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No One Could Have Predicted 2

"Life takes a surprising turn..."

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Author's Notes

"Some people asked for a second part, so I thought it over a while to find the right way to continue the story. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it!"

Drew stands in front of a house. All the anxiety and hesitation in his body focuses on his fingertip as it inches closer to the doorbell. Pressing the button, Drew hears the ring and braces for a full-on panic attack. A few moments later, the doorknob turns and the door opens to show Carol Crest standing in front of him.

"Drew!" she exclaims. "I didn't expect to see you today. What can I do for you?" Carol is wearing a white button-up shirt beneath a red blazer, buttoned at the mid-torso. Long black pants cover her legs, with a little bit of makeup on her face. The look is completed by a pair of blue earrings hanging from her earlobes.

Staring in amazement, Drew opens his mouth to speak. "I..." He trails off, his words failing him. Looking at this beautiful woman completely took his breath away. There was just no way that anything he said could fully express his feelings toward Carol.

Carol furrows her brow. "Is everything ok, Drew?" she asks with a worried tone.

After a few more seconds, Drew can't stand the silence anymore. He steps forward into the house, his foot on the mat. Placing a hand on Carol's hip, Drew pulls her up against him. A surprised gasp escapes Carol's lips.

"Drew, what are you doing?" she looks into his eyes, slightly shaken yet not trying to escape Drew's grasp. As he looks into Carol's eyes, he sees the lust emerging within them. They both feel the magnetism in their bodies, knowing they want one another.

Drew moves in first, gently putting his hand behind Carol's neck and pulling her in slowly against his lips. Her lips were so soft and tasted like cherries. As their lips found a rhythm together, Carol's hands found Drew's cheeks, resting gently on them. As they slowly pull away, Carol's lips are trembling.

"Drew..." she breathes. Before she can say another word, Drew's fingers are unbuttoning her blazer. Her breathing grows louder as he moves the garment down her arms, letting it fall to the floor. Drew kisses her neck above her chest, moving upward toward her chin. Carol's neck rises in response, moaning lightly as his hands open her shirt.

Moving toward the couch, Carol lays back, her shirt on the floor. Drew's hands reach around her dark blue lace bra. After unhooking it, Carol takes it in her hand and runs it across his cheek. Drew moves to her pants, pulling them down quickly. He stands and looks at Carol. Understanding his look, she pulls his jeans down, revealing his erect shaft.

Drew gets on the couch with his muse, guiding his member to her wet and wanting entrance. As he pushes inside her, Carol moans loudly.

"Oh, Carol!" exclaims Drew. Then he stops.

Her pussy doesn't feel the way I thought it would, he says to himself. It isn't wrapping around his shaft and squeezing him. It doesn't even feel wet. There was really feel no feeling at all...

Suddenly, Drew shoots upward with sweat running down his face. He closes his eyes and puts his hand on his forehead. When he finally calms down, Drew looks around. He is currently in his room, laying half-naked under the covers in his bed.

Just a dream, he thinks to himself. A very realistic dream no less. Drew couldn't believe how vivid it was. The hands gliding across each other's skin. Lips pressed against lips. Drew looks down toward the end of his bed where he notices his almost fully erect shaft. "I guess I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it," he says out loud.

Drew gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom down the hall. He starts the shower and waits for the water to warm up before stepping in. As the droplets begin to fall over his head, Drew closes his eyes and lets his mind drift back to that night...

Drew's heart pounds in his chest as he hears Carol's footsteps descending down the stairs. He had just ejaculated while watching her play with herself in the shower with a glass toy. What if she finds out what I did? What if she knows what I did? Drew's mind was going a million miles a second.

"Drew? Are you there?" The call makes his ears perk up. Carol's voice had a hint of urgency to it. Drew's eyes grow wide with panic as she slowly comes into view. She's wearing a red satin bathrobe, with her blonde hair still damp from her shower and wrapped around the left side of her neck. "There you are! Did you bring that box upstairs for me?" Carol's eyes stare straight into his. Drew stutters.

"I-I-Well-Kinda. Yeah." He's positive he looks guilty.

Carol crosses her arms and shakes her head. "I hope you didn't step into my room. I expect privacy in my own home." Drew just shakes his head no, hoping that she will believe him. Carol smiles. "I'm just playing with you! I know you wouldn't do that." She moves toward the kitchen and stops at the entryway. Turning around, Carol grins. "Though if you did sneak a peek, I hope you like what you saw." She giggles and winks at Drew.

