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The Next Door Neighbour

"Shy late bloomer is teased and loses his virginity to the MILF next door while her husband is away."

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Famous Story
My name is Justin. I'm in my mid-thirties, which is a pretty good age to start reflecting on your past, and take stock of where you are today. I've been looking at some old pictures from when I was in my early twenties. I wore the cool slacker/skater look quite well. I was a tall, with long wavy brown hair that hung down to my jaw line. I wore jeans and retro T-shirts all the time during the summers. In the winters I'd add a thick sweater and jacket to the ensemble.

I was very skinny at the time. Later on, my metabolism caught up to me and kicked my ass, giving me love handles and a pot-belly. I never considered myself good-looking, but in retrospect, I was probably a lot more attractive than I gave myself credit for at the time. But then again, who wasn't? Youth, as they say, is wasted on the young.

This is the true-enough story of how I lost my virginity. I say "true-enough" because many of the things in this story actually happened to me in some form or other - but not all at the same time or with the same people. Other parts have been fictionalized, because my real life isn't really all that dramatic.

For example, I made up the part about being a virgin because it makes for a better story. The real story of losing my virginity happened a couple years earlier on a futon in a dark basement den room while watching a video (in the end-days of VHS) with a girl whom I wasn't really attracted to, but became a kind of friend with benefits for awhile. I tried to deny my virginity, but it was pretty obvious I was inexperienced. But, who the hell wants to read that story? This one is better, and truer in a sense, too. There are many truths that go beyond facts.

I grew up in a mid-sized town in Northern Ontario. It's the kind of place people come from, but few remain there permanently by choice. The main thing going in this town was natural resources jobs - forestry, fishing, etc. We also had a small regional college, which I attended with hopes of gaining some kind of employable skills that would get me the hell out. I lived with my parents, and saved money from a part time job as a dispatcher for a shuttle company that drove loggers to and from their work sites.

People in my town were provincial, closed-minded, and conservative (at least by Canadian standards). There wasn't much to do for a twenty-one year old who was into music and art and culture and gaming, and couldn't give a shit about fishing or sitting around bonfires getting wasted every weekend.

I should say that my opinion on my home town has softened in recent years. It's not really that bad. Quiet slow Northern life has its charms. But as a young man, I didn't appreciate them. I was miserable there. And lonely. I always felt kind of like I was out of place. The things I was interested in weren't interesting to anyone else I knew. I spent a lot of my time alone in my room with my computer, playing games, chatting online, and masturbating to pornography.

I'd reached the age of twenty-one with my virginity still hanging around my neck like an albatross. In part, I think girls just weren't as interested in indie rock or literature as they were in drinking beer and riding skidoos (or jet-skis in the summer). The other part was that I was afraid of them. I could approach them, say hi, maybe, but from there I had no idea what to do with a girl.

At that age, it didn't occur to me that I could just have a regular conversation with them. Instead, I was always wondering how to convince them to sleep with me. I wasn't sure what 'game' was supposed to sound like, but I knew I had none. Being unable to mentally solve this mystery, I shied away from women so that I could avoid looking like some kind of weird perverted creep and being rejected - or worse, having it discovered that I was still a virgin at twenty-one and had no idea what I was doing.

My parents were so much my opposite, that if it wasn't for the physical resemblance, I might suspect I'd been adopted. They were outgoing, friendly, conservative in their views, drank a lot, and generally fit right into town life. My father had recently retired from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. My mother was a secretary for a legal firm that specialized in real-estate. They played softball in the summer, curled in the winter, and participated in euchre tournaments year-round; none of which seemed even remotely enjoyable to me.

They said it wasn't good for me to shut myself up in my bedroom all the time. They were constantly encouraging me to get out more, and try to meet someone - as if it were that easy. My cousins were moving out of their parents' homes, getting engaged, starting real careers and families. The oldest had just had her first child. It all just made me feel more and more like I was failing at the game of life. In pictures from this time, I'm rarely smiling. I smile more these days.

