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MILF Slut: Sequel One

"Sandy hears a rumor about an escort service in town and investigates"

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A week passed and Sandy had not heard any fallout from the hacked videos. Jacques was under scrutiny at the college and as he had predicted, his deanship was rescinded. The perpetrators had not been found but the videos were being blocked as best the computer science department could manage.

Sandy was starting to feel a little more secure until she was at the club one Wednesday afternoon. As she walked toward her friends sitting at the bar, she saw that they were all talking to each other in hushed voices with an occasional glance at her.

"Uh oh," she feared, "They know." What could she do but buck up and face the music. After all, these women were her closest friends. She would just have to put on a happy face, the kind of bogus smile women use in uncomfortable situations.

She greeted them with all of the good cheer she could muster. "Hi ladies!"

"Sandy, you gotta hear his," Betty said in a loud whisper. Betty was out of her mind with excitement.

"Hey, what's up and where is Phyllis?" Sandy asked.

"Listen to this, Sandy. You won't believe this!"

Of course Sandy liked to here the gossip as much as the next gal as long as it wasn't about her. Sandy's heart beat was so rapid it felt it might fly out of her chest. Well, maybe her friends would understand and with any luck, be a little supportive. Secretly, they even might be jealous. There's no telling about these things.

"Come closer, Sandy. We want you to hear what's going on in our town," and Betty motioned for her to sit next to her.

Sandy put her purse on the bar and turned to Betty preparing for the worst.

"Sandy, guess what? We have an escort service going on right under our nose and our Phyllis is a part of it."

"Oh my God," Sandy said with relief. "You're kidding! How did you find out?"

Betty licked her lips as if to devour a luscious piece of chocolate cake then said, "Well, it's really only a rumor but Tina was talking to her housekeeper who is best friends with Phyllis' maid. You know how the domestics know all of the private stuff in the family, right?"

"Sure, go on," Sandy said.

"Here is where it gets interesting," Betty said in a hushed voice. "Phyllis' maid said Phyllis has a whole wardrobe of sexy lingerie and sex toys and something new arrives in the mail from a place called Wicked Temptations almost every week. You know that Phyllis and Bob have been separated for over a year so the seductive lingerie and toys are not intended for him."

"That doesn't prove anything, Betty."

"I know, Sandy, but the maid said Phyllis goes out at about the same time three or four times a week around seven with a small suitcase and doesn't come home until later the next day."

"Okay, that's circumstantial evidence and maybe Phyllis is having an affair."

"Alright, but how about those phone calls that the maid answers from men, different men? One day it is Henry, then George, and Peter, and on and on."

"Hmmm, maybe you are onto something but why do you think it's an escort service?"

Betty didn't answer because Ann who was overhearing all of this interrupted and said, "Look, Sandy, we know a lot more but for the good of our town, we need to keep it quiet. The truth is, Phyllis is not alone. We have heard the same story about three other housewives in town. We don't know them well but see them at church and at PTA meetings."

"Geez, Ann. Where does all of this take place?"

Ann said, "No one knows for sure but some say it might be on a yacht and the services they provide are done out on the lake so nothing is illegal."

"One more thing," Betty added. "We went online to Craig's List and Backpage where a 'Party Boat' is listed in our area and it is very explicit about their services. You know, like, 'Horny local housewives looking for romance' and 'Hot MILF's for you'. Okay, that's a little understated but it gets the point across. Don't you agree?"

"I guess so," Sandy agreed with little enthusiasm.

Ann then said, "Look Sandy, you and Phyllis are neighbors. Keep an eye on her and see what you can find out, okay?"

"Okay," Sandy reluctantly replied. It's what Sandy thought she should do but not what she felt comfortable doing. Spying on a friend never interested her so she needed to come up with an alternate plan.

Still experiencing a bit of guilt about her own recent transgressions, Sandy felt a degree of empathy toward Phyllis. What if the rumor was false and Phyllis was actually staying the night with an ill friend? Maybe she was going to a medical center to get treatment for an undisclosed illness. Yet, there were those intimate clothes and phone calls that made Sandy wonder if the rumors were really true. She just wanted to give Phyllis the benefit of the doubt.

Sandy felt it best to level with Phyllis and find out the truth. Anyway, it would be in her best interest if people zeroed in on Phyllis rather than spreading dirt about her. On Monday morning, Sandy called Phyllis and invited her over for an afternoon cocktail.

Out on the patio that afternoon, it was warm with a cloudless indigo blue sky. The two women sipped Chardonnay for over an hour before Sandy finally got to the point.

"Phyllis, have you heard anything about a Party Boat in our area? The girls at the club seem to think there is something interesting happening on board."