Dumbfounded, Drew follows Carol to the kitchen. She fixes him a sandwich with some lemonade and proceeds to ask him about his college life. With every question, Drew slowly relaxes. He became more convinced that she had no clue he was watching her in the shower. After their conversation was over, Carol stands up. "Well, I should be getting to bed. I have a meeting at noon and I know I'll be worn out if I don't get a good night's sleep."

Drew walks to the door and sticks his hand out to shake hers. Carol laughs and pushes his hand down. "Come on, you deserve more than just a handshake for your work!" She leans in and wraps her arms around Drew.

As he feels her embrace, Drew's mind leaves his body. His arms hang limp and all he can think about is how nice this hug is. The satin feels soft against his exposed skin. Drew can smell the tea tree oil from her shampoo lingering around her hair. Before she breaks contact, Drew swore he could feel a faint poking coming from Carol's chest through her robe. When she pulls away, Drew almost starts begging her to do it again.

"Thank you, Ms. Crest," he says almost robotically. After hearing himself, Drew clears his throat. "I mean, thank you, Ms. Crest," he says in a voice he hopes sounds somewhat normal. Carol stares at him and giggles.

"SIlly. Call me Carol!" Drew tries but just nods instead. Carol watches him as he gets to his car and bids him farewell. Before Drew drives away, he steals one last look at Carol as she turns around and goes back inside. Right before she closes the door, he sees Carol wink at him. Or at least he thought she did.

Drew turns the water off and steps out of the shower. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he moves into his room, locking the door behind him. Going to his closet, Drew looks lazily at his selection. He didn't plan on going out today so he didn't really care what he wore. He closes his eyes and starts to point to a shirt at random when the doorknob to his room starts jiggling.

"Honey? Are you in there?" Drew could tell from the voice that it was his mother.

"Mom! What have we talked about? You need to knock first! I'm lucky I locked the door!"

"I'm sorry, Drew. I forgot," she says through the door. "I need to talk to you downstairs."

"About what?" asks Drew, somewhat annoyed. He chooses a shirt and begins walking over to his bed.

"Carol called."

Drew freezes and drops his shirt. Why would she call? "What did she say?" he asks. "Mom?" No response came. She must have gone downstairs. Drew's mind begins to race. Does Ms. Crest need something? Does she want more help unpacking? Maybe she wants his opinion on the decor for her new house. "Yeah, because you have such an eye for such things", he says sarcastically. I've gotta stop doing that, he thinks to himself.

Ok, calm down, Drew. Ms. Crest probably just wants to thank you again for helping her out. Why else would she be calling? "Because she knows what you did, idiot!" he shouts. Drew sits on his bed for a minute. "I won't know until I ask Mom."

Choosing a nicer teal shirt with a collar and tan pants, Drew leaves his room and descends the stairs. As he reaches the bottom, he sees his mother standing behind the counter, swiping up and down on her phone. Marilyn was wearing an old, baggy white t-shirt with ripped jeans.

"Hey sweetie", she says when Drew enters the room. "Just finished cleaning the living room." Marilyn takes the tie out of her ponytail and shakes her hair out a little. As Drew sits down on a stool in front of the kitchen counter, Marilyn locks her phone and puts it down somewhat forcefully. "I can't BELIEVE this!" she says angrily. She knows, thinks Drew, and braces himself for the worst.

Marilyn sighs. "I just got off the phone with the office. They're making me project manager for the Simon deal. That man is unbearable!" she seethes. Drew's eyes widen in surprise. Looking at his mother, he can't tell if she is angry, tired, or both. "He treats me like I don't know anything at all. I've been doing this for ten years!" she continues. Marilyn takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry,  Drew. I don't mean to take out my frustration on you."

Drew shrugs. "No worries, Mom. I'm here for you," he says with a little smile.

"Thank you, sweetie. I'd hug you, but," Marilyn raises her arms and lets them drop to her sides. "I'm all sweaty from cleaning," she laughs. Drew laughs with her. Looking at his mother with a bit of sweat makes him think of somebody else...

"Oh Mom! Why did Ms. Crest call?" he asks. For a few brief moments, Drew had forgotten about his all-consuming desire for the beautiful woman. Marilyn laughs and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot. Carol asked if you could swing by her house this evening. She wants to talk to you about something."

