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No One Could Have Predicted 3

"Time passes as Drew meets Carol once again and they rekindle their passion."

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Author's Notes

"I want to give a very special thank you to BettyRubble21 for providing feedback and encouraging me to write this story. I wanted this chapter to show some character growth for Drew. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you haven't yet, please read the first two chapters of No One Could Have Predicted and leave a comment if you'd like. Thank you so much for reading!"

Drew got out of his car and slammed the door shut. "What a piece of junk," he said, and looked at the rust bucket that was his vehicle. The aqua sedan was a godsend when he first bought it years ago. The car got him out of the house during high school and helped him come and go from college. "Good times," mused Drew.

Unfortunately, it was apparent that what once was the ticket to his freedom had seen better days. Over the years, the car received scuffs here and there across the entire body and it was apparent that the fender had been replaced. Now, the only positive thing he could say about his car was that the AC still worked, which in the summer was crucial. However, the temperatures were up in the triple digits so while the AC helped, it simply could not defeat the blazing heat completely.

Drew graduated from college four months ago and had started to feel the pressure of adulthood. The business degree he worked so hard to earn had not opened any doors for him. It seemed as though all of that work was for nothing. Though he had sent out many applications, Drew failed to secure even an entry-level position anywhere. "I'd be happy with getting someone's coffee if it meant getting paid," he muttered.

After only a few short months of living on his own, Drew secretly wished that he had taken his mother up on her offer to move back in with her after graduation. He had anticipated being hired swiftly but that was quite some time ago. The fact that he could only afford to stay in his apartment for another couple of months made matters even worse. While Drew was still hopeful that he could find something, he needed to find it soon.

With a deep sigh, Drew locked his car door and walked a short distance to the grocery store entrance. The automatic double doors whirred open as he neared them and a rush of cold air hit his body. Drew grabbed a basket and quickly made his way down the aisles. "Why is healthy eating so expensive?" Drew asked aloud as he stared at the price on the little sign below a stack of granola bags.

Still, despite the cost, Drew had noticed a definite change in his body. He exercised at the gym a few times a week and had started eating healthier, though he still indulged in a cheeseburger now and then. The dark green shirt he was wearing fit tighter than it used to due to his workouts. His blue jeans were slightly faded and seemed to fit the same as they always had. That was not surprising though because Drew focused more on his upper body. Unfortunately, he was in no position to go and shop for new clothes.

Underneath, Drew sported a hairy chest, as he had done in the past. His abs did not bulge out like men in the movies but they had some definition to them, if ever so slightly. In fact, Drew's entire body had gotten a little thinner overall. While he was certainly a far cry from an athlete, Drew was satisfied with all his hard work.

"Keep this up and you'll have a sugar mama in no time," Drew chuckled to himself. He then quickly looked around. He realized that he had voiced his inner thoughts aloud again. Seems as though some things will never change, Drew thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. Drew placed a few more things in his basket and then checked his watch: quarter to five PM.

He made his way to the self-checkout machines. After he scanned his items, Drew took out his wallet and looked for the appropriate bills. After a second, he hung his head as he was a little less than four dollars short with some change that could not make up the difference. I think there's an ATM around here, Drew pondered to himself.

"Need a little assistance, young man?" Drew heard from behind him.

"Oh, thank you but I couldn't possibly-," Drew began to say as he turned around. What he saw made his jaw drop.

A gorgeous woman stood before him, clad in a black sweater and gray pants. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which allowed those who laid eyes upon her a clear view of her reflective diamond earrings. The lovely lady wore red lipstick that accentuated her lips perfectly. Her fingernails were neatly manicured and painted crimson. In one hand, she had a blue carryall in her grip with a gray blazer tucked underneath the straps of the bag.

Carol Crest, the woman of Drew's dreams, stared at him with shining blue eyes. Her hand stretched out toward him with a five-dollar bill in her palm.

"Oh my god...Drew?" Carol looked at him, clearly surprised. "Is that you, sweetie?" She set the money down on the checkout machine.

