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Luna Launch

"Hanging out with his NASA neighbor is rewarding enough, but his busty daughter Luna has her own thanks to offer."

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It was a lazy day.  A little after lunch, I forced myself to knuckle down and go through one of the online training courses my uncle had put on my plate.  I knew most of it from working for him at his plumbing business officially for the last couple of years, and unofficially for quite a bit before that.  He knew that I had it down, but I needed to complete the courses anyway to prove to anybody else that I did.

It was the one demand my parents and uncle had made when I said I wanted to take a year off after graduating high school.  I’d initially thought I’d spend most of it camping, fishing, and partying, but hadn’t considered that most of my friends – and most of the girls – were going off to college.  Still, it was nice to have nothing much hanging over my head for a few months longer, and I got to skip one frozen pipe season.

I had something to look forward to as well.  Once I started working full-time, all I had to do was stay on with my uncle for five years, and my college fund was mine.  Between making good money and that windfall, I would be sitting pretty just a few years down the road.

With the online course out of the way, I headed next door.

Like a lot of kids, I’d wanted to be an astronaut.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t cut out for all the studying.  I’d just squeaked by as a C student.  Hardly astronaut material.  I never completely got over it though.  Part of that was because I lived next door to the next best thing, a retired NASA guy who had been there for the Apollo program.

Mr. Abbot was sitting on his front porch enjoying the unseasonably warm day when I walked outside.  His eyes lit up when he saw me.  “Keeps this up, it may be fishing weather soon.”

I chuckled.  “I wouldn’t hold my breath.  Have a feeling the groundhog is going to put the kibosh on that.”

Mr. Abbot let out a growl, shook his fist, and then said, “Ah well.  Soon enough.”

“Never soon enough,” I countered.  At some point as we’d talked the previous fall, the subject had come up and he’d revealed that he hadn’t been fishing in almost twenty years.  I made plans to take him as soon as the fish were biting.

“What can’t come soon enough is getting back up there,” Mr. Abbot said.  “Decades to get their heads out of their asses and head back to the moon.”

“I hear that.  Still over a year away.”

“I know better than most what it takes, but an old man’s got his own timetable you know?  At least we got those pictures.  Lord, I can’t imagine how amazing the ones from the surface will be.”

“Never mind the pictures.  I’m waiting for video.”

“I hear that.”  Mr. Abbot shivered.  “Well, it’s nice out for January, but the breeze is kicking up.  Want to come inside?  My daughter Luna sent off those old movies of mine to have them digitized, and they just came back.”

There was no containing my excitement when I asked, “From when you met Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong?”

He chuckled.  “Yes sir.  Some stuff I’d completely forgotten about too.”

He didn’t have to ask twice.

Though the videos were short, and had certainly suffered with age, they were still amazing.  He had video of him and Gene Kranz, the flight director for Apollo, as well as the astronaut videos.  Mr. Abbot added his own commentary, giving even more insight into the men behind the legends.

His late wife shot most of the movies, but she was in a few as well.  He always got a little misty-eyed when she was on screen.  She was a real looker.

The last of the videos was him in the pool with his three kids.  I’d met his son and youngest daughter, but Luna had only just moved back from the west coast a couple of days before.

To be honest, I lost track of time as he reminisced.  My mom dragged me back into the present with a text reminding me that with Dad out on the road, I had dishes to take care of.

“I know that look,” Mr. Abbot said as I read the text.  “Get on home.  No sense in riling up your mother.  Luna’s supposed to be stopping by shortly anyhow.”

I nodded as I got up from the couch.  “It may be a ways off yet, but we should start looking into getting you geared up for when the fish start biting.”

“Still have to convince my kids and that damn nurse that I’m not too old and feeble, but they’ll roll over.”

“Soon as they do, we’ll head over to the bait and tackle.  See you tomorrow, Amos.”

“See you tomorrow, Glen.”

A car pulled up in front of Mr. Abbot’s house as I was walking up my sidewalk.  Damn, I thought as I got my first look at who I assumed was Luna.  She was around my mom’s age, but still smoking hot, and dressed like she knew it.  She had some serious mommy milkers, and she was showing them off in a yellow top that looked like it was about to burst at the seams from holding them in.

The last thing I wanted to do was get caught staring, so I tore my eyes away from the sight and headed inside.  Mom had an early dinner ready to go, since she was heading in for a late shift at the hospital.  We ate, and then I took care of the dishes as promised.  Once Mom left for work, I had the place to myself.

After fruitlessly scrolling through a couple of streaming services, I was about to give up and head into town with the faint hope something would be happening.  The doorbell interrupted me as I was getting up from the couch.

