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How Much Is That Granny In The Window?

"A neighbor's visitor sets a young man on fire - with the desire for older women"

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Steve glanced at the house across the street, noticing the drapes partly open and a figure move in the window. It was a little odd, since Julie was usually at work and her kids at school, and he paused at his door to look again. The drapes moved and closed when he looked, piquing his interest. Obviously, someone was home. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, bracing himself for the upcoming assault from Leo.

The door closed with a loud click, and Steve dropped the backpack to the floor and knelt down on one knee, putting his arms out in anticipation. The thud thud thud came just before Leo, the hefty bulldog running full tilt down the hallway, careened off of the door jamb and hammered his thick body into Steve's chest. The impact bowled him over, and he laughed as Leo licked his face and wiped drool across his shirt.

"Easy, Leo! Easy!"

Leo backed off, panting and grunting while Steve got back up.

"Good to see you, too, Leo," he chuckled, scratching behind his ears and rubbing his thick head.

Leo turned around and padded into the living room, lifted his front legs up on the sill of the picture window, and returned to looking out on the front street. Steve wiped the drool from his shirt and onto his jeans, then joined Leo at the window. His eyes went to the large window across the street, where the drapes were now partly open. He grabbed up his backpack and led Leo to the back door, letting him outside for a while, and dropped his bag on the kitchen table.

He had a few hours before Mom and Dad would be home from work. In his final semester of high school, Steve had afternoons free, with his only classes in the morning, and the house to himself every afternoon. As usual, he poured a tall glass of pop, grabbed a box of tissues, and proceeded to the living room. He plunked down on the couch, took out his phone, and unzipped his pants. In seconds he had the porn channel streaming, and sipped his drink while searching for something to watch. The front blinds were partly open, off to the one side where Leo liked to stand, and when he glanced up, movement in the drapes across the street caught his attention.

Pausing the video, he dropped to his knees and crawled to the window, watching with interest. He could make out a silhouette, taller than Julie or any of her kids, and wondered who it was. He moved away, stood up, and went to his bedroom, taking the binoculars from his closet before returning to the window. Once more he kneeled down, taking up the position that Leo usually did, and tried to focus on the window.

After a few tries to get in focus, the figure came into view. It was a woman, tall and slender, with big breasts and long hair. She moved away and Steve waited patiently, finally rewarded when she stood in the window and moved the drapes aside. The woman was wearing a nightgown, something sheer, and when her gaze stopped on his, his heart stopped and he dropped to the floor. The thought that she had seen him scared him, and he waited almost ten minutes before peeking over the sill. The drapes were now closed fully.

Steve returned to the couch and put the binoculars on the coffee table. The image of the woman was fresh in his mind, and his curiosity was soon replaced with sexual interest. His cock began to harden, his sexual thoughts arousing his horny young mind, and soon he was stroking himself. He closed his eyes, imagining the slender beauty, probably Julie's sister or friend, lying down on his bed. His cock throbbed and his mind raced, and soon the built up pressure became too much for him. He pushed his hips up, his cock pointed at his chest, and watched the stream of pearly cum rope across his stomach. Two more heavy spurts were followed by a splatter and a dribble, and he squeezed the droplets off the tip when his orgasm was finished. After resting for a few minutes, he used the tissues to wipe up the cum, then stumbled to the bathroom to wash up.

After letting Leo in, he opened the blinds fully, allowing Leo and himself to see out unobstructed, and scrolled through his phone. Soon Leo barked, notifying him the neighbor kids were home from school, and he watched to see if anyone opened the door. The door did open, but he could not see who it was, and it closed as soon as the kids were inside. Steve kept watch, seeing Julie arrive home at her usual time, but the drapes never moved or changed position all evening.


Steve paused on the street, watching Julie's front window closely as he approached home. The drapes were partly open once more, and he slowly made his way along the sidewalk, pausing in front of his house. The figure appeared, moving the drapes aside slightly and peering out, looking directly at him. He looked away and walked to the front door, pausing to look back, and made out the woman standing in the opening of the drapes. She was facing him, and he knew he was being watched. It was both exciting and unnerving, and he dropped his keys while fumbling with the lock. He glanced back once more before opening the door, seeing the woman in the window wave her hand slowly, and rushed inside.

