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Roz's festival.

"A music festival Clash, with many Sex pistols, and things only go in 1 direction."

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Roz was uncertain to begin with. Jules had won two tickets to a music festival, Jackie was already spoken for and so it was a no brainer that Roz was chosen to receive the spare ticket. The only thing was, the headline acts were all cover bands. Some of them are really good, Roz knew that, but what about the rest. Local, unsigned or just pub circuit stuff, and did she want to spend Saturday night in a tent for that?

Well Jules was unlikely to spend the same night in the same tent, the hussy would likely find a nice warm body to spend the night with, so leaving Roz to do the same, of have the tent to herself.

In the end, Jules just kept on at Roz until she agreed to go.

The borrowed gear was not bad, and they only had to stand and look sexy but confused for two minutes before two young men came to their rescue, and like the victims they were, assemble the girls kit for them. A hot body and a smile wins over brawn or brains every time.

During the early part of the evening the two lads were kind of brushed off, not by the girls, but by the crowd and different distractions on site, like food, drink and assorted stalls. Both girls had a few drinks but were more comfortable than smashed, they knew better than to get drunk in such a place, they may have the bodies of thirty odd, but with the experience of the more mature woman.

One band was pretty good, it must have been getting toward ten or there about, and the girls were not too disappointed with the bands so far. This one had just started a good cover of Dr Feelgood's Milk and Alcohol, and that was when Jules' elbow nudged Roz to show her the arm that was encircling Jules' midriff. Roz looked without looking, and it seemed like one of the tent heroes. Then she felt something herself.

A hand was stroking her right cheek, not the one on her face. It wasn't long before another one had been placed on her left side, just where the top of her denim skirt met the white camisole top, and within a minute, presumably the other tent hero, had the left hand inside her top, and was oh so gently stroking her tummy. It felt nice. She hoped it was the lad with the muscles and neat hair from the tent, he was kind of cute.

Soon the hand was cupping her left breast, and just brushing a finger over the nipple now and then. At least he was trying not to be too obvious about things, like pulling her nipple out way ahead of her, so those close by couldn't fail to see.

The other hand now worked it's way onto Roz's right side, and round to her flat, fit, tummy, only this one then headed down. For the sheer brazenness of it, Roz gave the guy top marks. Right here in the crowd and he was going for it. She couldn't deny the idea was turning her on as much as the actions, and for a youth of his tender years, it was very bold indeed.

The fingers seemed to search for something, briefs maybe, as his body now closed right up and Roz was in full contact with a hard male torso, he was taller than Roz, he must be six foot, her 34, 25, 36 curves were easily enfolded by his wider frame, and with a massive quiver all through her pert little body, she totally dismissed either of the youths from earlier at the camp site. Who was this hard body that now had her wrapped in his arms?

More credit was due to the stranger, no rigid member shoved between her cheeks, and the quick realization of her complete lack of underwear not apparently coming as a total surprise. The risk may very well be worth it she thought. He was no beginner. And then he went for her already alert nub, and began to proscribe the alphabet onto it with one finger. Her sweet cave just a little further down, went from damp to wet. Before the finger got to the letter U, a small climax made her wriggle slightly in his embrace, and gave him the signal he wanted.

Roz just managed to touch Jules' arm as her new friend dragged her backward by a belt loop on her skirt, and Jules mouthed the word “Slut!” very clearly as she waved Roz goodbye with her fingers.

Roz could see, as she was led with an arm round her waist, that her companion, with short light brown hair, had a face that reminded her of the legendary Jim Morrison, with longer hair he'd be a damn good look alike. His dark blue t-shirt was stretched across a firm chest, and he must be over 28, but probably no more than 35. And as her right hand was telling her, his arse was bloody firm too.

Nothing was said as Roz allowed herself to be taken to the camper van park, and led in to a mid range van to which to door was open. En route her escort had sent a text message, likely as not to make sure the van was clear if he had someone with him at the festival.

Once inside it was a bit of a rush. Roz had gone from music fan to free sexual spirit under the feel of this hunks touch, and somehow on the walk to the van, on to horny, want to be fucked NOW, woman of desire. If there was someone else using the camper this weekend they could come back right now and join in as far as Roz was concerned. In fact, it would be preferable. It didn't take very long to undress each other, and they both had quite a bit to admire as they did so.

