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MILF In My Bathroom

"Sarah locks herself out, but the neighbour takes care of her."

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Author's Notes

"For the 5 years or so that I was a nursing mother, I was horny nearly all the time. I can't help feeling I missed out on so much fun. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Because my ex didn't find my full, milky boobs as much of a turn on as I did. I still find lactating breasts such a turn on."

Zak shuffled somewhat aimlessly along the street on his way home. As he approached the house he looked up and his heart began racing. He could already feel his face getting warmer as blood rushed to his cheeks and he started to blush. Sat on the little step outside her front door, and casually pushing and pulling her pram back and forth, was Sarah the next-door neighbour.

He saw her for the first time just over a year ago. She had recently moved in and he just happened to go and look out at the rain from his bedroom window. As he watched she ran from her kitchen in an attempt to save her washing. She was wearing black leggings and a little white T-shirt that was stretched tight across her large breasts. Her pregnant belly bulged in a soft round bump from the gap between her T-shirts and her leggings. The washing was almost dry when the deluge hit. But within seconds she and the washing were soaked, and her T-shirt was almost transparent. Zak had watched the whole spectacle, literally open-mouthed, from his bedroom window.

The first time he met her properly wasn't much better. He was arriving home from college. She was in her front garden pulling up weeds. She wore a loose dress with spaghetti-thin straps that hung open as she bent down. He could see straight through to her toes, or he would have done if she hadn't been 8 months pregnant. He was sure she caught him staring when she looked up and said hello. He had blushed outrageously, stammered, and mumbled a reply then more or less run away. Sarah just thought he was painfully shy and felt very sorry for him.

Zak was infatuated, even though his neighbour wasn't that much younger than his own mum. In fact, he had even been at school with one of her older kids. And she was nursing a baby, it was crazy. But he watched, thought about, lusted after, and fantasized over her all the time. He tried not to, but every time he saw her, he couldn't help but watch.

She was a wild, carefree creature, as messy as she was beautiful, as careless as she was open and friendly. Always very casually dressed and often not dressed at all in her own home. To the rest of the world and in every other way, Zak was a normal, intelligent, fit, and healthy young man. But she was his kryptonite, she turned him to mush, and he didn't understand how.

Sarah leaned back on her front door. She had locked herself out... again. The landlord wouldn't be there for another hour, nothing to do but wait. She closed her eyes and let the sun warm her face as she rocked the pram to keep the baby asleep. She heard footsteps nearby and opened her eyes.

"Hi Zak," she smiled up at him, shielding her eyes with one hand, "locked myself out again," she giggled. Partly at her own foolishness, but also because she could see he was blushing already. Sarah had figured out he had a thing for her, and if she was honest, she played to his weakness. Often being overly friendly with him, touching him, hugging him, and even hanging around in the garden when she knew he was watching from his bedroom window.

"Hi..." Zak replied nervously, then his mouth opened as if he was going to say something else, but he didn't. His eyes darted around, scared to make eye contact but fighting to resist the urge to stare at her body.

"How was college today?" she asked, "you will be finished soon, I guess?"

"Mmmm..." he agreed, thankful for the conversation lifeline she just threw him, "this is my last week, I start uni in..." Sarah's phone rang and she pushed her fingers into her skin-tight jeans to retrieve it. She spoke to the person on the phone, holding up one hand in an apologetic manner to Zak. He turned and quietly went into his house feeling a little deflated, and leaving Sarah outside.

It was Sarah's landlord, he was delayed and it would be a couple of hours before he could get there and let her in. She swore to herself and began trying to think of what she could do for a couple of hours, other than sit on this doorstep. The minutes passed without resolution until some time later a car pulled into the drive next door. It was Emma, Zak's mum.

"Oh Hi," Emma said getting out of her car, "you locked out?" Sarah nodded and was invited in for a sit-down and a cuppa. The two didn't really get on, they were total opposites, Emma was so in control of everything, and had the spotless car, garden, home, husband and son to prove it. Sarah was a divorced forty-something with a newborn baby that was clearly an accident.

The baby was the result of a moment of weakness with her ex-husband about eighteen months ago. She hadn't been with anyone else since they were married, and hadn't had sex for a long time before, or since, just that once, what are the chances? Yet here she was, a single mum with a baby and grown-up kids.

Half an hour later, Sarah was drinking tea on her neighbours' sofa and chatting about nothing at all. The baby was still asleep and had been for quite a while, it would be feeding time soon. But Sarah hoped she could hang on until the landlord got there. She shuffled forward onto the edge of her seat and peered into the pram, looking down. Something caught her eye and she noticed a wet patch growing on the front of her T-shirt.