Leo was waiting for him and demanded attention, jumping up on his leg until Steve gave him a few head rubs and let him out back. The backpack dropped to the floor and Steve grabbed the binoculars from his room, creeping up to the window in Leo's place once more, and focused on the drapes. She was still there, her full silhouette visible, dressed in the same lacy gown. She brushed back her long blonde hair and ran her hands over her chest, cupping the full breasts, the sight engorging his cock instantly.

Steve struggled to keep his eyes on her while undoing his jeans, finally getting his cock out. She turned slowly, moving as if listening to music, her hips swaying while her hands roved her body. He stroked himself, mesmerized and turned on by the display, and when he was about to bust, she paused and stared right at him. The idea of her knowing he was watching put him over the edge, and cum splattered on the wall below the window, splashing on the floor and his jeans. He jerked his cock furiously, milking himself empty, and sat back on his heels. The figure in the window closed the drapes, leaving him with binoculars in one hand and his cum-covered cock in the other, staring out the window.


Steve stayed on the sidewalk close to Julie’s home, keeping his eyes on the drapes. He saw a little movement, then the drapes parted just as he walked past. He stopped, looking at the woman in the lace gown, and blinked twice. She was crooking her finger, gesturing for him to come closer.

He glanced around and approached the window, seeing her point to the front door. He broke out in a sweat, brushed his hair back, and went to the door. He knocked, and after a few moments passed without a response, tried the door. It was unlocked, and he stepped inside cautiously, nervous and slightly scared. Music played, a song unfamiliar to his ears, with a steady and familiar rhythm.

“Come in, young man,” the voice invited.

It had a sultry, lyrical tone to it.

“Please, take off your shoes and leave your bag at the door.”

Steve did as he was asked, the alluring voice soothing and sure. A few steps and he was in the living room, the beautiful woman standing in front of him.

“Hello, Steven. I’m Heather,” she smiled.

“Uh, I prefer Steve,” he mumbled, unable to take his eyes off of her.

“Of course you do,” she smirked. “Please, sit down on the couch.”

Steve sat down, hands on his knees, and stared. She was much older than he imagined, and much more beautiful. The lace gown hid nothing, her lithe, sexy body on full display with the light behind her.

“Julie told me who you are,” Heather explained. “I’m her mother.”

“Uh, nice to meet you.”

“You like watching me dance?” she asked, running her hands across her chest.

“Yes,” he admitted, swallowing hard.

“That’s very flattering. I used to be a dancer, of the exotic style, for many years.”

The song changed and she began to sway, running her hands through her long, blondish hair, and turned to the window. She pulled the drapes closed, wiggling her firm ass while holding the edges, and looked over her shoulder at him.

“You like what you see, Steve?”

“Very much,” he admitted.

His cock was swollen and he sat back, wriggling to allow it to move, and the tip now touched just above the button. With a graceful turn she moved to face him, putting her hands on his knees and her breasts in his face. He moved his eyes up to meet hers, and was drawn into the deep pools of crystal blue.

“You’re a handsome young man, Steve. You are a man, not a boy?”

“Uh, I’m eighteen. I’m in my last semester of school,” he replied hoarsely, his throat dry.

“A man, then,” she purred, running her hand along his cheek. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Her breasts brushed his chin, taking his attention for a moment.

“Uh, no.”

“Have you been intimate with a girl, Steve?”

He looked up at her, drawn into the blue pools of her eyes again, and swallowed.

“Don’t lie now,” she teased. “I will know if you do.”

“I… I kissed a girl, and we made out a bit,” he answered honestly.

“Ooh. That was nice, wasn’t it?”

“Uh, yeah.”

The song changed, and she stood up and began to move to the music. Her hips swayed, gyrating slowly while her shoulders moved, her breasts swaying and jiggling under the fabric, and she ran her hands through her hair again. With her eyes closed and her lips pursed, Heather danced for Steve, giving him a show unlike any other.