She smiled as I opened the door and said, “I’m Mr. Abbot’s daughter, Luna.  Glen, right?”

I nodded.  At that same moment, a stiff breeze caused her to shiver, so I said, “Do you want to come in?”

“Thank you,” she said, and quickly stepped inside.

I knew I was in trouble.  Those big tits were trying to pull my eyes into orbit.  That gravitational effect wasn’t enough to stop me from briefly checking out the rest of her, though.  She had a nice ass, which her tight jeans showed off to good effect.

She said, “I only have a few minutes while Dad is with the nurse, but I wanted to say thank you.”

“What for?”

“Dad hasn’t been in the best of shape since Mom passed away.  Diana told me that he’d really perked up since you started coming over every day.  Hearing about it is one thing, but seeing it is another.  He’s like his old self again.”

“I like hanging out with him.  He’s got great stories.”

Her smile widened.  “And having someone around who hasn’t heard them all has really livened him up.  We all appreciate it.  We were worried about him.”

My eyes had somehow drifted down to her cleavage, but I redirected my gaze and said, “It’s no problem – really.”

“Now, about this fishing thing...  Dad doesn’t really get around all that well.”

I quickly said, “The place I was going to take him, we can drive right up to the pond.  It would be a shorter walk than the mailbox.”

“Really?” she responded – sounding surprised.

“Oh yeah.  It’s on a friend of mine’s property.  It’s full of crappie, bass, and catfish.  It’s the laziest fishing you’ll ever do.”  I remembered something and pulled my phone out of my pocket.  “Here, I’ll show you,” I said, and then scrolled to a picture that showed me and a couple of friends at the pond with the car parked in view.

Luna accepted my phone and said, “Well, you’re right.  That looks pretty easy.”

“It’s not that far away, either,” I said as I stepped in closer and pointed at the picture.  “You can see the cell tower that’s just up the road.”

I only realized after the fact that standing next to her where I was, I was basically staring straight down her top.

She handed the phone back and said, “Okay.  You’ve convinced me.  Only after it actually gets warm though.”

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“For sure.”

As I slipped my phone back into my pocket, she chuckled and gave a little shake of her head.  She then lifted her hand to her chest and said, “You really can’t keep your eyes off them, can you?”

My face instantly felt as hot as the sun.  I looked down and stammered, “I...   It’s... Uhm...”

She didn’t let me suffer for long and said, “It’s okay.  I paid good money for them, after all.”

“Sorry,” I said as I looked back up and forced myself to make eye contact.

“Anyone else home?” she asked.

My brow furrowed and I shrugged.  “No, Mom just left for work and Dad is out on the road.”

“Well, then...”

She reached up and pushed a strap off her shoulder.  The opposite one followed.  Before my brain could catch up, she’d let those magnificent tits loose.  My mouth and eyes were both wide open as I drank in the sight of them.  She had big, suckable nipples surrounded by huge areolas.  They were a little pendulous, but nice and round from the implants.  If she had a scar from the surgery, I couldn’t see it.  Not that I cared.

Luna cupped her breasts in her hands and said, “Get a good look.  Like them?”

“They’re fucking incredible.”

She took a couple of steps, and she was standing right in front of me.  She let those big tits go, reached down, and took hold of my hands.  The slightest hint of lifting them was all I needed.  She moaned when I grabbed one in each hand and squeezed.  Her nipples were stiff against my palm.

“Feel as good as they look?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” I answered as I explored them with my hands.

One of her hands slipped behind my neck, tugging me toward them.  I didn’t need any more encouragement than that, and lifted her right breast to my lips.

Luna moaned, and she didn’t hesitate any more than I had when she reached between my legs.  She gasped as her fingers squeezed my rapidly swelling erection.  “Oh my,” she said in a sensual whisper, and squeezed harder.  An incredibly sexy growl escaped her.

I sucked on that big nipple as my cock throbbed in her grasp.  She let go a moment later, but only so she could go to work on the button of my pants.  Despite one hand caressing the back of my head, she made short work of the button and the zipper to slide her hand under the waistband of my underwear.

I groaned around her nipple when her fingers curled around my naked erection.

“God,” she said, and shuddered.  “Sit down.”

A push caused me to reluctantly let her nipple go and step back toward the chair behind me.  Luna sank to her knees as soon as my legs touched the chair, and she wrestled my jeans down to my knees – taking my boxers with them.

My bare ass had barely landed in the chair before she yanked off my shoes without bothering to untie them.  As soon as that obstruction was out of the way, she turned her attention to getting my pants the rest of the way down.

