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South Beach - Javon's Experience

"Horny young black teen looses his virginity to a white girl, then has her stepmother also."

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I was walking toward Lincoln Park on the near north side of Chicago. It was a cold bitter Saturday in the dead of winter. My name is Javon Williams and I volunteer a few hours each week at the zoo. I'm eighteen years old. My parent's names are Esther and Benjamin. Mom is fifty-seven and Dad is sixty-three. Mom and Dad owned a company, which dad founded, named IT Solutions of Chicago. They both worked so hard at building the company that I hardly ever saw them during the week. Weekends were special, never did we miss a chance to be together.

I was always taught that hard work and smartness were the keys to a great and fulfilling future. Neither mom, nor dad were college graduates, but they were smarter than most of them. They knew all the Supreme Court judges by name and Judge Judy was not among them.

I walked through the zoo gate and proceeded to the lion house. Today was my day to clean cages. I didn't relish the job, but I was with the big cats and that I liked a lot. My friend Mike was there also and together we had the job completed before noon.

On my way back home, the sun was shining, the temp was around zero, and I was cold. Damn I wish I could be in a warmer climate. I loved the city, but hated the winters. I trudged up the sidewalk and walked the gangway to the back of the house. Dad was out back sweeping a few snow flurries off the back porch. When he saw me, he broke out in a big smile. We both walked through the door into a nice warm house.

"Hi guys, lunch is almost ready. Javon get yourself out of those stinky clothes first."

I ran upstairs and changed, I was hungry as a bear... Ha... Ha. Mom had a nice hot lunch set on the table. Dad's and my favorite, Sloppy Joes, Mom's way.

Mom and Dad kept smiling at each other and at me. Now they both just stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Dad tells me that you don't like the winters anymore and that you want to live where it's warm."

"Ya, so?"

"Well, pack your bag, we are heading to Miami on Tuesday. And Son, your sarcasm ends now... Today, understood?"

"Sorry Mom."

"Well there is more to this story, I'll let your father finish."

I looked over at Dad and he was smiling a great big smile. I am now totally confused as to what is going on with my parents.

"Mom and I sold the company. We have been negotiating for over six months now and the sale was completed yesterday. The movers will be here Monday to pack, they will load the truck Tuesday morning and we fly out in the afternoon. How does that sound?"

I was flabbergasted and did not know what to say. I just jumped up and danced around the kitchen. I didn't care about school or friends or anything except the warm Miami weather. I would be placed in a new school and I would find new friends. The cold would be left at O'hare airport, I thought I was in heaven.

I kissed my mom and hugged my dad. Three more days and I would be where it is warm, beaches, babes and bikinis. I didn't know if I would live long enough to enjoy that, I was so excited.

The weekend dragged by. Monday I went to school and was given a sealed envelope to give my next school. When I arrived back home, the place was stacked with boxes. Mom had packed our suitcases with enough clothes for a week. A friend of ours had already located and rented a condo for us to live in until we found a house. The good news, the condo was a block from the beach, South Beach to be exact.

"Did you pack my swimsuit in my suitcase?" I asked mom.

"Yes I did, I figure that will be your first activity after we get to the hotel."

"I thought we had a condo?" I asked. "Why a hotel?"

"Well, we have to wait until our moving van gets there. Then Dad and I have to get every box unpacked and put away. That all takes time. The beach is just a few steps from the hotel and we thought you would like that."

"Makes sense Mom, I should have thought about it more."

Tuesday morning the movers came and the truck was loaded in three hours. We didn't have any large appliances to move so we were ready in no time. The cab arrived and we were off to O'hare.

We arrived at Miami International at sunset. An hour later the bellboy was taking our suitcases into the hotel lobby. The hotel was very nice, Pop must be paying big bucks for us to stay here. We were escorted to our two bedroom suite. The bellboy set our suitcases on their stands and after Dad tipped him, he left.

"Hungry Son?" Dad asked. "We can find a nice restaurant or maybe a crab shack on the beach."

"Let's find something on the beach. I'm not in the mood for a sit down dinner."

We walked the beach and found a small hole-in-the-wall place to eat. The food was very good and I ate my fill. Mom and Dad had a glass of wine, I had a Pepsi. I did see a few people walking in the sand. They looked more like lovers. I was so nice and warm. I was in jeans and a T-shirt, anyone would know I just got off a plane. Tomorrow I would fix that.