"Ms.-Ms. Crest?" Drew stammered. Carol? Here? Why is she here at the store? Does she shop? Duh, how else do you think she survives? All of the voices in Drew's head sounded off at the same time. Before he knew it, Drew felt arms wrap around his body. It took a moment for him to realize that they were Carol's arms and they embraced him tightly. Her perfume filled Drew's nose and he recognized a strawberry scent, different from the tea tree oil she had used all those years ago. Finally, he seemed to wake up from his trance and returned Carol's hug with a light pat on her back. Drew immediately winced, embarrassed to still feel so awkward around her.

"What a lovely surprise!" Carol squealed. She loosened her grip and looked into Drew's eyes. "I didn't even know you were back in town! How have you been? God, it's so good to see you!" Carol seemed to be very excited. She was practically rambling, much to Drew's surprise. Though he was still in disbelief, Drew eventually opened his mouth and spoke.

"Carol, it's been way too long! Is it possible that you're looking even more beautiful since the last time we saw each other?" Just about the perfect response that he could give. Except, he did not say anything remotely close to that. Instead, something very different came out.

"It's great to see you again, Ms. Crest," Drew practically shouted. Smooth Drew, good to know that irresistible charm of yours is still going strong, he thought to himself. Carol giggled and shook her head.

"Silly man. It's been forever since we've seen each other. Not for...god, a few years now."

"At least," said Drew. "I wanted to-I mean, I tried to see you when I came home for the holidays, Ms. Crest," Drew said "But I asked my mom and she said that you were away visiting family." He scratched the back of his head, a nervous tic he had always hated.

"Oh I know, sweetie. Marilyn and I meet up every so often to catch up. She said that you were back from college and that you're always asking about me." Carol winked at Drew, which made him blush. She then picked up her five-dollar bill and extended her hand once more. Drew gulped and cleared his throat.

"Well, as I said before, I really appreciate the offer but I couldn't possibly accept your money, Ms.-er, Carol," Drew quickly corrected himself. "I'll just return some things. I have more than I need, really. I was just stocking up." He stood up straighter in an effort to show how independent he was. Carol bit her lip for a moment, then relaxed her arm.

"Alright then." She deposited the bill into her purse.

"I'm sorry, Carol. I don't mean any kind of disrespect. I just feel like it's important for me to make it on my own." Drew gave a nervous smile.

"Oh, honey, I didn't take it badly at all. I respect a man who works hard and takes charge of his life." Carol flashed a smile and giggled. Drew blushed slightly, then cleared the items on the machine. He slowly scanned his items again and tried to act nonchalant as he looked toward Carol.

"So how are you these days, Carol?" Drew asked in a casual tone.

"Oh, very well, thank you for asking! I recently received a promotion so you're looking at the new head of marketing for Bank On It!" Carol beamed as she watched Drew take out his cash.

"That's absolutely wonderful Carol, congratulations! I know that you work hard." In truth, Drew never knew what Carol did for a living. However, he kept that bit of information to himself. Does she work in a bank? Drew pondered as he took his receipt.

"Thank you so much, honey," she said.

Drew picked up his groceries, all successfully paid for.

"Well, it's been very nice seeing you, Carol." As Drew made to leave, she moved to the machine he had just used.

"Going so soon? That's a shame." Carol commented. Drew watched as she scanned her items.

"I'm so sorry. I hope we can see each other again soon," he said with a smile.

"Before you go, I wanted to let you know," started Carol. "There's a position opening up at my company. It will be a paid internship. I don't know if you'd be interested in such a thing."

"Really?" Drew tried not to sound too excited at the prospect of a job. He certainly did not want Carol to find out that he was unemployed.

"That's right, dear. Mind you, it's nothing glamorous. Mostly data entry and getting coffee for the boss." She bagged her groceries, then picked them up along with her purse and carryall in her arms.

"So...would I be working under you? I mean, for you!" Drew quickly corrected himself. He did not want to come across as lewd. Carol simply grinned.

"No, the position is for the sales department, which I understand you studied in college. I should clarify that I will not have any say or influence on the hiring process either." Drew nodded in response.

"I understand. I want to make it on my own merit anyhow. Not that I wouldn't appreciate any kind words you may have about me!" Drew did not want to make it seem as though he had a big ego. "What I'm trying to say is that I would love to interview for the position, Carol," Drew said with a smile.