A glance at the beds available and the floor was the better option, as a three birth it would be tight, but it was a four birth. A double bed over the cab, not enough headroom for the kind of sleeping these two would be doing, and two singles that really were singles, not the width to cope with two writhing bodies at all. A quilt on the floor would be just fine and dandy thank you. Roz was not quite thrown onto it, as it was spread out. Roz lay back and let someone else think of England, she had something else on her mind.

This time the alphabet was written on her nub with a tongue, and she only got as far as I, before the warm glow of coming engulfed her. It was the sort of cum that spoke of more to arrive later, with a steady building of power. She held his head firmly where it was until she had come down fully, and then took a hand in the programme herself by turning him onto his back to return the favour.

It was even a nice cock. Uncut, clean, stiff, very stiff, and an easy 8 inches. Added bonus? Utterly hairless too.

Roz licked up and down the whole package several times. Sack as well, almost to his ring as he was so clean, and then she took him into her mouth several times. Roz blew on the length of his rod, and covered it in little kitty licks before engulfing him once more, and powering her lips tightly along as much of him as she could. For a few moments she was actually head banging in time with the Status Quo number a band was covering, the beat of which they could feel, and just hear, in the van.

Roz was having such a good time on this portion of meat that she had even started the very early phase of a climax of her own, sort of anticipation she supposed.

He wasn't about to let a little thing like the best blow job he'd ever had keep him from his aim. This hot little brunette was going to take a full load of his seed all right, but between her legs, not down her throat. He loved oral of course, giving or receiving, but he had a thing about designed outcomes, and the human body was designed for one outcome when it comes to seed, and one outcome only. He'd seen this tidy little beauty in the crowd and immediately come under her spell, and that was it. He had to unload inside her.

Roz was half lifted and half guided onto her back, he could have lifted her easily onto the high bed over the cab if he wanted, the strength he had was all a part of the attraction. She was back as before, but this time his tongue was at her neck, not her crotch.

Three times his rod slid over her vulva, three times and then, with precision accuracy, he had the head through the labia and just inside her, just, and then out again as he gave short little licks and nips to her neck, one side then the other, and then the head returned for another short insertion, and left again. The next one didn't go as he planned. Roz threw her legs around him and as he went to pull out teasingly once more, he was forced in as Roz's movements gave him no option.

The whole lot was in before he could fight it, and then it was too late. He'd already worked out she was older than he'd first thought, if he stretched belief to the maximum, she might even be fifty, but the hottest fifty he'd ever seen. And it just made her all the more fuckable to him, and the feeling of penetrating her with his whole cock was just insanely good, how could she be so tight? She was like a twenty year old inside, maybe younger!

Roz was close to coming in just five minutes. Long hard thrusts and his biting of her neck and shoulders, his mauling of her breasts, oh yes, that was the stuff. It was building as promised, the latent power of her whole body drawing toward her sex like an army on the move, and she thrust her hips back at the guy who's name she had no interest in finding out right now, and then felt him stiffen and speed up. He could go much faster as he'd been fucking Roz with steady thrusts, strong ones, not fast ones, but now combined all of those things as his own time came near. It tripped the switch of Roz's own cum and she went head over heals into a barrel of sex and it was only the fit, hard body that was fucking her that stopped her going into the foetal position as her body sent all the power back out to it's farthest reaches once more, amplified into a massive blast.

She was halfway down when his seed hit her cervix at full tilt, and the feeling of his seed spurting into her sex sent her off again and that drained her because she was unprepared for it. She let out a moan made up of N's and G's which sounded very much like the noise he made himself.

Roz wasn't happy. That wasn't the end of it! There would be more or she would know the reason why! As soon as she had control of her body, Roz pinched and pulled parts of his body until he was again under her, her arse to the cab and her face to his groin, and she began the happy task of cleaning his tool in such a way as to have him ready for an action replay in the shortest possible time. He'd pulled the cork from the bottle, and the Genie was loose.