Panic wells up within Drew's body. "Why exactly?"

"Sorry, she didn't say. Although Carol did say six would work well for her," replies Marilyn.

"I see..." mutters Drew. He stands up and walks to the living room. Plopping down on the couch, Drew closes his eyes and tries to relax. Don't freak out, he tells himself. Taking out his phone, Drew sees the time is 4:30 PM in the afternoon. Not much time to spare before meeting Ms. Crest. After settling down a little bit, he walks upstairs.

Drew looks in the mirror, checking his appearance. I'll need to run a comb through my hair, he thinks to himself. He goes to his drawer, takes out his special body spray and applies some. Drew felt it gave him a dignified air about him. Enough to be pleasant, but not overpowering. Not that it had ever worked on a woman. The thought that Carol might be allergic to his spray crosses Drew's mind, but he would have to cross that bridge if and when he came to it. Who knows? Maybe she'd let me wash it off in her shower, a voice whispers.

Drew shakes his head focuses on what's important. He wanted to look good for her. Moving to the bathroom, Drew takes a brush and a comb and gets to work. After some time, his hair was straight, parted on his left and combed over to the right. Drew couldn't remember the last time he put this much effort into his appearance. What do I think is gonna happen, he asks himself.


Time flies by and soon Drew is standing in front of Carol's house. He feels a sense of...was it déjà vu? Drew remembers his dream, how he felt standing in front of Ms. Crest's door. To be sure he wasn't dreaming, Drew pinches himself hard. "Ow!" he shouts.

"Hello?" Drew hears through the front door.

"I guess I was louder than I thought," whispers Drew. With no time to mentally prepare himself for Ms. Crest's imminent arrival, he takes a deep breath and waits. The footsteps coming from inside the house grow louder and a moment later, Carol opens the door.

"Drew! You made it." She takes a second to check her watch. "On the dot! Very punctual. Love that in a person." Carol was wearing a green workout top with matching green yoga pants, her blonde hair hanging gorgeously in all its glory. Drew quickly averts his gaze and looks at Ms. Crest's face. She winks at him and steps back. "Come on in! I was exercising a little and figured I'd keep the clothes on for what's ahead." Drew's heart races, imagining what kind of activity she could mean.

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Stepping inside the home he recently helped set up, Drew takes a look around. There were still a few boxes strewn about but other than that, the entire place looked very complete. A few paintings hung from the walls and a coffee table now laid in front of the sofa. To his right, Drew sees a few bedstands, one next to the sofa and one with a blue lamp on it next to a comfy chair. Looking to his left, Drew spots various dishes drying next to the sink in the kitchen.

"Everything looks very nice, Ms. Crest," says Drew.

"Well, that's because you helped me out so much!" says Carol. "I'm very pleased with how it turned out. There are a few odds and ends but it's very cozy!" she moves toward the kitchen. Drew nods vigorously. Clearing his throat, he watches Carol's hips sway as she moves. He follows her and when she sits down at the kitchen table, he sits across from her.

"So, Ms. mom said you wanted to see me about something?" Drew asks nervously.

Carol claps her hands. "Yes! I was hoping I could borrow you for an hour or so. You see, I have a spare bedroom that I've almost finished setting up. I had a new bed delivered today but when the movers brought it in, they almost knocked a picture off the wall and the lamp off the bedstand!" Carol sighs and shakes her head.

"I told them to set it down against the wall before they could do any damage. Anyway, I thought that since you helped me out the other day that you wouldn't mind helping me set it up? I've put the frame together so all that's required is putting in the bed. The mattress is a little big so I'll need a hand lifting it"

Drew smiles. "Of course. I'd love to help you, Ms. Crest."

"Yes! I knew I could count on you! Follow me upstairs. After this, I'll fix you something before you go like last time." Carol winks and stands. Drew stands up and follows her up the stairs. Making a right at the top, he looks to the left where Carol's bedroom was located. Memories from the other night flash through his mind.

A few seconds later, Carol opens the door to the spare bedroom and walks in. Drew follows, noticing a shelf nailed to the wall above the bed frame. A picture of a pot of flowers hung from the wall opposite the bed and a bedstand with a teal lamp on it stood beside the bed. The mattress stood against the wall opposite the door. Drew saw that it was a twin-size.

