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Tracy's Mom

"It wasn't Tracy, but Tracy's Mom who watched me intently from the darkness"

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Our Summer cottage in Western PA was the setting for many of my early erotic adventures. One in particular will be forever etched in my memory.

It began the day I overheard my Mom gossiping about the family that had leased the cottage next door. "I hear she's a divorcee with a teen-age daughter," Mom hissed with disapproval.

Naturally, when a station wagon arrived next door a few days later, I raced to offer my help. Tracy, the teenage daughter, returned my smile with a sullen scowl. Not so Tracy's Mom. In skinny jeans with shoulder-length hair and an inviting smile, her sexy vibe completely upstaged the daughter.

Laura Wiggens, as she introduced herself, seemed genuinely pleased when I emptied her car. "You must be a chef," I said, making idle conversation as I hoisted the last box of cooking utensils onto the kitchen counter. Laura's tight-fitting outfit emphasized a svelte figure and exposed every curve of her braless breasts. One look and my mojo went into overdrive. Tracy rolled her eyes and vanished into her room.

"Can I help you put any of this away?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from Laura's breasts to refocus on her face, but Laura was doing a little visual exploration of her own as her gaze roamed up and down my torso.

"Oh, thanks, Jason. I can handle that," she said, smiling flirtatiously with one eye brow raised in a way that implied she was perfectly aware of her double entendre. "There is one favor," she added in a more serious tone with a conspiratorial nod toward Tracy's room. "I guess it's obvious that Tracy isn't thrilled to be here, instead of Philadelphia with her friends. Is there anything going on that she might be able to get involved in?"

As she spoke, Laura stepped closer to me, casually placing her fingertips on my arm. I could make out the floral scent of her perfume--and for the first time I noticed the tip of her tongue darting sensuously across full red lips as she spoke.

I could only think of a truly lame Church Youth Picnic that Tracy would utterly detest, but I offered to take her and introduce her around. Laura thanked me profusely and accompanied me to the door, holding my arm and planting a firm kiss on my cheek.

I left feeling as if we'd been friends forever.

Perhaps it was my teen-age hormones, but there was something downright erotic about Laura Wiggens--especially the way she touched me with what almost felt like a lover's caress. In any event, I had plenty of time to fantasize about her, because I didn't catch sight of Laura or Tracy again for several days.

When I did, it wasn't the way I'd been expecting.

I used our unfinished attic as my workout room. Usually, I exercised in the mornings when it was cooler. But sometimes, if I was antsy or just plain bored, I went upstairs at night to lift weights for an hour or two. Which is what I was doing when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement in the upstairs window of the Wiggens's cottage.

Was Tracy trying to spy on me from the empty upstairs bedroom? I tried looking without being obvious about it, but the room was too dark. Then I remembered that the crawl space at the end of the attic had a vent that overlooked the cottage next door.

Sure enough, as I peered through the vent louvers, I saw an indistinct figure standing well back from the bedroom window and gazing intently toward my workout room. As my eyes grew more accustomed to the low light, I realized it wasn't Tracy, but Tracy's Mom who was watching so intently from the darkness. 

I felt an immediate surge of sexual excitement accompanied by a familiar tingling in my cock and balls. I'd recently been introduced to the world of female sexuality, and knew that it isn't just teenage boys who get horny as hell. Was Tracy's Mom appreciating my physique? Or something more? Could she be masturbating in the darkness as she watched me work out? I couldn't see clearly enough to tell for sure, but I didn't doubt it for an instant.

That though creeped my out… for, like, 10 seconds. Then my arousal returned with a vengeance. The idea that watching me could help Laura get off was simultaneously flattering and stimulating. Even if she wasn't playing, there was always the possibility that she would.

I considered walking back into the room and gesturing at my now rock-hard cock and mouthing the words, "I'll show you show mine, if show you show me yours."

But if my first love (see "Grinding with Gretchen") had taught me anything, it was the wonders of sensuality. So I returned to my workout as if nothing had happened, even though my heart was pounding with excitement. To conceal the fact that my gym shorts were now fully tented, I did five reps of chin-ups facing away from the window. The exertion soaked my shirt with sweat, but took some of the pressure of the front of my shorts.

After two sets of squats, I slipped the shirt off, and sat down to do bench presses. There was another flicker of movement next door, this time closer to the window. I launched into a new workout routine and between my excitement and the humid night air, my legs and torso were soon shiny with sweat.

It was time to up the ante.

Standing up, I faced the window and paused without looking directly at where I thought Laura was standing. My hands were shaking with excitement as I hooked my thumbs under the waist of my gym shorts and gradually lowered them to the ground. My cotton briefs weren't especially revealing, but they left no doubt of my aroused state. I picked up my towel and slowly wiped the sweat from my nearly naked body.