Startled, Phyllis said, "Gee Sandy, I don't know," staring at her wine glass, "Someone mentioned it to me at our last PTA meeting."

"What did they say?"

"Not much. It's just a rumor I guess. You know how people talk."

Sandy watched a squirrel scurry up a tree before saying, "Yes, I know how people talk and that is why I asked you to join me here for a glass wine."

"What are you getting at, Sandy?"

"Well, there is another rumor going around and it involves you. Let me just say that if the rumor was about me, I would like a chance to clarify it with a friend and we are pretty good friends, Phyllis."

"I see. Does it involve the Party Boat?"

"Yes it does."

All of a sudden there was a deafening silence. Sandy adjusted the table cloth and refilled both glasses waiting for a reply.

"Okay, Sandy. I really need a trusted friend on this and you are the only one I can really trust. It's a long story and easy to be judgmental but it is what it is."

"I totally understand, Phyllis," Sandy said without going into details. "What we say here stays here and you can trust me on that."

Phyllis removed her sun hat and quietly said, "As I said, it's a long story."

Sandy said nothing but gave Phyllis an understanding nod. Phyllis didn't exactly blurt out her story but let it fall out in tiny pieces like chards of a broken glass.

It might have been the wine or just a sense of relief but at that point Phyllis just opened up and began revealing all of her secrets to Sandy.

"Life is so complicated, Sandy. You and everyone knows that Bob and I have been separated for over a year. I just couldn't stand his drinking anymore and when he started losing money by gambling on sports teams, it was the last straw. Now we are financially ruined. I can pay the mortgage and scrape together enough money for food but that's about all."

"Go on," Sandy said sympathetically.

"Well, I need some romance in my life and coming home to an empty house and worrying about paying the bills, I just felt so depressed. You might not understand that in your situation, Sandy."

"Well, Phyllis, you might be surprised but I do understand how you feel."

Phyllis ignored the "you might be surprised" part and continued.

"So anyway, I 'friended' a guy online and he was understanding and has a great sense of humor. Okay he is ten years younger than we are but he has a nice build, is funny and best of all he is a compassionate guy. One thing led to another and eventually we decided to meet. You know, like in the 'You've Got Mail' movie."

"Oh yeah, I love that scene where Tom Hanks goes to meet Meg Ryan for the first time."

"Okay then, you can imagine what it was like but this was different. Joe asked me for a date on the Party Boat. Of course, I had no idea what it was but it sounded like fun.

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So I went and we met at the dock several miles out of town. You know where it is, right?"

"Yep, I know it. We go there to the beach on weekends," Sandy said.

"Well, I could see there was no boat large enough for a party but Joe said the Party Boat never docks and we needed to take the ship's tender. When we boarded, there were three other women without dates that were already there. I thought I recognized two of them. We probably had seen each other at the supermarket but they are definitely from our town and about our age. I introduced myself and they told me their names. I didn't get a chance to talk with them because they pretty much kept to themselves."

"So they knew each other, right?" Sandy asked.

"That's right. There was one more thing and it was that each of them had brought along overnight bags. I didn't ask about them but I was curious. Anyway, it took about twenty minutes to get to the most glamorous yacht I had ever seen! It was all lit up and must be at least half the length of a football feed, maybe more."

Phyllis was animated and excited as she told Sandy the story. Her enthusiasm was infectious and Sandy was feeling the excitement she felt with Professor Carter.

Phyllis continued, "Once we boarded the ship, Joe introduced me to the captain who was dressed in a white seaman's uniform and looked very dashing. The captain gave me a huge hug and said, 'Welcome aboard, Phyllis!' Then he handed me a glass of Champagne."

"Joe took my hand and showed me around the ship. There is a dining area and kitchen as well as a game room and about six cabins. Finally he took me to the pool and that was where everyone was partying. There were about six women our age and probably a half dozen or more of young men Joe's age. Everyone was in the pool and everyone was naked."

"Joe cautioned me and said, 'Phyllis, you don't need to go swimming but if you wish to join everyone, I'll show you a cabin where you can hang your clothes.' Joe told me that there was a robe there as well."

"You know Sandy, I felt so out of place. The nude men and women in the pool didn't bother me because I had been to nude beaches before but it was awkward. I followed Joe to a cabin and removed my clothes. Joe just stood there watching. I was so embarrassed."

"Then he told me what a lovely body I had and kissed me with a deep sexy kiss. The next thing I knew, we were on the bed touching and feeling each others' intimate body parts. Joe went down on me like Bob never did. I was so hot and wet down there. There was only one thing on my mind. I wanted Joe inside me."