It was August. According to the papers, it was the hottest month on record, with temperatures climbing above thirty degrees Celsius every day for the past week and a half. I'd just gotten off work, and was driving home when all the traffic lights winked out. The windows of the shops along the main street had gone dark as well. The power was out. We'd later learn that the blackout had affected a large part of Ontario and Quebec as well as much of the Northeastern US in one of the biggest power failures in North American history.

As I pulled into my driveway, I saw neighbours coming out of their houses to sit on front porches and stoops. My own parents were out in their lawn chairs, with beers in hand. They'd decided to try home-brewing in the Spring. The results were only slightly better than undrinkable, but they had cases of the stuff, and weren't willing to let it go to waste.

"Hey there, Justin," my father called, as I got out of the car. "Why don't you go in and get yourself a beer while they're still cold?"

"Thanks dad," I said.

Without power, I wouldn't be able to get online, so I returned to the front of the house to sit with my parents and drink their beer. People walked up and down the street, many with drinks in their hands, stopping to make small talk. They shared what they'd been in the middle of when the power went out, and speculated how long the outage would last. Some offered vague theories that the cause was rooted in the incompetency of the Liberal government, while others lamented how their electric bill was too damned high for this shit.

Around five-thirty, a white SUV with tinted windows pulled into the driveway of the house next door. Brenda climbed out with a metal sculpture of a rooster in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other. She was in her late-thirties, with blue eyes and light blonde hair. She was a little overweight, but not what I'd consider fat- just "meaty" or "plump" I guess is the best word to describe her. She was wearing a white summer dress with a black belt, and a pair of brown country boots.

"Hey there," my father called his customary greeting. My parents both waved.

"Hi," Brenda said, smiling and waving back.

"Power's out," my mother observed.

"Yeah, I know," Brenda said with a maritime accent, making her way across our yard. "I was just coming back from Tecumseh Creek. It's out there, too, eh."

"Must be a big one." My mother had an embarrassing knack for stating the obvious.

"Is Rick home?" my father asked.

Rick was Brenda's husband. They'd moved in at the beginning of April. Though we had all introduced ourselves, the couple mostly kept to themselves. What we knew was that they had no children, they were both from Halifax originally, and Rick worked in the logging industry.

"Nope," Brenda answered. "He's been gone up the bush since last week."

This wasn't unusual. Often men would spend weeks to months out in the bush working far North of town. The companies they worked for would put up mobile camps for them to stay at, providing room and board as they cleared an area. Temporary communities would spring up around them to provide supplementary services - liquor, cigarettes, female companionship - that sort of thing. Then they'd pack it all up, and move on to the next site.

"So, you're alone over there?" My mother asked.

Brenda nodded. "That's alright. I got myself a nice bottle o' wine. Thought I'd just have a quiet night to myself tonight, and all."

"Robert!" my mother exclaimed to my father. "She's going to be sitting alone in the dark all by herself."

"Don't be silly," my father said. "Justin was just about to fire up the grill and cook us some burgers. You're more than welcome to eat with us."

"I was?" I asked. I was on my second beer, and tired from work, and I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. Certainly not cooking dinner for the whole damned neighbourhood.

"Sure," my mother agreed. "We can't just let her sit in the dark by herself."

I didn't see why not. It seemed like a fine way to spend the evening.

"Justin, if you cook the hamburgers, I've got some fresh vegetables in the crisper that I can make a salad with," my mother continued cheerfully. They both loved having company.

"Fine," I said reluctantly. The daylight was only beginning to dim, but there'd still be a few more hours before it was completely gone. Surely the power would be back on by then. But I knew arguing with them was futile, and would only make me seem like a total dick.

"Can I get you a beer?" I heard my father offer, as I went inside to get the hamburgers from the fridge. Less than an hour later, the four of us were eating from paper plates at the picnic table in our backyard.

"These burgers are really great, Justin," Brenda said.

"Thanks," I said. I figured she was just trying to suck up, the way older people do to younger kids when they want them to like them.