She turned her back to him and sat down on his lap, moving her ass against his thighs, getting his swollen bulge between her cheeks. After a moment of grinding into him she leaned back, her shoulders against his chest, his nose in her neck. He inhaled deeply, the musky vanilla scent adding to his intense arousal, and she put her hands on his.

With a slow, gentle motion she placed his hands on her breasts, pressing them against her hardened nipples, and let out a soft moan. Steve squeezed the hefty mounds gently, enjoying the pillowy sensation, and felt her hips moving again. Her cheeks were milking his cock, the slow, steady grind bringing him to the edge, and he sucked in a deep breath.

“Let yourself go,” she moaned softly.

His grip on her breasts tightened and his hips pumped when he came, cum spurting onto his belly and covering the top of his jeans when his swollen, pulsating cock erupted.

Heather giggled, then moved his hands to his thighs and stood up. She looked at the wet patch on her ass and grinned, then at his cum-covered waist.

“I’m pleased you enjoyed that, Steve,” she smirked. “Would you like to watch me dance tomorrow?”

“Yes! Yes I would!” he blurted excitedly.

“Good, I would enjoy that. Can you arrive a little earlier?”

“Yes. Whenever you want.”

“A little before noon, I think,” Heather mused. “We will need a little more time. Now, you need to go, school will be over soon.”

Steve stood up, glancing at the huge wet patch on his belly and crotch, and grinned sheepishly.

“Uh, okay. See you tomorrow?”

“Oh yes, you will, dear boy,” she replied, giving a sexy smile. “Now, off you go!”

Steve grabbed his shoes and backpack, then closed the door behind him. He walked across the street to his house, seeing her give a little wave in the window when he reached the door, and was immediately bowled over by Leo when he stepped inside.


Steve ran home after the end of first class, skipping the second to make sure he was home before eleven. He paced nervously in the house, Leo snorting and grunting as he followed him around. After playing with Leo's favorite ball in the backyard, Steve checked the clock and left the house just before noon. He walked across the street, seeing her watching through the drapes, and entered the house.

The music was playing while he slipped off his shoes, a soft, seductive song, and when he stepped into the living room, she was waiting at the window. Once again she wore only a sheer gown, this one tied at the waist, and had a seductive smile on her beautiful face.

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"Hello, Steve," Heather welcomed, tossing her hair.


"Please, have a seat," she invited, gesturing to an armless dining chair in the middle of the room.

Steve sat down, his heart racing and his blood pumping in anticipation of watching her dance. Heather glided towards him, her sultry movements enticing him further, and stood in front of him. A new song started and she began to dance for him, gyrating slowly with a sexy smile, teasing him with an occasional touch of her hand. She moved behind him and pressed her breasts against his neck, running her fingers through his hair.

"It's so nice to have a young man find me appealing," she purred. "When a woman gets older, men don't seem to find them as attractive and desirable."

Steve swallowed hard, his cock swollen and his heart pounding. He found it impossible to believe any man would not find her desirable.

"I... I think you are gorgeous," he stammered.

Heather moved around in front of him and gestured for him to stand up, continuing to move her body seductively to the music, and reached for his zipper. She slowly pulled it down before unfastening the button, and his jeans fell to his ankles.

"Take those off, too," she purred, gesturing to his shorts. "As well as your shirt. I want to look at you."

He stripped quickly, trembling with excitement, and tossed his shirt aside. He stood proudly, letting her eyes wander his trim figure, and her finger brushed his throbbing cock. Heather was pleased, his nice cock twitching from her touch. He was slim, lightly muscled, and obviously enamored.

"Very nice," she complimented. "Please, sit down again."

Steve dropped to the chair and watched as she took a few steps back and untied the gown. With a gentle shrug of her shoulders it fell to the floor, leaving her totally nude - except for the thin gold chain around her waist. He had never been so aroused. Heather began to dance again, slowly turning as her hips swayed and her hands tousled her hair.

"You are so beautiful," Steve mused softly, his eyes focused on the undulating gold chain.

Heather paused and gave him a huge smile, then stepped forward and straddled his thighs. Her pussy was bare, except for a little tuft at the top, and glistening wet. Her hands fell to his shoulders and she lowered herself down, rubbing her slit along the length of his cock and pressing her breasts against his lips. Steve's tongue flickered out, tentatively licking the rosy nipples, and Heather let out a giggle.

