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Long wait is over - Part 1

"When maturity in the life meets exuberance of youth"

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“Ohhhh Aaaadiiii!!!” I cried, “Don’t stop.” Aditya kept on pounding me strongly, making humming sound till a point where he couldn’t hold back and grunted loudly. His body trembled, and he exploded in me. Kept on cumming in me for some time, he collapsed on me. Still humming, he was exhausted and breathing heavily, he dug his face on pillow. I guessed, I have drained him more than what he was expecting. Smiled to myself, I hugged him tightly on my body as I wanted him to enjoy the aftermath of beautiful love making.

He kept himself on my body for some time, till he gathered some strength and raised his neck. Looking at me, he grinned.

“How was it?” looking at him, I questioned.

“Out of the world!!!”, he replied and moved forward to kiss my lips. Willingly, I accepted his gesture and we kissed each other. Slowly and passionately, our kiss prolonged for some time, till Aditya didn’t even realise when he slept in my arms.

Down on the floor mat, we rested for some time. Then, I withdrew myself from down under his body and got up. Adjusted the pillow underneath his head. Tied my hair bun and I directly headed towards the bedroom. Quickly had the shower in the adjacent bathroom, had a nice bath and came out. Opened the wardrobe and took out the nightie and wore it. Heading towards the kitchen, I walked out through my living room where Aditya was sleeping on the floor mat.

“Oh, he must be feeling cold”, I thought and rushed back to bedroom, I opened the wardrobe again and took out the blanket from the bottom shelf. Came back to living room and spread it over Aditya who was sleeping quietly. Moved my fingers through his hairs and I smiled.

Walking toward the kitchen, I reached there where it all started around an hour back when Aditya came to see me. I was teaching him how to make “Gulab Jamun”. My kitchen platform was all messed up as flour was spread all over it. Sugar syrup which was required for the preparation was laid on the platform. My eyes went to the corner where my saree with blouse which was all ripped off was laying. I quickly went there and gathered it and threw in laundry basket. I was in no mood to clean the kitchen. Rather wanted to have a strong coffee which I quickly made and pour it in the mug and came out to living room.

Sitting at the dining table, sipping the coffee, my brain was thinking rapidly however my body was sluggish. It was just an after effect of having sex with an energetic young man, Aditya. I met Aditya at the local supermarket around six months back while I was buying grocery. He was new in town and was setting up the house before he can join his office job. I helped him to do so and during that time, our friendship grew.

He was appointed as a junior clerk in local government telecom provider. At the age of 21, this was his first job and he was staying away from his family. On the other side, I was in my early-forty’s and was living alone after divorce, working with a local educational institute, handling accounts.

Ours was a small town of not much population where I have had my parent’s small bungalow. Fortunately, Aditya too have rented a place in same locality not much far from my place. We frequently started meeting up at the evening tea and snacks. As he was staying away from the family, he was badly missing his homemade food and I, who was good at cooking was just like a dream come true for him.

We started spending more time with each other. Though our schedule was quite opposite to each other’s as I used to start my day from home to office at around 6.30 in the morning and used to come back by 3 in the afternoon. On the other hand, he was with regular job timings of 9 to 5. So, meeting each other’s was quite difficult. But quickly he adjusted with the local people and authorities and started taking liberty of leaving little early to meet me.

I was too kind of eager to meet him and was continuously looking at the clock to tick 5. It was his presence that I started taking care of myself more and more. In my 40’s, I started looking trendier than I was few months back and few of my male colleagues gave me compliments for the same as well.

To describe myself, I wasn’t having a thin athletic body type but with a height of around 5.3, I was rather plumpy and heavier on bottom. Prominent feature of my body was my round butts which I found many men staring at times including Aditya. I never used my body to my advantage any time before, but with Aditya I couldn’t stop myself from deceiving him in my feminine charm.

Like old times, I again started wearing my chiffon sarees, draping them tightly and pairing them with sleeveless and round, deep neck blouses quite often in his presence which were acting like a magnet to pull him near me. I didn’t know what has happened to me, but I was kind of more attracted to Aditya though he wasn’t like of many young, bold men whom many women were attracted. He was simple, with regular body type with height around 5.10 or 5.11, must not be weighing more than 70 kgs. In ideal world, we were no close to each other in match, but we were soon going to become inseparable. During our togetherness in last six months, there were many occasions when we were so close to lose the control over ourselves and getting involved but we didn’t till today.

Day before yesterday, Aditya came to meet me in the evening when I was having a Gulab Jamun which was given to me by one of my friends. As I was about to eat the final one, Aditya expressed his desire to share it with me and we ate it half-half. He liked it so much that he wanted to eat more but couldn’t as it be the last one. That put off his mood and made me sad as I couldn’t fulfil his wish. So, I decided to make Gulab Jamuns for my Aditya
and made whole preparation for it.

Today, I started an hour early from office and reached home at around 2 in the afternoon. I was having two hours as I was expecting Aditya to come at 4, earlier by an hour. After getting freshen up, I quickly started the preparation. As few minutes have passed and I was making a dough of the flour, doorbell rang. I was surprised as I was not expecting anyone at that time. The dough was plastered all over my fingers but I somehow managed to open the door. Aditya was standing at doorstep.