"Justin's a great cook," my mother informed her.

"I can tell, eh. That's a good way to impress the ladies, and all," Brenda said, winking at me. "I bet girls are all over you."

"Um, no," I muttered. My face flushed, and I dropped my eyes to my plate.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's fine," I said, hoping to drop the subject.

"Justin's a bit of a wallflower," my mother explained.


"Well, you are," she accused. She was well into her 4th beer of the night. "You go to work, you go to school, and other than that you just stay up in your room."

"Julie, leave the boy alone," my father said.

"I'm just saying that if he's gonna meet someone, he's not going to do it sitting in his room."

"Well," Brenda started, smiling flirtatiously. "If I was 15 years younger and living next door to you, let me tell you, your son would be in a lot of trouble, eh." She gave me another wink as my mother burst into laughter.

"Yeah, he's kind of a pretty cute kid," my mother agreed, mussing my hair. I ducked away from her hand, thoroughly annoyed and embarrassed by these three drunk "grown-ups." I wondered how long it would be before the power came back on, so I could get the hell away from them.

"Anyone up for another beer?" my father asked.

He came back with another round for all of us. After a couple, the taste wasn't as bad. We continued drinking and talking. Fortunately the subject shifted from my dismal love life to my parents' various hobbies. The sun dipped further down the horizon, melting orange and purple over the rooftops. My mother stumbled inside to gather together all the candles we owned. We lit and distributed them throughout the different rooms in the house.

Around ten o'clock, my father excused himself for bed. Still, Brenda and my mother carried on chatting and laughing. I didn't have much to add to the conversation, so I just sat and listened as my mother shared gossip about our neighbours. Brenda told us about her own life in Halifax. When she was younger, (my age, she noted), she'd been pretty wild, partying all the time, dating all kinds of guys, and having a great time. But she settled down when she met Rick. They still had fun, but it wasn't like it used to be.

Brenda said she missed Rick a lot when he left to work in the bush. She even confided to my mother, after her 4th beer of the night, that one of the things she missed most was the sex. This sent my mother into another loud fit of drunken laughter. Brenda again reminded me how lucky it was that she was older than me, or else there would have been all kinds of trouble.

"He could use a bit of trouble, in my opinion," my mom said.

"Jesus! Mom!" I protested.

"Look at him!" Brenda laughed. "He's so cute when he's embarrassed! Oh, the things I'd do to you if I was your age, eh!"

"How about another beer?" My mom asked, standing shakily.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" I asked.

"No. I. Do. Not." she answered, emphasizing each word.

"No more for me," I said.


"I probably shouldn't... oh well, what the hell. Maybe just one more."

My mother staggered off to the kitchen.

"You know we're just joking with you, eh?" Brenda asked me.

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"We're just having fun. Your mom's hilarious," Brenda continued. "It is really cute when you get all embarrassed, though. It gets me all warm and tingly, right here."

She clutched her breasts through her dress and began squeezing them. My mouth dropped open, and my eyes widened. Brenda just laughed at my reaction.

"Boys are just too easy to shock. Too cute!" she repeated.

My mother came back with two more beers. She handed one to Brenda and then collapsed on the sofa.

"Mrs. Davis, I wish I could borrow your son and just take him home with me," Brenda announced with mock formality.

"Take him! Take him!" my mother shouted, and shrieked with laughter.

"If only, I was his age..." Brenda said again. She gave me another wink, and bit her little finger flirtatiously.

I knew they just enjoyed seeing me squirm, but this flirtation was starting to cross boundaries. I felt my groin beginning to stiffen, and had to remind myself that Brenda was older than me, and married, and just teasing to get a rise out of me. Well, she was definitely getting some kind of rise. But, in front of my mother, it was awkward and uncomfortable. I just wished they'd both stop.

Suddenly, the lights flickered back on. Various machines beeped and clicked and whirred into revival. It was just past eleven at night.

"Finally," I said, standing.

"What?" my mother asked. "You're leaving us?"

"Uh huh," I said.

