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Reclamation - part II

"He had something of hers; to get what I wanted most, I had to give, she had to take."

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Staring into her deep cobalt orbs, I mentioned, “What I sense is that you’re not wearing jeans, and we need to beat feet - to Josh's apartment complex.”

With another rough squeeze of her hand upon my cock, Sandra chastised, “That was fast, did you fly over here or what, you’re forty minutes early!”

“I knew I better get here ASAP, or you’d be masturbating and we’d never get this done.”

Dipping her forehead to my shoulder, she shuddered, “Perhaps I should have, worn jeans…it’s chilly out…but then, I wouldn’t be able to take care of business – before we take care of business,” she said as she pushed away from me and settled into her side of the seat.

As I swung my right arm down to shift the truck into reverse and started backing out, I asked, “Got those keys?”

“Yes…and I brought this, too!”

I’d just negotiated the corner and swung out to the main road, so I glanced to my right and looked downward where the floor running lights glowed. She had pulled a Rabbit vibe out of an inside jacket pocket to show me that she had something else in mind.

“You kept it?”

“Of course, silly wabbit…why wouldn’t I, I love my little toy!”

Before I could encourage her to fasten her seat belt, she had shimmied her black jogging pants off of her bottom and down her legs to gather around her sock clad ankles!

“No panties, tonight?”

“I’m wearing a thong, thank you!” Sandra said, “Keep your eyes on the road, Jeff…you need to jump on Highway 50 and head North, pick up 291 and swing up towards I-70. Does this still work?”

She was fumbling in the darkness with the dash mounted GPS, so I flicked an overhead light.

“Yep, you remember how to…”

“Piece of cake – relax Max, lemme handle this, you just drive. Do you still have that; there it is.”

I checked my speed. I was pegged at fifty-five. Traffic was still light, it wasn’t even seven thirty yet, rush hour had ended and not many people were out and about.

“I really need to rub one out, babe," Sandra sounded a bit desperate, "crank up the volume and just ignore me for a few moments, okay?”

I flicked off the overhead light then fingered the steering wheel’s control button and Rick Braun’s trumpet immediately began to flood the cab. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Sandra’s tanned knees up, legs spread…her face tilted down and to the right…She was getting busy with the vibrator. I imagined her bare ass on the leather seating. I could almost taste her.

“What the fuck, ever,” I muttered to myself. I couldn’t see much, but that was the point. I wasn’t supposed to. I lit a cigarette; she’d never know. She was already in her own little world. I wondered what she was thinking. Josh? Me? Some other guy? Does it matter..?

I had a hot piece of ass, fucking herself next to me, with a gift I gave her for our last year's Fourth of July - two month anniversary. My dick was crying to burying itself inside her pink wetness and all I could do...was drive. I felt my hips thrusting as if they had a mind of their own.

Give her some time now. Then give her an opportunity to take back, what was hers. Later, maybe she'd give me a tight little something, too?

I could smell her scent...the lights of the interstate alternately lit up the cab, then faded. I was drifting off a bit. Thinking of licking her wet cunt. She was just two feet away from me, throttling herself now!

Four minutes after I’d maneuvered us onto Interstate 70 eastbound, we were approaching our exit, per the GPS, as I briefly checked it, then eyes back to the road. I sensed more than I saw, Sandra shuddering and I reached my hand over and palmed her left knee.

She was still quivering, although I’d missed the major earthquakes, and I ran my fingers down her tensed thigh, to her hip. I felt the thin material of her thong, pulled it slightly...then coursed my fingers back upwards, feeling slight goosebumps on her flesh.

Exhaling, I heard her nearly shout, “Phew! Gawddamn,” then trailing off, “I really…needed that!”

Braun’s horn subsided as I braked to a slower speed to negotiate our turn at the end of the ramp, and I adjusted the music to a bare minimum. My lap felt flooded.

Checking to see if the coast was clear to my left, I asked Sandra, “Is your mind lucid enough now?”

I heard her clear her throat softly and then a rustling fabric sound, and as I judged my merge speed and joined the southbound traffic, she said, “Let’s get ready to rumble, I want my damned investment!”

