susan’s face fell, “Oh, well, of course. I just…”

“What’s the matter, slut?” he asked.

“Nothing is the matter,” she said quietly. “I had just hoped to maybe spend one more night with you before my new Master takes ownership of me.”

Devon grinned, “Well, I suppose I could use you one more time before you officially become his sub.”

Forgetting herself, Susan threw her arms around him and said, “Oh, thank you, Sir!”

“Hold on to my neck,” he instructed her. Then he picked up her legs and told her to wrap them around his body. His hands roamed all over her as he nibbled on her neck. His engorged shaft found its way into her tight, wet hole, and he held onto her hips as he moved inside her. Soon, he pinned her against the wall and thrust into her again and again. He felt her body tense up and knew she was waiting for his permission to cum.

“Let go, slut. Cum hard for me, and let me hear the sound of your pleasure!” he commanded as he pumped faster.

She frowned for half a second, remembering that the Master had said nearly the same thing to her in their session. Then gave in to her animal instincts. “Yes, yes, yes!” she screamed as he fucked her harder and faster.

“Fuck, yes!” he cried out as he came along with her, their bodies quaking as their orgasms exploded.

Then he took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. It was a passionate kiss; one a lover might engage it. It left them both pleased and confused.

After they dried off, Devon handed Susan a robe and said, “Put this on and then come find me in the study.”

He left abruptly, leaving Susan to wonder if she’d perhaps done something wrong. She donned the robe, a soft, plush maroon garment. It was luxurious but not sexy. Perhaps she was supposed to wear this when she was formally introduced to her new Master.

She found Devon sitting in a chair, sipping a glass of wine. She crossed the room to him and kneeled at his feet with her head lowered.

He took a moment to look at her and realized that he’d chosen the right Master for her. “Susan, please take a seat,” he said, pointing to the chair across from his. “I’d like to explain a few things about what your Master will expect from you, should you decide to accept his offer.”

“Accept his offer, Sir?” she asked curiously.

“Yes, Susan, you have a say in this. You have a choice in whether you want to be a sexual submissive. You have the right to say yes or no, my sweet slut,” he said, taking her hand in his.

The electricity he felt in that simple act was both erotic and terrifying. What was this feeling?

“The Master whom I have selected for you would prefer a twenty-four/seven situation, but he is also amenable to negotiation on that point,” Devon explained. Why was his heart pounding?

Susan tilted her head, “I guess I’d like to start with evenings and work my way toward full time if you think he’d be okay with that.”

Devon nodded, “I’m sure that will be acceptable to start. He also is very much into impact play, but you seem to enjoy that quite a bit, so I see no issue there.”

Susan blushed, “Before I met you, I would have called anyone a crazy person for suggesting such a notion. But, yes, Sir. I do enjoy it. I crave the feeling of leather on my ass and my tits.”

Devon shifted in his chair. What was it about this woman that made his cock keep coming back to life? He continued, hoping she hadn’t noticed, “He will be only too happy to give you all that you can handle. Additionally, he will want to use your talented mouth, your delicious pussy, and your sinfully tight asshole for his pleasure. In return, he will make sure you have the opportunity to earn orgasms during a session. He may wish to delay your climax from time to time, but he will never deny you completely.”

Susan smiled, “That sounds more than fair.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear. Such an innocent move, but so sexy, because it was her.

“He will want to make love to you and punish you. He will want you dressed to the nines out on the town with him, and then rip your clothes off and strap you onto the St. Andrew’s Cross to mark you as his. He will want you in his bed, and he will want you spread-eagle on the examination table in the dungeon. He will treat you like a queen and then abuse you like a whore,” he said, feeling his cock twitch as he did.

Susan’s pussy was wet and needy. “Sir?” she asked, a little breathless. “Sir, all of that sounds amazing. I trust that you’ve chosen a wonderful Master for me. It’s just…”

“What is it, slut?” he asked.

“I can’t help but wish that you would keep me as your own submissive. I know that’s silly. It’s just, well, you’ve been wonderful to me, and I’ve, well…” she stammered. “I’m sure I will get used to my new Master. After all, I enjoyed my session with him very much.” Why couldn’t she just admit that she was pretty sure she was falling for him?