"Can't take us teasing you anymore?" Brenda asked.

"No," I denied, "It's just... I'm tired, is all."

"It's okay," Brenda said, feigning melodrama with her forearm against her brow. "I've been rejected before, eh. I'll get over it."

"Justin, sweetie, before you go, can you just go around and blow out all the candles?" my mother asked.


As I bent over to extinguish the candles on the coffee table, Brenda whistled and commented on what a cute butt I had, much to my mother's drunken amusement. She again declared what kinds of trouble I'd be in if she were my age. Quickly, I put out the rest of the candles in the kitchen and the washroom before disappearing down the hall to my bedroom.

The wooden door clicked shut behind me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Tomorrow this would all be an awkward memory, and everyone would go back to acting like normal people. But still, the thoughts of Brenda wouldn't get out of my mind. Her flirtatious looks, biting her finger, squeezing those large breasts together. They looked so big and soft. I wondered what they felt like.

I got undressed, turned out the lights, and got into bed. I kept thinking about Brenda, and what she'd do to me if she were younger. I tried picturing her as a twenty-one year old with her blonde hair, and big tits, and she probably had a great ass then, too. I thought about her creeping into my bedroom, and started to get hard again. My right hand reached down, and began to slowly stroke my stiffening cock.

After about seven minutes, there was a knock at my door. Before I could answer, it opened a crack allowing a sliver of light from the hallway into my bedroom. Instinctually, I grabbed a pillow and covered my boner with it.

"Justin, are you still awake?" Brenda asked, barely above a whisper.

"Huh?" I responded in a voice I hoped sounded like I'd been asleep.

The shaft of light from the doorway expanded, and then quickly vanished as the door clicked shut with Brenda on the dark side of it. I felt the right side of my mattress flatten as she first sat, and then lay down on my bed next to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," I said breathlessly.

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I was nervous, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Nice bed," she said, bouncing a little.


"It's been a long time since I've been in the bed of a twenty-one year old, eh," she commented, giggling. I didn't respond. "Can I have a pillow?"

"Here," I said handing her the pillow that had been hiding my erection. I hoped in the dark, she wouldn't notice it.

"Where's my mom?" I asked.

"She's still on your couch," Brenda answered. "She passed out, and all."

"Shit," I said.

"Yeah, we all had a lot to drink, eh. I hope I wasn't too hard on you down there. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, or offend you or anything."

"It's okay," I said.

"I meant what I said, though, about you being cute, and wishing I was younger, and all."

"Um, thanks."

"Justin, can I ask you something?"


Brenda rolled over so she was facing me. Her leg stretched over my thighs, and she placed a hand on my chest over the bed sheet. She was so close, I could feel her breath on my ear. I became even harder beneath the sheets. Part of me hoped she wouldn't notice, but another part longed for her to touch it.

"You don't have to tell me if it's too personal, but have you ever been with a woman?"


"That's what I thought."

"I mean, I-"

"It's okay," Brenda interrupted. "You don't have to explain. It's actually kind of sweet, eh."

"Thanks, I guess."

Brenda squeezed her body even closer to mine. I was acutely aware that her breasts were now touching my arm.

"Justin, are you naked under there?" she asked.

I didn't answer, but I felt her hand reach under the sheets and caress my bare hairless chest. My body felt paralyzed with anxiety. Her hand kept descending, softly gliding over my stomach. She leaned in, and gave my earlobe a soft nibble. At the same time, her fingers combed through my pubic hair, and forked around the base of my erection.

"Oh!" she said with a little surprise. "You really are naked, eh?"


I wanted her to keep going, but I couldn't move. I could barely even breath, I was so nervous. Instead, she took her hands away.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I shouldn't have touched you like that."

"It's okay," I managed to whisper.

"But you must think I'm this boring old housewife, and all," she said.

"No," I tried to reassure her. "I think you're really nice."

"Nice, eh?" she echoed doubtfully. "I should probably go home, eh. I'm pretty drunk and all."