Grinning to myself, I checked her out briefly and noticed the rabbit on the floorboard; it was shiny and slick, and my dick pulsed harder in my jeans. Her velour sweat pants were hoisted back up around her waist and she was tying the drawstring.

“We're coming up on Windward Street, are those his apartments, to the right?”

“Yeah, I think so, I’ve only been over here once and it was daylight then…Yes, this is where Asshole lived!”

I signaled and slowed, flicked the MP3 player, off and negotiated a coasting right turn into the complex and was met with a small speed bump, with a some kind of island fountain just in front of that, the asphalt peeled off in opposite directions and I noticed a yellow arrow guiding me to my right, so I just continued on. Thataway.

“Josh lives on the other side of these apartments, over there to your left - so you have to just keep following this parking lot on up, and around, making two more left turns.”

I heard her fingering her car key in her jacket pocket. “Are you ready?”

“What if he’s not here?”

“We wait.”

“What if he’s here?!”

“You take the car, that’s what we came here, for.”

“I’m really nervous, Jeff.”

“Wiggle your toes, take a deep breath, and relax…this is walk in the park, babe,” I replied in a lower, measured tone.

Sandra was making more of this than it had to be. Her mind must be racing. She has a tendency to think too much, sometimes.

I was idling through the lot, it was a good sized apartment complex; maybe four hundred units if I had to guess. Not too affluent, but not a dump, either. This wasn't a bad part of town, to the contrary - this was Blue Springs and it was upper middle class, judging from the few homes I saw across the street before I wheeled into this place.

“Does Josh have ground floor apartment?”

“No, he was on the third floor, so that should make it easier, huh?”

“Good. What color is your car?” I said, as I made the second and last left turn, heading around the northwest corner of the complex.

“All the way down there at the end, he usually parks it back against the fence. It’s jet black,” her breathing was shallow and quick, “2007 SS - what am I going to do with a car like that?”

"Keep it for your son, he turns 16 this summer, doesn't he?"

"He's got his eye on a Mustang, and his father can afford that!"

"Keep your eyes peeled, babe...let's find that SS!" I was feeling adrenalin dumping into my system, too.

We were nearing the end the far side of the complex and neither of us had seen anything remotely similar to that make and model. This place was full of foreign cars and SUVs.

“Oh, I think we’ve passed it. He’s not here. What do we do?”

“I stop,” I said, “if I back into this spot, here, can we see where he would normally park?”

“Yes,” she replied, looking back out the rear glass, “we’re about forty yards from it, I think.”

"Do you see his old car, by any chance?"

"He sold that piece of shit to one of his friends."

I chuckled, "This guy is a real piece of work, huh?"

"Don't remind me."

After I’d backed my truck into the open slot, adjacent to what appeared to be a wood-gated dumpster area, I slid the transmission up into park and kept the engine idling. We both checked the dash clock, together.

“8:09,” she murmured, “what if he’s already evicted?”

“What if he’s out on a date, or out with his homies, or just sitting in a bar somewhere drunk off his ass…Right now, all we can do, is wait.”

“That’s not all, we can do!” I felt her fingers brush my right thigh.

“Sandra,” I said, as I turned my upper torso to face her, “Don’t take this the wrong way. But, once you start swallowing my cock, and I start fucking your pretty little throat; if he showed up, parked right next to us and invited us to take his car – I just as soon he keep the damned thing, until I deposited this backed up load you’ve been generating in my mind, the last hour.”

“Just one quick taste,” she baby-talked as she scooted, one butt-cheek closer to me, “all I want is to give you piece of mind, Jeff.”

“Piece of mind, babe - is you - grabbing this bad motor scooter and me trailing you back to your house and you locking it up, inside your garage.”

“I can’t take it back to my house, that would be the first place he’ll look. And it won’t fit, anyway.

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I’ve got my two cars inside and the other slot is full of my kid’s junk.”

“How do you feel about storing it in my second garage space for awhile?”