I smiled, “How did you manage to come so early?”. My face expressed my happiness.

“Somehow I did. Gulab Jamuns attracted me towards you.” He responded with grinning face. I welcomed him in.

“You are looking beautiful Aasha !!!” he commented while carefully observing me. I was wearing orange designer georgette saree with lace border which I bought almost a month back on festive occasion but didn’t wear it. I had paired it with a designer short sleeve blouse with deep round neck pattern. Purposely kept it more revealing than my other blouses as I was expecting Aditya.

“Thanks Aditya!!!”, I replied with smile for his comment. He was just wandering around me, carefully seeing what I was doing. I had applied light make-up which I normally do and matched my lips with my saree colour. Finally paired with same colour prominent bindi on my forehead which was giving me an audacious look. He couldn’t restrain himself from me and said,


“I should help you Aasha”, he came walking behind me. My hands were in the dough and I was trying to give the round shape to Gulab Jamuns.

“Want to try?” I smiled and asked him.

“Why not”, he replied and dug his hands in the flour with me. Laughing at his efforts to help me in between, we both were trying to shape the Gulab Jamuns. Our fingers were touching each other in the process of doing it.

“We should make it together”, he suggested

“How?”, I asked him.

He came exactly behind me and kept his hands over my hands, sliding it down. He rested his chin on my shoulder and his fingers slowly intertwined in my fingers in dough.

“Oh… “, I exclaimed with over excitement but tried to keep it hidden from him.

Though his fingers were busy with my fingers, he was sniffing my hairs. I could feel his strong breath just below my ear and over my neckline. Moving from my one shoulder to other, he continued sniffing my hair.

“Your smell is intoxicated Aasha”, he whispered in my ear to which I didn’t reply. As there was no response from my side, he nibbled my earlobes. Sniffing, softly kissing, partially licking my neck to the shoulder, journey ended just at my blouse. Restricted with it over my shoulder, he held hand of my blouse and pulled it down. With exposed shoulder, he gave me a deep bite on the shoulder. I almost shouted but controlled myself.

“What are you doing Adi?”, I murmured. Unknowingly I called him “Adi”.

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“Trying to taste my Gulab Jamun!!!” he whispered back in my ear while kissing my neck. He led himself to my other shoulder. Continued kissing to my bare shoulder, he tried to pull other hand of my blouse in which he didn’t succeed.

“It won’t come out that way. You need to unhook it from front,” I pointed him out to the front of the blouse.

“No. It will Aasha. I will show you”, as he said this, he forcibly pulled off the other hand, ripping off my blouse from front.

“Oh… What have you done? “I shouted on him. He turned me towards him and pulled blouse out of my hands. I was not at all expecting this from Aditya who was so nice and gentle till this point.

With pallu of the saree fallen on the floor, I was standing in bra in front of him.

“I need you Aasha.”, looking at me, he said in firm manly voice. “You are my desire. I have waited long for this moment and I know you too wanted this to happen.”. His voice was demanding, and I decided that it was the time to end this game of hide-seek.


I smiled and extended my arms and we pulled each other. We were very close to our first kiss. I was eagerly wanting this to happen. And as Aditya was too keen on this, I knew this was going to be enjoyable for both of us. Aditya held my face in his palm. His thumb explored my lips while his other fingers caressed my cheeks. He did not waste any time further and kept his lips on mine. The feeling was amazing. After many years, I have been kissed. Like a teen, I was shivering. But Aditya didn’t stop. He kept on exploring my lips more and more, moving from my upper lip to lower lip. And I was responding to his all movements. We hugged each other tightly as we both didn’t want any of the moments to be passed. I don’t know how long we kissed. When we broke our kiss and looked in each other’s eyes, we smiled.

“How was it?”, he asked.

“Splendid!!! I hope that we don’t just stop here.” I responded in husky voice.

“Nah!!! How can I? I have a five-course meal in front of me and how can I stop at starters”, he replied with wicked smile on his face.

“Naughty you!!! “, I said this and again we pulled each other and started kissing. This time his hands went back and unhooked my bra. Slowly he pulled it out of my hands.

“Are they good?” I asked him as he had stopped kissing and was gazing at my boobs.

“Considering my age, they mustn’t be as good as what you have wanted”, I asked him again.

Aditya held my boobs in both hands and pinched my nipples.

“Aaahhhhhh!!!” I moaned. “Softly Adi…”

Aditya slowly pushed me back to the kitchen platform. He hurriedly slid the plates on the platform to the sink, causing all the flour spread on the ground. But we didn’t bother it at all. Held me by my waist and he made me sit on the kitchen platform. Didn’t waste any time further, he bowed down and started licking my boobs.