"I, uh..." I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say to this. I knew that this woman was nothing but trouble. She was my next door neighbour, she was married, she was drunk, she could tell my parents... But at the same time, I felt a deep aching horniness like I'd never felt before. If I didn't do something about it, I thought I might go crazy.

"Would you be a gentleman, and walk me home, Justin?" Brenda asked. "I know it's just next door, and all, but since the power was off, I'd feel safer if I had someone with me, eh."

"Uh, yeah, sure, okay." I was relieved to get her out of my bed, but also disappointed.

"I'll wait in the hall while you get dressed."

Brenda slipped out of my room. I immediately threw off the bed sheet and jumped out of bed. I flipped on the lights, and located the clothes I'd left in a pile on the floor. In my anxiousness I nearly put my underwear on backwards. I stopped and took four or five deep breaths. I told myself to calm the fuck down. The right thing- the smart thing to do was just to see her to her door, turn around, head home, jerk off and go to sleep. I promised myself, that's all that would happen, so there wasn't any need to get wound up.

I pulled my T-shirt over my head and opened my bedroom door. Brenda was leaning against the opposite wall. I allowed myself to look her over, noticing for the first time how nicely her white dress showed off her ample cleavage and curvy body.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded. I followed her down the hallway. As we passed the living room, my mother woke up.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Brenda asked me to walk her home," I explained.

"What a good boy, you are," she slurred.

"Why don't you take yourself to bed?" I asked. "Dad's already asleep in there."

"You're right. It's well past my bedtime. Yours, too. Good night, Brenda. Good night."

My mother stood, took a minute to find her balance, and stumbled down the hall towards her bedroom, using the wall to steady herself.

"Are you alright?" I asked after her.

"I'm fine," she said. "Just go on home to bed, you two."

Just drunk talk, I told myself. She didn't know what she was saying. Brenda gave me another of her flirty smiles and winked at me. I watched to make sure my mother made it safely to her bedroom, before escorting Brenda back to her house. We crossed the lawn and reached her darkened door. Brenda opened her purse and fished out her house keys.

"Well... goodnight," I said as she unlocked and opened the door.

"Justin, if you're going to be a gentleman, you need to see me all the way in, not just ditch me on the door step, eh," she reprimanded me.

"Oh, alright," I said.

Brenda stepped inside, and flipped on a light switch. I followed closely behind her, quickly checking out her big round ass from behind as it swayed side to side. She had to be doing it on purpose, walking like that. Suddenly, she turned, and reached around me to close the door. At the same time, she pushed her body into mine, pinning me against it. Her lips pressed hard against mine. Her tongue slipped between them, and into my mouth. Not knowing what else to do, I returned her kiss.

She grabbed my hands, and placed them firmly on her ass. I gave her cheeks a good squeeze, and pulled her further into me. I didn't even care if she felt me through my jeans hardening against her stomach. She didn't seem to mind, anyway. She just moaned and let her hands roam my body. I don't know how long we stood there kissing like that. It felt like an hour, but it could have been just a few minutes. Finally Brenda pushed herself away from me.

"You're pretty good at that, eh," she said.

"Uh, thanks," I responded. "You too,"

She laughed, and undid the belt around her hips, allowing it to fall unceremoniously to the floor with a soft thunk. Her white dress billowed out and hung from her breasts. She reached down to the hem around her knees, and pulled it up over her head, revealing a big white lacy bra, and matching panties.

"Let me show you how good," she said.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her. Then she guided my hand down the front of her panties. What my fingers encountered was soft and hot and slippery wet.

"You feel that, Justin? You did that to me."

I pulled my hand out, and was amazed to see my fingers shiny with Brenda's juices.

"Taste them," she ordered.

I put my fingers in my mouth and sucked on them. The taste was strange, but not unpleasant, tangy, slightly sweet.

"You like that?" she asked. I nodded.

Brenda, hooked her hands into the waistline of my jeans and pulled me to her.

"I can't wait to find out what you taste like, too," she said. "Come with me."