"Suck them," she whispered.

He began suckling the hard nubs, taking turns on them while she moved her hips back and forth. After a moment, she moved herself up and grabbed him with her hand, positioning his swollen tip at her dripping entrance, and lowered herself down. Steve groaned as her silky cunt engulfed his throbbing cock, and she began to move, returning her hand to his shoulder. Heather controlled the pace and movements, knowing he would not last more than a few minutes, making sure her badly-needed climax was achieved. The orgasm was deep and satisfying, her clit grinding against him, and Steve watched her face contort and her eyes close. It was the first time he watched a woman orgasm, and the sight and feeling was too much for his straining cock.

He pushed his hips up vigorously, driving himself into her as his cock erupted. His cock throbbed and pulsed mightily, pumping a huge load into the hot pussy wrapped around him. Spurt after spurt wracked his body, the intense pulsing and tingling making his balls ache.

"Ooh, that's it," Heather purred, kissing his face and mouth until the spasms subsided.

Steve leaned his head against her, cradled in her soft breasts, panting and whimpering. Heather stroked his hair gently, letting him savor the incredible feeling and allowing her scent to be locked into his memory. When he lifted his head away, she smiled.

"That was very satisfying," she praised. "Thank you for letting me be your first."

"I should be thanking you," Steven chuckled, embarrassed at her comment.

Heather giggled and slipped off of his lap, telling him to stay in the chair and relax. She padded away down the hallway to the bathroom, Steven watching the gold chain sway with her hips, and returned a moment later with a warm, damp washcloth. She kneeled in front of him and gently wiped him down, cleaning the cum from his cock and balls. His cock stirred, and Heather smiled to herself.

He won't need long.

After she was done, Heather returned to the washroom and washed up. Steve sat in the chair, his mind racing and filled with thoughts of Heather and her glorious body, unable to believe he was no longer a virgin. She returned and picked up her gown, slipping it on before taking a seat on the couch, and pat the cushion.

"Come sit with me."

Steve moved to the couch, and Heather turned to face him. Her breasts hung free under the sheer material, catching his gaze.

"I will be leaving in the morning," Heather advised. "I only came for a short visit."

"Oh," he sighed with disappointment.

"You like Julie, don't you? She tells me you talk often?"

"Uh, yes. She's really nice. Her and the kids like to see Leo when I take him for his walk."

"So you know her ex-husband lives elsewhere?"

"Yeah... I've seen him pick up the kids on the odd weekend."

Steve wondered where this was leading. Heather moved closer and slid her hand along his thigh, running her fingers over his soft cock. It responded immediately, growing and twitching under her touch, and was soon fully hard. Heather put her hand on his chest and pushed him backwards, so that he was lying down with his legs splayed apart, and crawled between his legs. She lay on the cushion with her feet up behind her, grasped his cock in her hands, and gave it a slow lick.

"She could use a man to help around here," Heather continued, giving him a sly grin. "A strong, young man... like you."

She licked just under the fat tip, her tongue caressing his frenulum, making him gasp. Her hands squeezed and stroked his shaft while her tongue swirled, engorging his cock until the head was purplish and seeping.

"You don't mind doing some work in the yard, things like that, do you?"

"No... not.. at all," he stammered.

"Perhaps you should offer to help her out? I'm sure she would be..." her tongue twirled again..."appreciative."

The thought of having sex with Julie had crossed his mind many times. The attractive and curvy blonde had a pretty smile and beautiful blue eyes, and had always been very friendly, but Steve had doubts she would be interested in a guy ten years younger. Heather successfully planted the seed, and his mind raced with the possibilities. His brain came to a full stop when Heather put her mouth over him and sucked his cock deep into her mouth.

He stared down in awe, once again mesmerized by Heather as she took his cock deep time and again, and his cock throbbed intensely. She pulled her mouth off and pumped her hand a few times, then resumed her oral assault, bringing him to the edge quickly. His cock swelled, and just as he was about to burst, she pulled her mouth off and pumped her hands vigorously. Steve groaned loudly and his cock exploded, two thick ropes shooting up and dropping onto his stomach, followed by numerous spurts and splatters covering his upper thighs and chest as she jacked him off.

