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Oak Valley High School - Part One

"A friendly golf game turns into much more"

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Author's Notes

"Pure fantasy. Part One of Two."

Every August the halls of Oak Valley High School are electric with the energy of a new school year. The spirit squad had banners up welcoming students back on campus, and the quad was full of club tables for sign-ups in anticipation of the first day of school.

Teachers had been back on campus for two days when we had our traditional Wednesday morning staff meeting in the cafeteria. Mr. Garcia, our principal, first welcomed everyone for the new 2022-2023 school year. He then went on to introduce new staff members, two new counselors, and six new teachers, eight in total.

As Mr. Garcia introduced each new teacher they would stand and give a short thirty-second introduction of what subject they teach, how long they’ve been teaching, where they went to college, personal information like if they were married or had children, and a few hobbies or interests.

I was counting silently in my head as the new teachers gave their bio speeches. As one young guy sat down, I thought to myself, “One more. Let’s get this over with and move on.”

“Last, and certainly not least, Kathy Zimmer,” said Mr. Garcia.

Only two tables away from me a tall blonde woman stood up. She was dressed casually in a woman’s red, white, and blue matching golf outfit of mid-thigh shorts and a sleeveless polo shirt. As she turned in my direction, I could not help but notice her beauty.

“Hello, I’m Kathy Zimmer. I teach AP Honors English, I’m in room twenty-one, this is my sixteenth year teaching, and I graduated from Cal Berkeley. I just moved to town this summer, I’m forty years old, single, and have one fifteen-year-old son,” she said very confidently. “For fun, my son and I love to play golf.”

Kathy was tall, probably five-ten, and an athletic size six-eight, with average breasts. Her long blonde hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail was accompanied by her crystal blue eyes. She was the stereotypical California blonde MILF.

My inner thoughts ran wild. Kathy and I were similar in many areas of our lives. I was forty-one, also in my sixteenth-year teaching, and I had a fourteen-year-old son who was just starting high school. And we loved to play golf too. I put the cart in front of the horse and dreamed of relationship with her, we just seemed so perfect for each other. I also had visions of myself getting naked with this tall blonde beauty.

The staff meeting went by quickly as Mr. Garcia knew much of the information could be emailed to everyone, but he covered the top subjects like new security procedures, new security gates, the new attendance system, and the newly remodeled staff lounge slash lunchroom. This last item received applause and cheers.

As the meeting broke up some staff mingled to talk with colleagues while the other half headed for the exit doors. I watched to see what Kathy was doing. She looked around the cafeteria for a few seconds and then moved towards the south doors. I casually walked in the same direction.

“Miss Zimmer, welcome to Oak Valley,” I said. “I’m Jack Shuman.” I was glad I had dressed for the staff meeting somewhat decently in shorts and a polo shirt with my college logo. The day before I was in navy gym shorts and an Oak Valley Patriots Football gray t-shirt, not a great first impression.

She was caught off guard and was surprised that someone said hello to her as she bolted for the door to get back to her classroom. “Oh, hi,” she said. “Please, call me Kathy.”

“Ok, Kathy, I will,” I smiled. “Are you going to your classroom? I’m just across the main hall in room twenty-six.”

“Yes, I am,” she said.

We made more innocent small talk as we walked the seventy yards down the main hall. She inquired about my logo shirt, and I confirmed that I had graduated from Arizona State University.

Oak Valley was built in the mid-1970s and was a traditional layout with a large center section with the office, library, auditorium, and cafeteria, and then a long main hallway going two directions, with branch halls with five classrooms on each side.

As we approached our hall, I asked, “Do you have lunch plans?”

“I pack a lunch every day, so I was planning on going to the staff room today. I’ve been eating in my room,” she said.

“Perfect! I bring my lunch too. I’d be happy to eat with you and introduce you to others,” I told her.

“I’d love that. I can be a bit shy until I get to know people,” Kathy told me, turning a slight shade of pink.

“Noon?” I asked. “I’ll knock on your door.”

“That sounds great,” she replied.