"Perfect!" Carol clapped her hands together. "Let's exchange phone numbers and I'll send you a link to the job application." Drew nodded and the two quickly gave each other the necessary information. "Wonderful! I will send you the link as soon as I get home."

"Great!" Drew smiled widely.

"I'll be rooting for you, honey." Carol returned his smile, then checked her phone. "Oh shoot, I have to get going. I have some things that I want to do before the day is done. It's been so lovely seeing you, Drew! I hope we meet again soon." She raised her eyebrow suggestively which caused a rush of excitement to sweep through Drew's body.

"Yes Carol, as soon as I possibly can." He nodded eagerly.

"Excellent." Carol put her hand on Drew's shoulder and leaned in. "Don't keep me waiting too long," she whispered in his ear. The combination of her words and the smell of her perfume almost made Drew faint. Carol pulled away and all he could do was nod vigorously, which made her giggle. "Good luck, dear." Carol winked and waved goodbye as Drew watched her go with her groceries in hand.

Drew barely remembered that he drove home. One moment he stood in the store, and the next, he was on the bed in his apartment. Drew shook his head and his leg hopped up and down rapidly as his mind raced a million miles a minute.

"Damn!" He stood up and paced around the room. That was not how he wanted his first reunion with Carol to happen. Drew had played out the scenario over and over in his mind. He was supposed to surprise Carol at her house one night. She would not have expected him on her doorstep. He would be suave and know exactly what he wanted to say. Carol would be so happy to see him and he would finally...

Drew shook his head. It's too late, and I blushed so much that I must have looked like a tomato, he thought. Any plans he had for a grand entrance and to prove that he was not the same person he was four years ago were shot. Drew sighed loudly and walked into his bathroom. He rested his hands on the sink and looked into the mirror.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. Drew took it out of his pocket and, through the preview on the lock screen, he saw that it was a link from Carol about the internship. She included a little wink at the end of the message. Drew walked out of the bathroom and set his phone face down on the bed. After a minute of contemplation, he grabbed his keys off of the nightstand next to his bed and slid his phone into his pocket once more.

Within two minutes, Drew was in his car and out on the freeway. After fifteen minutes that felt like an eternity, Drew finally pulled into Carol's driveway. He noted that there were no other cars there. Drew quickly exited his vehicle and practically ran to the front door.

As Drew approached the doorway, he felt the familiar feeling of anxiety that he had when he stood on this very spot all those years ago. He hesitated just once, then pressed his finger against the doorbell and prayed that Carol was home tonight. A few seconds passed with no answer and that prompted Drew to knock on the door rapidly.

"Yes yes, one minute!" Drew heard faintly inside the house. Footsteps came within hearing range and grew louder as they neared the front door. Drew's heart skipped a beat as the doorknob rattled and then turned. Though he expected it, he almost jumped out of his clothes when the door swung open.

"Hello, how can I-," Carol started to say in an annoyed tone, then stopped when she saw who stood on her doorstep. "Drew?" Carol wore a pink sweater and matching pink sweatpants with a draw-cord. "This is a surprise!"

Carol's voice brought Drew back into the moment and he froze. He had played this scenario out in his head a million times. What should I do, Drew thought? All of the witty responses he had dreamed of saying over the years suddenly escaped him. Carol could clearly see that there was something wrong with the young man based on his wide eyes and heavy breathing.

"Sweetie? Is everything ok, Drew?" Carol tilted her head slightly to her right and furrowed her brow.

At that moment, Drew let all of his thoughts fade. He stepped forward and placed one hand on Carol's hip. Drew then placed the other hand gently on the back of her neck. "Oh," she managed to mutter before he leaned in and their lips met in a soft kiss.

Carol's arms went limp for a moment, taken aback by Drew's actions and his lips on hers. Drew panicked for a second, then felt Carol wrap her arms around his neck. Drew was stunned that she had actually returned his kiss. Drew and Carol broke away for a moment and looked into each other's eyes. He ran his thumb across her cheek and she tried to catch her breath.