"I know it's pretty barren but I figure the guest can decorate it out how they like. Ok, how about you grab the side closest to the corner of the room and I will take the other?" Carol waits for Drew to step past her and get to his side before going to hers and placing her hands on the mattress.

"On three," says Carol. "One...two...three!" Drew lifts the mattress in unison with Carol. Together, the two move over to the bed frame. Drew bumps the headboard slightly as they get into position. Placing the mattress above the frame, Drew and Carol set it down.

Carol takes a step back. "Perfect! Thank you so much!" She turns toward Drew and puts her hand on his shoulder. "You're very handy. If you ever want or need another place to sleep, let me know." Carol winks.

"T-Thank you, Ms. Crest," Drew says nervously.

"Carol, Drew. C-A-R-O-L," Carol spells out her name and giggles.

"Right," Drew replies.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Wait right here." Carol steps out of the room for a few moments. Drew takes a deep breath and exhales. It's so hard to keep my eyes only on her face, he thinks to himself. A few seconds later, Carol steps back inside.

"Here you go, Drew. For helping me with everything." Carol extends her hand and Drew looks to find that she is holding a wad of cash.

"Oh no no, Ms. Crest. I couldn't take any money." Drew puts his hands up and waves them back and forth.

"Please, Drew. I have to reward you somehow!" Carol says. Drew shakes his head.

"It was my pleasure, Ms. Crest. There's no need for any compensation." Carol frowns.

"Oh fine! Stubborn boy. Well, I guess I'll just make you something to eat and you can take off."

Drew smiles and nods. "I'll go wait downstairs." He walks past Carol and descends the stairs. When Drew gets to the bottom, he moves toward the kitchen and sits at the table. Putting his hand beneath his chin, Drew thinks about the last fifteen minutes. Carol hasn't brought up anything about the downstairs bathroom, he thinks to himself. Perhaps she doesn't know after all? Drew smiles, happy that he can relax and enjoy himself.

"Drew?" Drew turns around. "Could you step into the living room for a minute, please?"

With a furrowed brow, Drew stands up and walks into the living room. As Carol comes into view, his jaw drops.

Carol was sitting in the comfy chair in the living room, clad in her red satin bathrobe tied at the waist. Her right leg was hanging over her left and her hand ran through her long hair. Seeing Drew's expression, Carol stands up. Not saying a word, she leads him to the sofa and lightly pushes him onto it. Drew barely feels the landing or hears the squeak from the couch springs.

Carol backs away slowly. "I assumed you would turn down the money. Fortunately, I think I've found a way to show you my gratitude." She turns around and walks back to the chair. Carol turns and looks straight at Drew, the fingers on her right hand gliding down the inner lining of her robe. "I just hope you enjoy it." Carol winks and unties her garment, letting the robe hang open. Underneath, she wears a black lace bra with matching panties.

Drew's expression hadn't changed since he first saw Carol. His mouth was starting to dry from being open for so long. The only noticeable difference was the bulge in Drew's pants, straining to get out. Carol sits down, sliding her fingertip into her mouth.

"I take it that you like this idea," she giggles. All Drew could do was swallow and nod. "Good," says Carol. "Let's begin, shall we? Take out your penis."

Drew's mind was racing. A small voice in his head thought about protesting but was quickly drowned out by his libido. Drew fumbles with his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them. After what feels like an eternity, he wraps his hand around his very erect shaft and pulls it out. Drew's penis was a little over five inches. Not super long but he made up for it in thickness.

"Yes, very good. I must say," Carol moans slightly. "You have a beautiful cock," she giggles. Drew just nods, entranced by her every movement. Carol takes the finger that's in her mouth and slides it down her body to her panties. Her left hand reaches down and slowly pulls her underwear to the side, revealing her smooth and shaven pussy. Carol runs her fingers over her entrance.

In response, Drew moves his hand to the base of his shaft and begins stroking it slowly. "Yes, just like that." Carol moves her fingers in a circular pattern, moaning slightly as she begins to tease her clit. "I hope you don't mind that I masturbate along with you," she smiles. "It looks like so much fun..."

Drew teases the head of his cock slightly. He takes his other hand and moves to his balls, lightly cupping and rubbing them. The whole situation was so surreal for Drew. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. Just when he thought he couldn't possibly be aroused further, Carol raises her finger into the air. Then, she lowers it and lingers around her wet pussy lips for a moment before pushing inside.