I saw one pretty teenage girl, maybe seventeen or so. She was walking with her mother. The girl had on a skimpy bikini that went well with her figure. Her mom was in a bikini also and she was really built. I stared at her as they walked by. The girl smiled at me and gave me a little wave. I smiled and gave a little wave back. I probably will never see them again.

"Tired Son? We can go back to the room if you like."

"No Dad, let's just hang out here for awhile and enjoy the warmth. I really like the sounds of the ocean, its relaxing."

"Okay, but your mom and I are heading up to the room. We are tired. You still have your key?"

I pulled my key card from my pocket and showed it to dad. They left and I took off my shoes and socks. The sand was still warm, from the sun, as I walked toward the water. The water was cool, but not cold. I walked along the beach edge, wading into the water every so often.

I almost walked into a girl, I looked up and it was the girl that I had seen before.

"Hi, I'm sorry, I almost walked into you. This is my first time on an ocean beach and I was lost in thought."

"That's okay, I wasn't paying attention either. By the way my name is Nicole."

"My name is Javon and my family has just moved to Miami, today in fact."

"You lucky dog! I have to go back to Milwaukee. My stepmom and I are only here for another week."

Nicole's stepmom came to get her. "It's time to go back to the hotel, Nicole. Who's your friend?"

"Mom this is Javon, his family just moved down here from Chicago."

"Hi Javon, my name is Josie, nice to meet you. Maybe we will see you on the beach tomorrow. We can't get enough of this warm weather before we head back to the deep freezer."

I watched them leave, Nicole has a nice ass, but Josie, a fabulous ass. My teenage hormones were working overtime now. I was starting to get wood. Soon they disappeared into the darkness, no moon tonight.

I walked for maybe another fifteen minutes before I headed back to the hotel. I was quiet when I entered the suite. All was dark except Mom had left my bedroom light on. She is always thinking of Dad and me. As I walked to my room I heard sounds coming from their room. I have heard them before and knew that they were fucking again. They fuck so much, almost every night and many times on the weekends. Two horny people they are, I smiled and closed my door.

I was tired and after I crawled into my bed I was fast asleep. I had dreams during the night. In one dream I was chasing a nude girl on the beach and when she turned around it was Nicole. I woke up and I was hard. I wanted to jerk off, but I had nothing to catch my cum in. I rolled over and tried to fall back to sleep. After turning and tossing for a half hour, I got up and retrieved a washcloth from the bathroom. I masturbated to a fantasy of fucking Nicole. I shot my cum into the cloth and threw it on the floor. I would pick it up tomorrow.

I fell asleep fast. No more dreams the rest of the night. I woke up with a start, my mom was in the room straightening up. I don't know why, the hotel has people to do that.

"Hi Mom, why don't you let the people that get paid to clean the room do that?"

"Oh sush Son, you want the maid to find this washcloth that you left on the floor?"

I blushed, Mom has a way of making her point. She knew I was a teen boy with hormones rushing all over the place.

"Thanks Mom, I'll take a shower now. Are we going out for breakfast?"

"In about an hour, we can have breakfast right here at the hotel. We'll go down together, okay?"


Mom left and I took a nice warm shower. I dressed in a muscle 'T' and shorts. I would come back up to change into my swimsuit after I ate. Mom and Dad were waiting for me and we went down to the restaurant.

We were seated and as I looked around the restaurant I spotted Nicole and her stepmom. Josie saw me looking at them and she waved. Nicole looked to see who she was waving at and saw me. She smiled and waved for me to come over to their table.

"Mom, Dad, is it okay if I sit with Nicole and her stepmom? Nicole waved me over."

"Who's Nicole?"

I pointed to their table.

"Okay, just make sure you charge your breakfast to our room, don't let them pay."

I stood up and moved over to their table. They were just ordering also, so I placed my order and told the waiter my room number and to charge my breakfast to it.

Josie was a very talkative woman. I found out that Nicole was sixteen and Josie was thirty. Nicole and her father were Cuban boat people and escaped to the US when Nicole was only six. Her mother did not survive the trip and was buried at sea. Nicole's dad met Josie on Spring Break and they fell in love. He moved them to Milwaukee and they were married a short time later. A year later he snuck back into Cuba because his mother was sick and she might pass away soon. The Cuban police caught him and he is now in a Cuban jail. He was sentenced to thirty years in jail and won't be let out for another twenty-five years.