"Shit..." Sarah swore quietly, then asked in a louder voice, "Umm, can I just use your bathroom?"

"Of course," Emma said, "I'm sure you know where it is, I'll watch the little one."

"Thanks," Sarah replied, grabbing her bag from under the pram and heading upstairs. The house was a mirror image of her own, so yes she knew the way. Up the stairs, straight ahead, the door on the left. She could hear Zak in his room, talking to his friends online. She giggled softly to herself, thinking how different he was around her.

Closing the bathroom door behind her quickly she fumbled with the lock, then turned to face the sink, looking at the wet patch on her top in the mirror. It was still growing bigger, and a line or two of wetness started to show, heading down to her belly.

"Oh for fucks sake..." she cursed with exasperation and lifted her top off over her head. Grabbing a handful of toilet tissue, she pressed onto the wet patch to soak it up. Her bra was wet as well, as was the pad over her nipple inside the cup. She hated that bra, it was so fucking uncomfortable. She reached back and unfastened it, letting the straps slide down her arms and the bra fall to the floor along with the wet cotton pad.

"Oh for fucks sake..." she swore again, watching her right breast in the mirror as it sent multiple jets of milky white liquid arcing into the sink. Released from the confines of her sturdy underwear, Sarah's breasts hung full and heavy from her chest. Her milk formed delicate little drips on her left nipple, which grew bigger and then ran down the pale white curve of her breast and onto her tummy. While her right sprayed wildly with a mind of its own into the sink.

Sarah lifted her right breast, gently squeezing the firm engorged globe to relieve the pressure. Leaning over the bathroom sink slightly as she massaged the milk from her heavy breast. Her nipple grew larger and stiffer as she caressed it. Sending a naughty tingle through her body to her pussy. She bit her bottom lip, almost giggling to herself at how ridiculous the situation was.

"Oh fuck..." Zak gasped, stood in the bathroom doorway, eyes and mouth wide open, staring at Sarah, watching literally dumbfounded as she milked herself.

"What the fuck..." she swore, standing upright and wrapping her arms across her chest in an attempt to conceal her naked breasts. She took one in each hand and pressed them against her. The added pressure on her left breast triggered a release and her milk began flowing from it, running between her fingers, dripping from her hand, and dribbling over her belly making the waist of her jeans wet.

A long, very awkward moment followed. Zak couldn't move, he stood rooted to the spot, gawping down at the topless woman in his bathroom. She likewise, was seemingly unable to react. In her head, she was screaming, "Get the fuck out!" But no words left her mouth. She gazed up at him, momentarily stunned, unable to process her reaction to the way he looked at her. She felt her skin tingling, her knees turning to jelly, and a powerful, deep, slow throb in her pussy.

"Hmmm..." Sarah heard someone whimper, then realised it was her. Someone had to do something, and she was the one getting wetter and wetter. So Sarah released her grip, letting her heavy breasts fall free, swaying and bouncing gently as she moved close to the sink again. She turned sideways onto Zak, still standing gawping at her like a rabbit in headlights. And she leaned over the sink, placing her hands on each side of it, and letting her milk run freely.

Zak watched his neighbour from the doorway, slowly regaining his ability to breathe, gazing in awe at her magnificent tits as they hung over his bathroom sink. Then she turned her head and looked at him in the mirror, biting her bottom lip, a strange, scared slightly desperate expression on her face. Does she? Zak thought to himself, could she possibly be? Zak's mind raced

Sarah turned a little more, lifting one hand from the sink and letting it drop by her side. Displaying her breasts to the young man who stood gawping at her. The way he looked at her sent a thrill through her body, and her large dark milky nipples stood out hard and wet. She looked up at him, his obvious admiration and lust filling a powerful need in her.

"What the fuck are you doing Sarah?" her mind was screaming at her, as she stood and blatantly offered her breasts to the teenager who stood gawping at her in the doorway. Her mind raced, trying to rationalise her actions. "She was single, he was probably single as well... they were both adults... why shouldn't they?"

Something inside him gave Zak a kick in the ass and, summoning up all his courage, he stepped into the bathroom, reached out, and gently lifted Sarah's milk-dripping right breast, squeezing and caressing it softly, making more of its milk flow from her hard dark nipple. He stood close beside her, moving his hand as he had seen Sarah doing, in slow gentle motions closing his fingers on her nipple and watching as her milk ran over them.