“That’d be perfect,”she said with triumphant glee, “he has no idea who you are or where you live!”

I’d managed to turn her one-track mind back to the matter at hand, although on another level, my throbbing cock was cursing out the right side of my brain.

“Sandra, what if this guy shows up and you get in the car and it’s out of gas? He sounds like a broke-dick-dawg and might be driving on fumes.”

“I hadn’t thought about that.”

“I have. You brought your cell phone, right?” I knew she had. She never goes anywhere without it, especially when her kids go off to spend weekends with their father.

“Yes, and it’s got a fresh charge, too!”

“Good…when you get inside that SS, fire it up, and get your ass out of this parking lot…check to see the fuel gauge and give me a call. If it’s on empty, try to make it to the BP down near I-70, we’ll fuel it up there and that’s a mile from here. Unless he’s a Terminator, we’ll be fine.”

“You just think of everything, don’t you, Jeff?” She grinned, “Always have all your bases covered.”

“Not always...I did get thrown out at the plate last September, if I recall,” I grinned right back at her, “thinking you might choose to settle down, instead - you chose to keep playing the field.”

Placing her hand upon mine, which was resting on the shifter, she whispered, “I’d say you’re playing yourself back into the lineup, tonight.”

Headlights hit my peripheral vision out of my left eye, as they simultaneously reflected off of my face. She caught that and we both turned our faces, to look out the front windshield.

“Could be show time.”

“My knees are shaking.”

“You’re still climaxing.”

Sandra giggled, nervously. But, she giggled. I could tell she settled down a bit.

We both watched for the next twenty an all black, 2007 SS Monte Carlo pulled to a slow stop, in the middle of the parking lot, not 100 feet in front of the front bumper of my truck.

I felt Sandra’s warm hand leave the top of mine, as we watched someone backing the SS, at an angle, into two parking spaces – when there were at least eight empty spaces on either side of where he could have parked.

“What an asshole,” Sandra muttered.

“Heh, he’s begging for that thing to be keyed, huh?” I said this out loud, while thinking to myself – ‘What a douchebag.’

I’d cracked my window earlier to suck out the smoke from my cig and my vehicle was purring in idle. You couldn’t hear it running. But we both heard the driver of that SS, rev its engine three times, before he shut it down. It had a custom exhaust, and it was loud and proud. Dude had a tiger in that tank.

I noticed Sandra reaching for the door release.

“Hold on babe," I said, "don’t be getting out yet, the last thing I want is a confrontation.”

She was definitely keyed up. So was I. That can work for ya, sometimes. All of her focus now, was on the right target. I think my dick was still hard; a portion of my brain still smelled pussy, in these confines.

I fished my pack of smokes out of my front inside jacket pocket, flipped the box lid and bit into the tip of a filter, pulling the box away and lipping a new cig. Sandra’s eyes were glued at a point thirty yards away. She didn’t even bitch about my smoking.

Finally we saw both doors open on car, a blonde head appeared out the passenger side and Carrot Top started to stand up out from behind the steering wheel. This was going to be a piece of cake, indeed. Josh had himself some pussy lined up for the night.

“That’s a girl, isn’t it?”

“Unless he’s fucking a pretty cross dresser with a fabulous pair of fake tits!”

I had to give it to the young man. He had excellent taste in women. We watched as the tall blonde strolled around to the front of the car and grabbed Josh's outstretched right hand. They embraced and kissed for just one breath and then he began to lead her across the parking lot. We watched as they slipped behind a slate-gray minivan and I noticed that he started bounding up a flight of stairs, with Blondy in tow.

'Go knock yourself off a hunk, dude.' I thought to myself.

“They’re going inside,” Sandra breathed.

“We’re going to wait until we see them walk into an apartment and turn on some lights.”

“We won’t be able to see that, he lives on the courtside of this building.”

There might be eight hundred apartments in this complex, I thought to myself. “We’ll just wait here till I finish this smoke, then. Make sure he hasn’t forgotten something out in the car.”

“You’re smoking again?!” Sandra turned her face towards me for the first time in 5 minutes.

