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Loving my Mother-in-Law

"It was her soft skin that got me..."

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We found ourselves alone together on the couch after a morning and most of an afternoon of laboring in the yard. I was still sitting in the sweaty clothes I'd been working in all day, but Lisa had taken a shower. She was now in a loose-fitting pair of aged khaki shorts and a peach tank top. My mother-in-law had never been one to care much about fashion. Now in her early 50's, she was still in decent shape. She never exercised, just kept a light diet. Her skin was always fair and never really tanned. And now her brown hair hung, still a bit damp, about to her shoulders.

Half laying on the couch, the tips of her toes just barely grazed against my leg. I hadn't given it a thought, but she had these petite feet with adorable little toes, highlighted in a very light pink. I'd pulled my hat off and wiped away a bit of sweat, then flopped my arms down to find my hand resting on the top of her right foot, about at the ankle. She was saying something about my help, not being able to get all this done without me, something like that.

How did we end up in the house alone?

I think I said something back about being glad to help? Or maybe I'd told her I was hungry? Or maybe I said I was tired? I can't remember the conversation at all. But I suddenly found myself gently caressing the top of her lovely foot as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back into the sunlight that filled half of the room.

At some point, my subconscious contact became quite deliberate. I moved closer to her, picking her legs up and sliding beneath them. I began to massage her at the heel, then her tired arch, and finally, the soft flesh of the bottom of her toes. Then flexing and spreading them out, I would pause before starting again on her other foot.

Her eyes were still closed as she gave a light moan. It didn't seem to be sexual, but more a sound of relief and relaxation.

As time passed, I began to work my way slowly up her legs. Eventually, I was working from the back of her knees, through her calves, and once again to her toes. It was only after I had become bold enough to start working up the milky skin of her inner thighs did she gasp in surprise, as if becoming aware and uncomfortable.

But she did not ask me to stop, and I had no plans to do so on my own. It was when I was cupping her left foot in my hand, working her arch with my thumb, and my other hand was rubbing up her thigh, just barely under her shorts that she snapped from her trance.

"Wait. What are you doing," she stated more than asked.

"Shhh...," I replied rubbing deeper into her muscles.

"No, really. What is happening here?"

There was a new tension in her body but still, she did not ask me to stop.

With her legs in my lap, I paused from rubbing. Cupping the outer edge of her shapely foot in my hand, I brought it to my mouth. With firm and deliberate pressure, I began to kiss the inner arch of her foot. I then began to work my way to her heel, back to the arch, then to her toes. As my mouth worked, my other hand had disappeared completely under her shorts, and was now working around the edge of her fresh panties.

Placing her pleasured foot back in my lap, I took the one now nearest to me. Lifting it to my mouth, I began to give it a similar treatment. Her leg now in the air, I stole a glance up the baggy leg of her shorts. Her panties were plain and dull. They gave me the feeling that she had given up on the idea of sex for pleasure far too long ago. Some moisture had begun to grow, clinging to her body and showing the outlines of a mound of hair hidden beneath. In this time, her free, naked toes had begun to dance over the bulge in my own shorts.

"You are absolutely mad," she told me. "You, we can't. What are you .." she would stammer as she tried to gain an understanding of the situation.

"Shhh," I encouraged a second time.

Starting at her knee, I took her leg in both hands and firmly worked up to her panty line and back down. Each time I would linger a bit longer, becoming more firm with the sensitive skin and what were now swollen and neglected pussy lips.

Suddenly, she stopped me. In a flurry of clumsy activity, she scrambled to her feet and began to pace the room.

"Come with me," I told her, taking her by the hand.

"What? Where?"

"Come with me," I said again with a bit more force, and guided her to her bedroom, pulling the door not totally closed behind us.

When I turned around, she was still standing exactly where I had lead her. Sliding my hands just under the bottom of her shirt, I began to kiss her neck as I rubbed the soft skin of her stomach. As I worked around the back of her neck to the other side, I worked one hand slowly up to her tits as the other moved just under her waistband.

"I know you've only been with one man your whole life," I whispered into her ear. I undid the button on her shorts and with a small tug, let them fall to the floor. My hands were now intent on her hips, where I could feel her shake with nerves. "I'm going to have you now."

"To...have me," she repeated.

"Yes. I'm going to have you," I breathed into her ear.

"How do you mean?"