Roz was dedicated to the task, and gave it her full concentration, which may be why she missed the noise, or it was too low for her to hear. It was only as she was entered from behind that she knew they weren't alone. He'd been in the cab behind the screen door, watching through a pinhole for his moment. He pushed in and used both hands to push on Roz's back, so she was just trapped enough to say she was, but not so much she couldn't get out of it it she wished.

It was a bit of a shock, a nice one, but still a shock. Were it not for the fact that the member that had invaded her inner sanctum, was an inch longer at least than the one in her mouth was at full size, there might have been a fight. Instead there was a groan so dirty that the dirtiest sex phone line, would've banned it! She even had to stop her cleaning to deal with the intense feeling of filthiness that washed over her, making her limbs go momentarily weak, a feeling caused she knew, by the slut behaviour she was allowing herself to exhibit. After all, only a slut would allow such a thing to take place without resisting.

As Roz was being fucked by a newcomer she'd not even seen yet, her original partner moved out from under, still only half hard. He went out of sight for a minute or so. She wasn't sure of exactly how long, due to the cock in her hole and her own unfaithful body getting together to drive her slightly insane, and make her push hard back against each thrust, her pert breasts swinging and her hair bouncing.

He was back, phone in hand and he took two pictures, one of her face, and one full length that would be proof to any viewer that some lucky guy had his cock in what must have been the hottest bit of skirt at the festival.

“No, no pictures please.” she just managed say, discovering a shortness of breath by the effort it took to talk. The hard pounding of her sex from behind was taking more from her than she'd thought. It was good. Better when he reached round to paw a breast.

“Oh no worries,” said the photographer, fiddling with the phone, “It's just that, at festivals etc. we always let our mates know which birds we've had success with, so they can look out for them later and have a go too. About, twenty blokes is all, that's if their even all here. 'course, they pass it on too, so, dunno' maybe eighty blokes will look out for you, that's not many in this crowd. They all do the same thing of course.”

Oh hell, she was being advertised as an easy lay around the crowd. You'd have thought that they were totally out of order, that they'd crossed a line. She wanted to be so mad at them, but she liked the idea so much, she came!

“Ahhh, ahhh, aaarrrrrrrrrrr, shit, ohhhhhhh! Bastards!” she scolded them, and continued to push back as she was fucked a while longer, a finger teasing her nub.

The door opened, and a third guy entered, jeans and vest, tanned, and with a bulge.

“All right guys, wow, nice, was that the text I just got?” he said as he surveyed the brunette's sex scene on the floor.

“Yeah, get ready, I'm gonna' let her have it soon, the little slut minx.

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She's hot man, real hot, loves the cock too!”

“Hey, who do think you're talking about?” Roz said, although it was hard to be indignant when your on your hands and knees being fucked by some guy who's face you've not even seen yet, and you're not too far from another cum which you're encouraging as best you can.

Roz's protest had no effect, and she didn't help herself by simply opening her mouth as the latest guy knelt in front of her to place his not insignificant cock into her willing mouth. It was of a similar size to the other two, and Roz knew full well she would be fucking it soon, in spite of her attempt at a complaint a minute earlier.

“Oh yes, get ready little slut minx, your fanny's about to get shot with a spunk gun. And don't bother with the back chat, no one dragged you here, you've not said a word of complaint about unexpected extra cock, and you could have easily left if you'd only tried, so just be a good little slut minx and take some more spunk up your dirty hole! Ahhhhhhhhh fuck, you slut!”

And as the spunk gun fired, so did Roz's sprinkler system, she came almost as much on his words as his cock, and as she let out a cry of her own, she had let go of the cock in her mouth, and it's owner stood up.

As her first fuck of the night put the kettle on, Roz, not quite fully recovered from her cum, allowed herself to be rolled onto her back again, and number three lined up, now minus clothing below the waist, and rammed his own cock into her already well fucked cunt. He very soon had a couple of pillows under the small of her back, and his penetration was thus most satisfactory.

“So, regular little slag or casually cheating slut wife? Never mind, you're on my cock, that's the main thing, and that means you're a slut of some kind or another, just the sort we like eh boys?” he said as he fucked her at a good pace, pushing more and more fluid from her hole.

“Too right,” said her first guy, “as long as a slapper fucks, that's the main thing. And this one's fucking hot, even if I do say so myself. So glad I saw her.”