Luna’s eyes fixed on my bouncing erection, and she licked her lips.  She looked up into my eyes as she pushed my jeans aside.  “I wish I could take my time, but Dad will be wondering where I’m at soon.”  She leaned forward, took my cock in hand, and slapped it against her tits.

Then she twitched her eyebrows and swallowed my dick.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned as her hot mouth engulfed me.

There was nothing of teasing in what she was doing.  Luna sucked me fast, hard, and deep.  Quiet croaks emerged from her throat every time the head of my dick pushed into it, but it didn’t slow her down whatsoever.  I growled and put a hand on the back of her head as it bobbed in my lap.

Her big tits rested on my legs.  Thick saliva coated my erection after only a few sucks, and I could feel it trickling down on to my balls as well.  Her blonde hair tickled me as it danced from the motion of her head.  It was like no blowjob I’d ever had.  She was so aggressive that it had me lurching and banging my head against the back of the chair.

Luna moaned around me and kept right on sucking.

I couldn’t stop it when my hips bucked, shoving my cock deeper into her throat.  A much louder croak sounded as her lips parted around me, and it was followed by a gag.  She jerked away and gasped, but the hand that had been wrapped around the root started stroking my saliva-slick dick.

Luna sniffled and swallowed for a couple of seconds as she caught her breath.  Then she said, “Don’t hold back.  I want that cock to explode.”

With that, she wrapped her lips around me again.

It was a request I wasn’t going to have much trouble fulfilling.  She slipped her other hand under my balls, cupped them, and rolled them gently in her palm as she went back to sucking me like a vacuum.  I grunted and growled uncontrollably from how good it felt.  Her tongue slid up my length with every upward stroke of her lips.  In less than a minute, my fingers were tightening in her hair as the wicked itch rapidly swelled in my cock.

Luna let out an excited moan and somehow sucked me even faster.  Once again I lurched from the pleasure, but this time – though her cheeks puffed out for a second – she didn’t let me go.  Only a handful of hard, sloppy sucks later, I was on the edge.

Before I could warn her that I was about to come, she let me slip from her lips with a wet pop.  She pulled her knees under her, leaned forward, and rested the head of my dick between those massive tits.

“Give it to me.  Shoot that hot load all over my titties,” she said as she jerked me.

“Oh shit,” I growled from between clenched teeth, and then an inarticulate, almost barking sound burst from my lips as I went off like a volcano.

Luna squealed as my cum spattered on her tits.  “That’s it.  Give me that cum,” she said.  Her hand slowed down and she moaned as she milked blast after blast out onto those big tits.

Her chest and tits were thoroughly streaked with globs of cum by the time I started to dribble.  She took her right breast in hand, pointed the head of my dick at her nipple, and rubbed the underside of the head with her thumb until I oozed cream onto the stiff point.

Then she lifted her nipple to her lips and sucked it clean.

That was enough to make my eyes roll up in my head – which was a mistake.  I cried out when her soft lips closed around me and her tongue danced over the head of my sensitive cock.

She chuckled as she let me go, and then smacked her lips.  I let my eyes drift open to see her squeezing her breasts together.  She let them slip apart once she noticed my eyes on her – showing the webs of cum stretched between them.

I let out a pitiful groan, but she gave my still-twitching cock an affectionate pat, and didn’t torture the sensitive organ anymore.  When she reached for a convenient box of tissue sitting on the table next to the chair, I let my eyes close again.

“That was a nice big load,” I heard her say.

“Yeah.  Jesus,” I muttered, which drew a giggle from her.  I could faintly hear the sound of her wiping her breasts with the tissue.

I was deep into the post-come coma, and didn’t even realize she’d finished when she grabbed my wrist.  I opened my eyes to see her holding my phone.

“Unlock it.”

I pressed my finger against the screen, and it unlocked.  As soon as it did, she started tapping away.  A few seconds later, I heard a tone sound from her phone.  She sat my phone down, retrieved hers, and then took a picture of her still-naked breasts.  Sure enough, my phone sounded off shortly thereafter, and I saw where she’d sent me the picture.

Luna stood up and set to the task of stuffing her tits back into that top.  I watched – enjoying the show – and she ended by pushing them around with her hands until they settled where she wanted them.

“Just wanted to say thank you properly,” she said with a wink.  “Dad’s going to be wondering what happened to me.”

My neighbor’s sexy daughter gave me a finger-waggling wave, chuckled, and then headed for the door.

Needless to say, I was over the moon.

Written by RejectReality
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