"Oh god, yes," she breathes. Carol's actions make Drew begin pumping his shaft faster, precum beginning to drip. He could feel the semen building up inside of his balls. Drew slows down, not wanting to finish too soon. "That's right," says Carol. "Show me how much cum a young man has," she giggles.

Drew wasn't sure how much longer he could last. Every move that Carol makes simply exudes sex. He watches as she raises her right leg onto the chair and bites her lip. Carol knew exactly how to arouse a man without even touching them. "I'm glad we could do this," says Carol, breaking Drew's thoughts. "When I found your cum on my towel I knew that I just had to invite you back." Drew's face went red. Carol smiles. "I wasn't totally sure if you had masturbated before or after you caught me in the shower so I thought I'd give you a chance to do so while watching me."

The thought of Carol knowing that Drew was watching her in the shower drove him crazy. He begins pumping his shaft harder, faster. "Yes, give me everything you have, young man," says Carol. She takes a second finger and slides it inside of her pussy, thrusting faster. Carol begins to moan and mumble to herself.

Drew feels the familiar sensation of an imminent orgasm. He closes his eyes and groans loudly, squeezing tightly as his shaft bursts with cum. Thick, white ropes of cum shoot into the air. Some lands on Drew's pants. Some lands on the floor and on the coffee table. He wouldn't have been surprised if some had found itself on the ceiling. After five shots, Drew opens his eyes to watch his muse.

Carol begins cumming after seeing Drew ejaculate. Her fingers stop pumping as she leans her head back and closes her eyes. "God, yes!" she shouts. Carol shudders and Drew watches as her hips buck up and down due to her orgasm. As she moves her head to look down at her wet pussy, Drew sees that Carol's hair is in her face. Through the curtain they create, he sees her eyes slowly open.

Drew and Carol both take a minute to recover from completion. "That was so satisfying," whispers Carol. She whips her hair back and, taking a deep breath, stands up and ties her robe closed. Walking over to the sofa where Drew is sitting, Carol smiles at him. Drew barely notices as he is stuck in a state of shock. A bit of cum oozes down his cock.

"Why don't you go and get yourself cleaned up, Drew," suggests Carol. "I believe you already know where the bathroom is." Coming to his senses, Drew looks at her and simply nods. Standing up with a semi-erect cock, he looks around at the mess he made. "Wow," says Carol. "If it weren't so late, I'd suggest we see how much stamina you really have."

"Um..." trails Drew.

"Don't worry about the mess. I'll clean it up. Now go get yourself sorted out," says Carol. Turning away from her, Drew begins walking toward the bathroom, pants around his feet. As he enters and shuts the door, Drew sees his reflection in the mirror and notices little beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead. He washes himself off and splashes water on his face. Once his pants are buttoned and zipped around his waist, Drew steps out of the bathroom.

Carol is throwing tissues away into the trash can. Drew looks around, unable to find any traces of cum. Carol walks over to him. "I think it's safe to say you enjoyed that," she giggles.

Drew blushes. "I'm sorry, Ms. Crest," he stutters.

"No, no Drew, thank you. I've had a wonderful time reconnecting with you." Carol smiles widely at him. "I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun." Sighing, she looks around. "Well, I suppose you should head out. It's getting late. Come, I'll walk you out."

Drew follows Carol to the front door. When they get there, she opens it and steps back to let Drew walk outside. Drew turns around at the entrance and faces Carol.

"I hope I can count on you to help me again," says Carol.

"O-Of course, Ms. Crest. Anytime," replies Drew. Carol crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"For the last time, Drew, it's Carol," she says laughing. Drew laughs along with her.

"Very well...Carol," says Drew with a smile. Carol puts her finger on her chin.

"Although," she says, leaning in toward Drew. She whispers softly into his ear. "I'll let you know if I want to be called 'Ms. Crest' in the future, young man." Carol leans back and winks at Drew. She lightly pats his cheek and, placing a hand on his chest, lightly pushes him out the door.

After Carol closes the door, Drew stands in front of the house. A few moments later, he turns and walks toward his car. As he gets to his vehicle, he takes one last look at the house. "Carol," he says with a smile. Getting inside his car, Drew drives home, eager to see what the coming days will bring.


Written by GreetingsEverybody64
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