Now I was all up to date on Nicole's story. I thought her skin tone was a little darker than Josie's, now I know why.

"You going to the beach today?" Josie asked me. "Nicole and I are headed out there as soon as we finish breakfast. If you are, will you join us?"

"Thank you for the offer, I will if my parents don't need me."

"We are in room four-oh-six, call us if you can or can't. I think we can have a lot of fun." Josie was looking at me intently. I had a suspicion she liked what she saw, maybe she was a 'cougar'. I had heard the term applied to older women looking for young men.

After I finished eating I went back to our suite. Mom and Dad were already there.

"Do you need me or can I go to the beach?" I asked them.

"Mom and I are going to sign the lease. You can hit the beach, I know you are dying to do that. You remember my friend Tom; who lives down here. He is hooking us up with a realtor, we hope to be in our own house before the lease expires. I think we can find an appropriate home in six months."

Now that I knew my parents day was filled, I called Josie, she answered on the third ring.

"I'm free all day," I said. "My parents will be tied up today with house issues. Where can we meet and when?"

"How about in the lobby, say thirty minutes from now. Don't forget a towel or two, suntan lotion if you need it."

Josie probably didn't think that my black skin would sunburn. I guess white people automatically think that black skin won't burn. Well, skin is skin and no matter what color it is, it will burn. My Nigerian ancestors were very dark, my Mom and Dad are very dark and so am I, but we all burn.

I went into my room and changed into my swimsuit. Just so you know, I can't wear those skimpy Speedo type swimsuits. My dick won't allow that. Almost all guys can, but a few of us can't. Black or white, some cocks are just plain huge. My swimsuit hem stops at my knee. Mom told me I could only wear the boxer style and Dad agreed with her.

I grabbed two towels and walked to the elevator. Josie and Nicole were there and had pushed the down button. My room was four fifteen and the elevator was about halfway between their room and mine. While we waited more people came and waited also. The car came and Nicole, Josie and I entered first. The car filled fast and Josie moved in front of me. Everyone moved in tightly and Josie's ass rubbed right against my cock. Shit, that was the last thing I needed to happen. I could feel the heat of her ass and my cock started to swell. I pushed my ass back against the wall hoping to keep some distance between her ass and my cock. When I moved back, Josie moved back also and pressed her ass harder into me.

I couldn't win, I just hoped Josie would be cool about it. The car stopped on the second floor and another man squeezed in. Josie was tight against me and my cock grew hard. I swear Josie was moving her ass back and forth now. She was purposely rubbing my cock with her ass. She looked back at me and smiled. "Nice", she mouthed. Shit, she is a cougar, she wants my cock. If I had known this would have happened I would have held my towels in front of me. Now I had to as we left the elevator.

My erection subsided as I walked across the hotel lobby. Some relief for me. Nicole had no clue what had just transpired between her stepmom and me. I was going to hit on Nicole and now that wasn't going to happen. When Nicole would see Josie hit on me, she would back off and fast.

I'd never fucked a MILF before, in fact I had never fucked a girl. They all ran or said, "No Thanks" when they saw how large I was. Josie didn't seem to see it that way. We rented a beach cabana, you know one of those clamshell looking things. It was deep and wide, and would keep the sun off most of our bodies.

While I set it up, Nicole and Josie rubbed suntan lotion on each other. When they were done, Josie asked if I needed lotion. I said, yes and she proceeded to cover my skin with a thick layer.

"I think I put too much on you," she said. "I'll rub it in if you lay on your belly."

I spread my towels and lay down on them. Josie kneeled next to me and basically gave me a massage. Nicole ran off and was splashing in the ocean. Josie rubbed for a few minutes more before she said, "Roll over so I can finish your front. I almost said no, but thought better. What the hell, let her do her thing and let's see what happens.

I lay on my back and Josie rubbed the lotion into my facial skin and forehead. As she worked her way down I couldn't help but notice how nice her tits were. They hung down enough that I could see her bikini bottom between them. Josie was now rubbing my belly. When she was done there she went down to my feet and massaged the lotion in. I liked the foot massage she was giving me. I liked it better as she worked her way up one leg and then the other.

I jumped when her hand slid up under my swimsuit leg and her fingers encircled my cock. I wasn't expecting that. Nicole was still out in the water. Josie tossed a towel over me and extracted my cock out of my swimsuit. Needless to say, my cock was at full mast now. My cock is eight inches long. Josie said, "Nice cock Javon, nice and long, and thick too."