She’s nothing if not focused. I had maybe three more, long tokes left and she had just noticed a lit cigarette in my mouth. I took one last drag and tossed the butt out the cracked window. Sliding the transmission down, into drive, I let up on the brake and slowly started to head forward, slightly turning the wheel to the left then straightening it out again.

As I idled my truck forward, I reached over to touch her shoulder. She felt calmed. I felt better, too. Touching her, always does that for me.

“Remember, fire it up and just drive forward, you’ll be heading out behind me; I’ll circle around the complex back the way we came in, you – get the fuck out of Dodge and don’t look back. Keep it under the speed limit but don’t mess around. That car has a loud exhaust, and if Josh ain’t getting his dick sucked right now, he’s gonna hear it start up and you, peeling out - so don't burn rubber.”

I pressed the brake pedal and came to a soft stop right in front of the Monte; “It’s time to take what’s yours, babe…go get it.”

Sandra flowed out the opened door, softly shutting it with a dull thud. She stole quietly behind and around the bed of my truck. I admired as she hunkered down a bit and grinned to myself, as I watched her perform an exaggerated skulk between my truck and the front bumper of the SS. She flicked the key fob and the interior light of the car popped on.

It unlocked with no alarm set. This was like taking candy from a baby.

I glanced to my right and saw no change in the dimly lit walkway of the staircase, all three floors, void of anyone. Then I heard that signature exhaust throttle up. Damn, she had it floored when she cranked the key over. I took my foot off the brake and goosed my gas pedal, to get myself out of her way.

Sandra was going places and I needed to clear out, too!

I was crawling through the parking lot and checking the staircase with my mirror, as I saw Sandra gunning the car in the other direction. Vroom, vroooom, vrooom. Those big fat tires were chirping on the asphalt. All I could do was grin.

She was home free.

Smart girl, she was driving off with no headlights on! The complex was lit well enough, a person could see without lights, but driving at night, sometimes people can’t see you – either. That was my only concern now, as I continued to mosey along, like I owned this joint.

Two minutes later I was pulling out left on Windward Street, then sitting at a stoplight with my left turn signal blinking. Nobody running down the street, shrieking...behind me. That was a good sized complex.

It had been three or four minutes and still no phone call, so right after I took my green arrow turn, I flipped out my phone and pressed The Sandra Button.

Four rings later, Sandra laughingly answered, “Guess what?”

“Where ya at, babe?”

“This motherfucker has a full tank of gas, and I drove for almost a mile before I figured out how to turn on the headlights.”

“Sweet, you never drove that car before tonight?”

“My first time inside it. It freaked me out when I gave it some gas, too. It’s front wheel drive! Where are you at?”

“I’m just now approaching I-70; are you already half way to my side of town?”

Laughing, I heard her tension easing out of her as she replied, “Damn, I’m doing nearly 80 in a 65…this thing is wicked quick, I need to slow my ass down.”

“Sandra, you have over three hundred horses under that hood, find the cruise control and set it to sixty, maybe I can catch up to you in a few minutes. You know where you’re at, how to get to my place?”

“Jeff,” she replied, “I know my way around this town, no worries now…I have this under control, and...I’ll see you at your place – unless you wanna have phone sex?”

“I hope you’re hungry. I am.”

I heard her chortle, “I’m starving, Mr. Problem Solver. Catch me if you can!”

Then I heard the stereo of the SS blaring, then…I heard dead air again. What a woman.

As I merged onto the interstate, I wondered if my cock had ever grown flaccid. I reached down to my lap, felt myself. Rock hard and throbbing.

Thirty minutes until I tasted some fine, wet pussy. Fifty minutes until I sunk seven hard inches deep into Sandra again and enjoyed her tongue dancing with mine. I missed fucking her, but I missed, all of her, even more.

Not a bad turn of events for a Friday night that started out a bit on the slow side, I thought. If I played my cards right, at the end of this night – she and I might even be on the same team again!

I reached down and to my right, I wanted a taste of her rabbit for the trip home.
Written by WellMadeMale
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