I was uncertain if she was asking out of modesty, confusion, or if she simply wanted to hear someone talk dirty to her. Her lack of experience, even at her age made me think she was unsure of what was to happen next. She seemed to think this was a dream and she may wake up.

"Have you," I said as I spun her to face me. "I'm going to lay you on your bed. I'm going to strip off your clothes. I'm going to put your legs over my shoulders and bury my face in what must be a very lonely pussy."

She blushed and covered her mouth as if she'd just heard the word for the first time.

"And when I am ready, I will plant my cock so deeply inside you that you may think you're going to die."

With no time given for more words, I scooped her up and carried her to her bed. Kneeling at the foot board, I peeled off my shirt. She seemed paralyzed by the moment. I then slid out of my shorts and boxers, letting my now throbbing cock spring free.

"Oh goodness," she gasped. "I've just-, I mean...I've never seen know, besides my husband," she babbled.

"Shhh," I encouraged again.

I took her by the ankles and placed one foot on my chest. The other I bought to my mouth once again. I tenderly kissed each of her toes, taking the time to rub the rest deeply. Moving with more speed, my mouth worked to her arch, then to her heel. She was breathing heavily as I changed places of her feet and began the same treatment on the other.

Reaching quickly to her hips, I took her panties on both sides and deftly pulled them down the length of her legs, casting them to the floor. Her legs squeezed together as her hand instinctively flew between them to cover herself.

Spreading her legs very gently, I slid myself between them. I kissed the back her hands which covered her nervous sex, and placed them on my head as if to encourage her to move me where she would enjoy the most. A huge mound of hair looked back at me. It made sense, as the idea of shaving was uncommon at her sexual height. So hooking her legs over my shoulders, I cupped my hands on her hips and pressed my face to her mound, nuzzling my nose into her hair.

Her back arched, driving her head into the pillows on her bed as I made the first long lick over her lips. I could feel her stomach pulse a bit with tension as continued. Increasing my grip, I increase my pace, hammering her clit with my tongue. Her hips began to roll in coordination with my efforts and it seemed her inhibitions we being left behind.

I freed my right arm, and dipped my pinky finger into her pussy. Her free leg went straight, as the other squeezed me tighter to her. Once wet with her juice, I continued to work her slit while circling her asshole with my finger.

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She immediately jerked with surprise and one again was immediately tense.

Realizing that was probably a bit advanced, I immediately stopped, deciding not to give her a reason to want to stop. Instead, I sunk my middle finger as deep as it would go. Her tension was once again only sexual and no longer hesitant. I continued to assault her clit with my mouth, and added a second finger deep into her hole. Her soft moans began to intensify as she took a handful of my hair and forced me harder on to her. With one leg held in place, her free leg was now over my other shoulder. The softness of her naked toes dragged up and down my back, intensifying the hardness of my cock. She curled her toes on my back as her thighs shook, and a small trickle of cum slid from her lips, dampening the sheets beneath her.

I took her disorientation to change positions. I placed my hand behind her knees, and pressed them back towards her to hold her legs in the air. Eyes closed, she winced in a bit of discomfort, not as flexible as she one was. I relaxed the angle a bit to allow her some comfort, placing my cock on the outside her lips. I sawed back on forth, not entering, but allowing her to feel me as she lubricated my package for what was to come next.

I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her hole and waited. I slowly dipped just the head in and out, feeling her warmth.

"This is your last chance to tell me to stop," I offered as I returned to gently kissing each of her toes, one by one. "I'll pull out and we can forget everything."

"I don't... I mean, maybe... I'm not sure," she was stammering, still confused and overwhelmed by the situation.

With no confirmation or denial, I sunk eight inches of swollen, throbbing cock into her hairy cunt until my sagging balls pressed to her asshole. She screamed in a combination of pleasure, pain and surprise.

I began to pump with deliberate depth and speed. Her eyes fluttered when not closed, as her back arched slightly to meet me and her fingers gripped the bed sheet around us. I pulled out briefly, making a wet popping sound as I sat back on my knees. Then grabbing her hips, I pulled her off the bed, plunging myself back into her. Keeping my grip, I began to thrust more violently, pulling her down on to me to increase control and vigor.

I released one side, and grabbed at the tank top, still covering part of her. I pulled the straps from her shoulders, then taking it in the middle, pull it down until it was just a small band around her stomach. Her tits her small, and sagged a bit, which I expected. But her hands immediately flew to them, covering them from sight. It seemed odd to me that she would still have a feeling of modesty as I was doing my best to split her in half?