The next two hours seemed to move in slow motion as I prepped my classroom and finished my lesson plans for the first quarter. The biggest change for everyone, staff and students alike, would be the new school hours. The state of California passed a law where high schools could not start before 8:30 am. This was based on students’ sleep patterns and the correlation with test scores. We had previously run from 7:20 am to 2:15 pm. Now, starting at 8:30 am, we were not going to be getting out of school until 3:25 pm. Being a morning person I was not too happy as this was cutting into my personal time in the afternoon, meaning my golf time with my son.

As Kathy and I made our walk down to the staff lounge we shared a bit about ourselves. I learned that she married her college sweetheart a year out from school, got pregnant, had her son, and then caught him cheating. She’d raised her son alone since he was ten. They had just moved to town in June from River Canyon, about an hour away, “We needed a change of scenery,” Kathy told me.

I shared my story of college, marriage, son, and how my wife died of cancer four years ago after a short illness. “The first year we were in a state of shock. But we’re doing well now,” I said, referring to my son, Parker, and myself.

While in the staff room I was able to introduce Kathy to a handful of other teachers as we chatted with each other and others. There was definitely chemistry between the two of us.

During lunch on Friday, I finally brought up the subject of dating. I asked if she had done any dating since divorcing. “Not really. I get men approaching me all the time, but I’ve been so focused on raising Spencer that I’ve chased several good men away,” she said half laughing.

“I get it,” I said. “Parker has been so involved with sports that all of my time has been spent with him. Thankfully now he’s just playing golf in high school.”

“Golf? I love golf. I played on scholarship in college,” said Kathy.

“Wow, you must be good!” I exclaimed. “

Laughing, “I was good,” she said. “I don’t have the time needed to be at my best.”

“Does your son play? The four of us should play this weekend,” I said. “I belong to the country club, Oak Grove.”

“Spencer would love that, and so would I. He doesn’t know a single person at school,” Kathy told me.

After lunch, I called the club and booked a tee time for Sunday afternoon. I casually stopped by Kathy’s classroom a bit later and gave her the details and agreed to meet thirty minutes before our tee time in the club parking lot.

That afternoon I told Parker of the plans, and his attitude was that of a typical teenager, “Sure, whatever. As long as I can play nine holes I’m fine.”

I, of course, had grander plans. After several days of chatting with Kathy, I really felt a good vibe with her. We had so many similarities and our personalities seemed to mesh well together that I thought we could be a good couple. I knew I was getting way ahead of myself, but I just could resist.

But I also knew the risks of dating a co-worker. Over the years I had witnessed both young and old teachers start to flirt, date, and either get married or move in together. I bet only half lasted three years.

And I did not want to be the subject of campus gossip. “Jack is dating the cute new English teacher.” I know how some of these female teachers talk, I’ve heard them for years in the staff room whisper about others’ personal lives. Some of the older female teachers were so opinionated.

Sunday’s golf round was progressing well when on the fourth hole both Kathy and I sliced our drives into the right-hand trees. After finding her ball Kathy hit a nice shot under the trees and it ran up towards the front of the green.

“Damn, that was a good shot,” I complimented her. “Nice swing.”

She turned around, put her club in her bag, and glanced towards my me. “Is that your driver?” she whispered with a grin.

“What?” I asked, clueless.

“That looks like a nice wood to me,” Kathy said giggling.

It was at that time that I noticed I had a boner. Watching Kathy set up to hit her shot, wiggle her ass, and then hit the ball obviously excited me. “Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” I pleaded.

“No worries. Now where is your ball?” she said.

We found my golf ball and I chipped out of the trees and ended up near Kathy’s ball. As we walked towards the green, I made my big move.

“Would you like to come over for dinner? I was going to grill burgers tonight,” I told her.

Smiling at me, “That sounds great. The boys really seem to be hitting it off well.”

Parker and Spencer were almost twins. Both boys were athletic, great students, and loved to golf. I could see a friendship forming during the two hours we walked the nine holes. I think Spencer was happy to know at least one guy at his new school before starting classes the next day.

When we all arrived back at my house, I lead Kathy and Spencer into my backyard through the side gate off the driveway. When we turned the corner Spencer exclaimed, “A pool! Awesome!”