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"Oh my god," Carol breathed out. "Drew, honey..." Drew watched as Carol looked down at his hands. After a moment, she rested her hands on his hand and folded all but one of his fingers into his palm. She then guided it toward her luscious lips and opened her mouth just wide enough to fit Drew's index finger. Carol gently sucked and teased Drew's fingertip with her tongue. He knew from her actions that she wanted this as much as he did.

Drew took Carol in his arms once more and kissed her. Their tongues danced together as the two of them gave in to the lust they had shared for one another all these years. Drew embraced Carol in his strong arms. He wrapped one arm around her back and wrapped the other around her waist. Drew then moved with Carol over toward the furniture and pushed her down onto the couch.

Carol landed on her back and Drew was on top of her in an instant. He kissed her again, with more passion this time, and she returned his kiss in kind. Drew moved from her mouth to her neck and pressed his lips against every inch of skin he could reach. Carol wrapped her arms around the young man who craved her. She ran her hands up and down Drew's back and felt the bulge in his jeans pressed up against her pelvis.

Drew pushed Carol up so that her upper body leaned against the arm of the couch. He ran his hands up her legs and kissed Carol's chin. As he playfully tugged at her pants, he caught a glimpse of the turquoise panties she wore underneath. Drew quickly removed her pants and let them fall to the ground. He then moved down her body as he neared the sex hidden behind her underwear.

Drew noticed that Carol's panties were wet. As he leaned in close to get a good look, he could practically smell her wetness. Drew looked up at her as if to ask for permission to proceed. Carol bit her lip, then smiled and nodded. Drew smiled and planted a soft kiss directly on the damp area of her panties. He could feel the outline of her sex through the fabric of her underwear. His fingers slowly slid the panties to one side and he caught a peek of a small bush.

Carol moaned loudly as the tip of Drew's tongue slowly pressed against her lower lips. Drew circled her pussy lips with his tongue, which made Carol furrow her brow. "Ohhhhh," She muttered as she moved her hand down and pulled her sweatshirt up to reveal her matching turquoise bra. Carol ran her hands up her waist to her wondrous, C-cup chest and felt her nipples beginning to poke through. Drew wrapped his arms under and around her legs to hold Carol in place.

Carol watched her young lover voraciously lick and kiss and slurp her wet pussy. Her other hand rested on Drew's head and she relaxed as she let him roam freely with reckless abandon. Carol's fingers soon closed around Drew's hair and they tightly grasped as much of it as they could. Her wetness began to spread all over her mound and inner thighs. Drew lifted Carol's legs and slipped her panties up and over her feet. He then traced her puffy lips with his fingertip.

Drew slowly pushed a finger inside of Carol's sex and it was instantly soaked. As he slid his finger in and out of her, Drew planted soft, wet kisses on Carol's inner thighs, which drove her crazy. "Drew, baby..." Carol could barely speak as she felt an orgasm build within her. "I-I'm gon-gonna..." Now both of her hands were in Drew's hair and she pulled him into her pelvis as she smiled. He wrapped an arm around her leg to hold her in place and flicked her emerging clitoris with the tip of his tongue.

"Fuck! Fuck I love that so much, Drew." Carol closed her eyes as her orgasm began. "I'm cumming!" Carol's legs squeezed around Drew's head to the point where it was hard for him to breathe, but that did not deter him in the least. He wanted to make this first orgasm of hers one to remember. Drew felt Carol's pussy tighten around his finger and she bucked her hips as she climaxed. Carol rode each wave of the orgasm that rolled over her body with great pleasure. She moaned loudly as her juices washed over her young lover's finger, then down her inner thighs. Carol's grip on Drew's head loosened as she came down from her orgasm. Drew raised his head and gasped for air.

Carol looked up at the man between her legs in front of her and saw her juices drip from his chin. She ran a hand through her hair and caught her breath. Drew stood up next to the couch and lifted his damp shirt up over his head. He threw it to the side and Carol saw that his underarms were smooth. Drew helped Carol get to her feet, then lifted her sweatshirt over her head. As it landed on the couch, he crashed his lips into Carol's and kissed her deeply. Carol moaned into his kiss and tasted her sweetness on her lover's lips. "Drew, honey..."