Then, for the first time, I looked directly toward Laura. Was she still there? Had she moved back into the deep shadows? Or had she left the room completely? 

I hadn't been this desperately aroused since the first time Gretchen and I had stripped naked for each other at the start of our relationship. My month was dry, my pulse was racing, and it seemed as if every ounce of blood in my body was rushing to my cock. At least there was no more pretending. Laura had to know that I knew she was there.

I hung the towel around my neck and with trembling fingers, slid my briefs down in a slow strip tease. I took maybe fifteen seconds to reveal the white band of skin across my abs, and another fifteen for the first tufts of dark pubic hair to come fully into view. In a single gesture, I pushed the the briefs past my cock and balls and on down my legs until I was naked.

Another flicker of white fabric told me Laura was, indeed, still watching, and moving even closer. I let my fingertip glide along my cock shaft, causing it to quiver and stiffen in response, then stood motionless, naked and exposed.

Knowing that Laura knew that I knew she was watching, if you follow me, vastly amplified the excitement. I fought back a desperate urge to simply grab my cock and stroke feverishly until milky white semen flew everywhere. That would be gratifying, but I wanted something more than instant gratification.

I wanted to consciously share this moment with Laura. I wanted her to come out of the darkness and reveal herself.

I remembered there was a small desk and goose-neck lamp in the back of the room. I rotated the lamp until it faced directly at the window, and switched it on, then turned off the overhead lights. I was sure Laura could still see me, but as more of a silhouette. Would she take the hint and let me see her?

I walked up to my window. Only the glass panes and a narrow strip of lawn separated us. Almost instinctively, I wrapped my thumb and forefinger around my cock shaft. And then I waited, with the twitching of my cock keeping time like some erotic metronome.

And waited...

And waited...

Finally, the soft warm glow of an electric lamp filled her window. Laura had thrown some kind of fabric, a pillow case perhaps, over the lampshade, and it gave off just enough illumination for me to see her silhouette walk into view just a few feet from her window.

Laura's fingers went to her neck, then slowly made their way between her breasts. Only when she opened her blouse for me, did I realize she had been undoing the buttons. Even in silhouette, as the shirt fell from Laura's shoulders it was obvious from the her white breasts were capped with large, dark areola. One hand encircled her right breast, while the other rode the pathway down her stomach and vanished into the gap between her legs. It was too dark to see whether she was completely naked, or still wearing panties. And it didn't really matter anyway.

At first, our movements were tentative, almost shy.

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Gradually we gathered speed and picked up on each other's rhythm. Soon, our hands and arms were working feverishly and almost in unison.

Watching Laura masturbate sent fresh shivers coursing along my spine. As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I could see her nipples were taut and pointed slightly upward atop breasts that looked as firm as those of a girl my own age. Her legs were parted for balance with her hips and pussy tilted foreward in full view just above the window sill.

I can only guess how I must have looked to Laura, my untanned cock and groin pale in contrast to my abs and legs and dark bush of pubic hair. Like her, my eyelids would be heavy with arousal as I focused unblinkingly on her face, her tits, and the place between her legs where she was now fiercly finger fucking herself.

For a brief moment we paused and smiled, savoring the powerful sexual obsession that captivated us. Soon, I was jerking again, rocking my hips and pounding the full length of my cock at maximum speed. I felt the tell-tale tingle that is prelude to an orgasm and tried to fight it back, giving Laura time to peak with me.

I needed not have worried. An instant later, Laura's back arched, her head rolled, and her entire body froze in a portrait of feminine ecstasy. I waited until her shoulders relaxed and her eyes fluttered open, then stepped forward until my cock almost touched the glass.

Her gaze was steadily fixed on my cock as I stroked myself with renewed intensity. Within seconds it was all too much for me to stand. My balls tightened in the final rush to climax and my heart felt as if it were about to leap from my chest. Laura smiled knowingly, as if she understood every confused sensation that was coursing through my body. Then she formed her lips into a suggestive little "O" and sucked on her finger with a defiantly sexual gesture that hurled me over the edge. I arched my back and pumped my cock until my fingers became nothing but a furious blur.

The first explosion was so strong I had to grab the window sash to keep from collapsing to my knees. Even when there was nothing left to shoot, my cock kept pumping in my hand.

Four or five solid white spurts had hit the window glass and trickled back down the pane. Laura's expression broke into a wide smile. She licked her fingers one at a time, then pressed them to the window. I did the same, but when I glanced up to catch here expression, Laura was gone.

Laura and I repeated our mutual performance three of four more times, growing increasing comfortable being naked and vulnerable in front of each other. One night while waiting for her to appear in the window, a car pulled into her driveway. A moment later Tracy's shadowy figure jumped into the passenger side as Laura shouted from the porch, "Be home by midnight!"

As the car backed out, Tracy responded with a muffled, "Yeah, sure."

