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New Career part IV: Gina directs!

"Gina makes me the Princess of Anal..."

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My husband, Jim, is a senior vice-president for an international corporation and travels to Asia for seven to ten days each month. While he is gone I need to feed my addiction, which is to orgasms.

Along the way one of our neighbors, an incredibly sexy and sultry lady named Gina, and I became lovers. Gina was independently wealthy though no one seemed to know what she did. We truly enjoyed each other’s company as well as each other’s body.

Then she introduced me to some of her male friends, all of whom were very well endowed. And they came in all colors. White, black, brown, and so forth. 

Gina seemed always to be in charge of everyone and I seemed to be everyone’s toy. It was absolutely a fantastic setup. Most of the month I was a loving, doting wife and the other week I was a slut. I had my cake and could eat it too.

It was natural for me to cry on her shoulder when I did something stupid.

Gina had been out of town on business. Jim was on a trip and I was left alone. I became bored and somehow got into a poker game. Well, I was over my head and before I knew it I lost over twenty K. 

My husband is a wonderful man in every sense but even he would have trouble understanding how I lost over twenty thousand dollars in one night of poker.

Gina offered to let me work with her. She took me to meet her boss, Mr. Malone. It was then I found out her secret career. Gina was a porn star. 

I was shocked but, even more, I was desperate. Mr. Malone negotiated with the men I owed money to, paid it off, and signed me to a four movie deal, plus promotional gigs. I became Lynn the Trophy Milf. I didn’t even have to act the character. I was to be the rich wife who gets herself into situations and must fuck her way out.

I had already done one movie and a couple of promotional gigs, aka fucking investors. I was loving it and my dual life. Gina and I were having even more fun together.

As it turned out the men she had brought into our mini-orgies had all been actors she knew from work. They had all referred to her at one time or another as “The Queen." I finally got around to asking her about that. The title was actually “The Queen of Anal.” With an almost evilly lecherous look on her face, she told me she was going to make me the “Princess of Anal” in my next movie.

She easily talked Mr. Malone into letting her direct it as long as he got to be one of the actors who fucked my ass.

Just as in the first movie, there wasn’t a script, just a role to play. I was to be the boss’s wife. He had to go on an emergency trip. He called me from the airport to tell me that some of his workers were coming over for a day of beer and swimming, a reward for a job well done.

Of course, he called just as they showed up so I did not have time to switch from my very transparent monokini into something more conservative. That was the set-up Gina gave me. She did not tell me who my costars would be. She just smiled wickedly.

We all met at the house Mr. Malone had arranged for us to use. It was a cloudless sunny day and about ninety-five degrees. Mr. Malone and Gina were organizing the cameras and lighting. I was having my hair and makeup done. When they were satisfied, they came over and oiled me up.

I am not sure whether it was for protection from the sun, the effect it would have on film, or simply an excuse to grope and tease me. To be honest I didn’t care. I loved it. However, those two were experts and had me on the verge of orgasm the entire time but did not let me climax.  

I laid out on a lounge chair and Gina called, "action.” We started with my phone ringing and the conversation with my husband. As I was talking to him the doorbell rang. I hung up hurriedly, grabbing the only thing I could find, a swimsuit wrap even more transparent than the monokini, and answered the door. There were three of the largest black men I had ever seen. One of whom was Mr. Malone. 

Leering at me he said, “Your husband told us you would entertain us today. We see he kept his word." 

Since I was already horny, my nipples popped to attention. “Umm, yes... um. He just told me. Please come in. Can I get you something to drink?”  

I was feeling their eyes all over me as I led them to the pool. I handed them each a beer.

“Excuse me while I go change.”

Without missing a beat one said, “What are you, a racist?”

I blinked, stunned. Gina had warned me not to do anything that would give that impression in today's social atmosphere. I stammered out a no.

“So why then are you changing? You wear different clothes for blacks?”

Once again I stammered a no. They just stared at me. Not wanting to add to my error, I let the wrap fall and their stares turned to grins. They led me to the table by the pool bar and we all sat down and got to drinking.

I learned a bit about each. They all said they were married with kids, etcetera. However, they kept saying that Mr. P (my husband) had caught the best one of the bunch.

In the heat, we went through several beers quickly. The chatting rapidly became more laced with innuendo and double meanings. I was a bit shocked when I realized I was the worst one in the group. They kept complimenting me on how fit and hot I looked for a woman in her mid-forties.  

They soon started teasing me about having a suit on at all. It was transparent so why not be honest and just take it off. I laughed. “You want your boss’s wife naked in front of you?” 

Instead of just answering they scoffed and said it didn’t matter. I was probably chicken or too stuck up to do it. Well, partly because some part of my brain didn’t want to be accused of being stuck up or racist, but mostly because the idea of being naked in front of them turned me on, I stood up, turned my back to the biggest one, Mr., Malone, and said, “Untie me.” Before I had even finished my monokini, which was only held up by the necktie, fell to the ground. There I stood in heels only.