I followed Brenda through her house to her bedroom. We stopped at the edge of the king- sized bed. Brenda's hands went again to my jeans, this time unfastening the button, and undoing the zipper. She pulled my pants down to my ankles, and then did the same with my white Fruit of the Loom briefs. My erection sprung out into the open air. Instinctually, I moved my hands to cover it. I always thought I was small, especially compared to the porn stars I'd seen online, which was really my only frame of reference. I was only about 5 inches, erect. I've since discovered this is about average.

"Come on, now," Brenda said, "Don't be so shy, and all. Let's have a look."

Nervously, I let my hands drop to my sides. She took hold of it with her hand, wrapping her fingers around the shaft.

"Justin, this is a very nice cock, eh," she said. "You don't have anything to be ashamed of. Can I suck it?"

"Uh huh," I said.

"No, Justin," she corrected. "Tell me. Say 'Brenda, I want you to suck my cock.'"

"Brenda I want you to suck my cock," I said nervously.

"Come on. Say it like you mean it, eh," she encouraged.

"Brenda, I really want you to suck my cock now," I repeated with more confidence, if not more volume. At that moment there was nothing in the world I wanted more.

Without another word, Brenda took me fully into her mouth, gently sucking. Her nose was buried in my pubic hair. I felt her tongue working around my shaft, as the head went down her throat. After a minute, she came up for air, gripping my cock tightly with her hands.

"How did that feel?"

"Really great," I admitted. "Fucking amazing."

"It's good to let a woman know when you like what she's doing, eh?"

"Okay," I agreed, eager to have Brenda put my cock back in her mouth again.

"Sit down," she directed.

I sat. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She shrugged and the cups fell away from her breasts showing off big pink nipples.

"I liked when you did that," I offered.

"You like my tits, eh?" Brenda asked.

She squeezed them, and brought them level with my face. Boldly, I put my lips to one and sucked at it. I felt the nipple getting hard in my mouth.

"Don't suck so hard, eh," Brenda instructed. "Just little is fine. And you can use your tongue to play with them, and all.... mmm yes, like that. Don't forget the other one. Yeah. You can use your hands, too."

I reached up and squeezed one breast, running my thumb around the nipple, while attending to the other with my tongue. They were heavier than I expected them to be. Brenda made soft moaning sounds. Her hands were on my cock stroking hit slowly. I moaned back at her.

After a few minutes, she lowered her head to my balls. She licked all the way from just below my asshole, and slowly over my balls. She paused briefly to lightly take each into her mouth, and bathe them with her tongue. Then she continued licking up my shaft, over the sensitive spot beneath the head, up to the very tip, where her tongue darted at the hole there. She gave it a loud smacking kiss. As she looked into my eyes, her lips wrapped around the head, and then slid slowly back down the shaft.

"That feels really good, Brenda," I said.

She bobbed her head up and down on my cock, while her tongue did all kinds of gymnastics inside her mouth. I loved the way, that she would brush her blonde hair out of her face and look up at me from time to time while she worked my erection with her mouth. I kept up a constant stream of appreciative comments on how unbelievably amazing it felt.

"I can't take it anymore," Brenda said after a few minutes.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked anxiously.

"No, Justin, you're perfect, and all," she responded. "But I need you inside me. Now."

Brenda stood, and slid her panties from her wide hips, down to the ground. My eyes raked from her tits, over her curvy stomach, and fixated on the cleft mound between her legs. There was no hair there, just smooth white skin. I could see her slit was slightly glistening with her arousal.

Brenda bent and crawled over my body until we were face to face. I felt her lower her pussy and grind it against my rigid cock, smearing her juices all over it. She closed her eyes, arched her back, and moaned deeply.

After a minute, she reached down between her legs. She grabbed my cock, lifted her ass, and guided it to the wet mouth of her pussy. Slowly, she descended on it. My cock was consumed by her, until her ass cheeks rested on my balls. I could feel the soft, warm, moist flesh totally encasing my cock. It felt incredible.