Josie started to masturbate me. I really liked what she was doing. No one was paying any attention to us, they were all to busy playing or just laying there getting a tan. Josie's hot hand was having the desired effect that she wanted. This hot MILF was going to get a load of cum soon.

"Josie, if you don't stop I'm going to cum."

Josie slipped her head under the towel and took my cockhead in her mouth. I was getting my first real blowjob. Josie brought me off and sucked my cum out and swallowed. I had never had such an intense orgasm. I opened my eyes and Nicole was standing there watching Josie and me. She smiled and sat down. Josie pulled her head out from under the towel. "Nice cock under there," Josie said. "Reach under and feel."

I felt Nicole's fingers squeeze my cockhead. She squeezed hard, it hurt, but then she let go and removed her hand.

"Josie, do you mind if I fuck him tonight? I've never had a black cock and this one is nice sized."

"Okay, you go first and I'll go second."

What the fuck is happening? Now I'm just a big cock for these women to use as they see fit?

"Don't I have any say in this?" I asked.

"Do you want to have a say or would you rather have two hot babes to fuck? Answer that," Josie demanded.

"Two hot babes," I said. How in the world could I turn down these two.

"Meet us at our room at eight tonight and bring us your nice big black cock."

We goofed around the rest of the day. We went swimming in the ocean. I was able to get a finger into Nicole's pussy while horsin' around. She didn't say anything, just grabbed my dick and pulled. Josie steered clear of me all afternoon. Maybe there would be talk or worst from observers on the sand. There were quite a few older people on the beach and their views on interracial behavior are usually negative. Younger people tend to not care.

The rental time for the cabana was fast approaching, so we called it quits for the day. Josie and Nicole walked back with me to the hotel.

"Don't forget, eight sharp at our room," Nicole said as they left me in the lobby.

My Mom and Dad returned to the room just before dinner. They had signed the lease and we would be moving in as soon as our stuff arrived. They had a realtor now, her name was Holly and she would be showing Mom and Dad houses.

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They were meeting with her tomorrow, she had a couple listings that they might be interested in.

I told Mom that I would be out this evening, that I was meeting Nicole. Mom didn't ask any questions, just said, "Okay."

"Is it okay if I stay out until midnight? I'll be back on time."

"That's okay, Dad and I are meeting Holly and her husband for drinks at the bar. They want to take us to a new club that they belong to. I don't know what time we will be back."

We went down to the dining room as a family and ate. Holly and her husband came right when we were done. Mom and Dad excused themselves and went into the bar. Holly's husband looked Dad's age, but Holly looked a lot younger. Pretty too, big tits, nice ass, I'd do her. Nice swing with those five inch stilettos. Her short skirt just covered her ass. Hope she can find us a nice house. I don't know if I would like condo living, it would feel like living in an apartment.

I had a half hour to kill before I would head to Nicole's suite. I stopped at our suite and took a quick shower. I wanted to be as clean and nice smelling as possible. I splashed on some of Dad's after shave. Most women like the smell of Calvin Kleins Obsession.

At eight sharp I knocked on the door of their suite. Nicole opened the door and invited me in. "Would you like a drink?" Nicole asked me.

"A Pepsi would be fine," I replied. I didn't want any alcohol in my system when I went at it with these two hotties.

Nicole brought me my soda. "I'm going to change into something more relaxing, I'll be right back."

Nicole disappeared into her bedroom. My eyes were treated to Josie's outfit as she walked out of her bedroom and towards me. Her hair and makeup were perfect. Her eyes said, 'Fuck me'. Josie's breasts were bare under her sheer shorty nightgown. Her nipples were hard and pointy. I wanted to suck on her tits and tweak them with my finger tips.

Josie's sheer panties were over her garter belt. Not a hair was visible on her pussy. This was the first time I was seeing a grown woman's pubic area. I was impressed and my cock was semi-hard now.

Her garter belt had eight garters, that were holding up the sexiest stockings I ever have seen. Josie's legs were very sexy, dammit, Josie was one sexy and hot lady. I sat down on the couch and hid my cock with a pillow.

"Am I turning you on, Javon? I see I am having some effect on your cock."