Ten minutes later, I knocked softly on Laura's back door. When she saw who it was, her face broke into radiant smile, she threw her arms around my waist, and literally dragged me to her bedroom.

Before I even had time to survey the surroundings, Laura had stripped off my pants and briefs and pushed me onto her big bed with my legs hanging down the side. She had knelt between my legs, her faces just inches from my swollen cock.

"Oh, my, God!" she said under hear breath, "It's even more beautiful up close." Laura was holding my cockpit between her fingertips, with her hands pressed together as if in prayer. "Such smooth, perfect skin."

My head dropped back onto the bed while Laura gently fed my cock between her lips. It took just a few quick swirls of her tongue to bring me to full hardness. Somewhere out of my line of vision, I could hear Laura undoing her own belt and pulling down the zipper of her skin tight jeans. Even as she struggled to wiggle out of them, she never missed a beat as her mouth sucked my cock shaft.

Nothing in my life prepared me for what happened next. Without warning, I felt the head of her tongue and throat replaced by an entirely new sensation as my cock tip slipped effortlessly between her pussy lips.

My eyes flew open to see Laura straddling my hips, with perhaps two-inches of my cock already inside her. What was at first effortless, now felt suddenly impossible. Laura's vagina was so tight that my cock, which was no bigger than average by any stretch of the imagination, was going no deeper.

Laura grimaced slightly, but was undeterred. With her eyes closed in concentration, she lifted her weight, all 105 pounds of it, and plunged back down on the shank of my engorged cock. I felt myself penetrate perhaps another inch. She repeated this three or four times before, with a soft pop, I plunged deep within her hot cunt until our pubic mounds crashed together.

This time it was Laura's eyes that flew open with a look of shock, accompanied by a loud gasp. "Oh, My, God!" she exclaimed as tears rolled down her cheeks. Whether from joy, or pain, or both, I couldn't tell. "Oh, Jason, Baby! You have no idea! It's been so long. So very long."

With that, she grabbed the back of my head with both hands and kissed me with so much force I had to fight to catch my breath. When our tongues untangled, I realized that Laura was ferociously riding my cock, and that initial tightness had given way to a delicious friction that overcame my senses. Soon we are thrusting and withdrawing in unison, my cock pumping in and out of her wet pussy with unrestrained fury, driven by a blind desire for orgasm.

I focused long enough to whisper in her ear, "My… first… time…" I said as our hips bucked and thrust in a final violent frenzy.

A deep, guttural howl emerged from Laura as I felt the muscles in her vagina contract around my cock in a series of magnificent spasms. My response was instant, a deep shuttering vibration deep in my balls and a series of powerful spasms as I ejaculated in a long serious of uncontrolled spurts.

As our tremors slowly receded, Laura collapsed on my chest, her lips a few inches from my ear. "Not bad for a beginner," she sighed, stroking my neck with her fingertips.

I stayed inside her, savoring the sensation of being wrapped in the grip of her hot, liquid cunt. At that age, a my first orgasm was more like the end of the first act, than a penultimate climax. Within minutes, I was gently thrusting again, this time fully lubricated.

"Ohhhhhhhh," Laura gasped, her eyes wide with surprise. As my tempo increased, she studied my face, a delighted smile written across her lips.

This time our lovemaking was slower, more tender and less frenzied. We kissed and teased and I played with her nipples while her fingers stroked my balls and fluttered up and down my spine. Our tempo rose and fell and we seemed to go on for hours until she began to utter in my ear, "Harder, Baby. Fuck me hard… fuck me faster… Oh, god, yes…"

That took me over the edge, and again my cock spasmed wildly and I felt my cum eject in a series of violent spurts. This time she followed, her muscles unleashing another series of powerful contractions.

"Oh, Jason," she whispered, her fingers clutching my butt cheeks and forcing us together. "I think I'm falling in love."

Whether love, or lust, or some combination of the two, I found myself in Laura's bed almost every night. If Tracy was home, we were quiet and restrained. When she was out, Laura would urge me on with gasps and sighs and her old bed would reach such a violent crescendo that the walls and floor would groan and creak around us.

At first, it seemed as if our passion could surmount all obstacles and we could go on forever. But the night of the Baseball All-Star game in mid-July, I realized our nights together were dwindling to a precious few, and that when Laura left, it would leave an impossible hole in my life.

That was when I knew that it wasn't just Laura who was falling in love. I, too, was hopelessly in love. But in the cold light of reason, I knew that our relationship, a 17-year-old boy and a 37-year-old woman, that was truly hopeless.

Our last night together, Laura wept softly while we made sweet, passionate love. At dawn, I slipped back into my own room in a mood so dark and despairing that I honestly wondered if I would ever find my way back.


Dedicated to VanGogh for her persistence and encouragement.

This is the second story in a series that will continue with "Gina the Gymnast."

Written by Jason_NYC
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