"Aaah..." Sarah whimpered as he massaged her breast, his body close to hers, his eyes fixed on her big full tits. She watched his face for a moment as he caressed her, the desire and passion in his eyes driving the last of her rationality from her mind.

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She wanted his desire, she needed it. So she moved her hand between them, feeling her way across the front of his shorts until she found him, hard and erect for her. Suddenly he bent forward, lifting her breast to his lips, and took her hard milky nipple into his mouth.

"Aaah fuck..." Sarah whimpered, her knees buckling as her neighbour began sucking hungrily on her engorged breast. Her hand moved on his big lust-filled cock, exploring its impressive length with her fingers before rubbing it through his shorts. The pair of them lost in the throes of passion working each other into a frenzy.

"Sarah..." Emma called from the bottom of the stairs "Sarah, your landlord is here."

"Ye... yes... I'll be down in a sec." Sarah managed to stammer in what she thought was a normal voice. Zak gently released her breast and stepped back, adjusting himself in his suddenly much tighter shorts.

"Fuck." He said and left the bathroom. Sarah quickly replaced her clothing and headed back to her own house, feeling sure that everyone could see how she was blushing. All that evening she thought about Zak, and what happened in the bathroom. Again and again, she told herself not to be so stupid and to forget about it. But she was so fucking horny now and was desperate to feel his adoration again.

The baby wouldn't sleep, too much rest in the afternoon meant she was wide awake until almost midnight. When she was finally asleep Sarah took a shower and fell into bed exhausted. Within seconds Zak had popped into her mind again, and a moment later she was pushing her fingers into her soft wet folds and fantasizing about the handsome young man next door.

She could hear him through her open window, the warm still night air carrying the sound of his online conversation into her room. She kicked off the covers and lay naked on the bed, thinking a good hard orgasm would get it out of her system, and her off to sleep. Sarah's fingers worked hard on her nipples, her pussy, and her clit until in no time at all she was wriggling naked on the bed in the throws of a wonderful orgasm.

"Hmmm..." she sighed and rolled over ready for sleep. But her pussy throbbed, and her body seemed to suddenly get very hot. The feel of Zak's cock kept popping into her head and her pussy reminded her over and over with each pulse that she wasn't satisfied, not by a long way. She got up and went downstairs.

Sarah opened the kitchen door and stepped quietly outside, keeping one hand on the open door just in case. Standing naked in her back yard the cool air felt wonderful on her skin, waves of goosebumps flowed across her thighs and tummy, and her nipples tightened. She looked up at Zak's bedroom window, a dim light glowed from within but there was no noise.

"If only he would look out his window now..." she thought to herself. Then without thinking any further than that, she slammed the kitchen door. The moment of deafening silence that followed seemed to last forever as she gazed up at his window. Then, at last, a shadow moved inside and he appeared, a look of utter shock and disbelief on his face as he stared down at his naked neighbour.

Sarah let him look, just long enough to be sure he knew she was showing him on purpose. Then she turned and went back into her house, leaving the door wide open behind her. She leaned back against the kitchen counter, doing her best to strike a sexy pose, and waited. Moments later a shadowy figure hopped over her fence and into her garden making Sarah's heart race. Then Zak appeared in the doorway, wearing just a pair of pyjama bottoms.

Trying to stay calm, though her hands were trembling, she took him by the hand and lead him through to the living room. The streetlight outside provided the atmospheric lighting as she stopped by the sofa and turned to face him. Slipping one hand around his waist, the other behind his neck, she stood on tiptoes and stretched up to kiss him.

Zak bent his head down and wrapped his arms around his beautiful neighbour, the pair of them locked in a passionate kiss, pressing their lips, and their bodies together in secret. Sarah's hands moved over Zak's muscular back, round to his waist. Then her fingers slipped into the waist of his pants and eased them down, her hands caressing his toned buttocks on the way.

She felt him burst free and press into her belly as his pants dropped to the floor. So Sarah began kissing her way down his smooth tanned chest, over his flat tummy, and on down until her lips were kissing the soft hair around his throbbing pulsing swelling shaft. Her lips and tongue moved along its length, kissing and licking to the tip. Then she pressed her soft red lips against him and slid his cock into her warm wet mouth.

"Uugh fuck..." Zak whispered, his legs wobbling just a little, as Sarah started to suck him. He looked down at her, watching as her head moved slowly back and forth, her hands gripping his ass cheeks and pulling him into her over and over, deeper and deeper. Until her face was pressing into his groin and every last inch of his impressive almost nine-inch cock was down the throat of the incredibly hot MILF next door.