“I was hoping you’d find him to your liking,” Devon said. “So, you’re in agreement then? You wish to be submissive to the Master who whipped you, fucked you, and made you cum hard tonight?”

“Yes, Sir,” Susan agreed. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I will miss spending time with you.”

“Thank you, Susan. I’m glad to have had the pleasure of training you. I think I need to make that call now,” he replied.

“Yes, Sir,” she said somberly.

Devon dialed Bert’s number and watched Susan’s face, so full of emotion. While he waited for Bert to answer, he felt like his heart might burst out of his chest.

Bert picked up, “Hello?”

“Hello, Bert,” Devon said into the phone while he stared intently at Susan. “This is Devon. Sorry I didn’t call sooner.”

“No worries,” Bert assured him.

“I wanted to let you know that, unfortunately, Susan is no longer available,” he explained.

Susan’s brow furrowed. She wished she could hear Bert’s side of the conversation. But it was bad enough she felt like she was eavesdropping, even though Devon was sitting directly across from her, his eyes boring holes into her soul.

“Oh, did someone make a more lucrative offer?” Bert inquired.

“No, I’d never offer a sub to you and then take a higher bidder. That’s not the way I do business,” Devon said. “I’ve decided I’m not ready to be done with her.”

Bert chuckled on his end, “My dear boy, you’ve fallen in love with this one, haven’t you?”

“I beg your pardon?” Devon asked, trying to sound offended.

“You’ve been putting me off for days, Devon. I recognize blossoming love when I see it. It’s how I felt with my Maggie all those years before she passed. She was a lady in the street and a submissive little whore behind closed doors. A spectacular sub makes a wonderful wife, take it from someone who knows, son,” Bert said. “You won’t be sorry.”

Devon smiled, “Thanks for understanding.”

He ended the call and smiled at Susan.

“Sir?” she asked, perplexed. “What did you mean by not being ready to be done with me? Do I need more training?”

God, she was beautiful! Damned, if Bert wasn’t right! That feeling that had been so puzzling to him was simply him falling in love.

“Susan, I’m not ready to be done with you because I want to keep you for myself,” Devon explained. No need to admit his feelings of love yet.

Realization spread across her face, “You mean you will be my Master? I get to stay with you?”

“Yes, my slut, I will be your Master,” he confirmed.

Susan smiled, “It was you during my session earlier, wasn’t it? It’s why the Master knew my body so well, knew exactly what would turn me on, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Susan, it was me. I had arranged for Bert to meet you, but I called him back and said we’d have to make it another time. I want you in my dungeon, in my bed, and my life. Will you accept my offer to be your Master?” Devon asked as his heart pounded wildly in his chest.

“Yes, Sir, I would love to have you as my Master. I am honored to be your submissive. Thank you so very much, Sir,” she said through happy tears.

“I should warn you, however, that I think I might be falling in love with you, so if you are uncomfortable with that, you need to tell me now,” he explained.

Susan grinned impishly, “As long as you are comfortable with the fact that I might be falling in love with you, too. I should probably say that I’m too old for you, but honestly, I don’t feel like an old woman anymore after being with you.”

Devon looked at her, “You may be seventeen years older, but you’re the sexiest damn MILF I’ve ever seen.”

Susan blushed, “Thanks, you’re very sexy as well.”

Devon was quiet for a moment, then he said, “Susan, I’d like very much to be more than just Dom and sub. I want to be able to date you openly. I want to see where this goes with you. Unless, of course, you’re concerned about our age difference.”

Susan stood up and let the robe fall off her shoulders and onto the floor. Then she got down on the floor, kneeled in front of Devon, and lowered her gaze. “I’m not concerned. I’m yours, Sir, in whatever way you want me.”

Devon felt his cock twitch. “Come to bed with me, Susan. I want you under me,” he grinned.

As he helped her stand up and led her to the bedroom, Devon couldn’t help but feel lucky. He had a beautiful woman who was smart and sophisticated. And she would fulfill all of his decadent needs as well. Who would have thought he’d fall in love with a slutty MILF? Thank goodness he had crashed her daughter’s wedding!


Written by techgoddess
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