"Joe made the move as he gently spread my legs further apart but I stopped him and said he had to wear a condom. He of course objected but agreed handing me the envelope. It gave me a good opportunity to see his size when I rolled the latex protection over his very healthy hard cock. I can't go into the details here, Sandy, but after not having sex since Bob left, all I can say is it was sensational."

"I can imagine," Sandy replied with a wink and a smile.

"After that, we went down to the pool and I no longer felt ashamed or embarrassed. Being naked in front of everyone was kind of liberating. I actually felt a relief and a freedom I had never felt before."

"I see. So you partied with the rest of the group romping in the pool for the rest of the evening?"

"Not exactly. What I noticed was that the women knew each other and would laugh and giggle among themselves but the men were strangers to them. This changed of course as people began to mingle. Joe was always kidding around with the women and the women shamelessly flirted with whomever they were near. At some point, Joe disappeared as did several couples when people paired up. One couple was in the corner on the chaise lounge having sex right by the pool. Can you imagine that, Sandy?"

"Amazing! Right in front of you?"

"Yes and they were rather vocal about it. Anyway, I was the only other woman left at the pool. There was a kid who was painfully shy sitting by himself on the edge of the pool with his enlarged penis straight up in the air. It had been like that for a long time. I went over to talk with him. Finally I got around to asking him why he always had a hard on.

He told me it just happened. Then he confided in me and said he had never had sex with a woman and was afraid he couldn't get it up. "Ya know," he said, "I'm here to fuck a lady like all the other guys, so I took a Viagra pill before coming on the cruise to be sure."

"Hold that thought, Phyllis. Let me open another bottle of wine."

When Sandy returned to the patio, Phyllis continued her story.

"I felt so sorry for him. I gave him a peck on the cheek and reached down to squeeze his very hard penis. I think he just reacted and grabbed my tits so I asked him if he would like to join me in my cabin. I was so horny feeling that kid's hard erection that we started making love without a minute of foreplay. I don't think the kid knew what foreplay was anyway.

"I helped him find the opening into my vagina and once he was in, he pushed it in all the way. The boy banged me for only a short time when he emptied a huge load inside me. Gee, Sandy, I hope this is not too graphic. I'm only trying to give you a heads-up on what happened."

"No Phyllis, I'm okay with it."

"We stayed the night together while I taught him how to have sex in lots of different positions. I had forgotten all about protection and condoms so he filled me time and time again with his hot semen. I figured since he was a virgin, there was no health risk."

Phyllis then told of her joy each time the virgin boy ejaculated. "Sandy, the kid had the stamina of the Gods. Each time he came, a flood of juices spewed out of him like a volcano erupting. I'm embarrassed to say this but his hot cum felt so wonderful inside me." And Phyllis was indeed embarrassed as her face turned crimson.

"So it was a memorable evening for you?" Sandy remarked.

"Oh yes and that wasn't the end of it. We had one more round at daybreak. I gave him a short blowjob to get us started and then I had him sit on the rocking chair. I sat on his cock and we rocked each other for another half hour. It was the first orgasm I had since Bob and I screwed on our first honeymoon night and that's a long time ago. Here's the best part, Sandy. Before he finished, I took him in my mouth and swallowed every last drop of his boy joy juice. I had totally forgotten how much I love the taste of cum."

While listening, Sandy could feel her excitement grow and knew her panties were drenched while imagining each detail of Phyllis's story.

Phyllis finished her story by saying, "We dressed and just before leaving the cabin for breakfast, he gave me an envelope and said, 'Thank you.' I asked him what it was for and he said it was a gift. I put it in my purse and didn't look at it until I got home. I got home around noon the next day and in the envelope I found $400. I couldn't believe it."

Sandy took a gulp of her wine and said, "That's quite an experience, Phyllis. Have you ever gone back?"

"Of course. I know it's just a sex party but there are new guys each time and I feel wanted and loved again. Women like me get the attention and romance we need from young studs and they help us with our finances because every guy leaves their woman a gift. I even spent an evening with the captain and apparently that's something special. Really, Sandy, you would love it if you and Andrew weren't so close. You are a beautiful sexy woman and are so attractive. The guys would go wild over you."

"I gotta say Phyllis, it sure sounds exciting. I don't think I could work up the nerve but I'm glad for you. Did you ever get to know the other gals from around here?"

"Yes, I know them but maybe I've told you too much already so I'm not naming names. You might have seen them at PTA meetings."

After Phyllis left, Sandy was so wet and horny she went straight to her computer where she had downloaded the three-some video that Jacques and Wendy had sent. While she watched, she massaged her g-spot using her joy toy enjoying each and every orgasm while imagining fucking young men on the Party Boat.

Written by xhardx13
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