“Wow, you have a great backyard,” said Kathy. “A pool, outdoor kitchen, and a fire pit.”

I admitted that I had splurged after the death of my wife, using her life insurance money to pay off the mortgage, and made the backyard a sanctuary for Parker and me so we could hang out together.

Before Kathy and I knew what happened Parker had lent Spencer a swimsuit and both boys were splashing around in the pool. I told Kathy that I needed to do some prep work in the kitchen for dinner. “Why don’t you join me for a drink?”

“I’d love a drink. I hope you have something stronger than that Arnold Palmer we had from the beverage cart girl,” she said giggling.

“I sure do,” I said as we walked in through the French doors. “Beer, wine, margarita, or a cocktail. What would you like?”

“So many choices,” she teased.

“Normally, I’d just have a beer. But, since I have a cute woman as a guest, I’d be happy to make margaritas,” I told her.

Kathy and I tossed down one drink prepping the stuff for the burgers before we moved outside to the grill where we had a second margi as we chit-chatted and watched the boys’ goof off in the pool.

The four of us ate dinner and had fun talking about our golf game. Spencer asked his Mom, “Can Parker come over for a bit to play video games?”

Kathy looked at me and I nodded yes. “Sure, but I need to help Jack clean up first.”

“We can walk. We’re not even half a mile from our house,” Spencer told his mother.

I looked at Kathy as we hadn’t even talked about where she lived. “We’re kind of neighbors, I’m just over on Yosemite Drive, just past Sequoia.”

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Just like before, the boys were out the back gate quickly, but both were on Parker’s skateboards. I yelled at Parker, “Be home by 9:30 pm.” It was now just a few minutes past 6:00 pm.

Kathy and I cleaned up the patio table and headed back inside to the kitchen. “You’re my guest, please sit down while I load the dishwasher,” I told her.

“Only if you make me another margarita,” Kathy said.

I made us each another batch of margaritas with fresh lime juice, agave nectar, and a top-label tequila. This was our fourth cocktail.

As I cleaned up Kathy sat at the island and we simply started to chit chat. She asked if I had been dating at all.

“Like yourself, I put it on the back burner and focused on my son. I also had to grieve and mourn,” I told her. “Liz died so quickly I didn’t have time to process it all.”

“Yes, a much different situation than me getting divorced. I don’t want to be nosey, but can you tell me more about your wife’s illness?” Kathy asked delicately.

“Sure,” I said. “It hit her very quickly. One week she is fine, the next week she’s in the hospital. She was diagnosed on Wednesday, and she passed on Sunday morning. Pancreatic cancer. End of story.”

There was a deafening silence in the kitchen. I wasn’t clanking dishes, the faucet wasn’t running, and we were not talking. After about twenty seconds Kathy lightly slapped her hands on the table, looked me dead in the eyes, and said, “Why don’t we go swimming!”

I was caught off guard. Not only from the table slap but by her statement. She did not have a bathing suit.

“I’ll strip down to my bra and panties. We’re both adults here. But you gotta wear your briefs too. No board shorts,” Kathy teased.

The expression on her face told me that she was serious. I wondered how much the tequila played a part in her decision.

“OK, let’s strip right here,” I proclaimed, thinking I was calling her bluff.

I was out of my polo and shorts in record time, now just wearing my black lycra boxer briefs. Kathy was a bit slower. Her polo came off exposing a typical boring sports bra. When she lowered her shorts, I was rewarded with a navy thong.

“Ugh, I hate this bra,” she said. She took hold of it and pulled it over her head releasing her 36D tits. “I’m sure you’ve seen boobs before.”

Laughing, “Yes, but not in four years.” I just stared. Kathy had fabulous tits. Great size and shape on her body frame. Silver dollar-sized areolas in a light brown color, featured by dark brown nipples.

Kathy ran her hands over her breasts and gave her nipples a little pinch. “Four years? Oh my gosh,” she said. “The girls hate that sports bra,” she laughed.