"Turn over," I ordered as I pulled myself from her.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean turn over. Get on your hands and knees," I replied.

What boring sex life she must have experienced never to have been taken from behind. But thought confused and clearly nervous, she did as I asked.

I spread her legs farther apart then she may have thought, and reached between them, placing my hand on her stomach. Rubbing gently from her belly to her pelvis, my forearm and wrist continued to stimulate her pussy. She gasped slightly as I leaned forward and gently began to kiss her bare ass, which was begging for my attention. I had not realized my position until I felt the pleasant tickle of her toes tickling my balls. She seemed to recognize the appeal, and continue to twist her ankle back and forth, encouraging more pleasure.

Taking my hand out from between her legs, I began to thrust my middle and ring fingers into her hairy cunt, and took one ass cheek in my other hand. Without asking, I move from kissing her ass, to full oral assault on her puckered and virgin asshole. Immediately her body tensed again with the experience. But not wanting her to get away, I pressed my thumb to her clit as I stimulated her hole. She relaxed almost instantly, pressing her ass up to meet me, and burying her face into the pillows before her as a long and guttural moan filled the room.

She whimpered in disappointment when stopped to change positions. I immediately smacked her pale, white ass to discipline her for being greedy. A large and very red hand print appeared almost immediately as I took a firm hold of her hips, and once again plunged my ragingly hard cock back within her. There was no tenderness about the activity. It was savage and primal and raw fuck as the wet slapping of my hips on her ass echoed in the room.

"Oh, no! Oh, no," she cried as my balls continued to bounce off her clit with each thrust. "It... there is just too much! I can't.. I just don't think," she protested.

I grabbed her hair, and pulled her head back, biting the crux of her neck and shoulder.

"You can take it," I encouraged her. "You've got my entire cock in your wet, lonely pussy. Let yourself go. I want you to cum all over my cock. I want to feel your juice drip down my..."

I was interrupted by a shriek at the top of her voice as a violent orgasm ripped her entire body. I slowly wrapped my arms around her stomach, holding my cock inside her as the shock of the orgasm pulsed through her body.

I turned her over, placing her once again on her back. Her hair was a wreck. Sweat glistened all over her body, which was still trembling. Her mouth was open as if she wanted to moan, but gave no sound. And her eyes lay closed, trying to find composure.

I touched the head of my cock to her quivering lips, but she jerked quickly, telling me the feeling was still too intense. But she had seemed to come to understand my pleasure, and pulled her knees to her chest. She drug the softness of one shapely foot in all ways around the length of my shaft while the other worked between my legs, massaging my balls. The contrast was amazing, and the sight of her curled toes wiping her cum on my cock was to die for.

I wanted to cum, but I needed more.

I took her by the ankles to open her legs to me once again. With a slow and deliberate motion, I sunk myself into her over and over, occasionally wiggling my hips back and forth to stimulate us both. I took one foot cupped in each hand, holding tighter and massaging her soles with my thumbs as my anticipation grew. I felt a sudden swell in my cock, and knew the end was near. Apparently she felt it too, as her eyes flew open in surprise that she could be filled any further.

"I'm going to cum," I managed with remarkable composure. "Where do you want it?"

"Where do I want what?"

"My cum," I nearly chuckled. "Do you want me to cum inside you?"

"What do you mean? Where else would you?"

Now I couldn't help but grin. The amateur nature of the question amused me, and I began to thrust harder and deeper until I could hold it no longer. I pulled out and turned to kiss the instep on one foot. I released the other, and sitting up over her pelvis, jacked my cock furiously until rope after rope of cum exploded from within me. The blast left streaks and puddles from her collar, between her tits, over the shirt that was still wrapped about her, and eventually landing in a small pool on her belly.

I shook with joy and release as my lips still kissed her soft foot. I gathered myself, and opened my eyes to see her look back at my in a state of panic and confusion. It would seem in the whole of her life, never had she been left covered in sweat and seed. She laid there, nearly motionless, as I released her legs and allowed them to come to rest gently on the bed.

"You'll want to clean yourself up," I said as I walked across the room to grab an offer her a towel. "I wouldn't want anyone to walk in and see you like that."
Written by dirty_chop
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