Roz wanted to speak, but couldn't think what to say, and if she was honest, she liked the way they talked about her, as a slut, a slag, the way they weren't bothered about any other status she may have than that of a willing cock taker.

“Damn right, she might be over forty, but she fucks like a Friday night twenty quid whore saving for a holiday. I'd fuck her any weekend.” Said the blond, thin guy who'd hidden in the cab before fucking her on the floor of the van, as the first guy to have her pored hot water into his pot noodle.

Even as she was being pounded by guy number three, Roz noted that guy number one was now hard again, and just took it for granted that each of these studs was going to fuck her at least twice, and she'd let them.

After number one had finished his snack, number three said;

“Who evers up her next get ready, I'm filling her up any second now!” and seconds later, “Ahhhhhhg yes, take that you fucking whore, take my spunk!” and he shot his own load on top of what was left of the earlier ones.

Roz had been near for a while, and this was enough, she felt her body shudder as her own cum hit once she had his full load inside her. Her breasts had been ignored too long, and she pulled and pinched them herself without realizing it, prolonging her orgasm into quite a nice one, which he helped by continuing to thrust until he went soft.

Number one was right back at it, and all three would indeed fuck Roz on the floor of the camper van a second time. With the pillows under her, she was comfortable enough. Each guy fucked her with steady strokes, deep hard thrusts that kept her well up on the Richter scale, and made it easy for her to come when she rubbed her button. She had four cums as she lay on the floor of the van, simply allowing the three still non introduced men to fuck her like a doll, even wrapping her legs round them, and at one point, snogging number two, which he instigated just before giving her his second load. She was just a fuck, a hot, talented, willing fuck with a tight snatch, and she was in her element with three unknown men giving her some cock.

Still oozing cum, Roz lay on the floor of the van, and used the towel she'd been given to clean up. The camper did have a shower, but, well, let's not push it, time to go while the goings good she thought. The three guys looked on with pride as their conquest dressed, number two having taken a full length un-draped picture of Roz, without warning. It wasn't worth the argument now, the two earlier pictures were no doubt well spread around by now anyway. Best to say goodbye, and go.

No sign of Jules at the tent, and the music had stopped, Jesus, midnight! Well, No Jules meant no car keys, so Roz had no option but to stay on, and hope no one saw her who'd been sent her picture.

She ate from her supply of healthy food, and got some well earned sleep.

No Jules still this morning, and her phone is off, oh well. Breakfast. A large, a very large tea and some real food was in order.

By a little after ten, the music was back on, and it was good. There was a band with a plain name, Billy Jones and his mates, but they could play from Aha to ZZ top, and were presently giving 'I predict a riot', a hell of a go. The audience were belting it out with them and spirits were high. So were some of the people.

Roz was further back than the night before, and was stretching to see much of the stage, her 5' 7” in low sensible shoes was a problem from here. A voice, which at normal conversation level was, in the circumstances, the equivalent of a whisper, said in her ear;

“Hold on, help is at hand!”

Before she could see a face, the owner of the voice had ducked right down, and thrust his head between her thighs, and holding those same shapely thighs firmly, stood up. Roz now had a superb view, and held on carefully to the head while wrapping her feet around the back of the body, and shuffling her bum to get a steady perch. As a result, the one piece spaghetti strap white dress had ridden up, and the hands that had held her thighs, now reached to pull the hem higher up her thighs, so she could sit that little bit further forward. His unruly hair was now tickling her labia under a very small overhang formed by her dress, and she could feel fresh air on her tight brown ring. What a day to go without undies.

It was a few minutes before Roz had everything under control, and could balance happily, if with a bit less cover than she liked. She had finally got his hair sorted too. The crowd, and Roz and her mount, belted out 'High ho silver lining' at the top of their collective voices. And followed that with a loud rendition of 'Rocking all over the world'. It was during this song that it all went Pete Tong.

Her mount bumped her up in the air and at the same time, spun round, really quickly, so now, after another bit of a twist, his face was full on her bare sex. And as Roz tried not to yelp or fall off, he sent his tongue into her labia and up to her clitoris and back, and went for it with gusto. Roz was stunned.