Their foreheads pressed against each other and he placed his hands on her face, then kissed her once more. Carol's hand drifted down along Drew's chest to his stomach and finally to his erect penis. As she broke their kiss, Carol looked down and took the thick shaft into her hands. She softly and slowly stroked it. Drew closed his eyes and continued to kiss Carol along her cheeks, her forehead, and any other part of her face that his lips could reach. It was such a surreal moment for the two of them. Carol turned around and walked toward the stairs. Drew's hard shaft was in her hand and she gently pulled him along with her.

Drew watched as Carol led him up the stairs. She let go of him for a few moments to grab the handrail as she climbed the steps. He admired her heart-shaped behind as Carol swayed her hips. Drew was enamored with her and as they reached the top of the stairs, his hands pressed up against Carol's bare cheeks. She turned around and beamed at Drew, then unhooked her bra and let it fall to the ground. Drew's lust took over his body and he lifted her into his arms.

Drew swiftly carried his muse to the master bedroom and kissed her deeply. He laid her down on her back onto the king-size bed. Before she could say or do anything, Drew unbuttoned his jeans and took them off along with his boxers. Carol saw that his pelvis was cleanly shaven and caught a glimpse of Drew's throbbing manhood as he got on the bed. Drew slowly moved toward Carol and she quickly spread her legs.

As Drew straightened up and moved into position between her legs, Carol lifted herself up onto her elbows and saw his erect, uncut shaft, a little over five inches in length. The head of Drew's penis poked out toward her and she saw it twitch up and down in anticipation. While he did not have the longest shaft, it was nice and wide. Drew's balls hung there and swung slightly as he inched ever closer. She bit her lip in an effort to contain her excitement. Her hand moved down to her clitoris and she softly massaged and teased it with her delicate, manicured fingers.

Drew pulled Carol closer to him which caused her to fall on her back once more. He pressed the head of his cock, which was covered in precum, against Carol's soaked pussy lips. He could not believe how drenched she was, all from things that he had done no less. Her moans only served to excite him further. He took a deep breath before he slid inside the woman he adored.

As Drew pushed the head of his penis inside, Carol's eyes rolled back. She had not felt a cock this hard and thick for a very long time. It hurt slightly as her pussy struggled to wrap around his wide member. However, she did not want Drew to stop. Drew took pleasure in the expression on her face. The first push inside a woman was always the sweetest.

"Ohhhhh...god!" Drew exclaimed. His arms wrapped around her legs and he slid deeper inside of her. Drew soon felt the base of his pelvis press up against Carol's body.

"Oh my god, Carol!" Drew breathed out with astonishment. He remembered the same dream he had dreamed over and over again, exactly like this. Drew would take her in the bedroom and push deep inside of her. His dreams always ended with an empty feeling as he entered Carol's pussy. Drew expected to wake up right now, in his bed once more, covered in sweat and full of disappointment.

This time, however, Drew could tell that this was no dream. This time, as he pushed inside of Carol, he could feel how wet she was and how tightly the walls of her pussy hugged his thick shaft. As Drew ran his hands up and down her legs, Carol moaned and shivered. Goosebumps spread quickly across her silky smooth skin. Drew felt them with his fingertips and memorized where each one lay.

"Yes," whispered Carol, and Drew began to move his hips. He slowly slid in and out of the heavenly woman that he had fantasized about for so long. Drew spread her legs wider and leaned forward so that his upper body hovered over Carol. He stared deep into her eyes and saw a spark of passion in them, ready to be set ablaze.

Carol herself never thought that any man could ignite such a fire within her like this. Drew leaned down and gave Carol's lips a few quick kisses. Their hot breath permeated the air between the two of them and their bodies began moving in sync. Drew thrust into Carol once more, much harder this time. She gasped in surprise and loved the way her young lover took complete control. Carol smiled wide and bit her lip. She savored every impact Drew's lower body delivered to her wet and wanting sex. He returned her smile, the two of them lost in their mutual ecstasy.