I answered her with a moan. If Nicole didn't hurry up I would have to take Josie first. My hormones were running rampant, my mind was loosing control. My cock was hard and needed some form of satisfaction. Josie sat down next to me and removed the pillow from my lap. There was a big bulge where my cock was straining to be free of these shorts. Josie wrapped her fingers around the bulge and squeezed. My cock throbbed.

Josie unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. She pulled them down after I lifted my ass up. My boxers went down with the shorts. I was setting on their couch with only a t-shirt on. Josie played with my cock and now I was at full mast, hard and horny. She produced a kerchief and wrapped it around my head. It was a very effective blindfold.

"Come Nicole, he's ready for you now."

I could hear Nicole's heels click on the tiled floor. The clicking stopped and I felt someone straddle me.

"Put your hands on her waist," I heard Josie tell me. "Feel her body and tell her what you are feeling."

I ran my hands up and down Nicole's body. She was completely nude. Her skin was so soft and supple. My hands dropped down and rubbed her thighs. So soft, yet so strong. I reached up and cupped her breasts. Her areolas were taut and her nipples were very pronounced.

"I'm feeling the body of a goddess," I replied with awe. "Skin like the breath of a newborn. Legs of an angel and breasts like the Mona Lisa."

I felt Nicole's hand take hold of my member. I felt she was aiming it at her pussy. My foreskin slipped back as my cockhead touched her cunt lips. Nicole lowered herself down and my cock slipped into her. The heat of her pussy made my cock throb. Nicole lifted herself and lowered herself. My cock was slowly entering her cunt. I started thrusting up. I had never fucked a woman before. There must be some instincts that come forward and tell your brain what to do. Soon I was deep in Nicole's pussy.

Nicole removed my blindfold and I was able to look at her. Nicole's eyes were glassy and her head was wobbling on her neck. She was enjoying her first black cock and I was enjoying my first fuck. Nicole moaned and plunged her cunt down tight against my pubic bone. She was having an orgasm. Her whole body was shaking and her hands were tightly holding my shoulders. Her grip was strong, her nails were gouging my skin.

Nicole continued to shake as she pulled herself tight to my chest. Her hand played with my hair as she placed her lips on mine and kissed me. I kissed her back, forcing my tongue into her mouth. Nicole sucked on my tongue then she pushed her tongue into my mouth. We Frenched for a few minutes before parting.

Nicole and I stared into each other's eyes as she started to fuck again. I was thrusting upwards when she orgasmed again. This time she was moaning and twisting her cunt on my cock. The sensations I was feeling were bringing on my climax.

Nicole must have sensed my impending orgasm, because she said, "I want all your cum deep in me. When you come, hold me down tight, I want to feel your cock throbbing inside of me."

A few more thrusts and I came. My hands squeezed Nicole's waist as I pressed her down on my cock. Ropes of my cum shot up into her pussy. My cock was throbbing hard inside of her, pushing more cum deep into her. Nicole surrounded my face with her breasts and held me tight to her as she climaxed again. I felt a wetness leak around my cock and run between my legs. I had no idea what had just happened until I heard Josie say, "You squirt baby. His cock must really feel good so tight up in your cunt."

"Oh god Josie, I've never cum like this before. I love black cock if they are all like Javon's. Let him rest and then you can enjoy him."

Nicole lifted her cunt off my cock. My cum leaked out of her and landed on me. Josie handed Nicole a washcloth which she used to clean my cum off me and herself. Nicole stood up and walked to the bathroom. I was happy that I lost my virginity to Nicole. Soon I would be balls deep in her stepmother's pussy, but I had to rest a bit first. This was such a fantastic night I was having. I had a hard time believing that Josie would be my next piece of ass. The anticipation of having sex with Josie was driving my cock to a new hardness that I had never experienced. Just looking at her made my dick twitch.

My mind came back to earth when I heard Josie ask, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Another Pepsi would be fine, Thank you."

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I took a washcloth off the stand and cleaned myself up. Nicole's juices were all over my crotch and balls. I wanted to be clean and fresh for Josie. After drying off, I returned to the living room. Josie was not there, but she called me to her bedroom. She was sitting on the bed holding my drink. I took the soda from her and sat down on the lounge. I tipped the can and while I took a slug I looked at Josie. I still couldn't believe how lucky I was, two gorgeous women, one I had already fucked. Now the second one was waiting for me. For some unknown reason I knew that Josie would be the best fuck.