Suddenly she pulled away and looked up at him grinning, she seemed pleased with herself. Zak felt he should say something, but his brain refused to engage so his mouth just opened and closed without a sound. Then Sarah got to her feet, took his wrist, turned him, and pushed him back onto the sofa.

She grabbed his knees and pulled until his hips were near the edge, then she placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into the seat as she climbed on top of him. Kneeling over him she reached down between her legs and lifted his stiff pulsing cock, rubbing the head against her soft dark folds for a moment, easing just the tip of him inside. Before violently impaling herself on his stiff weapon.

"Aah fuck..." Sarah gasped, and from that point, Zak was almost just a spectator. She leaned over him, her big soft milky tits bouncing, swaying, and bumping into his face. Her hips wriggling and squirming on his lap as she fucked herself on him. Grinding her clit against his groin in an almost desperate need for satisfaction.

"Grab my tits..." she gasped, panting and moaning as she fucked herself on her young neighbour. Zak did as he was told and grabbed her wet breasts in two big handfuls, squeezing and sucking them. Her milk ran over his fingers as Zak's hot MILF neighbour used him to pleasure herself.

"Harder..." Sarah panted, and Zak obliged, sucking one nipple deep into his mouth while his fingers pulled and twisted the other. He could taste her milk again, and feel it warm and wet between his fingers. The more he squeezed, the wetter they became and the more violently she squirmed. But the way she moaned as he tortured her tits meant he just couldn't stop.

"Aah... yes... yes... oooh fuck yes..." Sarah moaned and whimpered, wriggling harder and harder on his lap until she cried out, her body trembling and convulsing as her orgasm burst free and grabbed every nerve of her body in a deep tense throbbing orgasm. Zak felt Sarah forcing her throbbing pussy down onto him, amazed by the sensation of her vagina clenching on his shaft as she came and came.

Zak wasn't a virgin, but he wasn't very experienced either, and this was like nothing he had ever imagined. He sat back on the sofa, shellshocked, just holding his neighbour, her face buried in his neck, as her breathing slowly recovered and her body stopped quivering. Then she lifted her head and smiled at him.

Sarah looked down at the shocked young man, his disbelief written all over his face. She felt bad for just taking him like that and decided to make the whole experience a little more about him. So she leaned back and placed her hands on his knees, then lifted herself off his stiff cock until just the tip was inside her dark wet folds. There she held him and began working her warm wet pussy over the tip of his big hard cock again and again.

Zak sat back and watched, completely besotted with his neighbour now as she leaned back on display for him. Her big soft milk dripping breasts hung to the sides, her little round tummy creased and her thighs trembled while she worked her pussy on his cock. He looked down between her legs, gazing in awe as her wet cunt slobbered all over his shaft and the dark lips sucked on his fat swollen head.

"Uuh... uuh... Urgh..." Zak grunted, all too soon he felt the first uncontrollable throb of his own orgasm, his cock launching a huge pulse of his seed into her. Sarah plunged his cock deep inside and took the rest of his cum straight into her womb. Watching the young man's face as he came again and again, and sighing happily as he throbbed deep inside her.

Zak wrapped his arms around her and hung on as the last throes of his orgasm were spent, then they held each other tight until his erection eased. Satisfied at last, but suddenly feeling very naughty and guilty, Sarah lifted herself from the sofa and stood before him. She could feel his cum starting to run down her inner thigh.

"I think you better go," she whispered, feeling the need to be quiet now when a moment ago she had been almost screaming. "It is getting late." It was gone two in the morning, and Sarah was suddenly very tired. Zak picked up his pants and stood up to put them on, watching Sarah the whole time, mesmerised by the way her pale skin seemed to glow in the streetlight.

She led him to the kitchen door without either of them saying a word, both too wrapped up in their own thoughts, still processing what had just happened. In the doorway, Zak turned and paused for a moment. He seemed to struggle for words, longing to tell Sarah how wonderful the night had been for him, but unable to formulate the words.

"Goodnight, Mrs Brown." was all he could manage.

"Mrs Brown?" Sarah giggled, "I think you can call me Sarah, now," she laughed softly "Besides which, I am not Brown anymore, I am free and single. Goodnight Zak." Sarah stretched up to him and they kissed again. Then Zak hopped back over the fence, and Sarah closed the door.

A few minutes later she was fast asleep, face down and naked on her bed. Dreaming sweet dreams in the deepest sleep she'd had in such a long time.

Written by Li11ian
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