“Ohhhh wow !!!”, I moaned, slowly moving my hands in his hair, I was observing what he was doing. Like a baby, he was sucking my boobs vigorously. Giving out a grunt in between, he was in no mood to stop. I was excited by now, which has made my nipples grew stiff. After a while, he stopped and looked up at me. I grinned, and he came up and kissed me passionately. While coming up, he dragged my saree up above my knees, exposing my thighs. I put my legs around his waist, locking him and we started kissing again.


“Raise your hands!!!”, I said to him which he followed, and I took off his t-shirt. He was quite hairy. He pulled me down off the kitchen platform.

“Should I take off your saree?”, he asked me.

“Will you not if I say No?”, I questioned him back with a smile.

He smiled and slowly pulled the saree off my petticoat and removed it quickly. Untied the knot of the petticoat, he let it fall on the floor. I was standing almost naked in front of him except with the panty on. He didn’t waste the time and removed my panty as well.


Though my body was not in proper shape as compared to any girl of Aditya’s age, but I presumed it to be quite desirable to him. Being on the heavier side, I was rather plumpy with flesh mounds on the correct places to tease and please any man. And as I have a round curvy ass, which he must have fantasized many times, I was confident that he would love my luscious body.

After observing my naked body carefully for some time, “I wasn’t wrong !!!”, he smiled and said in naughty tone.

“Not wrong?”, I questioned him.

“Yeah. I thought that you must be hairy but properly trimmed down there. And here you are as per my expectation.”, he commented.

“Did you like it?”, I questioned him again.

Of course!!! I liked it honey”, he said. Surprisingly, he called me “honey”, which I liked so much that, I moved forwards and kissed him passionately.
“Call me honey whenever we are together !!!”, I said in soft voice. He smiled, and we continued the kiss. He lifted me by supporting around my waist and held my legs around his waist.

“Should we move out?”, He asked.

“Yes. “, I mumbled and gripped my hands around his neck tightly.

He directed himself out of the kitchen, making the way through the flour spread, while I was clinging on his body. We reached to the drawing hall and he gently kept me on the sofa.

“Hope, you are not expecting anyone at the home now”, he enquired.

“No. I didn’t. Maid has already finished her work and she should not be returning before tomorrow”, I replied, “I was expecting you little late but you came early”, I smiled and added.

“I couldn’t stay away from my Gulab Jamun”, he said in naughty voice again, “And when I am eating, I don’t want any disturbance”.

“Be assured that we won’t be disturbed”, I replied him, “I also don’t like any kind of disturbance when I am being eaten”, I said in soft voice, gesturing him to my hairy pussy.

He smiled. Adjusted the place for him to kneel on the floor by moving the centre table little away. I too rested back on the sofa, slightly spreading my legs. Something mind blowing was going to happen, and I was prepared for it. I was just expecting that Aditya should be more patient on it.

He spread my legs little more, holding my thighs apart and leaned forward on my pussy.

“Is it much hairy?”, I asked him. I wanted to hear that it was perfect for him. And as per my expectation, he replied, “No Honey !!! It is absolutely flawless.”. He moved little further and smelled my pussy. Slowly moving his nose in my private hair, he kept on sniffing. Suddenly, he took out his tongue and started licking my pussy lips.

“Aahhhh!!! “, I moan and held his hair. He kept on licking my pussy lips, in between nibbling them with teeth, chewing them, licking them. And with his every action, I was letting out a soft groan which was enticing him more and more. His licking continued for some time and then he put his tongue inside my pussy.

“Ohhh Adiiiiiii !!!”, I groaned more. I imagined that he must have rolled his tongue making it like a tube and put it inside.

“Ohhh Adiiiiii!!! This is amazing…”, I murmured. I understood that he is not naive but must be expert campaigner. He was having a good experience of pleasing a woman and figured out that this was not his first time. Neither I was bothered about how many women he slept before nor I was going to ask him that. I was just enjoying the moments I was spending with him. Aditya continued sucking, licking, nibbling my pussy, making me let out groans which were pleasing him more. In between, he was looking at me and asking whether he was doing the way I wanted to which I was gesturing him that whatever he was doing, I was loving it. When I understood that, I was very close to have an orgasm, I asked him to intensify his activities.

“Adii… Baby... I am very close…”, I whispered.

“Cum for me honey then.”, he replied and continued licking me.

“Yeah… I am going to baby…”, I responded. My body was getting tensed. I was nearing a strong orgasm. As I knew that I was not going to control it anymore, I cried loudly and cum out heavily. My entire body shook, and Aditya tried to hold me, but he couldn’t. My legs trembled, fingers stretched and I cum out. Oh, that was an amazing experience. I was breathless for some time, enjoying what has just happened with me. As intensity of the orgasm reduced, I slowly came back to my senses.

This was the best orgasm I have had in recent. I was still breathing heavily. Aditya came up and kissed my lips softly. I pulled him on me and we got involved in a passionate kiss. This time, I was leading, and he was responding. We broke the kiss and looked in each other’s eyes.

He smiled and said, “Liked it honey?”.

Without wasting any moments, I replied, “Loved it Adi”. We both smiled and briefly kissed again.



. To Be Continued...

Written by sexysush
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