I was rested and my Pepsi was gone. I didn't really have a game plan on how to proceed with Josie. My experience was mostly self love. The few girls that I got to third base with, screamed and ran when they saw the size of my cock. One white girl tried to fuck me, but quit after she said, 'It hurts'. We were both sixteen and didn't know squat about sex.

I read a couple articles and watched a couple YouTube videos about foreplay. I've watched a few porn movies also. Foreplay in movies is almost non existent, maybe some in the lesbian scenes. I will try my best with Josie, she saw how inexperienced I was with Nicole. I was hoping she would fuck me twice, first time to teach me and the second time to enjoy me.

I looked over at her and saw she was intently looking at me. I stood and walked to her, sitting down next her. I put my arm around her and held her tight. I turned her head and kissed her. Josie responded by pressing her tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth, inviting her tongue in. We kissed for a minute before I gently pushed her backward. 'Dumb move, Javon', I thought. I took her hands and pulled her up until she was standing. I leaned in and kissed her again, this time more passionately. Josie returned my kiss, pressing her body against me.

My cock was trapped between our bellies and I was at full mast. I felt Josie's hand grasp my cock as she pushed her tongue past my teeth and deeply into my mouth. I gently sucked her tongue and then forced my tongue into her mouth. We Frenched for a couple minutes. I wanted Josie nude, so while kissing her I slipped her nightgown off her shoulders and tossed it aside. Josie's nude tits were now pressed against my chest. I wanted to feel her up, but thought better. I wanted her totally nude before I would do that.

Josie was responding to my kisses with little moans. I slowly dropped to my knees, my tongue was nearly level with her clit. I had watched enough lesbian porn to know what to do next. I gently slipped my forefingers into her panty waistband. Using a front to back slipping motion, I pulled her panties down, inch by inch. Josie's hands were pulling my face tightly against her. Her panties were tightly held in her crotch, so I tugged and they slipped free. I pushed them down to her ankles and she stepped out of them.

I lightly ran my hands up her legs and rested my hands on her bare buttocks. Her clit was hidden by her hood. My tongue lifted it and I licked her clit. Josie let out a little moan as she ran her fingers through my hair. I continued to lick her clit and she slightly opened her legs. I knew it was time to lay her down on the bed. I stood up and picked her up in my arms. Josie kissed me as I bent over and set her gently on her back. We continued to kiss as I crawled onto the bed, half laying on her. My cock was very hard now, but I knew I needed to eat her out.

I slid down, kissing her tits. I took each nipple into my mouth and sucked just hard enough to collapse my cheeks. I slobbered my saliva on each nipple and gently blew. Josie's nipples went tight and extended further out. She moaned and sucked each nipple into her own mouth. I thought that was very sexy.

I positioned myself between her legs and kissed the inside of her thigh. I kissed close to her cunt, then kissed her other inner thigh. I kept this up until she took hold of my head and centered my mouth on her cunt. I knew it was time to work her pussy. I copied exactly what I had seen a lesbian do. I licked her labia, first on the outside and then I worked my tongue between her pussy lips. I licked all up and down. I remembered how the woman sucked on the other woman's clit and I did that also. Josie was moaning louder now.

As I sucked oh Josie's clit, I let my tongue dance all over it. Josie was holding my head, pressing my lips tightly to her pussy. I wanted her to orgasm on my tongue. I felt that she was building, but I didn't know for sure. I wish I had experience eating a woman out. I must be doing it right because Josie screamed, "I'm cumming... Oh god, I'm cumming. Javon, lick me harder, stick your your tongue in my cunt!"

My tongue was as deep in her vagina as I could extend it out of my mouth. I pressed my face tight to her cunt and worked my tongue all around inside of her. Josie tasted good, I lapped her juices into my mouth and swallowed. I drew back, my nose was smashed tight enough to limit my breathing. I looked at her pussy, her lips were swollen and red. Her clit was extended beyond her hood and it too was swollen and red. I figured she was ready for my cock now. My cock was still the same length, but had swollen to a new thickness. I would be tight in her.

"I want your cock in me now," she said. "I need you to fuck me, Javon."

I remembered to slide my cockhead up and down her slit. She was very wet and my cockhead was slippery with pre-cum. With my foreskin back, I pushed forward. Josie used her fingers to push my cock lower and I slipped into her. I made a mental note to line my cock up with the vagina entry next time. Josie was very wet and we both were well lubricated. I started to rock my hips, driving my cock deeper into Josie. Her pussy was a lot warmer than Nicole's was when I fucked her.