"Oh fuck, Justin," Brenda said breathlessly. "You feel really fucking good inside me, eh."

"Thanks, Brenda," I replied, "I really like how you feel, too."

Brenda began to motion her hips on top of me, raising her body up slightly, and letting it fall back. She went slowly at first, but soon picked up the tempo. I reached up to grab those wonderfully big bouncing tits, and then settled my hands on her gyrating waist. I started moving my hips under her, raising myself up to meet her deliciously wet pussy, trying to bury my cock as deeply as possible in that soft, warm flesh.

Brenda remained on top the entire time, but would switch her motion from bouncing up and down, to grinding back and forth on me. She'd bend forward or lean back, angling her pussy in different ways so that I was hitting all parts of it. We were both moaning and breathing heavily, trading encouraging profanities.

"Oh Jesus!"

"Oh fuck!"

"Oh shit!"

I'd like to tell you that we fucked for hours like this, or that I made her cum multiple times before I did, but I doubt you'd believe that. This was, after all, my first time with anyone. In total, I don't think I lasted much longer than 5 minutes inside Brenda. She felt far better than my own hands (even with Vaseline). I was so excited and nervous and turned on, I couldn't help myself.

"Brenda, I think I'm going to cum soon," I announced. I wasn't sure why I told her, but in every porn video I'd ever seen, the guy says when he's going to cum.

"It's okay, baby," she said. "I'm on the pill."

In a few more seconds my body tensed up. I pulled Brenda down on top of me, and thrust my cock as deep as it would go inside her.

"Oh shit!" I growled. I closed my eyes tight as I felt myself pump jets of semen inside of my older next door neighbour. When I opened them again, my orgasm had passed. Brenda was still on top of me, smiling down on me, almost angelically. She leaned forward and kissed me softly, first on the forehead, and then on the mouth.

"That was good, Justin," she said. "I love the feeling of a young guy cumming inside me."

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"What for?"

"I didn't make you cum, too." In the videos I'd seen, women always had multiple orgasms with their partners. She hadn't had a single one. Brenda just laughed.

"That's okay Justin," she said. "You did just fine for your first time, and all. Besides, I like knowing I can get a young guy like you turned on so much he just has to blow his load, eh. Maybe next time we can focus on making me cum, and all. Would you like that?"

"I would," I said, nodding vigorously. I hadn't even considered the possibility of a next time. The opportunity of repeating what we'd just done was thrilling.

"I can teach you things, eh. Things girls your age don't even know about," she promised.

With that, she slowly lifted herself off of me. As my still semi-hard cock slid out of her, a bit of my cum spilled out after it and splashed on my abdomen.

"We should get you cleaned up," she said.

I became aware of the thick smell of our sex hanging in the room. She got up from the bed and got a washcloth for me to wipe myself off with. After that, I put my clothes back on. She walked me to her front door. It was just after one in the morning, and the streets were deserted. I looked back at her, standing naked in her doorway, her large breasts, wide hips, round belly, thick thighs, and the smooth V-shaped mound between them. She gave me a little wave, and closed the door.

The next morning, I woke up with the sun shining full force through my window. It was going to be another hot day. I could still smell last night's sex on my body. I smiled, and reflected that I'd finally been admitted to the 'not-a-virgin' club, initiated by my next door neighbour.

My parents were both very hung-over. They didn't want to talk much about last night. They weren't really in the mood for talking at all. Only drinking orange juice and shuffling around in bathrobes like zombies. I figured it served them right for drinking so much, and making fools of themselves. Anyway, I was happy to let the previous night go undiscussed.

For awhile, I didn't see Brenda much after that. When I did, it was usually just polite neighbourliness between us with undertones of the awkward secret we shared. It was several months before we slept together again. I thought she regretted letting the alcohol and horniness get the better of her. I wasn't going to push it, if she wasn't. It just seemed simpler to leave it as a one night stand. But we did eventually hook up again (and again). And she kept her promise about teaching me. I learned a lot from my older neighbour in the two years we lived next door to each other.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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