They had me turn around several times. My body glistened as I did. They put on some music. “Entertain us. Dance for us.”

The music had a deep thumping bass. I began to sway but it quickly evolved into a primal sultry move that would be worthy of a headlining stripper. I was soon grinding my ass on each man’s lap, one after the other. Their hands were roaming all over me, getting me hotter.

The heat made beads of sweat run down my curves. My pussy was keeping pace. I was on fire. 

I began adding in more, squatting down between their legs and rubbing my 36DDs on their crotches. When I worked my way back to the first one he had taken the opportunity to strip to a speedo which barely contained a massive cock. He pulled me to him, my breasts smashed onto his sweat-slicked chest, and kissed me hard. His huge hands found my ass.

Not hesitating in the least his fingers spread my ass cheeks and walked their way to my asshole. I squealed in both shock and lust when he inserted a finger into my ass. All the time in a deep full kiss.

“Be a good little bitch and take off my speedo, snowflake,” he growled. I could barely breathe. His hands slid up to my boobs and squeezed them. I was so close to cumming already I was going insane. I hooked my fingers inside his speedo. The massive bulge was so intimidating right in front of my face. I pulled it down.

His jet-black coarse hair and the base of his thick shaft appeared. I kept pulling down. I gasped as there was a good eight inches and still not close to being free. A few more inches and then suddenly it sprang free. His almost twelve-inch cock snapped to attention and hit me in the chin. I yelped in surprise and landed backward on my ass.

“Come on, princess. Back on your knees."

I sat back up as he took the back of my neck and pulled me to him. Much to my surprise, he didn’t put my mouth on his cock. He pulled me so it was between my breasts. I was staring at in fear, it was so big.

“Squeeze them rich white titties around it, princess.”

I kept staring. He slapped my face. Not terribly hard but enough to get my attention. “Listen, princess, we like Mr. P. He is a great boss. You, we don’t much like. You got my cousin fired from his restaurant job by complaining he was staring too much at you. Giving you want you really want. A brother's attention. So, don’t make me tell you things twice. You’re just a rich white ho to us. I told you to fuck my cock with your tanned titties!”

I kept staring in shock. However, my hands pushed my massive boobs together around his shaft and began sliding up and down. Panting, sweating, with my pussy leaking juice down my inner thigh because I was so aroused.

He smiled at me, not a nice smile, but one that sent a shiver down my spine despite the temperature. I felt a pair of hands on my ass and started to turn. This earned me another love pat on my face. 

“Don’t look at him... look at me, princess.” I looked back at him.

From behind me came a throaty predatory laugh. “Princess is a real slut, man. Her pussy is leaking like a faucet. She is so turned on by some big black cocks. I bet princess would beg us to fuck her like a ho.”

I had not stopped tit fucking that massive cock this whole time. Tyrone, (Mr. Malone), pulled my chin up to look at him. “Do you want us to fuck you, princess?”

I nodded violently and moaned, “Oh my god, yes.”

The hands on my ass spread my cheeks and teased my asshole. Rubbing a thumb on it. His grin became even more feral. “Well, we aren’t going to fuck your pussy at all.” 

I felt something sliding up and down my slick ass crack. I groaned in disappointment.

“Like we said we like your husband and do not want to ruin your pussy for him. So instead we are each going to fuck your ass.”

I suddenly realized there was a hand on each hip. Pressure on my asshole grew more intense. It was Tremont’s cock head. I was almost sobbing as it suddenly popped in. Part of the sobbing was from the intense feeling, almost pain, as it entered. But most was animal lust.

In short ragged breaths, I cried out, “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!"

Tremont continued to push until what felt like a baseball bat was in my ass. I was seeing stars from the rapidly building orgasm. I heard him say, “Halfway in.” I couldn’t believe it was only half of his cock. I was so close to exploding as well as passing out.

He stopped for a moment. The only thing causing any movement of the cock in my ass now was me moving my torso up and down, fucking Tyrone with my super slick breasts. I was almost there. I needed to cum. I had to cum. And Tyrone sensed it. He gave a sharp nod to Tremont. Tremont's grip tightened on my hips suddenly and he thrust!

My mind exploded into white light. I screamed, “Fuckkkkkk!” So loudly birds flew from trees in the next yard over an acre away. My pussy started squirting, I kept screaming until suddenly I was gagging and nothing was coming out.

Tyrone had pulled himself out of my tits and shoved his cock into my throat. My screaming opened my mouth and throat and he filled it with flesh. I couldn’t breathe, scream or anything. I just spasmed, anally spit-roasted between them in one long intense orgasm. All I could taste was his sweaty salty cock. I didn’t care if I couldn’t breathe. My throat was made to suck cock.

Tremont began to slowly move in and out of my asshole. My hips moving on it as well, all on their own. He half groaned, “Damn, princess loves anal.” I began to see stars again. This time from lack of air, but I didn’t stop.