Drew leaned forward and pecked Carol's lips then quickly pulled away. He dipped his head a couple more times and briefly caught her lips with his own. Carol smiled widely and loved how Drew was not only passionate but playful as well. The two of them lightly laughed together. They thoroughly enjoyed the way that they made one another feel.

Drew moved down slightly and kissed Carol's hard pink nipples. "Oh, Drew!" She placed her hands on either side of his head and held it in place. Drew spread Carol's right leg and moved one of his hands to her pelvis. As he thrust in and out of her, Drew gently placed his thumb on Carol's pearl between her legs and slowly circled it.

"Mmmmm, god!" Carol slammed back onto the bed and arched her back. She felt another orgasm start to build within her. Drew's adoration of her body sent her into a flurry of short breaths and moans. Carol's pussy began to squeeze around Drew's penis, which in turn forced him to push a little harder in order to go as deeply as he had been going before. Soon, Drew's throbbing shaft started to pulsate. He could tell he was about to have his own orgasm.

Drew lifted his head to look at Carol. He saw that her eyes were closed and heard small moans escape her lips. Drew took both of her arms and spread them to either side of her body, level with her head. Drew's actions made Carol open her eyes as she felt him place pressure on her arms. Carol looked into her young lover's eyes and saw the animal within his gaze.

Sweat began to drip from Drew's forehead and he started to moan as he thrust his lower body more powerfully. The impact of their collisions caused Drew's balls to slap up against Carol's bottom. Echoes bounced off of the walls every time their bodies crashed into each other. Drew moved his entire body and placed every ounce of strength into his thrusts. Carol's eyes widened and her breaths grew short again.

"Oh god...Drew! That feels so good sweetie! I-I-I'm going to-fuck!" She could not even give voice to her thoughts anymore. Carol's body shivered and she gave in to her imminent orgasm. Her sweet nectar began to wash over her wild and ravenous lover's rock-hard shaft. Her back arched as she flooded her lover's manhood with her honey.

As Carol's pussy hugged his cock, Drew felt the walls of her sex squeeze him very tightly. He moaned loudly and pushed as deep inside Carol as he could. Drew was determined to feel every inch of her. As soon as he thrust up to the base of his pelvis, Drew's body shook uncontrollably. He released all the lustful feelings for Carol that he had kept pent up within him since they first reconnected.

Electricity shot through them both as they cried out in pleasure. Drew released long wads of thick, white cum deep into the sex of a goddess that he absolutely worshiped. He could not remember if he had ever experienced such an intense orgasm since the last time he saw Carol. Similarly, Carol had forgotten how to breathe. This young, virile man's seed filled her pussy so much that she was engulfed in a warm and tingly feeling that spread throughout her entire body like wildfire.

Drew's shaft erupted, again and again, deep inside of Carol. Drew's orgasm seemed like it would never end and in truth, he did not want it to end. His body was on fire and he practically collapsed from the sensation. After a few moments, their bodies began to come down from their climaxes. Drew rested his head in the crook of Carol's neck. Carol wrapped her arms around her young lover and held him close. She did not want him to pull away for any reason.

Carol cracked a little smile as she felt Drew lift his head and give her soft kisses all over her face. As he rolled off of her, Drew lay flat on his back and stared up at the ceiling as he struggled to catch his breath. Carol crawled over, rested her head on Drew's chest, and traced his chest hair with her finger. He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at Carol as she looked up at him.

Carol's hand slid down Drew's chest and down to his wet, still semi-erect shaft. Her long fingers gently enclosed around the sensitive head and Drew's body jerked in surprise. Carol looked up at him and Drew blushed slightly. She giggled and placed a hand on his cheek. Drew leaned forward and their lips met in a soft, tender kiss.

Carol winked at Drew and gave a coy smile. As she rested her head and hand on Drew's chest once more, her eyes fluttered and closed after a few moments. Drew gently stroked Carol's hair and rested his chin on her head. He softly kissed her head and smiled so widely that his cheeks hurt. Drew closed his eyes and committed every aspect of that moment, that feeling, to memory. Before the two lovers drifted off into a blissful sleep, a single whispered sentence reached Drew's ears.

"I'm glad you didn't keep me waiting too long, lover."

Written by GreetingsEverybody64
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