Josie was moaning now, her eyes closed and her fingers gripping the sheets. I continued to rock my hips, sinking my cock deeper and deeper into Josie. When my pubic bone made contact with her's, I knew I full in her. I knew now to start pounding her cunt hard.

My cock pistoned in and out of Josie's pussy. My black cock was slick with her juices. I raised up so I could watch my cock penetrate her cunt. My strokes were only four inches, so I slowed down. I pulled my cock out until only the tip was between her pussy lips and then I plunged hard and deep into her. I kept this up until Josie climaxed again. I went full out then, driving my cock into her. I was surprised when she started cumming and continued to cum. Finally she stopped me. She was out of breath.

"I want to be on top now," she whispered.

I pulled my cock from her and turned onto my back. My cock looked like a thick black flagpole, standing tall from my body. Josie kissed the tip, then moved to align her cunt. She was open and I saw how red she was inside. Her pussy and surrounding area was swollen and filled with blood. As her opening descended toward my cock, her juices slickened enough to see. Josie was one hot woman and had a cunt built to fuck. I watched as my blackness sunk into her redness, disappearing until I was deep in her. Josie moved her ass back and forth like she wanted to rip my cock off. Her clit was rubbing on me and soon she had another orgasm.

"Let me know when you want to cum," she said. "I want to change positions."

"Okay," I said.

Josie continued to fuck me, having a few small orgasms in the process. I was enjoying her heat and wetness. I felt my climax building. "Josie, I'm ready to cum."

Josie raised up and my wet cock slipped out of her. She lifted my leg up, bending at the knee with my foot on the bed. She turned sideways and guided my cock back into her pussy. Josie used my upturned leg as support as she fucked me. And man did she fuck me hard now. Foam was building up all over her pussy lips and my cock. In this position her pussy lips would squash flat on her down stroke.

"When you cum, push your cock up tight in me and hold me down on it. I want your cum deep up in me. Fuck me hard Javon, fuck me hard!"

Her words triggered my climax. I grunted, grabbed her waist and pressed her down on my cock as hard as I could. Josie lifted her feet off the bed, putting her full weight on her pussy. She was fully supported by my cock. Ropes of my cum shot upwards deep into her cunt. I couldn't stop cumming, she felt so good wrapped around my cock. As my throbbing gradually receded, I felt her pussy muscles milking my cock. Her pulsing vagina brought on another orgasm from me. Not so much cum this time, but enough to feel it leave my cock, deep into her pussy.

I held Josie tight, I wanted to crawl up inside her if I could.

Josie said, "Stay deep in me while I lay back onto my back. Keep your cock tight to me, I don't want one drop of your cum to leak out."

Josie let go of my knee, laying back and drawing me with her. In my mind I can recall how we looked laying there. Josie was flat on her back, I was on my right side. Josie's left leg was over my waist, her right leg between my thighs. I clinched my legs together on Josie's right thigh. This allowed me to continue pressing my cock deep into her. I might be a newbie at fucking, but this woman brought out my breeding instincts.

My cock was still throbbing inside Josie. I was hoping that I might have another climax, but it didn't happen. I stayed tight to Josie until my cock returned to it's flaccid state. I pulled out of Josie and kissed her. She stayed in her current position for a couple minutes, but hugged me and kissed me.

"Let's get up and relax, maybe watch TV. I want another go around with you tonight. I really enjoyed your cock and how you fucked me. A few more times and you will be an expert. I want to be fucking you when that happens."

Josie and I relaxed for a short time and then we fucked again. This went on until one in the morning. Josie fucked in the missionary position for the balance of the evening. After I climaxed, she made sure I stayed in her until I went flaccid. I enjoyed the feelings, both physical and mental, of being joined with her through my cock.

When I returned to my suite, Mom and Dad were not there. Apparently they were out and having a good time. I took a quick shower and went to bed.

The night before Josie and Nicole left, Josie and I never left her bed. We fucked many times, I felt like I left a quart of cum in her that night. I was going to miss her. I never fucked Nicole again, except for that first time. Josie was so much better that I had to stay with her. My dreams at night were of Josie and I. In one dream Josie had a little brown baby and he looked just like me.

Written by NVMii
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