Just as I thought I would pass out Tyrone pulled out of my mouth. “Princess, as much as we like making you scream, another one like that will make someone call the police. Now we can’t have that.” 

Tremont was fucking me harder now that I had air. I felt another explosion building. Tyrone grinned and snapped his finger to Jamal who was standing to the side waiting his turn. Apparently, they came prepared because in a flash he had slipped a ball gag into my mouth and hooked behind my head.

Tyrone then pulled my tits back to his cock and raised an eyebrow. I knew and obeyed and went back to tit fucking him. By this time Tremont was showing no finesse in my ass. Just brutally deep complete cock thrusts. I exploded again, drooling and screaming around the ball gag.

I was once again spasming out of control, held up by the two strong black bulls at either end of me. Tremont groaned he was close and Tyrone nodded again to Jamal. He pulled me by my hair bending me backwards as Tyrone pulled out of my ass with a pop. In one large step, he moved in front of me aiming his cock at my bent back face and jutting breasts and shot what seemed like a gallon of cum onto my face and tits. It mixed with the oil and sweat leaving me coated.

Jamal had not been idle. As he bent me back he had moved and positioned his cock to my poor abused asshole and with one long, slow but steady movement entered me. He was bigger than Tremont. Groaning like the slut I really am, I took it. Relished it.

As this was happening Tyrone had once again sat in front of me, but this time his legs spread wide. He guided my face under his cock behind his balls. Undoing the ball gag in the terrifying purr of an Alpha among Alphas said, “You know what to do.” I not only did but wanted to. I moved my mouth to his asshole and start to lick. Tasting this sweat, his ass, he skin, all of it. His huge balls resting on my chin and his cock lying on my head.

Jamal was picking the pace up until he was pounding me. I was seeing stars. I had no concept of time. I was heading to yet another orgasm. I didn’t think I could. My body felt spent. But as I did this time a long intense groan came from deep within. Incoherent noises burst from my mouth. As I was cumming Jamal pulled out and sprayed my back with his white lava jism.

Tyrone moved and picked me up. He put me face down in the grass, pushed my legs together, and straddled my ass. His cock, the biggest cock, aimed at the target. I couldn’t. I was spent. I opened my mouth to beg him no. But instead heard myself beg, “God, yes,  please fuck my ass. I want to be your Anal Princess!"

He did just that. He laid on top of me prone bone and suddenly I found new strength. I moved my body fucking him back. He fucked me hard. Then fucked me harder. I began to have one last over the top orgasm and it just kept going. I was hooked. 

I have no idea how long he fucked me. Just suddenly I was on my back and he was standing over me, that massive black cock in his hand, spewing cum on my face, tits, stomach, legs, everywhere. When he was done he squatted over my face and rubbed his cock on it. 

Then the three stood up. Looking at me Tyrone said, “Princess, get us some beers. Bring them to the pool. We are going swimming now.”

Covered in cum I went and got four beers. I waded into the pool, the cool water refreshing me. I waded into the middle of them and handed them the bottles.

Suddenly a harsh intense 'CUT' rang out. I blinked and remembered we were on set. I looked over at Gina, worried that I had failed her. But I saw her friend Tonya was down between her legs eating her as she watched. She smiled at me and nodded. My three co-stars began rubbing my body clean in the water.

Tyrone, once again back to Mr. Malone, grinned at me. “Gina told us this would be a great film. She told me that once you got in character, she wouldn’t need to give direction. She and I worked out how it was to go and my two friends and I led you there. You are a natural. Now relax for a bit, have a beer, maybe take a nap,” he grinned, “or pharmaceuticals, but you have a promotional gig tonight. Don’t worry, I told him no anal. Your ass needs its rest. Unless he can convince you.”

“Who is it?”

“The owner of this house. The fee for using it was you.” Grinning. “Doing promotions, of course, you are on the clock until ten A.M. tomorrow.”

I looked to where he was pointing and there was a heavyset balding white guy. He had a bit of a paunch for a gut. I smiled. I do like variety and I do also love to fuck fat bald men. 

Gina came and kissed me. Clipping the nipple clamps with a chain connecting them on me. She winked. “Well, these are kinda like a fashion statement for you.” She grinned and kissed me again. “You did great. Next weekend if you want I will take you out with me. I have a gig on a fifty-foot cabin cruiser with a hedge fund baby and eight or nine of his equally rich fraternity brothers."

This time I kissed her. “You're on.”

I finished straightening up and went to work. The next day when Mr. Malone picked me up I handed him five thousand K. He looked at me questioningly. I told him, “By contract you get half my tips from promotional gigs. He really wanted my ass.”

Somehow, after all that happened in the previous twenty-four hours, plus thinking about the upcoming boat ride, I was still horny. As Mr. Malone's driver pulled away, I bent over and unzipped him... 

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Written by unfaithfulmilf
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