“Well, since we’re showing our goods,” I said, I pulled down my briefs and my fat seven inches flopped out. I lightly fondled my cock and balls and told Kathy, “The boys need some air.”

She took a few steps and grabbed my cock and gave me a few strokes as our lips met for the first time.

Kathy whispered, “Do you want to do this?”

“Since the moment I saw you in the cafeteria,” I told her.

We kissed passionately for a couple of minutes allowing our hands to roam over each other’s bodies. I asked if she still wanted to jump in the pool. Kathy giggled, “No way. Shrinkage.”

As she went down to her knees, she stroked my now rock-hard cock very lightly. She looked up into my eyes as she stuck out her tongue and licked my shaft from near the bottom all the way up towards my mushroom head. When she reached the crown ridge, she swirled her tongue around my head sending shivers down my spine.

“Oh, fuck that feels good,” I moaned.

Kathy proceeded to edge me two times with her oral skills. A constant rotation of licking, sucking, stroking, and deep throating my cock. This also gave the boys the attention they needed. After almost fifteen minutes I had to beg her to stop. “You got to stop or I’m going to cum,” I told her.

“Isn’t that the end game?” she said laughing as I helped her up off her knees.

“Let’s move to my bedroom,” I said.

As we made our way through the great room and down the hallway Kathy noticed the family photos. “Is this your wife? She’s beautiful,” Kathy said.

I stopped. “Yes, Liz was stunning. I miss her every single day. But she told me I have to move on and find love again. I should probably start to do that.”

“I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t kill our mood,” Kathy said.

“Not at all. We both have pasts, just different stories,” I told her. After a long pause, still standing in front of the photos, “You’re the first woman I’ve been with since her death. But enough about that. Let’s have some fun. And orgasms.”

“Oh, I would like that very much,” Kathy said.

We jumped on the bed and resumed kissing and touching. As my hand was lightly rubbing her pussy, I could feel both her warmth and wetness. I moved down between her legs, spreading them as wide as I could.

As I lowered my face towards her pussy I was overwhelmed by her musky scent. I took a deep breath to savor the moment. “Damn, you smell like sex,” I told Kathy. “And such a perfect little landing strip.” Her blonde pubes were trimmed short and ran about two inches long and a half-inch wide.

It seemed like I had barely started to eat her out when Kathy was moaning and breathing heavily. “Oh, oh, oh!” she said. “Way better than my toys,” she whispered.

I was licking from her ‘taint to her clit in a very slow and deliberate manner, making sure to give her pleasure nub a few flicks with every stroke of my tongue. As I lay on my stomach Kathy had her legs up over my shoulders and I could feel her heels on my back. Her legs were thrashing a bit as I went back and forth, teasing this blonde babe.

Turning up the heat I added a finger causing her to moan again. I moved up onto my knees and my mouth headed north to her left nipple. As I sucked and licked her hard brown nipple, I stepped up the fingering, going deep in search of her g-spot.

“Oh, Jack. Oh, fuck. Oh, shit. Yes! Yes!” Kathy moaned in a whispering voice.

As my middle finger pressed on her soft spot my lips returned to her clit kissing and sucking on her sexy tic tac. This pushed her over the edge.

“OH FUCK! YES! SUCK IT! SUCK IT!” she yelled as her body began to convulse in a full-body orgasm. Her pussy nectar washed over my lips and I sipped her sweetness, continuing to lightly lick and suck on her lady nub.

Not fifteen seconds later Kathy started moaning, “Jack. Jack. I’m going to cum again.”

This time just her hip and legs shivered a bit as I could feel her inner muscles spasm around my finger. Back-to-back orgasms. I had yet to be with a woman who was able to do this, so I thought it was incredibly hot.

“You gotta stop. My clit is on fire,” Kathy told me.

I slowly removed my finger and move up on the bed to lay next to my co-worker. I put my arm around her shoulder, and she snuggled into my chest. I looked down at this beauty locking eyes with her. I kissed her forehead.

I glanced at the clock having lost the concept of time and worried about Parker returning home. It was almost 7:00 pm, the boys had been gone about an hour. I took a big breath and exhaled with a big sigh.