Heather put her mouth over the head and slurped, getting the drops and dribbles that streamed out, while Steve collapsed on the couch with one arm across his eyes, gasping and panting until the intense orgasm waned. Heather gave a few more sucks, feeling him wilt in her mouth, and let his soft cock drop out. She wiped her chin and smiled - he was drained.

Heather moved around and sat on the couch, patiently waiting for him to stir, and looked at the clock. It was later than she thought, and tapped him on the thigh.

"You need to get going," she urged. "School is almost out."

Steve groaned and moved slowly, sitting up and giving her a big grin.

"That was fantastic! Holy shit."

"Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did," Heather giggled. "Now, get dressed."

Steve grabbed up his clothes and dressed quickly, realizing the kids would be home anytime. Heather left the room and returned wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and Steve marveled at how she still looked so sexy. She gave him a quick kiss.

"Thank you so much for making me feel much younger, Steve."

"Thank you for... everything," he replied with a smile.

Just as he opened the door, Heather touched his shoulder.

"Don't forget, Julie could use a man around here."

"I won't," he promised.

Steve dashed across the street, seeing Leo looking out the window as usual, and braced himself for the onslaught of affection and drool that was to come.


Heather sipped her wine and waited on the patio for Julie to come outside. With the kids in bed, Julie could finally relax, and Heather made sure there was a glass waiting for her. Julie slumped into the lounge chair and sighed.

"Have some wine, dear," Heather urged. "You need to relax more."

"I need something," Julie mused, sipping the glass.

"You know that handsome young man across the street?"


"He prefers Steve," Heather corrected.

"What about him?"

"I'm sure he could help you with your... stress," she smirked.


"What? He's a very nice young man. I'm sure he could help with looking after your yard.”

"That's not what you meant," Julie chuckled.

"No,” she admitted with a wink. “He has eyes for you.”

"What? How do you know that?"

"Oh, we spent some time together," she replied teasingly, giving a sly smirk.

"Mom! You didn't!"

"I did," she shrugged. "He could be a very good lover, you know. Just needs some experience, a little tutoring by someone a little older..."

"My god, Mom! He's in high school."

"Not for long. He's eighteen” Heather assured her. “I think he's just what you need."

Julie sighed and shook her head while Heather poured more wine in her glass and gestured to the yard.

"Look at this grass. And those shrubs. You need some help looking after it. Ask him to do it for you."

"I could use some help with that," Julie agreed. "But I'll offer to pay him."

"The question is how you pay him," Heather giggled, hiding her smile behind the wine glass.

"Oh, Mom. You are so bad."

"Just give it some thought, dear. That's all I'm saying."

A few glasses later, they turned in for the night. Julie lay in bed, the idea of a young man like Steven having sex with her mother amazing her, and she began to think about their interactions. He was always very nice, and he seemed to always come by when she was outside and made a point of talking to her. She recalled catching him staring at her bum when she had her shorts on, and the thought that he might actually be attracted to her began to take hold. Unable to sleep, she went to the kitchen for a drink of water, and then took a seat in the living room.

The drapes were partly open, and she could see a light on in Steven's house across the street. In the lower corner of the window she could see Leo, looking out as he usually did. He always looked so cute, and reminded her of the song from her childhood.

"How much is that doggie in the window? Woof woof!" she sang to herself, then giggled.

Heather appeared in the room and took a seat next to Julie, handing her a small gift-wrapped box.

"This is for you, dear. Steve will love it."

"Oh, Mom..." Julie protested. "I'm not..."

"Getting any younger? Having any fun? Getting laid?"

Julie chuckled, shaking her head and unwrapping the box. She lifted the lid, pulled away the crepe paper, and picked up the small bottle of perfume. After turning the lid off, she took a sniff, and the musky vanilla scent filled her nose.

"That's my favorite perfume," Heather quipped. "Men, especially young men, find it irresistible."

"Thank you," Julie laughed. "Maybe you’re right, maybe I do need some fun in my life."

"Fun is right across the street, dear. You just have to invite it over."

Written by 1meanjean
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