In trying to not fall, which could hurt her as well as those she fell on, Roz was pushing herself onto his mouth harder. Up where everyone could see her, she was being eaten alive by a sexual predator,

and for fucks sake, it was turning her on like a switch turns on a light. As the first signs of a cum rose within her, Roz took a stab of near pain to her gut, as she had the sudden realization that her cum would be big, and she would make enough noise to attract lots of attention toward her high perch. The scariest part of it all, was that she couldn't wait and so very much wanted it to happen.

All that brought it on so much faster.

“Aaaawwwwwwwwwww, Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

The look on her face was like someone had just surprised the hell out of her. The noise was like she was having an enormous cum, which she was, and the effect was that an awful lot of people around her knew just what was happening. Roz couldn't even hide behind her eyelids as she couldn't close her eyes until after the peak of the climax, so she saw the looks of the people as they watched her complete her cum. A mix of condemnation, surprise, amusement and lust. Then she was going backwards.

Her dress was up around her waist, each arm was held, as was each shoulder, by a man, her legs were up over her mounts shoulders, and her torso was supported from each side. Her former mount was now mounting her, and she felt her quim being pierced by his cock, all the way in so his balls banged against her as he carried on thrusting his weapon into her. Her shoulder straps were being worked on by hands until someone produced a pocket knife and cut them, so her dress became a ring of cloth round her middle, and hands from every where roved freely across and over her body.

Her nub was terrorised, her nipples were tortured, her cunt was fucked, and someone dropped her head to feed her another cock. The sudden jolt of her head dropping made her gasp and open her mouth so the cock went in easily. She was happily in the hands of the crowd. And the crowd was going to fuck her brains out.

For ages it seemed, she was a play thing. Her pussy was pounded, as was her mouth, and she came, hard as she took her first cunt full of seed. As she was passed onto another cock, she got a mouthful of seed too. Her body was played with non stop, pinching, rubbing, fondling and groping. The new cock in her hole pumped away fiercely, banging her hard, a new one entered her mouth, she could hear such foul language, directed at her as the crowd of men for whom she was now a plaything, shifted the blame for their own debauched behaviour onto her.

Roz was a slut, a slag, slapper, a gagging for it whore, she was eager to take as much cock as she could it was all the men could do to satisfy her carnal want, she was just such a fucking whore slut! It was all her fault that they were fucking her!

After God knew how long, and at least five different cocks had given her a load, she was manhandled down onto all fours and still being fucked like porn star going for a bonus. Roz came once before she was put on the floor, and twice more as she was used, simply used, like a pack of horny wild dogs on the only bitch for miles around. She was banged and banged and banged like there was no tomorrow and groped as if no man would ever feel a woman's body again after today.

She had at least four cocks use her brown hole, three of them shot spunk into it rather than her quim, and Roz loved the feel of the seed shooting into her rear passage. Some just dribbled their cum onto her body. Roz was just a thing to be fucked! Her last cum was so hard she passed out still on her hands and knees, and missed being eaten out by a long haired, bearded biker.

Roz had no idea how she'd got going, like a drunk she had that homing programme built in like a trained pigeon, and the body used some kind of automation to move itself along. She was holding up the dress by keeping her arms at her side, and hoping the flow down her inner thighs would stay unseen as she saw the tent coming into view.

She practically fell to her knees before the tent, and crawled inside. Jules was there.

“Oh god Roz, what, a, night. Those lads had a mate, I've been shagging” Jules boasted in a mock shout and holding up the same number of fingers, “three, three young,,,” Her face froze.

“Three?” a happily bedraggled Roz said in disbelief, “Just three? Girl I swear you ain't heard nothing yet, I had three for supper last night, and I've just had a full Sunday roast!” At which point Roz collapsed and sprawled out on the floor of the tent, where Jules looked after her until her strength returned enough for them to clean her up, and pack up the borrowed kit.

On the drive home Jules, still completely incredulous, had Roz tell it all again. It was just too much to take in with one telling. And she even admitted to just a tiny little bit of jealousy.

Roz fell asleep soon after she finished the retelling. So she was unaware of the two hot looking hitch hiking guys that Jules pulled over for. But she soon found out.

Written by Te11tale
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