“Everything all right?” Kathy asked.

“Uh, yes. Everything is great. Golf, barbeque, and now sex with a beautiful woman. How could it get better?” I joked.

“And we haven’t even fucked yet,” Kathy said laughing. “Speaking of which, what are your favorite positions?”

“All of them,” I snickered. “Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, and several others.”

Kathy replied, “Sounds fun. Let’s get started. I’m worried about your son coming home soon.”

“He’ll be at your place all night. He doesn’t have a gaming system,” I told her. “That was the one thing his mother was insistent upon when he was young. And he’s never asked since she passed.”

Kathy moved closer to me, and we kissed. I guess she was done talking, as her hand went straight to my semi-erect manhood. As she lightly fondled the family jewels I moaned into her mouth. I had one simple thought: it is amazing how much better it feels when a woman strokes your cock than when you do it to yourself when jerking off.

She slid down my body and teased my cock with her tongue, licking my shaft up and down a few times before taking just the crown into her mouth. Kathy sucked on my mushroom head with a fury for several seconds and then switched to flicking her tongue on my frenulum, sending electric jolts down my cock to my balls.

“Oh, shit, that feels so good babe,” I muttered. “I’m super hard. Ride me in cowgirl so I can suck your titties.”

As she took my pink steel out of her mouth Kathy said, “Mmmm, I’d be happy to ride this cock.”

She climbed on my torso and with one hand guided my fat meat stick into her wet pussy. As she slowly lowered herself on my girth she said, “Oh, fuck. You’re so thick.”

This caused me to laugh a bit and buck my hips, piledriving my dick into her love box. I used both hands to manhandle her ample breasts. My mouth moved from one to the other as I kissed, licked, and sucked on her perfect tits. And when my mouth wasn’t busy on them my fingers were rolling her big nipples between the index finger and my thumb. And she loved that.

“Yes, rub my nipples. Pinch those fuckers hard! Twist them too!” she exclaimed.

Taking a cue from her statement I began to slap her tits, making sure I hit her nipples. “Oh, you like it rough? You want to be manhandled by a real man? I’ll slap your tits all night long bitch!” Kathy’s eyes widened in a bit of shock.

“Yes. Be rough with me. I love the slapping,” she said.

The reality was that I had never really done much of this type of slapping play with women. My wife was not into it, but I had a few “fun” girls early in my college experience who enjoyed role play.

“OK,” I told her. “I just need to know your limits. I don’t want to cross the line on our first date.”

Kathy laughed. “This is no date. This is a fuckfest, Jack.”

I looked her in the eyes and I could tell she was on a simple mission of sexual gratification.

I quickly flipped Kathy on her back, into a missionary position. I pulled my dick out, took hold of it, and slapped it on her pleasure nub. “I’ll give you a fuckfest!” I then plowed my manhood into her redish-pink swollen pussy.

“Oh shit!” was all she could say before she was moaning in ecstasy. “Ohhhh, yes. Crap. Yes. Faster. Harder. Make me cum!”

As I bucked hard and fast Kathy was moaning more and more. “I’m going to cum! Cum with me!” she said.

“Yes, I’m close,” I told her. As I continued to pound her I wondered if I should ejaculate in her pussy. Was she on birth control? Before I could ask her I knew my nut was about to bust. I pulled out and gave myself one stroke, maybe two, and shot a huge pearl rope of spunk that landed on Kathy’s throat, and ran about eight inches long, going across her left breast.

Fuck yes! Cum on me, Jack!” Kathy exclaimed.

I continued jerking off shooting several globs of cum on her stomach, and then cum just oozed out my now purple head, landing on her thigh. I collapsed on the bed next to Kathy.

“That was hot!” she said with a giggle. “That was so much fun.”

I laughed and agreed, “Yes, it was.”

After about a minute Kathy laughed again, “I’m a fucking mess. I look like a whore with all of your cum on me.”

“It looks hot to me,” I grinned. “Shower or pool?”

“Maybe just the shower. We can skinny dip next time,” she said.

End Part One

Written by Taco4x4
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